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Fantasy Crew quarters on the Revenge (ooc page)

Are we still rping here? i was waiting to see if anyone else was gonna post but...
low key am unsure on my end lol if you have any other plots or rps up i can check them out but i may be off my pirate vibe for the time being
low key am unsure on my end lol if you have any other plots or rps up i can check them out but i may be off my pirate vibe for the time being
I have all the plots, not many have kicked off as well as I'd hope though aha

If you want to try and start one or not, no hard feelings
hey, sometime it takes a bit for the rp ball to get rolling. doesn't help that rpn is a bit slow
Since I was the last one who posted before Neon, I held back from posting again. Still waiting on others to post. I'm around and interested in going on if there's the will to carry on.

Otherwise, yeah, I kinda expected more activity from RPN when I came back. It's quite big compared to Roleplayer Guild, but there seems to be so few people manifesting interest in group rps than a few years ago.

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