- One on One
- Group
Lydia tugged Leon’s denim jacket tight around her shoulders as the frigid autumn breeze chilled her to her core. She couldn’t get to the side door fast enough, wobbling unsteadily in her heels as she walked, but the second they crossed the threshold into the crowded manor she pulled the door shut behind her, banishing the icy wind outside where it belonged. The smell of alcohol hung heavy in the air, the rhythmic pounding of music thrummed from the other room. Throughout the kitchen there were bottles and bottles of rum, vodka, tequila, you name it. She wondered if this had all been supplied by the hosts or if people were just bringing their own liquor… shit, should she have brought a bottle of something?
She exhaled a sigh of relief as her brother set a bottle of vodka down on the counter, followed by a bottle of Tequila with a bright green label. At least Leon had his head screwed on straight tonight… she kept fidgeting with her hands, like she didn’t quite know what to do with herself. Lydia had never been a party animal, in fact, she was quite the opposite. She much preferred a night in with a book over loud music and alcoholic beverages with strangers. Parties made her feel weary, restless… like there was some vague danger constantly lurking in the shadows and it would come after her if she wasn’t careful.
“I’m planning to get a taxi home later, so I can always call one if you wanna leave before me,” Leon’s voice cut through the otherwise silent kitchen. She nodded softly - that was an offer she would likely take him up on. “But Lydia, don’t leave without telling me alright?”
“I’ll be fine, Leon.” She offered him a smile that felt thin, “Go have fun, I’ll catch up with you in a bit.” She wanted to hide in the silence of the kitchen just a few moments longer before she ventured into that inevitably suffocating crowd.
“Oh - here.” She shrugged off the denim jacket that had been keeping her warm up until now, handing it back to Leon. “Can’t ruin the ensemble.”
“I’ve got my phone so if you need me just text or something, I’m gonna go find Morgan, wish him a happy birthday.”
She nodded in acknowledgement, sliding her palms over the sequined fabric of her dress… wishing it was just a few inches longer. As Leon headed for the parlor she realized that, for the most part, the kitchen was utterly devoid of life. Which meant that this would be her hiding place until she worked up enough gall to join the rest of the party. She began browsing through the various bottles along the countertops, dragging her finger along the smooth glass of each one that she passed until she landed on a clear bottle with a light pink label, rosé, something she could at least try to stomach.
She began searching for a corkscrew, rummaging through drawers and skimming over the countertops until she finally found one discarded next to a row of empty bottles. The handle was alarmingly sticky. Just as she turned back towards the bottle of rosé her body collided with something solid. She let out a yelp of surprise, the corkscrew clattering to the floor noisily as she tried to regain her bearings.
“I’m so sorry,” She had yet to see the face of the person she collided with, bending down to pick up the corkscrew, fumbling around on the floor until she found it. When she stood upright once more her eyes landed on a face that was all too familiar, and for some reason her heart rate jumped.
“Rhys.” She hadn’t seen him in two weeks, not since that night he had driven her home from the coffee shop. And though normally she would’ve greeted him with a sharp wit, voice edged with sarcasm and ire, she had breathed his name so softly it was almost a whisper.
There was a moment of silence that stretched out between them, and she was suddenly aware of the way his hazel eyes roamed up and down her figure in a way that felt predatory and dangerous. His eyes shamelessly roved across her body, and she squirmed sheepishly under his gaze, tugging at the hem of her dress once more as if that would make the garment longer, long enough to cover what she didn’t want exposed.
“Now that is how you wear a decade. You look like you belong in another time, little bird. Dripping in diamonds, leaving men drowning in your wake… And I’ve got half a mind to let myself sink.”
A sudden heat rose to her cheeks. She was no stranger to Rhys’ reputation as a womanizer, a notorious flirt, a player… but never before had he addressed those antics towards her. Not in this way, not with this intensity. Lydia was nothing more than his friend's little sister… a little bird. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out, instead she just stood there like a deer caught in the headlights.
“Tell me something, little bird,” He took a step closer and Lydia remained stuck in place, not budging an inch, she wouldn’t… or maybe she couldn’t. Either way she was frozen. “Is someone neglecting their duties, or are you really standing here without a drink?”
Her eyes flicked towards the unopened bottle of rosé on the counter, then down towards her hand which was still holding the sticky corkscrew. She didn’t want a drink, not from Rhys. Rhys was horrible and awful and … sexy. She blinked, shaking her head as though she were coming out of a trance. Rhys Arkwright was not sexy, he was an asshole, an entitled, narcissistic, piece of work. Her teeth sunk into her lower lip, willing the blush in her cheeks to disappear.
“Now, that just won’t do. How about I fix that for you? Let me make you something worthy of a woman who looks like she just walked out of a Gatsby party.”
His eyes roamed over her again, and this time she stiffened, taking the slightest step backwards to give herself some room to breath. Two sides of her warred beneath the surface, part of her wanted to give in, to let Rhys pour her a drink and give herself an opportunity to explore that shred of humanity Rhys had showed her when he drove her home, but the other, larger part was convinced that she already knew who Rhys was… Rhys was someone she wanted nothing to do with. Someone who would play with her until he got what he wanted and then leave her there in the dust when a better opportunity presented itself.
“How about a sidecar? Classic. Strong. Suits you.”
“I don’t… know what that is.” Her voice came out meeker than she would’ve preferred. She had no idea what kind of alcohol went into a sidecar, she didn’t particularly want to find out. “And I don’t really-”
Without acknowledging her protests, Rhys began sifting through the various cabinets and cupboards until he found what he was looking for, pouring different liquids into a red solo cup with a suspiciously practiced hand. She was almost mesmerized by his movements. How did he always look like he knew exactly what he was doing? And why did it make her resent him even more?
Rhys handed her the drink he had concocted, and she stared at him blankly for a moment. Why was he being so nice to her? What was he up to? Was this all some ploy to get in her pants? Would she be another tally on his perfect record? Was she his newest target? Her upper lip curled slightly, and yet she took the drink from him. Refusing to shy away from him like the meek little bird he purported her to be.
She tilted her head back, letting the liquid coat her throat and almost instantly regretting it. Pain seared through her mouth, burning her tongue and damn near bringing tears to her eyes, but she swallowed it down, staring back at Rhys with a newfound defiance.
“I’m not interested in becoming your newest conquest.” Her voice was flat, cold. She had seen this tale play out before. She knew the role he wanted her to play and she had no intentions of giving him what he wanted.
She attempted to strut past him, to leave him in the dust where he belonged but as she brushed by she stumbled. Her left ankle gave out underneath her, twisting on her heel which had hit the floor at an angle that nearly sent her keeling over. She winced sharply, bending down to clutch at her throbbing ankle. Crap, had she really just twisted an ankle in these damn heels?
Before Rhys could even move to assist her, or alternatively, make some snide remark about her choice of footwear, she practically hissed. “I’m fine. Go find someone else to seduce.”
She exhaled a sigh of relief as her brother set a bottle of vodka down on the counter, followed by a bottle of Tequila with a bright green label. At least Leon had his head screwed on straight tonight… she kept fidgeting with her hands, like she didn’t quite know what to do with herself. Lydia had never been a party animal, in fact, she was quite the opposite. She much preferred a night in with a book over loud music and alcoholic beverages with strangers. Parties made her feel weary, restless… like there was some vague danger constantly lurking in the shadows and it would come after her if she wasn’t careful.
“I’m planning to get a taxi home later, so I can always call one if you wanna leave before me,” Leon’s voice cut through the otherwise silent kitchen. She nodded softly - that was an offer she would likely take him up on. “But Lydia, don’t leave without telling me alright?”
“I’ll be fine, Leon.” She offered him a smile that felt thin, “Go have fun, I’ll catch up with you in a bit.” She wanted to hide in the silence of the kitchen just a few moments longer before she ventured into that inevitably suffocating crowd.
“Oh - here.” She shrugged off the denim jacket that had been keeping her warm up until now, handing it back to Leon. “Can’t ruin the ensemble.”
“I’ve got my phone so if you need me just text or something, I’m gonna go find Morgan, wish him a happy birthday.”
She nodded in acknowledgement, sliding her palms over the sequined fabric of her dress… wishing it was just a few inches longer. As Leon headed for the parlor she realized that, for the most part, the kitchen was utterly devoid of life. Which meant that this would be her hiding place until she worked up enough gall to join the rest of the party. She began browsing through the various bottles along the countertops, dragging her finger along the smooth glass of each one that she passed until she landed on a clear bottle with a light pink label, rosé, something she could at least try to stomach.
She began searching for a corkscrew, rummaging through drawers and skimming over the countertops until she finally found one discarded next to a row of empty bottles. The handle was alarmingly sticky. Just as she turned back towards the bottle of rosé her body collided with something solid. She let out a yelp of surprise, the corkscrew clattering to the floor noisily as she tried to regain her bearings.
“I’m so sorry,” She had yet to see the face of the person she collided with, bending down to pick up the corkscrew, fumbling around on the floor until she found it. When she stood upright once more her eyes landed on a face that was all too familiar, and for some reason her heart rate jumped.
“Rhys.” She hadn’t seen him in two weeks, not since that night he had driven her home from the coffee shop. And though normally she would’ve greeted him with a sharp wit, voice edged with sarcasm and ire, she had breathed his name so softly it was almost a whisper.
There was a moment of silence that stretched out between them, and she was suddenly aware of the way his hazel eyes roamed up and down her figure in a way that felt predatory and dangerous. His eyes shamelessly roved across her body, and she squirmed sheepishly under his gaze, tugging at the hem of her dress once more as if that would make the garment longer, long enough to cover what she didn’t want exposed.
“Now that is how you wear a decade. You look like you belong in another time, little bird. Dripping in diamonds, leaving men drowning in your wake… And I’ve got half a mind to let myself sink.”
A sudden heat rose to her cheeks. She was no stranger to Rhys’ reputation as a womanizer, a notorious flirt, a player… but never before had he addressed those antics towards her. Not in this way, not with this intensity. Lydia was nothing more than his friend's little sister… a little bird. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out, instead she just stood there like a deer caught in the headlights.
“Tell me something, little bird,” He took a step closer and Lydia remained stuck in place, not budging an inch, she wouldn’t… or maybe she couldn’t. Either way she was frozen. “Is someone neglecting their duties, or are you really standing here without a drink?”
Her eyes flicked towards the unopened bottle of rosé on the counter, then down towards her hand which was still holding the sticky corkscrew. She didn’t want a drink, not from Rhys. Rhys was horrible and awful and … sexy. She blinked, shaking her head as though she were coming out of a trance. Rhys Arkwright was not sexy, he was an asshole, an entitled, narcissistic, piece of work. Her teeth sunk into her lower lip, willing the blush in her cheeks to disappear.
“Now, that just won’t do. How about I fix that for you? Let me make you something worthy of a woman who looks like she just walked out of a Gatsby party.”
His eyes roamed over her again, and this time she stiffened, taking the slightest step backwards to give herself some room to breath. Two sides of her warred beneath the surface, part of her wanted to give in, to let Rhys pour her a drink and give herself an opportunity to explore that shred of humanity Rhys had showed her when he drove her home, but the other, larger part was convinced that she already knew who Rhys was… Rhys was someone she wanted nothing to do with. Someone who would play with her until he got what he wanted and then leave her there in the dust when a better opportunity presented itself.
“How about a sidecar? Classic. Strong. Suits you.”
“I don’t… know what that is.” Her voice came out meeker than she would’ve preferred. She had no idea what kind of alcohol went into a sidecar, she didn’t particularly want to find out. “And I don’t really-”
Without acknowledging her protests, Rhys began sifting through the various cabinets and cupboards until he found what he was looking for, pouring different liquids into a red solo cup with a suspiciously practiced hand. She was almost mesmerized by his movements. How did he always look like he knew exactly what he was doing? And why did it make her resent him even more?
Rhys handed her the drink he had concocted, and she stared at him blankly for a moment. Why was he being so nice to her? What was he up to? Was this all some ploy to get in her pants? Would she be another tally on his perfect record? Was she his newest target? Her upper lip curled slightly, and yet she took the drink from him. Refusing to shy away from him like the meek little bird he purported her to be.
She tilted her head back, letting the liquid coat her throat and almost instantly regretting it. Pain seared through her mouth, burning her tongue and damn near bringing tears to her eyes, but she swallowed it down, staring back at Rhys with a newfound defiance.
“I’m not interested in becoming your newest conquest.” Her voice was flat, cold. She had seen this tale play out before. She knew the role he wanted her to play and she had no intentions of giving him what he wanted.
She attempted to strut past him, to leave him in the dust where he belonged but as she brushed by she stumbled. Her left ankle gave out underneath her, twisting on her heel which had hit the floor at an angle that nearly sent her keeling over. She winced sharply, bending down to clutch at her throbbing ankle. Crap, had she really just twisted an ankle in these damn heels?
Before Rhys could even move to assist her, or alternatively, make some snide remark about her choice of footwear, she practically hissed. “I’m fine. Go find someone else to seduce.”
coded by natasha.