Add alcohol and stir!
August Lovell
~ Crescent Inn ~
~ Crescent Inn ~

Even reasoning with himself, he couldn’t shake his concern. He watched as Helena stumbled over to the sofa and sank into the cushions. She looked so small, somehow. Smaller than she usually held herself. She took the tiniest sip of water from the water bottle. August wondered how long the bottle had been there - it looked full, at least, and when the screw cap made that click sound he was at least reassured that it was new and he hadn’t just suggested Helena drink from a water bottle that had once touched the lips of one of their guests. He wasn’t sure who would have left an unopened water bottle there, but if Helena was at all nauseous then perhaps room temperature water would be more palatable to her than one taken straight from the fridge.
With her legs drawn up onto the sofa, Helena looked even smaller, and August felt a natural desire to pull her into his arms and cradle her. Instead, he took a tentative seat beside her and scanned her with a worried gaze. She told him that Lydia had gone to get them some cocoa after her study session, something that she suggested he ought to know, but he was pretty sure his cousin hadn’t told him anything about that. He did remember she had been in the inn earlier, but figured she must have left around the time he fainted and before he woke up again. “Well, that’s sweet of her,” he said softly. “And also good, because now I can stay here with you.”
For some reason she still seemed concerned for him, and her voice even wavered a little when she spoke. When she dropped her gaze and admitted she didn’t want to be alone with her thoughts, it reminded August of when he would feel like that. For him, it had been mostly in the aftermath of the death of his sister and father, at times when he was so shaken and so upset that if he was left alone with his thoughts, they would lead him to fulfill an uncontainable urge to do something crazy: to break something, to punch a hole through the wall, to run away somewhere, to hurt himself, to scream out the anxiety until his throat grew hoarse. Or simply let his thoughts run until he broke down into inconsolable tears, or a panic attack so bad that he couldn’t breathe. During such times, he had needed an anchor, somebody to distract him from his thoughts. Just watching TV or playing video games wasn’t enough - he needed attention, and a reason to keep his head up, and having someone there beside him worked better than anything to stave off the intense emotion.
That’s what he imagined Helena meant; that if he left her alone with her thoughts now, she would descend into tears or panic. He had to be that anchor for her. “Well, then I won’t leave you alone,” he assured her. “I’m right here, Helena.” She held her hands together in a desperate grip, and he could recognise signs of tension and distress in the way she held herself. When she described the tightness in her lungs, the weight in her chest that she couldn’t shake, the buzzing in her head as if everything was growing distant, and the multitude of incomprehensible voices all fighting to take the wheel, he understood what was happening.
“Helena, I think you’re having a panic attack,” he told her. “It’s okay, I used to get them all the time. Just focus on my voice, alright? I’m right here beside you and I’m not going anywhere. We’re gonna get through it together.” He took his eyes off her and instead looked ahead so that she didn’t feel self-conscious or observed, then he let his hand rest in the space between them. “I’m not going to touch you, but if you want someone to hold onto, then I’m here,” he offered. “We’re going to breathe together, now. You can put a hand on your chest or your stomach if you want - I find it helps sometimes to just feel a bit of warmth where the anxiety is. So, first we’re gonna take an inhale through your nose, as deep and slow as you can, and then when you can’t breathe in any more, you’re gonna let it all out through the mouth in a forceful exhale. And on that exhale, just like, imagine that you’re expelling those bad thoughts. So, every time you breathe out, you're undoing a knot or silencing one of those voices.” August stole a glance at his friend, and sent her a reassuring smile before looking away again. “Alright, ready? Let’s breathe in.”
August placed a warm hand over his stomach as he followed his own instructions, listening to make sure that Helena was following along with him. The point of it was to shift the focus from the mind to the body, and in the process gain control of both. Yet, as August performed the technique, he couldn’t help but wonder what had caused Helena to grow so anxious all of a sudden. Was something going on that he didn’t know about? Surely she couldn’t just be worried about him. After all, he was fine.
After a short while, he returned to his normal breathing pattern and looked over at her, watching her for a moment to see if she was any less tense. “Helena…” he piped up, his voice low and gentle. “I don’t know if you’re going through something or whatever, but…if you ever wanna talk, I’m here for you. You know, I think of you as a close friend, and I care about you. I know we work a customer facing job and part of that means leaving your shit at the door, but I don’t want you to feel like you have to be brave all the time, or pretend to be okay all the time. If you’re not doing okay, you can come to me and I’ll listen, I’ll do what I can to make you feel better.” He leaned down to try to catch her eye, willing her to look at him. " there anything you wanna talk to me about?"

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