[Creepypasta]- Welcome to the Show (Offical RP)


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(@Ember Spark, @The Villain King,@Piano Keys <3 , @NebulaSkies ,@Death Note, @Little Sister)

All the Proxies are at the Manor and all of Zalgo's court are at the Pit

Liu walked through the woods to this so called Manor that held others like him. Freaks, though Liu wasn't the happiest at being called one, Sully often taunted him by calling him that. His face spread into a wide grin the multiple stitches on his face rippled as he approached the manor. He reached up knocked on the door and it opened. "Huh? That is strange." he said and walked through the door. The house reminded him of the house him and family lived in, he soon remembered his brother, he was out there somewhere and he would find him.

He looked around and saw blood on the walls, something that would have bothered him if he had any sanity left in his brain. He sighed and closed his eyes "Hello? Anyone home?"

BEN floated through Cyberspace as he was searching for his newest victim. A young boy named Jake a sneer played on his normally mellow face. He felt a calling over toward a window and he could see the boy sitting in his computer chair. He had him almost he was shaking in fear as he stared at the screen. BEN decided to toy with him a bit and walked up to the screen and his eyes started to leak black tears and a sadistic smile played on his face as he touched the box and he appeared on the boys screen. "You've been met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" he cackled and the boy's eyes widened.

The boy screamed and she shook his head wildly "You aren't real!" he said panicked. BEN was ticked off about that he fazed through the screen "I'm real Jake, never doubt that.." he smirked before killing the boy.
Crow strolled aimlessly around the pit, mumbling nonsense to herself begrudgingly. Being in the pit was so terribly boring! Zalgo refused to let her leave since she was a newcomer, so she was mostly left to wander the pit by herself. "This is lame as shit." She growled in her raspy voice, dragging her scythe behind her as she paced. She had already explored every square inch she possibly could and found little to nothing interesting, besides a framed picture of Slenderman hidden under a pile of junk. "I need to get out of here."
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Melody braced her head against the palm of her hand as she heard the monotone voice of her teacher. She glanced at the clock and saw that there was only few minutes left before school would be over. She then looked down at her notebook and began to doodle upon the blank page. Melody smiled to herself.
Jeff The Killer~~

His wide bloody smiled looked down at the woman that so happened to be jogging at night. He wiped the knife off on his hoodie creating more blood stains. He huffed, now bored and decided to head back to the Manor to see if Slendy was there. They needed to speak about Zalgo. As he walked through the darkened woods he ran his knife over the scars on his cheeks. Stepping up on the porch of the Manor, the door was open. He spotted a man in the manor. He approached him from behind and placed the knife to his throat. "Who are you?"

Masky and Hoodie~~

The boys looked at eachother and laughed. They were in the room they shared at the Manor, looking through what the mortals called the internet. Maskey smiled at Hoodie and pointed to a link on Google. "Look a LOVVVVEEE story about you." The masked boy teased. Hoddie was about to speak when their heads turned to their door, hearing an unknown males voice. The boys looked at eachother and moved for their door, peaking over the railing of the stairs, watching Jeff take care of it.

Eyeless Jack~~

He chucked to himself as he sat in the unused kitchen of the Manor. He could hear Jeffery pretty much attack the man who entered the house. He pulled his mask up, only to revel his lips and walked into the main hall way. He swiftly walked up to Jeff and the other man and grinned at Jeff. "Jeffery, let him go. I'm sure Slenderman would want to talk to him before you try and kill him." He noted and watched Jeff let go of the man. Jack held out his hand to the new man. "Eyeless Jack. Just call me Jack." He smiled a wicked grin.
Liu gulped as he felt a knife on his neck and felt Sully trying to take control but he pushed him down. "L-Liu, Liu Woods or I guess you could call me Homicidal Liu." he answered. The first voice sounded familiar, a voice he grew up with. 'Brother?' he thought and chanced turning around and he was met face to face with his brother, he didn't say a word he was shocked.
Jeff The Killer~~

He looked at Jack with a grumble and stepped back from the male. When he turned around Jeff glared at him. "Liu?" He asked with a scowl on his face, even if his smile makes him look like he is smiling all the time. His arms dropped to his side, his knife almost falling out of his hand. He was shocked to say the least. Jeff didnt know that he would come find him.

Masky and Hoodie~~

The two boys, who acted like 2 year olds most of the time, tumbled over each other down the stairs and ran up to Liu. "Hi!" Masky waved to the man as Hoodie peaked out from behind Macky. "I'm Masky and this..." He glanced at the boy who kept hiding and peaking out at Liu from behind the taller boy, Masky, "This is Hoodie." He grinned and reached back, patting Hoodie's head.

Eyeless Jack~~

The blue masked man would raise his unseen eyebrows at the 3 of his friends. Jeffery and Liu seem to know each other. He cleared his throat and glared at Masky and Hoodie with the one red eye that peaked out from the side of his mask. He watched then back off and he turned to Liu. "Would you join me in the day room along with Jeffery. I would like to speak with you both." He turned and begin to lead the way to the day room.
Liu sighed not even five seconds in this house and he was already in trouble. He looked at Hoodie and Masky and he smiled softly "It's nice to meet you." he said 'They are kinda freaky.' Sully said in his head. He hissed and rubbed his temples and nodded to Jack "I guess I owe an explanation." he said and looked to Jeff "Jeff." He smiled, causing the stitches to ripple.

BEN yawned as he came out of Jeff's computer. He narrowed his eyes and walked out of the room and down the stairs. Sure he was covered in blood but it wasn't anything the others haven't seen before. He leaned on the staircase as he watched everyone gather around a boy. He was in a mellow mood now and he studied the guy "Dude, you're kinda freaky lookin. Kinda like Jeff."
The bell rang out, stopping the boring lesson. Melody calmly put her notebook in her white backpack as her other classmates practically ran out of the classroom. She placed her white backpack over her shoulder and walked out of the school, smiling to herself. As Melody walked home from school, her long braids trailing behind her, she looked towards the forest in the distance.
Jeff The Killer~~

He looked at him, with a smile, trying to scowl. He looked at the scars, looked at his brothers face. He turned away and followed Jack down the hall way and into the day room. He slipped inside the door and leaned agains the wall behind the door, he watched Liu walk in behind him. He couldnt believe any of this. "What are you doing her Liu?" His rough older voice called to his brother as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Eyeless Jack~~

He walked into the day room with Jeffery and Liu in tow. He found a chair and sat in it, resting his arms on the brown leather arm rests. His left eye and mouth peaked out from behind his mask as he motioned for the chair across from him. "Take a seat." A wicked grin appeared. His red eye watched the man. "How do you know Jeffery?" He asked in a monotone voice.

Masky and Hoodie~~

Hoodie looked up and spotted Ben. He poked at Masky and pointed up. Masky looked up and smiled at Ben. The raced up stairs, greeting Ben with hello's. "Hey Ben? Have you ever see that kid?" Masky asked watching them walk away into the Day room. "Yea, he seems to know Jeff well, the way they looked at eachother." Hoodie squeaked in.
Liu sighed and looked down "I heard that this was safe place, I didn't know you would be here." he said looking at his older brother. He looked at Jack and looked away nervously "Jeff, Jeff is my brother." he said and glared at Jeff. 'Some brother.' Sully crooned and Liu closed his eyes 'Shut up! Shut up!' he said and opened his eyes. He looked to Jack once more before sitting down.
BOB shuffled in, staring at a blank spot in the wall. He felt angry. All of the time. So of course he had the urge to kill everyone in the Manor. He suppressed his malice and let out a growl. He then became eerily silent and shuffled further in. He seemed to have a limp, but most of his balance relied on his bony legs so they were oddly shaped.


Zalgo's many mouths smiled, one by one. Yes, this was coming together nicely. "Shut up," He yelled to a mouth that was babbling incoherently in an ancient language. It seemed to have a mind of it's own and wasn't terrifed by Zalgo's deep, menacing voice. He knew that he could take over anyone's body that was there in the Pit. He was always amused by the "He's coming" line. It gave him the sense of power he already knew he had. He was ancient, he was strong. And a lot of people knew.

Jane the Killer walked up beside Zalgo, black eyes staring lifelessly at nothing. She could never focus on anything since the fire. She only wanted to kill, kill, kill. Jeff. She trembled with anger. Her sanity was broken--as soon as she had laid eyes on Jeff's new face. With his all too familiar smile. She'd be able to cut his skin from his face one day. He wouldn't have the satisfaction of his smile any more. One day.
BEN frowned he wasn't in the right frame of mind right now. He shook his head and grinned and chuckled "Lets go spy." he said. He walked to the door of the day room and motioned to Masky and Hoodie. He blinked wide eyed when the man said he was Jeff's brother. "What the?" he whispered and looked to the other two Proxies. "Its Jeff's brother."
Jeff The Killer~~

Jeff did a gesture of narrowing his eyes. "You didnt know I would be here? Do you not remember what I did!?" He shouted at his younger brother. He was angry and would need to go out again tonight. He glared at his brother and twirled his knife in his hand, wishing for his eyelids back so he could shut everyone out. With a huff the man who looked like he had to be 21 pushed himself off the wall and walked out of the room without another word.

Eyeless Jack~~

He nodded his head at Liu when he spoke and looked up watching Jeffery somewhat throw a fit and leave. Jack's wicked grin turns into a smirk as his red eye looks up at Liu. "Dont mind him. He only gets along with Slenderman. You will meet Slender soon enough." Jack stood up and begin to walk to the door. "Make yourself at him Mr. Liu." With that he left.

Masky and Hoodie~~

The boys quietly followed Ben down the stairs. They let Ben listen in, wanting them to tell the details. "Jeff has a brother?" Masky whispered to Ben. "They sure look alike." Hoodie chimed in, staying behind Masky. When the door slammed open and Jeff walked out, Hoodie hid behind Masky. Masky watched him as he kept walking. "Hey Hoodie. I know a game that has a Ben look alike in it." Hoodie perked up. "Really?" Masky nodded. "Its called Legend of Zelda."
Liu looked down as his brother stormed out of the room. "I remember alright." He said to no one in particular "It's because of you I'm this way." He said and shook his head. He felt anger bubble up in him as Sully took over. He let out a satanic laugh and felt the need to kill something. He grinned and looked at the three boys before his eyes dulled and he fell to his knees holding his head. He sighed and walked out and passed Jeff "I do know what you did to me, It's because of that I'm what I am. A killer, like you." he said and turned away and sat down on a couch.

BEN looked at the two with a unreadable expression, he was in words, high at the moment. "That isn't funny man." he said and shook his head "Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Good game." He laughed at his own private joke. He turned and walked up to Jeff "You look stressed dude, Why didn't you tell me you had a bro." he said and looked at him through black abyss eyes bleeding with black blood.
BOB knew he was here because of a creature by the name of Slenderman but he didn't know exactly why. He limped to the room it seemed everyone congregated at. He breathed loudy, in and out. To others, he seemed useless but he didn't seem to mind. He just killed. That's all he needed to do. He was supposed to find "Jack". He growled.


Zalgo crouched, back in an odd shape. His spine was completely messed up and he looked like a hunched nightmare to sane people. "Crow..." "Crow..." "Crow..." "Crow..." His many mouths repeated. He needed Jane and Crow near each other. He needed to form a group of rejected creatures. Creatures with malice and hatred.

Jane shook her head violently, the mask that Jeff had given her staying put. She hated seeing her face and forever bald head, so she sewed the mask and wig onto her head. Her long black locks curled around her shoulder and torso. She would never thank him for making her into a monster. But she never would go back to her regular life.
Crow quickly turned her straw head toward toward Jane, her black eyes averted to the ground. Jane never uttered a word, but she got the job done just fine. The scarecrow slowly shuffled to Zalgo's throne, sighing quietly. "Sir Zalgo, is there really nothing to do? I'm going to be one big heap of hay by the time I actually get a mission." She complained.
Her feet soon reached the block her home was near but turned her head to the right where the forest resided. Melody contemplated in straying from the familiar route home and go into the forest for a stroll but hesitated as she heard of rumors from her classmates that something lurks there. Melody usually ignored them as her classmates usually makes stuff up to make fun of her for believing in various myths and folklore but she isn't quite sure now that the forest is nearby. Melody raised her head to look at the clear blue skies with her golden eyes as she thought to herself. Throwing her thoughts and suspicions of whether her classmates' rumors were true, Melody walked towards the forest.
BOB tried to find a person by the name of Jack. "Jack...Jack..." He repeated in a low, monotonous voice. He stopped suddenly and stood still, skinny body reaking of decomposing flesh. He stared at nothing. Just the rise and fall of his bony torso.


Zalgo's mouths grinned. His red eyes gleamed. "Patience..." "Patience..." "Patience..." "Patience..." they repeated. He growled, the noise filling the room. He was annoyed by the repitition of his different voices. His horns seemed to loom over him. He always wore something over himself to cover up five of his mouths that were located on his torso. They're muffled voices still annoyed him.

Jane stared at Crow, head looking like it was going to fall off by how tilted it was. She smiled from behind the mask but she knew it wasn't visible. The only flaw. But she wouldn't do what Jeff did....Jeff. She screamed, dropping to the floor. The name made her go crazy. She needed to kill--she needed to prevent someone from dying by Jeff's knife.
Crow squinted her dark eyes, her scratchy voice becoming more pleading "I've been patient for too long! I'm well prepared, I've even been working on my human disguise." A green aura surrounded her briefly, and once subsided revealed a normal girl. Her skin was fair, and her hair was deep black and down to her ankles. The only small flaw: her eyes were still sunken black holes. "It's not perfect, but there are a bunch of freaks out there!"
((Any love for BOB people? He's shuffling around in handsome awkwardness!))

Jane's cold eyes drifted upwards towards Zalgo. She couldn't help but agree with Crow but she didn't voice the words. She closed her eyes and thought, If I get outside....I can save others...I can kill...Je..ff. Her eyes widened behind the mask and she tensed up. "I need...to kill." She hated her raspy voice. It sounded like she constantly needed water. No, she needed to kill. To save. Could you do both?

Zalgo had an amused expression on his actual face. "Fine..." His mouths did not find the need to speak, also. He approached Crow and took a hold of her neck. He lifted her up and studied her, most likely choking her. "Not flawless, but it will work." His six of his seven mouths voiced the one word they could think of. "Acceptance..." "Acceptance..." "Acceptance..."
Melody jumped over a tree root, finding her time in the forest enjoyable. She was mindful not to wander too deep or she'll lose her sense of direction. "If my mom worries I'll just tell her I took the long way home." Melody told herself as she walked past some bushes. As she walked down the forest path she heard some birds chirp overhead channeling some of her childish side Melody ran down the path laughing as she did so.
Crow gasped for air, using her dainty, human fingers to attempt prying him away. As a scarecrow, she needed little to no air, but pesky humans 'needed air to live'! Pft, what an odd tradition. Back when she was on the farm, she would see her prized possession scamper around, panting ruthlessly to help chase the birdies away. Breathing was stupid. Air was stupid. Air, air, need air! She looked at Zalgo, her eyes filled with plead. "I'll practice more! Promise!" She squeaked, wiggling her chicken legs.
Zalgo grinned and dropped the human form Crow was in onto the floor. His mouths simultaneously sighed unintentionally. Jane stared at the form on the ground and traced an invisible smile with her pasty, burnt fingers onto her mask. It was intended for Crow. She shrugged and stared at her hands. Her body wasn't brown anymore, it turned ashen about two years after everything went to hell. She preferred this color. "Come..." She gestured to Crow, knowing of a human's house nearby. Zalgo walked alone, further into the darkness of the Pit.
Crow stood up, extending a pale arm out awkwardly. "Wait, I have to try to....." She muttered, squeezing her hollow sockets shut as she concentrated. The aura would begin to appear, but quickly dissolve as soon as it came. No luck. Where she hoped eyes would be wound up showing dark holes. She sighed, walking to Jane with a shrug. "Human traditions are weird." She muttered, her hair sweeping her bare heels.
Jane reached out for Crow's hand, not feeling awkward at. She couldn't, that feeling was for sane people. She lead Crow out of the Pit, staring at her in a cold way. "We don't...need..." she coughed behind the mask. "Pretty eyes..." She said roughly. She let go of her hand and walked ahead, not showing any hesitation. She knew the woods like the back of her hand. She always tried to yell at the people in the cabin but it always came out as a whisper (which is what Melody hears, @Little Sister ) She pushed further into the woods, silently.

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