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Fandom [Creepypasta] The Mental Ward

"Well, it looks like the situation is already handled, besides, I dont even have one, just my bare hands, and, well, A surpise that im saving for a special occasion, I mean I dont even know what is in the armory, if there is even one, because I have not checked."he shuddered as the clown reached out for him, taking a steb back. Before looking at scarecrow.

"Im probably more crazy then everyone here for not coming prepared, but then again bet Ive had more training in CQC then anyone one of you in here."

He was very well trained, but that probably does not mean a thing if he were to go up against some of the patients in the room, he would require the help of either some security or one of the patients, then again, who would help the person that works for the guy who locked you up?

he looked back to check on. LJ, only to see he was not where he was, and instead was further away, and with another patients sitting next to them.

"sorry for cutting our talk short, but I got someone I have to tend too, see you later alligator."

he walked over to LJ and Pinkamnema pie, kneeling down.

"Hey, came over to help some more, is he still breathing ok?"

Spudbud pulled out their phone and started to text one of the doctors to come over, so Spudbud can figure out what the hell they did to the clown to screw him up like this.

@FreakFarrisCarousel @Lettuce @Laughing Jack/MTMM

What the fuck is going on?

Ben watched the events unfold with unsure eyes. While he didn't show that he liked LJ he did quite enjoy the demon's company. He checked in his pockets and pulled out his Ocarina. He walked over to Pinkamena and Laughing Jack, he didn't pay any mind to the guard or Scarecrow. He put the instrument to his mouth and played the sound of the Song of Healing. Normally he played the Song of Unhealing to torment his victims, but his friend was suffering. Magic spun around him and made their way to LJ and tickled around his body. The demon closed his eyes and let the music work its magic. 'Its okay LJ, I got your back bro' he thought with a smile around the instrument. 

As soon as he stopped playing he opened his eyes. Hopefully that would help him. Now he noticed the fighting between Toby, some new guy and Jack. He sighed and looked around. "For the love Zalgo, you fuckers, just stop fighting." he hissed in warning. "Who ever started shit I'm about to fucking end it. We have to work together in this place not KILL each other. Are you all fucking idiots?" he snapped. He was pissed now. He got up and stomped over to the trio and glared at them, electro shocks went to the band on his arm and it short circuited, allowing him to use a portion of his power to give them a well planted shock to the asses.  

@Lettuce @Laughing Jack/MTMM @Ticci Toby Rogers @MTchaos1134

Dont say such things big bro.

Liu sat silently in front of the door cross legged. He would wait for Jeff to come out on his own time. While doing this he thought about what started this in the first place. "Your Jackass brother did." Sully hissed in his head. Oh yeah, Sully was still there, "Damn right I'm here you fuck and don't forget it." Liu sighed and blocked him out. When Jeff came out of the bathroom and hugged him tightly, he almost sobbed and hugged Jeff back. "Don't say such things big brother, you aren't a shit stain." he said kindly. If anyone dared to insult Jeff, Liu would put an end to them. He put his hand on the back of Jeff's head and held him close. He could hear commotion from the day room, but honestly he didn't give a fuck. "I'm so glad I found you. You're all I have left, so maybe. We can get out of this place together." he said soothingly.
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                                                                                                                                 Laughing Jack

     Jack wakes up, the Song of Healing helping him. He lays there for awhile, turning to look at all of the fighting. He giggles as he watches Ben shock everyone, then he finally gets a glimpse of Jason, instantly recognizing him. He stands up and runs over to where he is, pushing Toby off of Jason gently and tackle-hugging Jason. He wraps his arms around Jason tightly, squeezing him unintentionally.

                                                                                                                          Jason the Toymaker

      Jason looks over Jack's shoulder at everyone, mouthing the words 'help me..' as Jack squeezes him tightly. He was still a bit loopy from being shocked, and he has no idea what's happening. He struggles, trying to escape Jack.

@Nico @Ticci Toby Rogers

Toby had been on the verge of strangling the man, when been electrocuted them, and though Toby couldn't feel it, he shook violently, before he was thrown off by LJ. "W-W-What the?" He stammered wile cracking his neck, and twitching in an almost threatening manor. He was confused and upset. He'd just been trying to help LJ, and now LJ was hugging the guy who'd hurt him. Toby was really confused.

                                                                                                                               Laughing Jack

                                                                                      Yay, finally time to squeeze Jason to death.. Let's play it off like I missed him..

     Jack squeezes Jason tighter, making sickening popping noises as his arms begin to go past even their limits. He giggles demonically, but who'd be able to tell the difference between a happy giggle from Jack and an evil giggle from Jack. Nobody, that's who. He continues to squeeze Jason, also beginning to tear into his own arms unintentionally.

                                                                                                                        Jason the Toymaker

                                                                                                                             Please help..

     Jason cries out in pain, some black blood dripping from his mouth. He goes into a coughing fit, unable to breathe. Can nobody see that the damn clown's trying to kill him?! Jason's bones begin to pop and crack, as blood seeps down his body and gets on Jack a bit.

@Ticci Toby Rogers @Nico

That was about when Toby caught on that LJ was trying to kill Jason intentionally. "OH!" He said as the gears started turning in his head. He giggled a bit and patted LJ's head. Toby knew Jack could tell when to stop, as the clown had hugged him a few times and stopped because of similar reasons. He was still a twitchy mess, and speech failed him until he managed to stutter out, "N-Nurces... T-take you a-away..."


Jeff, nodded his head and slowly lifted his head from Liu's shoulder. "That sounds like a good plan. And I'm sure that Slenderdick, would let you live with the rest of us. Granted, if you even wanted to". For the first time in Jeff's life, he was afraid of rejection. He was afraid that his own little brother would turn him down after he just spilled his guts to him. Would Liu reject him? His hands shook at the thought of it and he looked down, afraid to look Liu in the eyes. 


Pinkamena Pie

Wasn't LJ squeezing that asshole really tightly? Eh, I don't care.


Pinkamena hummed as she watched LJ walk over to the Demon who had just sat on him and... Hug him? Yep, LJ was definitely hugging that spikey toothed bastard. The hug looked a little tight, though, perhaps even a bit too tight for the Clown's stretchy arms. Should she... Do something? Nah, she didn't feel like doing anything. She was sure that LJ would stop before he damaged himself too badly. In addition, what did it matter if that Pasta whom she didn't know the name of died? 


                                                                                                                           Laughing Jack

                                                                                                                            Yay murder.

     Jack squeezes tighter, all of the adrenaline that came with murdering someone now kicking in. He now laughs uncontrollably, his satanic laugh echoing throughout the room, and could even be heard throughout other parts of the asylum. With a loud snap, he finally breaks Jason's spine in half. He drops Jason, letting him fall to the floor. He looks down at Jason, covered in his blood, and continues laughing.

                                                                                                                      Jason the Toymaker


     Jason was gasping for air, when suddenly, he felt an extreme pain [and slight pleasure] shoot through him as his spine snaps and he falls to the ground, becoming a crumpled mess.

@Ticci Toby Rogers @Lettuce @Nico

Eyeless Jack

Woah it sounds like someone's bones are breaking


What was going on behind the couch? Really, what the fuck? Why was Ben playing his Ocarina? Electricity? Someone's bones just snapped? He kind of hoped that someone had just snapped the bones of the Pasta that decided to bug him earlier. Oh, LJ was laughing, he probably did something. Broke bones, by the sound of it.  EJ put down the book that he had found while he wasn't being posted for and turned around on the couch, resting his chin on the back. No, facing the direction the noises were coming from didn't make things visible or any bullshit like that, it just made it a tad bit easier to concentrate on what was going on over there. "Huh, seems like a huge mess over there."



- Liu -
What's a Slenderdick?

Liu had no idea who Slenderdick was or who the others he meant, but he didn't want to leave Jeff now that he found him. A home would be nice, he had been living on the streets for awhile now. He touched Jeff's cheeks with both of his hands and looked him into his unblinking eyes. He smiled brightly "That sounds like a plan, though who is this Slenderdick." he rose an eyebrow. "Is he your boss or something?" he asked. He hummed and stood up "C'mon, lets get some food. I'm sure you haven't eaten in awhile and...whatever have eaten is now out of your stomach." he said with a teasing tone and grin, all while offering his hand. Oh yes, he was still gonna tease the fuck out of his brother like the old days.

Jeff nodded and took his brother's hand. He was right. Whatever Jeff had eaten this morning before getting caught, had most definitely left his stomach. And something not overly flavored would be more preferred at the moment. Actually just crackers and ginger ale sounded perfect right now. So he stood and patted his little brother's head. "Thanks Liu. Looks like the little brother is looking out for the big brother. Just, uh don't make a habit of it. Makes me look bad and all and uhm, well I have a rep around these other guys". 

Jeff, knew that Liu didn't care about things like that. That no matter who they were around, Liu was going to treat his big brother like he always had. And that's what he loved about his little brother. Never changed who he was, no matter who was around. He really cherished that about Liu. He was glad that at least that's one thing Jeff didn't rip from his innocent brother. He still wanted to make all that up to him. One way or the other. 

Getting up from the floor, Jeff was on his way to follow his brother to the kitchen area, when he noticed all the commotion going on in the day room. Jeff looked down at his brother and shrugged his shoulders. "Thinking that we should probably go figure out what that is. Knowing them, they're probably trying to kill each other or the staff. Here's to hoping they haven't hurt themselves in the process. And this would be a good opportunity for you to meet the rest of the guys that live in the house you'll be staying in. Consider them brothers. Really really insane brothers". 

Jeff took his brother's hand and walked with him into the day room. And what they seen was something out of a horror movie. What the hell did they all do?! And when the fuck did Jason get here?! And where was Ben?! What the fucking fuck, was going on here?!

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Toby's ecstatic gaze found Jeff and Liu, who had just re enter the chaos. He quickly came over to them, and cracked his neck. "HI JEFF!" He said loudly wile waving rapidly in Jeff's face. "A-Are you okay? Y-You don-" Toby stopped mid sentence, and began waving in Liu's face, having already forgotten ever meeting the boy. "HI STRANGER!" He yelled, still waving, his eyes squinted in a smile that was hidden by his mouthguard. He stopped waving and said, "I-I'm Toby, w-what's your name!?"

@Nico @Broken-Angel
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Spudbud was back sitting on the chair he was earlier, he did not know what to do where everyone in thenroom could kill you quick easily probably, h was starting to feel like it was a terrible idea to have taken the job, he is the only security in therenright now, basically meaning he is most likely screwed.he got on his tablet and started playinga flappy bird clone, to forget that he might die at any moment.

Winter growled and screehed in pure anger wanting to kill the doctors as they had destroyed her cloths which she did not take very kindly to, as they dragged her down the hall to the room where they check cps for weapons in a straight jacket and mussel at that, they took all of her needles, pencils, and other items but let her keep the string and spools she used for making cloths and dolls.

As they took her to the day room they had to sedate her before she took out one of the doctors eyes with her feet which where claws both of which had been chained together so she couldn't kick anyone or any thing .
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