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Fandom CreepyPasta RP


The Roleplay.


Rules:1: No god modding, 2: No killing off someone's character without their permission, 3: No spamming or trolling, 4: Try not to be a complete asshole to anyone else in the RP OOC. 5: Give ample time for replies.
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Jeff the Killer walked quickly in the shadows of the houses of a small town's subdivision. He was stalking a young teenage girl. She looked to be about 16 or 17 and was one of those 'cheerleader', preppy, stuck up looking girls. She was walking fast paced, but he had no trouble keeping up, even while keeping to the shadows. She was chatting quickly on her phone, talking shit about an 'ugly, nerdy' girl in her school that she and her friends had apparently been picking on. His blood boiled to think of people bullying others for their looks, and that is why he'd chosen her for tonight's kill. He would follow her to her house, wait until she was asleep and creep into her window. A twig snapped under his converse shoe and he froze, mentally cussing at himself and keeping still in the darkness a moment while she whipped her head around to see what the sound was. Her eyes scanned the area around her and after seeing nothing she shrugged. He heard her snarky voice quip 'must've been a stupid animal' to whoever she was conversing with on her oh so expensive looking smart phone. He relished the thought of slicing her up, the warm blood dripping down his fingers. She continued to walk, and he continued to stalk her.

Jeff chuckled at the 'stupid animal' comment. If only she were so lucky tonight. He would be doing the ugly nerd girl a favor. He didn't even WANT to wait for this one to get home and be in her bed before he made her go to sleep. He silently ran on ahead, keeping in the blackest of shadows as he did so. The clouds blotted out even the moon now so anywhere not lit by a street lamp was pitch black. Apparently she had to go through a fairly abandoned part of town. The economy had forced many of the people in this nice stuck up neighborhood into smaller dwellings, which made it a good place for not being noticed or bothered while he made a couple killings and got out of the area before the police caught on. She was going to walk past a dark, almost alley type area between two abandoned houses 8 foot tall fences and he grinned, perfect spot to grab the little princess.

Jeff waited patiently a moment until she was close to passing the gap between the fences and lunged to grab her arm, swinging her down as easily as a doll she hit the hard concrete that lay as a walkway between the two tall fences. The impact with the concrete had knocked her unconscious and there was a few drops of blood dripping onto the hard ground. She would live though, at least from that. From what he would soon do to her though, not so much. He liked his victims awake when he killed them though, 'putting them to sleep' literally, and for good. He would pull her back farther into the sort of alley and away from the eyes of anyone else who might dare pass this way. it was almost pitch black save for the very faint glow from the street lamp down the street, being just barely enough to see at all. But Jeff didn't need much light.

He was used to working in the dark. He knelt, straddling her, with his hand over her mouth incase she dared try to scream when she regained consciousness, not that she would scream for very long. Still he didn't need anyone hearing. After a few more moments she groggily started to open her eyes, looking a bit out of it and dazed, likely from the hit to the head. She looked up, seeing Jeff's face, his carved smile and large unnatural looking black ringed eyes set her into a panic. She attempted a muffled scream and tried to struggle against his weight but got nowhere. Jeff gave a sadistic grin and got in her face, grabbing his large butcher knife from his hoodie pocket,
"Hello there, miss priss, ready to go to sleep? It's past you'r bedtime." And with that he forcibly jabbed the knife straight into her chest. Stabbing a few times, first her heart, then another in the center where he ripped the blade downward, opening up her chest cavity and stomach, blood spraying up onto his already blood stained hoodie and onto his face. She was still conscious and attempting to struggle, making choked attempts to scream, though getting weaker by the second. He put the knife back in his pocket a second, grabbing onto her intestines and ripping them out of her, tossing them to the side. They hit the fence with a 'splat' and made a large red stain on the wood. "You won't be needing these anymore." He cackled maniacly.

Her consciousness started fading and he slapped her,
"Don't fall asleep yet, I'm not done!" He gripped the blade once again, slipping the tip inside her mouth and ripping to one side, making a half cut smile much like his. Then he did the same to the other side as the light finally diminished and died from her eyes and she lay still and quiet. He laughed insanely, getting up and admiring his work a few moments. "There. You're beautiful now...Sleep well." He smirked as he began to walk away.

((OOC: Will be my longest post. Got into it a bit much, plus it's my intro post.
xD ))
Laughing Jack exited a house he had just currently been in, killing what children they had to offer but only after the adults, he did love to save the best deserts for last! It would be a great if he could go to some orphanage or something, hmmm only if the circus, or fair was in town. He had blood covered all over himself, as he walked out with his normal smile, chuckling all the while.

He was walking for only about one minute or less till he saw Jeff, and gleefully ran over to him. "Hey there, Jeffy! How's it going, any kills lately?" He chuckled happily. He had saw that Jeff seemed like there was blood all over him but who knew he probably walked around all the time with blood over his clothing.
Jeff ginned his wide eerie smile at the monochrome clown, "You can't tell?" He cackled, bringing the blade of his butcher knife up and running his tongue along it, licking some still dripping blood from it. He didn't care if he knicked himself.
Liu Woods grinned as the young man in front of him fell for his tricks. The whole 'I don't know where my family is' guise never failed to work. The guy in front of him's eyes were bugged out as he backed up into the forest and tripped up over a tree stump. Liu pouted and looked down at him "Looks like you had a nasty fall~" he giggled. "Now be a good boy and just DIE!" he said and jammed his knives into the man's throat and abdomen. He dug the knife deep into the man's gut and cut him right open. Screams coming from the man's throat echoed throughout the forest. All while Liu was just giggling like a gleeful little kid. He grabbed the man's intestines and stuffed them into the man's mouth. "Enough of those screams, okay~?" he giggled and stood up.

Soon when the light faded out of the man's eyes he reached up and softly closed the man's eyes. "Sweet dreams, you are free from the world now." he chuckled and stood up. He kicked the man off the stump and near a bush. Turning around he skipped farther into the forest the scarf around his neck soaked with fresh blood. His movements stopped and a smile appeared on his face when he came to the clearing Jeff and Jack was in. "Big brother!" he said and ran to the duo. "I was looking all over for you, you are so hard to find." he huffed.
The clown was about to reply, but only gave a little giggle as he saw Jeff's little brother run over. "Hey there, kiddo!" He greeted the boy smiling and quietly chuckling, as blood would fall off him. It seemed they all were covered in blood, all just had killed someone, he laughed some more at this fact.
Slenderman, a tall thin figure inna suit, stands over the other killers. He stands far away, at the treeline watching them. Wondering what they were doing, studying the killers.
XenTheEpic said:
Slenderman, a tall thin figure inna suit, stands over the other killers. He stands far away, at the treeline watching them. Wondering what they were doing, studying the killers.
((It would have been nice if you'd gone to the character sign up and added a profile and waited at least till I responded to post as him.))

Jeff smiled as warmly as a killer could at his little brother "I see you had fun as well, Liu." He laughed, he was happy to still have at least a little of his family left after what had happened. "Shall we go? Don't wanna attract any attention."

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