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Fantasy Court Of Secrets


Look at me, I’m Sandra Dee

In the Royal Palace in the Kingdom of Leston, everyone has their secrets. Everyone from the Queen Almina, to the lowest servant. In this Royal Court, everyone is trying to get ahead. Trying to marry one of the Queen's children, trying to gain the highest title, trying to gain the favor of the queen, and all while trying to keep quiet the things they all want hidden away. And should anyone find out about your secret, they have complete power over you.


Queen Almina of Leston

Queen Almina smiled as the maid finished up her dark brown hair. It was piled intricately on top of her head. There was a glittering crown in her head. Her dress was made of fine dark purple silk and had details of blue and green flowers woven into it. Purple was the color of royalty and Almina and her children were the only people who were permitted to wear such a color. She always wore a purple dress and a crown to balls. With a wave of her hand, she sent the maid off. The maid curtsied and left. Almina stood up off the seat of her vanity and left the room. She walked with a straight back out of her room.

She walked to the ballroom with grace, her held high. And there was an air of haughtiness about her. It was something many people didn't like, but kept quiet if they knew well enough. It was very easy to get on Almina's bad side and it was something many knew to be wary of. She had a temper that was very easy to set off. It was as easy as getting on Almina's bad side, and just as dangerous. Upon reaching the top of the stairs that led into the ballroom, the herald announced her presence. Almina put on her dangerous smile as she began walking down the stairs with class and grace.

She could remember when it was announced as 'King Francis and Queen Almina.' However those days were gone. Her husband had died just months after the birth of their youngest child Euphrosyne. She had too admit, she missed him dearly. Yet no tears, no emotion could be shown. The nation needed a lead and she had to step up and take the job. She could not show any weakness in it. It would show her weakness and she could not do that. She did not dare cry on her own time in her own room. Yet, she showed other types of weakness when she unleashed her temper.

Princess Euphrosyne of Leston

Princess Euphrosyne spun around in delight, the hem of her lavender dress twirling along with her. The dress had a puffy skirt and had pink flowers embroidered within them. The sleeves, too, were puffy and made of lavender chiffon. She couldn't help but feel absolutely gorgeous. She had always adored dancing, ever since she was a little girl. She would almost run to her dance classes. However, since she knew running wasn't ladylike, she did not do so. She slipped on her matching pink shoes with a small heel, before having her maid put on her sparkling tiara. Her golden blonde hair was in an updo, but not piled so high as her mother's usually was.

She gave herself one last look in the mirror, making sure she looked as best as she possibly could before exiting her room. She began walking towards the ballroom. She held herself with grace and dignity, a smile on her face. She always looked forward to balls. It was always such fun dancing and she, always having been quite the romantic, always looked forward to the chance of finding true love. As she got towards the ballroom, she could feel her smile widening. It was a habit she always had when she was excited. The more excited she became, the more her smile widened.

The herald announced Euphrosyne as she arrived at the top of the staircase. Once he had finished announcing her by her full title of 'Her Royal Highness, Princess Euphrosyne of Lestone' Euphrosyne began descending the staircase. She could barely stand still as the herald was announcing her. She had always been a bit too giddy, since she was a little girl. Euphrosyne slowly descended the stair case, trying to keep herself from rushing into the ballroom. She had only been allowed to attend balls since her sixteenth birthday, last year. And ever since then, she had looked forward to them.
Richard Eustace, Duke of Westmarch.

The Duke of Westmarch frowned as he watched the queen and her daughter descend the short staircase in to the court ballroom, his gnarled fingers tightly gripping the the handle of his finely crafted oaken cane, looking upon her grace with a mixture of disgust and loathing. He hated balls, he always had, viewing them as nothing more than a worthless distraction from the troubles of the Kingdom and a needless drain of the crowns royal coffers, his position as Lord High-Chancellor giving him an acute knowledge of the finances of the realm, and how this coin could be better spent.

Of course that wasn't the only reason for the irritated look that adorned his face, her grace Queen Dowager Almina had been testing his patience as of late, more so than usual, and he found himself trying to avoid her if he could: she had long outstayed her welcome as regent a position that she was far from qualified for, and one that should have fallen instead to another high ranking noble, and many, him included wished to finally end her reign of waste and lavish spending and crown her son and heir as King as was his birth right, the lad reaching age almost a decade prior though Almina still clung to the throne like a bad smell.

He stood for a time, socialising with the rest of the nobility, his family around him, allowing a brief respite from the politics of court whilst he talked about other light hearted matters, knowing it was only a matter of time before he was once again called to the service of the realm.
Princess Honora of Leston

Honora hummed as she tugged at a hanging curl at the side of her face. The maid had just finished fixing her hair, leaving it in a braided type of bun, with some curls hanging around her face. It wasn't too fancy, and didn't tug at her scalp like other styles the maid insisted on her wearing.

Brushing the curl out of her eye, she patted down the dark blue skirts that had bunched up from her sitting ungracefully. The skirts had many ruffles and had silver embroidery along the edges and along the ruffles. It wasn't too much though, and Honora thought it looked elegant, but not flashy. Tugging at her sleeves to make sure they were secure on the sides of her shoulders, she stood, tottering on her heels. She couldn't get away with her boots today, not at a ball.

Taking one last look at herself, Honora fixed her crooked tiara before haltingly walking out of her chambers. She wasn't looking forward to the ball, but she did enjoy watching the boys make a fool of themselves in front of her sisters. Stopping near the herald, she steadied herself on a nearby surface as he called out her title. She took each step slowly, not wanting a repeat of last year, where she collapsed at the foot of the stairs, skirts everywhere and tiara askew. She may not care much for appearances, but that was still embarrassing.
Lorelei Astor

Health: 100%

  • Tags: @Nudge

    With: Honora (Momentarily)

    Mentioned: Honora

    Location: Honora's Chambers Cleaning Room Outside Ballroom Door
Lorelei finished putting the princess' hair up into a comfortable braided bun. She knew that Honora didn't quite enjoy the tight, fancy hairstyles the other maids seemed to suggest and do, so she tried her best to do a hairdo that she herself would enjoy. When the princess seemed to be pleased with the maid's work, Honora observed her appearance in the mirror one last time then left, heading for the ball that was currently occurring.

The maid watched her leave in silence then began to continue her duties. She cleaned up some of the messes in the room, no matter how small or insignificant they may've seemed, and tidied up a bit. While she was re-organizing the princess' vanity table, Lei caught sight of her reflection. The scar was still there, standing out against the rest of her fair skin. A disappointed scowl adorned her features as she turned her head to the right, inspecting the scar. Two fingers prodded at the leathery skin habitually, beginning to remember the terrible memories that accompanied the scar.

Before she was sucked into a world of reminiscence, Lorelei broke away from her reflection and began picking up the dirty clothes off of the floor and wherever else they were thrown in the room. Having a fairly sizable pile in her arms, she left the room and began making her way to the cleaning room, bringing them to the maids that were in charge of cleaning today. The maids had a meticulous system for taking care of all the chores around the palace in a timely manner, and next week would be Lei's time to do laundry. For now, though, she would go find something else to do around the palace, given that everyone of importance was at the ball.

Lorelei swiftly made her way down the hall, gazing at the intricacies and valuables that adorned the palace. An odd feeling began to come over the maid, one that she had felt many times before during her time in the Kingdom of Leston, but she pushed it aside quickly. Before long, she was near one entrance to the ballroom. Boisterous voices and laughter emanated from inside, and music floated in the air. She scrunched her nose up in disgust; parties were not a favourite of hers. She wondered how so many people could deal with being in such large crowds around so many other people. It was terrifying, in a sense.

Morgan Garnett

While the nobles and other people of importance were preparing themselves for the ball, the servants were busy preparing the ball itself. Even if he didn't have the privilege of actually partaking in the ball, Morgan was still quite excited. A night where people could dance, drink, and possibly find true love...just the mere thought of such an event made his heart swoon. He grinned to himself as he finished stitching up a fancy decoration that previously had a small tear in it.

Hearing the sounds of music and laughter in the nearby ballroom, Morgan leaned against the wall to briefly take in the atmosphere. He sighed. What he wouldn't give to be in there himself! Alas, he was only a servant, but the idea still made him smile. Before he could become lost in thoughts again, Morgan left the hallway to find something to do with his time.
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Kingslayer, Lord Siegmar

Arriving at the ball as a true Baron would, Siegmar trotted across county and estate adorned in a finely polished suit of armor, frills and feathers graciously added to give the armor the graceful appearance that would befit a ballroom but be ill-fitted for the field. But any chance to wear armor was a chance that Lord Siegmar took greedily and he, with his sword strapped to his belt and followed closely by two personal sergeants entered the Castle with a bravado that would befit a man named Kingslayer.

Though his attire was certainly different, it was also entirely within dress code that the nobility would be held to at such an occasion. Arriving well before the Queen and her Princess were announced Lord Siegmar had singled out notable figures within the crowd and began going down his list of conversations he would be forced to have in order to maintain friendships and alliances with other such Barons. The Lord High Chancellor however did not seem at all enthralled by the situation he was in and the deep scowl on the man's face brought a tricky smile to the Lord's lips. Cautiously approaching the Chancellor, Lord Siegmar stood next to the man as the Queen descended the stairs, followed by her youngest princess, all eyes trained on the magistrate.

Prithee be careful, Lord Eustace, I'd desire the Queen not to think thine are enjoying thyself." Siegmar said following up with a booming laugh and a calloused hand extended to shake the Lord High Chancellor's. "The Lady may bethink thee've gone nimble-footed."
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Looked out the window of her carriage as she smiled. Tonight her Darling Duke had business to attend too so he said go to court with one of his men, Jon(NPC) their friendly knight his brother. Evie couldn't attend anywhere without an escort. Once on the grounds he didn't care where she went so long as she stayed where promised. He knew his wife very thoroughly, he trusted her. Once didn't know that deep down she knew something that she would never reveal so long as she was breathing. Her children only see their smiling mother, her never leaving them with some nurse or instructor unless they were to do lessons. Back to the moment at hand she feels the carriage pull up. Waiting for her escort to open the carriage she fluffs her skirts a bit more then ruffles the strands hanging down about her. Most of her hair was in braids of sorts with strands hanging wildly around her. It made her look wild, as always. Tonight she chose a corseted top of pastel orange, the corset black. Her sleeves curved about just off her shoulders revealing that olive skin. Just as soon as one looks upon her frame at her waist orange skirts pool about to her feet the same color with blood red intricate designs. A white shawl placed about her shoulders to add a little conservative feel.

Stepping down from the carriage as they approach the doors. Jon walking before her as she followed behind. Her head held high as she walked past any who may have noticed her arrival. They approached the doors as Jon spoke of her arrival. Once in they go through the many doors up some stairs, and a few moments later they arrive to the ballroom. They let the announcer know of her arrival, he spoke it as his custom. Duchess of Eastbourne, and once that is done she descends the stairs while she looks about. Evie doesn't hold herself as a queen, but someone of nobility. Gracefully regal, quiet in her nature. She looks around at all who are attending along with her gaze falling upon the queen. She is too far to notice if she is in any mood of sorts.

It isn't that Evie isn't in ill favor of her she just knows it is best to avoid her when she is in her tempers. Sighing to herself as she finally does see people in attendance as usual. She takes note of the Royal family almost all there. Her darling daughter's were dressed to perfection. Evie always liked the Princesses along with the queen. They aren't bad people after all. Walking around as Jon falls in step with her. She spoke with a small smile towards him. "
I wish that Alec were here, but he couldn't get away from his work this evening. He wants to be able to have alone time ones the children leave.." Evie didn't want the children here tonight because tomorrow they are off to the Summer lands to visit her family for a holiday. It makes her sad she doesn't get to go as often as she would like. Sometimes abandoning her duties to go off for holiday helps awaken her spirit. Jon spoke back softly to her, "Don't worry he does it with best intentions. I look forward to holiday with the children." She gazed around while listening. Evie did notice the Lord Chancellor about as he didn't look too happy himself. He rarely does at these types of events. Raising a hand to hide a chuckle when she looks back to Jon.

Moving her hand down as she feels a tap on her shoulder she quickly twirls about. Fellow Duchess Fiona of Archdale (NPC) she smiles delightfully as she reaches to return a hug. A dear friend of hers as she spoke more clearly looking to her friend.
"You look lovely!! Oh motherhood does wonders for you. How are the twins? Oh! I bet that you miss them already.." She tilted her head some as her and Duchess Fiona of Archdale linked arms so they could stroll around slowly in the ballroom. She spoke wistfully while looking to Evie. "Oh I do miss them dearly. Elric said we needed to be wooed away for a while to feel passionate again as if we weren't already. He just wanted to feel like it was just us for the evening. Secretly he misses them too.." Evie chuckled as she listened to Fiona speaking knowing the truth to those words.
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Jase Tabernathy

"You should have seen the look on his face," said Sir Rory Oglethorpe. "Soiled his britches most like." He offered a bemused turn of the mouth before washing down some more wine. Several knights sat around the table along with Jase and his brother Patrick.

Patrick laughed at every joke, as he always did. Jase noticed he tried so hard to fit in, but the boy was having a jolly old time, and in the grand scheme that's all that mattered.

"Could smell somethin' fierce seeping out. Mayhaps fear," agreed another knight, prompting an outburst of laughter from everyone. Most of them wore black or red wool tunics. Jase himself optioned for a crimson velvet double with a golden hawk stitched in the breast.

He fancied these parties quite much. What wasn't there to like? Good drink, palatable food, sensible company. And yet...what was a ball without some dancing? Before he could answer that, his eyes wandered toward the bright golden curls of Princess Euphrosyne as she glimmered by candlelight.

"You men drink up. I have another thirst which cannot be satiated with wine." He rose from the bench, gold mantle sweeping behind. He made a bee line straight for the royal host, bowing deeply as he set his eyes upon the queen and her offspring.

Jase was all smiles. "Your Grace, each of your daughters is lovelier and more beautiful than the last. I would very much relish the honor of having this dance with the princess." Once again, Jase ventured a look at Euphrosyne, indicating the intended recipient.

@Mia Moulop
Richard Eustace, Duke of Westmarch.

Westmarch didn't even turn as he heard the approach of the Baron Reinhard, his eyes transfixed upon the gateway to the ballroom, taking note of any of the more prestigious arrivals and even offering a few humble greetings so as to keep up appearances, it would not do him well to alienate the nobility, especially considering his precarious relation with her majesty.

"Baron Reinhard" he turned only when the man began to address him, tentatively taking the hand he was proffered, a frown still ever present upon his weather beaten face "It has been a long time since I last looked upon your face, age has treated you kindly old friend" friend was a bit of an overstatement, the pair had met several times before, but not for many years, and though Reinhard had made great contributions to the Leston royal forces during the Chancellor's time as High-Constable, they departed on less than pleasant terms. The Kingslayer, as he titled himself, had caused rife with Leston and one of the few allies it had on the western front, his foolish actions costing the realm much, both militarily and monetarily and many had died because of his barbaric actions. Despite this, Westmarch still had a certain amount of respect for the man and his prowess at arms and saw no reason not to remain courteous, at least for a time.

"If her grace has any complaints about how I conduct myself during public events then she need only express them, I am after all sworn to the whims of her family" there was a hint of bitterness spicing his words, though he said naught regarding his opinions on the matter on the matter he still managed to clearly get across his point. "And what of you Baron Reinhard, surely you have better things to do with your time than converse with a man such as myself, it is a celebration after all, there is no use purchasing a kingdoms worth of wine if no one will drink it."


Evie spent some more time speaking with the Duke and Duchess of Archdale about some possible events coming up at Eastbourne. The music started up with a number that intrigued the pair so she watched them go with glee. Laughing softly to herself as she held her stomach. Long ago she abandoned her shawl so all the world could see her bronzed skin. Feeling a tickle from hair at her neck she raised a hand quickly to flick it away. A server came by offering the finest of ale so she took a goblet for her own. Taking a sip as she let those hazel orbs dance around the crowd. It was most definitely festive tonight. A night to celebrate all thanks to the queen. Looking in the direction of the Queen and Princess Euphrosyne being approached by a young knight of sorts she sighed some. Their attention was taken elsewhere so she looked towards the chancellor speaking with man known as Kingslayer. Evie never understand as to why he would refer himself to such. Oh well.

It piqued her interest some as she noticed the to older gentlemen. Biting her lower lip as she sauntered in their direction weaving around individuals some as she approached the two men. Goblet in hand, a small smile offered hoping to not catch the two in something serious.
"Lord Chancellor, and Lord Siegmar good eve' to you my fellows... I hope to not be of any nuisance to you both.." A genuine smile offered as she takes another sip of her ale. Eyes dancing between the two wondering if they would even receive her company. In hopes that they do. Evie is by no means complete shuttered in woman. Her dear Duke husband does let her be in attendance of matters that don't confuse her. If the two don't receive her she would simply offer a greeting and be on her way.

Her next mission would be to seek out Princess Arabella, who she favored more because they are sort of kindred in that regard. One can tell the princess spends her days outside, her skin sunkissed. There is a wild look to her that draws Evie towards her. This is if the two gentlemen don't shop her away. As grumpy as the two can be which Evie shrugs off due to old age.

@Hypnos @Anaxial
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Queen Almina & Princess Euphrosyne

Upon completing her descent into the ballroom, Euphrosyne went for her mother, looking upon all the couples dancing with slight envy. She had always loved dancing since she was a little girl. The dance lessons she took were always such fun. She noticed Jase Tabernathy walk up to her and her mother. Queen Almina smiled as Jase complimented her daughter's appearances.

"Thank you, Lord Tabernathy," said Queen Almina. "I am sure my Euphrosyne would be delighted in a dance, wouldn't you, darling?"

Queen Almina expected her daughter to say yes. She was well aware of her daughters love of dancing and knew very well she would never turn down an offer to do so.

"I'd absolutely love to, Mama," said Euphrosyne, excitedly. She blushed as she realized it would have been best to say it to Jase than her mother. She turned to him. "I'd absolutely love to, Lord Tabernathy."

Prince Octavian

Tav was very much late to the ball that was going on tonight and he knew it, hell everyone did. He was currently in his room, being pushed around and stuffed into nice clothes briskly for he should really show up before it was to late. Having bathed quickly, his hair was still damn and while one maid was pulling a comb through his hair, another was fixing the buttons to his shirt while he stood there trying to think of a way out of this. When they finally got him decked out, he was told to wait for someone to come get him.

That dream of getting out of this ball was shattered as a guard came in to escort him down to the ballroom. With a sullen expression, he followed the guard down to the doors that lead to the ballroom. Standing up straight, he sighed once more as he dusted himself lightly. If you're going to show up
this late, you might as try and look presentable. Supposedly, it gets you out of a lot of trouble and only into a little.

The doors the creaked as they were pushed open by the guards for the young prince to enter. Entering swiftly as the typical announcement was made, though he could've done without that, he bowed slightly and gave off a charming smile.
"My apologies for my lateness, I was studying hard and lose track of the time." he said briskly, flat out lying to these annoying strangers. He knew his siblings and mother would most definitely not fall for his excuse and he'd most likely get scolded later for it but for these people, it had to be believable. Moving instantly to the side, Tavvy half hoped to avoid confronting people and socializing with them, both things he didn't enjoy.
Richard Eustace, Duke of Westmarch

"Lady Eastbourne, a pleasure as always" Westmarch said, bowing his head in greeting before the lady before him, slightly relieved to be rescued from what was looking to be a rather unpleasant conversation with the Baron of Lincolnshire. "You are no nuisance at all, in fact your mere presence is a gift to us both, how fares your husband my lady" Though he only knew the Duke of Eastbourne in passing, their lands unfortunately located on opposite sides of the Kingdom, Lord Eustace knew that the Eastbournes of that ilk were one of the more powerful families in Leston and even had connections to the Summerlands to the south, it would not do him well to anger such a prestigious people even if Lady Eastbourne had shown herself as a tad rude with her actions. He may not have been enjoying conversing with Reinhard but the whole thing was still discourteous and left a sour taste in the Chancellor's mouth.

He was distracted for a second by the entrance of Prince Octavian of Leston, his eyes drawn to the top of the staircase as the herald announced his arrival, the prince letting out a rather pathetic excuse before joining the company of lords below. He was relieved, and not for the first time, that this boy was so far down the line succession, and hoped to never see a day when it would be King Octavian the herald announced rather than prince, a stain on the name of good King Francis her thought to himself his eyes returning to Lady Eastbourne and Lord Reinhard, a glint of irritation fresh in his eyes.

@LadyA @Anaxial

Cornelia Faulkner

Cornelia loved balls, even if she was only watching from the sidelines and never actually got to dance. She was always busy working during them. Still, there were moments like this where she would take a second and watch. She thought everything about balls looked so lovely. Especially the dresses. She had always loved dresses. She had crafted some of her own out of some old, unused scraps of fabric. However, these dresses were better than anything she had ever made, and possibly better than anything she ever could make.

After a moment, though, she realized she could no longer stand by and watch the party. She knew she had to get back to work. As much as she didn't want to, she had to if she wanted to keep her job. Though it wasn't the best job, it provided her a room and food for her and her little brother, Geordie. She went back to working, still standing on the sidelines, but she could not help herself from taking glances at the ball here and there. It was something that demanded attention, and she knew she could get in trouble for it, but she just had to see it.

She tried to focus on doing her job, but found she became too distracted. She tripped over her dress and the glasses she had been carrying fell from her hands onto the ground and breaking. The noise they made wasn't too loud as there was music filling the ballroom, and she was on the sides, so she wasn't seen by too many. Most people had their backs turned towards her, as not many paid attention to servants. Still, she was rather embarrassed by what she had done.
Lyris Ashedown

It was yet another ball thing that the royals were holding and that meant tons of work to be done. Ly didn't really have an issue with that, just meant she wouldn't be getting any sleep anytime soon. The young maid had no interest in these formal balls nor did she have any interest in the people who attended. It wasn't her business and she'd never fancied them anyway. She would however, be lying if she said she didn't wish she could join in the dancing. Maybe not in those obnoxious clothes, but just for the fun of it. That was about the only thing she really enjoyed about these sorts of things but no, she running around and making sure everything was perfect for the royal family.

The music in the ball room was quite lovely and she was enjoying it, half doing her work as she lingered around off to the sides of the huge room. The sound of breaking glass caught her attention and she jerked her head over to where it had come from. Seeing it was another maid, she paused before hurrying over, making sure she didn't trip over the stupid maids dress. Crouching down once she rematched the other girls side, she started picking up the glass freely with her bare hands.
"You alright there?" she questioned, making a small pile of the broken glass. They'd probably need something proper to get it all up but at the current moment it'd be fine.

Grabbing a spare empty glass and a napkin, she started to wipe the surrounding area to get the smaller bits. She stopped as the music changed, looking and listening to it for a long moment, her gaze wandering around the ballroom with mild interest. Quickly growing bored, Lyris went back to cleaning up the small mess briskly.

Jase Tabernathy

He took Princess Euphrosyne by the palm and escorted her from the dais to the wide stone floor below. Drums and lutes echoed softly throughout the great hall. It seemed as if most were sitting or standing, but a few groups littered about their chain dances. Jase's eyes caught the Duke of Westmarch's party on the far side, which grew larger and larger as time went on. He was flanked by the Kingslayer and the Duchess of Eastbourne. A more observant man might feel humbled by so much power in one place, but Jase had other concerns at present.

Jase turned back to their host with Euphrosyne's hand still in his own, bowing to the Queen and her children. He then gave a half bow to his dance partner. "The Basse," he said. It was a slow-moving dance that, quite frankly, bored him. However, he did not want to attract too much attention, and what a better opportunity to speak to the lovely princess?

He began swaying around her in careful paces, trying not to make a mess of it. He wore his "trick" boots befitting a rider, yet these were more ornamental. The coupling were at a height save for Euphrosyne's corset, which edged over his mottled brown hair. "You are deft of foot, princess. Where did you learn to move so well?"

@Mia Moulop

Cornelia Faulkner

Cornelia couldn't help but smile as Lyris helped her. It would be easier to get the job done with two people instead of herself. She knew she would probably have to come back after the ball was over and sweep it up, but she was glad to get some of it out of the way now.

She also looked for a moment, as well, as the music changed. Though she had far more interest in it. It was all so lovely, and she couldn't help but be impressed by it. However, she knew there was work that had to be done, so she would do it. She knew that she would never be able to attend a party such as this and would spend the rest of her life stuck as servant.

"I, I'm f-fine," said Cornelia quietly in her usual stutter. She had always had that stutter, and she hated it. She had accepted that she had it and it would most likely stay, but that did not mean she had to like it. "Th-th-thank y-you f-for y-your h-help."


Princess Euphrosyne of Leston​

Euphrosyne was utterly delighted as Jase took her to dance, and she knew her mother must have been pleased as well. Her mother gave her a smile as Jase took her to the dance floor, and Euphrosyne returned the smile. When Jase did a half-bow, she did a half-curtsy. She had always adored dancing, and they were always one of her favorite classes to take. She couldn't help but blush when Jase complimented her dancing skills. She had always been rather proud of them.

"Why, thank you, Lord Tabernathy," said Euphrosyne kindly. "My mother employed the best to teach my siblings and I. Might I say that you are quite the fine dancer, as well."

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Kingslayer Siegmar

What good and honorable man would be so abased to refuse a Lady's greeting? Even if it was a queer action to so boldly approach Baron, nigh, High Chancellor without so much as an introduction. Still, Siegmar's reputation did him well and while he may be better known for his infamous actions on the field, he was also known to be outrageously courteous while in civilized lands.

Ah, Lady Eastbourne." He said, patiently after the High Chancellor as chain of command would dictate, the Baron spoke second. "T'is at each moment a pleasure, though it hast been sometime since I've hadst the gracious gift of visiting those lands of Eastbourne.." He said this with a courteous bow that was difficult to maneuver in his ceremonial armor but the old warrior performed the gesture regardless.

The entry of the young prince though was something of an embarrassing spectacle. Respectfully however, Siegmar turned and ushered a similar bow to the Prince, hand on the hilt of his sheathed blade to show his loyalty remained to the Regent, if but begrudgingly. When the Prince melded in with the crowd he too returned his attention to his party and flashed a warm smile under his ashen beard.

A Kingdom's w'rth of wine, awaiting to be-est did drink by an Fusty Sir. High chancell'r, Lady Eastbourne, may I freshen thy cups as I fetcheth myself a refreshment?" The Chancellor's mention of wine certainly peaked the Baron's interest and he was never one to deny the fruits of a festival.

Evie raised a brow as they acknowledge her. Oh what introductions were needed for this? The Lord Chancellor, and the Kingslayer were just two old men set in their ways. None the less she treated everyone with equal respect. Remember she has a certain way about her. She isn't a formal lady like most that are in attendance of the ball. Prince Octavian came close to them after he was announced she offered a small smile.

Looking back to Lord Eustace with a pleasant smile speaking of her husband.
"He is well, busy with his work. He was unable to attend because of his work.." It was all she offered to the man. What her husband does he shares with others. It isn't her place to discuss those affairs only in her home. Evie looked to Lord Siegmar with the same smile. "Oh they are ever growing, and beautiful. The lands offer a good hunt as well. I shall mention to my dear husband to receive you. Whenever you can make the travel to our home. He could use some company from court..." Evie made most of the appearance as of late when she isn't attending her home. He has been hard at work with everything so that she can have his full attention. Soon he will appear in court soon as is required of him. Everything he is doing is for the Queen. Helping to pay the due taxes and such bringing in their imports to help also.

Lord Siegmar followed up on Lord Eustace's mentioning of wine she held up her empty goblet. "
Do you mind refilling my cup for me or shall I accompany you?" Evie raised a brow some as she looked at him with a questioning gaze. It was innocent in itself yet she was just offering a helping hand. Let her be discourteous she never thinks herself above the queen at least. Quickly she remembered the Prince stood off to the side so she looked at him quickly, "Do you fancy a drink too? Or any refreshment of sorts?"
Lorelei Astor

Health: 100%

  • Tags: @Warden Click

    With: Morgan

    Mentioned: Morgan

    Location: Outside Ballroom Doors Hallway
Lei broke away from the doors of the ballroom to go find something to do with her time. There were other servants taking care of those inside the ballroom, and she was specifically requested to do palace-work outside of the ballroom. She was completely okay with that, since she didn't exactly enjoy parties and gatherings.

The black-haired female noticed that one of the other servants was outside of the ballroom as well, perhaps doing as she intended: to find something to do. The orange-haired male was one she never really spoke to too often, so she didn't know much about him. On any other occasion, she would leave him be, but the female was bored. Perhaps she could aid him if he was doing something.

So Lorelei caught up with the male servant. "
Ah, hello..." Her voice became quiet, suddenly second-guessing her actions as anxiety began to take over. Still, she continued. "Would you like some help, uh... Logan, was it?" The female was nervous and may've seemed ignorant—especially since she didn't remember his name—, but her different coloured eyes glinted with kindness and sincerity.


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