gracious & lethal
A crack splits across the sky, resembling the ones that lined Lettie's face as their dream fell to pieces. (Like a flash of lightning, the memory of Juno's parting smile replaces the thought. It's not her that's broken. Their dream isn't broken, either. It's this place. How it gets inside of her, picking at every flaw like a stray thread until she unravels.) The darkness beyond it isn't particularly inviting, nor is the mysterious synth noise that booms from it. Yet the faerie knows that she'll have to travel through it to reach her pirate. She might be exhausted, but there is no distance she wouldn't travel to meet her again. Her phantom wings glow as they flicker and flutter behind her... but she glances hesitantly at the chains locked around her ankles.
"On three, we're gonna open our eyes and let the nightmare take us. If this thing is protecting the heart, we have to break it like we've done with those other nightmares. It's gonna need to be more ridiculous than impromptu concerts, races, and pasta yetis in fur bikinis. Got it?"
They've done it before, they can do it again. One last time. Just one last time before their dreams become a reality. In the water, Lettie can see reflections of herself in the past-- flopping facedown on the floor after various long days. (But she always got back up again. She always got back up.) Scraping together what remains of her strength, Lettie brings herself to stand, glaring at the golden chains that threaten to hold her down. It's time for her to catch up. Before long, the rhythm of Juno's heartbeat rattles the chains, clink, clink, clink, clink-- harder and harder until they shimmer and shatter to pieces. Tiny gems of gold ripple out from her ankles and tumble into the water with a satisfying splash.
Asmodeus's hold on her slips. Lettie doesn't know why she knows that it was him, but she knows. Call it instinct. She's had enough experience by now to know a scheming creep when she smells one. Not to mention the gold chains are his favorite gimmick.The demon's still out there and he's doing whatever he can to shape this world as he sees fit. He studied it with fervor in that lab of his-- a facet of the power he's been chasing this whole time. Of course he would devise a way to use it against her.
Those poisoned flowers, that mental hell Asmodeus trapped her in, and now this...? Stars. It's no wonder she's so fucking tired. To hell with how or why. While it's beyond annoying that the bastard couldn't just stay dead when she killed him the first time, the knowledge that he's still out there is certainly incentive to sharpen her claws and bust out of this place. He's not the only one who can play this game. Anyone can take control if their will is strong enough.
Olette Lyrcoris Radiata is filled with enough spite for that man that she's going to make this world her bitch.
Moreover, Lettie won't let him take anyone else away from her.' Juno, hold on. I'm coming.' A translucent, rainbow string sprawls down from the crack in the sky. Knowing she'll find her wife at the other side (her wife!!) the faerie takes flight, following where it leads, absorbing the colors and magicking herself a new ballgown as she rises, decked out in shimmery butterflies ...What? She's about to make an emotional comeback! She simply wouldn't be herself is she didn't take the opportunity to do so in style. That and there's an undeniable power that comes from being well-dressed. This strategy hasn't failed her yet.
From the outside, the cocoon is aglow with a galaxy of multicolored stars before breaking apart. Lettie twists this way and that as she emerges, her dazzling butterfly skirt swishing with each motion. The faerie narrows her eyes and raises her arms like a goddess of revenge. How dare he touch her wife? Her wings flower out behind her. 'I'm sorry, Juju. I know I've kept you waiting, but I'm here now.'
Lettie shows it by directing thousands of tiny blue butterflies up towards the clouds. Together, they cluster together to create the shape of a high heel shoe. When they disperse, they leave behind a solid, giant replica of the very same style of shoe that the faerie is wearing now. And it hangs directly above Asmodeus. Just as Juno's shield shatters beneath the weight of his attacks, she throws her arms down, directing the shoe to smash the spider demon like... well, like a bug.
Furiously, the faerie directs the shoe to stomp down repeatedly before she twists the heel back and forth, grinding his writhing body into the dirt until he stills. Asmodeus vanishes into a pitiful puff of smoke... but that's not the last they'll see of him. (Unfortunately.)
"He'll be back... Tch. He really should have taken the form of a cockroach. It'd suit him much better." Lettie quips, brushing her hands over her gown with a 'hmph'. (Though she's always been inclined to save spiders from such a fate, she took great pleasure in crushing that one specifically.) She shakes her head, flying to Juno's side, checking her head to toe for injuries. "I'm here. Are you okay?"
"On three, we're gonna open our eyes and let the nightmare take us. If this thing is protecting the heart, we have to break it like we've done with those other nightmares. It's gonna need to be more ridiculous than impromptu concerts, races, and pasta yetis in fur bikinis. Got it?"
They've done it before, they can do it again. One last time. Just one last time before their dreams become a reality. In the water, Lettie can see reflections of herself in the past-- flopping facedown on the floor after various long days. (But she always got back up again. She always got back up.) Scraping together what remains of her strength, Lettie brings herself to stand, glaring at the golden chains that threaten to hold her down. It's time for her to catch up. Before long, the rhythm of Juno's heartbeat rattles the chains, clink, clink, clink, clink-- harder and harder until they shimmer and shatter to pieces. Tiny gems of gold ripple out from her ankles and tumble into the water with a satisfying splash.
Asmodeus's hold on her slips. Lettie doesn't know why she knows that it was him, but she knows. Call it instinct. She's had enough experience by now to know a scheming creep when she smells one. Not to mention the gold chains are his favorite gimmick.The demon's still out there and he's doing whatever he can to shape this world as he sees fit. He studied it with fervor in that lab of his-- a facet of the power he's been chasing this whole time. Of course he would devise a way to use it against her.
Those poisoned flowers, that mental hell Asmodeus trapped her in, and now this...? Stars. It's no wonder she's so fucking tired. To hell with how or why. While it's beyond annoying that the bastard couldn't just stay dead when she killed him the first time, the knowledge that he's still out there is certainly incentive to sharpen her claws and bust out of this place. He's not the only one who can play this game. Anyone can take control if their will is strong enough.
Olette Lyrcoris Radiata is filled with enough spite for that man that she's going to make this world her bitch.
Moreover, Lettie won't let him take anyone else away from her.' Juno, hold on. I'm coming.' A translucent, rainbow string sprawls down from the crack in the sky. Knowing she'll find her wife at the other side (her wife!!) the faerie takes flight, following where it leads, absorbing the colors and magicking herself a new ballgown as she rises, decked out in shimmery butterflies ...What? She's about to make an emotional comeback! She simply wouldn't be herself is she didn't take the opportunity to do so in style. That and there's an undeniable power that comes from being well-dressed. This strategy hasn't failed her yet.
From the outside, the cocoon is aglow with a galaxy of multicolored stars before breaking apart. Lettie twists this way and that as she emerges, her dazzling butterfly skirt swishing with each motion. The faerie narrows her eyes and raises her arms like a goddess of revenge. How dare he touch her wife? Her wings flower out behind her. 'I'm sorry, Juju. I know I've kept you waiting, but I'm here now.'
Lettie shows it by directing thousands of tiny blue butterflies up towards the clouds. Together, they cluster together to create the shape of a high heel shoe. When they disperse, they leave behind a solid, giant replica of the very same style of shoe that the faerie is wearing now. And it hangs directly above Asmodeus. Just as Juno's shield shatters beneath the weight of his attacks, she throws her arms down, directing the shoe to smash the spider demon like... well, like a bug.
Furiously, the faerie directs the shoe to stomp down repeatedly before she twists the heel back and forth, grinding his writhing body into the dirt until he stills. Asmodeus vanishes into a pitiful puff of smoke... but that's not the last they'll see of him. (Unfortunately.)
"He'll be back... Tch. He really should have taken the form of a cockroach. It'd suit him much better." Lettie quips, brushing her hands over her gown with a 'hmph'. (Though she's always been inclined to save spiders from such a fate, she took great pleasure in crushing that one specifically.) She shakes her head, flying to Juno's side, checking her head to toe for injuries. "I'm here. Are you okay?"