gracious & lethal
It just so happens that Juno's not the only one with a surprise up her sleeve on this crisp December day.
Lettie hums to herself, traversing the market square with a lively spring in her step. Her wife doesn't know it yet-- but the New Years celebration they're throwing is going to double as Juno's first ever birthday party. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. It kicks off the beginning of January, after all, which will henceforth be known as Juno's month. (Or the month of Juju? Junoary? Jujuary? Okay, she's still workshopping the name.) All they know is that she's a Capricorn and this little faerie has never been one to take a birthday lightly. She wants to let her wife know that she's happy she exists every day, of course, but especially so over the month of January. For all they know, any day could be her actual birthday and she doesn't want to risk letting it pass unacknowledged. If that means celebrating every day, so be it!
Stars. Whenever Lettie thinks of it going unacknowledged her whole life, she could just cry. Next year she fully intends on starting this tradition December twenty-second. They've been awfully busy with their cottage this year and the idea of a surprise party in the guise of a New Years shindig was too tempting to resist. Juno could have been born at the end of December for all they know! And, oh, has that knowledge been nagging at her these last couple of days. It's a comfort to act on the desire to spoil her wife now as she wanders through town and picks up all manner of presents for her. She's been sneakily accumulating them for a while, like a tiny squirrel gathering nuts to last the winter season.
Lettie thrifted some boots, a cool jacket, and warm house slippers with a embroidered skulls and stars on them. She picked out a few shirts in different colors and styles, to allow Juno some freedom to experiment now that her tastes have expanded. A box of her favorite peanut butter candies, a swanky new water gun, coffee cups, a few relaxing bath and spa kits... on Avangeline, she also made it her mission to find one of those silly dad hats like the one she loved and lost. 'Let the fish who thinks he knows no fear look well upon my face.' (Like the little shit she is, she also picked out some new lingerie for herself. That technically counts as a gift for Juno, doesn't it? A sexy feast for the eyes? Hehe.) Over time, however, she felt a simple collection of things weren't... enough. While she'd been shopping thoughtfully, she yearned to show her love for Juno in other ways. Emotions with depths like these shouldn't only be shown with the amount of money she would spend! She writes a love song and a booklet of silly little poems to make her smile, but still finds that she wants to do more to express the enormity of her feelings.
It must've been fate the day the faerie wandered into a tailor's shop called Amabilia's in spring and befriended the old, grandmotherly shopkeep. 'Mable from Fabel'. A legend in the village for her The woman noticed Lettie's eye for fashion and started teaching her how to sew and knit and crochet in exchange for her insights and assistance with deliveries. Lettie started sneaking away on occasion to attend to her projects under the casual, natural guise of running errands for home renovations while her workshop at home was still being built. While her first few projects were total duds, she eventually managed to make a few things she's proud enough to present to her wife. Like the knitted scarf, hat, and glove set she made. (The hat looks like a skull, the scarf is black with stripes of little blue butterflies, and the gloves are similarly made to match.) The butterflies are a bit misshapen-- but surely the effort will count for something?
Mable also suggested that she embroider her first initial into a lace handkerchief. The gesture might be a bit old fashioned, but the idea had seemed so romantic. (Useful, too. Juno, the sweet softie she is, is prone to crying even when she's happy these days.) Lettie's currently working on a yellow cardigan. She hopes to finish it by the end of January... that way, Juno might be able to wear it in the spring. If she likes it, that is. Hopefully she likes it.
The trickster faerie intends to hide the gifts around their house, make a treasure hunt game of it every day. It ought to keep them occupied through the long winter months. Occasionally her mind will wander back to Juno's confession, that she was afraid the peaceful life wouldn't suit her and that she'd start to get restless. Now that they've finished their home renovations and decorating and will likely be cooped inside the home they worked so hard on, it'd be nice to make sure they still have exciting new things to look forward to. They've been perfectly happy over their first months as wives and she hopes with her whole entire heart that they'll continue to live that way, even after their home loses its novelty.
Lettie also hopes no one lets the secret slip today. (Especially Inez or fucking Fred.) She's still somewhat suspicious as to why Juno gathered so many helpers. Their new kitchen isn't cramped like the one she used to have in her shitty Avangeline apartment or anything... but there's only so much space for all of them! (How many of those tykes can cook or even reach the countertops? Not that she's one to judge on matters of height.) She senses something is going on... Juno gets so fidgety when she's trying to keep a secret! Even so, she has no idea whatsoever what her wife could be up to. She'd gone out of her way to make her errands sound super boring and unappealing... but turns out she might not have had to worry about that after all.
At the end of the day, she trusts her wife. And whatever it is, she'll probably know soon enough. Still. It's so hard, not knowing! She can't stop turning it over in her head. Lettie tries not to let it distract her as she pokes in the bakery to check on the cake she ordered. Ah, it's breathtaking. It's an extravagant, three tiered cake made to look like their cottage, complete with a sculpted Lady Vengeance on top and everything. It's extra in just about every way... but c'mon! It's Juno's first ever birthday cake! It won't go to waste, given they'll have plenty of guests over to help them eat it-- their friends, their family, the villagers and sheep of Fabel. It's perfect. Lettie makes sure that the staff knows when to deliver it and then sets about on the errands she claimed to be doing.
Turns out Lettie's the one who needs a handkerchief when she comes home to find exactly what kind of surprise Juno had in store for her. She frantically waves her hands around her face and blinks rapidly, but there's nothing she can do to stop the tears from welling up in her eyes as she takes it in. It's pink. Their cottage is pink-- her favorite shade of pink, no less-- and it's positively adorable. It's the home of her dreams if there ever was one, setting her tender gay heart aflutter.
"Juju, you..." Lettie struggles to articulate her feelings into words. All she can do is gesture weakly at their home. Pink is one of those colors that-- well. Not everyone's so fond of pink. Juno sure wasn't when they first met. Lettie was content to compromise on this decision, to pick a color they were both fond enough of, but this... "--for me?"
The children are silent, gawking, wondering if Miss Lettie is okay. They begin to fear whether or not they might have messed up somewhere. But their features all soften with relief when the faerie loops her arms around Juno's shoulders and starts kissing her face all over. All over, until their faces match the pink of the cottage. Some of them 'oooh', others giggle and cover their eyes, occasionally peeking between their fingers. Knowing full well how this could progress, Marjorie and Phillip quickly herd the tiny sheep away from the scene. Fred and a suspiciously pink Inez hightail it out of there as well. (...Later they find an imprint of Inez striking a sassy pose on the back of the cottage, next to a carved message that says 'Fred wuz here'.)
"I love it. I love you."
They're counting down the seconds 'till midnight and Lettie can scarcely contain her excitement. When the clock strikes twelve, she kisses her wife passionately as everyone cheers and hollers and greets the new year. Just as the wives pull away to breathe, the faerie grins and drops the glamours she'd been using on their home for the duration of the party. In whimsical clouds of sparkles and confetti, their new years party decorations transform into birthday decorations. The 'happy new years' that their guests had been exchanging quickly turn into happy birthday wishes for Juno. Then, with perfect timing, the village baker appears in the doorway with their cottage cake. (Though the poor baker is in something of a panic, stating to not have realized that the cottage was pink. Lettie soothes their worries by glamouring the cake to match their newly pink home and informing them that this is a new development.)
"It's officially Jujuary!" Lettie says with a bright smile when she notes Juno's confusion. "Everyone's here to celebrate you."
"...Are you really calling it Jujuary?"
"Shut up, Thad." Lettie puffs her cheeks. Then she turns back expectantly to her wife, handing her her first gift. The handkerchief, which she used to wrap a treasure map. Her cheeks warm bashfully as she goes on to explain her vision. "So, I've hidden gifts all around the house... and Fabel, too. For the rest of this month, it's your mission to find one gift a day." A fitting activity for a pirate captain, no? It's clever!Nerdy. It's so friggin' nerdy. "I did promise you treasure when we met, didn't I?"
Lettie hums to herself, traversing the market square with a lively spring in her step. Her wife doesn't know it yet-- but the New Years celebration they're throwing is going to double as Juno's first ever birthday party. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. It kicks off the beginning of January, after all, which will henceforth be known as Juno's month. (Or the month of Juju? Junoary? Jujuary? Okay, she's still workshopping the name.) All they know is that she's a Capricorn and this little faerie has never been one to take a birthday lightly. She wants to let her wife know that she's happy she exists every day, of course, but especially so over the month of January. For all they know, any day could be her actual birthday and she doesn't want to risk letting it pass unacknowledged. If that means celebrating every day, so be it!
Stars. Whenever Lettie thinks of it going unacknowledged her whole life, she could just cry. Next year she fully intends on starting this tradition December twenty-second. They've been awfully busy with their cottage this year and the idea of a surprise party in the guise of a New Years shindig was too tempting to resist. Juno could have been born at the end of December for all they know! And, oh, has that knowledge been nagging at her these last couple of days. It's a comfort to act on the desire to spoil her wife now as she wanders through town and picks up all manner of presents for her. She's been sneakily accumulating them for a while, like a tiny squirrel gathering nuts to last the winter season.
Lettie thrifted some boots, a cool jacket, and warm house slippers with a embroidered skulls and stars on them. She picked out a few shirts in different colors and styles, to allow Juno some freedom to experiment now that her tastes have expanded. A box of her favorite peanut butter candies, a swanky new water gun, coffee cups, a few relaxing bath and spa kits... on Avangeline, she also made it her mission to find one of those silly dad hats like the one she loved and lost. 'Let the fish who thinks he knows no fear look well upon my face.' (Like the little shit she is, she also picked out some new lingerie for herself. That technically counts as a gift for Juno, doesn't it? A sexy feast for the eyes? Hehe.) Over time, however, she felt a simple collection of things weren't... enough. While she'd been shopping thoughtfully, she yearned to show her love for Juno in other ways. Emotions with depths like these shouldn't only be shown with the amount of money she would spend! She writes a love song and a booklet of silly little poems to make her smile, but still finds that she wants to do more to express the enormity of her feelings.
It must've been fate the day the faerie wandered into a tailor's shop called Amabilia's in spring and befriended the old, grandmotherly shopkeep. 'Mable from Fabel'. A legend in the village for her The woman noticed Lettie's eye for fashion and started teaching her how to sew and knit and crochet in exchange for her insights and assistance with deliveries. Lettie started sneaking away on occasion to attend to her projects under the casual, natural guise of running errands for home renovations while her workshop at home was still being built. While her first few projects were total duds, she eventually managed to make a few things she's proud enough to present to her wife. Like the knitted scarf, hat, and glove set she made. (The hat looks like a skull, the scarf is black with stripes of little blue butterflies, and the gloves are similarly made to match.) The butterflies are a bit misshapen-- but surely the effort will count for something?
Mable also suggested that she embroider her first initial into a lace handkerchief. The gesture might be a bit old fashioned, but the idea had seemed so romantic. (Useful, too. Juno, the sweet softie she is, is prone to crying even when she's happy these days.) Lettie's currently working on a yellow cardigan. She hopes to finish it by the end of January... that way, Juno might be able to wear it in the spring. If she likes it, that is. Hopefully she likes it.
The trickster faerie intends to hide the gifts around their house, make a treasure hunt game of it every day. It ought to keep them occupied through the long winter months. Occasionally her mind will wander back to Juno's confession, that she was afraid the peaceful life wouldn't suit her and that she'd start to get restless. Now that they've finished their home renovations and decorating and will likely be cooped inside the home they worked so hard on, it'd be nice to make sure they still have exciting new things to look forward to. They've been perfectly happy over their first months as wives and she hopes with her whole entire heart that they'll continue to live that way, even after their home loses its novelty.
Lettie also hopes no one lets the secret slip today. (Especially Inez or fucking Fred.) She's still somewhat suspicious as to why Juno gathered so many helpers. Their new kitchen isn't cramped like the one she used to have in her shitty Avangeline apartment or anything... but there's only so much space for all of them! (How many of those tykes can cook or even reach the countertops? Not that she's one to judge on matters of height.) She senses something is going on... Juno gets so fidgety when she's trying to keep a secret! Even so, she has no idea whatsoever what her wife could be up to. She'd gone out of her way to make her errands sound super boring and unappealing... but turns out she might not have had to worry about that after all.
At the end of the day, she trusts her wife. And whatever it is, she'll probably know soon enough. Still. It's so hard, not knowing! She can't stop turning it over in her head. Lettie tries not to let it distract her as she pokes in the bakery to check on the cake she ordered. Ah, it's breathtaking. It's an extravagant, three tiered cake made to look like their cottage, complete with a sculpted Lady Vengeance on top and everything. It's extra in just about every way... but c'mon! It's Juno's first ever birthday cake! It won't go to waste, given they'll have plenty of guests over to help them eat it-- their friends, their family, the villagers and sheep of Fabel. It's perfect. Lettie makes sure that the staff knows when to deliver it and then sets about on the errands she claimed to be doing.
Turns out Lettie's the one who needs a handkerchief when she comes home to find exactly what kind of surprise Juno had in store for her. She frantically waves her hands around her face and blinks rapidly, but there's nothing she can do to stop the tears from welling up in her eyes as she takes it in. It's pink. Their cottage is pink-- her favorite shade of pink, no less-- and it's positively adorable. It's the home of her dreams if there ever was one, setting her tender gay heart aflutter.
"Juju, you..." Lettie struggles to articulate her feelings into words. All she can do is gesture weakly at their home. Pink is one of those colors that-- well. Not everyone's so fond of pink. Juno sure wasn't when they first met. Lettie was content to compromise on this decision, to pick a color they were both fond enough of, but this... "--for me?"
The children are silent, gawking, wondering if Miss Lettie is okay. They begin to fear whether or not they might have messed up somewhere. But their features all soften with relief when the faerie loops her arms around Juno's shoulders and starts kissing her face all over. All over, until their faces match the pink of the cottage. Some of them 'oooh', others giggle and cover their eyes, occasionally peeking between their fingers. Knowing full well how this could progress, Marjorie and Phillip quickly herd the tiny sheep away from the scene. Fred and a suspiciously pink Inez hightail it out of there as well. (...Later they find an imprint of Inez striking a sassy pose on the back of the cottage, next to a carved message that says 'Fred wuz here'.)
"I love it. I love you."
They're counting down the seconds 'till midnight and Lettie can scarcely contain her excitement. When the clock strikes twelve, she kisses her wife passionately as everyone cheers and hollers and greets the new year. Just as the wives pull away to breathe, the faerie grins and drops the glamours she'd been using on their home for the duration of the party. In whimsical clouds of sparkles and confetti, their new years party decorations transform into birthday decorations. The 'happy new years' that their guests had been exchanging quickly turn into happy birthday wishes for Juno. Then, with perfect timing, the village baker appears in the doorway with their cottage cake. (Though the poor baker is in something of a panic, stating to not have realized that the cottage was pink. Lettie soothes their worries by glamouring the cake to match their newly pink home and informing them that this is a new development.)
"It's officially Jujuary!" Lettie says with a bright smile when she notes Juno's confusion. "Everyone's here to celebrate you."
"...Are you really calling it Jujuary?"
"Shut up, Thad." Lettie puffs her cheeks. Then she turns back expectantly to her wife, handing her her first gift. The handkerchief, which she used to wrap a treasure map. Her cheeks warm bashfully as she goes on to explain her vision. "So, I've hidden gifts all around the house... and Fabel, too. For the rest of this month, it's your mission to find one gift a day." A fitting activity for a pirate captain, no? It's clever!