gracious & lethal
Asmodeus is on the prowl, using Lettie's body to search the ship's empty corridors for that worthless human pirate. She won't get away from him again.
'I wonder if she abandoned you?' Asmodeus floats the idea, but the soul of the faerie buried underneath him doesn't flinch for an instant. She doesn't squirm like the bug she is. If she's intimidated by him, she doesn't show it now. She's annoyingly composed. Calm. Why? She could lose everything... no, she's about to lose everything. The calm she's feeling isn't the calm of someone who has surrendered and knows the fight's over. She wears the calm of someone powerful, confident and unshakable.
Asmodeus intends to teach her her place soon enough. Everything will fall into place.
Even from the abyss she's trapped in, Lettie knows Juno's still here with her. She only left because she still needs time to recover from her injuries. Especially after the twists and turns her own soul just endured thanks to Angelus and his meddling. Sure, the pirate might be a legend in the little faerie's eyes... but even legends need to rest sometimes. (Lettie's always demanding it when her stubborn pirate refuses to sleep. If she's listening now, then that's a relief.) Juno may be resting now, but she'll come back for her. When the time is right, she's going to be there. (Until then, she's with her in spirit. Always.)
Knowing Juno, it's got to be extremely hard for her to be away. However, she's not going to put them in the heartbreaking situation where Lettie can be made to hurt her. Thank the stars above.
'That's what it looks like to me.' (Is he still talking?) The demon's taunts are cheap and meaningless compared to everything she's built with her pirate. Rather than get a rise out of Lettie like he expects, his own frustrations flare as he storms into yet another empty room. 'Where the hell is she?'
It's strange. And even stranger is the fact that all of the halls and rooms of the ship are eerily empty. Spying on the faerie's memories, Asmodeus caught glimpses of skeletons lumbering about. (Playing poker, starting a band, throwing parties... hmph. Ridiculous. He'll dismantle them, too.) If he can find them, that is. Did they really abandon the ship-- and the faerie? (If so, maybe he could spin that to his advanta--)
Aha! There she is. Asmodeus finally discovers the human in the ship's gym of all places, flexing in front of the mirror. Those muscles won't save her from these sharpened claws. "Are you watching, Olette?" He laughs, "I'm going to tear her throat out with your hands."
(That's not Juju. Her muscles are way bigger than that. Lettie knows, but wisely keeps this information to herself. It doesn't take very long at all for her to catch onto what Juno's doing here... what she and the other faeries are doing. It makes perfect sense that she would have laid a killer plan before leaving to get some rest. Her brilliant Juju. She's got her.) "No, please! Don't!" Lettie acts her heart out, adding to the illusions of her fellow faeries.
"It doesn't matter if you beg, Olette. You had your chance. You could have stopped this." The demon smirks. Asmodeus doesn't dwell on why the pirate would be checking herself out in the mirror at a time like this-- the faerie's panicked reaction is enough to bolster him forward. (Besides, he's in a hurry and has already wasted enough of his time searching for her. His colleagues at the estate have been trying to contact him... it sounded dire, but they must wait until he's done here.)
Asmodeus pounces, tackling the pirate to the ground. Finally, he has her. With a devious smirk that shows a hint of fang, he forces Lettie's claws down over her human lover's throat, red splatters from her neck and the 'blood' scatters and disperses into a wispy cloud of... of ladybugs? Fae magic. The demon scowls, pounding a fist down in attempt to crush some of the bugs. (He's too slow to do any damage, though, as they spirit themselves away and back to the faerie they belong to.)
"...Dumbass." Lettie taunts from within, her voice tired but deeply satisfied.
The heat radiating off of Asmodeus as he seethes is almost enough to warm the faerie's ice cold body. There's no witty comeback or taunt from his repertoire this time around. Rage blazes behind the faerie's rainbow eyes. He trembles with it.
"I am not going to be made a fool of by an insignificant little--" Asmodeus stops (thank goodness) as he's distracted by someone who looks suspiciously like the pirate peeking inside the gym... before running away. There. Did she really think she could fool him? (Um... she already did.) He pushes the faerie off of the ground, forcing her to give chase as the figure sprints for the upper decks.
This Juno's scar is way too long. 'I've got her now!' Asmodeus is triumphant as he corners the pirate, forcefully shoving her to the ground from behind. Once again, he aims Lettie's claws for her throat. Another Juno falls. This time she bursts into dragonflies. 'Another faerie?' He curses. 'Another fucking faerie!?' What is this? There weren't supposed to be any faeries aboard this ship! Where did Olette even meet all of these allies, all of these faeries? (He thought he had frightened her into isolation, and yet...) Then again, she and her human also rallied an army of demons and angels to raid the Reaper's lair.
Lettie cackles wickedly. The tittering of other faeries aboard the Lady Vengeance begin to echo alongside it. Suddenly, Asmodeus finds himself surrounded by pirates, all semi-convincing imitations of the very one he's searching for. These faeries are rubbing it in his face now.
"Show yourself, pirate!" Asmodeus forces Lettie to say. "Or are you too cowardly to face me?"
"That's rich coming from you." One of the Junos replies, though her voice distinctly isn't Juno. (It does not sound like she's spent her teens smoking too much carb. Even Lettie's Juno impressions do her more justice than whatever this faerie is trying to do.) "The second you stop using our sister as a shield, we won't hesitate to throw your ass overboard." "And we're gonna stick needles in your eyes!" "And burn you over a crisp, toasty fire!"
"Insolent little..." Asmodeus pauses, noticing that the most convincing of the Junos is trying to sneak away from the crowd as the others taunt him. (Ah, they thought they were so clever... they're just trying to distract him while the real one gets away! They're not going to fool him. Not again.) He chases after her. She's fast-- as fast as an archer. Faster than the Juno from before. (Probably because she knows she's been caught this time. Yes, this is the real one. He's sure of it.) They move through the various levels of the ship, down to the lowest decks. All the way down into the prison, where many of the cells are collecting dust and cobwebs. One has been cleaned out, though... and that's the one his target moves into.
"I've got you now, bitch!" Before Asmodeus can even aim for 'Juno's' throat, she bursts into spiders. They cluster together and skitter out of the cell right before-- slam!
The door swings shut. There's the definitive click of a lock being activated. Asmodeus turns, enraged, and throws Lettie's body against the bars... but to no avail. Thistle is already standing there, casting a glyph that grows thick, thorny vines around the door for an extra layer of security. Though Lettie once called this cell outdated, it's sealed up nice and tight now. Phillip appears shortly afterwards, setting a space heater down on the floor nearby. (He doesn't want his bestie to get cold down here.) Still, he glares disapprovingly at the faerie he knows isn't the faerie he knows and loves, but a demon taking her body for a joyride.
Asmodeus slams Lettie's body against the door again and again, but it doesn't budge an inch. Thistle sighs. They left some pillows and blankets inside in attempt to make the cell a little more comfortable. While this isn't ideal, it's the best they have to work with for the time being. They can't take any chances with dickheads like Asmodeus-- they've got to go all out.
Thistle and Phillip leave as Asmodeus screams threats after them. Phillip joins Marjorie at his station, having agreed to take the first shift guarding the door to the prison. There's a loud clang, clang, clang as the demon throws the faerie's body against the bars with reckless abandon. He rakes her claws over the walls. Nothing works... and it begins to settle with him that there's nothing he can do now. (He feels oddly... powerless. Oh, does he hate that. He's not strong enough. Not yet, anyway.) Having thoroughly exhausted his control over Lettie for the time being, he abandons the faerie's body.
With that, Lettie collapses on the floor of the cell she first met Juno in.
'I wonder if she abandoned you?' Asmodeus floats the idea, but the soul of the faerie buried underneath him doesn't flinch for an instant. She doesn't squirm like the bug she is. If she's intimidated by him, she doesn't show it now. She's annoyingly composed. Calm. Why? She could lose everything... no, she's about to lose everything. The calm she's feeling isn't the calm of someone who has surrendered and knows the fight's over. She wears the calm of someone powerful, confident and unshakable.
Asmodeus intends to teach her her place soon enough. Everything will fall into place.
Even from the abyss she's trapped in, Lettie knows Juno's still here with her. She only left because she still needs time to recover from her injuries. Especially after the twists and turns her own soul just endured thanks to Angelus and his meddling. Sure, the pirate might be a legend in the little faerie's eyes... but even legends need to rest sometimes. (Lettie's always demanding it when her stubborn pirate refuses to sleep. If she's listening now, then that's a relief.) Juno may be resting now, but she'll come back for her. When the time is right, she's going to be there. (Until then, she's with her in spirit. Always.)
Knowing Juno, it's got to be extremely hard for her to be away. However, she's not going to put them in the heartbreaking situation where Lettie can be made to hurt her. Thank the stars above.
'That's what it looks like to me.' (Is he still talking?) The demon's taunts are cheap and meaningless compared to everything she's built with her pirate. Rather than get a rise out of Lettie like he expects, his own frustrations flare as he storms into yet another empty room. 'Where the hell is she?'
It's strange. And even stranger is the fact that all of the halls and rooms of the ship are eerily empty. Spying on the faerie's memories, Asmodeus caught glimpses of skeletons lumbering about. (Playing poker, starting a band, throwing parties... hmph. Ridiculous. He'll dismantle them, too.) If he can find them, that is. Did they really abandon the ship-- and the faerie? (If so, maybe he could spin that to his advanta--)
Aha! There she is. Asmodeus finally discovers the human in the ship's gym of all places, flexing in front of the mirror. Those muscles won't save her from these sharpened claws. "Are you watching, Olette?" He laughs, "I'm going to tear her throat out with your hands."
(That's not Juju. Her muscles are way bigger than that. Lettie knows, but wisely keeps this information to herself. It doesn't take very long at all for her to catch onto what Juno's doing here... what she and the other faeries are doing. It makes perfect sense that she would have laid a killer plan before leaving to get some rest. Her brilliant Juju. She's got her.) "No, please! Don't!" Lettie acts her heart out, adding to the illusions of her fellow faeries.
"It doesn't matter if you beg, Olette. You had your chance. You could have stopped this." The demon smirks. Asmodeus doesn't dwell on why the pirate would be checking herself out in the mirror at a time like this-- the faerie's panicked reaction is enough to bolster him forward. (Besides, he's in a hurry and has already wasted enough of his time searching for her. His colleagues at the estate have been trying to contact him... it sounded dire, but they must wait until he's done here.)
Asmodeus pounces, tackling the pirate to the ground. Finally, he has her. With a devious smirk that shows a hint of fang, he forces Lettie's claws down over her human lover's throat, red splatters from her neck and the 'blood' scatters and disperses into a wispy cloud of... of ladybugs? Fae magic. The demon scowls, pounding a fist down in attempt to crush some of the bugs. (He's too slow to do any damage, though, as they spirit themselves away and back to the faerie they belong to.)
"...Dumbass." Lettie taunts from within, her voice tired but deeply satisfied.
The heat radiating off of Asmodeus as he seethes is almost enough to warm the faerie's ice cold body. There's no witty comeback or taunt from his repertoire this time around. Rage blazes behind the faerie's rainbow eyes. He trembles with it.
"I am not going to be made a fool of by an insignificant little--" Asmodeus stops (thank goodness) as he's distracted by someone who looks suspiciously like the pirate peeking inside the gym... before running away. There. Did she really think she could fool him? (Um... she already did.) He pushes the faerie off of the ground, forcing her to give chase as the figure sprints for the upper decks.
This Juno's scar is way too long. 'I've got her now!' Asmodeus is triumphant as he corners the pirate, forcefully shoving her to the ground from behind. Once again, he aims Lettie's claws for her throat. Another Juno falls. This time she bursts into dragonflies. 'Another faerie?' He curses. 'Another fucking faerie!?' What is this? There weren't supposed to be any faeries aboard this ship! Where did Olette even meet all of these allies, all of these faeries? (He thought he had frightened her into isolation, and yet...) Then again, she and her human also rallied an army of demons and angels to raid the Reaper's lair.
Lettie cackles wickedly. The tittering of other faeries aboard the Lady Vengeance begin to echo alongside it. Suddenly, Asmodeus finds himself surrounded by pirates, all semi-convincing imitations of the very one he's searching for. These faeries are rubbing it in his face now.
"Show yourself, pirate!" Asmodeus forces Lettie to say. "Or are you too cowardly to face me?"
"That's rich coming from you." One of the Junos replies, though her voice distinctly isn't Juno. (It does not sound like she's spent her teens smoking too much carb. Even Lettie's Juno impressions do her more justice than whatever this faerie is trying to do.) "The second you stop using our sister as a shield, we won't hesitate to throw your ass overboard." "And we're gonna stick needles in your eyes!" "And burn you over a crisp, toasty fire!"
"Insolent little..." Asmodeus pauses, noticing that the most convincing of the Junos is trying to sneak away from the crowd as the others taunt him. (Ah, they thought they were so clever... they're just trying to distract him while the real one gets away! They're not going to fool him. Not again.) He chases after her. She's fast-- as fast as an archer. Faster than the Juno from before. (Probably because she knows she's been caught this time. Yes, this is the real one. He's sure of it.) They move through the various levels of the ship, down to the lowest decks. All the way down into the prison, where many of the cells are collecting dust and cobwebs. One has been cleaned out, though... and that's the one his target moves into.
"I've got you now, bitch!" Before Asmodeus can even aim for 'Juno's' throat, she bursts into spiders. They cluster together and skitter out of the cell right before-- slam!
The door swings shut. There's the definitive click of a lock being activated. Asmodeus turns, enraged, and throws Lettie's body against the bars... but to no avail. Thistle is already standing there, casting a glyph that grows thick, thorny vines around the door for an extra layer of security. Though Lettie once called this cell outdated, it's sealed up nice and tight now. Phillip appears shortly afterwards, setting a space heater down on the floor nearby. (He doesn't want his bestie to get cold down here.) Still, he glares disapprovingly at the faerie he knows isn't the faerie he knows and loves, but a demon taking her body for a joyride.
Asmodeus slams Lettie's body against the door again and again, but it doesn't budge an inch. Thistle sighs. They left some pillows and blankets inside in attempt to make the cell a little more comfortable. While this isn't ideal, it's the best they have to work with for the time being. They can't take any chances with dickheads like Asmodeus-- they've got to go all out.
Thistle and Phillip leave as Asmodeus screams threats after them. Phillip joins Marjorie at his station, having agreed to take the first shift guarding the door to the prison. There's a loud clang, clang, clang as the demon throws the faerie's body against the bars with reckless abandon. He rakes her claws over the walls. Nothing works... and it begins to settle with him that there's nothing he can do now. (He feels oddly... powerless. Oh, does he hate that. He's not strong enough. Not yet, anyway.) Having thoroughly exhausted his control over Lettie for the time being, he abandons the faerie's body.
With that, Lettie collapses on the floor of the cell she first met Juno in.