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Realistic or Modern Constantly (CLOSED)


Typical Reject
People are constantly "falling in love". They are constantly being let down. Worst of all, people are constantly dying.

They are giving up.

That's why we have our group, GSA(Gay and Straight Alliance). In our small town it's rare for teens to come out to their parents or friends, so we have a secret GSA group for them. It's completely confidential, and meant for anyone. We help them feel comfortable in their own skin, and that's what more people need.

People need to be comfortable with the world around them, instead of being constantly afraid.
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(@ShadedRose @OC McCool Also check the neutral characters section)


"It's official, I'm dropping out of school." Everyone was staring at Gavin as we walked into the halls that afternoon. His eyes were red, and he had that same idiotic smile he always did when he was completely blown. He didn't even acknowledge my comment, and only winked at some cheerleader walking by. She scoffed, only causing Gavin to laugh.

"Pig," I muttered in disgust as I slapped his arms, and ripped open my locker.

"Did I do something?" Gavin asked, still eyeing that same girl. He was too hetero for me sometimes. I only rolled my eyes, throwing the useless textbooks into the locker. Today was the first meeting of the GSA club, and Gavin was high. This was going to be a horrible first impression. "Paxxxxx," He whined as if he were a five year old girl. I didn't reply and only lead him to the third floor of our massive high school. The Third floor had all the senior classes, and by now most of them had left. It was vacant, and I could relax a little. It was easier to breathe. A few kids passed us in the hall, and I wondered if they too were looking for room 34A.

"Here we go." Gavin's grin was back, as I pushed open the door. The bright colors of motivational posters hit me in a rush, and the words History Club were scrawled in big letters across the board.

"Are we in the wrong room?" Gavin tried to whisper, but failed miserably due to his current intoxicated state.

"I think so..." I muttered to myself, and began to back out.

"No!" A shrill voice stopped us, and a girl about 5ft tall came prancing out from behind a teachers desk. "Are you here for GSA?" The girl was short, petite, and had bright blue eyes. "I'm Amy! The one who started this whole sha-bang!" It seemed everything she said ended with an exclamation.

"Uhm... Okay..." My voice was low, due to my fear of people.

"So, we wont be learning about history right? That's lame." I wanted to face palm at Gavin's stupid remark, but it apparently amused Amy. "Come in, a few people are already here!" The faces in the room didn't fail to shock me, and I was reluctant to stay. Any one of them could out me. This couldn't be worth the risk. Gavin had said it would make me feel more welcome. I had to trust him.

"Oh, come on!" I used to know this school inside out, and by now I wouldn't hesitate to ask someone for directions but I don't want Rod talking with more strangers than necessary, specially not today. I looked at Leo's messy handwriting and all I can figure out is 'room 34A' "Uh...Trish?" Where could the place be? This is the last time I ask that idiot for advice "...Trish?" I barely heard Rod so he had to poke me a little before I could notice him "Yes, sweetie?" I replied as calmly as I could. I don't want him to notice I'm a nervous wreck right now.

"I think that's the place" he pointed at one of the senior's classrooms. Why were we in the Third floor to begin with? Am I really that lost?

But then again, the room clearly says 34A, so...Yeah, why not? All the seniors are gone by now, so there's no one to mess with Rod "Okay then" I slowly grabbed his hand. You have to do things really slow with Rod, otherwise... We really don't need to think about that right now, right Trish? "Are you ready?" I asked with a hopeful smile.

He looked at me with his trademark blank expression and shrugged. God I wish he wouldn't do that, it makes me feel desperate "...Okay, if you don't like it, or feel uncomfortable let me know so we can leave" I could tell he was getting ready mentally. Sometimes I feel like I'm dragging him into this against his will, but I have hope that we'll finally find the place where he belongs.

I gave him a reassuring hand squeeze and we approached the door "Okay, here we go" I took a deep breath and opened it, flashing my brightest grin in anticipation " Hi! We're here for the GS..." Oh no, crap! The board says in big letters that this is the History club. I should have known better, I need to get Rod outta here quickly! "Oh, sorry!" I grabbed his hand again and turned to leave.
Delaney stood by her locker, grabbing her backpack and diaper bag, slinging both over her shoulder. She then closed the locker, shutting the lock and turning on her heels. She looked back and forth, watching others walk back and forth. There were other couples holding each other hands and people laughing. Everyone seemed so care free. She envied it. This is because she knew there were people hiding. Hiding feelings, hiding personalities, hiding emotions. Which is honestly why she was glad she could go to this new club along side Theo. Delaney Pulled out her phone and dialed the number for the daycare.

"Hello? Yes, i just needed you to remind Timmy that i'm going to be an hour or two late picking him and sophie up. Thank you." She explained to the Malerie, the girl mending the front desk today. With that Delaney made her way to the third floor. Once she finished going up the stairs to headed towards Theo's locker. Once there she pulled him into a hug. "Good afternoon. You ready for history club?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. Theo grunted and rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Totally, history." Theo looked back and forth, making eye contact with Bruce. "Careful, i heard a bunch of I'm uncultured joined." He scoffed, slamming his locker before heading down the hall. Delaney furrowed her eyebrows when she saw Theo physically flinch at the word. "It's okay. Just ignore him." She whispered, taking Theo's hand in her's.

They made it to room 34A. Delaney looked out to make sure the coast was clear before letting go of his hand and opening the door. Right when they opened the door they almost ran into two other people. "Oh Sorry!" Delaney spoke softly, giving a guilty grin. theo just laughed out loud, making his way over to Amy. "Hey Amy. It's your favorite Homo!" He laughed, patting the small girls head. Amy laughed, tossing her blonde hair back "Glad to see you're here Theo."
And just when things couldn't get more embarrassing I almost get knocked out by a couple on our way to the door, way to go Trish. At least the girl had the decency to apologize, though I have to admit she kinda scared me "No problem" I said, with a grin of my own.

I'm not one to judge people by looks, but these two don't like like History geeks for me. She's way too pretty and he looks like a jock.

I couldn't help listening the guy greeting that Amy girl, and then it all hit me. No way. Rod and I exchanged glances and despite the obvious nervousness on his features I knew we were thinking the exact same thing. I decided to take a chance and I turned to that girl we almost run into "Excuse me... Uh, hi" I said lamely "This is not the 'History club', is it? " I made sure to emphasize my question making quote unquote singns with my hands.

Amy was laughing at the girl who asked about the "History Club", but it wasn't a hateful laugh. She was just amused. "No, no, this is GSA," She assured them. "Don't worry, I'm just trying to keep it a secret."

This was so awkward, and uncomfortable. If I was more like Gavin, I might be more open and friendly. I wasn't. I was a weirdo with too much time on her hands. "When does this thing start, by the way?" Gavin interrupted, grabbing Amy's attention. The little blonde smiled, and again gestured to the board. It read, 3:30 - 4:30.

"But, thank you for reminding me!" Amy danced to the front of the room again, booping Gavin on the nose as she did. Her tiny hands came together, erupting in noise, and grabbing the attention of everyone in the room. "Please take a seat in the circle so we can all introduce our self's!"

Reluctantly, I sat in the small circle. Gavin was to my right, and some stranger was to my left. Amy was explaining how we would all introduce ourselves, and why we had joined GSA. She began by introducing herself. "I'm Amy Faire, as some of you already know! And I started GSA because too many people are forced to stay locked up, and it's horrible." Then, the silence began. No one really wanted to speak up. That's high school for you.

(Try to give everyone a chance to reply, okie?)
Oh great! And this time I'm not being sarcastic. I quietly thanked Amy and took a seat as soon as she said we'd have to introduce ourselves. Rodney was by my side, naturally, and on my other side was a girl that looked quite uncomfortable. Looks like I finally found people who have a little bit in common with Rod.

Amy introduced herself, and I looked at Rodney when she was over. I gave him a slight nudge and gestured with my eyebrows. He just shook his head and I let out a long sigh.

Well, why not?. Since no one stood up I decided to take the first step and stood from my chair. I regretted it immediately when I realized I had nothing to say "... Uh, hi there!" Oh god, let's just get over with this "My name is Patricia Day, but you can call me Trish. And I... I mean we are here" I pointed towards Rod, who blushed intensely "Because... we are both gay" at this Rodney looked at me with wide eyes. Of course I'm lying, but I need him to know that if he's going to get trash for being himself then I would get it too.

Besides, it's not like this guys are gonna judge us, right? "He's my little brother, Rodney. He doesn't talk much though"

---- Rodney ----

Trish is trying so hard. I hate to see her embarrassing herself like this. 'Come on Rod, do something!' I started to scream to myself, but nothing happened, I just sat there looking at the floor while she introduced me.

I'm pathetic. Even when she sat down and held my hand in hers I still couldn't look at her in the eye. I'm such a coward.
The sound of wheels whirling through the hallways was usually how anyone knows that Parish is coming through and almost always comes Beau behind. "Slow the hell down!" Beau yelled while trying to jog after his twin. They, or Beau, were trying to find the classroom 34A and just as the sax player passes yet another empty room he hears the wheels of Parish's skateboard come skidding to a stop a few doors down and a triumphant 'ha!'

"Did you find it??" Parish throws his brother a nod and swings the door open never knowing how to make a quiet entry and by the time Beau can get there Parish has already caused damaged by hitting some guy with his skateboard. "Sorry, kid." Beau can hear Parish's voice. Sighing, he pushes into the room and frowns upon seeing some boy and girl standing a couple feet away and Parish apologizing once again then walking off. "I'm sorry, very sorry." He shows a worried expression to the guy his brother hit then walks to the middle of the room where his twin is standing or rather moving from side to side. He needed to get out or at least go skate around a bit more besides being stuck in this room right after class.

Genevieve was running late, so friggin' late! Huffing as she jogged from her last class and breaking into a sprint before reaching the second set of stairs. At least I'm not at the bottom story! She thinks preferring to stay optimistic about making it to this GSA thingy she had heard about. By the time she makes it to the top of the stairs she returns to jogging and looks from side to side as she goes. Luckily, the room isn't too far down and she is able to see the door just about to close before going in. Smiling as she sees everyone, Gen walks in but takes a moment to regain her composure and slow her heart back down.

Stormy leaned against the wall next to her locker with her phone against her ear. Holding it their with her shoulder while pulling lightly at the fabric that's nearly always covering her arms at school. After a moment, Stormy hears her aunt finally pick up the phone and with a sigh she explains that she'll be late coming home due to her wanting to check out this 'new history club'. Her aunt agrees excitedly but her niece hangs up before she can say so. This woman, I swear...

The soon to be graduate sighs deeply and shakes her head. Looking to the stairway and slowly tackling the two stories a bit at a time she doesn't worry over getting there on time.
Delaney walked into the room after apologizing to the girl. She made her way over to two empty seats. She then sat down, placing the diaper bag and book bag next to the chair as she crossed her legs. She absentmindedly smoothed out her skirt as she reached into her diaper bag and checked her pager. Her pager was the exception the school had with her. She wasn't allowed to carry around a phone, but she was allowed to carry around a pager in case of an emergency. Delaney then looked up from the piece of technology, noticing Theo make himself comfortable in the chair next to her.

"Oh god. Maybe i can find myself a boyfriend." Theo grinned from ear to ear, whispering into Delaney's ear. Delaney reached up and swatted him gently on the back of the head. "What? And force him into the closet with you?" She asked, pursing her lips. Theo just simply scoffed and stood up himself.

"Nice to meet you Amy, Trish. Rodney." Theo gave a small grin towards Rodney as well as a wink. It was all in playfully manner and he was probably going to do it with every guy in the room. He then paused for a moment as a few more people entered the room, particularly two twins. "Hot damn." Theo mumbled under his breath before re-entering himself back into reality. "Oh right. I'm Theo Wilbanks. I'm the school's, as well as the state's star quarter back. And i'm gay. You lovely group of people are the only one's who know this. And before you start asking questions, i do infact have a fake girlfriend because... i hate to admit this, but i'm scared of coming out of the closet." Theo went on and on about himself. While he gave his small intro Delaney got a message from her pager, causing it to ping loudly. While Theo ignored it, Delaney was sure she was causing an interruption to others. She quickly slid open the pager keyboard, reading the small message. After typing a quick reply of yes, Timmy and Sophie can go to the pool, she stood up herself. Theo backed off and sat down, looking up at the blonde girl.

"Hello. My name is Delaney Dawn Smith. You may call me DeeDee if you so wish. Um, im here in support of Theo and i'm straight. At least... I think i am. It's probably best to just say i'm questioning. Uh, I also have a one year old daughter." She gave out the last fact, pointing at the diaper bag before sitting down. She crossed her legs again as she waited for others to introduce themselves.

Paxton was watching everyone with curious eyes, as they all introduced themselves, and soon stood herself. This was pretty shocking considering she wasn't your typical social butterfly. "I'm Paxton," She began softly, with her eyes now trained to the floor. "I'm here with my best friend Gavin-" I gave a sloppy wave as she gestured to me . "- because he wanted me to try and make friends for once. I'm pansexual... which some people don't even believe is a real thing." After a few moments ofawkward silence, Paxton took her seat next to me again. I could tell she regretted that, but to make her feel better, I stood and made a complete fool out of myself.

"I am Gavin, probably the coolest kid you'll ever meet," I winked at a few people, a smirk on my face. "And sorry to burst your bubbles, but I'm straight. It must be a let down, I know." My best friend slapped my arm, scolding as I became a little too cocky. "But seriously, I'm here to support Pax 'cause she's my only friend and she deserves to be happy." It was lame, and cheesy, but who cares. As long as Pax didn't feel like a complete idiot anymore.


I was blushing by the time Gavin sat down, and scolding in his direction. This was so hard to do, and he had to make a joke out of it. I wanted to punch him, but instead I turned my attention to the people who had just walked in. Amy looked so pleased to have all these people joining our little "History Club".

Colorful group I must say. They look nice enough so I kept a friendly grin while they introduced themselves. I also kept giving Rod a couple of 'I told you so' glances hoping he would get comfortable around them. I almost couldn't hold my surprise when Theo introduced himself and said he's gay so easily, I totally didn't see that coming! That takes a lot of guts so I will definitely keep his secret safe. Glad he's got a good friend like Deedee to help him, she looks friendly as well. I turned around when I heard the door opening. Twins...nice! Too bad they must be gay, and a poor girl that looks like she just ran a marathon to get here. I smiled at them too.

I giggled a little when Gavin introduced himself, he's kinda funny, though it's obvious he got Paxton a little uncomfortable with his introduction. I never met any pansexual people before because just like Paxton said I used to believe it was all made up, but now I'm curious. I'll make sure to ask her more about it later. I'm having a good time, I just I could say the same about Rod.


It's getting crowded. Calm down Rod, Calm d... Did Theo Wilbanks just winked at me? Oh god, I can feel my cheeks heating up, I just waved awkwardly and turned to see the door, something that turned out to be a huge mistake since one of the hottest pair of twins I've ever seen just came in through it.

Okay, I get it, from now on I'm only going to look at the floor... No, scrap that, I need some air. I leaned a little on Trish's ear and whispered "I need to go to the bathroom" she looked at me with concern and mouthed 'Are you okay?' I just nodded in response and stood up as soon as Gavin sat down. I walked as fast as I could, hoping I wouldn't get to much attention, and left for the bathroom.
((Good to know that you guys fancy my twins~ I'm so excited but won't be back to my laptop for a few hours. Drivin' test, hell yea!))
ShadedRose said:
((Good to know that you guys fancy my twins~ I'm so excited but won't be back to my laptop for a few hours. Drivin' test, hell yea!))
((Yep! Good luck! I'm still stuck driving illegally ._.))
((I've passed just gotta drive around for a few more hours now. And that sucks you guys but hey if ya never get caught, why not? Heh. Sorry to you OC! That really sucks ;\))
I passed with a 97%!! I'm so so happy~

I'll be gettin my permit in a few days and then my license in about a month or two if things go the way it's planned

Parish hardly pays attention to what any of them are saying, his mind elsewhere as he stands looking at the back of Theo's head. Who the hell knew.. He scowls slightly never having liked any of the jocks for being so cruel to his brother. Looking over to see Beau sitting quietly in a desk a foot or so away, he frowns and goes over before sitting behind him and setting his board down not caring too much about the horrible noise it makes when slapping against the classroom floor. He watches as someone else stands, no longer interested in what the airhead was saying. Seeing the girl who pretends to date the idiot makes him roll his eyes. His ability to sit still running thin and as though his brother could feel so he turns a bit and gives a small smile. He better be damn happy after having me come to this thing... Sighing outwardly and standing from the desk just as some other girl stood, he looks her up and down and groans. All of these people were here for their sibling or some shit and it was kind of starting to annoy him that they were still on introductions. Like, he couldn't give a crap less even though Beau had asked him to be patient and keep him company. All a bunch of loons!

Beau could tell by his brother's face that he wasn't the slightest bit interested though as the girl named Trish gives her introduction and then Rodney gets up to leave he figures that now is better than never. Smiling friendlily to the gathered students as he gets up, he begins to speak while blocking Parish from getting past to leave. "Hi guys, I'm Beau and this is my twin Parish." He steps a bit to the side to gesture to the impatient skater lightly knocking his skateboard against his thigh in aggravation. "I'm gay and he's bisexual and before anyone asks the question, no...we are not attracted to one another." His eyes show his embarrassment and his cheeks turn a light pink before he shakes his head slightly. "Parish is here for me..it's good to be here." Ending his words and sitting, Parish pushes past with a quiet 'tch!' before heading for the exit.

Genevieve looks around the room and moves over as the guy who had just been introduced walks by. Her heart rate goes to normal within seconds and smiling as she sees Trish looking over she waves then looks around the room. So many people she had seen but never held a conversation with, her eyes go back to see the 'History Club' and laughs softly before walking across the room and finding an empty seat.

I frowned, watching one of the twins leave the room. Hopefully this club would work out. It wasn't meant to make people uncomfortable, just to be social...

When I checked the clock, I realized we wasted a lot of time just introducing ourselves. It was already almost 4:30 and that meant I would have to go home again. I hated going home, but at least I had Gavin to help me out. I don't know what I'm suppose to say when my parents ask where I had been all day.

"I'm Sorry this wasn't very intriguing..." Amy trailed off, a small frown on her face as she also watched one of the twins storm away. "I just thought you'd all like to get to know some people who understand your situation."

"Don't sweat it," Gavin reassured her, with a smile. "Some people are just dicks." I slapped him, and he just rolled his eyes at me.

"I just hope some of you will come back next week at the same time." And then it was 4:30, and Amy was giving us all smiles, and fliers with the times for every week we would meet up. She also mentioned where she sat at lunch, in case any of us wanted to join her. I was considering it, but she was the type of girl who hung around with everyone. She was friends with the jocks, the preps, the outcast, so who knew who would be sitting with her. I didn't want to risk getting bullied anymore than i already did.

Walking from the classroom, and examining the bright pink flier, I almost smacked into someone as I was rushing. Gavin snickered at my clumsiness, and I let out a trial of pointless apologies.
Beau looked genuinely upset but says nothing as Amy tries to apologize. He frowns as one of the guys, Gavin, calls his brother a dick and sighs. "I promise that he isn't always like this..he hasn't had much skating time is all..." In reality his brother was craving a good round of drinks and would probably get just that after returning home if he isn't already on his way. "I'm sorry." He mumbles again before reaching down and taking up his saxophone case while glancing up at the clock. He wasn't ready to return to their bar but as everyone else begins to file out, he follows and takes a flier with a grateful smile toward their club leader. "Bye, Amy." He tells her and makes his way out the door.

Out in the hall stands his brother impatiently tapping his foot while the other makes the board move forward and then backward. His annoyed expression changes into a childish grin which Beau takes as a good sign. He walks over and pauses showing his brother the flier before they start walking.

Gen had only just gotten there and she didn't want to leave just yet. Watching everyone stand up to make their leave, she stays in her seat while the rest move around. Her eyes flash about not really knowing what to do next. Their time in here had been much too short. Finally after some time thinking it over she stands and goes to Amy. After taking up a flier and goes for the door.
Theo sat and tapped on his phone and such as the other introduced themselves. He was caught a little off guard when Rodney stood up and left. Theo continued to watch the action going on when Parish, the other twin, also left. He wasn't sure you everyone was so on edge and such. Delaney sat and smiled at each person who spoke. She would even write down some fact about them that they mentioned so she could get to know them better. When 4:30 came around Delaney was a bit upset. She wasn;t sure why, but she just expected the club to be a bit more... inviting. However she didn't mind. Instead she stood up, along with Theo and head over to Amy.

"I had a great time Amy. Really. I'm not entirely sure how many of these i can make since im a little tight on money right now and i can't always afford to have the daycare watch Sophie a little longer. But i promise i'll try my hardest to make it to them all." Delaney explained, Grabbing a flyer and folding it up neatly , placing it in her diaper bag.

"Oh it's Fine Delaney!" Amy laughed, running a head through her hair as Theo patted the small girl's head once again. "I'll come every time Amy. Definitely if those twins are there. Great job finding them." Theo laughed out loud, joking as always, but slightly serious. With that Theo took Delaney by the arm and guided them out the door. Theo quickly spotted the twins and made his way over to them, dragging Delaney along.

"Hey Boys! You probably know me. Theo. It was nice to see you guys at the meeting today. I was thinking we should all hang out. All four of us. I know this great skate park across town. I heard you like skating Parish. That's pretty cool. But Delaney has this huge van, as soccer mom van as i like to call it, and we can all pile up in that and g-" Theo rambled on and on. However he was cut short by the smaller blonde girl hitting him in the back of the head.

"Theo! I have to pick up Sophie and Timmy. I can't take you guys to the skate park." She huffed, crossing her arms. She then rolled her eyes as Theo growled slightly. "Fine, the skate park is out of the question. And i guess you are too Delaney." He pouted slightly, licking his lips out of habit.


"Hey, I need to go by the uh... store? I'll see you at home?" I tried to ignore Paxton's sad look, as she knew where I was really heading. I couldn't help it. I had just smoked my last bowl and needed some more.

"Be home before dinner," Paxton snapped, pushing her way past me.

"Hey, don't be mad..." I shouted as she stormed away. A sigh escaped me, but I whipped out my cell phone and dialed Zain's number. It was a quick call, and we set up a place to meet. Behind the gas station across the street from the skatepark. That's where a lot of business went down since he worked there. Zain was a flunk out, so he didn't have any real future ahead of him. I set out to head in that direction, rushing past some of the boys from the meeting.


"Idiot," I muttered as I walked across the parking lot towards my car. "Can't he just stop already!" In my furry, I dropped my keys, and had to grab them off the scorching hot concrete.

"Are you taking to yourself?" I froze, not wanting to turn around. I knew that voice. That stupid voice that tormented Gavin and I for years. "Excuse me, I'm talking to you." He jabbed my shoulder with his fingers, and I turned to finally face him. Bruce.

"Uh-Uh-I" No words would escape me, and I felt myself want to cry. He was smirking, and I realized he was probably waiting for someone. Oh god. And I just happened to be the lone victim who wanted to avoid the crowd.

"Where's you're gay boyfriend?!" He inquired, peeking dramatically over my head in search for Gavin. "He leave you too?" My fist clenched, a little too hard around the car keys in my hand, but I said nothing. Not even when the steal started to bite into my hands.
Parish and Beau were just talking about what they were going to drink once to the bar when the loud mouth jock stepped out of the room and in Parish's mind unfortunately spotted them. Beau, being much friendlier, looks over first and smiles slightly at the two walking over. He looks at Theo and listens while Parish stops a moment later to turn and face the jock. His eyes went from 'fuck off' to 'sparkly princess' mode. Everything about him seems to change at the mention of a new place to skate around. "What? We could?" He seems to get a bit carried away though Delaney snaps both him and the football player out of it. "Look, that's fine..now if you guys are interested in a drink or two stop by Ace's Tavern, I promise that it's way cooler than the name." Throwing then a sort of peace symbol, Parish leaves Beau behind to look from them both. "You two are welcome to drop by, it isn't a bad place and child friendly." He reassures looking to Delaney and then to Theo. "It was nice to meet you both as well! I hope you guys can come by!" He notices Theo's habit and nearly blushes but turns before it's made possible and jogs after Parish who could be heard skating down the hall in need of desperate need of a drink.


The commotion caught her attention and a small frown developed only her face. Something unsettling was about to happen. Her eyes searched around the parking lot before spotting the one person she absolutely couldn't stand and another girl she had hardly even noticed. "Yo, douchebag." Stormy walks calmly toward the guy tormenting some girl. Her jacket thrown over her shoulder and tattoos showing in the sunlight. Her eyes are level and once closer, she stops. "Get a life, slacker." She stares at the boy only a few feet from herself and only a mere couple inches from the girl he was taunting.

((OOc You can also control the neutral characters, @ShadedRose ))


My mouth dropped open as the girl I'd never seen before told off Bruce. She looked bad ass, and slightly intimidating. My back was pressed against my car, when Bruce turned to her, practically snarling. "No one was talking to you, freak." I covered my mouth, gasping, and trying to inch farther away from the two. Instead, I just set the alarm off on my car.

"Crap!" I cursed, fumbling with my keys again, trying to switch off the alarm. Bruce threw his hands in the air, and laughed at me.

"Later, Losers." He gave us the finger as he walked towards his shitty truck. I finally was able to press the little button on my car keys.

"I'm so-so-sooooo sorry!" I exclaimed to the girl, whipping around to face her. "He's a jerk and-and-and he just-" I was rambling and didn't know how to finish that sentence so I just shut up.
((OOC ohhh, I forgot all about the neutral peeps, thanks for the reminder!))

Freak? What are we, middle schoolers? Stormy shook her head no longer wearing her frown and smiles a half smile at the girl fumbling with her keys. "Quite a show, yea? Anyway, you should get someone to walk with you if that guy's always houndin' ya like that." She had a problem with bullying even though she too could play the same game without noticing much. "You alright?" Her icy eyes floated to meet with Paxton's.

As she stood there the thought occurs to her that she never had made it to the GSA club and therefor has no proof of it even being real. A sigh escapes her slightly parted lips and looking back at the girl she frowns. "You don't happen to know about the GSA club, huh?"

((Alright, I'm gonna time skip to the next day, so we can start where they're all in class and stuff together. We can give everyone a chance to reply after that.))


"Actually, they just let out," I explained, giving her a small smile. "Were you going to join?" She was very different, and I was digging the tattoos. Of course I didn't say anything, and instead only gave her a sheepish smile.

"I was just... heading home," I told her, gesturing to my car. "Maybe I'll see you tomorrow?" I doubted she would want to speak to me again because she could hang out with much better people than some basket case like me.
((Sorry! I had to leave early, I tried replying but then I realized I skipped several replies and had to delete everything T-T So, it's the next day now?))

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