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Come What May: Edge of the Empire

"Well one of us needs to" He replied, hand linking with hers.

And so they slept, possibly for the first time in months without trouble surrounding them, and when he woke he smiled, content in the first few minutes of the day. Work called however, and he looked at the surprisingly well organised training schedule the rebels had planned for the day.
Her eyes had fluttered closed and she had fallen asleep rested against his chest, fingers laced through his. It made a nice change to be somewhere at least vaguely safe, 

She woke shortly before Pash but decided to stay in his warm embrace until he too awoke. When she felt him beginning to stir she sat up readjusting her headband. "Morning." She said quietly, dangling her legs off the edge of the bed. She pulled her cloak out from under him, they had fallen asleep on it and creased it. 
Pash murmured a reply, his thoughts on planning. Always planning, the day, the week, the month. He looked up, noticing the look of annoyance on the little Twi'lek's face as she inspected her cloak. He sent messages, and soon their belongings had been brought from the ship, weapons and all. He slipped on his armour. Possibly the most important thing he owned, it had accumulated a lot of scars and replacement parts over the years. The black sheen remained, but he had taken the time to have a line in violet marked down the right side.

"So today I am going to relearn to shoot" he announced
She stood up to shake the folds from the fabric, placing it down before pulling clean clothes from hastily packed bags that had been brought to their room some time in the previous day. She didn't much like the idea of someone else handling their effects but the bag was seemingly untouched so she let it rest. With her back to him she changed from the dark turtleneck in to a corset style top. Changing quickly to hide the imperial brand that scared over her right hip, he had of course seen it many times before but it made her no less ashamed of it. 

She looked over her shoulder at him as he announced his plans for the day. It wasn't a bad idea, her own gunmanship could use work. 

"Mind if I join you?" He had taught her before and she appreciated his help above all others. 
"Not at all, although I think a fight like yesterday could cause a little more damage" he chuckled as he slipped his sidearm into his holster He offered his hand to her
"Perhaps a different target for today then." She suggested with a smirk, checking her own pistol before slipping it away. She took the offered hand stepping to his side. 
They walked through the corridors, passing a huge repair bay. X wings lined a small hanger just waiting to be flown into combat.

"you know, after all this rebellion thing is over, do you want to get one of these?" He asked as they looked before moving on.

Next was a ring, in which multiples of rebels would square off, sometimes fighting several people at once.

Lastly, having gone outside, a small group in one corner planted explosives against a building while others slowly lined up a group of blasters, light and heavy

"Here we are my dear" Pash muttered, giving Ardana's hand a squeeze "and just in time to start"
The X wings always made her smile, she had always secretly dreamed of flying one but had never acted on that dream. She may have accepted the rebellion but she wasn't about to dive headfirst into it just for a chance to fly one of the impressive starfighters. No she was happy doing what they did, if the job happened to aid the rebels that was a bonus. 

"I'm sure they will be selling them off for scrap soon enough." She said with a smirk. It was a well organised base, people working hard to perfect their skills no matter what those might be. She could imagine that Pash would fit in well here, if she wasn't here for him to worry about. 

She eyed the group but determined to practice she didn't allow the strangers to bother her. She looked up at him as he squeezed her hand, smiling softly. 

"Ready when you are." 

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