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Fandom Come Aboard!- Character Sheet


Stitches and Patchwork

The Cheese Knees
Basic Information



(What sort of title does your character have? For example Luffy is referred to as “Straw Hat” Luffy and Nami is referred to as “Cat Burglar” Nami)

(Feel free to put pronouns)

(Seeing as we’re starting at pre timeskip, just provide their age before the timeskip)

(Your character can be any sort of species, even fanmade. Just be sure to put an explanation if it is fanmade)


Role on the Ship

(What sort of role does your character serve on the ship? Feel free to provide details on what the role entails)


Home Island

(Where does your character come from? If you want the characters to go there at some point during the rp, feel free to provide information about it)

Appearance Information



Hair Color

(Optional especially if you have an image of the character to provide)

Hair Style
(Optional especially if you have an image of the character to provide)

Eye Color
(Optional especially if you have any image of the character to provide)

Extra Features
(Optional. Just provide any features you think would make the character recognizable to others. Feel free to include scars, markings, descriptions of their physique, etc.)


Personality Traits/Summary
(Describe the character’s personality in whatever way is easier for you)




(Does your character have any motivation fueling their desire to travel with the Strawhats? For example, Sanji’s dream to find the All Blue and Robin’s dream to uncover the true history of the world)




Primary Weapon
(How does your character fight if at all? Do they specialize in a weapon)

Devil Fruit
(Only if your character has a devil fruit. If so, just give a brief overview of its abilities)

Other Abilities
(Optional. Just any other skills your character has that they can use to defend themselves or other situations.


Love Interest
(Just put the name here and any ideas for their dynamic if you have any)

Plot Points You Want to Happen
(Optional. Just a place for you to put any ideas that you have for the character that you’d love to include in the roleplay)

Miscellaneous Information
(Optional. If there’s any extra facts you wanna share about your OC, feel free to share them here)​


The Fox Incarnat

Nonbinary - They/Them




Role on the Ship

February 17th

Home Island
A small island on the East Blue, Motagvert


Appearance Information


122 lbs

Hair Color

Hair Style
Scruffy, Layered, and falls to the shoulders

Eye Color

Extra Features
Black fox ears with pink, flamelike tufts, and a varying number of pink fox tails (usually just one, but sometimes there are multiple)



Personality Traits/Summary
A typically very guarded and flakey person who believes everyone is out to get them. Flighty and often nervous or pessimistic. They tend to bite at the hand that feeds them. Lonely and desires friendship and companionship, but they have convinced themself that this is impossible. Unsure who they are or what they are or how to be a human and not doing great at figuring it out. While they tend to be a distrusting person, if they become closer with you or feel you have nothing to hide, it will become clear that Enoli is a curious, passionate, and whimsical creature. They cannot help but cause mischief, and can be a little bit snarky.

Eggs + Chickens
Sailing + Boats
Hurdy Gurdys + Playing Music
Savory Flavors

Small Spaces
Devil Fruits
Medical/Hospital Enviornments
Being Restrained

No real dream other than to find a new family. They have a secret dream, but refuse to share it on account of it being 'totally impossible'

Grew up in a very secretive, secure marine base, where they were given their devil fruit at a young age and extensively trained in combat, stealth, and how to use their devil fruit. They ran away from the base as a teenager and have been desperately trying to escape the clutches of the marines ever since. They were forced onto a crew known as the Cursed Mask Pirates for a year or two, but the ship exploded and every member except for them was killed- and according to Marine Reports, Enoli is the culprit of it all. There's clearly something going on with them, but they're very very cagey, and respond to questions with hostility.



Primary Weapon
Mostly hand to hand combat. Sharp claws and sharp teeth are an advantage. Occasionally uses throwing knives for distance

Devil Fruit
Inu Inu no mi: Model, Kyubi no Kitsune
(or the Kitsune Devil Fruit)
This is a rare type of Zoan that allows the user to go through typical Zoan Transformations into a Nine Tailed Fox. It also grants a secondary ability to take the appearance of anyone the user has seen, including the clothing. Enoli uses these abilities in battle often and uses the shapeshifting for trickery and infiltration. They do not like to talk about their devil fruit.

Other Abilities
A knack for lying and detecting lies. Very good at memorizing faces, names, and behaviors, which they use to impersonate people.



Love Interest
Monkey D. Luffy
In terms of dynamics, I can imagine them being kind of like sun and moon .. in which Luffy's personality eases some of Enoli's tension and they find comfort in him, while also being someone who is more jaded and pessimistic to ground luffy... dunno.. would love to see how that develops. I can definitely see them having a sort of rivals to friends to lovers sort of arc, in which Enoli is incredibly evasive and sort of patronizes or instigates Luffy a lot, refusing to join his crew for quite some time.

Plot Points You Want to Happen
-> I can imagine Enoli being sort of hostile to the strawhats at first. Considering they were actively trying to steal from the crew and all, and tend to cause problems with the nature of their devil fruit. They'll refuse to join the crew for quite some time, and only really stay on the ship under the guise of looking for a safe island to stay on... but that opportunity doesn't really come up throughout each island they visit. Enoli gets dragged along with the crew and is dubbed an unofficial strawhat, despite their protests. Will have to see how things develop from there.

Miscellaneous Information
More information and images of enoli found here
they also have a spotify playlist!
they have a lot of animalistic responses and traits, likely spurred on by their devil fruit. when in fight or flight, they tend to act fearful, flighty, and even more animalistic and instictual. prone to lashing out when feeling even slightly threatened
it's not typical for zoan users to have their zoan features on display, but for some reason enoli always has their fox ears and tail out. even when they express that they dont like it, or it causes them problems... they never put them away. weird.
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Basic Information

Lyra Alba

Battle Valkyrie



Siren (White Swan Subspecies)
Inspired by sirens from Greek myth and swan maidens, sirens are a species of shapeshifters that, through the use of a feathered shawl, can morph between a humanoid form that is nearly identical to a human save for a few features and a winged form with their arms being replaced with wings (with each siren having wings based off of a specific bird) as their hands and feet become claws and talons respectively. They are also known to have slightly enhanced hearing resolution (allowing them to distinguish various sounds and voices from each other easier) and vision (making them quite skilled observers), voice mimicry (able to mimic any voice or sound they know well with the imitations sounding more natural the more familiar they are with the noise), and instinctively releasing sonic screams when they feel threatened (basically their own form of a fight or flight instinct as they only can do this when their shawl or something similarly as dear to them is in danger of being taken or worse. it’s a last resort to defend these things due to expending much energy with more then two subsequent screeches causing a siren to collapse from overexertion).

However, it is also known that by taking a siren's shawl, you obtain the ability to control them physically, able to have them obey any command that only manipulates their body as long as they hear you and you keep your grasp on the shawl (if you let go, the commands immediately wear off).

Due to this and the resistance to the cold their shawls were known to provide as well as their beauty, sirens were frequently poached by pirates, relying on the WG for safety. however, when the world nobles expressed interest in having sirens and shawls of their own, the marines turned on them as well with the WG framing them as malicious sailor eaters as they resisted the poaching with one killing the Celestial Dragon who owned them when trying to get back their shawl. These rumors paired with this incident and others encouraged the wiping out of sirens from the oceans. right now, they appear to be extinct with only rumors of siren slaves and isolated tribes being able to be found in the New World.


Role on the Ship
Carries and updates the Logbook

April 22

Home Island
Lunares Isle

Appearance Information

178 cm/5’8

123 lbs

Extra Features
•Has athletic but slightly malnourished physique due to prior training and life on the run

•Has dashed of freckles all over her body

•When Lyra gets her shawl, she will usually be wearing it over or under her clothing

•Deep dark circles due to how little sleep she has been getting since her kidnapping

•Light scars all over her body (due to training and further battles)

•Claw marks around her neck (from the torture she endured with the nightshade pirates)

•Pointed ears (due to sirenic heritage)

•Sharper teeth (due to sirenic heritage)

•Short sharp nails (due to sirenic heritage)

•Generally smaller pupils (because I am a sucker for that sort of character design)


Personality Traits/Summary
shy/socially inept, skittish, kind, tends to stumble over words so tends to prefer relying on actions to speak for her, sensitive and openly emotional but struggles to properly understand and handle her own emotions healthily due to upbringing, caring/desires to be helpful, hardworking, constantly seeking self-improvement, observant, relatively empathetic, curious, passionate, enjoys seeing the good in everything but herself, deeply insecure, tends to compare herself to those she admires and proceeds to try and become both more similar to them and be of use to them in whatever way she can, is wary of any abilities or emotions she has that could be dangerous to those around her, gets clumsy when stressed or panicked, just failgirl energy

tangy and sour foods (fruits especially), the outdoors (especially the sea and night sky), animals (except for crabs and lobsters), exploring and learning new things, and receiving compliments (guilty pleasure)

bitter foods (especially coffee), very busy crowds (it gets overwhelming), people controlling or enslaving others for their advantage, being the center of attention especially around strangers, and being useless or unable to help

To chronicle the Strawhats’ journey and share it to the world, hopefully inspiring others to chase their dreams as well
She only realizes this upon deciding to join the Strawhats.

lyra is a siren, having been born while her mother was in the run from poachers and the world government. Eventually though, when Lyra was just a baby, her mother got fatally wounded and hid out in a cove on a small uninhabited island near the lunares isle, an once thriving marketplace, shelter for all who are lost, and one of the only sources of seastone found outside of the grand line that had been reduced to a ravaged shell of itself by frequent pirate attacks that had only just begun slowly recovering. seeing as they were nearest marine force, the sisters of the marines, a marine branch made up of only women either from the isle or came for shelter that was established on the isle dedicated to the protection of the isle with each member swearing off any personal relationships and devoting themselves wholeheartedly to the greater good of the community, were sent to hunt lyra's mother down, believing her to be a danger. however, when mother ophelia, their founder and leader, arrived, lyra's mother was already dying due to her injuries and used her last words to be ophelia to protect her child.

against the murder of an innocent child, mother ophelia alba was presented with an ultimatum by the world government: kill the child or train her as a member of the marines, believing her sirenic abilities could be useful if controlled by the marines. reluctantly, mother ophelia chose the latter, unofficially taking in lyra as her own daughter and raising her on the isle under careful watch of the sisters. lyra had a relatively positive childhood despite the grim circumstances with ophelia being a kind and wise mentor and the sisters, despite having their reservations, growing to accept and cherish lyra as another habitant of the isle. all while lyra grew up admiring the sisters of the marines, devoting herself to becoming one and believing she could accomplish any dreams of seeing the world as it was really the only option available to her, becoming almost unhealthily fixated on the idea especially as she struggled with anger issues growing up which led to her being demonized by the people, especially other children, frequently. She… she wanted to be good. And becoming a Sister seemed to be the only way she could show that.

however, as lyra grew up, cracks begun to form. despite displaying much battle prowess expected of a sister, the sisters of the marines including mother ophelia were hesitant to make lyra a sister due her inexperience. she is naive to the corruption in the world and the traumas that drove all the women to become sisters of the marines. not a dream to become one but a determination to ensure no one would have to go through what they had to. to become a sister was to be scarred by the world so you are determined to provide it the greater good and no one had the heart to traumatize lyra. but no one could communicate this to lyra. yet lyra noticed their hesitations and saw it as she was doing something wrong on her part. even when ophelia attempted to approach her, lyra was too fixated on this idea of becoming a sister, forming a rift between the two as ophelia became colder and more focused on her duties ad lyra became fixated on proving herself to her, unable to see where her worries are coming from.

that was when the sisters confiscated a devil fruit from a shady merchant attempting to pass through in the isle with ophelia locking it away, forbidding anyone to eat it as in the wrong hands, even the best corruptions can become twisted and warped by its power as she learn from her own experiences as a marine cadet. however, the buyers, the nightshade pirates led by captain foxglove, were quick to discover this incident and proceeded to attack the isle. despite lyra's assurances that she was prepared for battle, mother ophelia had lyra remain on the isle to help lead habitants to shelter while the majority of the sisters went to go attack the ship, only for lyra to discover foxglove and some members of the crew were already on the isle, using the ship as a distraction while they stormed the headquarters and stole back the df. lyra attempted to stop them only to be swiftly overwhelmed and defeated, locking herself in a room in the headquarters in an attempt to escape death. only for it to be the room that the df was hidden in. refusing to allow the pirates close on her trail to find and get it, lyra ate it. the nightshade pirates found her shortly after and, with the Sisters having overwhelmed their forces on the ship and now returning to stop them, were forced to escape but not before taking lyra as their hostage.

lyra proceeded to be tortured and forced to serve as a cabin girl on their ship due to her shawl being stolen away which allowed foxglove to bend Lyra to her will. thus, over the days, her will and confidence were broken, leaving behind shame and regret as she believed she had failed at properly serving as a sister. however, a close call where Foxglove discovered Lyra’s ruse and ordered her to walk off the ship as punishment, seeing as she had no use to her, led to her narrowly escaping with her df abilities as she was forced to use them for the first time. Nonetheless, she escaped the Nightshade Pirates at the cost of leaving her shawl behind, as now she has been stowing away in various pirate ships, desperate to get home even though she worries that she won't be accepted back home due to her failures.


Primary Weapon
specifically often prefers to wield a large battleaxe. her main weapon resembles beta Nami’s axe. That said she is generally skilled in hand-to-hand combat due to training with the Sisters of the Marines and is slowly learning how to utilize her devil fruit abilities

Devil Fruit
Inku-Inku No Mi (Ink Ink Fruit)
A paramecia that allows the user to turn into, generate, and manipulate ink whether it be generated by the user or they come in contact with the ink through touch. through this manipulation of ink, the user can create lifelike constructs by pulling ink drawn creations into reality with these constructs being water resistant. However, to remain solid, they rely on the user’s concentration and ability to confidently and fully envision the construct while also either being wielded by the user or in their line of sight . However, all these constructs can be captured by paper.



Love Interest
Black Leg Sanji
In terms of dynamics, the two would be opposites attract. The pathetic flirt and the shy failgirl. A balloon and anchor. One grounds the other from getting too carried away by her perfectionism and the other tries to bring the other out of the depths of his insecurities that he is not worth any kindness or goodness. Definitely a slow burn though as both have a lot to work through and I am excited to see how that develops.

Plot Points You Want to Happen
•Lyra joining the crew while on the run, serving on the crew in return for passage to the Lunares Isle.

•An arc involving the crew getting to Lunares Isle. I have quite a few ideas for how this could go but tldr- they fight Foxglove at some point to help the isle and get back to Lyra’s shawl and while the isle celebrates, Lyra decides she wants to officially join the crew instead of becoming a Sister of the Marines.

•Lyra discovering she can emit sirenic screeches and possibly having a mental spiral or at least, deeper insecurities, because of it because she was already insecure about being a siren but now discovering she has an ability she has little control and understanding over that can hurt the crew if they are close enough to her… it terrifies Lyra.

Miscellaneous Information
•Her hobbies include writing, sketching/doodling, training, stargazing, reading fairy tales, myths, legends, and anything of the sort

•Lyra has a large appetite, one that rivals Luffy’s. while she does not go on rampages or steal food like Luffy, she can be violently protective over her food

•Cannot cook to save her life

•Having been made to almost suffocate to death by foxglove once, Lyra has scars on her neck from clawing at it. Due to her memories, she often does not react well when anyone touches her neck

•Cannot cook to save her life

•Her favorite food is anything with chili-lime seasoning

•Bites into limes and lemons without flinching

•Aware of all her abilities save for the sonic screams which she is planned to discover during Water Seven but this is open to change based on the rp

•Lyra is afraid of using her df abilities initially, not believing herself to be strong enough to wield them without becoming corrupted. at same time however, her insecurities and shame have led her to believe that preventing it from the df from entering circulation once more is the only reason it is fine that she is still alive

•When she gets stressed, she tends to secrete ink from her hands (similar to sweaty palms). the more nervous she gets, the more ink she secretes, sometimes secreting it from different places like her forehead and such.

•Lyra is a clumsy individual especially when she gets stressed or just distracted by her own thoughts. She doesn’t fall over herself during battles due to her often being solely focused on the battle but outside when her mind has the chance to wander, this girl will trip off the boat

•When Lyra is traveling to Lunares, her clothing is made up of garments she stole from other ship’s laundry. Specifically an oversized brown coat, a white blouse covered with hand shaped ink stains from moments of stress, dark green baggy pants that have similar stains on them, worn black boots, a mint scarf that covers the lower part of face, and a dark brown wide brimmed hat that covers the top half. This can give her an androgynous appear and generally is just meant to hide her face out of fear of being recognized by the Nightshade Pirates and shame.

•She has claustrophobia and just a general fear of being forced to do things against her will

•In terms of voice, Lyra would be voiced by Chihiro Ishiguro in Japanese and Erica Lindbeck in English​
Basic Information

Rebecca “Bec” Esposito

Striped Dragon





Role on the Ship
Pastry Chef


Home Island
Hobby Islands, Grand line. A group of islands dedicated to the arts. There is a circle of islands dedicated to the arts, music, textiles, dance, and a culinary island in the center

Appearance Information



Hair Color
Black and White

Hair Style
Wolf Cut

Eye Color
Olive Green

Extra Features
Tattoos: Orange with blossoms and bee on left thigh. Pomegranate branch on back. Olive branches on hips and back.


Personality Traits/Summary
Guarded. Cold. Demanding. Calm.

Once she’s comfortable:
Joking. Inquisitive. Cherry. Combustive. Bossy. Observative. Anxious. Hard working. Smart. Tired (She suffers from chronic lack of sleep due to PTSD).

Music (Punk/Rock/Metal). Recipe development and researching. Reading. Sugar Sculpting. Sun Bathing. In-depth conversation. Dancing.

Rain or water in general. Redundant questions. Sour foods. Submarines. Interruptions.

Protect the people she loves


Bec was born into a family of chefs on the Hobby Islands. Despite the adorable name of the islands, they held great cultural significance for the entire East Blue. A monument to human history as art in all its forms (dance, music, painting, culinary) has been preserved there for centuries and, with pirates on the rise, was under constant threat.
Her mother, Gwendolyn, was a marine. Tasked with watching over the islands and making sure they stayed safe. Her father, Dante, was a native to the islands and was regarded as an influential force because of his family’s lineage and history on the island as a figure head of sorts. It was a match made in heaven. Gwendolyn was protecting the Islands Dante loved so much and Dante could tell Gwendolyn whatever she wanted to know. They soon had a little girl and Gwendolyn retired from the marines early to raise her.
When Bec was around the age of 3 she ate the sugar-sugar fruit. What was once just some cut up mango placed in front of her transformed and before they knew it the pair had a bag of sugar on their hands. However, Gwendolyn took this as a sign and began raising Bec on how to fight since before she could even remember. Her once caring and considerate mother became nothing more than her drill instructor. Even despite Bec’s protests of not wanting to be a fighter, her mother saw her as nothing more than an asset the island could use to defend itself. Such training turned Bec into a husk of herself.
Bec’s father and the kitchen was the only salvation she had in life. While her mother was teaching her how to take a life, Dante was teaching her how to make life better for everyone. He taught her how to talk to people, not bark orders. How to make something instead of destroy. The chefs in his restaurants became the closest thing to a functional family she ever had. Real family that she could depend on. Though it pained him to see his daughter as nothing more than a weapon of war, only occasionally seeking refuge in his kitchen when she wasn’t training, he knew he had no chance of standing up against her mother. The only way out was escaping.
When she was the age of 13 her father had bought a submarine so that they and the restaurant her father lead could escape undetected one day. Bec was over joyed at the thought of sailing away and leaving her worries behind. Of going towards of future with greener pastures and a world where she could create all the time. Bec went to the pier where her father had promised to meet her and saw nothing but scrap metal and the blue water now turned a sickening shade of red. Gwendolyn had caught on. She had no evidence, but this was too tragic of timing to be an accident. Well, whatever the circumstance, Bec came to the realization that she would never leave. That she would sooner die fulfilling her mother’s purpose instead of living out her own life. That is, of course, until she meets the Straw Hat crew and they succeed in stealing her away.


Primary Weapon

Devil Fruit
Sugar-Sugar Fruit (Logia)
The ability to control and become sugar as well as controlling what temperature the sugar is.

Other Abilities
Can wield a spear but is most proficient with devil fruit ability.


Love Interest
Franky. Bec sees herself as being cowardly despite the fact that she is strong and resents herself for it and sees Franky as being much more confident than herself. Franky, despite his confidence, is nervous to tell her how he feels because he doesn't want to come on too strong to her. This however doesn't stop him from being flirtatious.

Plot Points You Want to Happen

Miscellaneous Information

She cannot cry. She blames it on the sugar in her body absorbing all the water she has but it’s most likely a psychological block she doesn't wanna and it to.

Being made out of sugar, she can live off the food supply her body has for a few days in case of emergency. She can also use this quirk to stay up for multiple days but it isn’t without its flaws. If she goes too long without sleep, she becomes over agitated easily and more explosive than usual.

If she gets over stressed or aggravated, she’ll turn into bubbling sugar and become a pile of sugar on the floor before quickly reforming herself.

She is on a personal mission to get Zoro to like one of the desserts she makes but it’s hard to convince someone who doesn’t like desserts.

Thanks to her chef knowledge, she is able to make full use of her ability by controlling the exact temperature of the sugar to do what she wants to do.
Amiara "Mia" Eterna
Epithet: Dawning Dusk (In reference to her swords, Dusk and Dawn)


Dual Swordsman

Age: 20

Human Female

Sexuality: Bi
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 100
Birthday: 5/4
Home Island: A small, out of the way place called Trina Island

Devil Fruit: Store-Store Fruit
Let's her store basically anything, aside from living beings, inside a pocket of space. This space is inside her body, and she can pull things out from anywhere on her body.
There are limits to this: She can't store anything that would be considered an attack, and she can't store something moving at extreme speeds. She also cannot store anything larger than herself, but she can store a mind boggling amount. She can store enough parts to build a ship, but not an entire ship itself.


Dual Swords:
Has trained in using two swords most of her life; having bested every swordsman she's met so far, she now aims for the Grand Blue.

Unique style:
While she uses two swords, she has a unique way of wielding them. Rather than both blades pointing forward, towards her opponent, she keeps one blade in a reverse grip style. She can freely switch between her left hand using a reverse grip, or her right hand doing so during battle; add this to her devil fruit power, and keeping her opponents on their toes is simple. They have to not only watch for which hand is using which grip, but whether or not she is going to suddenly pull one of her swords out from the heel of her foot.

Blacksmith Apprentice:
Having grown up with a blacksmith for a father, Ethel naturally learned a thing or two whenever he wasn't training her sword skills. While she can't repair a ship by herself, it wouldn't be hard for her to work on some of the metal parts, or even craft the nails and tools needed to fix it. Of course, this brings in all aspects of blacksmithing, meaning he can help keep weapons clean and functioning, though not on the level of a proper weapons smith.
Overall, she's a jack of all trades, master of none when it comes to working with metal.

Crew Role:
Secondary/Assistant Shipwright
Frontline in any fight
Also used as storage. Literally.


Mia is pretty much a Tomboy; This is partially her mother's fault - her mother was the same at her age and didn't change too much even after getting married - and partially stemming from learning blacksmithing from her father.
Mia is mostly a straight forward person; that is until it comes to her feelings, upon which she becomes shy and tends to dodge the subject.
Mia can be a bit too straight forward at times; she doesn't usually sugar coat things, even when she probably should. Despite this, she always means well.
In contrast to her straight forwardness, Mia loves a good prank or joke; people who know her well know that if she's walking around snickering, someone is about to be the victim of a prank.
Mia loves to joke around about her devil fruit, and in fact, uses it to prank people all the time. In reality, she does feel like her power is taken for granted sometimes.
Mia will go through hell and back to save a friend.

Anything to do with swords.
Working with metal.
Sweets and Flowers (She'd never openly admit to the second)
Enjoys a good book, despite appearances
History - more of a recent fascination since she set out on her own

Cooking: Only because she's terrible at it, like her mother
Frilly clothes
Long speeches
Chocolate - Prefers Fruity sweets

Ethel grew up under a father who wielded the hammer, and a mother who wielded the sword. Having such a family, Ethel had two choices to make while growing up: Learn the sword, or learn how to hammer metal into shape. She made her choice quite early on, having been fascinated by her mother as she practiced, seeming as if she was dancing in her eyes. Her father was obviously slightly disappointed but brightened when Ethel said she also wanted to learn some blacksmithing, enough that she could keep whatever swords she had clean and in good condition.

One year, in her late teens, the the town she lived in came under attack by pirates, only to be saved by a completely separate crew of pirates. Apparently her mother had once been a renowned swordswoman, and pirates from all over had been looking for her to either force her into their crew, or to pay her to join them. This happened several times over the next few years, until an extremely powerful group of pirates "took over" the town, declaring it their territory before heading off again, never even bothering to do more than attempt to persuade his mother to join them. After she declined, they left. The flag they left buried on a nearby hill kept anymore pirates from coming near the town ever again.

Ethel turned 19, and she finally managed to convinced her parents to let her go out on her own. They both knew they could hold her at home no longer and her mother gave her a parting gift of two swords. They were the swords she herself used to use in her prime, and now they were hers.

Not 3 months after leaving, Ethel came across a crew of pirates. They saw her swords and wanted them. After fighting them off, she noticed one of them had dropped a weird fruit as they were running away. She ate it without thinking, as she was kind of hungry after fighting off so many people. The next 4 months were spent realizing what that fruit was and how to utilize it's powers. The next 2 were spent looking for work.

Amiara's Dream
Ethel's dream is one that never ends; to explore the world and hone her skills. Currently, she's living this dream, but honing one's skills is a never ending journey.


Love Interest: Robin

Plot points: Not exactly a "plot point" per se, but gotta have a friendly rivalry going on between Mia and Zoro, right? More friendly than Zoro and Sanji's back and forth in the anime.
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Basic Information
Kurt Shubart
Scarlet Kamaitachi / Berri Leech [by other merchants]




Role on the Ship

March 28th
Home Island
Arabasta, Paradise part of the grand line.

Appearance Information

180lbs / 82 kg
Eye Color
Pale Blue

Extra Features
Beam shaped burn scar on his back, and a three pronged stab wound scar on his torso near his liver.
On his chest a heart that has musical notes wrapped around it.
A small red weasel on one shoulder and a kama on the other shoulder.


Personality Traits/Summary
One could say that Kurt has three faces when it comes to his personality.
When engaged in merchant behaviour Kurt turns charming, persuasive, shrewd, calculating but at the same time honest and ethical.
During a fight Kurt becomes scheming, cunning, cold ,sometimes even ruthless or borderline vicious if the necessity arises.
But generally he is patient, observant, intelligent, caring and resourceful to his friends, and he is especially compassionate to children because of his time being raised in an orphanage and having to take care of younger kids.

A good book to read, along with some nice music.
Kurt enjoys cooking or rather the feeling that his work is appreciated.
Standing in the rain, he did live in a place where rain was a rarity so he gets his fill in adult life.
Night sky and the stars are a marvel to his eyes.
A nice good swim.
Money duh

Devil fruits, he likes swimming and not feeling weak too much to ever consider eating one.
Sour fruits, he had enough of them in his younger life.
Not being useful to those he cares about.
Long speeches/lectures especially about history.

Kurt in fact holds a couple of big goals, dreams one could say, but primary ones are.
1. Become one of the richest people, so he can make sure that no orphan has to do what he did to survive.
3. Find someone worth settling down with, maybe start a family once all of this is over.
4. Create a vast network so anyone can get anything from somewhere for the right price.

Kurt born in some place, he honestly doesn't know or doesn't care to remember, all he remembers is following a single man for most of his life. The man Kurt called father travelled through various kingdoms and islands doing the dirty deeds of the wealthy, while training Kurt at night with the very same weapons he used to do the deeds, often not even caring to clean them properly. Those early years weren't the prettiest but they taught him how to survive, and appreciate money in any form that it was gained. When he was around 14 his father figure left him at an orphanage while wandering off swaying from side to side, he probably died, considering he has been coughing blood for a few weeks before this day...

Time passed at the orphanage, Kurt being the defacto oldest kid in it meant he had to take care of the kids while the stuff was running around getting stuff from town, some donations, sometimes from begging sometimes not. Taking care of 40 something kids by himself was a nightmare at first, but as time passed it grew easier, the kids listened more though he was a kid himself. At some point a few of the kids started helping him take care of the younger ones leaving him with more free time, which he used to further his training in both the fighting arts he knew aswell as the merchant ways of his, though he rarely trained with the kusarigama as he did not want to scare or worse injure the kids, so he kept them hidden only taking them out In the dead of night and keeping himself from rusting his own skills. Finally when Kurt turned 19 he took what money he had saved up from doing small peddling and tasks around the town, left some presents for the kids and he ventured off into the world circling around the paradise part of the grand line in a few merchant convoy ships, slowly making a name of a Berri Leech for himself, honestly it was a dumb epithet that many merchants were calling him, sure he was sucking them try off their goods and Berri's whenever he traded with them but he was always fair about it. Though he wished to visit a vaster waters of the world, so he joined a merry crew of pirates as that was one way to achieve that, though he would often leave ahead of them to take care of lodging supplies and such, with him currently waiting for the crew to arrive at their next destination.


Primary Weapon
Twin Kusarigama

The weapons once used by Kurts father figure passed down to him as he finished his training under him. Though Kurt prefers not to use them unless absolutely necessary after all, the techniques he was taught and honed himself in were very lethal, which leads to him struggling during a fight but for a different reason than most.

Other Abilities
Kurt is decent at setting up small traps to restrict ones movement, he mainly achieves such effect via the use of piano wires and steel needles. And although Kurt does not look like it he doesn't shun from playing dirty, often carrying a pouch with sand mixed with various irritating herbs to be thrown at ones face to distract them.


Love Interest

Plot Points You Want to Happen
Playful fighting between him and Zoro over who takes care of Chopper. [In anime and manga Zoro kinda acts like a father to Chopper so there is that.]
Kurt being there for Lyra when she struggles with insecurities, not caring for his own security/life while doing so, maybe even seeing her like a little sister of his... [its just an idea]
Definetly going to take Amiara for some larger shopping spree and teach her the way of a househusband merchant while they are there.

Miscellaneous Information
  • While Kurt can cook, his cooking style is essentially food little kids would love to eat, and scrambled eggs along with pancakes. Anything else comes out either with a wrong flavor or burned.​
  • His hobbies include, climbing tall places, looking at stars at night, swimming, playing with kids and drawing.​
  • Probably the most fitting voice for Kurt is Sinewave Fox/Grayfox.​
  • Has a weird habit of patting younger people who are shorter than him on the head whenever he is talking to them. Habit formed in his time at the orphanage.​

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