Colton & Lily(Lori & I)

Isaac groans loudly, getting up and driving in his car to drive to Sylvia's house. Knowing that it's stupid but he's not going to let her have to the last word. He gets there and knocks on the door but doesn't bother to wait since it's unlock. Isaac lets himself in and looks around before marching to the bedroom. "Sylvia!" He shouts loudly, standing in the doorway. "I don't know what the hell is your problem but I can tell that you don't like hearing the truth so I'm going to give it to you and you're going to sit there, shut your damn mouth and let me finish and talk for once without you jumping to conclusions like you always do or storming off like a child!"

Isaac clears his throat. "You know why I don't like confessing my feelings to you? It's because I know what type of girl you are. You're annoying, needy, careless, like to play with peoples emotions and feelings without giving a damn about the outcome. You also like to lie a lot for no reason what so ever. You love playing the victim because you know any guy will fall for that but guess what? I'm not going to fall for it and because I don't it just pisses you off so you throw your little temper tantrums and storm off. But once you notice when someones starting to forget about you, you just comes back and do it all over again." He says loud and firmly.

"I love you Sylvia, I really do and I'm man enough to say it. But I can't be in love with someone who's just going to use my feelings for there own game. You can't stand when things are going normal so you cause drama. Like what you're doing now, you choose your ex-boyfriend, things were going great but now you want to cause drama by claiming your pregnant but then running back to me. So either be an adult and make a damn choice of what you want or just go back to being a manipulative lier. But I can tell you right now if you chose the one then you're just going to end up alone." He says as the front door opens and Jon comes in.
Sylvia was startled to see that both Jon and Isaac were here. She walked up to them in her pajamas. "Uh. Jon, I have to talk to isaac, in private." She said.
Jon narrows his eyes. "No." He says. "You're my pregnant girlfriend, I can't have you around this guy." Jon says quickly, pouting a little.

Isaac leans against the wall, rolling his eyes. "Just up and let the girl do what she wants Jon." He says firmly and the two men have a stare down for a long time before Jon sighs. "Fine, you have five minutes!" He says, storming off into the living room.
Sylvia watched him storm out. "Isaac I love you, and I admit that I was a coward for not admitting it, but now what am I gonna do? Isaac, I can't take the baby away from him. The guilt would kill me." She said. "Even if I ran away with you, who would take care of the baby? I'm really, really poor Isaac. i don't even have a house without Jon." She said looking up at him. "You would have to promise a lot to be with me." She said.
Isaac looks down at Sylvia. "That's funny, because at the office not that long ago you told me that you were just sick? Hm, weird." He says calmly. "And are you really still on the money crap, you're making it seem like I should have money to love you. Well it doesn't matter to me if you have money or not. I didn't grow up rich, I worked hard and I still will." Isaac looks at Sylvia. "And who said I wanted you to run away with me?" He ask.
"Well, I'm sorry for sharing a little too much. I wanted to run away with you, but noo. You had to work. It's always work first isn't it?! This is why I can't trust to be with you at all because that means that you would raise the baby with me and you wouldn't be there for her or him or whatever gender my baby's gonna be. But it's not gonna be yours." She said and walked down to wear Jon was.
"There you go storming off and jumping to conclusions again!" Isaac shouts, following after Sylvia. "I don't know if you're just deaf or stupid but I made it very clear that I retired, which means I won't be working. I have enough money for the both of us to live off on without doing anything but here you go again with your complaining and playing the victim!" Isaac turns and looks at Jon. "Go on Sylvia, tell your boyfriend what you just told me, I'm sure he'll be thrilled to hear it." He says

Jon looks at both of them confused. "What is he talking about Sylvia?" He ask, standing up.
(Can you help me? I'm having writer's block and I'm really not sure what she should say. Another thing, when we finish this one do you want them to have kids or do you want them to just get married and end the whole thing and start a new one?)
(Think about what would you do in the situation if you were in it? Having to chose between one guy you love and one guy you think you love? That's what I always do with my characters. And it doesn't matter really. Maybe we can see how this one plans out I guess.)
(Kay then thanks for the advice!)

Sylvia looked up at him. "Isaac just leave me alone. And don't go screaming again. Let me lay out everything for you. At first I really loved you, but I was a coward and ran away from love. Yes, I admit it, but then I fell in love with Jon and now I just really want to stay with him, and now even if I wanted to be with you I wouldn't be able to because I have a baby coming and she's not yours. Now I think we've come to a conclusion. I choose Jon." She said firmly then opened the main door. "There's a line of taxis waiting for you."
Isaac fix his tie. "Don't worry. I drove myself." He says calmly, walking pass her and out the house. Knowing that the finally choice is made and for some reason he's not upset about it. He goes to his car and drives back home to his place where his bags are packed.

"What was that all about?" Jon ask, a little tippies and confused.
(It's fine)

Jon sighs, coming over and hugging Sylvia. "I should get ready for bed." He says as he lets go of her and heads to the bedroom to change out of his clothes.
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Sylvia managed a smile and went up to the bedroom for her clothes too. She then walked up to the bed and laid down waiting for Jon.



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Jon comes back out from his shower and dress in his pajamas. He looks over at Sylvia before grabbing a pillow and blanket, not saying a word as he leaves out the bedroom.

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Isaac gets back to his apartment, seeing all the boxes packed and ready to go for tomorrow when he moves. He rolls up his sleeves and begins to start naming each box before painting the walls back to it's normal color.



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(Next day!)

Jon woke up first and put the pillow and blanket back as he gets ready for work, leaving a quickly note. 'Leaving the office late, don't wait up.' It reads before he leaves for work.

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Isaac takes a shower and get dress as the movers come to start packing up everything and putting it away.

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Sylvia woke up to see the note and frowned. She wanted to spend more time with Jon before she had the baby, but because of work they were separated a lot.
Jon knew it was bad to lie to Sylvia about working late but he knew he couldn't be around her right now. After hearing about being used by her just to get back at Isaac hurt him and the fact that she never loved him hurt him the most. He wanted out of the relationship but with a baby on the way he knew he couldn't leave now.

Isaac stands outside his apartment, making a few calls before his long drive back home. "Hey, be careful with that box there's expensive glass in there." He says to one of the movers.
Sylvia got some clothes on and walked outside. The doctor had said that sunlight was good for the baby so she decided to go to the park.




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Her baby bump was getting bigger and she needed to start buying some baggy shirts.


Sylvia walked into the park and felt the spring breeze on her face. She sat on a bench and breathed in the air.



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One of Jon's co-workers ask him to lunch and they head out. Grabbing a bite to eat and something to drink as they walk and talk. Him and Ms. Robinson has been friends for a while and he's picked up on her signals but never thought much of it till now. They walk throw the park before taking a seat as they laugh and talk.
Sylvia was walking around the park when she saw Jon and his friends sitting at a table. She didn't want to intrude, but decided to go and say hi. Sylvia walked up to the table and smiled. "Hey, Jon." She said.
Jon looks up and sees Sylvia. "Hey." He says sighing. "Sylvia this is my friend Robin. Robin this is Sylvia." He says as Robin shakes her hand. "Pleasure to meet you." She says calmly as Jon stands up. "Looks like lunch is over, time to get back to office. Later." He says to Sylvia.
Sylvia smiled softly at him. "See you later." She said and walked home. She couldn't help feeling sad. Everybody could see how cold his goodbye was. Sylvia got home and laid on her bed. She watched some tv and made lunch for herself. Sylvia promised herself that she would eat only healthy foods so that the baby would be born as a healthy baby.


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