Colton & Lily(Lori & I)

Jon looks at her surprised. "Y-You're pregnant?" He ask, almost not believing it. "But how? I mean, yeah we had sex every now and then but we were careful. And you just gulped down a whole glass of wine.."
Sylvia looked up at him. "I've been having morning sickness so I checked with the doctor and he told me that it was for real." She said and started to tear up.
Jon takes a deep breath. "Oh..well um...we'll get through this then." He says, rubbing her shoulders. "I'll try to take some time off but it's going to be really hard since I got the new deal but I'll to be there for every appointment." Jon says, sitting back in his chair.
Jon sighs. "I know we're going to have to make this work since you're well, pregnant..." He says, downing his drink. "I just hope that you really are and not just messing around with me again to just keep me here with you Sylvia." Jon says firmly before standing up. "I'm going to get myself another drink.."
Jon stands up again. "I can do what I want Sylvia. Just like you.." He says, walking to the bar and getting himself a drink. He looks down at the end and sees Isaac standing there and notice him looking at Sylvia. Jon gulps down his drink before making his way over, standing in front of Isaac. "You. It's your fault. It's fault that you have to be such an a-hole and make my girl fall in love with you!" He says loudly, causing some attention.

"I don't know what you're talking about. You probably had to much to drink so I'll get you cab and take you home." Isaac says calmly, placing a hand on Jon's shoulder who brushes it away.

"Keep your hands off me!" Jon yells. "You stay far away from me and Sylvia and our baby!"
Jon pushes Sylvia out the way. "It's between me and him!" He yells, trying to swing at Isaac but misses and Isaac grabs his wrist, shoving him against the wall. "Touch her again like that and I'll end you." Isaac says in a low firm voice before stepping back, taking a deep breath, looking at Sylvia. "I'll be taking you two home." He says.
Isaac looks confused for a second. "So you're pissed off at me because he pushed you and try to hit me? Wow, you two really need to be together." He turns to leave. "Congrast on your baby!"

Jon groans, standing up and moving away a little from Sylvia. "Why did you get in the way for!?" He ask firmly.
"Jon I didn't want you to get hurt." She said, and held his hand. "i'm sorry. I just don't like violence." She said and looked down.
"Of course you don't but you love playing around with people!" Jon says loudly, pulling his hand away from hers. "Lets go." He says firmly.
They get in the car and drive back home but Jon had other plans. "I'm going out." He says firmly. "Don't wait up.." He turns and leaves, slamming the door behind him.
Sylvia didn't mind answering and went up to her room. She fell asleep right away in her pj's.

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Isaac heads back to the office and finish packing up all his stuff. It felt good for what he was doing, glad that he's giving up the business and retiring. He also didn't feel so bad about what happen with Sylvia, she's going to have a baby for god sakes. So he wouldn't be coming in between her and Jon.
Sylvia was lonely at home and she knew that she couldn't just stay home and do nothing forever. She got up and quickly dressed.

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Sylvia ran to the street and hailed a taxi. After getting in she drove over to the office running up, hoping that Isaac was still there. She saw that he was in his office. Sylvia silently made a mug of coffee and brought it quietly into his office. "Here's your coffee." She said and handed it to him smiling.



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Isaac looks up from his last paper work that he has to sign, wondering why Sylvia is here when things were made perfectly clear that she wants nothing to with him. "Thank you." He says, motioning for her to take a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. "What are you doing here?"
Sylvia sat and smiled at him. She looked around the office and then at him. "I really miss working here." She said. "I miss you."
Isaac takes a sip of his coffee slowly, keeping his eyes on Sylvia. "No, you don't." He says firmly. "Let me guess, you and your boyfriend got into a fight right? So to kill some time you come back to my office uninvited to tell me something that isn't true." Isaac gets up and goes to the mini-cooler and grabs a water bottle, handing it to Sylvia before he sits back down. "So you're pregnant, how does it feel?" 
"Why do you always do that Sylvia!?" Isaac ask loudly. "You're always trying to play the victim and to be quite frank it's getting annoying hearing your complaining and lying. You make things into a bigger deal than it should be and make the easiest choice become a hard one." He says. "Oh Isaac, I have feelings for you but I'm going to lead my ex-boyfriend one until I become pregnant so he'll never leave but I'm going to come back to you and tell you more lies.." Isaac says mockingly. "That's how you sound like."
Sylvia scowled. "Fine then! I thought you were different but you're just like all those crappy boys out there! Congratulations on your retirement. I hope your moving FAR away from here!" She shouted and ran out the door. She went home and got into her pajamas not minding to even cry.

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