Colton & Lily(Lori & I)

Colton was walking to his history class when he bumped into a girl (Lily) and smiled. "Sorry." he said and sensed that she was a freshman. He flashed a last smile and walked away, not being able to get her out of his head.

(Sorry I didn't press post reply, well at least it didn't work!)
"It's fine." Lily says quickly, not wanting to get in the guys way since he looked like he was in a rush and also because he's very good looking. The bell rings and Lily hurries to get to her class which turns out is on the other side of the school from where she's at. Lily curses under her breath as she makes it to her reading and writing class on time before the finally bell rings.
Colton finished up his notes and the bell rang for the next class. Weirdly, he couldn't get that girl out of his head. She was hot, he admitted it, but he had never just swooned over a girl like this.
Lily looks down at the her notes and paper, looking around for her next class be can't seem to find it. She walks up to guy (Colton) with his back turn, tapping on his shoulder. "Excuse, can you tell me where can I find classroom B105 for math?" Lily ask, reading off her paper.
Colton took of his beats solo headphones and looked behind him to find the girl from before. "Oh, that's the B wing which is way over there, and one 'o five is, oh let me just show you. I have a class right beside it." He said and led her to the classroom. "Okay here it is." He said. "Have a fun class if that's possible." He said chuckling and walked into his classroom.
"Thank you so much. You're very helpful." Lily says quickly, giving him a sweet smile before she heads into her next class. Remembering that was the same guy from before who bumped into her. She smiles, glad to start the school year off right.
(Yeah we'll hop to lunch. Sorry for the late reply I had an interview)

After the 5th class bell rings it was time for lunch. A lot of students ate off campus while some went to the cafe and at there. Lily has enough money in her pocket to feed half of the school but knew that'll be to flashy and that's not her style. She walks threw campus and spots a cafe where she buys her sandwich and drink before taking a seat outside since it's a bright sunny day.
(It's totes okay!)

Colton had brought packed lunch. His cook had been working for his family since he was born so she knew his appetite like the back of her hand. His favorite dish was ceasar salad and he had it everyday, with something different to eat with it. Today was salad with some chicken.


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He sat at a table and started eating his lunch.



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Lily pulls out her book Bared To You and started reading that as she eats her lunch. Even though she was never one to believe in love she still loves to read romantic stories.

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While eating Colton caught a glimpse of the girl that he had met earlier. He walked over there with his food and joined her. "Which book?" He asked.
Lily was to busy in her book to notice that someone sat across from her. "Huh?" She looks up and see the same good looking guy that bumped into her and help her to her math class. "Oh it's a romantic book. A love at first sight kind of thing when the girl tried to fight her feelings for him but in the end that end up going together but it's a price to pay." She says. "I'm sorry I must of been rambling on."
Colton smiled. "Naw, I'm a hopeless romantic." He said, sarcastically putting his hands over his heart then chuckled. "Don't tell anyone, but I love them." He said and continued eating.
Lily giggles. "That's cute. I don't really believe in love but I do believe in fate if that makes in sense?" She shrugs her shoulders smiling, taking a bite of her food before flipping a page in her book. "I'm sorry I didn't get your name."
Colton smiled. "Colton. Colton Davenport." He said.

(OMG, this is so dramatic. It's like "Colton. Colton DAVENPORT." Like she realizes that he's a DAVENPORT!)
(Hahaha I was thinking to the same thing)

Lily smile soon fades when she hears his name. "Davenport?" She looks at him in shock before she quickly start gathering her things. "I'm sorry but..I-I have to go!" Lily says quickly as she gets up and hurries away. Remembering all the horrible things her father told her about the Davenport family.

"Hey wait!" Colton shouted, but she was already gone. He tried to shake it off, but the way she had said 'Davenport' wasn't very kindhearted. It was cold.
Lily stops running, leaning against the side of the school building she catches her breath. "The first hot guy I see and he's the enemy.." She mumbles to herself as the bell rings and she sighs, not wanting to go to her last class of the day but have too. Lily fixes herself up and begins walking back on campus, staying clear of Colton.
(Hey you know in the story they meet at a ball or something right? A ball where they're wearing masks? Well, we could have on of those and they could meet!)
(Yeah sure, like a college homecoming dance and they wear the mask and dresses. That sounds like a good idea.)
(<3 Lemme do it real quick. Okay so it's the end of the day okay?)

Colton got into his limo and the driver took him home. When they arrived he went up to his room and got a quick snack. This Friday was the homecoming dance and he had to get ready. (Today's Monday, but we can just skip to Friday or somethin')
(Yeah we'll skip to Friday)

The first few days of the school year went by fast and now it was homecoming where our college football team goes against another from a different side of town. Our team won and the theme for the dance is a ball team with mask, dresses, tux and fancy decorations.

Lily is in her room looking down at her outfit before getting dress.

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When she gets to the dance she meets up with her friends and is handed her mask as they being to party.

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Colton started getting ready for the party.





He slipped on his mask and his driver drove him to the party in the white limo. When they arrived Colton got out and took a deep breath, then walked in. He caught a glimpse of a beautiful girl that was wearing the most beautiful mask, but he just walked in.
Lily smile, laughing and talking with her friends that dance gets started. She moves through the crowd when the football team shows up which causes the crowd to goes wild jumping up and down as the cheer loudly since our team won. Lily is pushed throw the crowd bumps into someone. "I'm sorry!" She says loudly over the cheers.

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