Colony - Pathfinder Kingdom Sandbox

Aha! I am the first one aside from Kaza in! I claim right of First Night on all y'alls!

Edit: Okay, right of first night was NOT what I thought it was, so let's just go ahead and rescind that.

Though if any of you are getting married in the near future...Nah, let's just go for a wholesale takeback.
I might have to drop out from this. Duh to recent family emergencies, I might need my Thursdays open.
[QUOTE="Dark Sigurd]I would be interested in this game if you have a spot open. Dark Wizard referred me.

@Lord of Chaos, since I'm dropping out I sent you Dark Sigurd your way.
Neat. We have:

Damage-focused Magus

Control Sorcerer

Tanky Blaster Alchemist

Crazy Sniper Gunslinger

Any idea what you'd like to play?
My original thought was an enchantment specialist wizard. I was also thinking of taking over the treasury. That way, everyone is sure to pay their taxes. And who knows, he might even find... other... ways of increasing colony profitability...

However, that might conflict with the control sorcerer. So, I might dabble into conjuration... Or do something else entirely...
Well... Now I really do have to stop and think. I know I am itching to play a wizard... As far as races go, what is available? Just core, or can anything go?
Actually, looking deeper into this, I could whip up an Elven Universalist wizard and take the role of Magister.
Non-Core requires permissions, but most should be fine since the Empire contains such a diverse group of conquered people. Universalist Wizard is fine, just be aware of any overlap with the Sorcerer (not saying it's bad, just be aware of it)
If it is a control sorcerer that would seem to imply that he focuses heavily in the enchantment school. I think I can work around that.
While it would be a Universalist, I think there would be some focus on Transmutation and Conjuration. Basically it would summon shit and then buff the crap out of it. Also, thinking I'd rather use the Kitsune race. Certainly doesn't go for overt optimization, as that race focuses on dex and cha, but it might be fun.
Ok, final decision. I am going with a Male Elven Universalist Wizard. Not using any of the archetypes or racial alternatives. I won't spoil it any more than that. If you need details I am hashing it out right now.
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