Colony - Pathfinder Kingdom Sandbox

I like jungles.

I'm also willing to bow out if someone who definitely fits the schedule wants to play.
Well, it seems that Jungle has a major advantage so far (assuming that a rating of 1=4, 2=3, etc)

Jungle 15

Temperate 11

Tundra 7

Desert 5

The major themes of the Jungle are: megafauna, man vs nature, isolated exploration (in the dense jungle, you can be 10 feet away from something and not realize its there) and colonial conquest. What sort of things do you guys really want to see, before I start statting up and mapping out the island in detail? Any specific plot elements, enemies, setting pieces etc?
If we do jungle, I dunno I'm in favor of burning that stuff down and paving it. And this is coming from an Elf! I guess internal struggles about how to go about creating a home (Sorta getting reminded about Dwarf Fortress) on a heavily forested island.

Of course then there are natives to contend with, evil protective entitys, pseudo voodoo, all sorts of nasty fauna (classic giant man eating plants!) and of course lands that time forgot!
Allowing the party to cause and live among the evils of colonialism, followed by forcing them to come to terms with their actions and attempt to reconcile our presence as a colonial power with respect to native culture and traditions, and the local ecology.

Understanding the impact of rampant hunting, exploitation, or industrialism.

Making the hard choices necessary to preserve law, order, and safety in a dangerous region.

Religious conflict.

The very real temptation of succumbing to corruption, whether spiritual or temporal.

Hot brown elf chicks in leaf bikinis.
Some sort of hivemind in the a area would be nifty. People made out of bugs . . or Aztec type things with cities of gold! Sacerficing our people when ever they can to what ever god they worship.
Grey said:
Allowing the party to cause and live among the evils of colonialism, followed by forcing them to come to terms with their actions and attempt to reconcile our presence as a colonial power with respect to native culture and traditions, and the local ecology.
Understanding the impact of rampant hunting, exploitation, or industrialism.

Making the hard choices necessary to preserve law, order, and safety in a dangerous region.

Religious conflict.

The very real temptation of succumbing to corruption, whether spiritual or temporal.

Hot brown elf chicks in leaf bikinis.
Hahahahahahaha Cultural sensitivity in a fantasy setting. Let's be real, we're going to go full-on Imperium Citizen's Burden on this.

I, personally, would love to see some dinosaur riders. Hollywood Voodoo would be pretty cool as well. Ancient physical gods trapped in stone statues, temples of doom, tribal societies united against the new encroachers, a grand lost city. Grippli would be very cool, mostly 'cause they're a race you don't get to see very often.

Winged serpents, poison darts, and on the home front, betrayal, conflict over how to deal with the natives and the jungle...

I agree with the "Slash and Burn" plan, by the by. If there's less jungle, there's less places raiding parties can ambush us from.

Also, question. The spell "Bladed Dash" causes the user to move thirty feet forward in a straight line, making a single attack against anyone adjacent to their path.

If it was used as part of Spell Combat, would it be feasible to do the thirty foot dash, hitting one enemy on the way, then ending up adjacent to another and using his attacks on that one?
[QUOTE="Unbridled Originality]

Also, question. The spell "Bladed Dash" causes the user to move thirty feet forward in a straight line, making a single attack against anyone adjacent to their path.

If it was used as part of Spell Combat, would it be feasible to do the thirty foot dash, hitting one enemy on the way, then ending up adjacent to another and using his attacks on that one?

As I'm reading it, yes. After all, you get a full-attack action which can be interrupted by certain things and still continue (you can take a 5-foot step during a full-attack, for example)
Alright, here's a little of what I'm planning for the island, put into spoilers if you'd rather find out in-game

The island is home to a wide range of dinosaurs, which are the dominant nonsentient form of animal life. Across most of the island, the animals behave normally, but within a few pockets they live together in perfect harmony. Within these zones, smaller animals willingly giving themselves to the carnivores to be eaten.

The natives are a species of dragonlike humanoids, with each of the tribes being of a separate colour. Their technology is rather primitive, but they all have some minor degree of magical power, with their druids and sorcerers being exceptionally potent, leading to their society being advanced in unexpected ways

Sometimes, a draconian will ascend to greater power and become a stone idol. While in this stone form, they gain vast magical power and the ability to dominate the minds of their fellows, who are forced to carry them around as their idol-form lacks any mobility. Eventually, the idol-draconians tend to be defeated and shattered, but the shards of such idols bear powerful enchantments as well
I currently have Fantasy Grounds hosted up if anyone wants to swing by and set up their character. The connection alias is cowardly unicorn keen pony

If anyone needs a key, just let me know
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]I currently have Fantasy Grounds hosted up if anyone wants to swing by and set up their character. The connection alias is cowardly unicorn keen pony
If anyone needs a key, just let me know

Are you giving people the keys, or shall I?
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]I'll handle it

Sounds good.

Grey said:
Allowing the party to cause and live among the evils of colonialism, followed by forcing them to come to terms with their actions and attempt to reconcile our presence as a colonial power with respect to native culture and traditions, and the local ecology.
Understanding the impact of rampant hunting, exploitation, or industrialism.

Making the hard choices necessary to preserve law, order, and safety in a dangerous region.

Religious conflict.

The very real temptation of succumbing to corruption, whether spiritual or temporal.

Hot brown elf chicks in leaf bikinis.
Glad to finally be playing a game with you just as players :P .
Actually, I hate to back out, but it looks like my schedule just isn't going to allow it right now. Sorry guys. :(
If so, we can simply say that the Wali will arrive a few months after the rest of you, to give the colony time to be set up to a basic level of function (namely as long as it takes to find a new player to rule)

Anyone who has expressed interest so far want to join?
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]If so, we can simply say that the Wali will arrive a few months after the rest of you, to give the colony time to be set up to a basic level of function (namely as long as it takes to find a new player to rule)
Anyone who has expressed interest so far want to join?

When are you hosting FGII? Would like to start importing my character into the program's built in character sheet.
I know Dire said he would be interested in playing. I can talk to him and see if that would be the case? I know he has work tonight, but he can hash out DnD characters like the wind.
Rulers only need cha. Int is nice for skill ranks, but doesn't add to any kingdom traits for the Ruler.

Who all still needs a FG key?

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