Collins Academy

Caricon looked at the (Boy or girl?) enter the room. He turned around and smiled. "Can I help you," he said politely, knowing that there is no way he could help him.

He turned and nodded. "It's my first day here...I'm having a bit of trouble finding things..." He said, fumbling with his uniform top. It's pretty obvious from the nervous look on my face that I am worried and frightened. "My first day..."he mumbles quietly to himself.
Caricon then smiled to the young boy. "I see..." He then stood there tapping his hands. "Actually I appling here, so I have no idea how to get around." He then smiled. "I have no idea where the head is."
"Oh. I see. Thank you anyway." He said, standing up. He politely bows, a custom in the rural mountains of Japan. "My name is Maxais Inazuma. It is a pleasure to meet you, sir. I wish you luck. I hope you get the job..."he said softly, with a very polite tone of voice. Kindness and politeness are the only two things that can allow him to overcome his unnaturally shy nature.
Seeing the boy bow Caricon smiled and held his potion. "I am Caricon, the last elf." He then switched into latin without knowing it. If you knew Latin this is what it would say. "I see you are Japanese. While I am Roman." Switching back, to english Caricon smiled. "So what race might you be?"
"I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr. Caricon. I am a Guardian of Fire, though most know us as dragons." He says. "But we prefer to call ourselves Guardians, to be rid of the negative stereotypes associated with the term "dragon"."
"I see. What breed of Guardian?" He then looked at him hard hoping he was japanese. He didn't want to have to kill this youngling. He then looked out the window thinking about his time with the druids.
"Fire. We are the most well known. Though the people back in Japan only saw my family and I as monsters. They are superstitious folks...I wish I could have been friends with them... I wish I could've had any friends...."he mumbles the last part quietly, hoping you wouldn't hear that. "Where are you from?"
"Oh you are Japanese." He then turned around and answered in Latin. "Rome is my homeland." He then smiled. He would never tell of his past. He looked at the cloak on the wall. "You better get to class, it's almost time."
" that Latin? You are'd wager Italy, yes? And from your style of dress I could assume of Roman descent, yes?" He says, using his powerful intellect. "Oh! I'm going to be late. I hope I can find the classroom in time..." He says, quickly grabbing his stuff before hurriedly rushing out of the office.
Caricon smiled and waited until the boy left the boy to laugh. Italian. He lived long before Italy when existed. Of roman decent. It was about as roman as you can get. And it was very strong and fit well. He remembered the day he bought it. He had walked in their hiding his ears and paid the last of the humans coins he had for it. He was very easy to sew together. He had had many adventures with this toga. It was only fitting he should wear it when he settled down as a teacher. He then sat down and waited for the head to arive.

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He eventually returns to the office...with a tardy slip in hand. "Curse my poor sense of direction..."he mutters. "My first few classes and I was late to all of them....this map is so confusing. I wish I could find a teacher to help me..."he sighed and sat down in one of the chairs, awaiting whatever punishment he will receive for tardiness.
{The office were you two were supposed to go xD glad you started RP with each other though. Sorry I was sleeping....}

Coyoty blinked a moment and then nodded her head. "Most likely," she started playing with the tip of her hair as she passed the two boys outside. "Eh? You two should be in the office." She pulled her jet black wolf ears back and smiled at the two of them before returning to Esther. She flicked her tail back and forth. "Now where were we?" She asked and then put her finger in the air actually pointing to the silver haired girl yelling at her from the window but looked just like she was pointing to the dormitory. "Three stories high. Huh seems scary, alright from the outside you will be sleeping to the left of us. It looks intimidating but it's not, two stories are for the students the first story is where we come down the stairs. Hehe," she pointed to the empty hollow first floor that did not look hollow on the outside. Then she took a left. "Protecting you there are three of us. Sirius, watch out for him he's a player and a jokester as well. His sister Allen, not really much to her, she just hates most vampires and takes her job," the girl paused turning to the girl "very seriously." Coyoty laughed and took to the stairs on the girls side.

"Don't think about going into the male dorms after you know hours, if to do you have to get through Allen, and Sirius and trust me you would not want that. I will be attending school with you but Allen and her brother won't. They watch the outside while I monitor inside. I pose as a normal kid." She smiled slightly and stopped by Esther's dorm. "I hope you like I here. I can't be much help after this but if you have any questions make your way towards the male dorms. Allen should stop you ask her for me." Coyoty smiled and turned walking away. She sighed heavily remembering the boys outside.

A wolf passed Esther, a rather large completely white wolf passed her walking straight to Coyoty. The girl paused and the wolf went to greet her. In comparison this wolf was nearly as tall as Coyoty was and then got smaller only in the blink of an eye. The two talked for a moment before Coyoty glanced back nodding. "Alright." She said and when that happened she took the form of a wolf and the wolf took the form of a tall nearly colourless boy. The only colour was in his eyes and those were a deep dark red colour. He passed by Esther again winking at her before walking away.

{I imagine some sort of super slow scene as he walks in and walks away. Sorry I am incredibly imaginative. xD again sorry for the leave.}

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(If your the owner then why don't you get a NPCS to accept him as a teacher? He is in the main office.)

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{thanks Hunny, my apologies, I was not entirely focused at five am in the morning running on low sleep. I'm trying my best, and they are not NPCs those are my characters since Mary is running the office disregard that post, apologies again.}
(I'm not into it either. I could barely read that without looking away.)

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{yes, I myself has to keep blinking to see the screen. xD probably should put in my contacts. ~Shrugs~
@Maxais Inazuma Sorry for the tardiness in my reply xD

Mary had just finished sending off one student to her dormitory for the evening when yet another student walked into the office. "May I help you?" The woman asks the boy approaching him. She is tall with dark hair, pale skin and deep green eyes. She was sweet and kind, especially since she was several things more then just a secretary of the school. "Are you lost?" she concludes almost sure the boy is lost. She cannot tell but it seems as if he is and she is not sure why.

{Sorry it is so short, @Hunnyhelp I see, you should maybe fix that... xD I dunno. I has to prepare school cards and stuff but I have to o to bed at 11 tonight... which is 4 hours}
Caricon put the stuff in his brief case realizing he was on the wrong place. He then walked to the secretaries office. "I have come for the job interview." He smiled at the boy as he turned to the sercratery as he stood their in his toga.

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The vampire Mary nearly jumped in shock as Caricon entered the room and addressed her. "Ah, one moment please while I get this student situated." She said swallowing. She did not do well when her senses were fooled. She in fact hated it when they were. Sighing slightly trying to let it go she pointed to a small hallway behind her. Mindi will be in with you momentarily sir just take a seat in my office, it is the one with "Mary Vikrla" written over the door." Quickly Mary then walked over to the phone and Dialled up Mindi "yes, he is here." Was all she said as if the woman on the other line knew exactly what she was going to say before she said it. "Okay and now back to you." Mary said approaching Maximus again.

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