Collins Academy


Dark Sadistic Killer

Welcome to the Academy!


An academy like no other

Collins Academy was formed by yours truly for the gifted and supernatural of the students out there. (More on the back story here: Link

  • Rules Of The Thread

    1. RPN rules MUST apply!
    2. No God-Modding (I cannot stress this enough, thank you.)
    3. Try not to be your own mate or crush. (I have found this makes things more interesting)
    4. Cussing is okay, no crazy million mile long words though.
    5. Try to at least post more then three lines of work. Writers block? Understood just put it down.
    6. No over excessive OOC's please. A note here and there is okay
    7. Try not to kill the thread if you need to ditch I can has your character suspended. Problem solved.
    8. BEH NICE! We all like nice people.
    9. Be crazy, have fun.
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Viol glanced up at the school and sighed. What am I doing here again? The blonde haired woman frowned as she entered the school, brushing off the imaginary dirt from her black uniform. I don't really enjoy the colour black. Viol glanced around the area, somewhat unsure at what she was supposed to do.

"I'm lost." Viol finally admitted out loud after a few minutes of wandering in circles. Trying to find some sort of staff member, Viol brushed her long blonde hair out of her face and continued to wander around the school. "It's official. I'm lost." Viol sat down on one of the benches, crossing her legs like a lady.

Glancing around the area, Viol had no idea what she was doing. "Maybe I should find another student..." Looking around for the same uniform she was wearing, Viol spotted a young man and a.....wolf?

Walking up to the boy, and the animal, Viol tapped his shoulder. I can't believe I'm doing this. "Excuse me?" Viol stared at the boy, her eyes keeping track of the wolf. "I'm lost, could you help me?"
Sage licks his lips, smiling her cheshire cat grin. He was ready for this day to begin. I mean who would there were, so many new tasty freshmen for him to prey on. He lets out a hearty laugh, throwing his small traveling case over his shoulder. Sage studies his surroundings, staring up into the windows of the school trying to spot the people within. This wasn't his first year at this school, and he should probably feel use to this by now, but he can't help but feel as if he was coming here for the first time.

Dang it is hot outside. He frowns, already unbuttoning his shirt, yet not realizing he was. He throws it off onto the ground, but for some reason his leaves his golden tie on, so it brushes against his firm, muscular chest. Running his thin,long fingers through his blue hair. His eyes gleaming with excitement," Oh, My sweets I have returned."

Crona frowns trying, so hard to keep all her crap from busting out of her medium size suitcase," I don't know why you packed, so much idiot," Her older brother Renyair says to her, opening his 300th Pixie Stix for the day, pouring the sugary love down his mouth.

She just rolls her eyes, and drags the heavy suitcase, wishing it had wheels," Yeah, well..." She draws up a blank, no matter what she could never seem to find a good insult for Ren. I mean he had plenty of flaws. He was just, so freaking dense he didn't know he was being insulted.

Ren pats her head, making her silver white hair become a even bigger mess than it already was," Come on now Diph*t don't be like that," He smiles, easily brushing off whatever she just said, not really listening to what she was saying. He had to many lesson plans to think through, and to many idiot students to punish once he starts.
Mr. Manly was just happily skipping through the school singing the manliest song ever. "Do you know the muffin man?~ The muffin man~" His large bulging muscles popped out of his white dress shirt, destroying a few buttons. "The muffin man~" His deep manly voice boomed throughout the school, every step Mr. Manly took shook the earth below him.

Spotting a young man with his shirt off, Mr. Manly let out a booming chuckle. "You, young man, are very manly!" Mr. Manly skipped pass the blue haired boy, his feet creating earthquakes and causing the blue haired man to fall to the ground. "Yes, I know the muffin man~ The muffin man~ The muffin man~"
Sage falls onto the ground, feeling the tremors that MR.MANLY creates has he skips by," Hello MR.MANLY!Nice to see you again," He calls out, staring at his huge beefy legs,as he skips on by. How does be even walk. He twists his face into, a strange frown, pondering this for several moments. Before of course starting to take off his pants. It's still too damn hot in here. He throws his pants over his shoulder, along with her shirts.

So, he is doily standing in the middle of the schools courtyards wearing only his Neon green boxers that say 'Lovely" In dark purple on the butt. Wearing a neon green tie to match. Wait where did my clothes go. He looks down, just noticing that he was in this attire. He shrugs, this seemed to be happening a lot of the late.

(I couldn't stop myself. I am sorry if I scare any of you with that image.)

Crona straightens the very edge of her black dress, oh how she hated wearing this stupid thing. It was hot and stiff, like trying to wearing a blanket of velvet. Which she practically was," God I am dying in this," She says falling to he knees, transferring to a laying down position, spread out like a she was trying to make a snow angel.

Renyair chuckles at the sight, of his stupid sister, but keeps on walking ready to enter the building, so he may find his class room and decorate it with his special touch. He face palms, as he looks back at her," If you don't hurry up. I won't help you to your dorm," He yells back at her, but then turns away.
Rae's Limo pulled up to the school and he stepped out spotting a totally hot boy and this song began to play [media][/media] Rae straightened out his jacket not yet receiving his uniform and strutted over to the attractive young man "Hi,My name's Rae and you should be in my bed tonight" he said winking
Liz looked down at her scuffed up crappy shoes and worn jeans with a grimace as she plugged in her headphones and turned her music up and strolled onto campus. Since they had already talked about her being half demon she took off her black beanie throwing it into her army surplus canvas duffle bag and shaking her long blond almost white hair out. She noticed some guy was walking around with no shirt and raised an eyebrow shacking her head and deciding not to question it.

Liz honestly had no idea where to go so she stopped, looking around confused and sorta disoriented she yanked out her headphones shoving everything back in her bag and hoping to see someone friendly enough to ask where to go.
Ayra twirled out of the shadows and looked around. He was wearing a dark black hoodie and gray jeans with black sneakers. He hummed a tune and walked to the courtyard this was his first day at this school and he was none the less excited. He looked around and spotted a beefy dude skipping around and he snorted.

He also spotted a man in nothing but boxers and a tie. At this he rose a brow and approached the tall man and looked up at him "Did they let you out of the loony bin or did you escape?" he asked in a soft voice. He felt stirring in his hood and out popped a ferret who chirped in agreement.
((Oh my ;) ))


Mr. Manly skipped around the school, making the ground tremble in fear at every jump and step. Hearing some very sexy music at the very front of the school, Mr. Manly stopped skipping around and turned towards the sound of the music.

Getting in the mood, Mr. Manly began dancing very sexily, giving the students around him a horrifying image. Moving his hips excessively, Mr. Manly started to hum to the music. "This is very sexy music," Mr. Manly commented and he began pole dancing on a nearby street lamp.
Sage turns around, hearing the voice of a boy speaking to him and the only though that could run through his poor little brain is yum. He stands there, licking his lips and smiles," I'm Sage and you must be my desert," He says, letting out a laugh that echos against the walls.
Liz looks around at this crazy school and her eyes widen as one of the teachers does unsayable things to a poor pole. She sees a guy in his boxers and a kid with a ferret and just madness. There is one normal guy standing but he seems very angry so she decides on a nice looking girl who is laying on the ground. Liz slowly approaches the girl laying on her back on the ground.

"um uh excuse me."
Allen turned her head at Viol slowly wondering lowly what the girl was doing here in the courtyard in the back of the school ."Well you must be lost." Her incredibly non-feminine voice spoke sounding almost like a boy who'd not his puberty just yet. Zephyr below her was in her arms by a thin black collar that was around his neck, she was going to take him away from all the new students especially the humans and the girls but Viol was here, a girl none the less. Allen pushed off some invisible dirt off her uniform jacket as Zephyr took his human form and instantly she turned away turning a deep shade of pink.

"JESUS CHRIST ZEPHYR! PUT ON SOME CLOTHS!" She yelled shaking her fist in the air. Zephyr simply smiled looking down.

"Well I'll be" He said a coy grin on his face then out of nowhere pulled a pair of boxers and pants on. "Pretty thing are you lost?" He asked next taking Voi's hand into a light kiss.

{This is the best I seem to be able to do, I am so sorry I feel as if I failed you paipai900}
Sage grins at the boy who just called him a loony," Oh, well are you sweet," He grabs his hand, twirling him, as if they were doing the salsa," Your spicy like my Mama's pepper poppers," His eyes gleam with an emotion, not even sage understood, grabbing the boy's thin waist.
Ayra blinked as he was twirled and blushed as his waist was grabbed. This guy wasn't offended by his insult, that was a new one. He huffed and looked up at the taller man "My name is Ayra and I guess I'm spicy but what are peppers?" he said confused.
Crona sits up," Hi," She says a little bit too loudly, smiling like a goofus. Her velvet black dress starting to rid up to her knees," I'm Crona, but you can call me crow," She says happily that now that her brother Renyiar was gone. But all the happiest changes when she see's a guy putting on his boxers. Suddenly feeling dizzy, she faint falling on the ground with a loud thud.
Rae's eye gleams and he grabs Ayra from sage dipping him and licking his neck "Your sweeter than you look" he said his eye's flashing red for a moment he then turns his attention back to Sage "baby,Ican be your appetizer main course AND dessert all at the same time"
((It's alright :) ))

Viol frowned and snatched her hand away from the weird and disgusting man. Turning back to the boyish looking girl, Viol put on her best charming smile. Doing the same thing the disturbing man did to her, Viol gently took the girl's hand in her own and lift it up to her lips.

"Unfortunately, what you say is true." Viol softly kissed the back of the girl's hand. "But, if I didn't get lost. I wouldn't have met an angel like you~" Viol complimented the girl, slowly moving away from the weird man. Letting the girl's hand drop, Viol did a little bow and kept looking up at the girl. "I am Viol, may I have the pleasure of knowing your name, princess?"

Viol did her best of ignore the weird man with no shirt, but she had to contain a low growl at him for doing such a...vile thing. Girls needed to be treated like royalty! Not like prostitutes found on the streets.
Liz's eyes widen and she turn around looking for anywhere to be but here hoping that anyone can help her she sees another girl that she hope can help and hurries over.

((this time im talking to coyoty))

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