Collins Academy-Registration


Dark Sadistic Killer

Welcome to the Academy!


An academy like no other

  • To whom this may concern:

    Voice sequence initializing, start... now.

    Welcome to Collins Academy School for the inhuman and gifted! We cordially welcome you to our school with the congratulations on a successful completion of the entrance exam!

    Please state the following:

    Remember the rules!





    Weight: (Vampires strongly cautioned is needed for our nurse.)

    Date of Birth:

    Country of origination:

    Grade: (if you are a freshmen please state this clearly)


    Family Origination: (If you are human only)

    Ranking: (Tell me humans are you smart or simply rich? You can be both)

    Marital Status:



    Mic: (Pets outside souls go here)

This rp is now forever accepting students ^~^

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Hi this seems like an interesting RP so I will fill out a students application hopefully I can join.

Name: Liz Farewell

Age: 16

Gender: female

Height: 5'4''

Weight: 112

Date of Birth: May, 10

Country of origination: Britain

Grade: sophomore

Species: she is half human half demon

Ranking: Liz's family is very poor

Marital Status: unmarried and not in any kind of relationship

Persona: Liz is very quiet and very smart and the combination often leads to bullies flocking to her. When she isn't doing schoolwork she loves listening to rock music.

Biography: Liz was born in England she had only a Mother because her Father had ran off when he found out about her. Growing up had not been easy for her because her mother often had to work day and night shifts to keep food on the table. It was around 10 or 11 when Liz and her mother discovered she was half demon her mother was distraught saying Liz was a demon and almost forcing her to leave but things worked out. They both worked hard to have enough money to live and often Liz wouldn't go to school to help support her mother and herself. When her Mother found the Academy Liz didn't really want to leave her mother but her mom insisted saying there was so much she didn't know and she wished Liz could learn it.

Appearance: the only small differences between the picture and Liz is that she has black irises and red horns that fade to orange as the meet her head and a tail

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Name: Aetherius, Aether for short. (Pronounced A-ther).

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 132 lb.

Date of Birth: Feb, 27.

Country of origination: South America.

Grade: Junior

Species: Human.

Family Origination: Also South America.

Ranking: Aetherius is middle-class, as far as money goes. His intelligence is above average.

Marital Status: Single.

Persona: Aetherius is very dark, you could tell that by one glance in his eyes. He is cruel, and merciless, some would even say he is a masochist. But one thing is for sure, Aetherius is a cold, twisted, and sick being. There is one little fact about him however. He loves cats and kittens. He absolutely adores them.

Biography: Aetherius had a childhood that would be enough to destroy any normal person's psyche. From the time he was able to hold a knife, he was trained to kill. And that is exactly what he did, for 13 years. His parents were high ranking members of the NLS the New Liberation Society, which was basically a group that would kill anyone and everyone who was against their beliefs. In addition to their cruel behavior, they also took children away from their parents, and taught them how to kill. To become soldiers of the NLS. Aetherius was born into this lifestyle, and in turn has killed over 200 people. Now here is where it gets interesting. At the age of 15, he began to do things that a normal human could not do, such as create a dark ball of energy between his hands, and then using that energy to do almost anything, he could shape it into a knife, or he could throw the energy down and dessimate anything in the area. His parents took this as a form of Voodoo, and banished him from South America. They gave him a plane ticket, and some cash and off he went far far away. That's when he saw a sign for an Academy where he could practice his gift, and he thought this would be just perfect for him.

Mic: (Pets outside souls go here) A tabby kitten named Kyria.

Apperance: NOTE** He does not have wings.


Age:14 and 1/2



Weight: 92

Date of Birth: May, 18

Country of origination: Ireland

Grade: Freshman

Species: Fey

Family Origination: (If you are human only)

Ranking: Crona lives off of street smarts, but her family is rich.

Marital Status: Single baby.

Persona: Crona has a hyper, cocking attitude and is as stubborn as a rock. SHE often likes to annoy and ignore people for no reason at all. And finds it very funny to piss people off. Yet, she is very sensitive to harsh words and actions even if you can't tell. She is very good at hiding when she is upset, but if you see her looking at you with a glare that shines with misery. Well it was good knowing you.

Biography:Crona was the youngest and only daughter out of the 12, so she really had to fight for attention and sometime even her life. Her brothers were always very harsh people and were very harsh on her including her brother Renyair who graduated from this school three years before she came.(There is more, but I think it would be best for her past to be revealed as we go. Make stuff interesting)

Mic: (Pets outside souls go here)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8bdf28d45e_Littlecrona.jpg.9af3030e204664b0c374745805de9f80.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4189" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8bdf28d45e_Littlecrona.jpg.9af3030e204664b0c374745805de9f80.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
Name: Sage J. Eury

Age: 16


Height: 6'3

Weight: 145 lbs.

Date of Birth:

Country of origination: Rio de niro, South America

Grade: Junior

Species: Succubus

Family Origination:

Ranking: Sage has above average intelligence, and his family is very rich. I mean top hat and monocle rich.

Marital Status: None really, but his family is attempting to arrange him to a nice demon that lives his his neighborhood, but I doubt he will go along with it.

Persona: Sage is a complete ladies man. He loves to flirt with anything with a skirt and even a few people <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Ash.jpg.38b92e0a438fc51c5a5c1697900f07bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4194" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Ash.jpg.38b92e0a438fc51c5a5c1697900f07bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> without them. But, then again he is bisexual. He likes to be close to people and can be a little handsy from times to time. He also has a little problem with his clothes he likes to take them off. A Lot.

Biography:Sage grew up a single child. His mother was a dance that his father took a fancy to one night many years ago, but died when he was three years old. His father on the other hand is a powerful Business tycoon that sells computer software. His father never really wanted a child, but still felt obligated to raise his one and only son. Even if he did think he wasn't worth his time. So, Sage was pretty much raised by a nanny and never really got a relationship with his father and has only seen a single picture of his mother.




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I love you too. Though I'm not in a making character history kinda mood. >.>
Sadlyimnotbatman You are a half human. You did not need a scholarship to the academy one was freely handed to you just for being alive. Rough life by the way, Accepted!

Behind The S♄αdøῶ͝s

[QUOTE="Behind The S♄αdøῶ͝s]Aetherius had a childhood that would be enough to destroy any normal person's psyche.

[/QUOTE] Can I test this? XP Also, your character might need to be under close watch. lol I am kidding accepted.
Xynia1998 Love your persona's on both characters though my poor Allen... (Girl but wears pats) I know you said even other people but my mind only saw the skirt thing. XDD lol. Also Sage shall meet Zephyr, he has a slight problem with clothing as well... as soon as you fill out the rests of the skelly you shall be accepted! ^*^

To everyone else! Joining is fun! And most of all just if the skelly is too much, try filling out mine....*Is incredibly extensive* Lol I just wanted to put that down. All that I have mentioned are accepted and maybe Xynia1998 too XDD I just like hearing *reading* a persons biography.

Note teacher positions are labeled above are gravely needed! Birth dates are also fun... I mean it, if you cannot think of a day and month just use the one you can remember close to making that character the first time.

Name: Viol la Belle

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5'10

Weight: 152 lbs (pure muscle)

Date of Birth: June 13

Country of origination: France

Grade: Senior (12)

Species: .....HUMAN...

Family Origination: La France

Ranking: Viol's seriously rich

Marital Status: Single (for now ;)

Persona: A hot headed, violent, and rash woman, Viol tends to act more like a man than a lady. She likes the idea of being a prince to the female population and treats all female creatures like royalty. A little bit of a flirt, Viol is a snotty and pompous young woman who loves cute things. She's like a knight in shining armour.

Biography: Viol la Belle comes from a rich and pompous family that is rumoured to be the descendants of the Amazons. The la Belle family tradition is that they train all their females to become great fighters so that they may protect themselves from any danger. The men, however, can do whatever they want.

Viol started training with her mother as soon as she could walk. She learnt many different kinds of martial arts and weaponry, Viol was pushed passed her limits every single time. The la Belle's training method is a bit...intense, but it has worked for many generations.

During school, most of the boys would bully Viol for being "manly" and "unfeminine", but the girls thought she was cool, thus the reason why Viol treats females so much better than men. Even so, Viol had developed a crush on one of the boys. One day, young Viol had gather enough courage to walk up to the boy and tell him she liked him. The boy easily rejected Viol and told her she was too manly for him and that he liked small petite girls.

Before they entered high school, Viol did a major change and began to become more lady-like. It got out that Viol came from the rich la Belle family, and many of the boys wanted to date her after hearing that. One day, the same boy that Viol had used to crush on in middle school asked her out. Feeling very angry that he was just after her money, Viol stomped away and decided to surround herself with women.

After that, Viol returned back to her unfeminine ways and treated females like they were angels from the heavens.


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Sadlyimnotbatman But is sounded just fine the way it was... also the colour of your characters eyes can be changed if you ever want it too, the horn thing might be a little harder I wonder if I can take it to my mum... (photo editor sorry)

Xynia1998 Nu, Nu!Take your time I just like reading them! xD I am really weird I like anything fictional that looks good. I just really thing Sage and Zephyr should meet... 
paipai900 Oh meh gawdddd! I so wanna make Ookami now xD They would soooo Get a long! I think accepted also... meh biographies....
I feel like the backstory doesn't capture my character the right way and I often want to change it hopefully throughout the story my character will develop the way I want her to even though her backstory kinda sucks. Its okay I think you all get the idea of what she is suppose to look like you know.
Sadlyimnotbatman COMPLETELY Understood. I have been in this business for four years and though I may not have any characters *rightnow* That do not have back stories ALL of mine started out that way, including Zephyr and Coyoty. (First characters I created) Coyoty was a wolf at first so... Also not sucks, just needs some work, nothing sucks my dear. I did not just say that... did I>.< Sorry... ~hides~
Okay I got the basic history down. I will reveal and add more later if that is okay with you. Oh I have to ask what is the character limit, because I would like to make another character. 
Oh, I am very sorry if they are kinda sloppy, but my mind is kinda being a jack butt

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