~Clover Tea~ ACCEPTING


One Thousand Club
~Clover Tea~

Amicizia, amitié, 交際, vänskap, amistad, or whatever you'd like to refer to the term "friendship" as. It is a closeness barely describable by words when true friendship is established, a bond that lasts forever. Losing these friends leaves an unmistakable pit of dread, a grief that can't be spoken. The term love is tossed around too carelessly nowadays, the true meaning of love is something to die for; where the bond between people is so strong that they simply feel only partial without one another. But how does this, you may ask, even remotely relate to any sort of story? That's the tale you create for yourself. It is said that in this city strange things happen. People change here, there must be some sort of dark underside here. The suburbs outside of the city make up the most darling little community, with cozy well-constructed homes. Farther down the road is more of a city environment, with apartment complexes, cramped conditions, shops, schools, and an abundance of new things to do.

Poverty ranges from unbelievably rich to horribly impoverished, there is much diversity here. The children in the city are often told by their mothers not to play near factories, because it could damage their health. This is the world some people live in, where each corner leaves them the fear of being mugged or jumped. Almost every young person here wants to leave if they are in this darker side of town, they are on the lower side of life. However, the people living fancier and happier wouldn't leave for the world. They are top dog around here, they have their money, their nobility, their superiority to a majority of people around them. They commonly live on the outskirts of town, in bigger homes in cozy neighborhoods. What is the meaning of that? Why, I've given you a setting. That's where our story begins... (Hopefully a "Generations" RP)

There were four best friends, who became close despite being complete opposites. They represent a four-leaved clover, of one of the luckiest things in the world... but the hardest to find. One was popular, high esteemed and well cared for with artistic prosperity and an undeniable sense for fashion, the other was a sporty goofy clown, another was a puny shy girl with a bubbly personality despite her fragmented past, the final was what used to be one of the high school's most highly-feared bullies. They found true closeness, but how? How could such opposites find peace, harmony, and relief within one another's company. You met these four not too long ago, it all started when the new girl moved into schooling systems- as she'd been homeschooled her whole life...

(That's where it starts :nuts::nuts::nuts: ... It's actually based off of a manga I am illustrating and I need to do some story and character development, it's still in its roughest phase so please help! xD )


Felicia- *She woke up on a beautiful autumn morning, the start of the school year. Everyone else had been here for years, and knew each other. It would be her first time going into a public school system since the 2nd grade, which didn't go too well for her. She got herself dressed, stressing over what to wear. What if no kids in the school wore what she did? What if they all made fun of her again? What if they ganged up and chased her through the playground, yelled at her and called her cruel names for being smaller than everyone else. Tried to hurt her. She shook her head, people should've matured by now, and no one would've remembered her because she hadn't moved to this town yet. What if the kids somehow knew of her less-than-acceptable home life? A cluttered little apartment in a bad side of town wasn't a good place to live, right? She had three different locks on her door to keep people out, considering she was always alone as well. She'd grown up alone and by herself basically. Her mother was always anxious, stressed, and working; she came home at night and collapsed onto her small single bed and fell asleep immediately. For most of her childhood Felicia had never had her own room, she shared one with her mother. But upon her sixteenth birthday her mother decided to clear out the workroom, which had a desk and computer for her mother's job, and gave it to Felicity. It was a puny yellow-walled room with pink butterfly silhouettes painted on it (Felicia's doing.) The bed was crummy and smushed into a corner, there was one little window. Most kids would find the room to be like a closet (especially if they were upper-class.) To Felicity, this was home. She dolled herself up, applying eyeliner and mascara to her massive blue eyes. She didn't need makeup, but wearing it made her look better (in her opinion.) She never wore more than this; foundation would cover up her freckles, and she didn't need it anyways, lipstick was a little too much for everyday use, and all the other little things wouldn't make much a difference. Her hair was a bit curly at its tips, cut at an irregular angle. She wore leggings, knit boots, a cute frilly white skirt, plain tight tee, and a cardigan pullover that went past her hips. To top it off she put on a woolen white hat with a cutesy pom-pom on the back, she didn't want to get too cold after all. Finally she, approached her mother. Felicia had a somewhat empty knapsack vintage flowery backpack on. She had empty binders and papers and pencils and such, but no books yet. She smiled to her mother, who was only an inch or two taller than her without those heels on. Felicia and her mother would be taking the bus together, the school was in walking distance but there were too many dangerous people on the way there. So Felicity planned to take the bus to be about half a block away from the highschool and just go from there; She would avoid trouble that way. As her idea had it, her mother and her got onto the local bus together. Her mother handed her 20$, telling her to buy dinner on the way home from school. Felicity didn't know about the public school bus system, where it stopped, and if she was included in it. She probably wasn't, she didn't live in a place any bus would ever want to stop. They had their own car, a small beetle car, but rarely used it because gas prices were so high now. It was easier to pay the bus fare, or walk. Felicity arrived at school, heart pounding and hands sweating. She gulped and began the walk to the school, it seemed like forever. Then she showed up at the front doors, took a deep breath, and pushed her way in...*

Coco- *She had woken up a bit late, on the wrong side of the bed as usual. Coco had grumpily thrown her alarm clock at the wall when it first rang, breaking it. Yet another broken clock. She grouchily tossed her covers off of her and went to get changed. The small girl put on torn skinny jeans, moccasin shoes, and a baggy bat-winged navy blue long-sleeved oversized tee. Her thick dark hair was a little past her shoulders, about down to her chest, and she pulled it into a lazy bun and put on a headband over her bangs (as a fashion thing, not to actually do anything.) Celia had always been a bit spoiled and unnecessarily cruel towards people. It was her way of dealing with life, since she could never handle things. When Celia was younger she was abused by her peers, and things got out of hand. It caused her to completely shut others out, being hurt so deeply by everyone around her. She became a wretched, hateful little girl. A girl who didn't trust, a girl who was afraid to love, a girl who didn't want to care- but really did. Celia sighed at her reflection in the mirror, applying makeup. Her eyeliner was winged, which distorted her naturally round eyes to look longer. Her mascara made her long eyelashes look almost fake. She didn't like what she saw in the mirror, having low self-esteem. Incredibly low self-image of herself, even though there was nothing wrong with her. She loved her moccasin shoes, but she was short in them. They were like wearing no shoes at all almost. She was only 4'10, wanted to be a beautiful 5'4 lady. But that would never happen, she was long-since done growing. It ran in the family. Due to this, she had many heels going from 2 inches to 6. She usually wore them between 3 and 5 inches high, with platformed fronts. Flatform shoes and high heels. She was unsatisfied with how she looked, and just decided to keep the moccasins on* Screw it. *She muttered glumly, going downstairs and nibbling on toast for breakfast. Maybe if she were thinner people would like her more. She was incredibly thin, having an hourglass figure (a very narrow one at that.) Most girls were jealous of how she looked, but they saw that Coco despised herself. After petting Mitzy goodbye, Celia then got in her mom's car, being driven to school. Her cousin was going to public school for the first time in years, her first experience of being in highschool. She pitied the girl, that innocent young lady would be better off not going at all. High school was brutal.*

Teddy- *When he woke up in the morning he was late, as always. He was always late to school, always sleeping way too much. It wasn't that he went to bed too late, he just slept more than normal people. Despite being fully-grown, he still ate like a pig and gained no more wait than before. He was always running around during the day, doing active things and putting his competitive attitude to use. Teddy grabbed a plate of scrambled eggs and pancakes, his mother always cooked everyone breakfast. She was very much as a traditional woman was "supposed" to act; stay-at-home, always cleaning and cooking, caring for everyone and keeping things tidy. He scarfed it down, barely noticing his younger brother across the table poking at his food. His brother was only 8 years old, and very smart for his age. He wasn't as sporty as Theodore, tending to stay inside and read. However, their sister was almost exactly like Teddy. Abbie was happy-go-lucky, wild-hearted, free-spirited, and crazy to the max. She was always challenging the rules and playing in the mud with boys while the other girls narrowed their eyes in disgust. She would grow up to be very sporty and involved with the community. He thanked his mother and ran upstairs to brush his teeth, not even bothering to run a comb through his scruffy blonde hair. The two dogs, Brandy and Chase, were chasing him as he rushed through the morning activities. He wore faded jeans and a plaid t-shirt, with a maroon sweater. Ted then got in his car, a large truck, and drove to school. His family was privileged, and hilariously wonderful. His father had been sat in the living room reading the paper and sipping his black coffee the entire time, not even batting an eye at his children's antics; they were nothing like either of their parents. A high-strung and kind mother and a strict war-veteran father. Teddy was ambitious, carefree and always ready to do more. Abbie was crazy, rebellious, and boyish. Then Charlie was quiet and nerdy. They were quite the pair of kids to have, high demanding and hard to handle at times. Theodore showed up on time, usually speeding a few times on his way to school as he blasted rock n' roll music. He was very popular at school because he was easy to be around for the most part. Girls adored him, but could never stay with him because of how hyper he was. He was a bit obnoxious and immature, but funny and a true character.*

Greg- *He woke up at 5 a.m, having a bad dream. Greg never got good night's sleep, always up in the night and doing various things. He went on a morning jog, his physical fitness was very important to him. It was what he had to survive, because he could beat anyone in a fight and take down three full-grown men at a time. He was menacing, the top dog at school, feared and admired and respected. But he was alone most of the time, being a rebel came with its downfalls. He was alone. Too many people were scared of him naturally. He was standing at 6'4, incredibly muscular and had a bad-temper. He was unpredictable and wild, had a tattoo between his shoulders already. It is the japanese kanji for love, dreams, discipline, faith, truth, and greatness. http://listverse.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/tattoo4501.jpg (this is how it looks.) Greg has a past, and a bad future from the looks of it. He's a bit of an outcast, although everyone knows his name and wants to get closer to him. He doesn't let people get close, he hates people as a race. They disgust him, which means he also hates himself. He smokes all the time, having a low raspy growl of a voice. If he were to be an animal, he'd be a lone wolf or a dangerous predator of some sort. After his run he returned to his apartment and lifted weights, then took a brief shower to clean the sweat off of him. Gregory brushed his teeth and put on a black t-shirt and dark jeans, wearing steel-toed boots to complete his outfit. The cold never bothered him, so he didn't wear any jacket today even though it was chilly. He began the long walk to school, by the time he got there he was on time like everyone else. And he kept this schedule every single day, maintaining top physical condition.*

Rosemary- *She woke up in a calming way, at 6 a.m. on her own time. Her puppy, Kiku, was curled up beside her. Careful not to wake the darling white lab, Rose got out of bed. She was fully rested and relaxed, changing into a blue sweater-dress with leggings and brown boots. Her hip-length hair was brushed out, she felt like Rapunzel with such long hair... She loved it. Rose then put on her makeup, perfume, and brushed her teeth and whatnot. She wore a generous amount; only thin eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow. She looked fine without any, being blessed with a pretty face and body. The teen then went downstairs and made her sleeping grandparents breakfast, taking a cream cheese bagel for herself. She left a note by the two plates saying "Went to school, love Rose <3 " with a little doodle of a chibi her waving goodbye. Rose always brought her camera wherever she went, it was high-definition and very expensive; one of her most prized possessions next to her journal (which she brought everywhere too.) She wrote diaries, story ideas, little things about people and poetry and so on. That was her passion. She then got in her small car and drove herself to school, having the money for these nice things. She arrived at school in a good mood as always, she was extremely popular as well. People naturally liked her, they always have.*
Sola got up early, as she usually did. she took a shower, letting the hot water wake her up. steam poured out of her bathroom as she dressed. she slipped into a modest, knee length, dark pink orchid colored dress, cream colored tights, and cream long sleeved shrug. she pulled her hair back into a tidy pony tail and swept her long bangs to one side, tucking them behind her ear. she put on her mothers butterfly necklace, decorated with amethysts. she went to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of strawberry yogurt from the fridge and sat at the table with her newest issue of National Geographic. she skimmed through most of it, but sat and carefully absorbed every bit of the story on Plutos celestial dance with its moon Charon. as soon as she was done with her yogurt she tucked the magazine into her carefully organized messenger style school bag. she heard a quiet mew as Icepaw padded into the kitchen. Sola smiled, crouching down and stroking the white cat. Icepaw blinked her beautiful blues eyes and rubbed against Solas leg as she stood back up. Sola headed towards the door, Icepaw following suit. Sola knew her brother would be up later, as he usually didnt like arriving at school as early as she did, which was roughly 30 minutes early. she and Kael shared a car, but neither of them drove. they prefered the simple pleasures of a leisurely walk. she slipped on her maroon flats as she left the house, Icepaw walking along side her. she lived close to the school, so it was a short walk. as she reached the school, Icepaw stopped with a mew. Sola waved at the fluffy white cat, and it turned with a swish of its tail, heading back towards their home. Sola, as she turned to enter the school, ran into another girl. "im sorry, i wasnt paying attention." she said, noticing the girls height. Sola was around 5'4, but this small girl made her feel tall.

Kael rolled over as his alarm clock went off. he heard the front door click shut downstairs, and he assumed that Sola had left for school, and rolled out of bed onto the cool wood floor. he walked groggily to his dresser, pulling out a pair of jeans, a grey t-shirt and a dark blue zip up hoodie. he dressed himself for school and headed to the bathroom. he ran a comb through his short messy brown hair, and put on a small spritz of cologne. he typically liked to shower before he went to bed so he wouldnt have to worry about it in the morning. he went back to his dresser and looked into the cage that sat on the floor next to it. it was empty, which came as no surprise since the door was always open. there was a small squeak from the other side of the room and Kael saw his dwarf hamster, Eddy, sitting near the door. Kael chuckled, and picked the furry creature up. "Eddy you know you arent allowed out unless youre with me." he picked up the hamster and brought him back to his cage. "i have school, so you have to stay home today." the hamster stayed put, despite the open cage door. Kael went down to the kitchen, popped some bread into the toaster and buttered it once it was done. he stuck the piece of toast into his mouth as he tied his blue converse. he munched at the toast, grabbed his viola from the next room over and headed out. his walking pace was always a bit more brisk then Solas, and he made it to school in good time.
Felicity- *She almost fell over! She was very frail because she was so small, the teen just giggled, rubbing the back of her head* It's fine, sorry! *She then scampered off into the school, as if to avoid an attack. As she walked down the hallways, stomach clenching in nervousness, she heard people whispering and felt them staring at her as she went by. Did they not like her? Was she just not likeable as a person in general? She felt her heart stop a bit and she looked frantically through her school planner, given to her in the mail with her schedule. These classes were generally pretty easy sounding, they were nothing more than what she'd been taught at home. She begins trying to find her first class, very early (She didn't know there were warning bells and first bells and that she had roughly 20 minutes before class) "This school makes no sense!" She thought desperately as she went through the various hallways, walking fast.*

((This is my morning post before I get ready for school... I will not always have these, they just aren't full-character))
Teddy- *He walked casually down the hallway, average dark green backpack slung over one shoulder. He waved and talked to people he was friends with, and even the ones he wasn't. Ted was incredibly popular, because he was so friendly and didn't oppose much. When he didn't like a person that was really saying something. The only problem was how overly-competitive he was, how obnoxious he got, and his jealous tendencies. This is why girls didn't stay with him, he never had long relationships. He approaches Kael* S'up? *he was in quite a few classes with the other boy, they talked occasionally but still had yet to become best friends. The problem was that Theodore was mainly sports-oriented in all aspects, so he seemed to hangout with sporty people like himself more often than not. He was the type of guy who'd organize a group of runners and then go out for a jog with them for fun. Okay, maybe he wasn't that crazy about it. But he still had a passion for sports.*

Greg- *He trudged down the hall, towering over everyone and only meeting eye-to-eye with a few jocks he knew from football. He could beat each and every one of them in a fight, or at least when he was in football he could. He'd gone down a dark path in the past couple years, dropped out of school for a while, dropped out of sports, and used his advantages of being big, strong, and naturally intimidating for a bad use. He never deliberately caused trouble, just wanted to world to leave him alone to die. If people stayed out of his way there wouldn't be so much trouble. Gregory was odd like that, he was mysterious to people. No one had ever gotten close to him as a child, he'd never had a true friend. His parents weren't much of parents, they needed family help. That's why he ran away, well he was kicked out, but it was his choice to live on his own instead of returning. They didn't care anyways. He didn't even see Felicia, who was running through the hallways with such a fast pace he wouldn't have had a chance to see her coming anyways. Besides, the girl was maybe half his size. That's when she ran smack into his chest, barely causing him any impact, but she flopped roughly onto the linoleum tiles. The girl's massive blue eyes widened as she gazed up at the giant above her, she was in too much shock to apologize. The young man was very handsome, but his dark eyes were worn and beaten from experience of bad things.* Watch where you're going, shorty. *He growled, not even bothering to help her up. She looked like she was about to cry, this girl wasn't from this school was she? She must be new, he felt a bit guilty for causing her to react that way. Greg tried to push these feelings of shame away as he left her on the floor, too nervous to even speak.*

Rosemary- *She and her girls hadn't witnessed the incident, the bell rang and they were on their way to their first-period classes. If they had seen what'd happened between Greg and Felicity, they would've certainly done something, stood up for her. Rose was incredibly strong on kindness and human-rights and animal-rights stuff, she loathed bullying and wasn't afraid to openly scold people if they did it. It made her a bit undesirable to crueler kids, but she was a sweetheart with good intentions and a pure heart. This is why she was so well-known around school, because she was friendly and because she stood up for people. One time she went up to the jocks who were picking on a weaker nerdier guy and told them to pick on somebody their own size, she only stood up to their shoulders. She was ready to fight with all her might too, because if she lost (if they even dare fight a girl) then they would be shunned for beating up a girl. They couldn't win, all they could do was walk away. Her spirit was too strong. Her first class was English, her favorite and easiest subject. She was in honors level, and would be going into AP level next year. Her grades were soaring due to private tutoring and self-discipline.*
Sola was about to ask the girls name, but she took off in a flash. school wasnt starting for quite awhile still, so she was baffled by this girls rush. she didnt recognize the small girl so she must have been new. perhaps Sola would see her again later. she made her way into the school and quickly found her locker, placing her notebooks and folders into it in an orderly fashion. she pulled out her schedule, noticing that math would be her first class of the day. yuck. i hate math. she thought to herself. as curious and studious as she was, she would probably never like math. ever. even though it was still early, Sola quickly found her class, and sat down in a desk near the middle of the room. she pulled out a red notebook and a folder with butterflies on it and labeled them with a sharpy marker while she waited for class to start.

Kael made it to school with 15 minutes to spare. he grinned as he greeted a few guys in the halls, giving fist bumps and high fives. he was easy to get along with, and it seemed most people liked him. while he seemed sporty, he was really just average outside his music. even though everyone knew about his love of gardening, it did not dull their view of him. he found his locker and just dropped his notebooks into the a pile at the bottom. a girl greeted him with a charming smile, and he waved as she headed off to her own destination. he had a few girls approach him the year before asking to go out, but he refused. he hadn't dated because he hadn't really found anyone he liked that much. it seemed nobody had "clicked" for him and he didnt want to girlfriend hop like many other teens did. he heard Teds greeting and turned with a smile, "not much, just getting ready for another long school year." he answered. nearby he spotted Greg, and just as he did a girl walked right into him. he heard an upset statment from Greg and went over to help. "jeez Greg, it was an accident, you could at least help her up?" the girl was tiny, especially compared to Greg and Kael. Greg had to be the only guy in school taller then Kael, who was around 6'1. the difference between the two of the was Gregs strong build and Kaels average build. Kael was rather lanky. he couched down and offered the girl a hand, "are you alright? my name is Kael, and i see you must be new here." he said, his smile reflected in his calm grey eyes.
Greg- *He turned, eyes fixating dully on Kael. A few students gasped, and cleared the hallways; rushing to class. They didn't see anything, this was the amount of fear people held against Gregory. He raised an eyebrow, grunted in distaste, and was on his way. All three of them could be knocked out cold in an instant, it wouldn't even take much power (except maybe Theodore, because he actually was well-muscled from sports.) But he wouldn't be a challenge to beat up. And that little girl... he could probably flick her and put her into a coma for months. They weren't worth it though, and he didn't see a point in exerting his power upon them. Especially if he got in trouble for it. He wanders to first period, math. He was incredibly smart, and logical things were the easiest for him. It was in creativity that his grades would dwindle, like the one time he had to take art. He couldn't come up with a single bright or original thing to save his life.*

Felicity- *She ran a hand through her slightly curly short hair and took the generous hand reached out to her. Another boy came over to her. Only being 4'7 she had to look straight up to see them. After all, she was the shortest person in the entire school.* H-hi, I'm Felici.. *She pondered what to tell them* Felicity Kiyoko Kaneko. *Looking down at her shoes, she scuffed them against the floor a bit. She wasn't used to talking to people, being around so many of her peers. It was awkward.* I'm fine... He just is a bit scary, but I'm sure he'd a kind young man. I can see it in his eyes, he felt sorry about knocking me over. Maybe he just didn't know how to say it. *She was so cheery, she could've easily held it against Gregory and loathed him for being inconsiderate and rude.* I'm trying to find room C103. *She showed them her small schedule sheet* I have Science I think...
Kael smiled, "nice to meet you Felicity. dont you mind Greg. he seems like kind of a bully and I imagine he packs quite a punch, but i dont think he would hurt someone as small as you." he reassured. Greg was an odd person, and Kael generally tried not to get in his way in order to avoid getting hurt. he hadnt really exchanged much conversation with him either, but in todays case Kael would have jumped in front of him ten times over and took a beating if he had tried to lay a hand on the new girl. Kael was a bit of an old fashioned gentleman, believing that if possible he should help if someone really needed it. he was never the type to be a bystander, even if he couldnt win. He took the schedule from her, looking it over. "yea, that room is over here." he said leading the way down the hall. "so Felicity, did you just move here?" he asked curiously.
Felicity- *She follows the gentleman, his sportier friend branching off to his own class.* I didn't just move here, I've been here for years. I've been home-schooled my whole life basically so this is all new for me. *She shrugged and clutched her hands together, nervous for her first class.* So what about you? *Felicia avoided eye contact, because she was an awkward person* Oh yea and you can call me either Felicia or Kiyo, or whatever you want. *She smiled, not liking being alone with this guy. She knew he was harmless, but her heart was still pounding being alone with new people in general. That run-in with Gregory had shaken her up, she was still a little bit trembly. This place was unbelievably complex, there were so many students all going to different places. It was hectic and her mind was racing.*
"Well Kiyo, welcome to the the world of public schooling. while its not always glorious and often fraught with drama, i think a nice girl like you could make a lot of friends and have a good time." Kael said cheerfully, "it may be difficult to adjust to, but its definitely fun. theres sports games, which can be fun to watch if you like that sort of thing, not to mention all the clubs, dances and those fun weeks where there is a different dress up everyday." he looked back down at the sheet. he pointed out the classroom they had arrived at, "this is your class. if you need any other help, feel free to ask. oh, and sorry i just rambled the whole way here. see ya" he waved before heading off to his own class.

((since this is a Generations RP, i thought we could detail the school year with seasonal stuff, dances, holidays etc. what do you think?))
(Of course! :D )

Felicity- *She waves goodbye* Thank you! *She then enters her classroom, getting into her seat right as the bell rang. It jumped her slightly but she calmed down quickly. Unlike when she was a first grader, where the teacher would make her stand up and tell everyone about herself, she easily disappeared from the teacher's eye. Felicia folds her hands together, notes out, and ready to learn. The teacher rambled aimlessly for a while about things that didn't even pertain to this subject, Felicia was confused. Why didn't the teacher tell them their assignments and how to do them and let them complete their work? Some children looked ready to fall asleep, she fumbled with her pencil. The old teacher continued to fix his glasses, adjust things on his desk, and introduce meaningless things. They weren't learning anything. She found herself a bit disappointed by this man's lack of teaching to the class. That's when the books were handed out, a massive science book just for her. She found herself quite amused by its impact on the class, they all moaned and groaned at this display. She looked up at the old man handing out books* Thank you, sir! *Then turned back and scribbled her name into the front cover of it, as they were instructed to do. She felt eyes begin to watch her murderously. Wasn't she meant to respect her elders and thank them for their generous gifts? She tapped her delicate feet slightly and the class carried on.*

Rosemary- *She had a very relaxing class, as English always was. She had completed her summer reports and all the work they were assigned, getting As on all of them. This was her easiest class, and the funnest. She adored English and the arts. The teacher smiled warmly, glad to have Rose for another year of English- a higher level, but still not challenging enough for her. Rosemary glanced around the room, seeing a few of her school buddies and a few relatively unknown faces. She felt she was going to like this class; She always did.*

Gregory- *He sat through math, this was an easy class for him. Everything logical was simple. His eyes were filled with boredom, and you could tell he wasn't amused by it. The middle-aged woman teaching them seemed frazzled and unprepared, her frizzy hair poofing at its tips and her expression clearly frantic for the students to answer. She had them start off with simple questions, review from last year. Greg was done within 10 minutes, while everyone else took 30. He watched her with dull eyes, as if asking her to actually try and give him a challenge. Intimidating her. She was clearly not liking his deathly bored stares, and that he did everything right so fast and easily. She ignored him and tried to avoid watching him the entire class. It appeared this year would be just like the last.*

Ted- *He was anxious to get out of class from the minute it began. Theodore passed notes, whispered to people, tapped his feet, scribbled half-witted false notes about class, and tried to find an excuse to not pay attention. He was always like this, never good with staying still and paying attention. He watched the clock* C'moon.. *He hissed, tapping his pencil impatiently. He did his work well, but was always glancing to the clock on his watch or on the wall. The teacher sighed and decided not to address her pupil's impatience. Most students were like this in this class anyways.*

Celia- *She sat by the window in class, no one approaching her. A lot of people didn't like her at all, it made her furthermore self conscious of how she was viewed. Celia heard a soft voice from behind her "Hey, Coco." She turned to face the boy who crushed on her last year* Go f*ck yourself. *And she wondered why she wasn't liked*
Kael sat in his chemistry class, eyes drooping, snapping open, ,then drooping again. Learning really wasn't his thing. His grades were all Bs or Cs, and he could never pay attention in class. He knew that his sister always poked fun at him because even though she was a year younger, all her classes were at his grade level. He doodled a few stick men in his notebook, then tore the page out and crumpled it up. When teacher handed out their reveiws of last years content, he stuffed it in a folder and turned to find someone to talk to.

Sola had been the first one in class, as usual. The teacher had come in looking as though she had just woken up and obviously wasn't ready to teeach the class anything. She spun through rules and expectations, and a breif. Overveiw of how the year would go, as usual for the first day. She reveiwed old topics, then handed out a reveiw sheet. Sola was done within 15 minutes, but only because she took her time. She looked over to see that Greg had also finished, it didn't surprise her. She shrugged and pulled out her NatGeo magazine and continued to scrupulously read the. Artical about Pluto. She was not intimidated by Greg, he could hit her if he wanted, that would just make her see him as pathetic for hurting someone who obviously couldn't hurt him back. She didn't think he would hit a girl, but she could be wrong.
Gregory- *His morning classes went relatively quickly, they weren't doing much at the moment. By the time it was lunch, he was about ready to ditch school and go for a run. He just needed to get out of the cramped school environment. "It's only the first day, this may be the year you drop out." He thought glumly, he wanted to get a good job. He didn't want to throw his life away and become like his parents, he didn't know what he wanted. Greg sighs and gets hot lunch, which happened to be grilled cheese and tomato soup. He usually just ate on his way home, but today he planned on eating here. Greg carries his tray outside, eating behind the school so he could light a cigarette afterwards. Also, the crowded lunchroom was just horrible. He had about half his sandwich before throwing it out, chewing a stick of gum, spitting that out, and then lighting himself a cigarette. He didn't know how exactly he got into this habit. Maybe it had to do with his upbringing. Probably. He just swore he wouldn't get hooked on alcohol, so he wouldn't be like his father.*

Felicity- *At lunch she didn't know where to sit, completely baffled by the amount of kids there. She brought her own little lunch she'd made herself, a bento box that her mother taught her to make. She enjoyed making things cute and decorative, and would probably do this even if she hadn't been taught. She nervously walks into the lunchroom, eyes scanning the terrain for a familiar face.*
Niklaus was not in the best of moods. It was his first day at a new public school, and he was already late. The first classes were almost already done, and he was just barely pulling up to the school. Unfortunately, his parents had taken the BMW and the Mercedes to work, so Niklaus was left to be driven by the chauffeur in the Rolls Royce. It wasn't that he resented his wealthy upbringing. Not at all. Truthfully, he was grateful for all the doors in life that only money could open because he had no shortage of cash flow. However, Niklaus was hoping to arrive to school on time, perhaps in one of the less expensive, less conspicuous cars. It was Niklaus's goal to be accepted, and he'd already botched that well and good. To be honest, it could all be blamed on his father.

Niklaus had woken up, like any other normal morning, and he'd gotten ready for school. He'd half-heartedly attempted to brush his unkempt black hair, but he knew it wouldn't work. Then, he put on his black dress shirt, red tie, and white sweater vest. He pulled his casual tan khakis on and put on his favorite pair of black leather loafers as he grabbed a piece of toast. He was headed out the door, toast in his mouth, one hand swinging his satchel over his shoulder, the other hand holding his rather expensive violin, and his foot opening the door, when his father called him back into the house. "Father, I will be late for school, and I'd rather not create a bad first impression in the other students' and teachers' minds." However, his father's stern glare silenced any and all further protest.

His father gave him a long speech about how Niklaus was expected to achieve a certain level of academic excellence, and how his musicianship had to shine above the rest. After all, it was Niklaus who had suggested he try out the experience of a public school rather than continue at the private school he was enrolled in. This tirade was not new to Niklaus, and he knew what was coming next. It was the inevitable comparison to Daniel, his older brother. He’d done it all: Daniel had been the valedictorian, gotten a perfect SAT and ACT score, was an international chess master and a football prodigy, and he’d gotten into his choice of Ivy League college with a full ride.

It made Niklaus want to scream that he wasn’t their precious Daniel, that he was his own person. But, he didn’t because he was a rational, logical boy, and he knew no amount of his shouting would change his parents’ adamant views. Niklaus didn’t hate his brother. On the contrary he looked up to him, but, being in his shadow was difficult. And now, due indirectly to Daniel’s success, Niklaus was late to his first day of public school.

As soon as the Royce pulled up to the front steps, Niklaus shouldered his satchel, picked up his violin case, and jumped out of the car. He waved a hasty goodbye to his chauffeur and took the school’s steps two at a time. He hurried into the school, not bothering to check in at the office. He saw the guidance counselor give him a look, and in return, he gave a curt nod and a slightly apologetic smile. Then, Niklaus hurried on to his first period math class. His walk was hurried, yet he took calm strides. He seemed to be graceful, almost a regal gait, although that stemmed from his wealthy upbringing.

When he arrived at his class, Niklaus noticed that the teacher had distributed work. However, that work didn’t interest Niklaus at all. He quietly snuck in, noting that two of them seemed to be done. ‘Well, there are some intelligent individuals here, but no one of my caliber.’ he though while taking a seat near the back of the room. Niklaus was only 14, yet he’d been moved up a few grades. Once it became apparent that his abilities far exceeded that of even an extraordinarily gifted high schooler, he was elevated to a sophomore college-level curriculum. As per his requests, however, he was allowed to stay in the high school environment. Sitting down, Niklaus took out his abstract, extra-dimensional geometry textbook and began to read it.
Kael walked the hallway and saw his sister Sola. he approached her with a grin, "hey Soul, hows your day going? you want to sit with me at lunch? i know youve been lonely since Chase moved last year." he said, reflecting his own thoughts as well. she shook her head "no, i think im going to eat in my usual spot." she replied. Kael accepted this, knowing Sola had trouble making friends. he headed down to the cafeteria and grabbed lunch. he spotted Felecity from earlier, and approached her. "hey Kiyo!" he smiled, "if you dont have anywhere to sit you can sit with me." he said. he had the tendency to sit in a different spot everyday, as he was friendly with many, but had no truly close friends since Chase moved. he had been a good friend of both of them.

Sola made her way outside, thinking about her friend Chase. he had been friends both her and Kael, but until the day he moved, Sola had never known about his feelings for her. according to Kael, the two of them had suppressed their feelings worrying about each others reaction. while she never knew his reasons for worrying, hers were that he was such and introverted person, and rarely smiled. he had a troubled past because of his parents, and she was afraid she might lose their friendship, which had been hard to gain in the first place. she quickly got over it, feeling happy that they had shared feelings, even if they never knew. even though they occasionally IMed, she never mentioned what Kael had said and they remained long distance friends. she finallly reached her usual spot, at least it had become so towards the end of the last school year. she sat with her flute and her lunch. she had a sandwich, peanut butter and strawberry jam. she had made it herself and she sat next to the side of the building, near the back corner. she didnt see anyone nearby and she ate in piece. once she was finished she pulled out her flute and played a piece that she had memorized for a summer competion she had gotten 3rd in.
Felicity- *Her face lit up as she approached the table, a smile on her face. She was relieved someone recognized her, however being about half the size of every single person in front of her was dreadful. She ran into many people, was almost trampled every other minute, and wasn't even recognized! Felicia takes a seat by the group of people Kael sat with, these people included Theodore and a few other unfamiliar faces. She took out her bento box lunch and opened it, everyone immediately in disbelief she made herself such a perfect little lunch; almost no one took the time to do that anymore. Felicia ate slowly, trying to take in everyone else's actions and attitudes so she could try and adapt. One thing she'd noticed already is that people hated one another, but why? She finished her lunch, eating faster and faster without realizing it. Felicia blinked a few times and shifted uncomfortably in her seat, being ignored and done eating for a few minutes.* Are we allowed to go to our next class yet? I finished eating... *Teddy glanced over at her and laughed heartily, blue eyes lighting up. "Don't be ridiculous, we have 20 minutes left." Felicia's eyes widened. She then awkwardly swung her feet, kicking the air in her chair.* Am I allowed to go on a walk around school? It's really stuffy in here.. *Her voice faded in the boisterous howls of laughter from the boys telling jokes, she wasn't surprised no one heard her.*

Rosemary- *She was walking to the cafeteria through a back entrance, right where Sola was leaving. They collided, and to put it simply; Rosemary wasn't expecting it.* Oh my! *She almost fell, but quickly regained balance.* I am so sorry, I should've been looking where I was going. *She ashamedly laughed, nervously rubbing the back of her head.* Whoops, haha... *She then heard another girl who was with her murmur "No one ever comes out here..."* That is true, what are you doing out here all alone? *There was a pure true sense of worry in Rose's eyes, she really wanted to know what was wrong.*
Sola gave a flat expression, "I made tghis my usual lunch spot after my friend moved away." She explained. She saw nothing wrong with it, and wasn't sure whye Rose was asking. Sola felt a bit sour now, "he was...not well liked." She said remebering Chases cold sarcasm.

Kael chuckled, "hey, no rush Kiyo, stick around and chat! You're new so you should tell us about yourself. " he said cheerfully, "me and Ted won't bite." He wondered if Sola would get along with this girl, as it seemed they both were in need of friends. He would make a note to introduce them later.
Theodore- *He chuckles at Kael's comment and playfully starts snapping his teeth at her, making her jump away laughing. This girl was incredibly easy to get giggling, almost anything could make her laugh. She just seemed so cheerful despite her new school environment. He smiled, she was very childish in the way she was; So small, frail, and bubbly. But he could tell although she was innocent and unexposed to the world, that she knew what she was doing. He smiled* I would be careful when you randomly go on walks around school *He saw that the girl was having a hard time sitting still, as he always did. But she looked more uncomfortable and more like she needed fresh air (not just wanting to stretch her legs.)* If you want, Kael and I could walk you around outside a bit. *He was already done with his food, being a complete pig and wolfing it down like an animal in the first 12 minutes after he'd gotten it.*

Felicity- *She glanced to Kael, wondering if he'd agree to Ted's proposal. She wondered why they wouldn't want her walking around school without an escort, it wasn't like anything too bad could happen to her. At the worst she'd be made fun of, which she was certain she could handle after all these years. I mean, she'd matured enough to handle it right? Had other people? She blinked her pretty blue eyes a few times, glancing downward, then upwards again. Not really sure what to do right now.*

Rosemary- *She could tell that Sola was in an undertone of upset feelings.* I think he was in one of my classes, I never talked to him though. *She chuckled, telling the complete truth. She was incredibly calm around guys, they didn't intimidate her the slightest. However, when it came to flirting of guys liking her she was a nervous wreck! Rose smiled warmly, completely wholehearted when she said this* Why don't you eat with us? Or we could go eat with you? *She had a nice group of friends, clean nice girls who didn't get into trouble and focused on their artwork and studies.*

Gregory- *He just leaned against the back of the school smoking a cigarette, pondering whether he should skip the rest of school or not. Maybe he could just be late and make up a half-witted excuse. Teachers didn't like to intimidate students, especially ones they secretly pitied. Greg sighed, people always thought he was either emotionless, heartless, and a steel monster waiting to kill or a tormented soul living in absolute anguish. He was a mixture of both. Greg inhales deeply, letting the smoke dance in his lungs and tickle his throat. Then he exhaled slowly, in calming, smoky breaths. He stared dead-eyed at the horizon, only two classes left. Might as well go to them. It'd be pointless not to. But that was for after lunch, for now it was just him and his cigarettes. Alone at last.*
Kael nodded, "good idea Ted." he agreed, "it would help you get familiar with the school without getting lost, plus its more fun with more people." he smiled. he was really looking forward to this year, it would be his last, but he would be sure to have as much fun as he could. that's how senior year should be. he got up and threw away his trash, walking back over to the table. "you two ready to go?" he asked, ready to get on with their walk.

Sola gave a meek yet grateful smile. "sure, i will eat with you. we can eat outside or inside, whatever youre more comfortable with." she agreed. she knew she needed to make more friends, it was just something she was not good at. its not that she wasnt a nice person, she just had little patience and a short fuse sometimes. her brother tended to poke fun at her for it, knowing that she would get angry with him.
Rosemary- *She was someone who would suite Sola, she was very calm and logical about people-situations. She was very good at handling them, and very kind to everyone. However, if she lost her temper (which took a LOT) then she really lost it and could become the most terrifying human to have ever walked the planet. It took a lot to make her angry, and she was more passive-aggressive than not. They went inside and sat by the windows, the sunlight shining in. Rosemary had brought her lunch from home, she loved to cook because of the time she had and her Grandmother's recipes she'd been taught. Rose had brought herself a stew in a thermos, with another thermos containing tea. She loved tea. She didn't know but it was something her, Felicia, Teddy, and Greg shared in common. They all enjoyed the calming taste of tea. (The characters and basic idea is based off of a manga I am going to try to create, which is based off of people; If you wanna know about it then go on my little blog thing :smile1:) She glanced to one of her friends, most of them had hot lunch. Then she looked to Sola* So do you think you're going to enjoy this year? I'm so excited for it!

Felicity-*Grins from ear to ear, she was noticed! The three then went outside together through the back doors, beginning to walk around the perimeter of the building. Felicia was in the middle of the two boys, who towered over her COMPLETELY. (There is actually a girl in my school who is as small as Felicity, except she looks 8 years old and is into drugs... and randomly became a lesbian this year :P ) The dainty little lady stayed relatively close, very excited for no particular reason. She was just happy to be where she was, happy to be alive. They had smalltalk conversation, then turning a corner and approaching where Greg leaned against the wall smoking cigarettes and staring out into the distance.*
Sola took a seat with the other girls in the hallway, enjoying the sunlight that shown from the window, dancing on the warm floor. Sola noticed most of the girls had hot lunches, and Rosemary had a hot made lunch. she pulled out her own lunch, a peanut butter sandwhich with homemade strawberry preserve jam. she also had some yogurt, and a bottle of water. she was a girl of simple tastes. she may have a a pretty wealthy home but that didnt mean she wanted posh expensive lunches every day. she turned to Rosemary, "well i guess. school is nice most of the time. the only thing that's bothersome would be my brother getting way too excited about...well....everything" she said with a sigh, "i mean, i like the festivals and dances as much as the next girl, but the last thing i need is Kael constantly badgering me about every day" she didnt need to elaborate since she assumed her people person brother and his enthusiasm for everything was well known. she chuckled, "although, im able to keep good track of the schedule with him anouncing that stuff all the time." she took a bite of her sandwich.

Kael looked over at Greg. he maintained his smile, despite his urge to make faces at the smell of nicotine. he had never liked tobacco or alcohol products. he even swore never to drink. there was nothing wrong with having a few drinks, he just knew that he could have fun without it, besides, when everyone turned that age and started to drink, someone had to be the sober driver. Kael shrugged off his wandering thoughts, and thought he should say something."hey Greg!" he called out with a grin, "care to put down the cancer stick and join us for a stroll?" he asked, not a single hint of ill intention in his voice. he was a naturally nice person, no matter who it was. he was the type you would expect to forgive you even if you purposely shoved his hamster into a moving blender.((true story, Kael is so nice that he can get annoying sometimes.))
Aww! xD Kael :P xDDDDDDDDDDD I know a guy like that :P

Rosemary- *Nodded* I met him once in the hallways, he was just so cheerful and pleasant. It's kinda funny *She giggled lightheartedly and sipped at her soup* I don't have any siblings, it gets lonely at home so I almost ALWAYS have people over *A few of her friends agree with her* We should hangout sometime or something ^_^ *Like Kael, there wasn't a single hint of ill-intention in her tone. She was completely truthful and just that kind to others, she was the type of person to approach that one scary kid sitting alone at lunch with the bad reputation and sit with him the entire time; actually talking too. That was why she was friends with so many people, she didn't judge (or tried not to) upon first impression and sight.*

Gregory- *Raised an eyebrow, not amused. He didn't trust these people* I'm perfectly content staying here. *He says in a low raspy tone, solitude ruined. Felicia bites her lower lip, this was that same kid who knocked her over. He didn't seem like such a bad guy, she wanted to get to know him, brighten up his day. He seemed so lonesome sometimes. He noticed the girl and Theodore staring at him* What? *He asked, clearly disgusted by their very presence.*

Teddy- *He knew this situation could go bad in many ways. He'd heard of Gregory fighting before, he took down two guys the same size as him. He could take on Ted and Kael no problem, because even though Ted was muscular and probably could actually fight with him; Gregory had the advantage of size, massive muscles, and street smarts. That was the thing that would be the downfall of him. Greg knew how to fight, he didn't randomly punch and hope to win, he observed his opponent. If you ever saw him fight, it was like Gregory was an animal of some sort; His eyes would dart quickly, focusing in on what he would do, his brain acted fast, he was coordinated and balanced, and he knew how to block and where to hit and how. Greg wasn't light on his feet, not even remotely, so he was almost impossible to knock over. But right now he didn't seem too menacing, just irritated. That could lead to bad things too.. Theodore found himself getting closer to the puny 4'7 lady at his side, who didn't think any of these things that could happen to her if she set Gregory off. "Go the f**k away." Greg growled, taking another blow of his cigarette. Ted could see if they provoked him it'd end horribly, he murmurs lowly to Kael* Let's go... *As they start walking off he realizes Felicity had stopped, gone right up to the massive beast without a kernel of fear in her heart. It was like covering yourself in sausage and walking right into the lion's den. "You need to be nicer to people." Theodore's heart stopped.*
Sola hesitated a bit, unsure if she wanted to commit herself to more friends. especially after Chase moved away. she thought of her brother as well, knowing that she couldnt just tag along with him forever. she smiled, "sure, i would love to. i dont really get to hang out much so it sounds fun" she agreed, now looking forward to it. she wasnt really the talkative type, but she still thought it would be a nice change of pace. and maybe her brother might give her some peace for once, instead of trying to push her into every social gathering she didnt need.

Kaels expression never wavered as he turned and went back over to Felicity, standing behind her with his hand on her shoulder. "she has a point Greg. im sure you would have a good time, its just a little walk." he said, hoping that if Greg was angry he would punch him instead of Felicity. Kael could take a beating, he may never win in a fight but he was sturdy enough to take a hit. Greg could rearange his face if he wanted, just as long as he didnt lay a finger on Felicity.

((what a gentleman.....))
Davis or Dave as he was usually called, did not eat lunch in the cafeteria. It was crowded with people and was way too noisy. He sat in the library, sneaking bits of food between studying. The librarians use to chastise him for eating lunch in here, but after some time, they realized it wasn't so bad. Dave didn't make messes and he always cleaned up after himself. He made sure not to eat anything that would stain or get everywhere.

Dave tapped his pencil against the table as he took a bite of an apple. He could hear the clanking of keyboards and the movement of papers. Although he wasn't alone in the library, no one really bothered him here. It was his family place to be on the school ground really. He didn't mind his classes, but they were filled with unruly students and idiots as well. Dave had a low tolerance for the ignorant and stupid. Really some people were so dim-witted he wondered how they didn't stay back.

Dave wondered to himself if this was why he had no friends. It wasn't because he felt he was better, no, but more that he couldn't tolerant those with low intelligence or no drive to learn. At least the people he tutored were okay. Most of the time. He couldn't recall how many times he wanted to hit his head against the wall with a few. Oh well. Dave looked at his watch, making sure he wouldn't miss the ending of lunch. Sometimes he got too caught up in his work.

Noah shuffled nervously to an empty chair in the lunchroom. He knew he was suppose to be getting lunch for a few other students, but he seemed to have lost where they were. He could already hear them complaining and then asking him to do something to make up for it. And Noah would. He always would. But it was alright. It was his fault after all for not doing as he was asked.

He wondered what they might make him do. Something food related for sure. But he already promised to help another student out later with their project. Maybe he could do both? That was if he ever located the other group. He was going to have to be more efficient.
Ted- *As soon as Greg stood up straight, instead of leaning against the wall (which made Felicity literally half his size), he ran between the two. Theodore was the type to take drastic measures. Greg just raised an eyebrow "What the hell is your problem"* I swear to God you better not loose your temper on her. *Greg just chuckled "So she needs bodyguards?" Felicity's sparkling blue eyes narrowed, they shimmered in the sunlight. She pushed Teddy back with all her might, which wasn't much, and said to him "I can fend for myself. But thank you anyways." She then said sweetly and truthfully, a bit bashful from the two caring for her so much. Theodore didn't think Gregory was low enough to do anything harmful, but he didn't doubt it either. Teddy felt a shiver go down his spine at the thought of how easily this girl could be crushed by a monster like Greg. He took the girl's arm, a bit harshly.* Let's go. *He then started walking away, basically dragging her. She was so small and weighed nothing, it was beyond easy.*

Rosemary- *She then got up* I forgot something in the math room guys! Anyone wanna go get it with me? *The other girls shook there heads, clearly a bit too busy with food*

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