
Dhea's eyes lit up faintly as she looked over the tents and the decorations. She likely looked like a fool as she almost giggled at the sight. She took a step forward, wanting to explore the fair.
She never knew what she might find.
There were various groups and events going on at the fair. A group of musicians played a merry jig for a troupe of dancers, something that Ellie's tavern might benefit from if Dhea talked to them. Elsewhere, a Dwarf held a trained dancing bear on a leash. On one side, watched by a hollering and cheering crowd was a ruffian calling for challengers to take on his champion in bare-knuckle combat. Everything was quite spirited. As she walked further on she could see boy sitting on a barrel and holding an apple, and a dull looking tent by the river bank, quite mismatched from the surroundings.

The festival continued down the street.

- Take on the fist fight challenge.
- Talk to the boy with the barrel.
- Talk to the musicians.
- Visit the small tent.
- Continue ahead.
Dhea looked at the tent, curious. It seemed so out of place with the bright colours and lively people. She made her way towards it, just a little too curious for her own good.
She wanted to see what it was doing at the fair.
She was greeted by an Elvin woman who extended a hand toward her. "One gold piece." She announced, her tone flat. She was apparently collecting the entrance fee. "Marco the Amuser." As she noticed Dhea looking at her she explained. "He's a very funny one. One gold piece."

- Pay.
- Don't pay.
The woman stepped inside, gesturing at the tent with a flourished bow. The inside of the tent was dark. There were no candles or lanterns and the cloth of the tent was thick and black, preventing any sunlight leaking inside. In the middle of the tent on the ground, sat an Elvin man with bright green hair, eyes closed. Otherwise he seemed ordinary enough. He did not look like he noticed Dhea at all. Inside the tent was a deep silence, the buzz of the Fair quite forgotten.

- Greet him.
- Approach him.
- Leave.
Dhea felt odd about the silence, about the man in front of her and about the lack of sunlight. It was so suspicious that she wanted to leave, but she'd paid the fee, she may as well see what the woman had been speaking about.
The man did not respond nor do anything. Even when she made a step forward or called out, he did not react. He was simply sitting there with eyes closed, breathing deeply. Dhea could now see that his green hair was in fact a wig.

- Grab the wig.
- Leave.
- Cast a spell.
Dhea took a step back, her arms crossing over her chest. She shook her head. She didn't even understand why they were claiming this man was 'funny', but she thought that she may as well try to interact with the man.
She sighed and grabbed his wig, quickly yanking it away.
She reached out to take the Elvin man's wig, but his reflexes were as fast as lightning. He snatched her wrist in a strong grip and took the wig back. "That is my act." He warned, returning it to his head. Then he closed his eyes again and turned unresponsive.

- Fight him for the wig.
- Leave.
- Cast a spell.
Dhea rolled her eyes.
"Sitting still and not paying attention to the audience. Hilarious."
She already felt like her gold had been wasted, and she shook her head as she left the tent.
"Did you enjoy it?" The Elvin woman asked as Dhea walked out, but soon she noticed her sour expression. "Well, everyone's sense of humour is different, I suppose. Enjoy the rest of the Festival!" She waved as Dhea moved away from the tent.

The fair spread all around her. Hawker announced their goods and various games at the tops of their lungs. The general atmosphere was cheerful, but now Dhea started to notice a hint of violence. There were fistfights breaking out and at some point she could have sworn she saw a little boy browsing through the pockets of the people that passed by him. She was now very close to the dancing bear and a tent with all kinds of people stumbled drunkenly out of - a beer tent.

- Go see the bear.
- Go to the beer tent.
- Continue further.
Dhea shook her head, ignoring the bear and beer tent. She didn't feel as happy about the place as she did before. She just hoped that she could find something worth her time.
She continued further down the road.
The fair continued up the hill. She had to elbow her way through a large crowd of sweaty and drunken people. Suddenly, she felt hands grab for her waist - and take out the knife at her belt. Upon further inspection she noticed that her pouch of coins was swiped away as well. She could see a figure dressed fully in black, slip away through the crowd, rounding a corner of the alley.

- Escape the Festival.
- Follow the figure.
- Try to find a guard to help.
Dhea growled and swore, her eyes flashing as she gave chase to the figure. She wouldn't need her knife to make the thief regret their life choices.
"You little shit."
She looked akin to how she had when she faced the manticore.
As she rounded the corner, the figure had disappeared. The alley was narrow, too narrow to maneuver. Suddenly, there was a hand around her waist, and a blade across her throat. "I should have killed you like this the first time I met you." A voice she recognized.

- Struggle.
- Cast a spell.
- Respond.
Dhea smirked, her eyes rolling skyward.
"Rhain, if you wanted to flirt with me, there are ways of doing so without putting a blade to my throat."
She sighed, almost dramatically.
"Can I please have my stuff back?"
The assassin let go of her with a small laugh. "That was not my intention." He flipped the dagger in his hand and gave it over to her. After a moment he tossed the pouch with her money over. "I wanted to attract your attention. I guess it worked pretty well." His eyes moved over her body, scanning her appearance. "You don't look any worse than when we first met. Khare has treated you well so far. I'm guessing you are still to face the Portal traps. They will take your smile and move it to your throat, as we assassins say." He chuckled.

- Ask about the traps.
- Say you don't fear the traps.
- Ask for his help.
"All you had to do was grab me and pull me aside. You didn't need to steal my things from me."
Dhea attached her coin purse to her belt and took the dagger cautiously, before slipping it back into its usual place.
"I mean, there are other ways..."
She grinned wickedly at him, before laughing.

"Mhm. Those traps do sound like a bundle of fun."
Dhea shook her head, her hands resting on her hips.
"Do you have any advice to give me? I am particularly curious on how to not die. As one would naturally be."
"I like being dramatic." Rhain said with a smirk. Once she asked her question, he watched her for a moment before speaking. "Well, all the traps are on the other side of the river." He gestured toward the mouth of the narrow alley. Then he glanced around him as if looking for something, before returning his gaze to Dhea. "I have a few minutes. Tell me of your quest. How is it going?"

- Tell him it's good.
- Complain.
- Talk about something else.
- Leave.
"Oh, there are other ways of being dramatic."
Dhea chuckled, before leaning against the wall. She thought on his question, her eyes going to the ground.
"It's going alright. I mean, it hasn't been easy, but when is something like this ever easy?"
She chuckled, her eyes going to his.
"What were you looking for?
"Good. I'm glad to see that you are not a coward. Being defeated is a shame, but being defeated by a creature with no spine is torture." Rhain sighed, adjusting the belt on his waist. "I have a quest, same as you. It brought me here." He shrugged. It was clear that he would not say more on the subject.

- Ask about Khare
- Ask about the North Gate.
- Flirt.
- Leave.
Dhea bit her lip, a sly smile growing. She pushed herself off the wall, her hips swaying in a faintly suggestive fashion. She looked up at Rhain, her fingers hooking into his belt.
"So mysterious. Do you do that just to get into pretty women's beds?"
She chuckled, before looking up at him through her lashes as she pushed her body flush against his.
"I must admit..."
She lowered her voice to an almost-whisper.
"It is certainly enticing."

And then she pushed herself away, giggling. She wanted to see his reaction.
Rhain stood seemingly unfazed with her actions. But, when Dhea moved away, he followed her. It took only a step for the distance between them to be traversed and for Dhea to be against the wall, with the assassin's body pinning her down. He placed one hand on her hip, leaning against the wall with the other. "It was not my intention, by if you are saying that it's working." He grinned, leaning down to whisper into her ear. "I'm staying at a tavern on the docks tonight. Come visit me there, I still owe you." Then he moved away and was gone out of the alley, blending with the crowd of the fair.

- Continued through the fair.
- Get out of the fair.
Dhea wanted to find the musicians she'd promise to get, in the meantime, she'd start handing out manifestos.

She also took a moment, because her cheeks had turned a faint pink at Rhain's actions. Dhea hadn't fully expected for the assassin to return her attraction, but she would certainly take advantage of it.

So, she continued through the fair, handing out manifestos to the more sober people of the crowd.

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