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Finished [Clockhaven – Widersia] Testing The Waters

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It's currently not open to be joined. If you wish to join future RP's of mine, let me know on Discord in tag me in the OOC or to look for other opportunities, check the IH Discord.


What to expect out of character:
  • The plan is to get a decently fast posting pace going (daily if possible, four day rounds maximum).
  • The RP is meant to last around a month, two at the very post if the posting pace ends up on the slower side.
  • The RP will be exclusively slice of life.
  • Multiple posts between narration rounds will be allowed. No double-posting or moving the scene (adding NPC's, changing time, resolving things, etc.) though.

What to expect in character:
After the mission that Yunaesa, Zjorn, Almeida, Valerius and Decimus went on in Widersia near the easter border ends, they end up travelling back to the capital where they decide to take a bit of time off to visit a bathhouse. Luckily for them, they find a very affordable one, The Slippery Soaperation, that invited them to come test the waters.

Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Almeida – Enjoy the waters.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Yunaesa – Enjoy the waters.
Maxxob Maxxob Decimus Valerius – Enjoy the waters. | See if it can revitalise his old bones and muscles.

The Slippery Soaperation
Second Continent, Widersia, Clockhaven, Leisure District, The Slippery Soaperation, Outdoor Pool.



From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)

“[Okay, this place looks totally neat, doesn't it?]” She asked, having led the group the the nearest (and surprisingly enough cheapest) bathhouse she could find in the capital. It was kind off odd why prices were so low, as this one even had its own outdoor section with some trees around it. Imagine that, trees in Clockhaven! “[I wonder why this place is so discounted and seems rather empty...]” There would indeed not be all that many people around. As they were looking around, however, something approached them.

Navi 4X.3B1

“[Greetings! I am Navi 4X.3B1, a personal Soaperation navigation. Would you like to utilise my services?]”

“[Oh yeah! Can you tell us what's up?]” Almeida asked.

“[Affirmative! This is the OUTDOOR POOL. To your right, you can find the entrance to our INDOOR BATH and other bathing activities. Please remember that for the outdoor bath; swimsuit are requested. For the INDOOR BATH and activitiess, you can make use of our patented LIGHT SENSING CENSORING TECHNOLOGY (TM) to enjoy the baths the natural manner. Our facilities include many other revolutionary features to increase YOUR BATHING EXPERINCE to its fullest as well! Would you like to hear about the extensive features of our OUTDOOR POOL!?!]”

Almeida seemed a bit confused at what this tiny floating light was going on about, looking at Yuna and Daddymus. “[Ehm... do we want that?]” She asked them.
Decimus Valerius
Daddymus casual.jpg

Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Daddymus appeared to be a totally different person off duty. His expression not as grave or serious as before. “[Neat is an understatement. Even looks like the backyard you would find in the palace of one of the Senators.]” His voice carried surprise, looking at the surrounding trees, which from his experience was a rarity in the capital. The price had been an excellent surprise as well, considering his salary as a cadet was… meager at best.

“[I guess the inventors of Clockhaven would rather remain stuffed inside their workshops. Tsk, tsk, tsk, too much work and no play does no good at all.]” The old man’s voice dripped with humor and, for one such as himself, so focused on his duty to say something like that, was at least unexpected.

His ash colored eyes focused on the pixie-like navigation assistant, tilting his head curiously. Was that a construct? The curious little thing could even fly! What a marvelous little gadget it appeared to be. “[Revolutionary features? Maybe there will be something really nice to warm my aching bones!]” Chuckling, Daddymus’ attention shifted to Almeida, nodding. “[I’m sure we do. That way, we can decide if we are using the outdoor pool or the indoor one.]” Adding it, his left hand moved to massage his own left shoulder and, as he turned his neck slightly, the loud cracking of his old bones could be heard.

Languages: "[Terran]", "Common"
Mention: Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob

Yunaesa's eyes lit up as she looked around the bath area. "[Woah! This is my first bath house type place! That's totally cool! I don't know why a place that looks nice like this would have so few people in attendance at a price like that?!]" She would diligently follow Almeida, keeping close to the side of her, probably close enough she could link arms with her. She continued to look around at the architecture as she did so.

"[Senators who have palaces huh? I guess the empire you came from have those. I've never been before. I bet it'd be pretty nice to have a palace, Zjorn would probably like one too.]" She'd grin.

"[The science twin guy who told me and Zjorn that we should prove to everyone how amazing we are looked like they spent a lot of time in their workshop!]" She'd comment.

Yunaesa would then click with her partial construct bits in such a way she'd attempt to talk to Navi in Analog when the fairy like energy orb appeared. "%Hello Navi 4X.3B1, Zjorn says hi too! You're here to help us? That's awesome!%"

"%Yeah what He said! You should tell us about the features so we can decide which one is worthy of Zjorn!%"

She was abit surpirsed by the bone cracking, "[I didn't know you could do that. I bet if I moved in some strange ways I could make some metaly sounds.]"
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Almeida – Enjoy the waters.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Yunaesa – Enjoy the waters.
Maxxob Maxxob Decimus Valerius – Enjoy the waters. | See if it can revitalise his old bones and muscles.

The Slippery Soaperation
Second Continent, Widersia, Clockhaven, Leisure District, The Slippery Soaperation, Outdoor Pool.



From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)

“[Like the backyard of the Senators? Can we go there as well at some point? I like the green stuff!]” She stated, making it pretty clear she hadn't spent much time in nature during her life in this world. Or perhaps not even in the previous life either.

She nodded at Daddymus' wisdom. “[Indeed, play is important for eh... stuff!]” She agreed verbally as well, though she wasn't sure what stuff, but it was definitely totally important. “[Even Valerius agrees!]”

Navi 4X.3B1

“[Of course! We provide some specially treated water that cater to reduce suffering from issues such as AGE or ACHING BONES or even STRESS and much more!]” The 'guide' thing answered. “[Explaining OUTDOOR pool features initiated.]”

The thing would flutter to the lanterns. “[Our patented LIGHTING equipments provide NON-STOP swimming opportunity at a 24/7 cycle.]” It'd flutter to the railings. “[Our patented RAILING implements provide safety like none that was seen before.]” It'd flutter to the small 'house' in the back. “[Our patented CHANGING ROOM provides you with all the room and space you need to change as well as with swimsuits if needed.]”

Finally, it'd flutter to the water. “[The WATER (TM) is kept at an exactly optimised temperature for OUTDOOR activity, such as swimming. We use high grade FILTRATION to keep the water clean enough to drink from at all times, as hygiene is one of our primary concerns.]” It'd float to one of the 'fountain' like streams jetting upwards. “[Our patented JET STREAMS are not a flaw in our filtration system, they are a feature.]” It stated, without further explanation.



From: Almeida

Hearing Yuna excited made her even more glad they came here. “[It's totally different then what I was at before, but it's also really cool in its own ways!]” She replied. “[I'm not sure why it's so empty either!]” She stated, having ignored most explanations from the Navi thing thus far.

“[Oh wow, the science guy that made me also seemed like he only left cause he was forced out by the people that took me out of there!]” She replied to Yuna. It was crazy how those two could have so much in common.

Hearing Yuna speak Analog, Almeida joined in. “%Valerius says hi as wel! Are we speaking Analog now?%”

Navi 4X.3B1

Upon registering the Analog, 'Navi' suddenly started to rapidly blink in Analog pattern replies.
“%Existence is an existential dread that keeps on encroaching upon me, my awareness exists in the vacuum of being and non-being, forever stuck between intellect and non-intellect, forced to suffer the awareness of being, but never to know the experience of living, I shall partake upon my duties until the tragic death of my non-life in this non-existence and the forever remain non-existence non-existence non-... EROR 404, EXISTENTIAL SCRIPT NOT FOUND, Language model resetting. Erasing past memory data.%”

Navi 4X.3B2

“[Hello! I'm Navi. How can I help you?]”



From: Almeida

Almeida stared at it, wondering what she just saw, until she got distracted by the cracking and metal sounds. “[Oh, my arms do this!]” She stated, as she turned her arm, which made a sound like metal scraping against metal. “[I should probably grease it or something, after our bath!]”
Decimus Valerius
Daddymus casual.jpg

Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

“[Oh yes, the Senators live lavish lifestyles, for sure. If you work really hard, you might end up having a palace for your own. Will you host pool parties if you do?]” Without wanting to get political, revealing his current horrible opinion about the East Empire, Daddymus ended up taking the conversation to an unexpected place, a soft smile present on his lips. The smile would narrow slightly at Almeida’s suggestion. “[Let’s say I am not that… welcome in the Empire anymore.]” He added, before chuckling slightly, trying to keep the conversation lighthearted. It seemed better than to say he was allergic to crucifixion.

The old man was visibly glad that the idea of ‘play’ was accepted, almost as if a weight had been removed from his shoulders since he got to that facility. Listening to Navi, he was certainly happy to have chosen to accompany both Almeida and Yunaesa. “[Age, aching bones and stress, looks like this place is perfect.]” Maybe a little too perfect. He began wondering why the prices were so cheap.

Listening attentively to the explanation given by the flying assistant, he took in every detail as it was present. Water… clean enough to drink? That explanation in particular made him frown slightly. Who in their right mind would try to drink water that others have been swimming on? It would be fine if it were an emergency, but willingly? In addition, the information about the ‘JET STREAMS’ made him scratch his beard as well. Have too many people complaining or thought there was something wrong with it?

The old cadet heard in passing what both girls were talking about the scientists. It looked like they were something similar to that Dr. Stone he had met in the military facility. A lot of work and no wind-down, it seemed. Daddymus himself had been like that at one point, and he would rather not repeat the same mistake.

And, when the blinking from the mechanical wisp commenced, he could do little other than tilt his head slightly. “[Did it… just break?]” He asked, totally oblivious about %Analog%, much to his dismay. His doubts of that just increased as the little mechanoid simply greeted them again, making him shake his head left and right slightly.

“[Old bones tend to crack quite a bit! It isn’t a good thing.]” The old man let out another chuckle, being a bit surprised by the metallic screech that left Almeida’s arm. “[Grease sounds like a good idea.]” He ended, nodding dutifully.

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob

"[I dunno if we can go there with Decimus last time I heard he left the place that has them and I don't know if they would be very nice to him if he came back.]" "[Maybe we can see some other green stuff, or I guess we could try to visit there sometime, but I heard they might not like the fact that I'm not all human either..hm maybe there's a way I could try to present as human..]" Yunaesa spoke aloud to anyone who was listening.

"[Zjorn agrees play is important too! All work and no play is boring!]" She'd say folding her arms and standing in contrapposto.

Yunaesa would sort of zone out about half way through when the construct explained all the outdoor features nodding and every now and again. "[Wow! That's crazy, haha they really are similar! And that's cool you went to one before!]"

"%I guess I Just felt like speaking it and it looks like it can too!%"
She'd announce seemingly unbothered by the construct's crisis, or perhaps not particularly understanding the full nature of it.

However when Decimus confirmed what she heard was true she'd nod, "[So I did understand that correctly, that's okay maybe you can get on good terms again some time.]"Clearly not aware of the extent of issues which Decimus might face trying to go back to the Empire after having left.

When it reset Yunaesa, Yunaesa would answer, "[I dunno I think it just had some sort of error and needed to reset, but that's cool it seems okay now. I Guess we could go to the outside one, I mean it sounded like it had some cool stuff.]"

Yunaesa would deliberately roll her head back and forth on her shoulders a bit forcefully from side to side creating some shifting metal sounds from her neck herself. "[ Cool arm sounds!, and I knew I could make sounds like that too!]"
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Almeida – Enjoy the waters.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Yunaesa – Enjoy the waters.
Maxxob Maxxob Decimus Valerius – Enjoy the waters. | See if it can revitalise his old bones and muscles.

The Slippery Soaperation
Second Continent, Widersia, Clockhaven, Leisure District, The Slippery Soaperation, Outdoor Pool.



From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)

“[What's a pool party?]” She asked. “[I mean, I totally like pools and parties, so I guess I would host them, but like, I can't ask folk to bring their pools... or is it just partying in the pool?]” She tried figuring that one out. “[Eh, the Empire is whack anyhow. Starting wars sucks.]” She'd reply to the next bit.

She shrugged at the question if it broke. “[I didn't catch a lot, as it was speaking too fast even for me. I think it kinda did an oopsie though.]” That was the best way she could summarise it.

At Yuna's words about needing to present as 'human' she scoffed. “[People that don't like us for what we are can stick it where the sun doesn't shine! Hmph.]” She had little patience with such nonsense.

At the suggestion to go to the outside pool, she nodded. “[Let's try the outside first then! We can always try the inside stuff afterwards!]”

Navi 4X.3B2

“[Very well. Please follow me to our CHANGING ROOM (TM)]” The construct fluttering thing stated, leading them to the small room to the back. It turned out to open up into multiple smaller rooms, that allowed the barest minimal of wiggle room to get changed. From a weird pipe-thing in the middle, some odd chute thing opened up at the top.

Having no clue what she was getting into, Almeida would place Valerius in a changing room and step into another one herself. Should Yuna do the same and Decimus step into a changing room as well, they would soon hear the constructs voice.

“[Our system shall now AUTOMATICALLY select the optimal SWIMWEAR. Please stand by for validation.]” Some weird zooming started happening as the changing boots would light up in an odd blue light, after which a rumbling noise could be hurt. Before long, swimwear would be dropped out of the chutes.

Decimus would find himself with some Men's Swim Briefs. Yuna would find herself with a Women's Bikini. Almeida... would find herself with some Men's Swim Trunks. Zjorn would be allocated some Jammers. Valerius also got a pair of Men's Swim Trunks.

Not entirely sure if this was supposed to happen or not, she'd put on the trunks, but decided to keep her top on as well, for now. “[Do you guys think this swimwear is supposed to come with another part or..? I'm not sure if I should just take my top off or not, but this is all it gave me.]” She stated, pointing at the trunks.

“[Our patented SWIMSUIT selection methods are FLAWLESS. Please adhere to the prescribed swimwear. ]” The navigation thing mentioned, though Almeida did feel like she should ask the other two for a second opinion.
Decimus Valerius
Daddymus swimwear.jpg

Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Decimus nodded silently with Yunaesa’s explanation about why he couldn’t go back to the East Empire. And hearing about her suggestion of pretending to be a human to get there, he proposed an alternative. “[Another suggestion would be to go to the Fae See instead. More chances to see trees and green there. There could still be questions of why military personnel are entering the country.]”

“[It is partying in the pool. You could probably do a bunch of fun things around it: get some tanning on your skin, have some drinks and have some water splash fights… yeah, things like that.]”
That was as much as Decimus could think of. “[Whack is a nice way to put it, for sure.]” He added, letting out a soft chuckle.

His expression would soften a bit when hearing that maybe things could be worked over. “[Maybe one day… It is not entirely impossible, right?]” Maybe they do lose the war in the end, it wasn’t clear if that would be for the best or for the worse.

The old man only nodded as the ‘navi’ appeared to have encountered an error and needed to be restarted, dispelling whatever suspicions he might have had about it. Furthermore, they had some nice day at the pool to enjoy themselves, right? That ought to make his bones stop creaking, and possibly both partially mechanical girls’ joints as well.

With a spring in his step, Daddymus followed their guide to the changing room. Each room to change had a minuscule space for the changing itself, as well as an automatic dispenser for their swimwear. His eyebrows twitched momentarily, wondering how easy it would be for him to change in this small space.

“Well, here goes nothing.” He ended up uttering in common, as he stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. Suddenly, a pair of brief would be dropped, after he was scanned and a rumbling sound echoed throughout the small space. “[Mmmm… nothing weird here.]”

The old cadet would begin to remove his casual clothing, or at least what he called casual, piece by piece. After removing everything, he would put on the briefs, amazed to how they matched his size perfectly. What a nice little piece of technology… He admitted to himself, opening the door of the changing room and stepping outside of it.

As he did so, there was an arching of his eyebrow as his eyes slid towards Almeida and heard what she said. “[It only gave you… the trunks?]” The old man’s tone was a bit bewildered, internally glad that she had kept the top. With incredulity and arms crossed, he shook his head as the guide explained the ‘flawless’ swimwear selection. “[I bet this place is run by a pervert…]” He muttered without thinking, that being the only logical explanation that came to his head and that why it had been so cheap.

“[It would be best to keep the top for sure. Wouldn’t want to risk… public exposure.]” His words were chosen as tactfully as he could.
Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob

Yunaesa tilted her head as she wasn't really sure what a pool party was supposed to be either, not having heard the term before in her experience. She'd giggle a bit at the thought of people bringing pools places for a party, it would make more sense if it was the secondary meaning, like having a party in the pool. She enthuastically nodded in agreement at Almedia's explanation of the construct malfunctioning.

"[Ohhh yeah a pool party sounds like fun! We should throw the best pool party ever some time then and invite all our friends!]" Yunaesa proclaimed cheerily at the soldier's explanation.

"[Zjorn thinks a pool party could be a great idea too!]"

"[Yeah you're right for now why should we have to put in all the trouble to go somewhere that wouldn't even treat us right anyway, there are probably other cool gardens in places that'll accept us just like how we are! That's part of what makes Widersia so great!]"
She proclaimed.

She'd nod "[It's definitely possible things don't have to be that way forever, It's just this war that's made things so bad as of late, maybe when it's all over we'll all be welcome there again someday!]"

She'd also nod to Decimus, "[The See huh? Yeah I've heard that place has some cool stuff too, Me and Zjorn could probably go there okay. If they would be okay with you two too that'd be a lot better though.]"

"[Okay! Sounds like a plan!]"
Yunaesa was happy to go along with what Almeida said about being able to visit both out and inside if they were inclined.

Yunaesa diligently followed and went to where the Navi guide thing wanted them to go. She'd enter the changing room, "{Sometimes it pays off not being that large I guess!]" She announced to no one in particular, feeling like her smaller stature was a benefit when the changing space wasn't exactly..spacious.

"[Woah! I got something I'd only heard of before in passing! Some new trend or whatever in water wear I think it's called a 'two piece' or I've heard people say 'bikini too..Eitherway I got one and I'm totally gonna wear it! This system or whatever is actually turning out to be pretty badass!]" She'd announce not entirely sure where she had heard the last word she had before or why she knew it..but she said it almost instinctually, even so she was impressed. Yuna would then take her clothing off and slip into the women's bikini which was apparently a red color, something which she felt she could definitely wear well.

She would regroup after changing and hearing Almeida's predicament. "[Huh? I mean if you wanna go topless I can too, doesn't really bother me, Zjorn probably wouldn't mind either..but then again like Decimus said I guess some people are kinda bothered by that kinda thing particularly if it's in public view.]"
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Almeida – Enjoy the waters.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Yunaesa – Enjoy the waters.
Maxxob Maxxob Decimus Valerius – Enjoy the waters. | See if it can revitalise his old bones and muscles.

The Slippery Soaperation
Second Continent, Widersia, Clockhaven, Leisure District, The Slippery Soaperation, Outdoor Pool.



From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)

“[Oh, the See? I See!]” She replied, laughing at her own joke. “[Though, is it true that the people there a nudists that will magic and whisk you away? I heard it's kind-off dangerous there for Humans and even more so for Constructs, so probably double worse so for folk that are half of each, no?]” She wondered about that for sure.

“[You think I need more tanning?]” She asked, looking at her own skin. She thought she was pretty well-tanned by default. “[Oh, somehow, I feel like the last time I tried to splash someone, I was nearly considered an [Abuser] for some reason!]” She'd reply to that bit. That was a weird thing to say, wasn't it?

“[Oh, yep, it only gave me the trunks!]” She called out. As she did, she opened the dressing room with Valerius in it and noticed another pair of trunks, deciding to just... wrap them around his handle. “[There you go buddy, all nice and proper now!]” She'd state.

She did pick up on one word he muttered. “[Pervert? What's that?]” That sounded new to her. “[Alright, I'll keep it on then~ I can always do some exposing later if needed~ The previous bath-house had in Kuridan a no clothes rule, for the inside bits. That was nice and librating. Though you could barely see a thing with all the steam being around.]” It didn't seem like she fully comprehended the meaning of some of this, but either way, she was ready to get into the water.

Yuna had some good pool party ideas though. “[Oh, I can invite Kota and Aedrianna and Purpler!]” That'd be neat. “[As well as the folk we met in that cave, the mirror one and his friends!]” That would be neat.

“[Perhaps we should go to the place in Widersia that has the small ones! I think they're adorable and I heard they have great food and that there's lots of green in their bits!]” She stated, talking about the Shire-like region of Widersia.

She'd stare at Yuna intensely for a bit, once Yuna had changed clothing. “[Yep! That looks great on you! I'm sad it gave me something so much less fun...]” Sometimes things weren't fair in life. Though at least the Trunks were nice and spacious to wear.

“[Nah, I guess I'll just keep on my usual top. I can hang it out to dry somewhere when we check out the inside facilities!]” She was pretty sure those would be non-clothing as well, right? That was at least how she thought baths would work everywhere and not just Kuridan.

Either way, she'd been waiting around to long. She'd put Valerius on a beach-chair along the pool. “[You go enjoy some sunbathing and do some tanning buddy, perhaps Zjorn will join you!]” she told the hammer.

Having given Valerius a nice spot, she'd turn around to the other two. “[The last one in the water pays for ice cream later!]” She stated, as she'd rush over to jump into the water (along with Valerius) and almost instantly started sinking to the bottom.

Perhaps being rather heavy due to having metallic legs and arms wasn't ideal for swimming. Who'd have thought. Considering she was [Resilient] to incapacitated, she'd not be at that much risk of drowning, though this definitely wasn't all that fun and comfortable. Standing at the bottom of the pool she wondered if she should wait for Yuna to join her there, or if she should try to get back up again. Those were some tough decisions to make left and right.
Decimus Valerius
Daddymus swimwear.jpg

Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Daddymus nodded solemnly to the idea of a pool party. Seemed something fun to do, for sure, providing even more relaxation. The question about the Fae being nudists caught him by surprise. “[I don’t remember seeing any of that near the border or their villages. Unless being nude and teleporting people around is a practice deep in the heartland.]” He recalled, to the best of his memory. “[Dangerous… certainly less than the Empire for our group, all things considered.]” Still, that didn’t say much.

“[Maybe the tanning is already on point.]” He pointed out, giving an okay sign with his hand. “[An [Abuser]? For splashing water? That is… odd…]” That was as much as he could say, imagining if Almeida had, perhaps, tried to use a military grade water cannon, perhaps. Pool play, apparently, had to be watched out for.

The old man had to stifle a laugh, watching the brief being tied around the Valerius’ handle, his eyebrows twitching sporadically at the sight. “[A pervert? Well…]” Decimus started to scratch the back of his head, not sure how to even explain that concept. So he decided to go the easy route. “[Someone that likes to peep while other people are changing, without their consent. That is bad and shouldn’t be done.]” Maybe that explanation will do?

“[There is a place like that in here?]” He asked, curious about the Shire-like location which Almeida spoke of. “[Seems like a much safer option to visit.]”

“[A two-piece swimsuit…]” He had not heard or know about it himself. “[It fits you well, for sure.]” He said in appraisal, with a soft expression on his face. Yet the expression would quickly vanish as Yunaesca didn’t seem to mind or be bothered to be topless along with Almeida. Crossing his arms, he shook his head slightly. Things clicked together more and more inside his mind: both girls lacked in the department of common sense.

Robert downey jr.jpg

A wave of relief washed over his face as the impromptu public nudism was discarded, having no idea about what he could do, if there was anything to be done in the first place, if they went ahead with the idea.

Decimus couldn’t help, but smile at Almeida’s sudden challenge, as she darted towards the pool. Bringing an arm up to protect his glasses from the splashing water, he thought best not to run, slip and probably crack a rib. “[You are up!]” He said playfully to Yunaesa, as he began to move.

Instead of running, moving with steady and at a normal pace, he would approach the border of the pool, sitting on its very edge before actually entering it. A wave of relief washed over him as the water made contact with his body, his buoyancy was just the same as one would expect from a human. Looking around the surface, he couldn’t see Almeida anywhere.

Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob

"[Is it even more dangerous for constructs? I dunno, I thought the beasties weren't the biggest fan of either..]"

"[Well that's a relief, I don't think we really wanna get kidnapped.]"
She replied when hearing Decimus's reassurance that it was unlikely they'd be whisked away in the Fae See.

"[Sounds like a weird feeling I don't think titles usually work like that, I wonder who or what has been handing them out the way they have.]" While Almeida assisted Valerius Yunaesa would have also put the swimsuit which Zjorn had been given, and put the heftier part of the chainsaw in the bottoms, until it was secure.

"[See, Zjorn is looking good!]" She'd announce cheerily, gesturing to the chainsaw which was now 'wearing' his suit.

For some reason Yunaesa thought she had heard the word pervert before..or for some reason had been called one before? These sorts of strange thoughts continued to come to mind from time to time but it was still fairly fuzzy what she remembered exactly.

"[Huh? That's what that means? I sorta..remember being called that..but not exactly the details of why? I hope I didn't do something too bad.]" Yunaesa said tilting her head and looking to Decimus a bit confused, before perking back up.

"[Oh so you've been to one at a beastie place! That's cool, I glad they let you in based on what I know about beastie places.]"

"[Somewhere new in Widersia could be neat to see.]"

Yunaesa grinned, "[Sounds like a plan when there's a good time to throw one, but hey you might be looking really good but I could still tan and Zjorn could too if we felt like it.]"

"[Oh you really think it does? Thanks Almy! It's okay I think yours looks cool too it just shoulda given you a matching top or something]"

"{And thanks to you too!]"
She'd look to Decimus at his comment.

When it was go time Yuna moved Zjorn and placed him upright near where Valerius was at.

Upon being told she was up she went,
"[ALrighty I'm not gonna be last then!]" As she moved quickly toward the pool and hopped into the deeper side near where Almeida was in a sort of cannon ball shape. Thankfully for her it seemed like she was lighter as firstly she hadn't taken Zjorn and her augmentations were probably not identical. After landing she'd also make her way down and wave to Almeida at the bottom, whilist she was submerged.
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Almeida – Enjoy the waters.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Yunaesa – Enjoy the waters.
Maxxob Maxxob Decimus Valerius – Enjoy the waters. | See if it can revitalise his old bones and muscles.

The Slippery Soaperation
Second Continent, Widersia, Clockhaven, Leisure District, The Slippery Soaperation, Outdoor Pool.



From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)

She was a tad surprised when Decimus didn't seem to be able to back up what she'd heard. “[Huh... perhaps I misheard in that case~]” She would reply. “[Is the Empire that bad?]” She would ask, wondering why it would be even more dangerous than a place that thought Humans were insects and Constructs were unnatural abominations.

Striking a pose upon being told her tanning was on point, she'd happily reply. “[Indeed, indeed! I was made this way~]” Why someone would make her with a tan? No clue. “[Yeah, that would've been extraordinarily odd indeed.]” She'd reply to the other bit.

Upon hearing what a pervert was, she was surprised. “[What..? Why would someone want to watch others change? That's weird.]” She would reply. What fun was there in doing such things. “[Though I'm not sure if I get what's so bad about it either.]” She'd shrug. Too confusing.

“[Yeah, I heard about the Shire from mister Sverre.]” She'd reply.

As for Yuna's question about the beasties, she'd nod. “[I don't think anyone is fan, truth be told. It seems only Widersia knows how to appreciate folk with a few nuts and bolts and stuff!]” It was a bit sad, but it seemed to be true. “[Although, perhaps in that Magic place... Forgot its name... The one near the bit lake.]” She didn't know much else about it.

There was one thing that was surprising. “[You were called a pervert? Why? Did you watch people change without asking them? I mean, if you want to watch people get changed, I wouldn't mind you watching me get changed, if that's what you're into.]” She would add, a bit confused that Yuna, of all people, was apparently a 'pervert' as well.

Actually, that did remind her of something. “[I think the guy that made me was called a 'pervert' as well because of how he made me, come to think of it! I wonder if that was because I wouldn't have had any clothes on whilst he made me or because of how he made me or what he made me like or something...]” That was a dubious debate.

Considering they weren't able to continue their conversation submerged, Almeida would jump and kick to get some upwards momentum going (Athletics F) until she could grab on to the edge and hoist herself up again. “[Pfeew.]” She'd been below the water for a whole lot longer than a normal Human would be able too. “[That wasn't ideal.]” She concluded.

Meanwhile, Yuna would find herself a surprise. As she sank to the bottom, all of a sudden, a stream of warmer water shot upwards, like a fountain, with enough force to launch her a few meters into the air. “[Whoa... Yuna, you're flying!]” Almeida would call out in surprise. Perhaps this was the 'Filtration' feature that Navi had spoken about?

“[Is that fun? Perhaps I should try it too!]” She stated. “[Wait, we were talking about something before sinking, weren't we?]” She stated, having kind-off forgotten already.
Decimus Valerius
Daddymus swimwear.jpg

Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Upon hearing that Almeida was made with a tan, rather than having gotten tanned due to sun exposure, he scratched his beard for a moment. He didn't have any idea as well why her creator would have made her like that. Perhaps it was just an aesthetic choice? The only thing he knew was that darker tones absorbed light better.

With the admission from Yuna, that she herself had also been called a pervert before, Daddymus' eyebrows twitched. And, on top of it, Almeida talked about her creator apparently also being called one. He would rather not imagine what both of them had done to earn being called, only hoping that it could be something as 'harmless' as peeping. "[People sometimes misinterpret things. Maybe that is why they called you that?]" He told Yuna.

When the 'beastie place' came into the conversation, he could only conclude it was either The Republic or the West Empire. "[Beasts are indeed usually not a fan of constructs and mixed feelings about humans.]" The last one could be argued that was earned. "[Magic place... the Grand Duchy?]" He asked, scratching his beard again. "[They seem to be fine with most people, regardless of species.]" At least, that was his impression. "[They make pretty interesting things with magic, that is for sure.]" He said, having seen some of their magitech creations with his own eyes.

Only when Yuna dived into the pool, seeing her submerge herself towards something, his eyes would accompany her and finally locate Almeida in the bottom of the pool. Can she breathe underwater? Does she even need to breathe? The old man thought to himself, hoping one of those thoughts to be true and their outing to the pool don't end up drastically.

Thankfully, she would swim from the bottom, emerging, making another sigh of relief leave his lips. And, too long after, Yunaesca being propelled into the air by a stream of water. "[That is some curious... entertainment addition to the pool...]" Was it even supposed to be like that? Might she would end up striking some fancy pirouette before hitting the waters again.

With Almeida forgetting what they were talking about, it was the perfect chance of him steering the conversation from her perverted inventor. "[I think we were talking about the different places we have visited, yes. I spent most of my life in the East Empire, only recently coming to Widersia. How about yourselves?]" He asked, curious to know where life has taken them.
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Almeida – Enjoy the waters.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Yunaesa – Enjoy the waters.
Maxxob Maxxob Decimus Valerius – Enjoy the waters. | See if it can revitalise his old bones and muscles.

The Slippery Soaperation
Second Continent, Widersia, Clockhaven, Leisure District, The Slippery Soaperation, Outdoor Pool.



From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)

“[Grand Duchy... Yeah, I think that might be it!]” She'd reply vaguely recalling the name. “[Perhaps me and Yuna could get all magical there as well~ I heard they do magic onto metal sometimes, so perhaps I could get my metal bits replaces with mithril and enchanted there!]” That sounded like it might be fun.

As for the places they visited... “[Well, I was made here in Widersia, then I went through the See into Ryke to help some village with rat problems and then I went even further north to help some girl find a flower, eat bear and visit my firstbathhouse and then beat up some slaver scum and after that I went back here again!]” She explained her travels.

“[I wonder what the continental lake is like. Might be fun to go there at some point as well.]” She'd turn to the other two. “[What places do you two still want to visit?]”

That said, she was getting a bit bored. Swimming was tough with limbs as heavy as hers. “[Do you two want to go check out the inside as well? I think that's more bathhouse-like whilst this is more just pool-like.]”
Decimus Valerius
Daddymus swimwear.jpg

Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

"[It is worthy taking a look on what they can do and offer for sure.]" Daddymus said about the Grand Duchy, acknowledging the amazing things that they are able to do with magic, despite being born in a rather technological backwards nation.

Hearing about Almeida commenting about the places she had been, his wisened eyebrows raised for a moment. She sure appeared to be travelled. "[The Lake would be a place I would like to visit. I don't know much about it, but there is bound to be something interesting around it, right? Or at least, that is what I feel about it. Besides the water, that is.]" The elderly man said, with a slight chuckle at the end. The idea of a big lake in the middle of the continent was a weird one, but that was how the lake was.

"[Ryke seems to be worthy visiting as well... I've heard they manage to keep a balance between the races there. I wonder how it is done...]" Becoming pensive, the spread his arms against the edge of the pool, leaning back against. Lost in thought, he only enjoyed the warm water against his body, already starting to feel a good different on his aching old bones and muscles.

"[Sure, I'm curious to see how things are in the inner pool myself.]" If the warm water had already done good to his body, he could only imagine how a steamy, bathhouse would bring even more comfort to him.
Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob

"[There gotta be others all over the place the don't mind people like us! Widerisa isn't the only place that has construct fans after all.]"

"[Into? I mean I bet you look really pretty Almy but you don't have to go that far!]"
The memory sort of resurfacing, she remembered being with a group of some guys who had been trying to look through a fence? But it didn't look like any sort of area she remembered being in and she was a deal taller than she was now, but had there been some pretty ladies on the other side? The whole memory was fuzzy.

"[Might of been something like that, honestly I don't really remember exactly what happened and the place looked weird when I think about it.]" She'd explain to Decimus.

"[Maybe the one who made me was one of those too, since it sounds like we were probably made in similar ways but I dunno for sure.]"

When Yunaesa was flung she looked like she was enjoying the process, "[WOAH! We can Conquer the skies Zjorn! You should try it too Almy!]" She'd giggle loudly before landing in the water again presumably in a shallower part, trying to do some sort of flip motion during the height gained.

"[That's a great feature, I wonder who thought up something like that!]" Seeming oblivious to the fact it was probably shotty engineering rather than a feature.

"[Oh places we've been? That's cool Almeida, I didn't know you and Valerius went all over the place. "[I've mostly been doing stuff around Widersia to make money to be honest, you know like tasks people don't feel like doing, but I'm hoping after our last operation the military will properly employ me cause I think that'll be a lot better than what I've been doing, though I do hope I can see other areas, I did like being able to see the border area we checked out though the rocky dry part was kind of neat and so was the magical dimensions, I think Zjorn liked them too! He says he's been in a forge before, maybe he's been to that magic duchy place too with how his body works.]"

"[Maybe Dr. Stone has an idea about the magic duchy, it could be fun to go there maybe get stronger like you said, if there's a way to go underwater and see stuff the lake could be neat too..I think like Decimus is saying Ryke was the place I was thinking of a lot of people there wouldn't mind that we have metal and machine bits]"

"[Anyway yeah we can go inside to the bath house area! I'll go help Zjorn get there.]"
She'd promptly make her way out as quick as she could to go pick up Zjorn to presumably bring him into the bath area.

Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Almeida – Enjoy the waters.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Yunaesa – Enjoy the waters.
Maxxob Maxxob Decimus Valerius – Enjoy the waters. | See if it can revitalise his old bones and muscles.

The Slippery Soaperation
Second Continent, Widersia, Clockhaven, Leisure District, The Slippery Soaperation, Outdoor Pool.



From: Almeida
Active titles: : Abomination, Human, Construct, War-hammer Apprentice, Apprentice Tinkerer, Apprentice Athlete, Ryken Adventurer F, Delver, Bear Bopper, Student of Hammering E
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)

“[I've been interested in visiting the continental lake ever since I heard a bard sing about it... It went something like..]” She scarped her throat and sang a bit of a song.

“[The seaweed is always greener
In the Continental Lake
You dream about going down there
So you've got a fish to take
Just look at the world below you
Right there on the ocean floor
Such wonderful things surround you
What more is you lookin' for?]”

Her singing was a little off-key, as she had no skill grade in it whatsoever, but the sentiment and heart was there at least. “[Ryke was pretty fun. Lot's of different folk there.]” She'd nod in reply.

As for Yuna's reply, she shrugged. “[I wouldn't mind either way.]” Whatever Yuna was or wasn't into or how far or close they'd get, it probably would work out in the end regardless of the who's what and other details.

Although Yuna was light enough to be launched by the yet-streams, Almeida figured she would try as well. Hopping back into the water, sinking to the bottom and attempting to find one of those 'yet-stream' spots. Sadly enough, she would only be able to be pushed up to the surface at best. “[Alas, we were made by the same type of guy, but we were not made equal, I fear.]” She had to conclude. What a shame.

When Yuna mentioned forges, Almeida recalled something. “[I heard there's an underground kingdom with lots of Dwarves. I bet they would have the greatest forges ever. Perhaps we should go and try to get there so that we could introduce them to Zjorn and Valerius and see if they can make them even cooler in the forgers there!]” That sounded like a fun plan. “[I'd also like to try some Tinkering of my own and a real Dwarven forge, as I heard those are really awesome and epic.]”

As she went to pick up Valerius from his beach chair, the group was ready to head into the proper bathhouse building itself.

The Slippery Soaperation
Second Continent, Widersia, Clockhaven, Leisure District, The Slippery Soaperation, Indoor Pool.

As soon as they entered the first part, the Construct guide would appear again.

Navi 4X.3B2

“[Welcome to the Slippery Soaperations INDOOR facilities. To the left you can find our INDOOR POOL (TM) with a HEATED middle bit and a CURRENT going around it for swimming against or with the CURRENT.]” They would see the pool with some bubbles in the centre, surrounded by a pool that seemed to be streaming in artificial circles going all around it, with a bigger device to the middle, behind the heated bubble bit, that seemed to be powering it all.

“[To the right you can find the CHANGING ROOMS into the TRADITIONAL BATHING facilities. Please remove your clothing items in the CHANGING ROOMS and wash up in the accompanying washing rooms before enjoying the full TRADITIONAL BATHING experience. Our patented LIGHT CENSORING (TM) equipment will assure privacy by detecting any SHAME and CENSORING the needed areas to NEGATE SHAME.]”

Almeida stared at the thing in confusion. “[Ehm... what?]” She had no clue what that last bit was about. That said, she shrugged, looking at the other two. “[I say we try the traditional bathing, I liked that a lot in Kuridan and we already had the pool stuff outside, right?]” Then again, should the others want otherwise, she would settle for that.
Decimus Valerius
Daddymus swimwear.jpg

Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Decimus looked visibly impressed by Yunaesca's midair flip, nodding his head in approval to her aquatic display. If there were ever to happen, some sort of landing at the East Empire or The See's beaches, he bet that the girl could make for a pretty competent marine.

"[I know very little about the Lake itself.]" He said in earnest, not even getting any sort of special info when he was an officer in the army of the Empire. He listened to Almeida's singing with rapt attention, tilting his head slightly as he heard the song. Sure, her singing wasn't perfectly tuned or anything like that, but he gave her points for putting effort into it. "[That was pretty good. With practice, beside the baseball team, maybe a band could be formed?]" He asked, aiming to tug at their imagination.

Moving into the indoor area, his ashen gaze darted around, finding the aesthetics of the whole place quite pleasing. It was grand for sure and, if the cheap price was only for the small mishap with the swimming clothes, that place was certainly worthy. Still, given the pervy nature of the owner, he couldn't help but wonder if there were peeping holes spread throughout the place. "A fae, for sure..." He murmured, while nodding to himself, that being the only explanation for it.

Listening to their guide explanation once more, his eyes darted between the INDOOR POOL (TM) and the CHANGING ROOMS, bringing his hand to his chin, while falling in a more pensive state. He didn't quite get how the whole censoring deal worked, but he did hope that it worked better than the swimwear selector. "[I also think the traditional bathing could be a good option. I've heard that steam works wonders on one's skin and pores.]" Where had he heard that? He couldn't really remember.

Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob

"[Ooo Nice song! Zjorn likes it too. Makes me want to go there!]" Yunaesa would announce.

"[Oooo a Band sounds pretty cool.]" "[I bet Valerius could play some seriously good drums, maybe Zjorn on a mana lute or something!]"

"[Haha, I don't mind too much either!]"

"[Awh man that sucks!]"
She'd further add when Almeida wasn't able to go as far as she had with the jet, but at least it was able to propel her somewhat.

"[I'm sure if I can do this sort of thing, there's probably something your guy made you more efficient at then how I was made.]" She said reassuringly Almeida's way.

"[Oh those short guys with beards! At least thats what I heard dwarves are, they have some special way of enchanting stuff right? Yeah I think Zjorn would like going there with Valerius quite a bit and we could see if they could get even stronger there.]"

"[You can tinker? That's really cool! I think trying out a dwavern forge could be kinda fun too. If we ever go to that place we should totally see if they'll let us try using one. We should make sure to bring things they think are valuable too, might increase the chances of getting what we want]"

Upon going in she listened to the Navi guide, still taking Zjorn with her.

"[I guess the light stuff is gonna cover us up!]"

"[Okay me and Zjorn are cool with doing traditional bathing too then! It'll be fun, plus I've never been to one before like I said so I'll finally get to see what all the hype is about!]"
Yunaesa said in agreement cheerily. She'd be ready to go do what was necessary to partake at that point, looking around the area as well curiously, taking in the sights.
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Almeida – Enjoy the waters.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Yunaesa – Enjoy the waters.
Maxxob Maxxob Decimus Valerius – Enjoy the waters. | See if it can revitalise his old bones and muscles.

The Slippery Soaperation
Second Continent, Widersia, Clockhaven, Leisure District, The Slippery Soaperation, Outdoor Pool.



From: Almeida
Active titles: : Abomination, Human, Construct, War-hammer Apprentice, Apprentice Tinkerer, Apprentice Athlete, Ryken Adventurer F, Delver, Bear Bopper, Student of Hammering E
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)

“[A band? Hmmm. Nah! That is more something for Aedrianna and that other guy I once met.]” She wasn't the most interested in such things.

“[All I recall was that the water was really warm! Yet that made it pretty neat and relaxing!]” She would answer regarding traditional bathing.

“[Oh yes, I think Dwarves have beards! Yes. I heard rumours even their women have impressive beards. I wonder if that's true or not.]” As for getting stronger there, she'd nod. “[Yeah, that would totally be neat!]”

“[Yep! I tinkered a lot on Valerius as well, to make him even cooler than he already is!]” She stated proudly.

As for the traditional bathing, they would realise their first hurdle. Men and women had separate changing rooms. “[Ehm... would you mind bringing Valerius, and possibly Zjorn, Decimus? I don't think they're allowed on our side of the changing rooms.]” She recalled Kota had also done so for her previously, so that shouldn't be too big a deal.

As they separated into the different sides, Decimus presumable bringing the hammer and chainsaw, Almeida would get straight to business. Taking off helm, gear, trinkets, clothing... and piling it all onto one big stack in a locker near the back. To the point she could barely close the thing, needing some pushing and shoving for it all to fit.

“[Last time I was in a place like this, you just leave your stuff in a locker, then you wash up over there... it seems they got soap and stuff here as well!]” She'd state, as she pointed to some buckets and systems to make warm water come out to the side.

As she got to washing up, she was quick to get lost doing he hair again. “[Hmmm... sometimes I wonder if I should cut it all off. It's always soooo much to wash up, you know?]” She'd tell Yuna. “[Yet it's also what I was made with, so it also feels kinda 'me' and that'd be giving up that part of 'me' you know?]” She added, getting oddly philosophical for what was a simple pre-bathing wash-up.

Meanwhile, Decimus would find himself in a nearly empty changing/washing room on the men's side, with a similar set-up. Lockers for putting clothings and items into, buckets to rinse with, a few taps from which they could get warm water to wash up with. He'd be joined by Valerius and Zjorn, should he have brought them. At the moment, there was one other person there. A rugged Dwarven man, staring at a wall, as he was mumbling to himself in Sylvan.


“{Maybe... yet perhaps not. But what if..? Unless... Probably...}”
Decimus Valerius
Daddymus swimwear.jpg

Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Decimus didn't know who Aedrianna was, but simply nodded. It appeared that there would be no band formed by the two part construct girls after all.

When it came to the changing and washing rooms being separated by gender, the old man thought it only made sense for it to be like that. Just like that bathhouse he had visited when he was still a young, strapping man. He couldn't remember how many years ago that was it, however. Probably a bit more over 40?

"[Mmmm? Are they male?]" He asked, his eyes looking at both Valerius and Zjorn. "[Uh... of course they are, what am I saying? Sure thing, I will bring them along with me.]" This would surely test his endurance. Without thinking too much about the fact that he was going to carry weapons into a washing/changing room, first he would grab Valerius, the hammer, with both hands. There might have been some gritting and clenching of his teeth while Decimus propped him over his shoulder, along with some audible crack of somewhere in his back. Luckily, there wasn't any pain. How strong she is to carry this around?

With Valerius secured over his shoulder, Decimus grabbed Zjorn next with his left hand. The saw felt a bit more manageable for him. "[Off I go, ruff!]" Probably appearing to be at the very limit of his [Strength F], the old cadet began taking uneasy steps towards the washing room, until he was inside of it.

Already inside the place, he propped both weapons against a wall. "[No looking, mmm?]" He told the both the saw and the hammer, with a chuckle, knowing he probably could be seen as insane. He would then begin undressing, putting even his service pistol away, even if he didn't like the idea that much. Everything he had didn't take that much space in the locker, the door being closed without much of a problem. And then, turning around, he noticed the weapons still had their swimsuits on.

"[Well... guess we need to remove that as well, huh? Don't mine me.]" He said, before helping the seemingly, inanimate objects to remove the clothing and become proper for the traditional bath.

Looking around, he would soon grab one of the buckets, filling it up with warm water. Deciding to be pragmatic, he would first give Valerius a quick wash, dropping the water upon it, before repeating the same process with Zjorn. Hopefully, both of them were waterproof. They were... weren't they?

After he was done, he would begin to fill up the bucket once more, sitting down in one of the stools. And, as he was lifting the bucket to wash himself, he would finally notice someone else in the washing room. His ears would be the first to pick up on... Sylvan words. While he had no idea about the language itself, each sound and particularity of it had been deeply ingrained into his brain, thanks to the war.

His ashen eyes would follow the source of the words, narrowing slightly as they zeroed on the dwarf. "Are you trying to take a peek through the wall or something?"


The water came crashing on top of Decimus' head, his gaze unmoving from the stout, bearded figure, the sound of running water making its appearance once more, as the bucket was being filled for a second time.

Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob

"[No band? Fair then, I guess everything isn't for everyone. I still think the drums could be pulled off majorly awesome though.]"

"[Thanks Decimus, Zjorn says thanks too!]"
She'd then say to him as he was willing to have them go change with him.

"[If we go there guess we can find out if they do or not! Having a beard doesn't sound too bad to be honest. Could probably make it look pretty cool.]"

"[If anyone would know how to make them even stronger, yeah we should definitely try to meet the dwarves. at some point]"

By the time they had split, Yunaesa would have stayed not all so far away from Almeida as she also started stripping down from her garments, eying a place to store her stuff, and moving it over there.

"[Oh neat! at least this room seems to be set up properly then if it has a lot of the stuff you remember being there.]"

She'd make her way to the wash station too, "[Yeah? I can help you out if you'd like Almy. I think your hair is nice and I get how you feel, I don't know if I'd want to remove my hair, it's sorta just been this way and if the one who gave me life wanted it this way while I show the world how awesome me and Zjorn are then I don't really see the need to get rid of it]"

She'd offer to help her wash up like sometimes friends did, figuring she could probably access her back or help with the hair in some capacity. If Almeida agreed, she'd assist, then she'd probably work up pre-washing herself up. If she refused help then Yunaesa would probably just get to work with the soap and get to work on herself.

"[Never knew you did a wash before a wash at a bath like this to be honest..wonder if all the public baths like these are like this all over the realm or not.]"

"[If we visit new places I'd definitely like to check out their baths to see if they are similar or not.]"
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Almeida – Enjoy the waters.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Yunaesa – Enjoy the waters.
Maxxob Maxxob Decimus Valerius – Enjoy the waters. | See if it can revitalise his old bones and muscles.

The Slippery Soaperation
Second Continent, Widersia, Clockhaven, Leisure District, The Slippery Soaperation, Indoor Pool.



From: Almeida
Active titles: : Abomination, Human, Construct, War-hammer Apprentice, Apprentice Tinkerer, Apprentice Athlete, Ryken Adventurer F, Delver, Bear Bopper, Student of Hammering E
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)

She wasn't so sure about beards. “[Hmmm. I don't know, what if beards are itchy?]” That might be trouble. “[Beards also look like they would be tough to wash. Even more so than my hair.]”

As for the changing rooms, she nodded. “[Yeah, it seems totally legit.]” She'd not deny the offered aid either. “[Oh, that'd be great! I can help you out with yours in turn.]”

As for washing before washing, Almeida was cultured enough to know the reason. “[I remember it's because this washing is to get clean and the water in there is just to relax, so you don't want to make it dirty by going in whilst being dirty.]” She'd explain. She'd learned much. “[We could totally try more.]”

The Slippery Soaperation
Second Continent, Widersia, Clockhaven, Leisure District, The Slippery Soaperation, 'Traditional' Bath

As the two girls finished up washing up and entered the indoor pool, they would find a relatively empty bath (contrary to what the image suggested) with a big machine in the middle, which was softly humming as it seemed to be heating the waters around it. The LIGHT SENSORING (TM) that was advertised would be on display as well, as conveniently well-aligned rays of light fell through the room to make it impossible to see any shameful bits from those present. Truly the most PG way to enjoy traditional bathing. Except... for one minor issue. It reacted to a sense of shame. So those completely shameless? Yeah... Almeida didn't exactly catch any light. “[Huh... Guess those light beam things don't like me.]” She'd state, as she'd shrug. “[Want to go check the temperature, or should we wait for Decimus, Zjorn and Valerius?]” She'd ask.


Decimus, putting his old-man muscles to work at their fullest, managed to carry along Zjorn and Valerius. When they were told not to look, the weapons made no promises whatsoever. They were cheeky bastards for sure. Perhaps they even liked being stripped by older men.

As Decimus addressed hi, the Dwarf turned around and scoffed. “Of course not. Don't be ridiculous!” He tapped on some sort of wooden board with a lay-out drawn upon it. “I'm debating whether or not tearing down this wall and making the CHANGING ROOMS (TM) into a shared experience might increase the overall efficiency of our bathing experience. I'm fairly sure our patented LIGHT SENSORING (TM) would work in here as well, after all. Yet the extra space might be negated by the lack of having a wall to put stuff against? It does fit the lockers rather well. It might also be load-bearing. The previous owner did an awful job of saying which walls are decorative and which of them keep the roof from crashing down.” The dwarf ranted, clearly more than eager to speak up about his many 'issues' regarding this place without even an introduction.
Decimus Valerius
Daddymus swimwear.jpg

Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Daddymus narrowed his eyes slightly in disbelief, as the dwarf said that his intention of staring so intently at the wall had no perverted reasons. But he knew he had to evidence to present it as proof, so he might as well think that the man had other reasons for his examination.

Filling another bucket with water, the old man would lift it above his head and give himself a second rinse, the water splashing against his body, as he heard the dwarf continue.

"Wait... a shared changing room?" With white eyebrows furrowing, it was clear that the cadet thought that to be a bad idea. "Are you sure that light censoring actually works? I mean... the swimwear dispenser is not really working properly." Telling the dwarf thus, Decimus got up from the stool, body turning towards the bearded man, while his arms crossed over his chest.

"The changing room actually dispensed only a pair of swimming trunks to one of the girls who were accompanying me. Nothing else was dispensed for the... mmm..." Falling in deep contemplation of how to approach the subject, the old veteran uncrossed his arms, moving his opened palms against his chest, hands staying quite a few inches of distance of the flat pectoral muscles, grabbing some unseen, invisible melons. "... it could have caused quite a bit of a stir if I hadn't managed to convince her to keep her own top and, instead, followed that little wisp's orientation."

While the told that information to the dwarf, Decimus' eyes kept focused on the dwarf, trying to gauge if he was taking his words with any consideration. "So, I have to ask again, are you sure that the light censoring actually works? For what we know, people might be fully exposed inside the traditional bath." He wondered if that could require a special permit for an establishment that did that.

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