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Active [Clockhaven – Widersia] Testing The Waters

Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Almeida – Enjoy the waters.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Yunaesa – Enjoy the waters.
Maxxob Maxxob Decimus Valerius – Enjoy the waters. | See if it can revitalise his old bones and muscles.

The Slippery Soaperation
Second Continent, Widersia, Clockhaven, Leisure District, The Slippery Soaperation, Indoor Pool.


The Dwarf looked at Decimus like he'd just killed the Dwarf's entire family. “They say wisdom comes with age, but clearly that's not always true.” He huffed. “A shared changing room is guaranteed to increase some effectiveness, but the floor-spacing and layout would need adjusting. I'm simply trying to maximize what we've got here.”

It was the next bit that seemingly upset him the most, however, as his engineering had been called into question. “Questioning my engineering like that, truly, how rude. Of course it works! I've tested and re-tested it multiple times over and I can guarantee that not a single shameful bit will be on display. I've designed it with magical theory from the Duchy and The See, with engineering from the Continental Lake, Ryke and the Eastern Empire and of course, brought together with Widersia's first and foremost knowledge and expertise. We've had self-conscious people being so well-censored that their entire shapes were shining like a deity! I assure you, anything one is ashamed off will be censored to its fullest! If one light breaks or malfunctions, there are at least five more present to cover every corner and angle of the room. Truly, this is some revolutionary world-class system that knows no equals.”

When Decimus mentioned the issue with the changing room, the Dwarf raised an eye-brow. “Wait, hmm...” He scratched his beard. “Were there any constructs in there? Those tend to be rather system-breaking. I mean, let's be real. Some don't have any genitals, some are build clearly female, but somehow with genetically male materials, some don't have any genetic material, some are build with genetic material, or even all-out parts of both male and female, some are another weird blend. Seriously. It's a nightmare programming the systems to account for constructs or worse, those that are part construct. Between the amount of people simply building them with whatever they can find, regardless of its genetical make-up, or with people just building them with plain non-organic matter, or outright perverted minds making them, you seriously don't know what to expect. It's a nightmare, I tell you, a nightmare.” He rambled and ranted on for a fair bit. As Decimus grabbed the invisible melons, the Dwarf got fired up even more. “You say that and do that, but have you any idea how difficult it is? You can't make the machine recognise a male nipple from a female one. Then someone just goes like 'oh, just separate by cup size', but do you know how angry those chubby nobleman get when the machine gives them a bra, or when some dish-board businesswoman doesn't get one? Seriously, some of those fat dudes have thrice the size of some of the woman. How's a machine supposed to deal with that? Huh?!? It's insane the expectations some folk have. It's why I've been going by genetical make-up, but then in come the constructs and BOOM, all of a sudden the genetic make-up programming crashes due to them not having any or having some abnormal mixtures or whatever. It's a never-ending problem, I tell you.”

As he finally calmed down again, he'd provide his answer to the earlier question again. “I can assure you. The light WILL, without fault, censor every little bit that someone is ashamed of others seeing. It's detection rate of 'shameful parts' is absolutely flawless and it's censoring ability is, on average, seven times the needed amount, just to be safe.”
Decimus Valerius
Daddymus swimwear.jpg

Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Decimus listened to the dwarf with skepticism written all over his face, ignoring his stinging remark about his wisdom. The incredible, far-reaching studies, research and manufacturing of the censoring lights must certainly have been an awe-worthy for those who were more technologically inclined, cough Erich cough, however quite a bit was lost on the old cadet. "I see... the system works as long as the person is ashamed or self-conscious of their bits." He repeated, trying to make sure he got that important bit correctly. "So, there is a good chance the light wouldn't censor me at all." He remarked. Being as old as he was, Decimus, while still having a sense of property, didn't feel particularly ashamed of these matters. A proof being how he was standing in front of the dwarf, with no problem at all.

Nodding, he answered the dwarf's question. "That is right. The two girls who I am with are constructs... or, at least, in part." Decimus wasn't that sure about their full make, but he appeared to remember some of the conversation he heard between Yunaesa and Almeida. "So their genetic make-up is what makes the machine not dispense the right type of swimwear... wouldn't then just be the case of checking the person's 'size' and dispensing both a 'male' and a 'female' option? That way, in case of a mix-up, the right one can be selected by the visitor and possible complications could be avoided." The solution appeared to be pretty straightforward, which made Decimus wonder if it wasn't contemplated previously. Albeit new to automation, it seems it had its shortcomings.

"Well... I suppose the light censoring works on behalf of those who would feel ashamed of showing their bodies. And well... this is a bathhouse, so I guess the other patrons would be aware that they might end up seeing things..." Decimus began running his fingers through his beard, not much to do about that.

: Elvario Elvario
"[Huh, I didn't think about that, yeah I guess beards could be itchy..and more hair to wash might not be fun for us, Zjorn might like one though.]"

"[Okay! Thanks Almy.]"
She'd reply cheerily at the reciprocal offer, assisting her with the washing, and being willing to receive assistance back when she finished helping Almeida with the washing.

"[ooooooh, I guess that makes sense don't want to make the water dirty that you're bathing in with others I guess, I Mean it would suck if someone just went right in with that purple blood from earlier, that stuff rots.]"

"[Trying more would be pretty cool if we could get around to it! I'd definitely like to hang out with you more Almeida]"

When they made their way into the slippery soaperation area, Yunaesa's eyes lit up upon seeing the large humming machine and the water area,

"[Woah! looks like we'll be able to get in the water here easily, it's not so deep like the pool area.]" She'd make her way over toward the water, before she looked back curiously when Almeida said the lights didn't like her.

"[Huh? I wonder why that is, what's not to like?]" She'd question, walking up to Almeida with a smile. "[You and Valerius are really awesome! Whoever designed you did a really nice job too cause your body is totally rockin!]"

Unfortunately for the light censoring system, they probably weren't exactly doing much to cover Yunaesa following if they followed the same logic, as her attitudes and feelings were quite similar to Almeida on the issue, not really getting what the big deal would be with someone seeing her form.

"[Not even really sure why you need that kinda thing I mean, it's all natural, and... I don't think they'd mind that much if we put our feet in or whatever to see what we're working with.]" She'd reply with a smile, making her way over to the edge once more presumably to sit over and put her feet in.

"[Even if the light things aren't doing what I think they're supposed too, hopefully the rest of this area is working the way it's supposed too..]"
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Almeida – Enjoy the waters.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Yunaesa – Enjoy the waters.
Maxxob Maxxob Decimus Valerius – Enjoy the waters. | See if it can revitalise his old bones and muscles.

The Slippery Soaperation
Second Continent, Widersia, Clockhaven, Leisure District, The Slippery Soaperation, Indoor Pool.


“Well yes, of course, it needs something to target.” The Dwarf replied, a bit irked that that little itsy bitsy detail was what the older man had picked up on. “Well, if you're fine showing off, I guess it'd not do anything. Yet there wouldn't be a trouble then either, no? If you feel no shame, that's your choice, no the system's. Besides, this is adults only just in case something like that does happen and due to... ah, never mind.” It's clear there was a bit he didn't wish to say.

“Indeed, indeed. It's all by genetic make-up now.” He scoffed at the suggestion to dispense both. “That would be like telling them 'I'm sorry, our hyper modern bathhouse thinks your body is so androgynous or weird that we can't figure out what in the world you are, have fun coming to your own conclusion' or something.” He shook his head. “That's about as bad as being wrong.”

“Indeed, indeed. Nothing to worry about regarding out patented LIGHT SENSORING (TM) systems.” He would reassure. “If I might recommend, our specialized water-therapy baths have just finished their final tests and are ready for the public. They are bathtubs with optimised temperatures, minerals and even scents, which can make one feel a dozen years younger at the least.” He pointed out the door. “They'll be to the left of the main bath, through there.”

He looked at the wall again. “Well then, let me try see if I should or shouldn't install censoring equipment in here and knock this wall down in the future...” He stated, as he went back to business.

The Slippery Soaperation
Second Continent, Widersia, Clockhaven, Leisure District, The Slippery Soaperation, 'Traditional' Bath



From: Almeida
Active titles: : Abomination, Human, Construct, War-hammer Apprentice, Apprentice Tinkerer, Apprentice Athlete, Ryken Adventurer F, Delver, Bear Bopper, Student of Hammering E
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)

“[Zjorn might look good with a beard, though I think Valerius would burn his beard hairs with our Valkanite if he were to get one.]” She stated, debating the options.

“[Exactly!]” She'd state upon Yuna getting why not all water was equal and why this washing water was for dirtying whilst the bathwater later would be for relaxing. “[Though I'm not sure why they didn't have that at the outdoor pool as well. Perhaps that's why they had those weird filtration things instead over there...]”

She was glad Yuna sounded like she would hang out more. “[Yes, me too! I feel like you're one of the few people that just gets things, you know?]” She asked, assuming Yuna would get that as well.

“[Hah! Thank you, thank you. I'll let you in on a secret...]” She stated, leaning over to whisper to Yuna. “[I did some Tinkering of my own as well, to get the arms and legs slightly more rounded.]” She stated, feeling pretty proud of that one. “[Though I can't really tinker with any organic bits, I noticed.]” That was just painful whenever she tried.

“[Though your body is also totally well-made! It's almost the same as mine, I think... wait, I think it even has some of the same rough edges here and there... Look!]” She'd point out a few spots. “[Wow, you'd really think our scientist makes must've been identical twins or something. That's insane!]” She concluded.

She'd follow Yuna and dip her feet in the water as well. “[Wow, that's warm. Just as warm as the one back in Kuridan.]” She'd state. “[Perhaps even a bit more so!]” The water would indeed be rather hot and pleasant and calming and all that.

“[I wonder what's keeping Decimus, Zjorn and Valerius.]” It was a bit odd for them to be late.
Decimus Valerius
Daddymus swimwear.jpg

Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Daddymus discussion with the stout dwarf had reached its zenith. Differing opinions remained, and clearly someone as old as the soldier thought that he knew better on how things should be. “Thanks for the advice. I’m indeed looking for some nice relaxation to the old bones and muscles.” His tone was appreciative, as he marched towards both Valerius and Zjorn, wet footsteps resounding inside the changing room.

Approaching the two weapons, the old veteran repeated the process which had been successful previously: first grabbing Valerius handle with both hands, fingers wrapping around the metallic body with firm determination. There was no softness or gentleness on it, only a demanding, strong touch. And, with a quick movement, he hoisted the hammer, using his shoulders and back-neck muscles to support it, leaving it to rest across his musculature. His left hand, near the head of the hammer, would leave it, as his right one kept holding it, creating a counterbalance to the striking part of the armament.

With Valerius taken care of, it was time to give Zjorn some attention. The chainsaw was more wieldy for him, his wisened hand quickly taking a hold of its handle, lifting it from the ground as one would do to a sword. He held the bladed part forward for a moment, as if trained against some imaginary opponent. Horizontal slashes were performed, along with thrusts, done entirely by memory of the melee phalanxes which he had witnessed, both in combat and in drills. He shot a glance above his shoulder, looking at the locker in which his sidearm was stored in it. Was it feeling jealously for being confined into such a dark, solitary space, while other armaments enjoyed the steaming wonders of that place? It was a question which he had not the answer for it.

With those questions on his mind, he began walking, the wet footsteps growing heavier.


It didn’t feel as unwieldy as before, even if his movements were still rather sluggish.

Eventually, he would be in the traditional bath proper, ashen eyes sliding around the place, taking in the grandness of the place. And, as he had predicted, the LIGHT CENSORING ™ provided no shielding for curious, unsuspecting eyes. One thing that didn’t even cross Decimus mind, however, was how his form, holding two weapons in the middle of a bathhouse, could have been taken by others.

After much looking around, he would spot both Almeida and Yunaesa. His legs would resume walking, wet after wet step being taken, until he closed his distance to them. “[Sorry about the delay.]” Decimus would announce his presence. “[I had some… curious talk with the pervert who owns this place.]” Despite the whole conversation, his opinions clearly didn’t change much, if at all. “[Yunaesa, here is Zjorn.]” He would first give the chainsaw back to its proper owner. Only then he would use both hands to grab the hammer’s shaft, removing it from his shoulders. “[And here is Valerius, Almeida.]” Returning the last armament, his eyes darted towards the water itself. “[Time to get in?]” He asked, his gaze shifting to them, before returning to the water.

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob

"[Oh yeah the Valkanite stuff releases a lot of energy, a beard might not be able to handle it!]"

"[Probably, I don't know a ton about how water stuff like that works to be honest, but I'm sure they got the cleaning aspect figured out at least.]"

"[Haha yeah I think I do! We got stuff in common that others don't have like we both woke up in similar places and we both have modded bods!"

She listened attentively when Almeida leaned in and she chuckled some. "[They look really good, you did a nice job! I bet Zjorn could totally tinker something wicked awesome if he had the right tools!]"

She'd then giggle a bit, "[I found out pretty quickly you aren't supposed to tinker with the organic parts too! Trying to just hurts.]"

Yuna looked at herself when Almeida brought up the fact they had similar build marks and the like in places. "[Maybe they knew each other like that! Maybe they were friends, or even best friends! Or like you said twins! Brothers might make sense, I dunno but whatever they were it sure looks like they had some really similar ideas on how to work on us!]"

"[That'll be nice to sink into.]"
Yuna replied looking content at the temperature.

"[I know that Zjorn is totally fine because of how awesome he is, but I hope everyone's alright.]" She'd state matter of fact in response but thankfully it looked like they were alright.

"[Glad you could make it Decimus! Totally weren't sure were you three were, but glad you're here now!]" She'd stand up and accept the chainsaw before setting Zjorn down in such a way it was like he was enjoying the edge of the bathing area without actually submerging him.

"[If the owner's a pervert maybe I should meet them, we could talk about..I dunno Pervert stuff!]"

"[Anyway sounds like a great idea, lets get in!]"
Yunaesa would then make a move to get a proper amount of water contact and relax.
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Almeida – Enjoy the waters.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Yunaesa – Enjoy the waters.
Maxxob Maxxob Decimus Valerius – Enjoy the waters. | See if it can revitalise his old bones and muscles.

The Slippery Soaperation
Second Continent, Widersia, Clockhaven, Leisure District, The Slippery Soaperation, 'Traditional' Bath



From: Almeida

“[Ah, there you three are! We were wondering what kept you!]” She'd call out, noticing Valerius and Zjorn had no light shining down on them. That and Decimus didn't have any either. “[Oh wow, it seems the light doesn't do much for any of you either, but like, look at that!]”

She'd point at a person in the distance whom could barely even be recognised as a humanoid due the sheer amount of light surrounding them. A man walked by who's head was the only glowing bit, especially around the hair line. A woman walked by who's feet were the only parts being censored. A couple of Elven men were sitting around that ended up looking like a disco, as they moment they looked at one another, they started lighting up like the sun in LIGHT SENSORING (TM), only to start becoming visible again after looking away for a bit. “[It's like all those folk are walking light-shows!]” She'd conclude.

It was surprising to hear what Decimus said next. “[Oh, you met the owner? That's neat!]” She would state. It was a bit surprising to hear Yuna say she'd want to meet him and talk about pervert stuff. “[Do you think that'd be fun? Perhaps I should come along, just to see. Though wasn't being a pervert considered a bit thing?]” She shook her head. “[I don't like these complicated things, I got too many bolts and screws loose in my brain to be dealing with it.]”

Nodding at Decimus, she'd agree. “[Time to get in!]” She stated, as she'd sink down further into the hot water. “[Ahhh... it's hot, but good hot. I like it.]”

That brought her back to replying to Yuna. “[Yeah, both us and the ones that made us really have a surprising amount in common. You should meet mister Sverre as well, you'd probably get along as well.]”

She did wonder how Zjorn would tinker, without hands. She knew Valerius would also love to tinker, but you know, he could only instruct others how to do so at best, due to his shape and all. Perhaps he could learn magic that gave him hands? Either way, that was a thought for another day.

As the worries and weariness started to drift away with the water, she wondered. “[I wonder if you'd get along with some of the other folk I met. Like Kota, this beast guy and Purpler, the odd purple non-speaking, draw-board using creature, or Aedrianna who's got really pretty hair and is adorable or, hmm... I also met a bunny guy in a fancy dress, forgot his name. His style was fun though. There was also a snake lady that was all fur and had this tanned guard with her. And there was this singing girl with blue hair and fish-like qualities that got mad with me.]” She did recall Noelle had been awfully angry when they last met. Hmmm. Shame stuff went that way.

“[Have you two met many others like that?]” She'd ask, curious about their stories.
Decimus Valerius
Daddymus swimwear.jpg

Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

"[Pervert stuff, huh? I think there would be quite a bit he would be able to talk with you about.]" While the old man said those words to Yunaesa, he shuddered slightly, imagining what sort of pervert conversation could come out of it. Yet, he stopped imagining it, thinking it was for the best.

"[Indeed, I had a hint that there wouldn't be any light on me. Unless it doesn't work...]" His eyes would dart around the pool, seeing that on other people, the device was actually working as intended. The woman with the glowing feet made him raise one eyebrow, wondering what that was all about. "[... I stand corrected. It actually works. Maybe the dwarf isn't that much of a pervert.]" Just a little bit, possibly.

And, with the group agreement, he began making his way to the water, feeling how hot it was as he sank into it. Still, even with the considerable temperature, he didn't feel much displeasure from it, no. The liquid surrounding his body would end up making the old veteran let out a long sight of satisfaction, already feeling the effects on his old, weary muscles. Joint pains which he had trained himself to ignore disappearing, leaving only a pleasurable, warm sensation in its place. "[Ahhhh... this bath works better than advertised. Whoever set it up like this clearly knew what they were doing...]" He commented in a low tone, closing his eyes for a moment as his back was leaning against the edge of the marble wall. He knew that if he stood there for too long, in silence, he would end up sleeping.

With the pressure of leadership, the not too long combat in that weird cave, and everything else disappearing into the background, Decimus was fully relaxing for the first time in a long, long time. As Almeida began regaling him and Yunaesa with the tale of people she had met thus far, his enough would involuntarily twitch at the mention of certain inferior species. While he wasn't an army radical from the East Empire anymore, old and ingrained prejudice was hard to simply let go from one moment to the next. Still, the effort was certainly there.

"[Ah, I see you have met quite the group of colorful characters already.]" The old cadet would mention in an even tone, thinking for a moment about his own experiences. Unfortunately, it wasn't as diverse as Almeida. And, when it had been, it wasn't in the best of scenarios. "[Being from the East Empire, I ended up having some fleeting interactions with beastkin slaves here and there. When the war was still in its first years, I also ended up having some interactions with Fae captives in the form of interrogations. It all changed as the war progressed, however. I believe both sides still have a 'no POWs' policy.]" He would look like he was trying to bring something from the very depths of his memory. "[Mmmm... funny. I don't remember any specifics about them.]"

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