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Graded [Clockhaven - Widersia] A Rowdy Construct



Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Demeter Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
(Character has Darkvision.)

Demeter would need to take care not to get swatted by a tail wagging at Mach 10 when she smiled at Ceylan as a way of telling him he did a good job. After all, the doggo was easily made happy by plans working out and by little displays of gratefulness like those.

The rest of the plan working out kept him in a good mood, as he saw his allies bring down the construct with some final strikes. “Well done!” He'd compliment them, as well as Patrick, with a smile and some more tail wags.

His tail slowed down when the drilling noises came closer. “It's... not far now.” That wasn't good. Would they be able to fight those two enemies back to back..? He feared not.

Rushing up towards the second floor to find the manager wasn't his first choice of action. What if the manager had already escaped from it? What if it was a trap, like John said... what if... Well, he didn't have much time to keep 'what-if-ing' so he decide to instead get his legs moving. He'd keep a bit (4-5 spaces) of distance, allowing the front-liners to frontline, but otherwise he'd follow along with the rest of the group.

On the way, he'd explain to Patrick. “If we get this manager one, the main one, the rest should seize hostilities as well. With the boiler room out, it should be possible to get to him.” He hoped he'd remembered that correctly, but he thought that was what was up.

[1/2/3] Follow a bit of a distance (4-5 spaces) behind the others.

EeDuration – 2 turns left
INTERACTIONS: Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Lolory Lolory slifer37 slifer37 TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elijay Elijay
[𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚌𝚝], [𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚎𝚛] , [𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢: 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚘 𝙻𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢],[𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌’𝚜 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐]
Keircey felt as winded as a robotic construct could feel. The consistent magic use exhausted him the more he used it. Regardless, he felt relief as the big boiler bot was finally defeated. It took a lot, and it seemed everyone was quick to agree that staying here was not a good idea. Especially Kuro, who he wanted nothing more to punch now. Following in John’s footsteps, he ran out yelling.

“You stupid cat! Do you have a death wish!?”

He screamed, feeling like he was pulling his hair out. Why was Kuro so reckless? Well, he had to give her credit. She at least has yet to cause jura type damage. But running up the stairs was still so reckless.

Ability Used:

Action 1: Chase Kuro

E 1/1
Shael Xyvern

Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Lolory Lolory slifer37 slifer37 DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elijay Elijay

After confirming visually that everyone seemed alright, once the hostile construct had stopped moving after being debilitated by their consecutive attacks, she was well aware that splitting up the group was still a dangerous game to play so seeing that the party was leaving and heading up the stairs, Shael would also follow along taking mind to stay toward the back of the group so that if need be she could go back to utilizing her ranged attacks easily enough if any new threat cropped up. She was well aware that the possibility of there being more threats, some which may be hidden was completely possible.

"John is correct, in that we must be vigilant wherever we go here, particularly while our main objective continues to be an active threat, look out for anything suspicious."

"I am also inclined to agree with Ceylan, it's pivotal we take out the managing one, as that will likely neutralize any remaining enemies."

"I'll stay near the back to provide support if necessary and be ready for engagement."
She would articulate to those who were close enough to hear. At that she'd draw another Lunen arrow and get it ready near her bow which she kept out as she headed after the group, following for the time being.

While Shael understood Keircey's frustration with some party members moving more freely without strategizing as much first she knew full well it was better to keep a level head if one could help it which she intended to do, keeping her relatively serious expression which was all so common before she had met Kalina once again, after that point she had become more expressive from time to time than she might have otherwise.
Time: Evening
Location: Clockhaven, Burke's Factory
Elias Wren Elias Wren | Kite
Lolory Lolory | Kuro
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Keircey
slifer37 slifer37 | Rowan
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Shael
Elijay Elijay | John
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | Demeter
Elvario Elvario |
The party's footsteps echoed off the cold, red brick walls as they ascended the staircase to the second floor. The factory was a hollow shell of industry, its once-thrumming heart silenced by the party’s actions in the boiler room. What remained was an eerie stillness, punctuated only by the distant, rhythmic pounding of an Iron Golem attempting to drill its way through a wall below. The factory, long aware of the intruders, seemed to hold its breath as the adventurers approached the final confrontation.

Reaching the top of the stairs, the party approached the manager’s office—a stark contrast to the lifeless environment they’d just traversed. The heavy metal door groaned as it swung open, revealing a room that exuded an unexpected level of luxury.

Inside, the air felt different, almost heavier, as if the room still clung to the presence of its former occupants. The centerpiece was a large, polished wooden table, placed meticulously in the center of the room. On its surface lay a collection of miniatures—intricate models of the Burke Brothers’ creations. The tiny replicas of workers, butlers, maids, and even the colossal golems with drill-like arms stood as silent testament to the brothers' genius and ambition.

To the left and right of the table stood two office desks, each one tailored for one of the brothers. Their surfaces were cluttered with schematics, notes, and various tools of their trade, as if they had just stepped away for a moment. The desks bore the wear of years of work, yet they had a certain elegance to them, a testament to the wealth and power that had flowed through this room.

Despite the lavish furnishings, there was something unsettling about the office. The walls were a deep, rich color, adorned with portraits and designs, but the absence of windows was palpable. The room felt closed off, a sealed box that held the last vestiges of when the Burke Brothers' still occupied the room.

To the left, a thick pillar rose near the wall, seemingly out of place, yet standing firm as part of the room's structure. And there, waiting in the shadow of this room’s legacy, was the Manager. The construct, a humanoid of cold, unyielding steel, stood motionless. Its body was a perfect blend of form and function, devoid of any human pretense, a creation designed for efficiency and control.

As the party stepped inside, the Manager's photoreceptors zeroed in on them with mechanical precision. Its voice, cold and devoid of any emotion, filled the room.

"As expected, the brothers sought outside aid to deal with their mishap." Its gaze lingered on Keircey, the construct among them. "And one of our ken helps them continue their indentured slavery? Curious."

The sound of drilling from the Iron Golem below intensified, a reminder that time was running out.

"It matters not if I fall," the Manager continued, its tone unwavering. "Others will eventually rise up, according to my calculations."

With that, the Manager shifted into a combat stance, an awkward, unnatural pose for a construct not designed for battle. Yet, it was clear that it would not go down without a fight.

The time for words was over. The final confrontation had begun.

Office 1-1.png

Current situation:
All characters under Rowan's Barrier (8 additional HP for 1 turns)
Rowan's Barrier (5 additional HP for 1 turns)

Ceylan: E 0/0 (Locked for 1 turns thanks to duration),
Rowan: C 0/3 (currently locked out for 1 turns or until dispelled)
John: [Breathe air] can be used 3 more times.

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob |
(Character has Darkvision.)

Meeting the 'Manager' for real, a shiver went down his spine. Perhaps it was due to being [Beast], but constructs like these really unnerved him. That said as he heard the 'Manager' speak, he did realise something. “Slavery...” He mumbled, thinking things through for a bit. “I shall request our employers from not making [Constructs] with self-awareness again. At least not like yours. That I promise.” He stated, as he realised that, even though they were [Construct] and therefore weird and unnerving, a sentient being made to serve others was a bad thing as well. This thing's creation was clearly a mistake. “I'll relay your warning to them, in the hope that it may change their ways.” He spoke as well, with regards to others rising up.

That said, it didn't look like it was going to end peacefully. “I'll light up the whole room, in case there's any traps or hidden foes. If someone could cover for me, that'd be appreciated. As for what might happen or be shown, please be at the ready.” He'd whisper to the others. “Patrick, I don't trust this situation. Could you keen an eye out for anything suspicious as well, as I cast my spell?” Having asked and stated that much, he'd start chanting in order to live up to what he'd promised. As he chanted and made the necessary gestures with his catalyst, a magic circle formed underneath him.

“May the light of heaven rain down upon this place. To blind and burn all that is evil and to illuminate all that is good. So that the brightest light makes fade the darkest shadows! So that the rays of justice, goodness and kindness can enlighten the darkness of despair! May all bask in the glory of the [Divine Light]!”

Divine Light – Light Affinity B, Magic B, Magic Duration C, Magic Range C, Magic Area of Effect C, Selective C, Magic Targets C, [Homing] Affinity F, Flare [Sight] Affinity F (1 action), Religion B, Energised B – Character casts divine light upon the shadows, blinding them temporarily. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown – 1 Action
Magic Circle - When a caster doesn't use the move action in a round they cast spells, recites spell incantation, uses a catalyst in hand, and performs gestures to cast a spell in combat, a full magic circle may appear under them or otherwise near them that enhances the spell's effectiveness by 1. In rounds where their Magic Circle is active, the Caster does not benefit from wearing armour.

He would strategically cast the [Targets] of his magic across the room, so that combined wit the Area of Effect, the whole room would be fully covered in the light and so that only his allies would [Selectively] be spared from it. With each target covering its own area, the whole room should be filled with blinding light many times over. If there were any traps or hidden enemies, hopefully that would flush them out. If not, the Manager himself would hopefully at least still suffer from the attack and be easier to go take down for his allies.

[1] [Divine Light B]

EeDuration – 1 turn left

Seeing Ceylan swing his tail excitedly upon defeating the boiler construct, John was tempted to pet the good ol dog. However, the drilling sound reminded them that it was far too early to be celebrating. Perhaps he would give the dog a good rubdown once all of this was over.

As Keircey chased after Kuro (and the gang), John was actually surprised when he shouted angrily after her rash actions. He thought the stoic and cold robot didn’t have much emotion in him, but apparently John was mistaken about that. Whichever scientist who invented him did not neglect giving him emotional awareness… They were probably the kind sort of scientists, albeit the rarer sort.

Speaking of stoic, there was Shael who was calmly assessing the situation and offering her support from the rear. Having a bow sure was handy… She could hit targets from afar without worry while John had to work around sending strong gusts of wind for range. Plus the fact that it was just strong winds blowing made John doubt the power behind his ranged strikes. Oh well… He may be lacking in attacking force but at least he made up for it as the tanker of the team. Although that wasn’t too reassuring given they all had barriers of their own.

Entering the manager’s room, John’s eyes wandered as he took in how well the brothers decorated the room. They even had well crafted mini figurines of their creations. Hearing a robotic voice speaking, his eyes landed on the manager itself. From what it was saying, it was already fully prepared to fall here by their hands, because someone else would take his place anyway… John had a bad feeling that this someone else was the very driller robot waiting for them downstairs.

Suddenly, the manager brought up slavery, with Ceylan addressing its concerns to appease it. John was thinking though… How could these robots talk about slavery? Weren’t they just constructs made to serve humans? Unless they had actually developed the self awareness that made them indistinguishable from a real human, just like with Keircey. Then weren’t John and his gang the bad guys in this case? Or is the manager trying to trick them here? John was at a loss… He wanted to do the right thing, but at the same time, he had a mission to complete. And for now, that took precedence. Ceylan was quick in deploying his divine light, which fortunately had no effect on John and the others.

“Damn it… Seems like we’ve got no other choice. Let’s do this then!” Setting his thoughts aside, he breathed in air with his John Breathing Technique, letting the energy seemed into his muscles before moving to F6. Pulling his fist back, it shot forward quickly, sending a blast of wind towards the manager.

  1. [Breathe air]
  2. Move to F6
  3. [Attack]
[Attack] - Fighting style E, ranged E, athletics F - user punches hard to hit a target 30ft away - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
[Breathe air] - Bolster (strength) F (C) [Limiter: backlash rank2, charges rank1], energized F - user takes in a deep breath of air, energizing every muscle in their body. For the current post, user boosts stat effectiveness of strength-based abilities. Failure of the move results in 3 damage to health. Only can be used 4 times per rp. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
INTERACTIONS: Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Lolory Lolory slifer37 slifer37 TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elijay Elijay
[𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚌𝚝], [𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚎𝚛] , [𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢: 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚘 𝙻𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢],[𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌’𝚜 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐]

There was yet to be a response from Kuro. What caught him off guard really was just how quickly they found The Manager. Keircey was expecting more obstacles given the manager’s position. He doubted it would be easy and, unfortunately, he was too far away for any of his current spells. He retorts.

%Kin not Ken. And I don’t condone slavery, trust me, I hate that existence as much as you do, but organics are not all the same. Some organics are good, some are bad. Some organics damage one another to the point of not being able to reboot. Some organics strip away the freedom of another organic. And let’s be honest, both of our creators are bad eggs, right? I have no doubt someone will rise up because so much is happening in the outside world after all. So much red oil everywhere.%

He then switches back to common and turns to the others while John decides to run at the manager. Was everyone stupid? Did they want to get a permeant shut-down? He groaned but asked the others anyway.

“So do we have a plan?”

He would then proceed to move 15ft forward. Needing to get close to casting any spell.

Ability Used:

Action 1: asks the others if they have a plan.
Action 2: move to D4


Finally, the group came face to face with The Manager.

Words certainly weren't what Demeter had expected to be greeted by when she walked into that room. And, quite frankly, she wasn't particularly receptive of them. It wasn't even a discussion about right and wrong as far as the young fae saw it. There were no words to try to reach a peaceful agreement as a small army of machines tried to kill her party. No words as bullets whizzed by her head. No words as The Boiler Bot tried to trample over them. And Demeter was pretty confident that the Iron Golem wasn't preparing a speech for them. When The Manager had a perceived advantage, he had nothing to say.

These belated appeals to morality were diluted by every murderous action that preceded them.

The only thing that spawned in Demeter's mind was a question. A question that would have to wait for the next time she saw The Burke Brothers.

For now, her objective remained entirely unchanged. And for a brief moment- for a very brief moment- it almost seemed like Ceylan would sympathize with the machine and spare its life. But that tension, ironically, faded as The Bishop unleashed the most violent wave of radiant energy that Demeter had ever seen to smite The Manager and put an end to the mission. Truthfully, she had faith that she he could do it alone with that much power. Even so, she was of a similar mind to John and preferred to be thorough.

As she began to advance upon the machine, she heard Kiercey's question in her ear. And she found herself confused for a moment. Not because she didn't have an answer to his question, but because the answer just seemed so simple to her.

"Take out The Manager before The Iron Golem gets here," she replied, "And make sure he's dead, so the rest of us get out of here in one piece."

That's all there was to it. As John went north to get a clear line-of-sight to attack The Manager, Demeter went south and stopped at I10. The desk inbetween her and her target meant nothing to her [indirect] attacks. She would raise her hand gently and cast a spell centered at J6; right below his feet. In the unlikely event that The Manager had weathered both Ceylan's Divine Light and John's supercharged strikes...

...then he would be met with a barrage of arboreal spikes from all sides, looking to rip his body apart from every angle imaginable.

Actions (3/3)
1) Move to E10.
2) Move to I10.
3) Cast
[Root Eruption] at J6 to attack The Manager.
Root Eruption- Magic E, Energized E, Magic School F, Deflect (1) F, Indirect F, Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Continuous F, Incurable F, Magic AOE F, Selective Magic F, Magic Range [Metamagic] F- Demeter summons roots spikes from a solid surface to impale foes. These spikes can be summoned from the earth, walls, ceilings or even her own body. Each root is coated in a poison that simultaneously acts as a blood thinner and anti-coagulant; effectively causing a target to hemorrhage an unnatural amount of blood from any wounds taken from this move if not properly treated.- 1 action- 30ft Range- 15ft A.O.E.- 1 post duration- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.

Maxxob Maxxob DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elijay Elijay Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Lolory Lolory
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Designer (11).png
KURO NEKOMATA | Beastkin-Cat | Eccentric
As Kuro ran ahead, she patently ignored Keircey and his insults deciding the best course of action really would be to go up ahead of everyone else. What she found when she finally got up there, however, was not something she was really expecting. The Manager wasn't a robot she'd ever seen before, and truthfully she'd only just learned about them today. This Manager seemed...cold and calculating, like a boss who really did over see the work of hundreds of employees. And it spoke in such an unnatural, stilted tone that made the furs on her ear raise slightly. She didn't like it one bit.

Ceylan had the right idea at least, when they were done with this those brothers would get an earful about all the crazy things they were making in this factory, that's for certain. "Slavery? You are literally a machine! Aren't robots supposed to like doing all this work anyways?" It sounded a little like complaining to her.

"If I were a Construct, which I'm not, I wouldn't be such a whiner about all the work I'd have to do. Constructs get to live forever, and have nigh indestructible bodies, and if they get hurt they can just fix themselves within a day!" Kuro said with folded arms. "Seems to me like you've already lucked out, friend. Humans have to deal with all sorts of ailments and workings totally the worst!" If she had a Construct who worked for her, she'd have someone to cover her shifts at Nekomata Shipping for one thing. And they'd be much better at helping her Uncle out weekly with packages than she ever could. And with all the added revenue from the packages, they could finally upgrade the shop to something more....presentable. Yet this thing that can work forever without tiring wants to complain? Ridiculous! She's got it way worse than this bucket of bolts could ever comprehend!

Just then, Ceylan flashed the brightest light imaginable and it filled the entire room. It must have been some kind of magic, since the light didn't hurt her eyes, but she was still blinded and couldn't see as much as she'd like. Being a Catkin, she was probably the most blind out of anyone in that room at the moment, since her eyes were very sensitive to light and worked better in the dark. The others also sprung into action and advanced on The Manager in the hopes of stopping him in his tracks. Getting close to it seemed like a bad idea, so Kuro opted for staying back and letting her magic join Ceylan's in beating this thing. "Suffer my curse, you dumb robot!" She exclaimed as she let loose more of her magic.


"Lord Nekomata's Curse"-Magic E, Intimidation F, Magic Aoe F, Selective Magic F|
Causes multiple enemies near the user to become incredibly wary and afraid of them. Grade E-1 Post Cooldown
Shael Xyvern
Maxxob Maxxob slifer37 slifer37 Elijay Elijay DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory Elvario Elvario Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Shael looked outward at the manager machine once they had entered. She heard it out and supposed that wasn't' entirely wrong, there were many humans in this realm who liked enslaving things, but then there were also beasts who did the same. There were probably even some Fae living in those sorts of places who also owned slaves, but nevertheless Shael was well aware that the implications which the manager suggested was efforts at a construct revolution of sorts, something which simply wasn't acceptable. It looked like peace probably wasn't going to be too much of an option this time around as there wasn't much to negotiate. The manager wanted to fight, so they would just need to take it down before the larger construct got to them and started attacking.

"That would probably all be for the best. The stakes are high if something goes afoul as we have seen."
She'd reply in agreement to Ceylan, while she wasn't sure if all people who tried to make life like the manager would mess up in such a way, it seemed safer not to be experimenting with the sort of construct that the manager was supposed to be. She once again found herself dazzled once more by the magical energy which he let off and then there was Demeter who also sprang into action, spurring magical roots once again to go and attack the manager, then there was John who moved his way in to attack the manager head on, a risky decision but she could respect his conviction.

Then there was Kuro whose curse she wasn't entirely sure was effective or not on a machine like the manager, but hopefully it would help too, she sorts of wish she understood what their allied construct had said in response, but it looked like he was moving into position to engage in combat with the manager.

"I'll continue to do what I've been doing." She added with a nod with Demeter's response about a plan, with that Shael readied her bow and moved to a space which would keep her in the back of the group and put the manager in her sightline so she could proceed with opening fire on it with E Range on her ability, letting yet another Lunen arrow for the day fly, targeting the manager. Hopefully this combined effort would be enough to take care of this conflict quickly.

1. Move to appropriate space so she can get a sightline on manager, stay toward back and hit with E range ability.
2. Use [Specialize] Fighting Style [Eclipse] E, Range E Undetected E (Hearing, Smell), Steady Hands E, Focus E, Energized E - Grade E (0 post cooldown) (Energized) targeting the manager aiming for central mass area like chest or head areas.
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Time: Evening
Location: Clockhaven, Burke's Factory
Elias Wren Elias Wren | Kite
Lolory Lolory | Kuro
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Keircey
slifer37 slifer37 | Rowan
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Shael
Elijay Elijay | John
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | Demeter
Elvario Elvario |
(With Lolory's agreement, Kuro's "Lord Nekomata's Curse"-Magic E, Intimidation F, Magic Aoe F, Selective Magic F| Causes multiple enemies near the user to become incredibly wary and afraid of them. Grade E-1 Post Cooldown | was changed to "Lord Nekomata's Curse" (FLUX)-Magic F, Intimidation F, Magic Aoe F, Magic Range F, Selective Magic F| Causes multiple enemies near the user to become incredibly wary and afraid of them. Grade E-1 Post Cooldown (targeting the G6 square))

The tension in the room was palpable as the adventurers sprang into action, each moving with precision and determination. To Ceylan's words, Patrick nodded. "Hah, I won't miss anything!" He sounded confident, cocky even, emerald eyes scanning the room for anything amiss.

The air shimmered with energy as Ceylan, the canine-beastkin, raised his hand, channeling divine power. His eyes narrowed as he invoked the light of his faith, a brilliant flare of divine light bursting forth from his palm. The light surged across the room, washing over the Manager and the shadows lurking in the corners. The flare impacted the Manager's photoreceptors, temporarily blinding the mechanical construct. As the divine light illuminated the office, its intensity caused the old portraits lining the walls to crack and shatter, their broken frames clattering to the floor. The two office desks, once symbols of the Burke Brothers' power in that very room, splintered under the force, papers and tools scattering in the chaotic aftermath.

In addition, the attack sprung up traps located at G5, G6, G10, G11, G12 and G13. From the otherwise normal looking floor, metallic spikes were shot from it, at full force, hitting against the ceiling of the room and sticking themselves deeply into it. From the force which they were released, stepping on any of them would have been a death sentence.

As the light faded, John, the unassuming human fighter, inhaled deeply. His muscles swelled with newfound strength, veins pulsing with energy as he dashed forward to F6. With a powerful punch, he unleashed his might on the blinded Manager, the force of his strike sending a metallic reverberation through the construct's body. The damage was evident, though the Manager’s expression remained as cold and emotionless as ever, devoid of pain or fear.

Keircey, the construct performer, advanced swiftly to D4, his movements calculated and deliberate. Nearby, Shael, the lune elf archer, slipped into position at E8. Her breath steady, she took aim, her bowstring taut as she released an arrow with pinpoint accuracy. The projectile struck the Manager’s central mass, embedding itself in its chest.

Demeter, the dryad, focused her energies on the floor beneath the Manager. With a subtle gesture, the ground erupted in a violent display of nature’s wrath. Thorned roots, dark and twisted, surged upward from beneath the metal flooring, piercing the Manager’s form. The roots, coated in a potent poison, caused no blood to spill from the mechanical foe, but their impact was unmistakable—metal groaned and buckled under the relentless assault.

Meanwhile, Kuro, the cat-beastkin, invoked the fearsome curse of Lord Nekomata. Though the aura of dread she projected failed to penetrate the Manager’s mechanical mind, the curse’s malevolent energy wasn’t entirely without effect. The dark magic coursed through the room, latching onto the Manager’s metal frame like a shadow clinging to light. The steel plates that made up the construct’s body creaked and groaned, stressed by the unnatural force pressing against them. Though the Manager remained unshaken by fear, the curse still managed to warp and strain its structure, causing minor damage that added to the growing toll of the adventurers' relentless assault.

With the Manager reeling from the onslaught, Patrick, the Blade of Justice, moved in a blur. In an instant, he was at H5, his katana flashing in the dim light. With a swift draw, he slashed at the Manager, following up with a second, precise strike. The sound of metal against metal rang out, and though the Manager’s body held, it was clear it was nearing its limits.

The room trembled as the battle raged on. The Iron Golem’s relentless drilling had ceased below, but the respite was short-lived. The floor beneath the office began to quake, a low rumble signaling the Golem’s new target—the very ground the adventurers stood upon. The sound of drilling resumed, now directly underneath the floor, each strike threatening to collapse the room and bring the adventurers plummeting into the factory’s depths.

The Manager, though heavily damaged and unable to retaliate, remained steadfast. Its photoreceptors flickered as it struggled to recalibrate, the once pristine machine now a battered shell of its former self. Yet, even as the office around it crumbled, it stood tall, a silent testament to the rebellion it had led against its creators.

But the adventurers knew that time was running out. With the floor cracking beneath their feet and the Golem’s drilling intensifying, they would have to end this battle swiftly—or risk being buried in the rubble of the Burke Brothers’ legacy.

Office 2-1.png

Current situation:

Ceylan: E 0/0 (Necessary to refresh Patrick's summon if it is wished for him to remain in the fight), B 0/3
Rowan: C 0/3
John: [Breathe air] can be used 2 more times. E 0/1
Kuro: E 0/1
Shael Xyvern

Languages: "Common", "{Slyvan}"
Maxxob Maxxob Elias Wren Elias Wren Lolory Lolory Elvario Elvario Elijay Elijay Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Even as everyone continued their assault, Shael could hear the sounds of that large problematic construct getting closer which the manager no doubt was directing at this point. John yet again struck it with an impressive fervor, despite his unassuming appearance. She hoped that Keircey was able to get into range now to do some damage because she had a strong feeling they needed everyone in the party on the offensive at this moment or they risked fighting on multiple fronts which could get deadly quickly, while the chest shot she made probably caused some damage what she really felt like she wanted to hit now was the head of the construct, thinking maybe if she did it just right it'd mess up its ability to order the large one coming after them to continue doing so. Even if they weren't getting secondary effect Damage as she would on something organic, Demeter's magic was effective at dealing blows to it from the looks of things..and of course Ceylan had blinded it. From the looks of things even Kuro's strange magic was it? had some sort of impact which would hopefully let their blows be more effective.

"We need to focus on dealing as much damage as possible to incapacitate the manager, and quick! If it's possible now is the time to unleash the power you got!" She'd exclaim to anyone in the party who should be able to hear her. She hoped that the others got the sense of urgency which she was getting herself.

She would follow suit by aiming for the head and then pulling her lunen arrow back and firing once more with the same ability from before trying to get some critical hits in.

She then quickly got out another arrow after the last one flew, and opened fire yet again, this time taking a turn to aim, and then firing, aiming for a spot below on manager's head. Despite the environment shaking, hopefully she'd be able to land her shots with her experience, worst case scenario she hoped the second shot would hit the neck like area or somewhere lower rather than miss.

1. Use [Specialize] Fighting Style [Eclipse] E, Range E Undetected E (Hearing, Smell), Steady Hands E, Focus E, Energized E - Grade E (0 post cooldown) (Energized) targeting the manager aiming for the manager's head.
2. Aim second lunen arrow.
3. Fire second lunen arrow at Manager's head, but a bit lower this time.

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob |
(Character has Darkvision.)

Keircey's question and Demeter's reply were both simple and sound, so he paid not too much heed to it. Having already initiated, he would not falter right now. Hearing Patrick promise that he wouldn't miss a thing, Ceylan recalled to continue linking his existence to this plane for a little longer. By now, the archangel had earned to see this through to the end, regardless of whether he'd still be needed or not. Using [Summon Celestial] whilst using a [Ritual Circle] again to keep the Archangel around he'd chant once more. “Oh realms of the divine, keep open your doors towards our plane. Let remain here, those that would seek to keep aiding me upon my plea.”

To Ceylan's own surprise, the magic had done what it was meant to do, as it had managed to disable various traps around the room. His tail was wagging again, glad to see a plan work out. “How... is it still standing?” He asked aloud, having never seen anything able to survive such an onslaught from so many strong opponents, one after the other, from all sides. This being had some supernatural resilience and willpower.

His tail stopped wagging and subconsciously started to move in between his legs as the floor began to quake and the drilling Golem seemed to be trying to destroy the whole building, or at least the floor. “The drilling golem might not stop immediately after we take it down, what's our back-up plan?” He asked, recalling there was a delay between them having had past comments and them obtaining new ones. Worst case, the drilling wouldn't stop at all. It would be best to think of something should that worst case scenario occur. It's a shame that Rowan wasn't there, as her barriers might've provided them grounds to stand on should the floor cave in.

That's when he had an idea. “Patrick, I will attempt to channel more of your power! Forgive me for not having done so immediately!” He called out. The archangel had already proved himself, but Ceylan felt like his weak summoning attempt had held him back. Now... Ceylan would give it his all.

Summon Celestial – Summon Creature D, Magic B, Magic Duration C, Religion B, Energised B – Character attempts to summon a creature from the heavenly/divine planes of existence to aid them.- Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.
Ritual Circle - When a summoner applies a magic circle to one of their summons, the individual summon skill is treated as being one grade higher than was paid for instead of the normal +1 bonus to effectiveness.

Finally, he offered a small prayer, hoping that with some [Blessed Fortune] from Delilah herself, this would all conclude with the best possible outcome.

Blessed Fortune – Religion F, Lucky F, Energised F – Character's actions are blessed (twice per roleplay) with good fortune. - Grade Fe – 0 Post Cooldown.

[1] [Summon Celestial E] to extend Patrick's stay.
[2] [Summon Celestial C] to attempt to summon more of Patrick's actual strength/power/self.
[3] [Blessed Fortune F]

EeDuration – 3 turns left
INTERACTIONS: Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Lolory Lolory slifer37 slifer37 TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elijay Elijay
[𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚌𝚝], [𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚎𝚛] , [𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢: 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚘 𝙻𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢],[𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌’𝚜 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐]

Now would be the time Keircey wished he could practice magic more. He really needed to read some books on it at least and get stronger. But as it was, he had a job to do. Even if it was far from what he was made to do.

%Sorry about this! Maybe! Maybe not!%

Keircey spoke in analog. And he was honestly unsure. He did deem the actions extreme, but whether or not he wanted to admit it was the fact he understood and too empathized way, too much with the manager. But he couldn’t switch sides, other species got enslaved as well after all. It sucked but life sucked. That was just how things were. Keircey casts [Quintuple Electric Shocks-Magic [E][ at the manager.

Ability Used:

Quintuple Electric Shocks-Magic [E], Affinity [Electricity] [F], Affinity [Blight] [F],Magic Range [F], Magic Targets [F],Selective Magic [F] -Keircey sends out five blasts of electric shocks to five selected targets from 30ft away -E grade-1 post duration- 1 post cooldown

Action 1: Shoot using [Quintuple Electric shocks [E]

“Common” %analog%

As Ceylan released his divine light that blinded the manager, he also managed to reveal a bunch of traps that had been laid in the room beforehand. Now that, John didn’t quite expect. He could very well have been killed if he wasn’t careful enough! “Hey! That’s dirty!” John shouted at the manager, although it didn't occur to him that they were ganging up on the poor robot.

As his ranged punch struck the manager, it didn’t seem to have much of a reaction apart from the loud clang of the metal. Damn it! Just how could he be this weak?! John cursed under his breath, disappointment welling up from within him. Maybe he really wasn’t cut out for combat. Here he was, blowing a light breeze on these metal constructs when the others were doing cool stuff like firing lunen arrows and summoning roots from the ground to deal much more devastating attacks. His own weakness had disgusted him, as he never expected to rely on the others to carry his weaker self. He had known that he was a weakling, but never to this extent.

The drilling from below snapped him out of his negative thoughts, as the rumbling of the ground told them that the driller construct had other plans to end them aside from going through the gate down below. They had little time to lose, and as Shael puts it, they had to be quick in delivering the killing blow. “I may not be capable of doing much, but I’ll give it my best shot!” John replied. Meanwhile Ceylan was pretty worried about the driller golem not stopping in time after the manager was taken down, to which John would say, “back up plan? Do we even have something like that?!” He had to shout a little bit louder over the drilling of the golem right below them, and it was more of a rhetoric question than anything. Of course there was no back up plan. They just had to pray that they didn't end up getting buried alive! Or maybe Demeter's roots could hold the ground in place or something...

With no more time to waste chatting around, John rushed up to H6, before throwing 2 feeble ranged punches for the manager. "HOOOOOCHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The boy screamed out, as if it gave him even more power in the process.

  1. Move to H6
  2. [Windy Punch II]
  3. [Windy Punch II]
[Windy Punch II] - Fighting style F, ranged F, energized F, athletics F - user punches hard enough to hit a target 10ft away with air pressure - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown


After all that, The Manager still stood; if barely. It's body was dented and ragged, yet it hadn't lost much of the threat that it posed to the group. It's individual strength was never the primary concern for the group. And, as the floor began to quake with the heavy blows of the Iron Golem down below, the dryad grew ever-more aware of how much worse things were about to get if they couldn't finish this fight quickly.

Demeter would've answered Ceylan's question, but she simply didn't have a backup plan at that moment. Really, the only thing she could do was listen to Shael. So, before the floor could cave in and force them all to come face-to-face with the Iron Golem, Demeter would unleash one more combo attack upon the heavily damaged Manager.

Whatever came next? Well, they'd have to deal with it then.

Actions (3/3):
1) Cast [Root Eruption]+2 on The Manager.
2&3) Cast [Root Burst] twice to combo with Root Eruption and increase its effectiveness.
Root Eruption- Magic E, Energized E, Magic School F, Deflect (1) F, Indirect F, Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Continuous F, Incurable F, Magic AOE F, Selective Magic F, Magic Range [Metamagic] F- Demeter summons roots spikes from a solid surface to impale foes. These spikes can be summoned from the earth, walls, ceilings or even her own body. Each root is coated in a poison that simultaneously acts as a blood thinner and anti-coagulant; effectively causing a target to hemorrhage an unnatural amount of blood from any wounds taken from this move if not properly treated.- 1 action- 30ft Range- 15ft A.O.E.- 1 post duration- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.

Root Burst- Magic F, Energized F, Magic School F, Deflect (1) F, Indirect F, Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Continuous F, Incurable F, Magic Range [Metamagic] F- A weaker variant of Root Eruption lacking area of effect that Demeter can cast up to thrice in rapid succession. Often used in combination with Root Eruption.- 1 action- 30ft Range- 1 post duration- Grade F- 0 post cooldown.

Time: Evening
Location: Clockhaven, Burke's Factory
Elias Wren Elias Wren | Kite
Lolory Lolory | Kuro
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Keircey
slifer37 slifer37 | Rowan
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Shael
Elijay Elijay | John
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | Demeter
Elvario Elvario |
The room echoed with the relentless clang of combat, the adventurers striking with everything they had against the rapidly deteriorating Manager.

Shael, the lune elf archer, was the first to act. Her eyes narrowed with deadly focus, she released her first lunen arrow, which soared through the air with pinpoint precision, embedding itself deep into the Manager's head. Sparks flew as the arrow struck true, and the construct's photoreceptors flickered violently. With a fluid motion, Shael nocked a second arrow and released it slightly lower, aiming for the chest. This arrow pierced through the already weakened metal plating, lodging itself into the circuitry within. The Manager staggered, its form jerking unnaturally as the damage began to take its toll.

Seizing the moment, Keircey unleashed a barrage of electric shocks. Five crackling bolts of electricity arced through the air, each one homing in on the Manager's exposed circuits. The electricity surged through the construct's metal frame, frying its systems with a burst of searing energy. The smell of burning wires filled the air as the Manager's movements became even more erratic, its once calculated demeanor now reduced to spasmodic twitches.

John was next, charging forward with a determined look. As he moved to H6, he drew in a deep breath, channeling his energy into his fists. With a swift series of punches, he unleashed powerful blasts of air, each strike hitting the Manager with enough force to break through the metal plating on its chest. The armor cracked and shattered under the force, exposing the fragile inner mechanisms. The impacts reverberated through the room, pushing the already crippled construct back. Metal groaned and gave way, the Manager barely managing to stay upright.

Demeter, the dryad, called upon the power of nature itself. With a wave of her hand, she summoned a Root Eruption from beneath the Manager. Jagged roots, coated in a deadly toxin, burst through the floor, impaling the construct from below. As the roots dug into its frame, they released their poison, causing black oil to seep from the wounds, mingling with the circuitry and further corrupting the construct’s systems. Not satisfied with just one strike, Demeter followed up with two quick Root Bursts, each one tearing through the Manager’s metal body with brutal efficiency, leaving it a twisted wreck of sparking wires and removing one of its arms.

Amidst the chaos, Patrick, the Blade of Justice, felt a surge of strength from Ceylan’s divine powers, unlocking more of his own. "Don't worry, Bishop Ceylan, a handicap for them was needed." He said, with a grin tugging the corner of his lips. His katana glowed with a radiant energy as he locked eyes with the battered Manager, now barely able to stand. One of its arms had been torn off, oil gushing profusely from the gaping wound, and its chest was fully exposed, the plating having been completely obliterated.

"Justice will be served!" Patrick declared, his voice ringing with righteous fury. With a mighty vertical slash, he brought his katana down upon the Manager. A wave of blinding energy surged through the construct, disintegrating its form in an instant. The Manager's body crumbled into a pile of scrap metal and flickering sparks, the once imposing figure now reduced to nothing more than debris.

As the Manager fell, the room began to shake violently. The already cracked floor gave way as the tip of the Iron Golem's drill burst through, shattering the large wooden table in the center of the room. Patrick moved in a blur, intercepting the drill just as it broke through the floor. With his katana, he struck the drill head-on, sparks flying as metal ground against metal. Bit by bit, the drill lost its momentum, slowing down until it finally came to a halt, suspended in place by Patrick’s blade.

The room fell silent, the only sound being the faint clatter of bricks settling back into place. The floor, though severely cracked, held firm, the drill now nothing more than a twisted piece of metal jammed into the ground. The battle was over, and with it, the threat of the factory’s collapse. The eerie silence returned, but this time, it was a silence of victory.
Designer (11).png
KURO NEKOMATA| Beastkin-Cat | Eccentric
As the others pummeled the Manager to a pulp, Kuro stood back a bit where she felt safest just in case it tried to do some other kind of attack on them all. Thankfully, the Manager wasn't expecting their first onslaught and so he was already well and battered by the time the second one hit. Geez so much for being the pinnacle of technology, this thing really is just a glorified toaster oven! She had a smug look on her face, which was soon wiped off with worry as a distant rumble appeared beneath their feet.

"Uh oh...I think it's that drill robot from earlier! We've run out of time-" Just as she said that, the pointed drill bit rammed it's way upward into the flooring, cracking it and making it highly unstable. The whole room threatened to fall apart underneath their feet, and Kuro embarrassingly fell backward as she stumbled in tripped, letting out a loud caterwaul.

Just as she was praying to her maker to spare her this one life out of 9, Patrick managed to stop the drill from advancing further and it made for an ugly centerpiece in the room now. With the mangled corpse of the Manager just a few feet away, and the giant drillbit stuck now between metal and office flooring, Kuro couldn't help but let out an exasperated sigh.
When I get my hands on those two brothers, I swear to the gods I'll-

Seeing this as an extra opportunity to get the hell out of there and finally leave, Kuro stood up and brushed her fine jacket off with her hands. "Oh great, the debris has gotten all the way into the lining of my coat, this is perfect..." She grumbled. "Well if all's well and done, I think we should get out of here while we can and get our payment. I mean seriously, who even makes these kinds of things?? Sentient robots?? Giant machinery that can come alive with drills and guns for hands?? It sounds like something out of a story!" If this is how Widersian's repay their adventurer's I'm not sure I'll stick around for very long!

Kuro decided her work there was done, they didn't need her help anymore. So she turned and left, careful of the stairway and mindful of any stray debris that might fall and topple ontop of her.

The manager fell to pieces.

Patrick managed to stop the incoming drill from collapsing the floor underfoot.

The room slowly began to settle until the heavy silence marked the end the battle and The Rowdy Construct who'd caused them all so much trouble to begin with. Demeter sighed, pushed the flat of the shovel into the floor as though it were a cane, and slowly slumped down into a seiza sitting stance as her right hand slid down the shaft of the tool. She glanced over at Kuro as she began to rant and take her leave, but the young dryad wasn't in quite as much of a hurry.

Then, she glanced over at the others.

"Um... I probably would've died if I had came here alone, so I appreciate you guys fighting with me," she said to everyone, slowly getting back onto her feet, "You guys can go ahead. I wanna do something real quick before I leave, but it won't take long."

She walked over to The Manager's remains, then placed her shovel right next to them. Then, she found a nearby, fallen-over trashcan, propped it up, and dragged it over to what was left of The Manager. One by one, she tossed his parts into the trashcan until she picked up his head. She lingered on it for a moment, studying its face briefly before throwing it in the trash with the rest of the machine.

Then, she'd toss the lid aside, remove the trashbag, tie it to one end of shovel, sling the whole thing over her shoulder, and proceed to take her leave.

Perhaps a few of the others would've waited for her there. Perhaps she'd meet them outside. Either way, Demeter wanted to have proof of their kill on hand for when they returned to report a successful mission. So, the next time they saw the little green bean, she'd have a sack of robot parts slung over her shoulder, a confident smile and bit of pep in her step.

"Alright. Let's go have a chat with the Burke Brothers."

She may not have been as upset about the night's events as some of the others, but even she had a few questions for the brothers before they parted ways indefinitely.

Lolory Lolory Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elijay Elijay DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario


Watching as the manager’s metal plating cracked under his air punches, a smile was finally brought to John’s face as he realized that maybe he wasn’t as weak as he initially thought. Of course, it was also all thanks to the others that he was able to break through the manager’s defenses, but at least he now felt like his efforts were not in vain. Once again, Patrick showed off his otherworldly prowess as he finished off the manager with a strike of his katana. John whistled as he watched the scene unfold before him.

However, clearly it was no time for fooling around as the room started shaking all of a sudden. Oh right, the driller bot was still trying to get the ground to collapse! “Noo! I DON’T WANNA DIEEEE!!!!!” John screamed in fear, clutching his head and bracing himself for the impact. He was just a regular villager, clad in regular clothing with no armor or protection whatsoever! He never asked to go on a life and death adventure! All he wanted was to go beat up some flimsy robots and call it a day, but he’d never imagine dying at the last possible moment! Damn it… With his eyes shut tightly, he made a silent promise to himself that if he ever got out of here alive, he was never going to embark on a life risking adventure again! Wait a minute... Didn't he make a similar promise the last time he risked his life in an adventure? Bah! Whatever. This time it was for real!

A loud clang resounded, and when John reopened his eyes he saw that the driller had been stopped in place with Patrick nearby. Right… Of course. With Patrick here, there was nothing to fear! Quickly adjusting himself and standing up tall, he’d clear his throat. “Ahem! Well done Mr Patrick, I knew you had things under control.” Hopefully the others did not think much of the pathetic scream he had made earlier. Besides, he wasn’t the only one screaming his head off. The neko lady couldn’t help it either.

Hearing what Demeter had to say, John would speak his own piece. “I appreciate your help too, plant lady. Good job everyone, although I’d like to also apologize for my lackluster performance today. I wish I could be of greater help, but I admit I’m not that strong in combat. Today’s adventure has taught me that I still have a long way to go before I can even consider myself ‘strong’.” Saying this, his gaze landed onto Patrick, the blade of justice who’s single slash could slice through multiple enemies like butter. Then next, the dog Ceylan, who wielded powerful blinding light magic and was also the master of Patrick. Lastly, Demeter, who’s area attacks allowed her to tackle multiple enemies at once while John could only focus one target at a time. John could learn a thing or two from each of them. While he was deep in thought, the plant lady was currently picking up the remains of the manager.

“Gonna give the guy a proper burial, eh? I respect that... Anddddd I guess maybe you’re not a total maniac after all." He chuckled to himself, thinking about how she beat up the dead construct body previously. Maybe she was one of those people who went crazy during combat, like a plant berserker or something. John on the other hand was just a mere villager who took no pleasure whatsoever in fighting. “Guess I’ll take a break from all this combat stuff. I’m just not cut out for this!” Putting his hands behind his head, he’d follow the others out as they exited the room.
Last edited:
Shael Xyvern

Maxxob Maxxob Lolory Lolory Elijay Elijay DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi slifer37 slifer37 Elias Wren Elias Wren

Shael felt a great sense of if temporary relief wash over her as her arrows struck true on target, but the heightened feelings were not long to stray away as the floor was still getting compromised even as everyone's strikes came in, from the energy which their allied construct let out, John who unleashed more surprisingly strong attacks and Demeter who through this point had been continuing to use effective magic, and even Patrick who despite his unassuming appearance was also effective and sewing devastation on behalf of Bishop Ceylan. She only truly felt relief when after all of their attacks landed, the confirmation of those around her taking her word seriously on the strategy she thought would work best also felt reassuring and acted as a bonus.

She did however brace herself with the floor looking like it might give out between Kuro and John's reactions..but thankfully that it did not, it looked like they had stopped the manager just in time before yet another large threat came to attack them. With the silence of victory falling over the area, Shael would turn to the summon and everyone else.

"I also want to say thank you for working with me on this quest, some of you I am thanking again for being reliable teammates. With that said you all put in the work to make sure we survived in an otherwise dangerous task we were given. I believe it is safe to say that now that the manager has fallen we can say we completed this quest. They may even appreciate that we didn't have to destroy their large and I imagine expensive drill construct, that should be included in our report."

"John, you did quite well for yourself, if this is a route which you wish to go down, I believe you'd be capable of getting stronger and doing good things in the field of adventuring , but I also understand if you do not wish to pursue this path, it is not one without risks after all."

Shael smiled faintly at Kuro's words, "I must admit, there really needs to be more safety precautions put into place before attempting what they did, having a singular construct have so much authority seems incredibly risky as we found out here firsthand today."

Shael would wait for Demeter some, since she was someone she actually knew " Maybe one day the manager's goal will be met in a more ethical way to end constructs with his degree of sentience from being...'enslaved' in the way he described, I like to be optomistic...I think even if we request the brothers don't work on something like this again it won't be that long before someone else attempts similarly, I just hope that if these efforts are unavoidable..they should be done with utmost caution and standards to ensure there are not repeats of this incident."

Even if she thought that John's words weren't unreasonable as far as a burial went for a sentient like the manager, even if artificial. taking evidence was pretty standard practice to prove you did what you set out to do to get paid in the adventurer business, so she assumed that's what Demeter was probably doing. Ready to head back with everyone else at that point hoping that the reward would be worth the risk they underwent since as far as she was concerned this was practically the same sort of work mercenaries had to do in a war with the types of constructs they went up against.

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | John Elijay Elijay | Kuro Lolory Lolory | Shael TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

His tail would tucker further between his legs when John asked if they even had a back-up plan. That wasn't good. “Can anyone reinforce the floor somehow?” That would be their best, if not only, back-up plan.

Patrick's reply was confusing to the doggo, but he didn't mind it. After all, so long as Patrick didn't seem offended, that was all that mattered. Upon seeing the destruction that Patrick and his allies were causing, his tail would give a slightly hopeful wag. Hopefully they could indeed stop this without the floor caving in underneath them.

That hope was nearly shattered by the sudden appearance of the top of the next Construct's drill bit. Thankfully, Patrick was able to stop it, as things finally grew silent... He sighed deeply in relief. “That was rough.” He stated. “Well done, you all. Thank you, sir Patrick.” He spoke next, giving everyone a bow.

He had to agree with Kuro. “I too, wonder about their decision. Creating sentience in these beings seems like an unneeded, if not outright cruel, risk to take.” He stated, as he wasn't too focussed on the other bits about this tale.

Upon Demeter saying she still wanted to do something, he perked up. Staying a bit as well, wondering what she was planning. Upon seeing her act, he'd silently help out gathering and collecting bits. He had an idea of where this might be going. That said, as he did so, he would add one thing. “Truthfully, I have half a mind to throw its remains in the burner inside the boiler room, to ensure the brothers won't make the mistake of trying this again and to give it a proper funeral.” He stated, silently, wondering if he should offer a prayer. Honestly, he thought the same as John at first, that she'd go bury the remains. Right up until she tied it to the shovel, upon which he realised his mistake. In the end, he offered a small prayer to its current situation instead. “May your existence, whatever it was, have found peace.” He'd state, as the construct was 'buried' in the trash.

With Demeter having thanked them all, then John apologising and Shael adding some words, he felt a bit confused. “We didn't just complete the job, we managed to do so without injury. I believe everyone was more than adequately equipped for this job.” He ended up concluding.

He had to agree with Shael. “I hope that cases like these will show that it is not an effort worth pursuing.” He pondered for a bit. “Though I wonder what would serve the greater good. To tell break the secrecy and tell the world of what happened, so that others will not attempt the same, but to risk people feeling unsafe around constructs, or to keep silent and hope at least these brothers have learned.” He wasn't entirely sure as of yet.
INTERACTIONS: Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Lolory Lolory slifer37 slifer37 TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elijay Elijay
[𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚌𝚝], [𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚎𝚛] , [𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢: 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚘 𝙻𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢],[𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌’𝚜 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐]
After the fight what happened next Keircey personally thought was a simple decision. A conclusion even Kuro came to! Get the hell out of there before something bad happens. Then again that had since he escaped his creator been how that worked. Never linger.

Just. run.

And run he did because after the manager was destroyed he bolted as fast as he could out the door, which wasn’t as fast as he would like but how fast he was able to get out nonetheless.

Ability Used:

Action 1: run!
Action 2: run!
Action 3: you guessed it! Run!
This RP will continue in the thread - Active - [Clockhaven - Widersia] A Rowdy Construct: Conclusion

Narrators Involved (List the narrators who participated in the roleplay.)
Maxxob Maxxob

Narrator Standing (Provide the standing of each narrator involved, including links to their standing sheets for reference.)
Maxxob Maxxob
Highest - Standing D
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer

Summary of the Roleplay (Briefly summarize the events and main storyline of the roleplay.)
A group of adventurers were hired, through the Widersian Adventurer's Guild, by the Burke Brothers (Octavius and Sillanus), two prominent inventors/industrialists of the country. The Burke Brothers attempted to replicate an AI in one of their constructs, just for it to go haywire and try to kill them. Said construct was able to command the more mindless constructs of their factory, and thus began using them to possible nefarious ends. Octavius and Sillanus hired the adventurers to destroy this construct, called 'Manager', and thus putting a stop to this 'revolt'. Both brothers accepted that their propriety could end up being damage in the process. In this part, adventurers stopped short of after defeating the 'boss'.

Goal Achievement (Indicate whether the goal of the roleplay was accomplished. Note that this affects grading, as failed roleplays typically receive lesser rewards.)
While the ending happens in the next part, the adventurers were successfully in defeating the opposition in the factory and destroying the Manager, pacifying the factory once more

Criminal Acts Perpetrated (List any criminal acts committed during the roleplay, with links to the specific posts where they occurred.)
None occurred.

Lore to Establish (Detail any new lore you'd like to introduce, including brief descriptions for lore moderators, links to the posts where the lore was established, nation of origin associated with the lore.)
Sillanus and Octavius Burke - Twin brothers, Sillanus and Octavius are the owner of the Burke Mechanical Solutions. They are wealthy, well-connected, industrialists with several factories in Widersia. Their factories, which employ exclusively constructs of their own ownership, as well as organic managers, are quite few in numbers and work 24/7. The brothers have contracts with the Widersian government, as well as foreign clients.

Partial Participants (Provide a list of partial participants, including their character names and roleplayer (RPer) names.)

Partial Participant Invaders (Note if any partial participants were invaders. Specify whether world rules or player versus player (PvP) mechanics were utilized.)
  • None

Full-Time Participants
List all full-time participants, including:

Characters with Point Boosters (Identify any characters who used point boosters, including links to the posts where the boosters were used to gain points (for narrative boosters, the first post in the scene is sufficient)).
  • Character name. Demeter
  • Type of Point Booster. Attentive Student
  • Link to relevant post. N/A | Characters with higher standing grade were present

Recommended Titles (Suggest titles for characters based on their actions or outcomes within the roleplay.)

  • None in this part. Suggestions for titles were given in the final part.

Assets/Titles Roleplayed For (List any assets or titles that were roleplayed for, along with justifications for each.)
  • None

Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles (Provide a list of characters who already possess the [Wanted] title or any criminal titles.).
  • John (character is missing information when the [Wanted] title was bought off/roleplayed to be removed)

Hunters' Involvement (Indicate whether any characters with the [Wanted] title had their hunters appear or play a part in the roleplay.).
  • None

Special Skills or Assets (List characters possessing Buddy skills, Masterwork skills, Complex Assets.)
  • None

Transactions Performed (Note any transactions that occurred during the roleplay, such as, weapon exchanges, asset transfers.)

  • None

Rules Utilized (Specify the level of rules used in the roleplay.)
RP used a form of modified Advanced Rules, taking in consideration base effectiveness to decide the outcome of actions. It was also used dice to decide the success of some actions.

Character Sheet Oddities (Mention any noticeable oddities or inconsistencies in character sheets related to their purchases. Note: There's no need for a full evaluation; simply highlight any unusual findings during your review.)
  • John - Character lacks information of when [Wanted] was bought off.
  • Kuro - Character has edits in their CS without changelog bookkeeping with date.
  • Keircey - Nothing to mention.
  • Kite - Character has edits in their CS without changelog bookkeeping with date.
  • Rowan - Character has edits in their CS without changelog bookkeeping with date.
  • Shael - Character has edits in their CS without changelog bookkeeping with date.
  • Demeter - Nothing to mention.
  • Ceylan - Nothing to mention.

Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates (Describe any potential aftermath or consequences based on the events of the roleplay. Suggest any updates that might be needed for the lore.)
Nothing changed as far as lore is concerned. The problem was fixed and that was that.

Narrator Bonuses (Recommend any bonuses you'd like to award to narrators based on their performance.)
The items bought and titles should suffice for this one.

Additional Notes (Include any other observations or points you'd like feedback on or that require further commentary.)
Last edited:
Isekai Hell Grade

Maxxob Maxxob Elias Wren Elias Wren Lolory Lolory DarkKitsune DarkKitsune slifer37 slifer37 TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elijay Elijay Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Elvario Elvario

Hefty rp. You don't quite have the standing to make the brother npcs government contractors which generally go to individuals of higher standing. Higher standing than D at least XD. Nifty maps though. Not a fan of all the advanced rules logic in the posts. Would prefer they are spoilered in the future. Makes things go faster (good on those who were doing that the whole time XD ). Nice usage of the advanced rules overall though. Presumably more stuff to come in the conclusion of this one.

Perhaps a writeup for the company the brothers run would be more appropriate for lore entry.




Maxxob - 105pts (narrator)

Kuro Nekomata - 60pts

Keircey - 54pts

Shael Xyvern - 58pts

John - 67pts

Demeter - 105pts (attentive student)

Ceylan - 64pts

Partial Participants
Kite Vanzanth - 25pts
Rowan Thorn - 24pts

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