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Finished [Clockhaven - Widersia] A Rowdy Construct



Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Shael TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Kericey DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Demeter Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | John LightningJay LightningJay

The construct heading off was one thing. The catfolk following was another. He sighed. Tactics and discussion was going to be worthless at this rate, if everyone was going to do their own thing regardless. The best he could do was stand by until he was needed. He hoped John was right and that simply trying it when needed would work out well enough. What didn't work out well enough was trying to be subtle, as the catfolk and those following her were quick to make enough noise to turn half the factory around. What an amazing start.

His magic managed to stop most of the constructs that were getting aggressive and did more damage than he'd expected it would, which was probably a good sign. Even so, he was quick to realise that combat was still unknown to him. What should he do next? Keeping the enemies blinded and blinding any new constructs that'd get into the area/target zone seemed like the most optimal way to go about it, so he'd keep the spell up for now.

What next? He suddenly heard loud noises and realised they were fired at... Hopefully those barriers of Rowan's would hold, for he had no idea how to handle a defence against such a thing otherwise. Luckily enough, his new green friend seemed to have an idea, as she tried countering the gunfire through roots. Hopefully that and the barriers would keep him safe, for he had no clue how to do so himself.

Deciding that the numbers were still not in their favour, he figured he might see if something would respond to him, although he'd not yet go all-in, he tried to test his connection with the divine through a relatively simply summoning spell [Summon Heavenly Swarm E] to see if anything would respond to his plea. “Oh realms of the divine, open your doors towards our plane. Bring forth those that would seek to aid me upon my plea.” He chanted, as he made the necessary gestures and had his catalyst glow during the ritual as a ritual circle would form for the summoning ritual.

1: Sustain [Divine Light] D
2: Use [Summon Creature] E
3: Use the [Ritual Circle] class perk.

DDuration 1/6
EDuration 1/3?

Summon Heavenly Swarm – Summon Creature E, Magic E, Magic Duration F, Magic Targets F, Religion F, Energised E – Character attempts to summon a swarm of low ranking creatures from the heavenly/divine planes of existence to aid them. - Grade Ee – 0 Post Cooldown.
Ritual Circle - When a summoner applies a magic circle to one of their summons, the individual summon skill is treated as being one grade higher than was paid for instead of the normal +1 bonus to effectiveness.

Seeing the barrier that Rowan had cast onto the party, John whistled to himself. This ought to make him a lot more durable now, surely nothing could go wrong! With newfound confidence brimming within, he’d face the robots with a grin on his face.

However, the construct Kiercey was led to god knows where, and Kite and Kuro ended up causing a racket with whatever shenanigans they had in mind. The robots were quickly alerted to the intruders, and John could only hope for the best for Kiercey who was no longer with them. Still though, the villager was glad that things turned out this way. He’d much rather solve things with brute force instead of trying to fool the robots, the latter requiring having the brain power to even fool them in the first place, which John wasn’t all that confident about.

Seeing Kite jump right for the robot closest to John, the villager decided to go for the other bugger on the right. Without a moment to waste, he’d move 5ft to his right at L15, before launching two off his own ranged attacks at that robot on J17 with [Enhanced attack, or something] and [Attack, or something]. The two supporters, Ceylan and Rowan, were able to subdue most of the robots in the meantime, which meant that the party had less on their plate to deal with. John really ought to build some good connections with them via this adventure, the boy noted to himself.

  1. Move 5ft to L15
  2. Enhanced attack, or something
  3. Attack, or something

[Attack, or something] - Fighting style F, ranged F, energized F, athletics F - user punches hard enough to hit a target 10ft away with air pressure - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

[Enhanced attack, or something] - Fighting style F, ranged F, athletics F, appraisal E - user punches hard enough to hit a target 10ft away with air pressure, while augmenting the attack with sharp eyes to enable the right timing or placement - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Shael Xyvern

Languages: "Common", "{Sylvan}"

Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Elvario Elvario Elias Wren Elias Wren slifer37 slifer37 LightningJay LightningJay DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory

Unfortunately it didn’t look like everyone was content on starting the brawl, which theoretically would endanger keircey was which was far from ideal, she wished she could have articulated that better to them before this started but it was a little late now, for now she and the others around her were under fire by some of the constructs. THankfully Ceylan’s magic seemed to be working and would hopefully support them in the conflict with the blinding technique he used last time.

All she could really do was hope that everyone had their wherewithal about them to survive the oncoming battle, and get through this, thankfully they had the advantage of Ceylan who was quite skilled at support and healing to her understanding with what he had done for the Kobold party. Then there was Rowan’s barrier which actually looked like it would come in handy to not die either, even if the battle ahead was going to be somewhat difficult Shael was thankful that she had allies on her side to support in such a manner.

However she did not want to waste the barrier health now, for all she knew she might have opponents who would strike harder down the line then whatever was coming at her now.

Upon hearing Demeter call out and her magic going off, Shael would reply, "Giving supportive fire!" and try to go on the move using ability:

Dodge - Acrobatic F + Stealth F,
Shael attempts to dodge something using her acrobatic movement ability. Grade F - 0 post cooldown.

To try to move to the space P18.

She would then try to use Part of her Undetected E skill in tandem with her fighting style as an ability(Unfortunately having failed the dice roll for the first use the boon for it would not manifest)

Undetected Lune Shot [Specialize] Fighting Style [Eclipse] E, Range E Undetected E (Hearing, Smell), Steady Hands E, Focus E, Energized E and aim her lunen arrow right over at the H8 construct before firing trying to hit it somewhere to deal serious damage.

  1. Use Dodge ability to move to Space P18.
  2. Use Undetected Lune Shot ability on the ranged Construct on H8
    Lune Shot [Specialize] Fighting Style [Eclipse] E, Range E Undetected E (Hearing, Smell), Steady Hands E, Focus E, Energized E- Grade E -Post cooldown 0 (Energized)
    Shael attempts to move and fire a Lunen arrow at her target without being detected.

🎤𝙺𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚌𝚎𝚢🎤[𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚌𝚝], [𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚎𝚛] , [𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢: 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚘 𝙻𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢],[𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌’𝚜 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐]
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝
Maxxob Maxxob Elias Wren Elias Wren Lolory Lolory slifer37 slifer37 TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi LightningJay LightningJay
IMG_0455.png Being lead over. Keircey in no way expected his own bullshit to work. He was pushed inside a corridor once the construct had evidentially caught the attention of one of the ‘red leaky things’. At first, he thought it was a trap until the commotion outside. Though he knew he would’ve been fighting with the others if he had been out there, he was more surprised his lie worked so well. He was even protected by it. That and it was his first time being protected by one of his own kind, so naturally, Keircey saw it as odd. The sound of gunshots made a piercing noise that tripped him up for a minute. The blurred flashback played through his mind before he snapped himself out of it. He was sure the others were okay. They had to be. And he wasn’t going to disappoint them by using this chance the best he could. He walked forward about 30ft slowly. Calling out.

%Hello? Is anyone there?%

If the worst happened, he had attacks on hand, a benefit of having been in the Duchy for a bit in the past and being given a catalyst gifted him with a few spells up his sleeve that he could cast.

Action 1: move forward 30ft ‘
Action 2: call out to see if another person is there.

Language Keys:
“Common” %analog%

Time: Evening
Location: Clockhaven, Burke's Factory
Elias Wren Elias Wren | Kite
Lolory Lolory | Kuro
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Keircey
slifer37 slifer37 | Rowan
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Shael
LightningJay LightningJay | John
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | Demeter
Elvario Elvario |

Keircey chose to explore the corridor which gave access to the boiler room. With each step against the brick floor, more of the path ahead was revealed to him. The corridor would eventually end up in a curve towards the performer’s right. And, just as he went around the corner, there was still no one present. He could, however, still hear the crackling of fire, now more audible than before. Continuing along the path, he would eventually come to a metallic door. Above it, a there was a writing in Terran: ‘Boiler Room’.

The door itself didn’t possess a handle or knob, but just to its side, there was a lever. If Keircey possessed any means of detecting/feeling temperature, he would have noticed how drastically the temperature had been increased as he made his way towards the door.



Both Kite and Kuro would advance against the worker construct at J12, stopping at K12 and L12 respectively. Kuro was the first to attack, launching her [Lord Nekomata Curse E] against her target. The surrounding air would shift, become heavier and still, ominous even. And, while the magic would also envelop Kite, thanks to her [Selective Magic F], he would remain unharmed. The attempt of intimidating the worker construct found no purchase in its mechanical mind, but even so, the spell would damage the mechanoid, further parts of its metal plating shattering with the attack.

(Normally, it wouldn’t be possible for Kuro to attack this turn, as she lacks Focus E/Componentless E and also moved. Intelligence was reduced from B to C to not damage her catalyst. It would be interesting to always mention the Grade of stat that is being used if the character stat’s grade is superior to the equipment grade.)

Kite followed up on the attack, his flaming sword slashing against the worker construct’s already exposed chest, burning metal making contact with its internal machinery and causing a viscous, black liquid to begin oozing from the exposed torso, dripping towards the floor. The construct, by then, looked critically damaged.

Stepping towards L15, John would launch two rapid and ranged punches towards the construct at J17. The movements with his arms carried enough force to force gusts of wind to be shot towards the mechanoid. Two audible ‘thunks’ resounded from the mechanical being, forming two visible dents on the plating at the construct’s chest plate. The construct, by then, looked heavily damaged.

With the upcoming attack of the worker construct wielding the rivet gun at H8, Demeter was quick to react to it, her [Root Eruption E] erupting from under the construct in J9 and spreading towards both J12 and H8. As the rooted spikes swerved and assaulted the three worker constructs, the spell alone was thankfully enough to stop most of the pray-n-spray from the rivet gun wielding construct, forcing its arms being aimed upwards, the few stray flaming bolts being deflected by the two consecutive [Root Burst]. After her attack, the construct at H8 was moderately damaged, the construct at J9 was critically damaged and the construct at J12 was critically damaged.

Shael moved to P18 with feline grace, quickly covering the distance and preparing herself to give Demeter much needed fire-support. As she pulled back the string of her bow, and then let loose the arrow, the projectile whistled, flying through the air. Her intended target, at H8, however, was too far from her (50ft). With the arrow soaring through the air, it would find another target in the same path: the construct at J12. A sharp and audible piercing sound rang, the head of the arrow piercing the already fully exposed torso of the mechanoid. The construct would slump towards the ground, fizzling out for a few moments, before stopping its movements.

Ceylan would chant, calling for intervention from the divine, his words reverberating inside the room. A pillar of light would begin to pierce through the roof of the factory, forming a circle right in front of the bishop at O14. The blinding light would begin to intensify, more and more, until its intensity would become blinding. And then, in the very next moment, the intensity would die down, a form began to take shape in front of the canine-beastkin.

The figure was donned in a black trench-coat, matching fedora on top of their head. He looked somewhat on the heavier side, wearing a shirt a few sizes too small for his build, cargo shorts, sandals and socks. The man had a katana strapped to his belt and, currently, he was looking down at a small device on is hand.


“Man, this sucks! Where did my WiFi go?! I was just getting to the good part of it!” He appeared to be slightly unnerved. “Whatever!” With his attention being brought up, instinctively, his gaze darted towards Demeter, Rowan and Shael, tipping the fedora towards them. “M’Ladies.” His attention would then drift towards Ceylan, appearing to already know he was the one who brought him here. “You are the one who summoned me, right? I am Patrick, the Blade of Justice!” The man would strike a very embarrassing and cringe pose. “What do you want me to do?”


The worker construct, which had gone to the dark area, advanced all the way up to L11, its movements by now being accelerated. The circular saw at the end of its arm would begin to rev-up, at a tremendous high speed, before attempting to slash against Kuro in a horizontal cut aimed towards her throat.

The worker construct, at J17, would advance towards John, stopping at K16. It would bring its hammer-arm upward, before bringing it down against the young man’s head, in a strong, powerful blow, attempting to hit him.

The worker construct, at H8, would move to F12. The construct worker would begin taking aim, the sight of the rivet gun narrowing towards Rowan. A single flaming bolt would be shot from it, the sound that left the tool much louder than previously.

Assembly Line 1-3.png

Current situation:
All characters under Rowan's Barrier (13 additional HP for 8 turns)
Kuro is under attack by the melee construct at L11.
John is under attack by the melee construct at K17.
Rowan is under attack by the ranged construct at F12.

Constructs at A14, F9, H4, H13, H18, J5, J9, J14 are currently incapacitated and unable to act.
All constructs have been damaged to a certain extent.
The construct at J12 was destroyed.
The construct at K16 is moderately damaged.
The construct at F12 is moderately damaged.
The construct at J9 is critically damaged.

Ceylan: D 0/1 (currently locked out for 5 turns or until dispelled), E 0/0 (currently locked out for 3 turns or until dispelled)
Rowan: D 0/1 (currently locked out for 5 turns or until dispelled), C 0/3 (currently locked out for 8 turns or until dispelled)
Kuro: E 0/1
John: E 0/1
Last edited:

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob

He was getting excited upon noticing his call was being heeded, tail wagging upon the sight of a summon arriving. That said, he was thoroughly confused upon what he summoned. It was definitely not what he'd expected. Even so, he was fairly sure this was a divine being, so he gave a deep bow. “Thank you for heeding me call.” He added, as he looked up, tail in a doubtful wag. After all, this was not what he expected, yet he was still happy something, or someone, had answered him.

“My humble apologies for being unable to summon your 'Why-Fei' along with you.” He apologised, feeling like he might've angered his summon already. “It is an honour to meet you, mister Patrick, Blade of Justice.” He added. “My and my allies wished to rid this factory of a rogue AI called the 'manager', looking rather Human-shaped. One which tried to take over control of all other constructs in here. Yet our initial plan failed and a battle broke out instantly, so I hoped to call upon the Divine realm for aid in dealing with these foes.” He explained the situation to the best of his extend. He wondered if he should ask him to get the snakes out of Ireland while at it.

With most of the constructs defeated or in the process of being defeated, he would cancel the duration on his earlier [Divine Light].

EeDuration – 3 turns left

1: Explain the situation to sir Patrick.
Rowan Thorn
Rowan watched, rapt at the magic that Ceylan cast, not talking until he had successfully finished his casting. IT was in the back of her head, that something was strange about this man who said 'M'lady,' something that should be strange to her, but she shrugged it off, as if the summoned man was helping them, the strangeness wouldn't matter. Besides, she wasn't sure why, but she knew it was WiFi instead of 'why fi'. "That was amazing Bishop Ceylan!" How did you summon that man?" Rowan would compliment the man, wanting to learn more about the magic, if not purely from a power standpoint, but from a scholarly interest as well. This bishop fellow was becoming more and more interesting by the minute. Though Demeter's magic was interesting- especially the nature theme as well. She made a note to talk to her about it later.

Either way, she would focus on the constructs still left, casting her magic at the rest of the constructs to try and knock them out before they could hurt her or any of the others. She made her magic less powerful, but still strong enough to reach the other four constructs so they could let the others through. Though after that, she would look at those who were in front of her, maybe to help them out, or even to just talk, considering they were split off from the fighters by virtue of being at the entrance and having not gone further in. Maybe they could leverage the fact that she had incapacitated as many constructs as she could rather than straight up destroying them, if they needed to bargain later.
Though once she was done, she would try to step back to P17 to try to get out of view of the constructs while still being close enough to do things if needed.

Action 1: Talk to Ceylan
Action 2: Incapacitate Barrier- Magic D, Incapacitate E, Barrier E, Magic Range E, Energize E, AOE F, Duration E, Targets E- Grade E, 1 Post Cooldown- In an AOE range of 10 ft, at 5 different 5ftx5ft barriers, intending to knock beings out. - E Grade
Action 3: Move to P17

C Grade- 3/4

The situation had devolved into a full-on battle around the assembly-line just past the front entrance.

Swords, power tools, bullets, arrows and magic went soaring through the air but the young dryad's eyes remained locked on her target. A surge of spikes from down below deflected most of the gunfire away from the party. The thwang of ricocheting bullets rang unnervingly loud in her ears as a few stray shots bounced off of the roots she'd erected just ahead as cover. Her eyes narrowed as the shooter began to retreat and the roots began to crumble, but-

An unfamiliar voice drew the dryad's attention away from the battlefield for a moment. For the briefest of moments, she glanced over at the new arrival, then back towards the battlefield, then back towards Patrick with the most furrowed of brows. A plumper gentleman with a nice hat and an even nicer sword who'd come to serve Bishop Ceylan. Demeter was a bit skeptical. Not of his intentions, but...

"You're an angel?"

The shrill whine of a red-hot bullet sailing overhead and straight for Rowan brought her attention back to the present moment.

She caught sight of the gunman once more; smoke still drifting up from his barrel. For a moment, she considered giving chase and continuing her assault upon him. But as she began to notice the two constructs closing in on John and Kuro, the many incapacitated constructs still twitching on the floor, and just how durable they all were, Demeter decided to give her teammates a hand in clearing the board a bit faster.

They could all jump the gunman later, anyways.

She extended a hand forward, focused her mana at L14 and cast [Root Eruption].

Kuro, Kite and John might've noticed a thin patch of grass grow beneath their feet before spikes shot up from the floor to strike the constructs at L11, K16, J14 and possibly the corpse left behind at J12 if it got caught up in the assault. And any spikes that might've began on a trajectory to strike any of Demeter's comrades would quickly swerve around them to strike one of the aforementioned machines.

She pointed her left hand at the construct at L11 and fired a [Root Burst] at it, hoping to drive another arboreal spear into its back.

Then, she'd direct her right towards the machine at the construct at k16 and launch one last [Root Burst] upwards into the machine's mechanized chin.

After the beating that these machines had already taken, Demeter didn't expect either of these combo attacks to kill. But, if her companions kept up the pressure at that moment, then maybe they could put these two melee units down right then and there and focus their efforts towards putting down the last active threat in the room.

Actions (3/3):
1). Cast [Root Eruption]+1 at L14 to hit the active constructs at L11 and K16, and the incapacitated construct at J14.
2). Cast [Root Burst] on the construct at L11 to combo with [Root Eruption] on that enemy.
3). Cast [Root Burst] on the construct at K16 to combo with [Root Eruption] on that enemy as well.

Root Eruption- Magic E, Energized E, Magic School F, Deflect (1) F, Indirect F, Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Continuous F, Incurable F, Magic AOE F, Selective Magic F, Magic Range [Metamagic] F- Demeter summons roots spikes from a solid surface to impale foes. These spikes can be summoned from the earth, walls, ceilings or even her own body. Each root is coated in a poison that simultaneously acts as a blood thinner and anti-coagulant; effectively causing a target to hemorrhage an unnatural amount of blood from any wounds taken from this move if not properly treated.- 1 action- 30ft Range- 15ft Radius A.O.E.- 1 post duration- Grade E- 0 post cooldown

Root Burst- Magic F, Energized F, Magic School F, Deflect (1) F, Indirect F, Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Continuous F, Incurable F, Magic Range [Metamagic] F- A weaker variant of Root Eruption lacking area of effect that Demeter can cast up to thrice in rapid succession. Often used in combination with Root Eruption.- 1 action- 30ft Range- 1 post duration- Grade F- 0 post cooldown

Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Lolory Lolory slifer37 slifer37 Elias Wren Elias Wren LightningJay LightningJay

Designer (11).png
KURO NEKOMATA | Beastkin-Cat | Eccentric
Ha! Take that you dumb robot- OH F*CK Kuro barely had time to react as one of the robots seemingly came from nowhere, straight from the shadowy area she had wanted to explore earlier. It bounded out straight for her with a mean buzz saw revving away on it's arm. Just as she was contemplating praying for a safe journey to the afterlife, she remembered that Rowan had cast a barrier skill right when the fighting had truly started. She smirked, and Kuro quickly dodged out of the way of the robot's reach, taking a large step back.

As she moved away, she noticed the new mysterious patch of grass that had appeared beneath her feet, followed by a large flourishing vine that had angled itself into a spike, aimed straight for the Construct. It was slightly incapacitated thanks to being pierced, which gave Kuro enough time to cast another spell. She was growing a bit tired, but her magic had seriously damaged the other constructs, even if she could tell the other minor effects had not latched onto the metal enemies.

She advanced once more on the large construct, and then announced loudly "Beware of Lord Nekomata's Jinx!" Before she touched the middle of the construct's chest with her hand, her magic fully emerged in her palm.

1. Dodge (move 5 spaces back)
2. Advance forward (move 5 spaces forward)
3. Use "Lord Nekomata's Jinx"- Magic E, Weaken (Precision)-E | Can temporarily leave a mark of bad luck on an object or person so long as that person or object touches the user. Grade E -1 Post Cooldown

mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | slifer37 slifer37 | Elias Wren Elias Wren

🎤𝙺𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚌𝚎𝚢🎤[𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚌𝚝], [𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚎𝚛] , [𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢: 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚘 𝙻𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢],[𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌’𝚜 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐]
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝
Maxxob Maxxob Elias Wren Elias Wren Lolory Lolory slifer37 slifer37 TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi LightningJay LightningJay
IMG_0455.png While the commotion was going on in the other room Keircey investigated the boiler room. Noticing the lever, he contemplated flipping it. Then he remembered being told about the boiler construct, surely messing with it would garner the attention of the boiler construct, but this could be the key the others needed. Everything might go dark, but it might help the others who seemed stuck in combat. So he came up with a plan. It was a stupidly risky plan. But any plan was risky during this venture and his luck was shit anyway.

Keircey promptly flipped the lever, he contemplated using a simple spell to electrocute it. But it would probably tick off the boiler construct if it was still there, something that would knock his chances of successfully lying to it if he tried. Talking to it? It might be the weirdest thing he’s done. For once, Keircey decided to talk instead of instantly combating constructs. It was simple. If he spoke, lied and succeeded, he might be able to get the power out. Likewise, if it failed, he could try to fight it back. He was not helpless. Flipping the lever, he says using [Deception [F]

%Hello? I have orders from the manager…%

It was more of a test to see if it was even there. It's best to keep a cover up while he can.

Action 1: flip the lever
Action 2:attempt to call out using [Deception [F]

Language Keys:
“Common” %analog%


Seeing the robot get all dented up from his punches, John pumped a fist into the air, cheering. “Take that, you giant piece of metal junk!” The villager had a smug look on his face, as he was starting to get arrogant. However instead of falling down into pieces, the enranged construct started charging its way towards him!

“AHHH! I’M SORRY I DIDN’T MEAN IT!” The boy cried out in fear, as the construct raised its hammer high up in the air. Without a moment to lose, John planted his feet firmly in the ground, raising his hands up to block the attack. He didn’t really know if his arms could take on the brunt of the bludgeoning attack, but it seemed like he didn’t have much of a choice right now. In the worst-case scenario, he would have no other choice but to sacrifice his arms to save his very life…

Following which, if his arms were still intact, he’d throw out 2 more punches right for the construct’s dented body, attempting to take it out in a slugfest. After all, his self-made fighting style, The Way of the John, was simply an untrained amateur trying out martial arts that he'd seen from watching his master train back at the village, as well as some movies and anime back on Earth. He didn't know if it was actually effective or not, but hey if it works it works.

1. Basic guard
2. Basic attack
3. Basic attack

[Basic guard] - Athletics F, fighting style F, energized F - user raises their guard up - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
[Basic attack] - Fighting style F, energized F, athletics F - user hits a nearby target with his fists - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Shael Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 11.10.46 PM-1.png

Languages: "Common", "{Sylvan}"
Maxxob Maxxob LightningJay LightningJay DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi slifer37 slifer37 Elvario Elvario Elias Wren Elias Wren

Despite Shael's arrow not hitting exactly where she wanted it, it still managed to do some semblance of damage. It looked like overall the tides of battle were turning in their favor with this engagement for the time being which was..a good thing. However Ceylan summoned a most unusual summon, of the likes which Shael had never seen before. With the M'lady, Shael would give a nod of acknowledgement hoping that as unusual as this person looked they might be of some assistance as a summon.
She did not have a lot of time to think about this development as the fight continued, and she wanted to contribute to the best of her ability, the faster they took out the constructs, the safer the group would be collectively.

Thankfully Demeter's use of magic was reassuring and quite impressive with how it was primed to hit multiple constructs with force, so was Rowan's barrier ability. For combat contribution she would move forward with Acrobatics F as many spaces needed until the ranged construct on H18 was within her ability range, before going for a bit of Deja Vu from her last attempt, pulling her Lunen arrow back, hoping to strike her target down by hitting it somewhere impactful with Undetected Lune Shot once more. The arrow gleaming, as she let it go. Helping to counter range these ranged constructs would hopefully lower the chances of her allies getting attacked by both melee and ranged attacks at the same time....

1. Acrobatics F to move forward as many spaces needed to get in ability range of ranged construct H18.
2. Try to ability on Ranged Construct on H18: Undetected Lune Shot [Specialize] Fighting Style [Eclipse] E, Range E Undetected E (Hearing, Smell), Steady Hands E, Focus E, Energized E and aim her lunen arrow right over at the H8 construct before firing trying to hit it somewhere to deal serious damage.
Kite Vanzanth

In the flurry of battle kite whipped around to see the construct at L11, dragging the tip of his blade across the floor to strike in a upward motion as not to hit Kuro. Though things were not going as planned the group seemed more then capable of taking down these enemies. Kite could t help but feel bad by how overwhelmed the constructs were.

If things kept going as they were this job might even be easier than his last, and they brought a smile to his face. After his upward strike Kite would then draw his sword back to his side and thrust the top of the blade toward the center of the constructs chest in an attempt to pierce its outer shell and he would then follow up by trying to drag his blade sideways through the construct for further damage.

Basic Upward Slash
Basic Stab
Inferno Blade - Blight - Focus [F] - Elemental Affinity Fire [F] - Magic [F] - Fighting Style [E] Flame Blade - Fire Elemental Affinity [F] - The blade of Kite's sword is engulfed flames and strikes a single target for instant damage. - F grade - 0 cooldown

Time: Evening
Location: Clockhaven, Burke's Factory
Elias Wren Elias Wren | Kite
Lolory Lolory | Kuro
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Keircey
slifer37 slifer37 | Rowan
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Shael
LightningJay LightningJay | John
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | Demeter
Elvario Elvario |

As Keircey flipped the lever, just beside the door that lead into the Boiler Room, there was a rumbling and creaking of metal. Slowly, the vertical door slid, one half to the left, the other to the right, revealing the contents of the chamber to the construct.

The performer could see the furnaces ablaze, burning brightly and properly fuelled. At the very end of the room, there was a large container, from one end of the room to the other, and, in it, Keircey could see many small and black circular pebble-like material. And, just in front of it, the construct which was designated to work in that chamber.

It would stick a sizeable shovel into the counter, scooping a generous quantity of it, before moving towards one of the burning furnaces. The clicking which it made with every step was noticeable, black smoke billowed from an opening on its back. And, as it approached one of the furnaces, which had its grate opened, throwing the black pebbles into it.

The construct would eventually pick up on Keircey’s voice, as the performer would try speaking to it. While the construct’s legs remained still, its torso would spin towards Keircey, to face him. A bright, reddish light would come alive in the lonely photoreceptor which was located on its head, the metal grate on its chest would also start burning brightly.

And, finally turning towards Keircey, it would begin to rapidly approach him, the torso of the construct spinning, rapidly, like a whirlwind, extended arms held the shovel, which now looked more like an extremely sharp blade of a fan. The incredible speed in which it spun made gusts of air blow towards every direction.

However, at one of the corners of the room (blue square), Keircey would catch the sight of another lever. With the construct in the Boiler Room, now aware of his presence, and actively chasing him, the next course of action was Keircey’s to decide.



Patrick, The Blade of Justice

“No need to thank me, I always answer the plight of the faithful.” Patrick told Ceylan, with a cocky grin forming on his face. He seemed to have calmed down significantly from his inability to watch Gushing Over Magical Girls whatever he was looking at his odd device. Turning his face to Demeter momentarily, he would give her a thoughtful nod. “Of the highest order, might I add.” That was a blatant lie, but not that there was any pamphlet of the angelical hierarchy lying around.

The angelical summon would then shift his attention back to Ceylan, waving his hand in dismissal as the Bishop apologized to him. “Don’t worry about that, I will return to it after my job here is done.” He said, contemplating about what Ceylan was telling him about. “I see, constructs going haywire. Tsk, mortals never learn.” He clicked his tongue in displeasure, giving the canine-beastkin a nod. “Fear not, for the Blade of Justice is your ally in this fight!” Patrick said, in a confidence that belied his unusual appearance.

In the next moment, he would disappear, leaving back only a blur, only to reappear at H3, near the construct which was incapacitated. “Nothing personal, kid.” Patrick said, before drawing the fanciful katana, in a flash, and plunging into the construct, destroying it in a single blow. And, as he was pulling the sword out of the mechanoid, he would perform a singular horizontal slash, in the direction of A14. Nothing appeared to have happened, as Patrick slowly began to sheath his katana. However, when he finished sheathing it, a loud click escaping it, the constructs at F9 and A14 would dismantle, all their limbs and head being severed from their torsos.

As Rowan attempted to use her [Incapacitate Barrier D], the Gallant Keeper would feel her stomach twist and turn, gastric juices burning the back of her throat. While the feeling had not been strong enough to make her vomit, it was potent enough to make her lose focus and not be able to cast her magic. She had been exerted herself and was unable to produce such a spell. She was able to move to back to P17, but the flaming bolt shot by the construct at F12 would still find its mark. It would collide against her pink-colored barrier, causing it to form cracks on it, threatening to break it if she were shot in the same manner again. (HP of the barrier reduced to 5)

Demeter’s [Root Eruption E] would sprout from the empty space at L14, the verdant blades of grass colored the lifeless floor of the factory, spikes being brought forth in the very next moment. The potency and added strength of it, had been enough to stop the attacks from the constructs at L11 and K16, making the saw and hammer recoil as they hit against roots. The construct at J14 would take passive damage from it, roots piercing it thoroughly, sparks bursting from it, and leaving it critically damaged. Her follow-up [Root Burst F] would effectively damage their targets at L11 and K16, the construct at K16 being critically damaged.

Kuro’s attempt at dodging the oncoming attack from the saw wielding construct at L11 would come rather late, thankfully, the attack had already been stopped before reaching her. She was able to move back and then forth once again at her previous location. When Kuro attempted to use her [Lord Nekomata Jink E], cat-beastkin would feel her stomach twist and turn, gastric juices burning the back of her throat. While the feeling had not been strong enough to make her vomit, it was potent enough to make her lose focus and not be able to cast her magic. She had been exerted herself and was unable to produce such a spell.

John thankfully didn’t need to block the attempt on his life, as the attack had been successfully stopped by Demeter. Both his attack, after his attempt to block, would continue without any sort of impediment, dual loud clanks resounding, as he further dented the plating of the hammer-wielding construct, which was already in critical condition. Its body would begin to shot out sparks, a testament of how badly beaten it was.

Kite turned his sights against the construct in L11, his sword dancing against the mechanoid, slashing its metallic body thrice. When the blade moved against its chest plating, trying to pierce it, it had success to some degree, part of its tip lodging into the torso and opening a small crevice in the plating. The burning, sideways slash further damaged the protective outer shell, melting some of the metal on it. By then, the construct was heavily damaged.

Shael advanced her positioning, once more zipping into the air with feline grace, landing perfectly on M18. And, from the new position, she took aim against the ranged construct on incapacitated at H18. As she released the string of her bow, the arrow flew, with impunity, hitting its mark perfectly. The arrow would deal massive damage to it, sparks starting to fly from its body.

Assembly Line 1-4.png

Current situation:
All characters under Rowan's Barrier (13 additional HP for 7 turns)
Rowan's Barrier (5 additional HP for 7 turns)

Constructs at H13, H18, J5, J9, J14 are currently incapacitated and unable to act.
All constructs have been damaged to a certain extent.
The constructs at J12, H4, F9 and A14 were destroyed.
The constructs at K16, J9, F12, J14 and H18 are critically damaged.
The construct at L11 is heavily damaged.

Ceylan: D 0/1, E 0/0 (currently locked out for 2 turns or until dispelled)
Rowan: D 0/1 (currently locked out for 4 turns or until dispelled), C 0/3 (currently locked out for 7 turns or until dispelled)
Designer (11).png
KURO NEKOMATA | Beastkin-Cat | Eccentric
Oh....I think I'm gonna hurl! Instead of magic forming like normal, Kuro felt incredibly sick and fatigued. She hadn't been paying attention to how much magic she used previously, and looking around that much was obvious as she had helped do quite a number on the constructs surrounding her. Kite had struck the large construct with his blade and had managed to do some damage to it that had seriously damaged it. Dammit! I can't let him take all the credit for downing this thing!

Even though she couldn't use magic right at that moment, she still had claws available. The gash that Kite had left was an easy target now, and she could seriously dig her claws into it if that counted for anything.

She also didn't want the others to know just how seriously impacted she was by exerting herself, so she just continued to put on a brave face anyways even though her whole body was screaming at her to take a break at least.

Kuro aimed two heavy scratches at the robot with her claws, a confident smirk on her face now. "Ah ha! My magic has hindered this horrible robot to such a degree, look at the state it's in now!"

mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren

1. Attack with [Claws]- Natural Weapons-E​

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Rowan slifer37 slifer37

“Thank you, though I'm hardly worth such praise.” He answered Rowan. “Thank mister Patrick for responding to me instead.” He'd add. “Once this if over, I can tell you how I called upon him.” Right now definitely didn't feel like a good time for summoning classes.

“Thank you.” He'd reply to Patrick, glad to learn the summon was quick to catch up and start helping out. Surprisingly well, at that, as it seemed the man was rather capable.

As for the battle going on, he realised once again why he wanted 'practice' with combat. Mainly that he had no clue what to do right now. It did seem like some of his allies were struggling, so he decided he might need to just go a bit more all-out? Maybe, hopefully? Actually... it looked like most constructs were critically damaged, incapacitated or destroyed. It would be best to let Patrick and his allies deal with the rest whilst conserving his energy.

On the topic of that. “Sir Patrick, please try to get to the remaining gunner!” He'd point at F12, which seemed to be the most immediate threat at this moment. In the meantime, he'd try to regain some focus/mana/breath.

EeDuration – 2 turns left

1: Ask Patrick to attack F12.

This battle was quickly becoming an eerie lesson for young Demeter.

From a defensive standpoint, the team felt pretty solid so far. Rowan could temporarily neutralize the machines en mass and protect them all and Ceylan's attacks could cover just as much area. Between the bullets and construction tools that recoiled off of her roots, she found no issue in defending herself and her team from their attacks directly. And the fruits of Adelhein's lesson had paid off, for she had yet to break a sweat out here; a constant barrage of magic laying into them with each passing second. And yet, from an offensive standpoint, Demeter couldn't help but feel a bit anxious.

This fight was taking way too long.

Unnervingly long. It wouldn't have been much of a concern if this was all that there was, but she understood what they were up against, here. Bit by bit their attacks wore the machines down and it wasn't this battle that Demeter was worried about. The words of the Burke Brothers lingered in her mind. These oh-so tenacious machines were merely the grunts. Basic units that were supposedly much weaker than the boiler room machine and, especially, The Iron Golem.

Possibly the manager, as well.

It made her worry for Kiercey. It made her question how best to approach the issue of the Golem if they happened to encounter it. It made her realize just how much she needed to hone her magic to be a proper adventurer. Wandering thoughts flowing through her mind that did nothing to aid in the current moment. The sight of Archangel Patrick destroying three of the machines in one flashy move did much to clear the thoughts from her mind. Even moreso if it chose to follow Ceylan's order and dispatch the gunner. And the sight of her comrades fighting on was as much as motivation as it had always been.

Onward, then.

Demeter would continue to defend and support her allies until the area was clear. And her magic would continue to rain down upon every machine within her range until there were no more.

Actions (3/3):
1). Cast [Root Eruption]+1 at L14 to hit the active constructs at L11 and K16, and the incapacitated construct at J14.
2). Cast [Root Burst] on the construct at L11 to combo with [Root Eruption] on that enemy.
3). Cast [Root Burst] on the construct at K16 to combo with [Root Eruption] on that enemy as well.
Root Eruption- Magic E, Energized E, Magic School F, Deflect (1) F, Indirect F, Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Continuous F, Incurable F, Magic AOE F, Selective Magic F, Magic Range [Metamagic] F- Demeter summons roots spikes from a solid surface to impale foes. These spikes can be summoned from the earth, walls, ceilings or even her own body. Each root is coated in a poison that simultaneously acts as a blood thinner and anti-coagulant; effectively causing a target to hemorrhage an unnatural amount of blood from any wounds taken from this move if not properly treated.- 1 action- 30ft Range- 15ft Radius A.O.E.- 1 post duration- Grade E- 0 post cooldown

Root Burst- Magic F, Energized F, Magic School F, Deflect (1) F, Indirect F, Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Continuous F, Incurable F, Magic Range [Metamagic] F- A weaker variant of Root Eruption lacking area of effect that Demeter can cast up to thrice in rapid succession. Often used in combination with Root Eruption.- 1 action- 30ft Range- 1 post duration- Grade F- 0 post cooldown

Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Lolory Lolory slifer37 slifer37 Elias Wren Elias Wren LightningJay LightningJay

Seeing the roots come out of the ground and intercepting the oncoming attack, John smiled to himself. Looks like the tables were turned, with his allies backing him up from behind. “Nice one, plant lady!” said he, assuming that the roots came from the woman who looked like a plant. Then, he’d follow up with his two punches on the robot, causing it to break down even further till the point where it couldn’t really retaliate back at John.

Taking a glance at the battlefield around him, it seemed like most of the robots were badly damaged or taken down already. Meanwhile all John did was take on a single robot the entire time, befitting for the weakling that he was. There was even a newcomer, a fatty who dressed like a classy fellow, who simply decimated two constructs with utter ease. John couldn’t believe his eyes and had to do a double take on that one. He probably had to get a proper explanation from the others later.

The plant lady continued casting numerous root attacks on the dying robot before him, so John chose to go for a new target instead. No point beating up a dead body after all. Like a hunter going for fresh prey, he'd walk up 4 squares to H15, before throwing 2 punches at the robot on H13, as it seemed like it was still unscathed. John had to fix that.
  1. Walk up to H15
  2. [Basic attack] - E grade
  3. [Basic attack] - F grade

[Basic attack] - Fighting style E, ranged E, athletics F - user punches hard enough to hit a target 30ft away with air pressure - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
[Basic attack] - Fighting style F, ranged F, athletics F - user punches hard enough to hit a target 10ft away with air pressure - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

🎤𝙺𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚌𝚎𝚢🎤[𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚌𝚝], [𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚎𝚛] , [𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢: 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚘 𝙻𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢],[𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌’𝚜 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐]
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝
Maxxob Maxxob Elias Wren Elias Wren Lolory Lolory slifer37 slifer37 TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi LightningJay LightningJay
IMG_0455.pngIf Keircey could inhale, he honestly would’ve. Seeing the signs of aggression from this construct in particular was not surprising for something so silent, it sure was aggressive. The only thing that benefited Keircey was his lack of surprise. He had a horrible relation with his own kind anyway, and he could only assume this thing was smarter, so to speak, than the other worker bots. Keircey spoke again.

%Apologies for bothering you fellow Kin.%

Before flipping the lever again. Hoping it shuts in front of the boiler bot Keircey gives it a moment to shut before using [Quintuple Electric Shocks] to electrocute the lever. He hoped that it at least jammed the door. He wasn’t expecting it to affect the power grid or anything major.

Action 1: flip the lever
Action 2: electrocute the lever with [Quintuple Electric Shocks]

Language Keys:
“Common” %analog%

Quintuple Electric Shocks
-Magic [E], Affinity [Electricity] [F], Affinity [Blight] [F],Magic Range [F], Magic Targets [F],Selective Magic [F] -Keircey sends out five blasts of electric shocks to five selected targets from 30ft away -E grade-1 post duration- 1 post cooldown

Shael Xyvern

Languages: "Common", "{Sylvan}"
Maxxob Maxxob Lolory Lolory Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune LightningJay LightningJay Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi slifer37 slifer37 Elias Wren Elias Wren

Had Shael heard Demeter's thoughts she would have been in agreement that this battle was lasting longer than was preferable and probably favorable at that. It would be best to finish the battle as quickly as possible, so that they could move onto the larger threats and dispatch them. It was rather unfortunate there hadn't been an easy way to force the manager one into a more remote area out of this building brawl. Thankfully Ceylan's summon was effective at taking down some of the machines, and Demeter's magic was able to hit multiple targets.

That reminded her it would be really could if she could get more multi-target options for enemies given these large scale group fights she seemed to be getting into with really only being able to target up to two to three in rapid succession at best if she didn't move, timing wise.

Given where Shael was in relation to the others and what was going on from what she could see, her actions would be relatively swift decisions. First she would take an action to aim and then shoot a Lunen arrow at the construct on K16, before using another Undetected Lune Shot [Specialize] Fighting Style [Eclipse] E on the construct on H18, hoping to finish it off.

1. Aim Lunen arrow at K16 construct.
2. Fire Lunen arrow at K16 construct.
3. Use Undetected Lune Shot [Specialize] Fighting Style [Eclipse] E, Range E Undetected E (Hearing, Smell), Steady Hands E, Focus E - Grade E (0 post cooldown) (Energized) on H18 Construct to hopefully finish off.
Time: Evening
Location: Clockhaven, Burke's Factory
Elias Wren Elias Wren | Kite
Lolory Lolory | Kuro
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Keircey
slifer37 slifer37 | Rowan
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Shael
LightningJay LightningJay | John
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | Demeter
Elvario Elvario |

Keircey had made the right decision, just at the nick of time. As soon as he flipped the lever, the metallic, horizontal door would close again, with a loud THUD. And, in the very next second, there was an even louder sound, as if two objects made out of metal had collided with extreme force against each other. The closed door had withstood the brunt of the attack that came from the boiler construct. The strength of the hit had been so intense, that the material of the door had dented to the outside of the boiler room.

And, Keircey’s [Quintuple Electric Shocks] would electrify the electric lever, sending sparks everywhere, effectively shorting and burning the wiring inside of it. However, what ensued next was a loud, continuous banging, against the door of the boiler room. It was clear that the construct inside of it was trying to get through, apparently forgoing its original directives of keeping the furnaces fuelled in favor of pursuing the performer. For now, at least, the door was holding its furious inhabitant inside the chamber.



Patrick, The Blade of Justice

Upon hearing Ceylan’s words, Patrick’s eyes followed the direction in which the canine-beastkin was pointing towards to. “Leave it to me!” He answered briefly, disappearing, once more, in a blur and leaving behind a fading after-image. The plump archangel would reappear at E13, behind the ranged construct. And, holding the sheath of his katana with his left hand, while holding the hilt of it with his right, he would draw his sword, slashing the construct horizontally.

The attack would separate the construct’s torso from the rest of its body, at the height of the hip, destroying it in the process. Not only that, but the technique which had been used caused a ‘wave’ of bright light to be released from it, quickly traveling to K5. In its path, it would also end up hitting the constructs at J9 and J5, destroying them completely, before dissipating as it hit the pillar. With that, the constructs at F12, J9 and J5 had been destroyed.

John’s [Basic attack] against the incapacitated construct at H13 were extremely effective, especially with the current state it was in. As the pressure of the air hit the slumped worker construct, pieces of it plating would be forcibly removed from it, flying from it with extreme force. Sparks would start to sizzle from it, a clear indication that it was near its destruction and couldn’t handle much more.

Demeter’s [Root Eruption] was conjured once more at L14, spikes bursting out of the already verdant tapestry which was already covering the lifeless floor of the factory, searching the same previous targets. The wooden spikes would impale and destroy the constructs at K16 and J14 with ease, their chassis only being hoisted by roots themselves. The one at L11 endured the attack, yet its twitching and sparking form showed that its end was near.

And it would be brought by Kuro’s own attack, her claws slashing its metallic form, exposed circuitry being cut, along with tubes which transported viscous oil throughout it. Oil would partially splash and stick onto Kuro’s hands, as the worker construct slumped backwards, the yellow hue of its photoreceptors disappearing.

With the construct at K16 having already been destroyed, all of Shael’s actions could be compounded against the incapacitated construct at H18, a twin volley being shot from her bow against the mechanoid. The first arrow would end up opening a path towards the very center of its core, stripping every bit of metallic protection it previously had. And, her [Undetected Lune Shot] would seal the deal, destroying the construct and leaving its carcass in a pool of oil.

All active combatants in the Assembly Line #1 had been defeated. Now it was up to the group to decide the next course of action. Beside the myriad of options they had, the group could also choose to head to the Assembly Line #2, head down the corridor of the Boiler Room and rendezvous with Keircey (assuming he doesn’t choose to head into the Assembly Line #2).

Assembly Line 1-5.png

Current situation:
All characters under Rowan's Barrier (13 additional HP for 6 turns)
Rowan's Barrier (5 additional HP for 6 turns)

Construct at H13 is currently incapacitated and unable to act.
The constructs at J12, H4, F9, A14, F12, J5, J9, L11, J14, K16 and H18 were destroyed.
The construct at H13 critically damaged.
Since the only remaining combatant is incapacitated, the battle has ended.

Ceylan: E 0/0 (currently locked out for 1 turns or until dispelled)
Rowan: D 0/1, C 0/3 (currently locked out for 6 turns or until dispelled)
John: E 0/1
Keircey: E 0/1


  • Assembly Line 1-5.png
    Assembly Line 1-5.png
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At Ceylan's command, Archangel Patrick raced across the room at imperceptible speeds and cut down three machines in the blink of an eye. Roots erupted from the factory floor and destroyed two more; leaving their impaled robotic corpses suspended a dozen or so feet above the floor on jagged spikes. John's fists struck down another. Shael's arrows took one more. And Kuro's claws would finish off the last machine and officially clear the room.

Relative silence filled the room as the battle came to an end.

Demeter's eyes thoroughly scanned the area for movement before she would allow herself to relax. But the interim of peace was short lived. A loud crash would fill their ears; echoing down the hall from the direction that their construct companion had just gone. Whatever confidence that the young dryad had gained from his first successful ruse faded instantly.

"The boiler room. We need to get to Kiercey!"

She broke into a sprint and took off towards the other end of the room, stomping right over a few of the machine corpses in the way. She vaulted over the conveyer belts, hit the floor, and kept moving without missing a beat. The image of the map they'd studied flashed before her eyes, as did that of the boiler room construct. She cut a sharp right as soon as left the first room and didn't even bother to look back to see if she was being followed. She was just gonna have to trust them to follow.

And for Kiercey to have kept himself alive.

She was still moving at full speed when the back of the performer construct came into view.

"Kiercey! I'm with you!"

She slowed a bit as she made her way over; stopping about 30ft away from the door. The fact that he was still in one piece and not actively being swarmed by machines did a lot to ease her mind. But it certainly left her with a multitude of questions.

"Hey! You okay? What's going o-"

A loud thud at the door cut her off. Then another. And another. A rhythmic pounding on the other side of the door that warped its shape evermore with each new blow. The sight, alone, answered most of Demeter's questions. And it was obvious that those doors weren't going to last if whatever was on the other side kept it up. If Kiercey glanced over at Demeter, he'd notice her taking a defensive stance as though she were preparing for another fight. And she'd glance over at him for a moment before locking sights with the rapidly failing door.

Only one question left on her mind at this point.

"How many are in there?"

Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Lolory Lolory slifer37 slifer37 Elias Wren Elias Wren LightningJay LightningJay
Last edited:
Designer (11).png
KURO NEKOMATA | Beastkin-Cat | Eccentric
Seeing that giant robot fall had reinvigorated Kuro completely. The nausea from earlier was gone now, and she celebrated her supposed victory with a pose, and a hand on her chest. "Ha! See, I have struck it down in one hit. Aren't I amazing?" She said to Kite. "And everyone doubted my magical prowess to begin with, harping on about 'safety'. But no one was hurt!" At least not by my hand. She'd been practicing to use her magic in private, and hadn't mastered the ability to not overexert herself just yet. After this, I'm definitely putting in more work to practice...She stared down at her claws, and was glad they were at least sharp enough to do damage to that Construct.

"Now that the battle is finished, we should finish investigating the rest of the factory...what is that awful banging noise?" She turned to Kite with a confused look. Going to investigate sent her down the path that Keircey had taken when he had tricked those other Constructs into believing he was just a worker like them. There was a large door that hadn't been opened, but from the sound and look of the angry dents from the other side, it wouldn't be long before they had another battle to attend to.

"Huh, look at that, you've managed to poke quite the hornet's nest." Kuro looked at Keircey. "Guess your lucks rotten even without me being near. Perhaps we have more in common than I thought." Ha! Fat chance at that. But this was great (not really). Now Kuro had a chance to really showcase her skills in one epic battle. "From the look of the door, I'd say hundreds are behind it. But it's probably more like one really, really pissed off robot." She answered Demeter.

Either way, Kuro would be prepared to fight just as before.


Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Demeter Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

“Thank you, sir!” He'd call out to Patrick upon the latter dealing with one of the remaining big threats in the room. With his allies taking care of the rest of them, he breathed out in relief. “That went fairly well.” He concluded. “It seems like the manager had less things prepared than we feared it might have.” That was probably the biggest relief. That this hadn't been fully fortified or booby-trapped yet.

“Right!” He'd reply, somewhat surprised at hearing Demeter suddenly take charge. He'd follow behind. After all, how could a good doggo like him not chase after such a nice looking stick? His sprinting was nothing to write home about, but he did manage to at least somewhat keep up. Albeit without the impressiveness of converyer-belt vaulting.

Upon arrival, it didn't take too long to figure out what was going on. Keircey had managed to lock in the enemies. Demeter could ask the obvious question before he could, so he'd ask the second-most obvious one. “The boiler room one was where we assumed it to be, then?”

Looking at the door opening, he'd look at his allies. “It might break free sooner rather than later, but with some luck it'd only expect Keircey. Should we just lay in wait and take it out?” Perhaps that was the easiest and safest way to get a bigger threat like this out of the way. Besides, any damages was the brothers' own fault for messing up with such a dangerous machine. He couldn't really feel sorry for destroying half the factory and everything in it, regardless of his good-boy levels. Then again, his inner beast made him dislike all these weird constructions to begin with.

That said, as he saw the door taking on more banging and damage, he would move back a bit. He did not want to be on the frontline when that thing broke out. “Perhaps this would be a foe worthy of your powers, sir Patrick.” He stated, hoping the summon would be down to help them get the jump on it once it'd break free.

EeDuration – 1 turn left

Move to boiler room.

🎤𝙺𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚌𝚎𝚢🎤[𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚌𝚝], [𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚎𝚛] , [𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢: 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚘 𝙻𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢],[𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌’𝚜 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐]
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝
Maxxob Maxxob Lolory Lolory slifer37 slifer37 TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi LightningJay LightningJay
IMG_0455.png Keircey had a shocked expression on his face. It worked! The banging was loud, he knew this maneuver would only stall time, but at least it provided time, and true to that, with Demeter showing up, everything couldn’t had been more perfectly timed. At least he wouldn’t be fighting this thing on his own. Kuro and Ceylan also showed up. He was greatful for it, but Kuro’s response was…very much an incorrect assumption. Maybe it’d be easier to get along with if it hadn’t been for her pride. Keircey answers Demeter’s question and adds on to it.

“Actually, there’s one. One massive boiler bot. I’d recommend being careful its method of attacking is spinning towards it’s target with a large shovel. I would say try to keep at least 30 or so feet from it…once it breaks through the doors, we might be better at area attacks if we are capable of making attacks that large or ranged attacks might be a better option.”

He turns to Kuro. He laughed a little to make light of her words.

“Well %Cat% my luck has always been shit since I was created…hate to say it, but I don’t actually have a reply for that. Regardless of that, though.”

He makes a gesture to Demeter, Kuro and Ceylan.
“I am glad you guys are okay. And I am thankful for any help you guys have. Sounds like quite a ruckus was made out there…”

The gunshots…were what he meant. Mentally wincing, and pushing the memory aside, he prepares himself.

“Besides the boiler bot I saw a lever. I assume it’s the one that was mentioned that can access the power grid as the Burke brothers mentioned. It might be useful to flip it obvious issue is the construct guarding it. I’d also prefer the attacks to wait until it breaks through itself. I did shock the lever that opens the boiler a few times…the spell is no longer in effect, but I don’t know if it’s left damage to the wiring, so I would recommend not touching it.”

He also thought it would be wise to wait if they could for the others to show up. When Ceylan mentions a ‘Sir Patrick’, Keircey blinks. Who the fuck is patrick?

“I’m sorry who’s ‘Sir Patrick’?”

He missed more than he thought it seems.

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