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Active [Clockhaven - Widersia] A Rowdy Construct

πŸŽ€π™ΊπšŽπš’πš›πšŒπšŽπš’πŸŽ€[πšŒπš˜πš—πšœπšπšžπšŒπš], [πš™πš›πšŽπšπš˜πš›πš–πšŽπš›] , [πš πšŠπš—πšπšŽπš πš‹πš’: π™³πš’πšŠπšπš˜ π™»πšžπš—πš’πšŠπš›πš’],[πšπšŽπš™πšžπš‹πš•πš’πšŒβ€™πšœ πš πšŠπš›πš—πš’πš—πš]
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Maxxob Maxxob Elias Wren Elias Wren Lolory Lolory slifer37 slifer37 TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi LightningJay LightningJay
IMG_0455.png At the new arrivals, joining Keircey gave them a small wave. It was debatable if having more members in the group was a good thing, granted that was something more dependent on the situation, if they had to fight something which may not seem likely to always happen, it would be good if they had as many people as possible in the case there weren’t other complications in such either. When meeting the Burke brothers, Keircey gave a nod.

β€œPleasure to meet you as well…”

quietly,He said quietly becoming slightly distracted by the behavior of the other constructs in the room, how they seemingly moved mindlessly. Oddly, despite being well aware of the fact he was different then they were, it felt uncomfortable for him and strange.

β€˜What does it take for us constructs to gain sentience exactly? Does it just happen?’

He thinks in his head as he grabs the non-disclosure agreement. Shifted his focus from that to the paper, he read through it carefully to make sure there wasn’t any…would β€˜extra baggage’ be the term? Something that could’ve been added that would make it more than it was, seeing as it was just an average NDA agreement, he grabbed a pen and signed it. His handwriting was messy, not like he was permitted the time to perfect it. After signing it, he places it back down. He did notice Kuro was quick to sign it though. He found that concerning.

Language Keys:
β€œcommon” %

Hearing a voice come from behind, John turned to face the newcomer who resembled a plant lady. β€œWhy hello Demeter, I'm John, just a regular villager out on an adventure.” said John as he shook her hand. He was pretty skeptical about her being good in a fight though, seeing how she was clad in a dress made from flowers and seemed more cute than dangerous. Next up, the door would open up with the robot butler greeting them.

β€œJohn.” He’d respond briefly when the robot was to ask for his name. They were then led to the living room of the mansion where there were plenty of members who had already arrived beforehand. This seemed like it could be a fun bunch! β€œHello there.” He waved to the others as he entered the room before taking a seat at the table. Upon the robot butler's mention of enjoying their hospitality, John would reply, β€œDon’t mind if I do.” before he helped himself to some of the pastries. It wasn’t every day that he got to have free food after all, and he could never put down the opportunity to try out some of Widersia's pastries. That was when their employers came into the room, 2 brothers who seemed to be partial constructs. The first one to sign the non disclosure contract immediately was a cat guy… or cat girl? John didn’t really know, but nevertheless he ought to warn him/her about his/her actions.

β€œHey neko, you ought to be more careful! We don’t know if this document is to be trusted and so it’s best for us to read through it carefully. After all, they could have easily slipped in a line or two to take advantage of us.” He’d say, while eyeing the brothers suspiciously. After reading the first few lines though, his eyes grew tired and he gave up entirely. β€œHmmm, I see… It seems to be genuine at the very least.” He nodded his head as if he had read it all that quickly, before using the thumbprint to seal the deal.
Shael Xyvern

Languages: "Common", "{Sylvan}"
Elias Wren Elias Wren Lolory Lolory Maxxob Maxxob slifer37 slifer37 LightningJay LightningJay Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Shael while she waited was a tad surprised to see John, but she did give a nod. β€œYes I am here for the job actually.” Giving a small smile at that.

β€œI take it you’re ready for combat then?” She’d ask matter of fact. Hoping that her teammates for this quest would in fact be based on what she had gathered from the posting.

When Demeter arrived her eyes lit up, β€œOh hello again Demeter, fancy seeing you here. I wasn’t expecting to see another person from the See arrive here, so that is certainly a nice change of pace to see you again.”

β€œHow have you been?”
She asked, sounding a bit warmer than before, even if she was still fairly capped down in how she expressed herself, but it was genuine.

Upon seeing Cosworth arrive, Shael gave a small nod of acknowledgement once more after it asked for the name. β€œThank you, My name is Shael Xyvern, and as I assume you likely worked out I’m here for the job notice.”

It was most curious what the construct just did next, they were most definitely just appraised by it, which she could understand for security reasons could be necessary. After all many criminals could read just as well as an adventurer and might try to commit some nefarious deeds using the information they got from the notice.

Shael would then follow the construct to the living room, noticing the interior of the space ,which definitely suggested a certain degree of wealth which the average person did not possess if the armed guard constructs out front didn’t already suggest that enough, as well as the size of the dwelling.

It was at this point she would see the serving construct as well as the others who were there so far, taking a look over, Kuro, Kite, Keircey, and Rowan. Thankfully this time around there didn’t seem to be anyone who was super obviously an East Empire militant, which might make the quest a bit less complex all things considered.

If she were fortunate they’d be competent, at the very least she knew for a fact that Demeter was effective.

β€œThank you again.” She’d say once more as Cosworth went off.

She’d make her way over and give a small bow to everyone else, β€œSalutations, I’m Shael Xyvern, and It looks like we’ll be working together.” The last name probably only having some real meaning to those from the Fae See who knew of the Shade of the Fae See. Regardless Before she took her place to wait for the people who would be dictating what the terms were. It looked like she didn’t have to wait all that long as she saw the young men arrive, or more accurately the Burke brothers.

Shael listened to what they had to say, thankfully for them she had no intention of leaking company secrets. But since she was in Widersia that meant she’d actually be able to sign the document in Sylvan and it’ be perfectly acceptable since the three languages of Terran, Common, and Sylvan were commonplace.

β€œIt’s nice to meet you both too I hope that I am able to assist with your needs and we can come to a mutually beneficial agreement, I am Shael Xyvern, It’s no problem, you have important ties which need to be taken into consideration.” She spoke matter of fact to them, as she took whatever instrument was available to sign, but not before giving what she was signing a good look over. It was a bit disconcerting when Kuro went right away to signing, for someone who was saying they were an investigator who probably looked at these sorts of things, that was not very legalistic of them with the document. John articulated as much well. Thankfully from what Shael could discern she didn’t see anything wrong with the document while she was looking over it, it was after that point she would write her full name very neatly in the Fae language.
Designer (11).png
KURO NEKOMATA | Beastkin-Cat | Eccentric | Conversation
Kuro scoffed at John, "Please, anyone wanting to scam me is in for a rude awakening the next time they shake my hand." She said, but didn't elaborate. She felt it was best to not fully reveal the extent of her magic or how it could rub off on people. "I'm a Noble from Azuran City so they'll have quite a talking to when I return home and the council hears about their poor behavior." That was a good enough cover, she supposed. She had momentarily glanced at the contract again out of the corner of her eye, but found it to not be of much importance.

If they didn't want her talking about what happened here, she could agree to that with or without a contract. She didn't particularly care about the specifics of her job, just as long as it was something that was within her power to do. However, the more she thought about the job, the stranger it seemed. This was starting to sound less like a covert operation, and more like the sketchy jobs her Uncle Saldana did for his boss, Miss Highwater. He never told Kuro about his job or whatever he did, hell she didn't even know why they'd have to close down the shop at the docks to come all the way here for a month. She glanced back at the Burke Brothers, trying not to give away her slight unease now.

Something's certainly fishy about those two...She hoped the pay was good at least. They couldn't possibly ask them to do something illegal she presumed. The morals of the people around her were a lot more rigid than hers were, that's for certain. "If there's a contract about payment, I might be more inclined to read over that, you know? A noble's time is not without compensation, after all." She said. "I didn't see anything about payment in the advert so you imagine I'm a bit discomforted to not know just how much...uh...whatever it is you want us to do will cost."

Mentions: LightningJay LightningJay | Maxxob Maxxob


A firm smack emanated from the clasping of hands between two amateur adventurers.

"Nice to meetcha!"

Then she turned to Shael, who seemed to share her enthusiasm.

"I've been training. I think found a way to manage my stamina alot better than last time. Guess we'll find out soon enough though, hehe."

Shortly after their brief introductions, a robotic butler by the name of Cosworth answered their knocking and invited them into the manor.

"It's Demeter! Just Demeter."


Shortly after, the band of adventurers would gather within the living room of the manor where they would be lead to comfy seats and served fresh tea. The lords of the Manor, Sillanus and Octavius Burke, would introduce themselves, yet continue to withhold information on the job that had brought them all hear in the first place. So much so, in fact, that they presented everyone there with NDAs before revealing a single detail regarding what they actually wanted. Demeter had no interest in spreading their secrets, but there was a bit of an issue that arose when she was handed a paper of her own.

Of her many talents, writing was not one.

Much like a delinquent who'd forgotten to study for a test, the dryad chose to lean to her sides and peer over at what the others were putting down on their papers as though there were some sort of universal correct answer between them. And the various signatures left between them lead to further confusion as to what in god's name she was supposed to do with this fancy piece of parchment.

It wasn't until she glanced over at Kite that she finally found a solution, and she too would stamp her paper with a digital of her finger and be done with this strange ritual.

What followed was a little more her speed. A veritable interview for the Burke Brother's who'd taken so much effort to conceal their intentions; albeit mostly lead by the woman known as Kuro. A bit of the standard fare to inquire about payment and general clarification.

"I have a question too," The young fae chimed in. "You told us that we needed to be able to fight to take this job. So what are we going to be fighting, then?"

It was inevitable. The job wouldn't have mandated fighting skill if it wasn't at least expected of them all. And it was the one detail that spurred Demeter's curiosity more than anything.

"Giant Spiders? Direwolves? Goblins?" a brief, contemplative pause as the dryad's eyes narrowed. Her voice deepening a half-octave, "Kobolds...?"

Kobolds. Those dirty, sneaky, tricky lizardmen. Oh, she knew a thing or two about dealing with their kind. And the kinds of things they got up to...

Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Lolory Lolory LightningJay LightningJay DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elias Wren Elias Wren slifer37 slifer37
Last edited:
Rowan Thorn
Rowan's eyes rose as more people rolled in. As long as she got her equal share that was actually worth it, she didn't mind how many people were there- as long as it didn't go into her cut.
With this amount of people, this was looking to be a wonderful way of easily getting money. She would just make sure no one died, even with the increase of new people. They could do all of the real work, and she could do the important buffing and such.

"I'll keep your secrets, as long as you pay us what we're owed, as promised in the advertisement. " Rowan said bluntly, not about to be financially screwed on this one.

If the contract detailed payment, and they answered her questions, she would look over it, taking an uncomfortably long time to assess the contract, reading it over and analyzing it to try to catch them out on any weird clauses that could screw them over. She waited until she was the last one who would sign the contract, finally signing her name on the dotted line in a surprisingly nice cursive that came from learning about home-related contracts. If not, she would wait for written amendments to her paperwork stating how much they would be making before signing the document.
Time: Afternoon
Location: Clockhaven, Burke's Estate
Elias Wren Elias Wren | Kite
Lolory Lolory | Kuro
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Keircey
slifer37 slifer37 | Rowan
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Shael
LightningJay LightningJay | John
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | Demeter
Elvario Elvario |

Fascination - Lies of P

Sillanus and Octavius

Sillanus and Octavius patiently waited for the group to sign the NDAs. Sillanus sipped his tea with a polite smile, while Octavius's gaze turned pensive. Shael’s voice broke his reverie, drawing his attention. β€œWe appreciate your understanding, Madame Xyvern. A single slip can ruin us in this business.” He nodded to her before resuming his vigil over the signing process.

Kuro’s claims were met with swift reassurance. β€œOf course, of course! We are no strangers to your position in the Ryken Adventurer’s Guild, Lord Nekomata. Cosworth has kept us well informed.” Sillanus placed his empty teacup on the coffee table, his polite smile betraying nothing about Kuro’s false noble status. Rising, he collected the signed NDAs, scrutinizing each one.

β€œAttempting to scam the Adventurer’s Guild would be both foolish and dangerous,” Octavius addressed John and Rowan’s concerns. β€œOur reputation would be in jeopardy. The guild holds the payment β€˜hostage’ until they receive feedback from us. Once they take their share, the remaining amount, equivalent to 1 golden ryke, will be split among those who took this job.” The substantial payout hinted at the brothers' wealth and the job’s potential dangers or sensitive nature.

Satisfied with the NDAs, Sillanus sat back down, nodding to Octavius. β€œWe wish the problem lay outside the city limits.” Sillanus’s gaze shifted to Demeter. β€œIf it were, we’d march our construct security forces to handle it. Unfortunately…” His words were interrupted by the mechanical voice echoing from the foyer.


"Welcome to the residence of Master Sillanus Burke and Master Octavius Burke. May I have your names, sirs and/or madams?" Cosworth’s lifeless tone repeated its practiced greeting.

Sillanus turned towards the entrance, his smile widening. β€œBrother, please take this group and explain the job. I will greet our new arrival.” The cheery brother instructed. Octavius nodded, rising. β€œFollow me to our office.” He motioned for the group to follow, leading them down a corridor connected to the living room.


As Cosworth received Ceylan’s name, its photoreceptors shifted from pale azure to vivid crimson, scanning the beastkin with a red beam. The receptors returned to their original color once the scan was complete.

"Please, follow me to the living room." Cosworth stepped aside, allowing Ceylan to enter and closing the door behind him. The clinking of metal echoed with each step. Ceylan soon found himself in the living room, centered around a low coffee table made of dark, polished wood. A velvety red rug lay beneath it, surrounded by matching upholstered couches. Two marble busts on nearby stands mirrored the man now standing to greet him.

β€œI’ll take it from here, Cosworth. Good job.” Sillanus said, prompting the construct to bow and return to its silent vigil in the foyer. Ceylan watched as the mechanical maid swiftly removed the used teacups, replacing them with a new one filled with green tea.

β€œWelcome to my residence. I am Sillanus Burke, a pleasure to meet you. Please, take a seat.” Sillanus motioned to a seat, placing a document in front of it. As Ceylan sat down, Sillanus continued with practiced shrewdness. β€œI apologize for the formality, but due to the unique nature of my business and the exclusive information to be revealed, this is a necessary precaution.”

Pointing at the document, he explained, β€œThis is a Nondisclosure Agreement. It ensures that any information shared here remains confidential, with civic ramifications for any breach. Don’t worry, signing it doesn’t mean you’re accepting the opportunity. That decision comes after you hear the details.”


The groupβ€”Kite, Kuro, Keircey, Rowan, Shael, John, and Demeterβ€”followed Octavius deeper into the manor. The corridor stretched on, pristine marble underfoot, with a different painting adorning the walls at intervals. Eventually, Octavius stopped before a door, opening it without hesitation. β€œRight through here.” He stepped inside, waiting for the group to join him before closing the door.

The room was a large office, bookshelves lining the walls, filled with neatly organized books. A large office table with two chairs stood at the center, likely where the Burke brothers’ inventions took shape.

Octavius leaned against the table, his tone serious. β€œThose familiar with Widersia may know of Baron Fromm, an experimental construct with advanced intelligence, capable of broad decision-making within set parameters.” His gaze fixed on Keircey, recognizing his construct origins.

β€œMy brother and I attempted to replicate this intelligence in one of our constructs, assigning it a β€˜manager’ directive for one of our factories. During an inspection, we discovered it had gone rogue, influencing the worker constructs and altering their directives. We barely escaped, sealing the factory behind us.”

He looked each group member in the eye. β€œThe job is straightforward: destroy this construct. You’ll face heavy resistance inside, and we expect damage. The factory must be β€˜pacified’ at any cost. The worker constructs should resume their original directives once the manager is destroyed, but we have reserves if they all need to be eliminated.”

Octavius uncrossed his arms, gauging the group’s reactions.
Kite Vanzanth

Study - Kuro, Keircey, Rowan, Shael, John, and Demeter.
Kite followed first down the hall after one of the Burke Brothers, he had already lost track of which was which. Luckily it didn't really matter since they both had the information he required. As they made their way into the office Kite stepped to the side of the door and leaned against the wall and one of the bookshelves, listening intently to the state of the factory. Like a child in school he raised his left hand and offered up a question of his own.

"If things are so bad. Why not simply destroy the factory?"

Kite figured it must be located close to something important, or maybe the brothers thought it might be cheaper to hire people to clear it out instead of rebuilding from scratch.

John grinned at Shael when she asked if he was ready. β€œOf course, I’m always ready to kick some ass!” Saying this, he clapped a fist into his palm. His confidence was mostly fuelled by his previous expedition to subjugate some disgusting goblins. Him and his party were able to wipe them out in a decisive battle, although they almost lost a party member in the process. But meh, that didn’t matter since they ultimately succeeded in the end! That means that John was a super capable warrior who could beat up any and all bad guys!

Hearing what Kuro had to say, John raised an eyebrow. Shake her hand? Who would hate it if they shook her hand? Maybe she often wouldn’t wash her hand after using the bathroom, and thus those who shook her hand would end up having numerous germs infest their bodies and kill them! John watched her warily from a distance, gulping as he speculated the horrors that her nasty hand could possess. Also, he mostly assumed that he was a she for now from her voice alone. When she spoke of her noble family being able to punish any evil doers, he’d sigh. It seemed like this noble lady still had much to learn about the world. β€œStill, it’s better to be safe than sorry whereever possible. No point walking into trouble for no reason, I’d say.”

Hearing what the brothers had to say about the situation, John was willing to let go of the matter. It wasn’t as if he didn’t trust them, but more so he just wanted to be cautious is all. β€œAlright then, I’ll trust you guys… For now, at the very least.” He eyed at them once again. Moving on to the next scene, they would follow one of the brothers to their office, before getting a brief rundown of the situation. β€œSo we’re gonna be beating up some robot baddies this time, huh? This sounds like fun.” John smiled to himself, his heart thumping from excitement at the opportunity to challenge some high tech robo enemies. Although he never really tried hitting anything as hard as metal or steel before... Hopefully his hands wouldn't break by the end of this adventure.

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob

For all his wandering as a [Wandering Saint], this was his first time going all the way to Widersia. The place wasn't exactly 'his style' so to say. The machines and mechanism, the smoke and steel, it all made him feel a little unnerved. Yet he knew that was probably a personal bias and not something necessarily evil. As such, he'd ignored the feeling as well as he could.

Knowing he'd still need more combat experience, wanting to wander around more, being a good boy and spreading the gospel, he'd decided to to go here. Yet, there was another reason, as he'd learned a mission that only mentioned the need to be 'well-equipped'. If anything was going to get him the experience he wanted, it would be something like that. It's what got him curious enough to make his way to the Burke brother's mansion.

He didn't like their estate though. The automatically opening gates, the stares from the constructs. It felt rather unnerving and unnatural. When Cosworth greeted him, he stared back with some confusion. The way of being addressed felt so unnatural that he didn't know if he was even supposed to answer or not at first. β€œIt's... Ceylan.” He eventually hesitantly replied, wondering what the odd metal thing would do with it.

Instinctively, he jumped back upon seeing a red beam come at it. Yet when he didn't feel anything hurt and couldn't see anything off, he relaxed a bit. All in all, though, he still wasn't the most eager to start following the odd humanoid, metal being. It's why he gave a slight sigh in relief when an actual human showed up. β€œI'm bishop Ceylan. It's also pleasure to meet you, mister Burke.” He'd politely reply with a bit of a bow.

He took a seat as instructed. β€œI must admit, this is a first for me.” He stated. He wasn't going to pretend like he knew exactly what was going on or that he was fully on board with the idea with it. He was still interested, however, that much was true. β€œSo it's a vow of secrecy?” He asked, as he thought it through.

β€œI'm not sure if I can make such a vow. After all, I am first and foremost a priest of the Syncretist Faith. If revealing said information is clearly for the good of the world, I shall need to do so.” He eventually stated, trying to be tactful, but also being as open and honest as he was by nature. β€œSo long as whatever you wish for me to remain secret does not go against such principles, I would be willing to sign what you wish me to sign.” As he stated it all, he'd try to use [Insight B] to get some idea of the man's reaction and 'true' thoughts.

[Wandering Saint] - Character is a wanderer that brings healing and well-being wherever they go. While the stories told by the people generally exceed reality, the faithful aware of who the character is consider them truth and are more hospitable to the character in hopes of being blessed.

"Well... I'm guessing that a torn down factory would draw more attention to a slip-up that they don't want anyone to know happened in the first place," the young fae chimed in in response to Kite.

The more that Demeter heard about their task, the more questions came to mind. Mostly practical information that they would all need to complete the mission. Though, if the Burke brothers were anything like her previous client through the Adventurer's Guild, most of those questions would likely be answered before this meeting adjourned. But one question kept brimming up to the surface of her thoughts.

"Mr. Octavius? Is this factory in an area with a lot of people nearby or is it outside of the city? It's just..."

A brief pause as she collected her words.

"It may not happen, but I feel like we might end up making a lot of noise fighting robots. And, even if we don't, someone might see us walking... or sneaking in. Or back out. What should we tell them if they come asking what we're doing in the factory? Your secret is safe with me, so you don't have to worry about that. Still, I'm just... not confident that I'd be able to give them a good answer on the spot."

Certainly not a believable one that wouldn't draw attention to the incident.
Shael Xyvern

Languages: "Common", "{Sylvan}"
Mentions: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi LightningJay LightningJay Elias Wren Elias Wren Maxxob Maxxob

She would have given Demeter a soft smile and a nod at her words. Also surprised with John’s enthusiasm but it was actually a nice sight for a change, what she hoped was that his abilities would be backed up by his eagerness, giving him a nod also.
She also gave Octavius a nod just to show that she had been paying attention to his words. Interestingly enough another arrived, possibly more, who Shael was assuming should they accept she’d be meeting up with soon enough, noting that Sillanus was going to go meet them personally.

She would diligently follow Octavius, as presumably others did since everyone who was there likely had signed at that point upon seeing there wasn’t anything that was wrong with the document.

Shael had actually not heard of this construct before but it actually sounded like one which was quite capable if what Octavius was describing was true, one intelligent and capable enough to hold a role like Baron, at least that’s what the implication of his speech was. Granted Shael had seen constructs which were very well capable of being adventurers so, she probably shouldn’t have been as surprised as she felt but she was.

Unfortunately after that things got a bit more problematic sounding. Well at the very least rogue machines couldn’t be that much worse than being tasked with clearing out a monster infested building, both were violent and aggressive and there were certainly metallic like monsters which existed..but some of these constructs certainly had more advanced weaponry. Kite raised a good point, which an answer too would be enlightening, she could only assume that their investment had been expensive and perhaps they wanted to save what they could from the other constructs.

Demeter brought up fair points as well, for something secretive. Hopefully if it was in a more populated area they’d have a way to dampen catching attention whether through magic, tech, or other means.

β€œWith a proper party, I see no issue in carrying out this task, however what I would like to know is if you could give us any insights to the sort of offensive abilities these constructs may possess, defensive also if it’s applicable, it would be good to know more about what we’re going up against so we can properly prepare.”

β€œAnd of course like Demeter, I have no intention of breaching contract.”

πŸŽ€π™ΊπšŽπš’πš›πšŒπšŽπš’πŸŽ€[πšŒπš˜πš—πšœπšπšžπšŒπš], [πš™πš›πšŽπšπš˜πš›πš–πšŽπš›] , [πš πšŠπš—πšπšŽπš πš‹πš’: π™³πš’πšŠπšπš˜ π™»πšžπš—πš’πšŠπš›πš’],[πšπšŽπš™πšžπš‹πš•πš’πšŒβ€™πšœ πš πšŠπš›πš—πš’πš—πš]
π™²πš‘πšŠπš›πšŠπšŒπšπšŽπš› πšœπš‘πšŽπšŽπš
Maxxob Maxxob Elias Wren Elias Wren Lolory Lolory slifer37 slifer37 TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi LightningJay LightningJay
IMG_0455.pngβ€œBaron Fromm…sounds familiar and wouldn’t be surprised if I'd heard it before…”

If he did, it was likely not a name mentioned often. He listened, as Octavious explained.


He wasn’t an engineer, he did briefly wonder if this construct had grown its own sentience in a way. However, the reality of it was it seemed less likely for it to behave this way. That was Keircey’s thoughts on it. At least when he β€˜woke up’ he was more confused than he was willing to go rouge…when it first began…before he ran away due to a murder committed by Diago. That was the thing though. If the construct in question was self-aware as he suspected, then it has its own unique reaction, wouldn’t it? After all, if no two organics thought the same. Why would that logic not apply? It was just Keircey’s skepticism though. He looked at Kite and responded.

β€œThat sounds unreasonable to me. Only because depending on the destruction method, it might grab more attention than we need.”

He then tells John.

β€œBe careful where you place that trust when meeting someone. For all you know, you could be in the room with a criminal.”

He nodded at Shael’s mention of what methods the construct could be used to fight. On top of that, he also had a concern he felt he needed to address.

β€œThis construct… Its changes in programming should only affect the constructs within the factory, right?”

The last thing anyone needed was for him to be altered like those other constructs seemed to be.

Language Keys:
β€œcommon” %analog%

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