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Finished [Clockhaven] Salvage and Steam: Crafting a Legacy


Lunar Lunar NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Moonberry Moonberry Garbage. Garbage. Maxxob Maxxob SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild


Old codger sounds like a player.

She smiled almost knowingly to him. As he shook her firm hand firmly, he would be able to feel notable differences. One couldn't feel the texture due to her gloves. But he was apt to notice how hard her entire hand felt. The bones in her hand felt heavier than the average person's. Firmness received meant firmness given. Her hand squeezed his with roughly equal firmness, though he'd be able to feel claws at the tips of her gloved hands.

Before he took the documents, Pam gave them a quick glance over one last time to try to get a good image in her mind for later. Then that creepy guy began to talk and she turned her attention to Raia as she spoke.

"Better experience than what I got." She hardly had ever seen anything half as advanced as the things they casually made in Widersia. Being a few years rusty was better than having jack shit to do with technology.

"You chose it?" She said. "What the fuck...?" Confusion was evident in her low voice. Her eyes went briefly over to the creep who's name she learned was "Snare" as he stated he chose his name too.

A question for her came. It was a common one, especially when talking to a strangers. A simple "Where are you from?" And so Pam gave her an answer that had already been long prepared.

"I come from West Empire. Damn near on the other side of the continent." It was a long ways from here for sure. "Born in a village out in a forest. Lived outside the cities my whole life but visited them every now again. It's a pretty nice place if you're safe inside the walls. Outside of 'em? Best to be ready for some beasts if you ask me." She motioned to Nigel offhandedly. "Our hunter here would probably love it. Bunch of different zones. Rainforests. Tundra. Desert. Forests where I'm from. Different beasties all around of all shapes n' sizes. And with there's a bunch of different beasties around depending on where you go."

The bunny placed her thumb on her neck.

"Had a big red lizard teleport right on top of me once when I was a kid."

She ran her thumb across her throat -- in a motion akin to slitting a throat.

"Almost chopped my head clean off." She said, sounding more amused than traumatized.

"Got tamed monsters and beasties in the cities though. We call 'em "Sentinel Beasts." For security and work. If tech is Widersia's thing, taming beasts is the West Empire's things. That and slaves I guess." She said. Ironically, almost none of what she said was a lie. And judging from how much she liked to blabber, one might think her one to leak all her personal info. But in truth, there were major fractions of her life that were missing.

"But ah, how about you? Where were you born to not see much of your own kind? Here? How'd you name yourself?" She asked Raia, blinking a bit curiously. Her ears swiveled ever so slightly, as she kept at least some tabs on different things at once. Pam couldn't call herself exactly educated. She'd never been to school. But hell if she couldn't multi-task.


Snare could hardly contain his excitement as he listened to Nigel explain his rifle; it was both familiar and completely new all at the same time. The white glint against his pale gaze fracturing like glass as he activated his ability [Barbed Physique]. The skin on his arms, up to his elbow, bloomed with metallic barbs, for only a moment. "It is like a muscle...one I need to train and flex to learn" He explained with a vague, but straightforward explanation.

"I can use it with my legs and arms to maim and murder very well. I used to enjoy hunting my own kind, and I find that hasn't changed...though what my kind is now...hmm" He pondered a moment. His [barbed physique] retracting before the exit points slowly started to heal back. His eyes momentarily swiveling toward Raia as she spoke up about their name's origins. Pamela seemingly bewildered by the idea.

"Our fate is our own; Names are a sound we recognize as a singular person...I want mine to be a sound branded in minds. A snare binds, traps, tortures the body with stillness and helplessness. It is a fate I choose, and in return, has chosen me. You seek a harder fought prey like I do Sir Nigel, perhaps we may find a bountiful pursuit...together"

He said. The idea of teamwork foreign to him, but he was always willing to learn if it was from a like minded individual. the aura of his bloodlust growing ever stronger as he became more excited at the prospect of what he could find (and, subsequently kill) at the salvage yard. His lumbering a matter of the heavier weight he took on with this ability as his arms slouched the side with heavy thuds.
Maxxob Maxxob SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Equipped Titles: [Offworlder], [Human], [Big and Small Game Hunter] - Color - #735f0f

Moonberry Moonberry Lunar Lunar NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Maverick Six Maverick Six Garbage. Garbage. SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

With the firm handshake, Nigel could notice the curious difference between his own hand and Pamela's. The denser bone structure, as well as the claws at the end of her fingers. He took it as an anatomy lesson about the rabbit-humanoids that could inhabit this land. Maybe others would have a similar structure to hers, or maybe these few characteristics were unique to her. Still, it highlighted the differences between a being that had been naturally evolved to deal with the elements of nature, while the average human trusted themselves into it having to rely on whatever tools they had. While against the average animal, the hunter knew he could count on his higher mental acuity, this wasn't the case here and what made it to be so much more exciting.

When Raia made his acquaintance and commented about the Lee-Enfield which he held in his hands, he gave the aquatic being a small smile. "I would think this rifle here to be one of a kind. It has been with me for quite a long time, you see. Ever since, I serve the King and country and, later on, Queen and country." He commented in turn, appearing to be quite proud of his military service, but not exactly expanding on it. His eyes next fell upon her own features, more specifically, her claws. "But I must say, I am quite entertained to see that most in this group have more... natural means to get the heavy work done. Those claws of yours look even sharper than the bayonet I used to have at the tip of my rifle." While he didn't outright say it, he was curious to see how, not only Raia, but all these creatures employed their natural gifts. He was sure it would be quite the learning experience, one that he would commit to memory.

Next, he focused his attention solely on Snare's explanation about how metallic-like barbs worked. As the Englishman observed the demonstration, leaning over to watch it closely. His mind made a few parallels and comparisons to how porcupine's defense systems worked. However, from the curious man's explanation, they seemed to be many miles above of how lethal they were. "I see, I see, subdermal metallic barbs that you can sprout from your body. They seem to be quite concealed until their activation... curious..." Speaking almost like a zoologist, he nodded a few times, already committing that to memory. Maybe Snare was an assassin?

"Hunting your own kind, mmm? Do you keep trophies of them as well?" He asked curiously, fishing around one of the side pockets of his coat before taking out a quite big plated object from under the overall he was now wearing it.


He showed it to the white-haired man, letting him inspect it if he so chose it. "This gorget I took it as a trophy from a pretty unfortunate individual who happened to go to the loo in the worst time possible. A pathetic, sad way to go, really. One moment you are relieving yourself and in the next you are no more." There was a hint of sarcasm in Nigel's voice, remembering this particularly hilarious hunt. In the very next moment, his eyes narrowed in a wolfish form. "My good man, Snare, I do believe we will find quite challenging and unique hunting opportunities." By Nigel's tone, it was clear he liked that idea quite a bit.

The hunter's ears ended up picking some quite interesting bit of information coming from the bunny-humanoid. He turned towards her as she mentioned the several different biomes that one could find in this West Empire place. Even more so when there was a mention of a teleporting lizard. That sounded... exciting to say at least. How would he prepare himself to face such a threat? His mind, at that moment, was already working on what plan he would need to put it in place if he were ever to find such a beast.
Raia (#4064c3)

Character Sheet
Right Hand Claws E: 2/2
Left Hand Claws E: 2/2
Tail F: 1/1
Natural Armour F [Light]: 1/1
HP: 2/2
Maverick Six Maverick Six

Pamela's brief confusion was met with a funny smile from the aquatic human, before she idly turned her ear fins to her origin story. Foreign nations had always been such distant entities to Raia, only heard about in passing from eavesdropping or friendly travellers, so hearing first-hand information about them was always interesting. "The West Empire huh... sounds like it has some incredible stuff." She mused briefly, distractedly amused by how easily the leporine woman talked about almost dying.

It definitely took an either strong or eccentric mentality to talk about such things so happily. She respected it. Although Pam did seem the most simple and straightforward of the group, everyone here was a bit odd in their own way huh.

"Hm? I'm seeing a lot of my own kind around actually. I assume our Nigel and pirate is one too. Y'know, a human." She couldn't help but smirk before laughing somewhat deviously, knowing how impossibly difficult it must be to believe. "Sorry to destroy our potential bestial friendship here, but I'm not lying. I was born human, and I don't think that's changed." She stated a little distractedly, wondering if there was a way to double check that. Though really, she didn't care what she was anymore.

"I was born and raised here in Clockhaven as an orphan. I used to look a lot more like my race, but y'know, time changes people." She thoughtlessly chuckled, before moving on towards her final question. "Oh, and my name's pretty simple. I used to know a pair of twins, called Rye and Ah. They practically raised me, so I named myself after them when they died." She mentioned simply, keeping her gaze trained on the road ahead.


SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild


So that's your trick.

There was a brief moment in which Pam watched Snare's body erupt into barbs. The fact that this happened as they were casually walking down the street reinforced her beliefs about the man's subtly. She couldn't say she was fond of the man drawing attention to himself and by extension their entire group like that. But at least she had an idea of what he could do. But her attention only lingered on this display for so long.

"Try to stick to the roads if you visit. Unless you want some excitement. And try to find a real nice group to travel with." It was an ironic suggestion, given her occupation. But at the same time, her previous occupation made for sound advice.

Pam blinked, her ears twitching. She stared at Raia for a moment as she called herself human, slightly dumbfounded. But she gave it a few moments to try to see if maybe she'd explain it in a manner better for her. But the longer the explanation, the more and more confused Pam's face became. Still, she was patient, never interrupting her as she gave a long explanation which left her with more questions than answers.

"You? A human? I thought maybe you'd be a Fae from the continental lake but human?" She chuckled. "I've hung around enough humans to tell you, that doesn't just happen. There's more of a story there, especially since you say you weren't born like that. But I don't like to pry." Somehow, it didn't feel right to pry into her personal life. Raia seemed less than bothered by anything she said, but it felt strange considering Pam wanted to avoid talking about her background too deeply while staying not too aloof.

"You don't gotta apologize for not being a beast. What you are doesn't matter much. Though I do like someone taking the attention off me a bit. What with the blue skin, the tail and you being totally topless and all." She said with a smile. Perhaps she was human, but her appearance was far more striking and less human in appearance than Pam's own.

On the matter of death, Pam's face remained oddly the same. Her gaze flicked over to the aquatic "human" next to her. Yet upon seeing her lack of much reaction, the rabbit's expression remained relatively the same. Indeed, it prompted a compliment. "That's real sweet of you. It's a nice way of honoring 'em." Raia seemed like a good person. Yet oddly it served to remind her of the group she was working with. Aside from what she could potentially intuit from snare and the pirate, this was all but a fairly legitimate job. She'd have to be careful with what she both said and did.

Even if the group for this job was much stranger than she'd ever thought.
Zeke “Mors” Valdain
Zeke sat there, watching this group interact before rolling his shoulders, stepping towards them, though before he fully reached them, he glanced at the Gearwright man putting a hand on the back of his own neck. "Say, do you mind if I leave Stella here while we're salvaging all this? She'll keep to herself, she knows that places like this are dangerous, I just can't have her with us while we're doing this, she's not cut out for fighting monsters." He explained, before walking towards his group and following along down the road.

He heard the Nigel man speaking about hunting humans, he saw Snare's barbed wire display, and heard them speaking about what they all do. But then, he heard Pamela talking about not straying from the roads, chuckling a little bit.
"Bah, bandits on land aren't worth much their salt from what I've seen. Too used to having sure ground under them, not used to adapting." He said, glancing over the group before settling in on Raia. "A human aye? I'd have thought you'd fit in more in the ocean, same as the rabbit lass there said." He explained himself, finally speaking up to the group. "If we're talkin' about what we all do, you can likely see from my appearance. Worked on the docks of the East Empire before I decided to go a bit more... freelance." He said, before raising his hand, deciding to show just a bit of his proverbial deck. His hand glowed with a white misty light, something divine in nature as he gave a toothy grin.

"And I've got us covered if we need an escape route. "Friends in high places" and all that."
Ⓣⓗⓔ Ⓢⓔⓐⓡⓒⓗ Ⓑⓔⓖⓘⓝⓢ

Mr. Gearwright surveyed the bustling lot with a raised brow, eventually nodding to Zeke’s request. It was clear he wouldn't be able to tear Stella away from Ellie, who was utterly captivated by the baby dragon. Stella, in turn, looked up at her papa with the best pout a dragon could muster, releasing a small cloud of steam from her nostrils as she snorted. Ellie giggled, hugging the little dragon tighter.

“Papa, leave Stella nummies! Then Stella stays good. Not chew on anything. Pwomise.” The little dragon squirmed in Ellie’s hold, her plea sincere in its dragonish way. With a wave, Mr. Gearwright sent the group on their way once they had the job’s details, and they proceeded towards the job site.

The street stretched out long and busy before them, thick with smog that dimmed the mid-morning sun’s attempts to pierce through. Steam-powered locomotives rattled and zipped past pedestrians, and mechanical constructs, resembling civil servants, roamed the sides of the street. The air was alive with the hum of machinery and the clatter of metal against metal.

As they reached the gate of Calvin’s Salvage Yard, the sun fought valiantly to shine through the dense layer of smog hanging over the city. A man sat in a booth near the entrance, looking half asleep. He started awake as they approached, giving them a once-over.
“Welcome to Calvin’s Salvage Yard. Feel free to take what you can find or leave what you want. But you’re responsible for your own safety. There are some giant rats that live in the heap. And some slimes.” His voice had the flat tone of someone who had recited the same speech countless times, and as soon as he finished, he nodded off again.

Upon entering the gates of the walled salvage yard, they were met with towering heaps of junk, some reaching as high as eight feet. Dilapidated buildings stood around them, and in the distance, an unstable dock hosted two submarine-like contraptions and an old, battered battleship. The search had just begun.

Scattered throughout the yard were a few individuals, each lost in their own world, sifting through the piles with a sort of dazed focus. The task of finding the pieces Mr. Gearwright needed seemed daunting amidst the vast sea of discarded machinery and forgotten relics.

Mentions: Maverick Six Maverick Six Garbage. Garbage. SilverFeathers SilverFeathers NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Lunar Lunar Maxxob Maxxob
Kikimura Kikimura

You may each choose one square per turn to search. And then roll a D100 to find out what you find.

1-20 is a Giant rat.
21-50 is a slime.
51-75 is another Salvager. Roll 1d2. 1 they'll ignore you. 2. They might be annoying and try to take something if you have something.
76-85 is a Floatation Stabilizer
86-100 is Steam Propulsion Engine

1-30 Giant Rat
31-50 is a Slime
51-60 is another salvager 1D2, 1 is friendly 2 is not friendly.
61-80 is Wing Frame Extender
81-100 is Atmospheric Pressure Regulator,

1-40 is Giant Rat
41-70 is Slime
71-80 is Atmospheric Pressure Regulator
81-90 is Wing Frame Extender
91-100 is Steam propulsion Engine

Everywhere Else
1-50 is Giant Rat
51-70 is Slime
80-90 is Another salvager 1D2 1 is friendly 2 is not friendly.
90-100 is Floatation stabilizer
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Lunar Lunar NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Moonberry Moonberry Garbage. Garbage. Maxxob Maxxob SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild


The salty sea dog spoke up, but there was a slight tint of aggravation towards one of her reply. "I don't mean just the bandits dipshit, I mean the mons-oh hey look! There it is!" Her reply had been cut short a bit by the sight of exactly what it was they were looking for. Like the flip of a switch, she'd gone from mildly annoyed to happy as a clam. Never had she been so happy to see a pile of junk in her life. She pointed towards it with a gloved hand. She heard the rest of what the man had said but didn't see much reason to reply at the moment.

"Calvin’s Salvage Yard"

As she approached, the group would be greeted with the same speech. The man woke up, gave them a rundown of the basics and then went back to sleep. Truthfully she couldn't ask for much better since some people simply did not know how to shut the fuck up. "Got it."

Without much ado, she took to stepping into the Salvage yards. Judging from the sounds of rummaging, it didn't seem as though they were the only group here.

"Seems like we got competition. Hope you all don't mind getting your hands dirty in more ways than one." She said as she threw the apron on her person.

"I'll go over to that boat. Seems obvious enough. Feel free to join me if ya want." Pam said to the group, pointing off in the direction of the battleship.

Into the Machine

With that, she squats down to stretch one leg, leaning to the side. Then she leans to another side. Finally she takes a sprinter's stance, crouching on all fours with eyes and body straight ahead. For a brief moment, she'd turn into blur before she was off.


A small plume of dust would erupt behind her as she took into a sprint. During her run, she jumped, clearing the tiny, 8-foot-tall piles of trash as she tucked in her legs and gracefully leaped through the air. Within a moment, she had gone from practically upside down to flipping so as to hit the ground running. She made her way off to the ship with a vague image of what she'd seen in her head. Whether or not she'd find what she was looking for or trouble was anyone's guess.

Somewhere on ship, objects were assuredly flying about as she rummaged through about in search of of one of the many items they desired.

Actions: 2/3

1. Running Start - Jumping F, Acrobatics F, Fast F - Pam briefly runs to get a bit more distance on a multi-purpose jump. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown [Destination B2]

2. Other - Pam searches junk for parts.
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Nigel's trophy brought curiosity and admiration for his craft to Snare's face like the cold light of day. White orbs peering with great detail at Nigel explained the unfortunate way he came upon this kill of his. The humor of it was not lost to hum, but found it more logically sound with this new monster way of thinking.

"He has only himself to blame, dignity dies in battle and war. Perhaps pissed pants would have faired better than...a sad tale and a trophy"

Snare nodded in agreement at Nigel's assesment of the barbs; They were dormant again as his ashy skin seemed to calm. The mention of trophies was the first time he felt the nascent feeling of loss. A hollowness hitting him as he'd have to start all over again.

"My trophies...are gone. I will have to start from scratch, once again."

Their conversation tapering off in the presence of their current mission: The Scrapyard, or rather, what laid inside. He took stock of the fool watching the gate, hearing his words and while he didn't know what a slime was. It sounded like it would be something interest to fight, though he doubt he'd get any satisfaction from it. Pamela was the first to take point, mentioning the boat she was going to and offering for anyone to follow. He resisted the urge to follow, knowing he wouldn't be able to curb his desire to kill her alone. A human with rabbit characteristics seemed to make for a powerful entity, though they kept using the word beast. Perhaps they were different altogether?

He would digest this as he headed toward the large warehouse styled structure. Perhaps he would find a slime to kill, or another salvager if his bloodlust got the better of him. He would let their behavior decide, after all, who could blame him for defending himself?

"I will be heading toward that warehouse, I work better in...enclosed spaces"
Karmilla "The Peddler" Kerberos
Hired gun, black market trader, your resident badass

It was quite a while since Karmilla had her pitstop at Gearwrights place. She could surmise a year or so. They did business every so often, whenever the wind called her cart to his general area-- she would often do oddjobs for him, hunts, bounties, the such. Nothing too crazy.

She slowly rode her way into the yard, what would be easily identified by the assembled group as the trotting of a horse and the creaking of an old; but recently repaired, wooden cart carrying heavy metals.

Soon she stopped herself Infront of the group, the cart bench by her side taken by an assortment of weaponry, dual katanas, a long ranged double barrel shotgun and a more close up and personal pistol.

"I'll save ye all the meet 'n greet aye? Names Karmilla, you can address me as Karmilla, or ms. karmilla if yer feelin' frisky. Any other name will end with a boot up yer ass-- and let me tell ye, it takes a while to get the stains off; so I'd rather avoid my violently creative solution hm?" She spoke in a raspy, heavily southern accent, spitting a wheat piece out of her mouth and strapping her weaponry before climbing off the cart with a courteous nod to the group.
Equipped Titles: [Offworlder], [Human], [Big and Small Game Hunter] - Color - #735f0f

Moonberry Moonberry Lunar Lunar NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Maverick Six Maverick Six Garbage. Garbage. SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Kikimura Kikimura

"Take this as an opportunity to start your trophy collection again, old chap." Nigel offered Snare, as the man appeared to be clearly taken aback by the thought of not having them anymore. The hunter himself had lost many of the trophies he had acquire over the years: countless heads of several animals, including bears and lions; several military patches, hats and weapons. He understood that feeling of loss all too well. However, the excitement and new opportunities which this world gave him made up for it. He was very eager to start his collection anew.

With the instructions from the man at the entrance of the salvage yard, the human simply nodded. From that moment onward, he was holding his rifle with both hands, a serious expression present on his face.
"Oh, so we have company? I am always up for a friendly competition." He said, letting a small chuckle leave his throat. Pulling the bolt of his rifle back, he checked, instinctively, if the weapon had ammunition. Glad about what he saw, he closed the bolt once more.

Seeing Pamela run off, and jump at an impressive height, Nigel had to try his best to surprise the desire to accompany her fading form with the scope of his rifle. His mustache twitched from one side to the other, as he began to decide where he would head to. Hearing Snare's decision of going to an enclosed space, he gave him a nod. "Cheerio, have fun!" His tone had quite a bit of amusement to it.

And then, he turned towards the new arrival, some woman who looked she was out of an American Western Movie. "Karmilla, heh? No need to wait for high-noon to draw." Flashing the cowgirl a grin, he began walking towards (G7). "I shall be off to some advantage point. Let's see what my scope can pick up."

1 - Move towards G7
coming soon...

The Masterless Servant
Pyotr Vitaliy
Titles: [Construct] [Living Doll] [Butler]
Equipment: A: Padded Light Frock (F) W: Corneille Cane (Melee) (F)
Chapter 3: The Job
This merry group had turned into quite a party to Pyotr's estimations as everyone began to mingle amongst one another. The suspicious sensation that Pyotr felt on the back of his neck was heightened as he felt Snare's presence grow stronger, noticing his eyes fiercely trained on the construct. The thought that he had sparked the interest of such a man caused even Pyotr's machine core to run cold; what were this man's intentions?

Pushing these ruminations aside, he followed along with the group silently as their host directed them to the mission site: Calvin's Salvage Yard. He watched intently as the first three of the group took off to their respective destinations, noting that the beast Pamela had bounded away with an alarming amount of speed and careened herself through the air. He cached away this information in the depths of his memory codex; the more he knew of their abilities, the better.

"Well, seeing as the three of them are targeting the corners of the place, I will search... everywhere else." Pyotr stated his intentions out loud to the rest of the group as he started off towards grid-marker F7
Moonberry Moonberry Maverick Six Maverick Six NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Garbage. Garbage. Maxxob Maxxob SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Isekai Hell

[Uh, oh! Rats!]
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Raia (#4064c3)

Character Sheet
Right Hand Claws E: 2/2
Left Hand Claws E: 2/2
Tail F: 1/1
Natural Armour F [Light]: 1/1
HP: 2/2
Maverick Six Maverick Six NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Maxxob Maxxob Kikimura Kikimura
Pamela's words made her smile. It was nice that one of her first conversations outside of the research facility was one of mutual respect. It really was a breath of fresh air having her privacy respected again after all this time. Here's hoping that this salvaging job was just the start of a better era for herself.

As the pirate chimed in after a while, Raia merely chuckled. It was likely that everyone she met was going to assume as such, and she wondered if she would even be bothered to correct them as the time came. The idea of trolling future encounters and pretending to be an aquatic fae or beastkin did cross her mind, but she'd need to think about that fun idea more.

It was surprising to see the pirate suddenly bring forth a magic of divine nature, considering the words 'pirate' and 'divine' just seemed so disconnected from each other. But either way, it really was amusing to see how interestingly odd each member of this group was, with Raia giving him a brief thumbs up before moving on.
The familiar sight of a scrapyard and distant scavengers soon arrived, and it was somewhat heart-warming to see how some things never change. Raia barely registered the gatekeeper's words as she surveyed the scenery, just as a silver-haired woman showed up with a clunky wagon in tow.

"Yo, nice to meet ya. Good luck salvaging." Raia nodded at the newcomer, somewhat unsure why she was greeting them but assuming she was here to salvage as well.

Turning back to the others, she stated her plans with a relaxed smile. "I'll probably stay by the water. Catch anyone if they fall in on accident, y'know? Lots of ship parts we need too." She explained briefly, vaguely pondering the sketches she had memorized before vaguely recalling that their moustachioed hunter had them now.

"Hey Nigel, since you have the sketches I'll probably come back to double check what I find with you later. Take care out there." She lazily saluted before walking off, not wanting to rush despite Pamela's excitement being a little infectious.

As she approached the rickety old ships in disrepair, Raia fanned out her ear fins and heightened her senses to try and ensure nothing obscure would escape her. She sniffed the air for any distinct or unnatural metallic scents, emitted careful soundwaves to search for relics hidden behind splintered wood or other visible obstructions and practised her dark vision in any corners obscured by shadow.

  • Walk to D3
  • Use Overaware E
    • Supersense E [Echolocation] (100ft/10ft), Heightened Sense F [Smell], Darkvision, Energized E
    • Raia fans out her ear fins and emits a rebounding soundwave, using all her senses to assess her surroundings.
Zeke “Mors” Valdain
Zeke saw his new little group walking off to their own sections of the map, humming a bit as he turned to look at the junkyard before him, placing a hand on his cutlass as he walked into it, paying idle mind to the cowboy who joined their group, humming a bit. He was half a mind to shut her up since she decided to try and threaten him, but getting in unnecessary trouble until he had his ship wasn't smart, so he'd bite his tongue for the time being.

He decided to head to E-4, AKA, Anywhere Else, and began digging around for the parts he was looking for, looking over his shoulder every now and then since he had no intention of getting jumped in on. Especially by some of those lads from the group he had joined, since some of them were real fishy.

(Rolled 94 in Discord, getting a Floatation Stabilizer)
Ⓣⓡⓞⓤⓑⓛⓔ Ⓑⓔⓖⓘⓝⓢ

As the sun started its arc across the sky, casting long shadows across Calvin’s Salvage Yard, a symphony of rusted metal and distant seagulls filled the air. Upon reaching the ship, Pamela stumbled upon a man who looked like he had fought one too many battles with life. His eyes, dark and weary, bore into her with a fierce intensity. Clutched in his hand was a mechanical piece, eerily similar to the sketches Mr. Gearwright had shown them. Without warning, he lunged, the metal glinting ominously as he swiped at Pamela.
Meanwhile, Snare, drawn to the warehouse by an almost predatory instinct, felt the air thicken with tension. The cavernous space echoed with the clattering of metal, and his eyes fell upon another scavenger, clutching a mechanical part and brandishing an iron rod like a makeshift weapon. The tension was electric, a standoff of wills amidst the remnants of forgotten machines.

Nigel and Pyotr, moving with the calculated precision of seasoned hunters, found themselves suddenly besieged by a swarm of giant rats. The creatures, with eyes gleaming red in the dim light, emerged from the shadows, their presence announced by the skittering of claws against metal. The air filled with the scent of danger and the promise of battle.

Raia, staying near the water, felt a chill run down her spine as a massive rat broke from the swarm, its beady eyes locking onto her. The juxtaposition of her serene aquatic presence against the savage desperation of the rat created a tableau of primal conflict.

Zeke, amidst the mountains of scrap, spotted a crucial piece of machinery just as a giant rat lunged at him, teeth bared and eyes wild. The thrill of discovery was tainted with the immediate need for survival.

Karmilla, the last to join the fray, found herself face-to-face with another of the monstrous rats.

There are 8 total Giant Rats. Each of them have 5 HP.
Each of the humans that are also salvaging have 15HP. Do what you will with that. Advanced Combat applies here. In that, its 3 actions per post. One post per round.

Maxxob Maxxob SilverFeathers SilverFeathers NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Maverick Six Maverick Six Lunar Lunar Kikimura Kikimura Garbage. Garbage.
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Lunar Lunar NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Moonberry Moonberry Garbage. Garbage. Maxxob Maxxob SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild


Not that. Not that either. Definitely ain't that.

The search had so far yielded nothing. It was unlikely that this place would be a piece of cake but still, she couldn't help but wonder if someone else had the idea of plucking the place dry. But not too soon after she'd made her way onto the ship, she was face to face with a salvager and not one who was on her team. He stared at her with weary eyes and she merely looked back at him with the same expression she had when she walked up. Her eyes flickered to the familiar-looking sketches in his hand.


"You lost?" She asked the man, wondering if he'd an ounce of self-preservation in him or if he really was that hot shit. He didn't look it. But one thing seemed for sure. The longer the man remained quiet yet stared at her, the more intent he seemed on attacking.

"Don't make me ruin my new gloves, man. My hands'll get all icky. Especially from your blood n' brains." She said, just before he lunged at her.

Her smirk bares teeth. Pam flexibly raises her leg up until her shins are touching her face. The bottom of her foot was facing the sky for just a fleeting moment....

......Before it would come down.

Some said the best defense was a good offense. And so Pam sought to power through his strike with her own. Her foot would come crashing down onto his head like a warhammer [Axe E]. The hardness of her foot would combine with the power of her muscular leg to slam the salvager face-first into the ground with a loud DINK! The resulting blunt force trauma was enough to stun many of the unprepared.

Success would result in the rabbit raising her foot yet again as she sought to curb stomp his head into the cold hard steel of the ship's deck. She'd settle for crushing his feet, but if Pam had her way? Cracks in bone were apt to form and she'd be well on her way to breaking the man's skull wide open.

I wonder, you got anything good on you?

She'd have to remind herself in a bit to search the man before leaving him for the rats.

HP: 3/3 (D Grade Speed)
Armor: 1/1 (Light)

Actions: 3/3

  1. Axe - Fighting Style Rabbit Revenge E, Incapacitating F - Pam raises leg her until it touches her face. And then brings it down onto her opponent to stun them. This often result in her leg crashing down onto her opponent or driving them into the ground. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown (Effectiveness = Rabbit's Feet E + Strength D + Axe E = 7 +2 from Combo = 9 ) (Counter) (Target D1)
  2. Attack - Pam seeks to curb-stomp the salvager. (Rabbit's Feet E + Strength D) (Counter Combo with Action 1)
  3. Attack - Pam Seeks to curb-stomp the Salvager. (Rabbit's Feet E + Strength D) (Counter Combo with action 1)


F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 1 Post Remains

There was a growing hunger that welled up within his chest; A type of hunger that food nor water would nourish. A bloodlust that rippled through his body like a violent sea. It had been quite awhile since excitement struck such a deep vein. The barbed wire underneath his skin churning and writhing; making him creak with every step he took.

Almost in a stupor, he found himself in The Warehouse.
He could hear the sound of rattling metal and raving scrap as it scattered from foreign movement, There was someone else here. His eyes of pale white searching the darkness as he lumbered over a hill of scrap, where he came face to face with a scavenger. That violent sea raging inside him crashing all at once onto this stranger.
"And Now, The end is near
And So I face the final curtain..

The start of his ritual had began; The man he had been before found reverence in the works of Frank Sinatra, resonating with one particular ideal, Doing it his way. Snare's voice devoid of all the lilts and harmony; saying them as a prayer rather than mere lyrics. His body ducking low before firing forward much faster than he'd shown prior. Snare dropped to all fours as he lunged at the scavver. Barbed Wire warping his hands into claws, screeching against the sheet metal that littered the floor; seeking to make purchase against the soft flesh of his target.
"Come to me my angel of music!"

  • Cruel Brushstroke #2: Wanion - Fighting Style E [Barbed Wire Physique], Accurate F, Penetrating F, Fast E, Warfare F, Heightened Sense [Sight] - Snare falls to all fours and pursues his target with gathering momentum, attempting to pounce and rake with barbed wire claws - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown (Agile perk)
Raia (#4064c3)

Character Sheet
Right Hand Claws E: 2/2
Left Hand Claws E: 2/2
Tail F: 1/1
Natural Armour F [Light]: 1/1
HP: 2/2
Moonberry Moonberry NeramoDJI NeramoDJI
Folding her ear fins just in time to greet the newcomer, Raia smiled, fanning out her claws instinctively at the sight of the beast. "Looks like we've got a bit of a rat problem on our hands." She chuckled maliciously, aware of the other rat also greeting her new pirate friend not far away. Eyeing the cutlass on his waist and his recent display of divine magic, she assumed he'd be fine, but she still kept a stray eye on his situation. It would suck if she was attacked off-guard by a pirate-feasted second rat after all.

"Hey pirate, what was your name again? I don't think I caught it the first time." She called out casually, vaguely recalling that his was the only name she had yet to learn. Not dwelling on an answer, she immediately lunged forward, a cruel smile on her lips as she spun and repeatedly dug her claws into the rat's head and sides.

Flashbacks to when she was once pitted against her childhood friends in brutal experiments attacked her mind. A boiling fury and indignation quickly fuelled her every move, her strikes becoming particularly merciless and pain inducing the more the memories came back.

The more blood that splattered, the more her bloodlust heightened. Her smile grew dark and crooked, almost ecstatic, but she didn't care. A part of her knew she should probably try and suppress such a twisted joy. But she couldn't. Not when they made her this way.

"Die in agony." She whispered beneath her breath in a low growl. Deep down, Raia knew those words were not directed to this pitiful giant rat she had disturbed the home of. But it was unfortunately the first victim of the built up rage she had stored and suppressed over the past six years.

  1. Use Debilitating Strike E on Raia's Rat using her Right Claws E (Strength D)
    • Fighting Style [Amalgamate] E, Continuing F [Poison], Incurable F, Weaken [Strength] F, Energized E
    • Raia wields her dark claws in a brutal strike, embedding a complex amalgamation of substances akin to venom into/onto her target.
  2. Use Debilitating Strike F on Raia's Rat using her Right Claws E (Strength D)
    • Fighting Style [Amalgamate] F, Continuing F [Poison], Incurable F, Weaken [Strength] F, Energized F
  3. Do Action 2 again
The Peddler
Karmilla watched the rat curiously, still atop her horse. 'You must be one fool of a rat to cross an exterminator.' She remarked, smirking as in one smooth movement she withdrew her Shotgun and aimed it at the Rats face. 'bang.' She pressed down the trigger-- not even letting the recoil rest from the first shot before shooting again.
Both of her shots aimed at the Rats kneecaps, seemingly wanting to deliver pain rather than death.
She then steered her horse close to a roof, jumping off the horse and onto the relatively better vantage point of the yard.

Actions: 3/3

Double it - [ Steady hands - F ], [ Fighting Style Hells Barrel - F ] - Even while mounted Karmilla retains steady aim, able to hit even the most difficult headshots, she uses both of her shells to down two enemies. - [ Ability grade - F ]
Effectiveness: (Precision E) + (Shotgun F) + Ability F = 4)

2: Moved horse to a nearby roof.

3: Jumped onto the roof.
Equipped Titles: [Offworlder], [Human], [Big and Small Game Hunter] - Color - #735f0f

Moonberry Moonberry Lunar Lunar NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Maverick Six Maverick Six Garbage. Garbage. SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Kikimura Kikimura

With each step towards the area which he had in mind [G7], Nigel aiming left and right with his Lee-Enfield, waiting just for something to cross its sight. He saw that the well-dressed fellow, Pyotr, was going in the same direction as him. If they found anything, it would be an interesting opportunity to see what the man was capable of, if they happen to find any hostiles, that was.

And, just as Nigel stopped, looking around the area to search for any of the components he had committed to memory, he heard a curious skittering, followed by the clawing of metal. Not far from his position, he saw the large creatures. His nose twitched, as he had hoped to find out more interesting game than that. However, he might as well hunt them and take one of their tails as a trophy. "Well, good chap, I'll be looking forward to seeing how you handle yourself with them, yes?" He told Pyotr, his voice having a slight edge of challenge on it.

Without wasting time, he began aiming through his scope against one of the creatures. Slowing his breathing, there wasn't a shred of nervousness in the hunter's mind, despite the short distance between him and the group of rats. As soon as the crosshair locked in one of the rat's heads, he pulled the trigger, the sound of the shot resounding throughout the scrapyard, he squeezed the trigger. The shell, loaded with extra gunpowder, flew from the barrel of his rifle towards the creature, with extreme force.

Not wasting time, Nigel cocked the bolt of the rifle upwards and back, ejecting the spent shell and making another one being loaded in the firing port. His aim, now directed towards another one of the rats. Squeezing the trigger once more, the bullet flew towards the new target, once more against its head. And, keeping one the opportunity, he repeated the process against a third one, wanting to fell all three in short sucession.

1 - Fighting Style [Guns] F - Range F - An ordinary shot, effective up to 10ft. - Grade F Cooldown 0 post against rat #1 = PRE D (3) + WPN E (2) + FS F (1) = 6 BE
2 - Basic attack against rat #2 = PRE D (3) + WPN E (2) = 5 - 1 (Penalty for not aiming) = 4 BE
3 - Basic attack against rat #3 = PRE D (3) + WPN E (2) = 5 - 1 (Penalty for not aiming) = 4 BE
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[An Encounter!]

The Masterless Servant
Pyotr Vitaliy
Titles: [Construct] [Living Doll] [Butler]
Equipment: A: Padded Light Frock (F) W: Corneille Cane (Melee) (F)
Widersia / Clockhaven (Capital) |
Actions: 2/3:

Voyage-Électrique (F) Trap/5ft Perimeter - Trap F, Blight F (Lightning) // WPN(F): 1 + STR(E): 2 + ABL(F): 1 = BE:4

Basic Attack (Reinforcing Wire) + 1 = BE:5

⛊ Defending⛊

Final BE: 5

Chapter 4: R.O.U.S! (Rats Of Unusual Size)
Rats! Pyotr had found himself surrounded by two groups of Giant Rats. "How foolish of me to not sense their presence earlier. I really must do better." He remarked to himself, placing his gloved hand on his forehead in frustration. "Well, good chap, I'll be looking forward to seeing how you handle yourself with them, yes?" The hunter, Nigel, spoke over to Pyotr before launching an attack of his own. With a determined nod, Pyotr splayed his fingers out, revealing the wire once more.

"Voyage-Électrique!" The construct shouted as the wire bundle unraveled in a 5-foot fine circle around him. With only a minute amount of concentrated energy, Pyotr tapped his cane to the wire and imbued the trap with electricity. He then spends the next few moments adjusting the wire to make it sturdier. This would protect him should any of the rodents advance too close.

Now that his perimeter was covered, Pyotr readied his Corinelle Cane towards one of the rats, pointing the beak end forward. He held this defensive stance, awaiting their advances to act further.

Moonberry Moonberry Maxxob Maxxob
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Isekai Hell
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Zeke “Mors” Valdain
Zeke glanced at the Rat approaching him, snapping his fingers as a combination of Portal: Celestial and Portal: Mundane appeared, summoning forth his Crooked Bladesmen, who all ran towards the rat while Zeke inspected the part further, the minions running forward and attack with their cutlasses. "If yer callin' somethin' as small as rats a problem, then you might be more trouble than I thought before." He said, standing up and drawing his Flintlock, aiming towards the rat in front of him and letting out a shot.

"My name is Zeke Valdain. Some folk called me "Mors" back when I worked on the eastern docks." He explained as he casually shot the rat, glancing at the merma- human, a hand resting on his cutlass.

Effectiveness math:

Crooked Bladesmen attack: 5 minions, +5(?), C grade strength +4, cutlass D +3 = 12 total
Flintlock: Precision C + 4, Flintlock F +1, Total 5
As the afternoon light filtered through the haze of Clockhaven’s industrial skyline, Pamela's swift and powerful movements brought her face-to-face with a haggard scavenger aboard the old battleship. With a fierce grace, she executed a dropkick that sent the man crashing into the hard, rusty deck of the ship, his body crumpling into an almost artistic display of defeat. Beneath him, half-buried in a pile of old tarps, gleamed the intricate metalwork of a Steam Propulsion Engine. It was a bulky contraption, with pistons and steam vents that still held the echoes of its laborious past, waiting for Pamela’s keen eyes to uncover and reclaim its potential.

Meanwhile, Raia faced the giant rat with a ferocity born of suppressed fury and newfound freedom. Her claws danced with precision and lethal intent, slicing through the air and into the flesh of the beast with a rhythm that was almost melodic. With each strike, crimson splattered across the briny wood, the rat’s squeals fading into a gurgling whisper as Raia tore it apart. Its body eventually lay in disjointed tatters, a grim testament to her capability and wrath.

In the dim confines of the warehouse, Snare encountered a desperate scavenger wielding an iron rod as his only defense. With an almost ceremonial flourish, Snare's body transformed, his arms sheathed in a cruel armor of barbed wire. As the scavenger swung wildly, Snare moved with a deadly precision only a seasoned predator could possess. The wires ensnared the man, pulling him close before Snare ended the struggle with a swift, brutal efficiency. The man's lifeless body slumped against the cold metal of an abandoned boiler, his grip on a part that looked like a Wing expander, loosening in death.

Outside, amidst the scattered debris, Nigel’s practiced aim and steady hands brought down three giant rats in succession. Each shot echoed sharply, a resounding note of finality for each creature as it collapsed, the life fading from its beady eyes. With a hunter’s pride, Nigel surveyed the fallen, their bodies testament to his skill and his rifle’s relentless precision.

Not far from Nigel, Karmilla introduced herself with the boom of her shotgun, her shots strategically crippling another giant rat. Its pained shrieks cut short as it collapsed, unable to support its own weight on shattered knees. Karmilla’s smirk was as sharp as the shards of her spent shells, her dominance over the creature as clear as the daylight that struggled through the clouds above.
Within his circle of electrified wire, Pyotr waited with the patience of the ancient machines he so often emulated. As rats dared to breach his defenses, they were met with jolts of electricity that arced through their wet fur, sending them convulsing back into the shadows from whence they came. The air was filled with the scent of ozone and charred fur, a pungent reminder of his defensive prowess.

Zekes Portals and his crooked blades man made quick work of the rats that attacked him. The group managed to defeat all of the creatures they were facing individually.

Okay This round is going to be a free for all. I'll give you the numbers. Everyone rolls to see what they find. Roll in the discord, and react in your post. State what you rolled, and what you found. If you run into a monster just do an attack. Technically there's already one of each item. The goal is to get two sets of each. So if everyone can find the three parts one more time we'll wrap this up and turn them in. If you find a monster instead of a piece you can post again after someone else has posted after you.

10-30 Slime
31-50 Giant Rat
51-70 Floatation Stabilizer
71-85 Steam Propulsion Engine
86-100 Wing Extender

Mentions: Maverick Six Maverick Six Maxxob Maxxob SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Garbage. Garbage. NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Lunar Lunar Kikimura Kikimura
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NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Moonberry Moonberry SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild




The Scavenger's limp body jerked with each unnecessary strike. The man who'd attacked her had knocked out by the first strike. Yet that did nothing to spare him from her smashing his head into the ground with her foot.

Bone in the skull could be heard cracking. Each impact of her foot sent more and more of the sod's blood onto the rusty deck of the ship. Yet the sun for fleeting moment, shed light onto something the man had on him.

"What's that you got there?" She asked as though the man, barely alive, could answer. "Huh. It's one of those doohicky's. Thanks!" She said sarcastically to the man who'd assaulted her.

She stepped off the man. With each step her left foot, a bloody print was left on the deck. Then she bent over to pick up the thing with a clawed hand.

A schematic was plucked from the man to boot. With a sinister grin, she plucked it off him to double check before storing it away. She squatted near the downed scavenger, speaking to him without regard for as to whether or not he was alive or dead. "Tell you what, wake up fast enough and you just might be able to avoid becoming rat chow." A shrug.

"I'd hurry up if you don't wanna get turned into shit, buddy." She put her bloody foot onto his back and used the man almost like. Her heel rubbed against the man as though he was nothing more than a rug.

Nice to know some things don't change.

Even in the industrious city of Clockhaven, it seemed some things worked in a manner tantamount to the forests Pam haled from. Amid a city of lavish merchants and fat nobles, it seemed some parts still followed the rules of "survival of the fittest" as she was so accustomed.

With the hefty device in hand, Pam bolted off from the ship, taking off in what was for her, a leisurely run. Powerful legs effortless propelled her along the ground.. Gunshots were ringing through the yard and soon she caught sight of where her captain was. The scent of his distinctly salty and oddly almost cinder-like flesh.

Pam appears within eyeshot of both Zeke and Raia, front flipping through the air over a pile of junk. A plume of dust scatters as she lands, her knees buckling and both hands hitting the ground to disperse the landing.

"Yo. Bossman. Raia." Her eyes look around. She sees a dead rats near Raia with an almost feral look on her face. Zeke had a gun in hand and there was a veritable mob of guys who'd shown up were jumping some rats. She presumed they belonged to Zeke, not knowing where exactly it was they came from.

"I see you both got things handled here. Found a new part." She presented them with the item who's name she'd already all but forgotten. But as a visual learner, she remembered what it looked like. Before him, she presented a floatation stabilizer held in the palm of her hand.

"Some new pictures too, if we need 'em." She said, though she realized she didn't exactly mention where they were from. Such a detail might yet give away that she took the stabilizer off somebody. It felt almost odd, considering the walls she usually had between. But between the Zeke's own looking over his shoulder and the vicious state Raia was in -- instinct told her something about them that made her feet almost...strangely comfortable.

She scratches the back of her head, claws running through her own snow-white hair.

"Say, curious as to what kinda "work" you'd be having us do. If you wanna hire some of us, that is." Idle chatter didn't really stop her from working. Soon she set her gloved hands to digging through the junk to try to see what it was she'd find. She listened intently for Zeke's answer. Whether or not he wanted to tell her directly or indirectly was up to him. Her ears were turned -- one facing him and one cautiously towards Raia. Eyes were set forward on the task at hand.

HP: 3/3 (D Grade Speed)
Armor: 1/1 (Light)

Actions: 3/3

  1. Running Start - Jumping F, Acrobatics F, Fast F - Pam briefly runs to get a bit more distance on a multi-purpose jump - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  2. Movement - Pam moves to where Zeke is. [E-5]
  3. Other - Pam searches the area around her.


F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain

  • Steam Propulsion Engine
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Snare had spent many of his former years hunting the prey of man, making wire sculptures out of the very barbed wire he now brandished. He was the monster he had always believed he was, now made manifest. It was enough for inspiration to strike. The part was important to the mission, but this was a passion, something he needed to do.

Wire sculptures were a time consuming process; even more so when the wire was weaved through flesh and marrow. A grim work that to the world, both the one he came from and one he existed in now, was appalling and against the laws of decency and nature; To him, it was like finding a new canvas amidst rubbish.

Snare would likely be the last among the crew to return as he spent nearly the rest of the day within the warehouse, using that time to scrounge for further treasure as he worked on his muse. Snare figured out that the material he produced could be used for his sculptures. If he could only learn more about his abilities; he couldn't help but think of the offal potential.

"Behold" He said to an audience of silence, wiping sweat and viscera off his face, raising his hands in reverence "The Hanged man



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