Claws and Fangs [Inactive]

"Well, er..." Gale hesitated. "It won't hurt me. You, on the other hand, yeah..." He held her tighter. "B-but then you'll live for much much longer."
"I couldn't," Gale said, ashamed. "To see you go through so much pain. And then what? When I die... You'll have a good five centuries to live on... Could you?"
Her eyes begged him. "Please. I can't be a human anymore. To many memories of my past haunt me every night. I want to start over, have a new beginning." she pleaded.

Eskel a pull in his gut. Something was wrong. Drastically wrong. Not in a "get the pitchforks" kind of wrong that suggested danger, but something was occurring that he wouldn't approve of. And he had a feeling he knew what it was.

"Oh he is not going to..." Eskel muttered, looking back over his shoulder towards where Gale lived. He turned his walking back towards the house.

"In here," he said, pointing to his basement. "I, er... W-when everyone I cared about died, I moved here and packed away everyone's things. However, I kept some stuff, like, well... Like this altar... Heh..." Gale gestured to the altar. He turned to Andria and put his hands on her shoulders, "You don't have to, ok. It's not too late."
Eskel walked up to the front of the house and knocked on the front door... Nothing. He knocked again, louder... Nothing. With one more uneventful knock, Eskel growled. He could vaguely hear them, discussing immortality. There was no way he would allow them to do this when they had just barely met. Immortality was not something to joke around with. Annoyed by the unresponsiveness, Eskel kicked the door off its hinges and stepped inside with his eyes flashing. Now where are they...

Tears flooded Gale's eyes. He hesitated a moment and then picked Andria up and lay her on the altar. He pulled out a vial and drank from it. At that moment, his fangs grew longer. He began the process of sucking up half of Andria's blood and replacing it with half of his own. This would change Andria into a vampire and bind them forever. However, Gale could not help crying at the sight of her pain.
Eskel could smell blood and he stumbled back with dizziness. He hadn't had blood in years... no, decades... no, centuries. Not after the massacre. He clutched his head as his fangs grew longer and sank deeply into his skin as he bit his lip. He pushed forward and down the stairs, practically falling down the steps. He froze at the bottom of the stairs, horrified. He was too late. Gale had begun, and once it began it couldn't be stopped. And now, he was hungry and angry. Never a good combination, especially for a vampire. "What did you do?!"

Andria's eyelashes fluttered and her red eyes opened. "What happened? Where am I? And, oh my aching head." she said trying to sit up, only to fall back again. "Did you do it? Did you do as I asked?" she said looking into Gale's eyes and squeezing his hand.
"It's done..." he replied. "Drink this." He handed her a goblet. "You need it," he said, looking at her white hair and red eyes.
"Thanks." she said sipping from the goblet and saw Eskel. She set it down on the altar. She ran to him and threw her arms around him. "Eskel! What are you doing here?"

Eskel growled darkly, his eyes growing more and more viciously red.

"What have you done?" He hissed. "Do you not comprehend what you have just subjected yourself to?"

She frowned. “I'm sorry Eskel it's just, all my life I've hated who I am. I didn't know who I was or why I was even here.” she stared at the floor. “I wanted to die, fade away. I watched how my parents suffered and then my siblings, one by one, starved to death, even my older brother Adam didn't make it.” she looked into his eyes. “You remind me so much of him Eskel that it makes my heart ache. I just wanted to be like you, to be like Gale. I'm sorry, I’m sorry.” she said falling to her knees, weeping into her hands.

Eskel's eyes widened as Andria broke down into sobs. Her words rang in his ears and he sighed, crouching down and quickly pulling her into a hug.

"My apologies, Andria, I did not understand the circumstances of this situation. I am very sorry to hear of your loss, and I hope you can forgive my rude interrupted and assumptions," He said softly.

Eskel's familiar scent surrounded her and she dug her fingers into the back of his shirt. "I can always forgive Eskel, I just shouldn't have been so hasty. But I am glad that I'm like you now." her voice was muffled in his shirt, but was understandable.
Eskel frowned at her words but still held her tightly. She really had no idea what she had gotten herself into. Living for centuries while your loved ones die off... That is no life

She finally let go of him and gasped seeing her long white hair. "Uh, I don't look like an old lady do I?" she said grabbing at the ends of her hair.
"I assure you, you don't," Eskel chuckled. "And even if you did, you would be a beautiful old lady. Now go on, get up and walk around to adjust."


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