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Fantasy Classic Fantasy: Gathered Misfits

Ayda could do without the saleswoman who had seemingly marked her as some kind of target. She could simply read the woman's mind and find out if this was a good deal but she didn't feel like wasting the concentration on pretending she really cared about getting a good deal. The money she had gained was all from killing those bandits which was about as easy as money making got given she had also got a few days worth of meals from them. This book while tempting and at a good enough price wasn't exactly what she needed right now, but there was another book she wanted which dealt with mid level magic, which was perfect for her as she knew some but not all despite eating several mages not all their knowledge was hers. The main point right now was what to offer for both books it might look odd if she just tossed out any amount asked of her she had to try to haggle even if it was only just to get rid of any suspicion of how much she had on her.

Ayda grabbed the book on intermediate magic and the book on rune forging and enchanting, then pulled out a bag that clinked when she put it on the table " 80 for both" She said simply if it was a good deal or a bad deal she honestly didn't know but it was something.

Majeed Shunnar

Majeed arises from the large body of water. He frowns at his wet clothes, flapping his arms once into the water. He scans the lake, looking for the beast. It must have drowned when it wrestled with him the water. He'd didn't think the beast had any strength left after he knocked a few of its pressure points. Majeed spots a limb sticking out of the surface; yup, its finally dead. The sound of movement in the water, catches his attention. He turns to see the young girl he remembers meeting at the merchant's stall. Why was she bathing at this hour? And not just that - in dangerous territory?

He shakes his head, shaming himself in not keeping an eye on the visitors in town. He glances back at her while she asks if he was harmed in the fight. "I am fine," he says, listening to anymore movement in the area. He doesn't know if he's killed all the damn lizards. It is best to be on guard. He then says to the kid, "You should finish soon. It's dangerous." Majeed trudges through the water to the bank. Droplets of water drip off his attire. The chilly night air causes him to shiver. The fist fighter's done with his job for the day. He should go back; fighting took longer than he thought it would.

Giving a brief nod of goodbye to the girl, he heads back to the stables. He emits warmth throughout his body with bits of fire magic. Steam flows off the wet clothes as his open-toed shoes squelch with every step. If the merchants are still here, most likely his future mentor is staying for the night. The thought eases Majeed's mind as he makes his way to the stables. When he enters through the open doors, he notices something different; there are more horses, meaning more visitors. The town of Moonbright is oddly having more company than usual. Majeed frowns because most visitors come because of the North Region border. It would be a shame to see more people disappear in there.

| Tag:

@Alstromeria , @Cookie the Brave | Character's Mood: Tired | Animus's Mood: Half-awake | Music |

Sibel places a hand to her chest and gives a small laugh. She was almost offended by the very notion of eighty gold pieces for the lot. "You can't be serious. The tome in your hand is worth fifty on its own as is this one. I'll give them to you for one hundred pieces or something of equal value." It was clear she was driving the attractive woman to a high price. Be this out of jealousy or strictly professional business is something even she couldn't tell apart.

This woman, this attractive towns woman who caught the eye of every man had somehow irritated Sibel. It's almost as if she expects every eye to be on her and her lustrous carriage-van. She'd chosen the finest horses, the finest timbers, the finest flags and yet she hadn't caught the eye of a single man to compliment her. This was something she never experienced in the other towns. (Yes, she has become more vain because merchants often are.)

Elise dries herself off on the river bank before making her way back to the caravan. As she returns she gets the odd glare from the occasional townsfolk. It was like they'd never seen an almost naked teenage girl walking to her caravan. She arrives to the side of the carriage-van and pets one of their horses. She was rather fond of the closest horse to the coach's seat on the left side. It was slightly smaller than the others but always ran harder to compensate. Something about being the smallest one in the group she found relatable.

She makes her way over to the stairs into the carriage where she'd sleep but over hears Sibel speaking with a client. The mention of one hundred pieces peaks her interest. She leans off the edge and spies the beautiful looking woman from before next to the attractive but not drop-dead-gorgeous Sibel. Elise finds it easy to believe the high price was done for jealousy purposes as Sibel had been screwed over a few times before by the attractive ones and their offensive remarks post trade. Regardless, it wasn't professional to let envy rule a price.

Elise lowers the towel around her waist to use it as a skirt and takes another one around her cleavage. She was wearing rudimentary attire from towels to help her dry off and interact with people. Elise drops down from the carriage and makes her way over to the two. The closer she got, the more she realised it wasn't about the more materialistic matters of looks but about one of the caravans most eye catching features. Rather than ruining the deal, Elise positions herself behind the woman (Ayda) to allow more of a view over the scene. Sibel taps the table five times, then drags a nail across it and follows up with another two taps. This was their code to show how much each was being sold for and the amount of drags was to represent the zeros to follow.

After thinking for a moment, Elise is surprised the total charge was only fifty for the second book. The first one was meant to be thirty pieces and the second one a price of sixty but with this transaction it would make both seem special. Elise offers Sibel a nod and proceeds to walk off again heading inside the carriage. She ascends the stairs once more and rests her head down on the cushioned seats. The towels around her body quickly become the damp sheets of fabric for her blankets and usher her into the world of dreams and forgotten woes.


Halk made his way to the merchants caravan, receiving looks of familiarity from the townspeople. Some of the younger and (slightly) more educated ones that followed news actually knew who he was. One such twelve year old punched his friend on the shoulder. "Look! It's Halk Shimmershine!" Halk didn't exactly embrace the name 'Shimmershine', his last name was 'Liserite,' but he decided he might change it once he got married. His last name carried some power, but not the love, fame, and reputation that came with shimmershine. "That I am." He called to the boy, waving amiably. The boy laughed and came up to him, inspecting Halk's coat. "That's real cool mister, why are you here though?" Halk shrugged. "There's a military camp a bit west of here. I've recently been stationed there. You'll see me around town more often." The boy nodded. "Seeya round!" He and his friend ran off, whispering. Halk chuckled and shook his head. He knew Roxii was somewhere nearby, but she never cared to weigh in too much.

Halk approached the trading table, looking for some metal or a weapon or tool of some sort to enchant, but he froze. He saw a familiar person. His wide, brilliant smile spread across his face and he waved to her. "Sibel!" He called to the woman who was trading with a pretty attractive woman currently. "Sibel! It's so good to see you!" Halk practically lept over a smaller man, then the counter, and gave the former medic a hug.

Sibel was once the healer at the gorge camp, but left once the medical station was burnt down in a particularly bloody sneak attack. Halk had tried to help them on their way out, making a pair of gauntlets for Elise and supplying Sibel with a few advanced healing spells. Halk had missed the apothecary and the young trader in the time that had passed, and was glad to see them again. "How are you? How have you been? What are you selling? Where is Elise? How is she? How have you managed?" A relentless stream of words and questions escaped Halk's lips, and nothing but answers would stop them. "Who's this? When did you get here? How long are you staying?"
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The assassin hopped down from the wagon the moment they paused in the small town, interlacing her hands over her head and stretching. Sitting in one place for an extended period of time was something that she had done many times before, but that didn't mean she was used to it or liked it. In fact, she despised it. The elf needed to keep moving. It was a simple fact.

The wood elf decided to break off from the others to accumulate some much-needed alone time and to explore the town and its environment. She had only visited Moonbright once, but that was when she was young, traveling with those damned bastards. The bandits had traveled far from their camp, and when they captured her and everyone she knew—that the bandits considered "worthy"—they had to trek through the land. One of the stops was Moonbright, and there were memories associated with the town that she'd care
not to remember. Roxii scowled at the memories. She'll stick with focusing on her current task.

The Shadow made her way to the outskirts of the town and began making a circle around Moonbright. The town was small enough to circle around, so she slowed her pace, admiring the surroundings. Though the town wasn't too much of a sight, the nature surrounding it was adequate. There didn't seem to be too many issues among the terrain, so at least it was something worth looking at.

When she came upon the river to the north of Moonbright, she took note that there were a few beastly corpses littering the area. Roxii raised a curious eyebrow, taking note of the evidence of scuffling among the riverbanks. The town seemed to be having issues with the creatures, which seemed peculiar. Why were northern creatures crossing the border to attack a small town? Normally, they tended to keep to themselves, avoiding the other cardinal directions as much as possible. It made her wonder, but she continued her route nonetheless.

(Eh. Have a crappy post, 'cause I dunno.)
Ayda's illusion didn't show the minor annoyance that the real Ayda felt, she didn't really care about the coins but still she had felt she had given a good offer when she could walk away. She wouldn't bother to influence this girl but she would still read her surface thought , a trick that even a normal mage could learn, it was god against those not expecting it and would let her know this woman's thoughts and feelings at least as much as she thought or felt things.

What she got from the woman was knowledge of the correct prices and perhaps a feeling of jealously, maybe . Ayda didn't see what there was to be jealous of as her race didn't really have a concept of beauty as they didn't mate like others did and therefore had no need to see beauty. She did however see that the price would not be the hundred coins they asked, but she was doing the haggling right.

He concentration however minor it might be was actually almost lost when a man came in and hugged the merchant, and Ayda could feel the magic in , or rather around him , he was perfect for an idea she had but he was apparently involved with the merchant somehow. The man who she gleaned was called Halk spoke with sibel as he had called her, though that was more him asking a large amount of questions.

" I am interested to see what comes to your mind as the equivalent of 100 coins, though I am willing to offer 85 as they are only worth 90. Then I can be out of your hair nothing to be jealous of then." She said with a smile " More time to spend with Halk here it is a fair trade is it not? " She said gesturing to him.
Sibel feels the arms of Halk contract around her chest in a hug. Her eyes widen and a smile crosses her face. She laughs joyously and wraps her arms around his neck in an embrace of reunion. His voice was enough to kick her memory into action and remind her of the life she'd chosen to leave behind when she became Elise's guardian. Sibel moves one arm away from his neck and holds it out to the woman purchasing tomes, trying desperately to keep up with his questions.

"I.. Go-.. Uhh.. Halk. Halk! Stop for a minute. Take a breath." She takes her arms away from the back of his neck and takes a step away from him. Her eyes go from his head to his toes in assessment. He didn't seem to have changed much in the time they had been apart but he certainly seemed more affectionate than she remembered. "Wait.. I have a question of my own. What's with the new name? 'Shimmershine'? No offence Halk, but I never picked you to be of the frolicking variety." Sibel giggles at her own comment and the implication of Halk being drawn to men.

Sibel's guardsman stands confused at the local legend touches his employer. He was meant to guard Sibel from all threats and potential danger. Halk seems nice enough to him but not the most frail of men going from his large size and muscle tone. To be safe, the guard pulls his sword from its sheathe just a tad to remind Halk that Sibel was under protection.

Sibel's fingers trail over to the table top and dance around to grab at the coins the attractive customer should have left. Sibel's eyes remain trained in on Halk as though she were in a trance. Unable to look away from this old friend who'd she'd presumed dead like many of her former friends on the battle field. Her memories begin to replay themselves as she thinks hard about the encampment. Times before the merchant arrived and she'd join the men in drinking and other shenanigans. How she did miss those days. A sense of longing swallows her as she fantasises about reliving the old days in her medic tent.

@Alstromeria (Minimalistic posts because study..)

Halk shrugged. "I didn't come up with it, some of the westerners did as a joke. Now they're terrified of me!" Halk chuckled. Halk noticed the flash of light that came off of the guards sword when he pulled it out of his sheath. "Sibel, c'mon, your guards are using regular swords? For shame!" Halk tutted, waggling his finger. "Not a single enchantment on his armor... You know I'll start flinging runes down on him first chance I get right? Safety is priority." He shrugged and returned his gaze to Sibel. "I just got here yesterday, Kelvin drove Roxii and I here. He's staying in an inn, I don't know where. I've been stationed somewhere with less action, the council got paranoid I'd get myself killed." Halk laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Gerld's still alive and kicking, so's Peds... You left before I replaced his legs, you probably know him as Jem... Speaking of people, where's Elise?" Halk glanced around, but the small, petite figure he was looking for was nowhere to be seen. "You haven't been trading all by yourself, have you?"


Kelvin pushed open the door to the moonbright tavern. He walked up to the bar and set a few coins down. "Got a room?" He asked. The inkeeper nodded and pointed up the stairs. "We don't get many visitors. Pick your quarters." He handed Kelvin a key. Kelvin headed up the stairs and opened the first door he found, promptly flopping down on the bed. It was good to be away from the action for awhile. He and Halk had their work cut out for them, being recently appointed the new superiors at the moonbright camp, but they would manage. Kelvin rolled over and closed his eyes. Damn he was beat.
X had made it his goal to observe the small town, and learn what he could about human civilization while he was hear. It was one of his higher priorities to learn everything he could from every where he could. After all since he spent the first two years of his life as a machine in a cave he didn't know very much about anything other then speech and combat. For some reason a lot of people had got to meet in the town square, where there was a large caravan trading with the people. From one to another they were trading objects with shiny coins, after a brain analysis X remembered his creator teaching him about the value of gold, though as a metal, not a currency. He watched confused as some person traded 12 gold coins for food. He nearly blew a fuse (Lol puns!) at this. Gold was the most conductive metal that he had any records off, and this man traded it for some sweaty meat and apples and carrots for his horse. X was not going to have any of this for one moment. He rushes right over to the man and snatches away his food at throws it back at the traders, Sibel specifically, and then grabbed the gold from the merchants hands and shoved it back into the hands of the smelly farmer. "You take, don't be stupid!"

The man didn't like this one bit and tried to show off X by shouting out profanities and slurs at him while pushing him away and trying to get the food back from the merchant. X didn't understand but he gave up on the human man deciding that he was broken and useless, if he had his way he would destroy the entire caravan for ripping of these poor people, so he tries to learn something else in human culture, all ready having logged them as being a stupid species and quick to act. X noticed another place that a lot of people seemed to gather at though hadn't recognized the structure, it was the tavern. He went inside as the farmer started to hit him with a hoe. The metal was far to blunt to cause any damage to his dwarven crafted armour surrounding his all ready powerful chassis, joints and limbs. He heads up the stares to observe the rest of the interior structure and noticed that it seemed to have been designed to house as many people as possible. "Area seems adequate to power down and restore." He pressed on the first door to find that it had been locked, again assuming that it must be broken he decides to punch it open, managing to destroy the entire door in the process to reveal that Kelvin had been in the room the whole time. "Subject identified as Kelvin, human, nuisance. Suitable area to recover, shutting down." X powers down right in front of the doorway on the inside of the room. A 800 pound robot over six feet tall, built like a walking tank, and he was resting in the way of this man's exit.
As Ercon emerged from the huge shadow of the forest it was the first time in his life he had seen something so beautiful and bright. As the sun shown down apon the plains he noticed a small village to the south. he decided to head to the village first and meet his first human. He was exited as he walked closer to the small town he imagined what it would be like to be like to be human...he imagined them all never changing always worrying about the creatures of the forest. He laughed to himself..what odd little creatures the must be. As he neared the town he smelled the aroma of food... Some that even he had never hunted or smelled. He heard all the people talking and animals too.
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Ercon was amazed at the humans they had built so many things he could have only dreamed of. He looked to his left to see a group of caged chickens. He saw that they were not enjoying their right space and he was shocked that the humans caged animals. He was beginning to understand why the packs where afraid of the humans and he was becoming afraid as well...but none the less the chickens must be freed. Ercon could not figure out the locking mechanism on the cages so he simply ripped the door of the cages. Know if that he could not change near the humans he was frustrated with being as weak as he was and having to tear apart the cage. The chickens were relived and went on their way. Just as Ercon was rounding the corner he heard "You stop right there!" Ercon stopped and turned. There stood a older man in baggy clothes holdy a walking stick. "Was it you who let my chickens go?". Said the man. Ercon replied trying to act humanish as possible..." Yes sir they were unhappy with their living arrangements and wanted to be set free...I obliged.". "You've got a lot of nerve boy coming in here freeing a mans chickens then telling him they asked for it...well.well...did you tear these cages?". Said the man. " why yes I did sir...I I ...I apologize sir I did not understand it sir you see I am a traveler and I had never seen a contraption such as that before." Said Ercon. "Ha-ha you have a lot of learning to do then boy if you can't figure out a cage! Anyway you may not be to bright but you certainly are strong you can help me on my farm to pay off the chickens and the cages and I won't have to tell the authority's about this one...what do you say boy?"

Said the man. "Do you have a place I can stay?" Said Ercon "you can stay in the barn loft if you want.". "Thank you sir I would be very greatful for the opportunity to pay you back.". " Ha its alright boy meet me by the east road at sundown. I'll show you the way to the farm.". " OK till then sir". As the old man tired to leave he muttered " kids these days ". Ercon was disappointed he had been in the village for less then an hour and had gotten into trouble. But he was also happy he liked the man he had met and felt he could learn a lot from him. His stumoch rumbled he thought that this would happen. He would have to hunt tonight.
Sibel places a hand to her chest, surprise across her face. "Jem's still alive? I thought he was taken in the fire." She listens to his question about Elise and smiles. Her big eyes sparkle as she places her hand from her chest to his chin. Her fingers gently grip his chin and angle it down so the two were staring eye to eye. "You don't think I'd be here alone, do you? Elise is asleep in the carriage." She pushes against his chin with a decent amount of force and laughs, "Perhaps you should take a note from her book. The camp's not exactly an hour's ride here after all. Get some rest at the local i-"

Sibel was nearing the end of her sentence when she was pelted with carrots from a different vendor's stand. She raises her hands to cover herself from the on coming produce but fails to block a carrot from catching the corner of her eye. Her hands fall back to her face and cover her already wounded eye. Sibel's eye is quick to become bloodshot from the sudden injury.

Sibel's eyes dart over to the ill tempered man who had just thrown carrots at her. She calls out to him in the most uncouth manner possible, "Is your head filled with copper you pompous twat?! Goddess!" Her eye begins to water and the occasional tear drop makes it past her hand block. She gently rubs the area and mumbles to herself, "Swine farmer." To many of the lower class world, being a pig farmer wasn't an insult. In the upper class world of nobles and knights however, a pig farmer was considered scum or less than that.

Sibel's guardsman draws his sword and begins advancing at the ill tempered carrot-tosser. "Leave it be, Markulo. He isn't worth your blade." The guardsman stops on the spot and nods. His face remains pointed towards the metal man and the farmer who was frantically picking up carrots and apples from the ground. The guard sheaths his blade and helps the old farmer collect his fruits. It takes him only a moment before he whispers to the farmer, "Break that man's skull and I'll make it worth your while." The farmer nods and begins to chase after the metal man with his farming tools.

Sibel turns her focus back on Halk and continues. "Sorry about that, this people aren't.. The most normal now are they?" Her question was rhetorical and to find out the metal man was with Halk would likely disappoint her. "As I was saying, stop past the local inn and have a rest. We'll come wake you up when Elise is feeling better rested. She hasn't been able to sleep for very long because of nightmares and such." Sibel trails off about Elise for a little while before giving Halk and quick kiss on the cheek and shooing him off to the inn. "It's good to have you back by the way. Just get some rest. I want to hear all about what you've been up to." Her guardsman, Markulo, offers to escort Halk to the local inn.

Sibel couldn't help but carry on her responsibilities as an apothecary in the presence of anyone who'd attended her tend at the former camp. Halk was more of a provider for her than a patient but she still saw him on a regular basis. In her professional medical opinion, he needed rest before he could be fit for service. Even though her idea of service was for him to sit there and drink tea with her.

(Sorry for lacking post. I was distracted as usual.) @Alstromeria

Kelvin, being a light sleeper, woke as soon as he heard the robot stomp through the door. He stayed in bed though, emitting a loud groan when it crashed itself in front of his door. "Jayziss, let me sleep." he mumbled, rolling over and closing his eyes again.


Halk shrugged. He remembered Sibel being flirty, but she had never kissed him before. Now that he thought about it, she never said they were necessarily just friends. "Hey, you know me. I don't sleep that often, I always work." Speaking of work, it was amazing what he noticed when he didn't have bits of quicksilver swirling about his head. He shrugged again, rubbing the back of his neck and faked a yawn. "Maybe I do today though." Halk said with a smirk. He decided he'd allow himself to go to the tavern just because it would make Sibel happy.

The tavern wasn't that far off, and Halk paused at the doorstep. "Hey, what did she say your name was, Markulo right? I meant it when I said I'd start slapping runes on you first chance I got." Halk pulled his enchanting notebook out of one of his many pockets and spun a couple of the pages, the silver writing only he could understand rippling over the pages. "I'm actually not tired, I usually only function on a few hours of sleep. Want anything in particular?"
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Ayda was interested in the boy, Halk as he spoke and remembered as thoughts flashed though his mind she saw them and then a certain figure flashed in her mind and se realized what she had felt here. Finally the tainted dark presence here had an explanation and it was just what she wanted a lich. That was the immortality she wanted, or well it was the only kind she felt she could attain otherwise she would likely look for a different method. Still now she was interested in Halk and where this lich was she wanted to know.

She would have time for now she put down the coins she had agreed to pay , and it seemed she had her first excuses to interact with Halk as he seemed to be taking requests, they might just be from friends but she didn't really care she would simply insert herself into his circle of friends with a little bit of help from her natural talents though she would have to be very subtle about the influence.

" Oh do you take requests Halk I have a very big request if you do" She said using a flirty tone of voice and using a little influence to try to make her using his name not seem odd, like it normally would be for a stranger to do so.

The wood elf came to one obvious conclusion:

Moonbright was

After circling around the small town to make sure it was fairly safe, she realized that this area was way too far on the extremity of "calm". When they said they were relocating the enchanter to a place with less violence, they meant it. Moonbright was so mundane that it bored the assassin beyond belief. She was a fighter, an infiltrator, one that was either getting pot-shots from the outskirts or fighting in the midst of battle. She wasn't one to just sit back and do normal things. Even then, the elf never knew how to be like the others. She was an archer, a warrior, a killer. She doesn't have the capability to do things other than that.

Figuring that Halk would be fine in the town without her watching his back, she decided to go ahead and check out the camp that he was relocated to. It wasn't that far of a walk. Within a good twenty minutes or so, she was approaching the camp. There was only one word that she could associate with the encampment: Shame. There were only about ten or eleven soldiers, but the size wasn't what agitated her. It was how they were composed, their stature, their skill, the way they appeared. They all looked so
disappointing. Most of the soldiers looked to be on the verge of being underweight, the higher-ups seemingly unable to supply the camp with enough food. There were a few men who were practicing archery on targets and some were sparring, either with dummies with each other. The archers were doing terribly, missing about ninety percent of their shots. Despite the targets being about two to two-and-a-half feet in diameter, their arrows whizzed by and stuck into the ground or trees behind them. The sparring men's stances were terrible, unable to carry out blows and attacks that used all of their available power, and every time they were attacked by their partner, they would stumble and fall.

Not only were their techniques terrible, but their equipment was cringe-worthy. The wood was splintering, threatening to break in their hands at any given moment. The swords and axes and maces were made of weak and cheap metals, such as copper and bronze and stone, they some of there were even a few wooden weapons that were ready to be used if they were to be attacked. If an opposing army were to come at that given moment, this camp would be ransacked, burnt to the ground, and slaughtered within twenty seconds.

These are the men we are working with? she thought to herself, her face revealing a scowl. How was this encampment any better than the last? Sure, there was less activity, but no wonder; the enemies would have absolutely no glory in wiping out an "entire camp" in ten seconds. These men would put up little to no fight. It was to the point that Roxii wouldn't even defend the poor men if enemy forces were to arrive at that very moment. They would be more useful dead, anyway.

As the elf neared the camp, the men began growing wide-eyed, stumbling for their weapons in a flurry of fear. She wouldn't blame them; they must not see many armor-clad individuals adorned with newly-sharpened daggers, a quiver full of poisoned arrows, and a metal bow coming towards their camp at a brisk pace. She stopped at the outskirts of the camp, the men awaiting orders from the captain of the encampment. The captain made his way to the front and stationed himself in front of the assassin, a cheap iron sword in hand. "
Who are ya?" the male inquired, his eyes inspecting her thoroughly. "We were expectin' a burly enchanter. Not some short unseel."

The elf bit back her urge to deck the man in the jaw. Was this man stupid? Insulting her elven blood when she could easily slaughter the entire camp singlehandedly? The captain was courageous, at least he had that much. Without a word, she pushed past the man and stepped forward, inspecting the camp more closely now. Her hands interlaced behind her back as she kept her posture rigid and tall. The Bosmer may've been an assassin for a good amount of her life, but she was also a commander. A leader. She knew how to lead armies and keep the men loyal to her.

The camp was in even worse condition than she thought. Upon closer inspection, she noticed that the encampment was filthy and horribly managed. She couldn't understand how they could survive here for so long. Their tents were crudely set up, and their medic bay was seriously contaminated and no doubt the site of many deaths. Her face scrunched up into another scowl as she realized how terrible this camp was. If Halk were here with her, she's sure he would much rather be in the heat of battle with nothing but a spoon than to stay here in this camp. "
This place is absolutely disgusting," Roxii told the men, her back still to them.

That seemed to anger the wannabe soldiers. "
How dare ya come into our camp and insult it!" One of the soldiers charged at her, bronze sword poised and ready to plunge into her back. He let out a roar which, other than the shuffling and pounding of his feet on the ground, definitely alerted her to his attack. The assassin swiftly sidestepped and grabbed the hand that held the sword. She jabbed the handle of the sword into his gut and he double over, groaning in pain. He let go of the sword, and she cast the seemingly weightless weapon off to the side with one hand while effortlessly bringing her elbow down onto the man's back. He crumpled to the ground, resting in a fetal position.

She glared at the captain. "
This is how you conduct your men?" Roxii inquired sternly, her voice raised a bit louder than her normal volume. "First off, the man did not even hold the sword correctly. Second, bronze is perhaps one of the most malleable and brittle materials out there. The man did not hold the correct stance or posture. His reflexes are slow. He's too fucking loud. These men will be slaughtered the moment they are sent into a real battle." The assassin paused for a moment, gazing into the captain's eyes. He had backed down a bit, startled by her sudden take on authority. After a few moments of silence, she spat, "How pathetic." The supposed "soldiers" and captain were completely silent, unsure of what to do now.

(I'm just gonna stop there for now... Yay. Commander Roxii resurfaces.)

Halk shrugged at the woman. "Well I work all the time, I'm always busy. I can enchant mostly anything with anything, depending on what it is." Halk turned to Sibel's guard and traced a finger down the shoulder of his chestplate, uncorking a small vial of quicksilver he had always in his belt and floated it over the path his fingers had left, the liquid metal setting itself in a vined pattern down the arm of the mans vestment. "Stay safe, and tell Elise I said hello." The guard nodded and left. Halk bobbed his head, rubbing his chin, eyes following the man. "His sword could use some work too... maybe bright damage... Hmm. Anyways." Halk returned his gaze to the woman. "I'll need what you want, what you want it made out of, what you want it to do. You know mine, apparently i'm alot more popular than I origionally thought." Halk stuck out his hand for the person to shake.
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Ayda reached out grabbed Halks hand and he could notice that her fingers were slightly different than how they looked and her touch was cols and slightly damp.

" My name is Ayda Alhoon and I would like a ring of shape shifting made of silver and inlaid with black opal if you can enchant with that stone" She said trying to cause Halk to like the idea more then he might keeping her influence subtle just a tiny nudge that might make her request seem more important. " Would you need to know what I want to change into or can it be controlled by my will I am rather unused to how enchanting and complex spell work is done?" She said being honest about her own ignorance.

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