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Fantasy Classic Fantasy: Gathered Misfits


Peds gulped. "Eheh, hey now, let's not get off on the wrong foot eh? Ahhh..." Peds froze under the dwarven contraption. He lost both his legs once, he wasn't in the mood to loose his head. "Well, to start, I'm Peds... They call me that cuz I got metal legs..." He tapped a metal foot on the robots and it resonated with a clang. "Yea... And as for where you are... I mean, do you need a map? We're a little ways off from the fighting..." Peds looked into the... optical receptors of the dwarven mech, they looked like eyes to him. But they were different. He could see electricity buzzing behind it, the strange ass sword was humming. It occured to him that since the thing was metal the electricity was staying in it, and he might get electrified if he touched it. "Err, is this where I say 'what's your name' or are we past introductions?" Peds had never met a dwarven automation before, but one thing was clear: 'they don't fuck around' he thought with a bit of a smirk
It stood still observing the amputee, watching an analysing as if he was an open book, this stretched on for a good ten seconds without a word before finally pulling back, Both the blade and his body free the man. "Yes, a map would be good, though you will be more useful. I was called X by my creator, that is all I know. Tell me where is the fighting take place, and with whom." The mech stood up straight, and holstered its weapons away in the slots of it's body, giving it a distinct appear of looking disarmed, but that was far from the truth as underneath the metallic body there was weapons and tools everywhere at it's disposal. The two years it spent hiding in the mountains with it's master it learned how to use these weapons, defying the thinking pattern that a human brain had, and became something else entirely. "Tell me everything you know, I must learn of this place, and my purpose."

Peds sat up and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well damn, you been asleep under a rock or something for the past year?" He realized that the sudden outburst from the mech must've been a result of it not knowing anything, and wanting to preserve itself or something like that. "Ummm... How bout this. I do know more of the land than anyone, I'm out running most of the time, but I mean like, I'm not the best person to talk to about this." Peds clanked is heels together, jerking his thumb back the way he had come. "You like magic right? You've got to, I guess. I'm part of the army. From the east, ya see. I know a guy, his name's Halk. He's the smartest guy I know, he gave me these." Peds knocked on one of his legs, smiling a bit. "Halk will probably know who or what you are and what you're supposed to do, he's a genius. I'll take you to him." Peds turned around, but then whirled back. Did mech's like to move alot? He hoped so. "But I got one question for ya." He shook his legs out, readying them for a bit of a race. "How fast can you run?"
"Hmmm let's see." He put one leg in front of the other, and then again until he was jogging then sprinting, and then moving at a speed equal to a cheetah, assuming that this world had cheetah's, so a good 20 mph. Dust kicked up behind him as solid metallic legs clap against the ground with a loud thud. This was the max speed he could move, anything more would result in the metal joints scratching loudly against each other, still though for him it was more than fast enough, especially given his heavy armour surrounding the rest of his chassis, and joints. If he gave up the protective shell he would move much faster, but a well placed blow or most piercing weapons would be able to cripple him or pierce through his hidden away heart or brain resulting in a killing blow. X seemed powerful, but against his weakness he's about as useful as a puppy. He then stopped his demonstration and waiting for Ped's since he knew where he was going whilst X did not.
The enchanter fell into the darkness of sleep not long after. And almost immediately after that, the burly soldier was standing in the doorway of the forge. Roxii turned to look at Kelvin, who seemed uncomfortable in the presence of the assassin. The note was handed to her and the situation was explained to her. She peered at the sealed letter with slight confusion, furrowing her brows. The elf understood what he meant; Halk wasn't too much of a combatant, and there was too much violence here. The assassin looked up at Kelvin, who was avoiding her gaze, and she realized she was in the way. When the larger male asked for permission to pass by, she stifled a laugh as she stepped to the side, granting him permission non-verbally.

Where..." Roxii paused. She wasn't exactly sure what she was asking, or why she was asking it. Still, she continued slowly and quietly. "Where is he being relocated?"

Well it seemed things had worked out now no one suspected a thing about her aside from she knew of magic, well only one had suspected anything and he was satisfied with the explanation she gave everyone else most likely only saw the beautiful woman she pretended to be. The mention of a wealthy trader had her interested like the others as she had only known of cheap ones willing to come to this place and it made her wonder if perhaps her eating a few bandits had been part of getting this caravan here as the road had been littered with bandits who would no doubt have liked such a good mark.

When they got to the caravan Ayda was slightly impressed that something with such a selection had made it, but there was something else about this caravan, something she couldn’t put her finger on, there was magic but there wasn’t it was like a trace of it or at least the part that felt off was a trace. This caravan had come in contact with something and Ayda wanted to meet that something as if it left this kind of trace it had to be powerful. She could try ripping the information from the mind of the workers but if surface caravans were like her people’s that would be a waste of time as by now the good had switched hands several times.

Ayda moved to the various tables looking for whatever had left this faint feeling, perhaps it was on an item or perhaps it was on the wagons. She would not know until she looked over everything or got lucky as asking might arouse suspicion.

"Try to keep up big guy!" Peds laughed, sprinting past the robot. He enjoyed speed, and loved racing anythiing that could potentially beat him. Peds could go much faster than the mech, but he kept his pace steady at X's top speed of 20mph. In no time, they made it to the border of the camp. Peds saw Kelvin carrying Halk to a wagon. He stopped a little bit aways. "Halk is there. He's the one sleeping. Talk to the guy carrying him, that's Kelvin. Halk gets cranky when he's tired, so don't wake him up." Peds patted one of the horses drawing the wagon, it's huge black body mass rippling under his hand. The other one was white, and smaller. They seemed a bit uneasy around X, but were trained to hold fast. hold fast they did.


Kelvin picked the sleeping Halk up like a child, not a very hard task, Halk only weighed about 140lbs, and Kelvin was well built. not to mention he had the gauntlets Halk made for him on. "Up north. Just a days journey, someplace close to the forest. It's by a town called Moonbright." Kelvin explained, gently hefting his sleeping companion up into the bottom of the wagon on a mat. "Gerld assumed you'd come with us." Roxii could sit on the benches next to him. Kelvin would drive.

He nodded to Roxii to make sure she understood... Then turned to see X's hulking mass. He froze, but relaxed when he noticed Peds next to it. "Peds... Did you make a friend?" He asked tenatively. Peds nodded. "This is X. X wants to talk to Halk, but Halk's sleeping." Kelvin nodded. "Yes, and Halk needs to leave as well." Peds looked a bit dejected by this, but he waved it off. He was sure he'd be able to run to Halk in a few hours wherever he was. Peds liked Halk alot, especially after he had his legs restored. Kelvin turned to the mech. "Umm, hmm. I'm sure Halk wants to talk to you too." He looked the strange dwarven contraption up and down, noticing the unique dwarven craftsmanship. Halk found anything made from anything interesting, especially if it moved or did something. Kelvin was pretty sure Halk would flip when he woke up. "We're headed north a bit. Some muscle and protection would be much appreciated."
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The wood elf recognized the town's name. Moonbright wasn't too popular, but it was settled in a nice rural area. And the significantly less amount of action it receives made sense. She was satisfied with Gerld's assumption. Of course she'd tag along. The assassin still had many things to pay back Halk, both good and bad. Though the bad only consisted of minor revenge tasks; the two tended to mess with each other like good friends, so it was only natural to get revenge on one another occasionally.

Roxii followed Kelvin as he carried Halk to the wagon, and slowed her stride as the automaton came into view. She stayed silent as Kelvin and the metal-legged man spoke as she observed the machine, who was apparently named "X". It intrigued her. The elf hadn't come into contact with many dwarven contraptions, but each and every invention that they concocted made her respect them each day. The short men always seemed to have some kind of contraption up their sleeve for every situation.

@Alstromeria @Morgrim
"Muscle...? Yes that squirming flesh you creatures seem to have, no I am metal, but I can help." X took most things seriously, he had yet to develop a intended sense of humour, along with even basic knowledge about people, to him they were the strange contraptions, but he would make due with his situation. He at least figured that if they travel he could get a sense of the world that he is know inhabiting. Most of what he remembered was walking down a long dirt road, and then blackness. "When will the smart one be awake, I've desire to figure out what I am, and why I am so different from all of you? And who is that one?" He pointed a metal hand at Roxii, she was quiet and didn't say anything while the others who were still fully conscious spoke to him. Is her mouthpiece broken, is that why she can't commune with us?" X still also had to learn the proper names of all the body parts that people had as well. Strong as a tank, but currently dumb as a child.

Kelvin frowned a bit, then realized what exactly the mech was talking about. He smirked and shook his head. "Peds, it's a good thing your head isn't metal as well as your legs, you'd end up like this guy." Kelvin jerked his head to the behemoth. "Allright X, just walk with us. We can do introductions on the road." Peds backed off the wagon and waved. "Halk's probably going to sleep until the sun comes up again. For now, just travel with them, I've got a feeling Halk's gonna like you." Kelvin waved goodbye to Peds and clicked to the horses, snapping the reins. The horses began at a slow walk, and the wagon began rolling its merry way into the dusk.


Peds was sad to see Halk and Kelvin go. But with those two gone, Gerld would need his help and speed more than ever. He didn't know much about X, and had a feeling he'd never see the dwarven unit again, but he was glad to have met the thing. Peds shook his head to clear his thoughts and decided to spend the night at Gerld's bedside.
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Roxii chuckled softly at the automaton's question that was geared towards her and took her place on the bench on the wagon. This travel seemed as though it was going to be an interesting one, which was nice. She was beginning to grow tired of the dull, monotonous day-to-day routine the elf had acquired over the years. Once the horses began moving, she wood elf gazed at the scenery around them, keeping a close eye on their surroundings. A wagon of three magickin with a rather large automaton walking alongside leaving a war encampment? That was sure to capture the prying eyes of hostile creatures and enemies.

@Alstromeria @Morgrim

(Nyeh. Short posts make their comeback.)
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Majeed stands in the back of the crowd watching the people buy items from the merchants. His potential instructor is also in the group; he wondered if she was thinking of teaching him. The man crosses his arms, leaning against the side of a house near the commotion. He could sense magic somewhere but he couldn't tell where. Majeed knew it wasn't the town's current mages because magic had a different feel to each element. The presence he's receiving is someone of similar magic, probably more like the woman he just met.

He is tempted to check on the wares they sell but Majeed's last payment on the previous monster kill was less than he wanted. It wasn't much to buy a book. Hell, it wasn't much to buy anything useful to him. He hears the bickering of the town drunk talking to one of the merchants, "Ay! Y-you got tha good stuff? Tha fancy smanshy wine dem people back at tha large cities drink?" With glazed eyes, the guy pulls at his face, giving a loud hiccup. Majeed should have stopped him; he must have came out of the local tavern. The dumbass was going to upset the merchants, just like the others that made it here - which were less interesting than this one. The drunk bumps into his possible-mentor, slinging an arm over her. "We - hic - want tha liquor too, right pretty?" Majeed lets out a sigh, making his way to the disruption. The town finally gets a more than decent merchant and the drunk is already ruining it like always.

@Cookie the Brave @Karcen
Atda would have rather browsed in peace or as much peace as she could get in such a large group but it seemed her disguise was to appealing to the locals, not that they had much of a sense of beauty no doubt, and him touching her was a problem. She wore an illusion and while it could hold up to even close inspection it was just bending light so a touch touched her. She did hope to get a shape shifting ring to one day remedy this annoying situation. While the man might be drunk he might still notice how off the body he was feeling felt to the one he thought he was feeling so Ayda had to do something. Luckily she had half a plan she was now at least a little known to have magic here so a little prionic trick might get her out of this. This was nothing like a blast or an illusion, or even mind control it was just a minor command to make an already half awake man pass out such a low level trick would likely not work on another in the crowd as they were all very much awake.

Ayda took her free hand and put her pointer finger to the man's forehead " Sleep" She commanded both verbally and mentally the verbal part being to make it seem like magic. The man wobbled then passed out, right on her shoulder leaving her with another person's dead weight on her, but at least he was asleep for now.
Sibel remains comforting and polite in the presence of the small crowd. She adored having people to talk with, new faces, drunk faces, familiar faces, just about anyone was enjoyable for company. She stands on the opposite side of the caravan from the drunkard and attractive 'woman' trying to seal a deal with what seems to be a heavy set woman. Usually, size indicates wealth but this certainly wasn't the case when comparing the woman's wealth with Sibel's estate and possessions.

Elise however is tending to the drunkard's side of the caravan. She despises those who hide their past, their woes and torments behind a thick air of ale. This man would be treated like any other drunkard and have to pay ridiculously high prices unless he wished to return once sober. Elise begins to speak with the man about his uproar over wine until he falls asleep from Adya's spell.

"You're a Magickin, huh?" Elise places a hand to her hip and keeps her cheeky yet polite smile about her. Being in her mid teen years, the cheeky yet polite card was one of her most used and successful tactics. This usually lures people into a trusting sensation or, specifically for men, where they attempt to show off their wallets in the hopes to show off something else they posses. "I knew a Magickin once, he was a nice man.. Halk was his name." Her eyes trail to the floor as she remembers stealing berries from his workshop and how confused he seemed to her about the scene. She laughs quietly and looks back at the woman, "Anyway, you interested in buying something from our caravan or still browsing? We've all the latest tomes printed from the East, the latest in wax craft and even a few nice trinkets picked up along the way." Elise was clearly used to the idea of sales, pressing the idea to purchase something without forcing it upon them.

Her eyes trail to the bald man and she offers him a wink. "Maybe your misses would like a special something, or is she yet to be your misses? We've rings about too if you're looking for the right band."

On Sibel's side of the caravan lie the racks of books and scrolls helping those of the magical variety in learning new techniques and new spells. Sibel had tested a few of the books herself which allowed her to use her fire with more precision and higher temperatures. If she wanted, she could use a method that the dwarven scribe labelled as the 'inner veil' method. It allows any form of elemental magic such as fire or water to be used in a constant and steady stream of high power and, if the intents of the caster were malicious enough, could cause death. This method required a strong mind and a sense of pure clarity in which panic was nowhere to be found. This method was almost useless during a frantic combat scenarios but could cause serious injuries to enemies in a more controlled situation.

The methods in many of the books relied heavily on inner focus and mental strength. This idea of magic casting was rejected in three other tomes however when they mention the forging and possession of magically imbued items and how to imbue them. These books had an orange cover, a purple cover and a red cover. The red book has an eye on the front with the word "debt" written in Elvish. The purple tome has an image of a vine with the word "again" and the orange book has no image marked into its cover. Only two words on it other than the author's name, "emptied mirrors".

@Karcen @AnimusLight
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Majeed reaches the two but the woman's already casted some kind of sleep magic on the drunk sod. He says, "I'll take care of him," taking the passed out drunk away from her. He huffs then lifts the dead-weight over his shoulders. Unfortunately, the man wasn't light making Majeed curse the idiot's heavy weight cause of the liquor. A kid - he calls anyone that if they look obviously younger than him - is talking with the lady now, mentioning some magickin he hasn't heard of. Before he leaves with the passed out drunk, the kid catches his attention with the mention of tomes. This was what he wanted to get but the lack of coin disheartened the idea of buying anything from the stand. He glowers at the unattainable merchandise, wishing the town paid him more than a couple of coins. Majeed glances at the kid, narrowing his eyes at her when she says out loud her what she believed is the relationship between himself and the woman he just met. He shakes his head, letting out what seem to be snort of amusement.

He faces his possible mentor, "I will be going back. Taking this fool to his home. I want to speak with you later." Majeed gives a brief nod as a farewell before leaving the crowd of people with the man's limp form hanging over his shoulder. He is going to get this dumbass home, do his daily short patrol along the riverside to see if any large lizards have left the forest, then find the woman again. She wouldn't be leaving town too quickly so Majeed had a day to speak with her again.

He reaches Moonbright's only tavern, The Flightless Dragon. The poor drunk is actually the friend of the owner; Majeed doesn't understand why the owner bothers keeping the guy here. His boots echo on the rundown wooden flooring of the tavern. The said-owner is cleaning a few glasses at her bar. She spots her friend, already rushing to the two. The owner scowls, "He be causing trouble, aye? Damn fool don't know when to suck up dem guilts an' take responsibility." She shakes her head when she retrieves the man from Majeed. "Thanks. Here sometin for yah troubles," she says while digging through her apron's pouch. The owner slips a few coins into his hand, surprising the fist-fighter. "I heard tha damn chief not givin yah enough. He don't know he's got a good worker." She makes the passed out drunk sit slumped on one of the chairs. "Go on. I hear a nice-looking merchant in town."

Majeed gives a silent thanks before exiting the tavern. He could go head back to the stand and buy himself a tome. He squints his eyes at the sky; it is time for checking on the monsters though. He hopes the merchants are also staying in town for the day. Too many people the wanted to talk to - which was a first for him. Majeed heads towards the river, wanting to finish his job for the day.

@Cookie the Brave @Karcen
Ayda was glad to have the drunk off her, but it seemed to be getting late so really she didn't listen to the peddler as none of the items had the trace she wanted to ask about, it was annoying but she couldn't figure out what it was holding this tainted trace of magic. Still there was plenty interesting in these peoples stores that she wouldn't mind obtaining however carrying all these things with her would be a problem unless she got someone with more physical strength to do it for her, like a certain student to be.

" I would love to buy some of these tomes but it is a bit too late for me, hopefully you will be here tomorrow " She said to the merchant though she didn't wait for a response and instead went towards the stables as it was the best place him her mind to meet the student to be.

(sorry couldn't think of want to say just wanted to get to skip)

It was pretty dark. The group made it out of the general warzone with absolutely no conflict. Now that they had emerged under the general cloud cover gathered by magic, the smoke from fires, and who knows what else, the stars shone bright as diamonds. "Quiet night." Kelvin remarked, not expecting to get a responce out of any of his companions. He was sure Roxii had a superstition about the darkness and the fact that it might be 'too quiet', but he'd rather not know. He wasn't going to ask either. She scared the shit out of him. It was amazing anyone, even Halk, had managed to keep up a friendly relationship with her.

The fact that the horses were uneasy didn't help Kelvins restless, on-edge mind. Halk was still fast asleep, that was good. X was still clanking about beside the wagon, he thought the metallic, rhythmic noise was actually helping the enchanter sleep more. He found everything mechanical fun.

The cart hit a bump, and the horses winnied nnervously. "Woa, woa." he clucked to the horses. Another bump. A third. Kelvin stopped the cart and bent down to inspect what it had run over. He almost tripped over the thing himself. Kelvin went to pick it up, but it was heavier than he expected. Kelvin snapped his fingers and small bits of white light streaked with purple bathed the ground in a beam from his hands. He instantly recoiled. Three bodies. "Roxii, I think you might want to take a look at this..." He whispered softly. There was no visible wounds from a kill other than being run over recently, or blood... But kelvin flipped one over. There was a hole in the back of it's head.
X came over as well and examined the bodies without touching any of them. He noticed the hole in the back of their heads and made a confused beep noise. "Odd, where is all their fuel, it should be spilt out over the ground with a hole like that, but nothing. Maybe your friend is done powering down and can help us." X didn't want for a response or even a protest he just went over to the sleeping, engineering enthusiast and picked him up a good several feet off the ground. He violently shook the man in an attempt to wake the poor bastard up. "What the hell is wrong with this thing, is he out of fuel or something, maybe he needs a crystal inserted into him." X had a spare crystal, or in his case fuel cell and looked for the first opening he could find which was the man's mouth. He was going to place a rather large crystal in the man's mouth if he didn't wake up. "Power on your fleshy creature, I don't want to waste a fuel cell on you if I don't have to!"
Elise looks at the darkening sky and decides she'd be the first to bathe. She takes her towel from the caravan and taps Sibel's guard on the back. The guard turns around and looks down at her with a completely concealed face. "Yes?" His voice is so rich with power he sounds almost demonic. "If I scream, I want you to come and get me. Okay? Otherwise just stay here and guard Sibel." The guard offers Elise a nod and continues to hold his ground at the back of the caravan.

Elise makes her way down to the lake with her towel and no weaponry. She is aware that this is a dangerous idea because of their location but would rather die clean than live in filth. She slowly unbuttons her coat and dress, leaving them to rest on the river bank.

She dips her toes in the water and giggles. She pulls her foot out and shakes it mumbling to herself, "Cold, cold." Elise surveys the area one more time before descending into the cool waters. She begins to rub up and down her arms to ensure their cleanliness. Whilst in the water, she hears a distant splashing sound which sounds like something heavy entering the stream of water.

Elise thinks very little of it and continues to bathe as she would a bath house or any other stream she'd entered. The splash occurs again, this time closer. She looks around but still fails to see anything out of the usual. She puts the splashing sound down as a rock being kicked up by some passer by who was now indoors or an overweight fish breaching the water of the stream and slamming against the water a little too hard.
The assassin acknowledged the soldier's remark but remained silent. He already knew what she thought of the silence. She enjoyed the stillness, but only when it felt natural. This environment wasn't supposed to be this quiet. It felt abnormal. The next moments confirmed her suspicions.

The moment the wagon jolted and clambered over the roadblocks, she knew something was wrong. The obstacles weren't solid enough to be natural, like a rock; it yielded slightly to the weight of the wagon. Kelvin revealed the bodies, causing Roxii to go into high alert. However, she was still curious. Hopping down off the bench, she unsheathed one of her daggers and knelt beside one of the fallen men. She flipped him over as well, observing the hole in the back of his head. The wood elf furrowed her brows in confusion. "
I do not like this," she said softly, more so to herself than to receive a response.

Roxii then heard the automaton go to the back of the wagon, heading towards the enchanter. Once the machine began attempting to awaken Halk as if he operated similar to X, she let out a short chuckle. The machine had much to learn.

@Alstromeria @Morgrim

Halk awoke jerking back and forth, then his breathing was restricted. He spat the thing in his mouth out on the ground. His eyes refocused and he found himself staring into the 'eyes' of a dwarven automation. "Dwarbes?" He questoned. Dwarves shouldn't be this far east. He was pretty tired (Halk still had the sleeping pattern of a teenager) but he immediately brightened. "Dwarbes! Holy shit, holy shit..." He looked around, but realized it was night. The only light was the familiar white flickering purple he recognized as Kelvin, and the moon and the stars. Kelvin immediately left what he was doing and smashed his palm onto the back of the mech's leg, the knee joint buckling and driving into the ground. Halk fell on the ground bodily on his side. "Kelvin, what the hell-"

Kelvin put himself between Halk and X, one hand in front of him, fingers splayed menacingly, purple light curling around them. Halk got to his feet slowly. "Jayziss Kelvin, what's going on? Why do we-" "Quiet." Kelvin snarled. "But-" "That is a dwarven automation, and it just picked you up, shook you violently, and tried to shove something down your throat." Halk shook his head. "Of course he did."

"What?" Kelvin glanced sideways at Halk, keeping his body towards the mech. Halk rolled his hand. "Well, I don't see any rust or much weather on him, so he's probably only four or five years old. He doesn't know how people work, it's like you performing surgery on a griffon." Despite the tension in the air, Halk's logical and affirmed tone quickly diffused the situation. "Chill Kelvin." Kelvin obediently dropped out of attack stance, but the light from his hands flickered a bit before turning white again. "We got something else. But I'll tell you about it later. The bucket of bolt's is X." Halk nodded , then returned his gaze to X. He had so many questions to ask the machine, and was resisting the urge to grab the nearest tool and pry it apart and figure out how it worked... Wait a minute. Where was his forge?

"Kelvin, tell me why we are on the road." Kelvin, who dismissed the bodies and was now in the drivers seat of the wagon simply handed him the note of leave. Halk opened it, looked at it a moment, then folded it neatly and stuck it in one of the many pockets in his coat. He said nothing, but Kelvin and Roxii would both be able to tell that he was thouroughly pissed being away from the fight. 'I'm going to have to start all over', he thought. However, being seperated from his forge was a minor setback. Halk wanted to protect his friends, not hang back.


Kelvin cracked the reins after Halk and Roxii had climbed in. Those bodies weren't magickin. Probably bandits. But something was up with the holes in the back of their heads and the lack of blood. They were pretty close to the north, but Kelvin couldn't think of anything natural that could do that to a person. He glanced in the back, and Halk was once again bolt upright, his cheerful demeanor and childlike curiosity sparked by X sure did brighten the mood. Kelvin shrugged and focused on driving.
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The large lizard's body falls to the ground. Its eyes were punctured and its neck is now shaped in a crooked way. The dust flies up in the air from the amount of force the body hit the ground. Majeed waves away the cloud of dust, squinting through the dust that obscured his vision. There is still one more left and he couldn't let his guard down. He feels the ground vibrate under the movement of the big creature. Majeed rolls out of the way just in time when a spiky tail swings from where he stood. The fist fighter is covered in dust, blood, and is still damp from the tussle in the river. He had a reason for his pitiful state: there were five large lizards after his ass.

He got two from an ambush in the woods but the last three were smart enough to chase him to the river border. He could fight them at the same time but he understood his limits of endurance. One lizard dies from the other's misaimed attacks. Majeed took on the last of them, agreeing this was a fair fight. His exhausted mind begged for sleep because of the overuse of his mediocre fire magic and being tossed around a few times - those tails did pack a hefty force.The last lizard charges at him and knocks him into a larger body of water. The two create a large splash.

@Cookie the Brave
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X had to active his on-board auto repair system. It was like natural healing, but worked quite a bit faster, it's only drawback was that it consumed a rapid amount of energy to complete the action, even for just repairing the damaged limb. X wasn't too happy about that, and immediately walked up to Kelvin. "Hostile threat detected, level of threat: Minor. Currently status: Insulted. Engaging offensive counter measures." X pounces on top of Kelvin with all the agility of some sort of spider cat. Raising one of his hands he immediately slaps Kelvin across the face, first with his palm, then the back of his hand, then again. The machine bitched slap the man a few more times before stopping, and then walks beside the cart as if nothing had happened. "Counter measures disengaged."

To be honest, the only thing hurt was Kelvins pride, but Halk was laughing, so he did as well. "Yea yea, let's keep going." They rode in silence after that until the sun rose. Just having Halk around was enough for him.

Kelvin pulled the wagon up to the stables in the town of moonbright. "Stableboy, please feed and water the horses." He said to a boy no older than 13 relaxing on a bale of hay. Kelvin gave the boy a few gold in payment, and the boy led the two horses away. Kelvin cracked his neck. "I want to spend a day or two here. Technically we don't have to report for duty until a week from now, but I know Halk will want to be at the encampment ASAP. And to be honest, I'm beat. I'll spend the day at an inn."


Halk nodded his agreement. He knew Kelvin was the only one who needed sleep, Roxii wouldn't admit she was tired even if she was practically dead on her feet. In the rough year Halk had known her, the assassin had never admitted weakness of any kind. He stepped off the back of the wagon and waved goodbye to Kelvin.

Stretching, Halk groaned. "I really prefer walking, carrage rides make me antsy." He now had a chance to reguard X more closely, and with adequate lighting. He circled the automation, rubbing his chin. "Hmm. You run on magic charged crystals correct?" Not waiting for an answer, he resumed curiously inspecting the automation, tapping him on the chestplate and arm guards with his knuckles at some times. "Curious, very curious. WELL." Halk spun on his heel and snapped his fingers, coat swishing about him in its usual fashion. "I want to explore a bit. I promise we'll stick to the side of the streets Roxii." Halk started walking one way, but he heard a couple he passed talking about a merchant. "You know what, change of plans. Let's see the merchant. I'm going to need some quicksilver since the majority of my supply is still at the gorge camp."
Elise sits on the bank of the river, her towel wrapped around her chest to cover her cleavage and hips as she speaks to the bald fighter. Her hair has dried out from the air exposure. She places one hand out behind her and leans against it. She'd said nothing much to the man after seeing him battling the wingless dragons and it had taken her quite a while to muster up the courage to speak to him. "You haven't said much.. Are you hurt?" Her eyes look up at him but she refuses to angle her head towards him. Something about this man made her feel both safe yet uneasy. She had seen his abilities against the beasts and it was clear he could break her neck with little effort if any at all.

Sibel on the other hand stands by the back of the caravan. She'd gotten some rest during the dull moments of the night and their guardsman slept while Sibel was tending the tables. The two of them had managed to lure over the attractive woman from before, Sibel pressuring for a deal to be sealed and the guardsman making sure no ones hands went anywhere they didn't belong.

"You know you want one. Admit it, a book about runes and forging of arcane tokens and amulets is rare to find these days. All we ask is fifty gold pieces. A small fortune it may be but surely this talent could help you earn more 'common' gold pieces." Sibel places a hand on the table and really tries to drive the deal in. Her face was void of covering as she'd left behind her job of nurturing for the dying in exchange for a pursuit of coin.

In Sibel's ears are large, golden hoops and on her tongue is a silver stud. In Sibel's house a tongue piercing was considered to be a badge of financial prowess and a sign to show the wearer feared very little. Sibel had her tongue sanitised twice after the piercing and it was still infected for a week. The piercing was often painful but left behind a rare and exotic marking very few had.

When Sibel spoke, the silver ball on her tongue could be seen and would make the occasional tapping sound against her teeth if she were shouting or making large tongue motions. She takes the tome from the bookshelf and offers it to the woman. Sibel was finding it hard to close the deal with the woman as the other books on spell casting and jewellery pieces hadn't seemed to grab her fancy.

@Karcen @AnimusLight
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