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Fantasy Classic Fantasy: Gathered Misfits

Halk nodded, the glow from the quickssilver around his shoulders and under his arms fading. "Oh, yea, of course. I'm just saying some metaphorical stuff, not that important." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I think I was boring Roxas anyways. So, ah what we gonna do?" Halk clapped his hands in front of him. "What materials do we need, are we building something, what tools are needed?" He was excited to be working with the litch, and was curious to see what they could do together.
" What I want made is rather simple in truth however that I wasn’t it to do is not " Nasanru said letting the implication and unsaid complement to Halk's skills go unsaid.

" To go into details I need an amulet, though am sure I can find one somewhere in my dungeon that will do, though I must admit I am behind in mortal fashion so perhaps one that will blend in better would be nice." Nasanru mused " And to put it plainly, I want it to cast a powerful galmour over me, while as my form in rather nice I do find it inspires a measure of distrust that I have tired of" he explained.
The roar of battle was deafening. Fourteen long months of war had scarred the gorge and the area around it. The woods around it that once held tall powerfull trees, as much as three meters in diameter, were burnt and charred, blasted and hacked untill only a few withered bits of scenery with wildly distended limbs remained. Those that werent completely destroyed were strewn about the ground, decomposing or being used as uncertain bits of cover. Long rivlets, indentations, and holes littered the ground, aside from the deep landmark of the natural landform known as "the gorge", left from magic bolts, forgotten attempts of foxholes, mobile balista fire, catapaults, and countless other machines and tactics of war. The very land seemed to cry out with frustration, the center of all the world becoming the most violent, ripped apart by the magickin and the humans. One such human, crouched behnd the protective curve of the gorge, witnessed this firsthand, his helmet knocked off, eyes poking just above the ridge of sight. He ducked down quickly as dirt was kicked up by a blast of... something. There was no telling here, there was only what hadn't killed you, and what would. You could worry about it when you were dead.

This human, his name was Riss. Riss had just turned 25 years old. He had volunteered to travel to the hottest warzone in the entire world. He regretted this descision now. He thought he'd be able to change the massive deadlock that had taken place over the past year or so. He had been sorely mistaken. Now, as the magic buzzed in his ears, projectiles of all sorts whizzing over his head, he finally understood. This wasn't the first time he'd seen action, he'd been here the past two months. This wasn't a war anymore, in the land that straddled the boundries of the east and west. This was the place where legends were made. Where champions were summoned to fight and die. This was where people, Magickin and humans alike, were destroying eachother. This wasn't war. This was hell.

For the first time in six months, they had occupied the gorge. For twelve hours. Only twelve. Whoever controlled the gorge chose when to fight. They could launch attacks from this place towards the enemy camps dotting the landscape, just over the border. The fighting was less further north and south, but no one, not even the stealthiest of sneaks, the most notorious of assassins, had managed to travel into enemy territory for more than a few days at a time. The ones that came back, that was. But now, it was apparent that occuping the gorge was a mistake. The magicians had lined it with traps and runes, so the humans had started making a few of their own. Makeshift ones of course, nothing compared to what the magikind did, but it was sure to cause a death or two.

The commander waved his sword and called to charge. The men behind cover just behind the gorge lept over, using their sheilds made of melded together petrified wood and bone, a substance called anikna that was highly magic resistant, to block the incoming magic attacks. Only a few men fell, and the ones in the gorge, including Riss, who donned his helmet, climbed out to support them. They began pushing forwards in a tight formation, every time a man was killed, another stepped into his place. Riss smirked under his visor. They were finally gaining some ground. But the man behind him cried out in pain and crumpled to the side. A few men glanced in the direction, breaking formation. Riss followed suit, rolling to the side, protecting the backs of his platoon.

His eyes widened in horror. The mages had somehow managed to erect a small magic barrier between two points of cover, the light shimmering and bending as the western soldiers arrows and slung rocks bounced off of it. He noticed a total of ten mages (five on each side) crouched behind two felled trees were keeping this up. Some more had seemingly cone out of the ground, their armor and faces painted to blend in. All except three. A bulky man wielding two shields with a determined look on his face, one with strange purple and white gauntlets smashing people over with little effort bearing a dark expression, and one that shimmered so much it made it hard for the eyes to follow.

The commander noticed them too, and called for half the batallion to turn and defend. The battlemages smashed up against the line of human juggeranauts, both sides not giving much ground nor taking any. Riss slashed at a mage with his sword, then impaled him through the chest. He bellowed, and fought off another, two more, five more. Riss felt alive, he felt powerful. They had beaten the onslaught from behind back, the mages quick but disorganized and individual style of fighting made it hard to combat the humans as a unit. They were doing fine until the man with the shields disarmed the commander and sent him stumbling with a viscous headbutt. Riss swiped at the man, opening a large gash in his side. Feeling the adrenaline surge through him, he swung down, but missed. The man had retreated too fast, and was now five feet away. This man didnt scare him. Then out of nowhere, a fellow human was sent flying over the landscape. The man with the dark expression was near. And fighting. This man still didn't scare Riss. Or the commander, the commander tripped him. This man was agile too apparently, and rolled away. But then there was a flash of silver and the comanders torso was seperated from his legs. He fell backwards soundlessly. And standing with a jacket that seemed to come from the land of the faries itself, face contorted in concentration, was the man that scared Riss the most. The enchanter. Or as called by the humans; "Jacket Shimmershine".

Riss and a few men charged. This man though, he moved strangely. Like liquid. Bits of queer material hung in the air around him, wrapping around his wrists, his coat shone with the light of a thousand suns. The first man to ecounter him was cut to ribbons, the silver of his coat lashing out and evicerating the man, armor and all. The next man managed to get close, but "Shimmershine" spun through the air... were those claws or the mans bare hands that tore out his throat? Projectiles whizzed past Riss in an attempt to pierce this terrifying beings hide, but only slowed to a stop and fell harmlessly to the ground around him. "
I'll kill you!" Riss screamed, bringing his sword down upon the mans back. The blade immediately turned to water, and Riss grabbed the man by the hair, kneeing him in the face. The man fell backwards, blood dripping from his nose. "You die today vermin," Riss growled, raising his fist and striking the man in the face. Once. Twice. Three times. Four. The man was looking pale. Five. Six. Then nothing. The gorge was flying past him, his few still standing comrades fighting for their lives. The humans were retreating, the barrier fell, the magickin did as well. Then he felt something on his back, and a horrible pain was felt in his neck, a snap was heard. Then blackness.

Halk saw a hand reach out, and promptly grabbed it. "Don't you black out on me yet man, you did too good a job for that" He heard. Halk's vision swam. "K... Kelvin, Gerld..." "Yea, Peds got him out of here. We need to go. Now." Halk shook his head and stumbled. "Son of a bitch..." He took a few steps and stumbled to his knees, clutching his head. Once again he was hauled to his feet. He was scooped up, the familiar feel of Kelvins magic gauntlets on his sides. He had made them himself, afterall. His vision slowly dimmed, and his hearing buzzed out, but not before he heard a few last things. "Roxii, get him out of here... I'll do cover... Just take him dammit!..." Then Halks world went white.
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If you were to ask The Shadow in the first battle she was involved in as to whether or not she'd stick around, she would've most likely responded with a flat out "No". How ironic, since the elf was currently fighting against the West's forces with determination and malice. The war had begun to become a routinely matter for the elf. After the East's camp was ambushed and basically burnt to the ground, Roxii knew that the magickin needed help in order to thrive. As a magic-user and not exactly of humankind herself, she realized that, whether she liked it or not, she was involved in the war just as much as anyone else that resided on the East or West grounds. So why sit back and allow your land and kin be slaughtered by hundreds of racist , self-righteous bastards?

The wood elf was invisible, enjoying the significantly larger amount of power her stone could hold. Instead of being able to be invisible for only a few minutes, she could now use it for up to an hour, perhaps two if she wanted to push herself. She made her way behind a Westerner who was going to execute a downed Eastern soldier and sliced his throat. He gurgled and groaned past his blood, drowning in the thick, red liquid. As his body fell to the ground, she dismissed the invisibility and helped up the Western soldier.

Once he was on his feet, she grabbed her bow and began sniping the soldiers who decided to stay back and provide covering fire. One fell. Two. Three. Four. Sixteen of the seventeen arrows she shot hit some sort of flesh, whether it was in the skull, shoulder, abdomen, or somewhere else. Ten of those, however, were fatal.

A squadron of men began advancing on the West. Now was her time to act. After the barrier was erected, she became invisible once again and slipped behind the men. The assassin moved down the line silently, eliminating the occasional soldier with a slice or stab to the throat just to thin the enemy lines.

The wood elf made her way to the end of the line, and her gaze flicked over the battlefield, searching for the unmistakable shimmering jacket. It didn't take long to find him: the damn enchanter's face was getting beaten in. Roxii cursed under her breath silently and quickly made her way over to him. Halk's attacker was knocked back by Kelvin, who was fortunately nearby at that moment.

When she approached, Kelvin ordered her take him. Roxii scrunched up her face; did he honestly think that the short elf eould be able to carry an unconscious, full grown male? "
You mistake me to be stronger than I appear," she answered simply. Still, she hooked her arm underneath the enchanter and pulled him to his feet. Immense strength was definitely not a characteristic she possessed. But the assassin persevered as she dragged Halk off the battlefield back towards the camp.

Halk felt himself being dragged. A very vauge feeling, to say the least. He opened his eyes just a bit, seeing his good friend Roxii attempting to lug him along away from he fight. His head swung from side to side, gaze blurring in and out, his ears ringing. The shouts and explosions of the battle behind them seemed strangely distant and quiet. A groan escaped his lips, one of the first things that told Roxii he was somewhat conscious.

Halk had met Roxii one night when she attempted to snipe him, but they had formed a begrudging bond of friendship, Halk supplying Roxii with gear, weapons, arrows, even going as far as making a whole new set of armor for the elf when she lost hers, as well as enchanting it to perfection. Roxii was then Halk's bodyguard, or as she liked to be called "Shadow", but Halk thought of her first and foremost as one of his closest friends.

Halk worked his legs, attempting to walk. He stumbled over an uneven patch of land and fell, crawling a few feet on his hands and knees behind a once enourmous tree, now felled and used as cover. Halk heard a small whistle, then a shuddering impact from the tree. The loud *BANG* that followed was enough to jerk his hearing straight again. His jacket gave off a faint shimmer as a few pebbles rained down. Halk propped himself up against the tree, legs out in front of him. Still woozy, but capable of standing at least. He reasoned the impact was from one of the catapaults the westerners had constructed and were now using it since their own men were either dead or pulled back from the gorge area. This was now once again a ranged battle, one that was constantly going on if the two sides weren't at a standoff.

"Roxii?" Halk said warily, barely audible from the sounds of fire between the two sides. "Roxii?" He was relived to see her beside him. "Oh, lubley." he put a hand to his face, and realized that his nose was broken and bloody. How did that... Oh nevermind, he remembered. Halk would be talking strangely for a day or two. "Goob to see you here frienb, one helluba fight." Despite his concussion and bloodied face, he managed a small, weak smile from his sitting position. In his peripheral vision (if he could see that far, his vision was limited to the things ten feet in front of him) Kelvin and the few other mages still distracting the enemy had turned tail and run back in the direction of the camp, leaving a few guards to shoot at any westerners who decided to poke their heads up from wherever they could hide. Halk winced. "Oo, that hurbt." he raised a hand to his face. Multiple bruises were just beginning to form, a welt, and he was pretty sure he had a black eye. "Gib me a minute." he said, closing his eyes and shaking his head a few times to clear his thoughts, and hopefully his vision. He opened his eyes and found that seemed to have helped. "Allrighty, let's heab back to camp. Thanks Roxii." Halk held out an arm to get pulled up.
X had been travelling for the longest time, what was once his home is no so very far away. He can feel it, his energy running low, he won't make it, not for very long before he shuts down entering the deep sleep that claims him. Not once has the happened before to him, each step he takes brining him closer to a state of shutdown, and in the middle of the road where he is most vulnerable. Lost, confused and lonely, that would be his last memories. for who knows how long. His last few steps drag on for an eternity, and then he stops, the lights dimming from his robotic eyes. (Not much of a way to enter I know, but I myself still know basically nothing about the setting and what's going on. Anyone able to fill me in?)
Ayda cursed the bright sun as it beat down on her, though the term her was a quirk as like all members of her race she had no true gender that having been gotten rid of when she took over the elf's body. Still she could not curse the surface for lack of food as it seemed that war that a few of the slaves had thought about had made things easy for bandits to set up camp. This of course meant they had been easy to find so she had a steady supply of brains to eat and had gained a fair amount of the surface's currency. This was far easier than making a village vanish as her people normally did taking control of the inhabitants minds and marching them into the depths did take a lot of Illithid after all and she was just one. Though despite all this she did not look like a mind flayer , not that anyone would know what she was by looking her race had been very careful about how many knew of them and sowing in misinformation where they could, after all they had a stake in surface affairs and having them aware of the kingdoms below would not be good.

Yes the war was good for her people and if they had to picks sides she could have to say they would support those that hated magic as they were weaker against the Illithid without their magic, if these races lost their magic then the Illithid would have little problem in making them into cattle and hosts as was their place. Still she couldn't go back the elder brains would no doubt have her killed and made to join it and she wanted to live and knew that the elder brain was not the gateway to eternity but the Alhoon might been if she could amass enough power.

Ayda tossed the body of the last bandit, which now had a hole in the back of its head on the ground and looked around before checking that her illusion was still working . She couldn't let the disguise of her being human slip that lead to problems after all and started down the road hopefully she would find a wizard or something she needed more knowledge and where better to get that than from the minds of a magic user.
The enchanter let out a weak groan, notifying the assassin that he was still alive and fairly conscious. And then he began attempting to walk, failing miserably. She tried to keep him from moving too much, but the poor elf wasn't able to keep the male from falling. The Shadow stumbled forward slightly as he fell out of her grasp, but she kept her balance, attempting to help him stay upright and to not hit his head on anything that would worsen the damage.

Halk finally settled and then began calling out for the assassin. Roxii stood before him, waiting for him to gain his composure so that they could finish the trek back to the encampment. The enchanter continued speaking, and his injury was affecting his speech. The wood elf stifled a laugh. She couldn't help but feel immature towards the male's awkward speech impediment. This past year around Halk and the others has made her feel a bit more at ease, though she tries not to keep her guard down too much or too long; she remembers what happened last time.

Once Halk gathered himself and reached an arm out for assistance, Roxii grabbed onto him and pulled him up carefully. The elf was beginning to tire, though; she wasn't made to carry large amounts of weight. The assassin was built for being quick and agile. However, the Shadow continued on lugging the larger magickin towards their camp.


(Not my best post, but I'm tired. xD )
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(Long introduction for Majeed Shunnar. I'll find a way to have some confrontation with you guys in the future or you could think of one.)

Moonbright is a small town just on the border of the East and North region. The peaceful town tries their best not to get themselves involved with the war even though the residents consider themselves "for magic." There are no walls that surround it, making them vulnerable to any attack. Fortunately, so far most of their problems are only small amounts of monsters appearing from the North border but they've had a man for a couple of years now, taking care of their problem.

"Majeed, anotha one of dem lizards are comin from across tha river!" shouts one of the able-fighters of the town. Majeed looks up from the current creature he killed. He flicks the blood off his hands before he hurries down the hill towards the calm river that flows north of the town. It is like a border to signify the further one passes the river, the more they are reaching the North Region. Majeed has seen travelers stop by their town before heading into that forest; they never were heard from again.

The flightless dragon moves its large tail side to side. It notices Majeed's presences as the fist-fighter crosses the river with just a powerful jump. He lands with no problems on both his feet. Majeed inhales slowly then exhales, waiting for the monster to attack. It bounds towards him, ready to strike. Majeed springs on his feet, sprinting to the large lizard. It raises its claw then brings it down, only to swipe at the air. Majeed has ducked under the attacking arm with ease. He grips with both hands onto one of its spike, pulling himself on top of the monster. It emits a roar when it looks over it shoulder. Majeed palm-strikes the back of the creature's neck with enough force that he could feel the bone of its spine. It screams in pain, thrashing a bout. Majeed holds on tightly with both the friction of his boot and the strong grip of his hands until the lizard clams down.

Majeed flings himself to the right side of the body, using the scale as a way to gain momentum. He swiftly slides himself under the creature, getting a shaded view of its belly. After rolling to where he wants to hit, he front-kicks upwards into the less-hard area then rolls out from under before it falls on him. The creatures screech is louder than before while it checks for where it got hit; it has moved onto its side, exposing the now-vulnerable stomach area. Majeed cups his hands and fingers, than spear-strikes the area he kicked before. His hand pierces through the skin of the monster, spilling out its blood. He lets out a yell before using fire magic to surround his hand. He hooks his hand into the bloody flesh then drags across the belly. He uses fire and force to open up the large lizard, having its guts spill out. He rushes to the creature that's now screeching out in pain. Majeed uses its succumb to pain to jumping axe kick the back of its neck, tearing through the webbing between its spikes. The webbing prevents the creature to snap its spine in one kick so Majeed uses the leg he kicked to propel himself above it. He lands both of his legs onto the creatures neck with tremendous force, hearing a sickening snap come from it.

The brawler steps off the large lizard, watching its whole form drop to the floor. Majeed closes his eyes, muttering a prayer until he's interrupted by the guy who notified him of the creature. He whistles, "I can nevah get used to yah brutality, Majeed. The damn thing look like it been killed by a group of Western soldiers." The man frowns at the other guy's comment; he never wished to kill the creature. He was only following what the town's people tell him to do. Majeed grunts, glaring at the man before he passes by him. The guy can do the cleanup. Many of the fighters here have become slack because of him.

He heads back to the well-sized stables the towns people have let him live in. It wasn't a home but it was better than the cold rough floor in the mines. His past made him grind his teeth as he reaches his home. Majeed opens the double doors leading into the stables, not bothering to close it behind him when he enters. The stables has a second floor - more of like an attic to hold hay and other things - that could be accessed up a wooden ladder. He sleeps up their in piles of hay. It wasn't too bad: he's gotten used to the smell of the horses, chilly nights he has a large wool blanket provided by the owners of the stable, and not many people came here.

The few horses inside stare at him as he ascends the ladder to the top. He scoots himself on the second floor, dangling his long legs over the edge. He awaits for another command. Majeed picks up the book one of the children in town gave to him. He's been teaching himself to read for a year now, finally learning how to form complex sentences than grunts and broken speech. The slaves in the mine communicated through hand signals, sounds, broken speech and even fists. Education was never given to them. Majeed is learning things he would have not heard from years ago.

Life is pleasant and he wished for it to the stay that way. He reads the page where he left off; the title of the book reads: Tales of the Beasts in the South. The brightness outside provide as a light for him through a window nearby.
Ayda had wandered for a time really she did not know the directions of this surface world, she knew it was divided in four, though in truth the situation was more complex than four neat boarders. This however did not mean she knew where she was going inside the realm or honestly which realm she was in. If she was right she was somewhere near the border of the north region. This of course was a lightly patrolled area given what lived on the other side where unthinking beasts and not armies, this also meant that cities were rare.

Ayda however knew that there was a small city somewhere nearby that much she had stolen from the last brain she had eaten, the bandits had been attacking the few caravans that came by they were lightly guarded so they made a decent sum, of course they didn’t carry much but apparently that was the trade off for attacking such easy targets.

After what was surely hours of travel she came upon the city, which while having no walls had at least a check point, still they were just humans and Ayda easily charmed them with a little psionic manipulation so that they did not ask questions. She could have made them thralls but first she wanted to know more of the city before she made it her feeding ground.
Peds had carried Gerld to the medical tent at the camp. "You gonna be allright boss?" He asked. Even after much insisting from Gerld and logical reasoning from the doctor (it was "only a flesh wound" afterall) Peds still didn't leave. "Peds, if you don't leave now, you'll have kitchen cleanup for the next month." Gerld groaned, "Just... Go scout out the roads, how about that. You have those fancy contraptions Halk stuck on you, get going." Peds flexed his legs, being metal from the right kneecap and the left hip down. Halk had melded the ornate things he wore on his stumps, and they looked almost exactly like metal human legs. Peds agreed reluctantly, but sped out the tent with superhuman speed.

Halk and Roxii made it to camp. A field medic came to check Halk's mental workings. Luckily, Halk only had a minor concussion, but would need to sit down and sleep for a bit. As Halk half walked, haf limped to his forge, he yawned and rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey Roxii?" He asked. "Thanks for helbing us out." He said through his broken nose, "I mean, that blan would neber have workeb if you habn't have spent all your energy on the invisibility sbell." Halk crossed the threshold of his forge and collapsed into his well worn armchair with a sigh/groan. Roxii had saved his ass time and time again in the past year or so, and he hers. The favors they owed eachother had stacked up so much they'd lost count multiple times. "You neeb anything, leb me know. But you allreaby know you can come to me for anything right?" Halk gave her a playful knuckle on the shoulder.
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Peds sped along the road. He ran. He ran and he ran and he ran. Running was something he loved doing. He went faster than anyone or anything he knew of, and it was exhilirating. He only didn't have legs for a month before Halk had come to his small home in the east bearing the parcel labled "Payment for a well respected friend". Those were his legs, and Peds never had to take them off since. He could walk, he could run, they were exactly like his old legs. Cept metal. And awesome. He made a sharp turn perhaps too fast and ran into something hard. A loud clang of his legs hitting something else metal rang out. "Sonofabitch, shit," he cursed. He stood up, being knocked backwards onto his rump, and stood. He examined the... What the hell was this, he didn't know. One thing he did know was it was blocking the road. "Well, roads have to stay clear..." He mused, readying his hands and letting out a strong charge of magical electricity into the thing in an attempt to move it.
The machine reacted violently, sparks flying from each part of its body in arcs, hands, legs and all. The with a final spark it started to 'reboot' so to speak. Each limb shaking, testing its agility and reflexes, making sure that each joint was operational. It was like moving, but a song with no rhythm or pattern, just spastic and retarded movements that made no sense. Then next up was weapons diagnostic, a saw blade revving up and making cruel sounding grinding noises, while the flame throwing lights up with mage fire, and letting out a huge gout of flames that nearly burns the poor bastard in front of him to a crisp, and effortlessly bakes the dirt into a clay like, hard substance. The slingshot let's out a few dry shots, and with all its current weapons tested the lights in its eyes finally lighting up. "Systems re-engaged, analysing surroundings!"

The machine looks over its surrounding and a odd sounding beep sounds as it draws its conclusion. "Area unknown, missing crucial information, data corrupt!" That was the last of its mechanical speech pattern, and then comes a human voice speaking what sounds like through a filter, as if it were wearing a gas mask. "Hmm, mortal, interesting. Who are you and where am I exactly. Speak quickly, I don't have much time until.... Until.... I don't remember. You! What have you done to me?" X reveals his weapons once more, specifically a steam powered rifle with a bullet large enough to blow any normal humans head in two.
The woman who comes to the town has already got some of the town's men on their heels. Again, not many visitors come to the town of Moonbright so many were interested in the stranger who enters the town. A few dumb men have decided to approach the "lady" with questions. "Hey, ma'am. Yah pretty far from tha city. Our town likes visitahs so com'in by the only tavern we got. Tha only best liquor that's heard in these parts," the guy turns to his other idiot friends. "Right, fellahs? Cause der no othah taverns like ours in a ten - what our fightah call it - "mile" radius."

Many of the town folk weren't on the bright side. For staying in this farming town most of their life, many of the adults stick to the traditional ways of doing things instead of educating themselves. Majeed believes even some of the young adults and children were smarter than some of the middle aged adults and elders. The country bumpkin continued, "Mind if we take yah to the tavern, sweetheart? Or you wanna see the horsies - I'm sure girls like dem fine steeds, ye?" The others laugh behind him.

Majeed looks up from his book, hearing the loud commotion outside. He didn't bother to check it out, knowing that it was some of the people he deemed "too hopeless to understand." He lets out an annoyed huff before laying on his back with his legs still dangling at the edge. The cushion of the hay made it easier to lie down on the wooden surface.

Ayda really only barely understood these backwards beings, their way of speaking was not what she had learned from the minds of the thralls her people had taken. She understood them only by reading their thoughts which were as vulgar as one might expect from such a lowly species. Still despite the desire to blast these fools away for such a transgression against her, for in her mind she was still above her people who were above these beasts so even the thought of them inviting her to such an act was repugnant, she could not as that would give her away. Still the villages small radius did give her a chance to get a better portion of the people’s minds with a simple sweep, as a general rule the more distant you used your psionics the weaker the effect the best she could do to cover the whole village was ping and gather a few thoughts from them all. Still a few thralls might not be too bad she would have to be careful though and leave them what little mind they needed to act like themselves.

I would not mind seeing a few horses far from the sight of others.” She said with a smile not needing to implant the thought of what she meant by the gesture as it was likely the same they had.
The men all grin while chuckling to her answer. They believed that she got the idea on their true intention. "Right this way, ma'am. Us men like treatin a fine woman like yah. To dah stables guys." There were only four guys including the unsaid leader of the group. They follow down the dirt path to the front entrance of the stables. The doors were already wide open and if one looked up, they could see Majeed's legs at the edge of the upper floor. The smell of horse manure is strong near the pens. The three horses shuffle in their small area; one neighing at the large amount of people. The wooden flooring has hay scattered all over it. To the back of the stable, pass the wooden ladder, is horse equipment and barrels.

"Ay Majeed, get outah here if yah don't wanna hear our new lady. Yah can join in if yah wanna. I have nevah seen you bang a pretty in this town. Anyway, ya got a few minutes to leave if yah not joinin," calls out the unsaid leader of the group. Majeed groans annoyance; for gods sake, must they come here now, he thought. He sits up from his position, narrowing his eyes at the group below. His gaze wanders to the woman with them. What was so magnificent about this group that attracted the woman in this town? He shakes his head in disapproval, closes his book, and drops from the upper flooring to the ground, bending his knees when landing to have no physical harm. The fist-fighter lets out a tired huff before standing straight. He wanted to punch the man in front of him but this is the usual agreement. The guy owned the damn stable so he could ask Majeed to leave when he wanted to. Most of the time, the fighter had leave because the idiot's group was going to have fun with some women they picked up. This was no different- hm...

Majeed tilts his head at the woman in question. She reeked of danger; a sixth sense he picked up from surviving in the wilderness by himself. "You..." he mutters while examining the lady. She is indeed attractive, like what the group of bumpkins said, but there was something off about her. Did he want to risk these men to be in any harm? Majeed let the idea of letting them have what they deserved slip his thought. He breaks his eyes away from her, glaring at the group around her. He frowns, "Get out."


"Leave now," he says slightly louder. Two of the guys whistle, one jumps up and down, and the owner of the stables nod. He laughs, "We didn't know yah had it in yah. We thought you were inta men or somethin. We were worried, man." Majeed also liked men but he wasn't going to tell anyone that. The unsaid leader grins and pats Majeed's shoulder, much to the fighter's dislike, "Alrighty, man. You can hav' er. Be gentle though, she's ah pretty."" The group of men laugh as they leave the two alone; they don't close the stable double doors.

Majeed stares at the odd lady in front of him. A breeze from outside flows into the stable. He crosses his arms and speaks his thoughts, "You... are not what you claim to be."
Ayda could feel the stronger mind as she entered the barn, she in truth had intended to leave that one till latter if she even stayed a few farm boy leaving town to look for adventure wasn't to much of a stretch and really that was a better plan than trying to stay here. Still she did have to wonder how this mind knew she wasn't as she appeared the ring should have hid her form from all but someone with the skill to tell she was using such magic. That meant this person was either dangerous or useful depending on how he acted right now he was acting as a threat. She wasn't worried he was just a human and she was the best on the best she could take a single human her mind was sharp and her skills honed but that would be a waste.

" That is some kind of introduction " She said taking on an insulted tone " If you mean I am not a pretty as I look I wear makeup" She said now switching to as if she was joking " Or maybe you mean this" She said holding up her and which ignited into a ball of fire. She didn't know how common mages were up here but regardless she imagined that such a small place would not see many.
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A dark brown, beautifully crafted caravan rolls into the small town of Moonbright. The caravan has a hard top roof crafted of canvas placed carefully on the back of it. This roof is water proof and keeps all contents inside dry from rain. It looks much like a carriage and a caravan merged together. The reason it gives off such a look is because it was. The carriage-van is lead by four white horses that seem to be of Clydesdale breed. Standing erect from behind their coach seat is a pole holding the flag of the noble house from which the carriage-van was lent, house Renstad.

The dusty road leading to the town gives both Sibel and Elise the impression there isn't much gold to go around. With their carriage is a silent man standing in the back with the supplies beneath the canvas hard top. He wears solid steel with small eye holes in his visor. Atop his head is a red plume and in the sheath by his side is a long steel sword with a silver and brass hilt.

Upon entering the small township, Elise feels it a must to announce their presence. "Oi! Lady Renstad and foreign merchant Elise, that's me, are here to give you the deals of a life time!" Elise hopes to draw someone out since the town seems awfully quiet. "Elise, sit down. They'll come as they always do and buy what they always buy." Sibel lets go of the reigns with one hand and gently strokes Elise's leg. Elise lowers herself down onto the seat made of wood and cushioned with small, red velvet pillows. "I'm getting tired of selling beer to drunkards."

"As am I, darling. As am I."

The group ride deeper into the small township and set up their caravan/stall for trade. So far, they've failed to see anyone. This could be due to their focus on their task or because there's no one about. Regardless of what they see, they're guard stands by the two looking somewhat aggressive in stance. His posture was not perfect like when he was riding in the back of the caravan so much as it is compressed, as though ready to spring into action at a moments notice. This was a stance he only took when he assumed thieves nearby or felt something amiss in an area. It stands to reason that the remote location of this town would encourage the people to resort to stealing if they lacked the funds and the guardsman refused to allow such a thing to happen.

It takes Sibel and Elise only a few minutes before the caravan's doors were open, their table set up and the barrels stacked. Elise climbs into the carriage section of their carriage-van and decides that it'd be a good idea to have some lunch or a drink. She can't decide which was better so decides to do both. While she eats, her guardian Sibel tends to the stall and anyone who might come over for trade.
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(oops forgot to say he knew there is something different with her. he didn't notice that she's not human. "you are not what you seem to be" was supposed to mean she wasn't a innocent lady who would come with the men so willingly with her power. just finished a chunk of math hw so sorry with delayed response)

Majeed is confused with her statement. Most of his interaction with the townspeople were "Majeed, carry this." or "Hey yah, kill tha big thingy with pointy teeth." The females were too afraid to have a full conversation with him. His first year with the town consisted of them pointing their instructions and very slowed down speech, which offended him but he didn't bother to say. Having a woman talk to him is a nice change.

He didn't understand why she seem to be offend by what he said. When he sees the fire come out of her hand, his eyes widen; another fire user like him? There are a few mages in the town but most of their magic is healing or accelerating plant growth. The town's mages that used more destructive magic were sent to the war. Majeed's heart skipped a beat. Maybe she could teach him how to master fire magic? Books had a limit and getting books here in such a rural town is difficult.

"You can use fire too?" he holds out his hand with his palm facing up. Majeed creates his own ball of fire but its a small spherical shape floating in the center of his palm. The breeze coming into the stable causes the ball to flicker from its smooth shape. His stares at the fire with self-disappointment. If only they didn't restrain him in the mines at a young age...

( np you mentioned sixth sense so that worked out)

Ayda now found use in this surface dweller he seemed lacking in the mental department , but he could use magic and while she wouldn't get anything from eating his mind, meaning she wouldn't bother except in emergency, she could still use him as something. Well at least she had a good reason why she wasn't normal even if she didn't have long term plans which was something she hadn't thought to much of after coming to the surface, she had a goal and she had about 2 or so centuries to do it but her lack of knowledge meant she could not engage in the normal political games. The man was uneducated in the ways of magic no doubt meaning he was self taught she might be at that level without the kindness of a few mages, or rather their minds.

" I see perhaps that is why you saw me as different unlike others I don't need to fear what a few backwater drunks plan for me ." She said " But yes I have the gift of magic not just fire but more much more, I would teach you but I do not think I will stay here long" She admitted the city was nice enough but not a place fitting her also if she stayed she would likely eat all the inhabitants and that would be a shame.
Majeed eyes shine at the thought of someone finally teaching him. It isn't just any fire user. She had knowledge for many other types of magic. The woman is a possible mentor he didn't want to loose the opportunity to be guided by her. It reminded him of the other slaves back in the mine teaching him how to fight with no weapon or magic. He is eager to advance his skill in fire magic; this would give him a higher chance of surviving difficult battles. The fist-fighter didn't know how long he could keep up with the increase amount of monsters appearing from the North border. Fire magic is a must.

When she says that she would not stay long in the village, Majeed's heart sank. He could train for the days she would stay here... but he needed more. The idea of leaving Moonbright dawns on him. They have let him stay with them for almost three years. He'd love to leave this place and go off exploring the world he wants to learn more about though having the town fend for themselves against the monsters prevents him from leaving. It was like another set of shackles telling him he couldn't do anything. There could be a way to let him roam free with no fear of having the town being attacked. The amount of monsters increasing are the large lizards that keep showing up across the river into North Region territory. What the town didn't know is that there is a hoard of large lizard having a nest close to the river.

"...I-" Majeed is interrupted by a towns person at the entrance of the stables. "Ay Majeed," he notices the woman with him and gives a nod, "Ma'am," before continuing, "Merchants are here. I know you like buyin dem books. Come on. Uh. Yah lady can come too." He glares at the interruption but the guy ushers him to come. It must be important that the townspeople are asking him to come. Majeed lets out a sigh before motioning the woman to follow him. Usually the townsfolk only force him to come if the situation is something new or they want someone to watch over them. As they walk to were people were slowly gathering with interest, the man tells him, "Fancy-ass ride rolled in town. Nevah thought I see tha day when some rich merchant decides a town in tha middle of nowah, to be worth selling stuff too. Hope dey not pricey."

It is the first time a merchant that seems to have good items. Not many bothered to ride their caravan down the rough dirt roads to Moonbright. Majeed observes the caravan and stall. The white horses catch his attention because he's never seen such a breed around these parts. The horses in the stables couldn't be compared to those. "Go on," he says to the man who led them here. He gives a thumbs up to Majeed before joining the few people in scanning the items.

@Cookie the Brave @Karcen
Elise sits in the carriage eating her lunch for the most part. For some reason the slight black char on the corners of her meat strikes a chord with her and she finds herself lost in a memory or at least the haze of a memory of ash and fire. She remembers the screaming, the carnage, the pain and most of all the blinding smoke in the air. She lowers the piece of meat down and plucks the burnt piece of flesh off it. She takes another bite and finds the memory to fade away much like the memories of her father, of her brother.

Moving on has always been on of Elise's strengths but even she surprised herself at how easily she could choose to forget the pain or even the existence of certain things. She takes one more bite and finds her teeth pressed against a bone. 'Finished? Already?' her thoughts focus on the moment and make her smile. She opens the doors of the carriage and tosses the bone out on the street before climbing out and heading around to the back of the caravan.

At the back of the caravan stands Sibel behind the table, speaking with the townsfolk about items. One woman asks about the possession of an obscure and somewhat rare item. "Lavender scented candles? Umm.. Ohh dear, let me see." Sibel begins to go through a crate in the back of the caravan where many different sized and coloured candles lay. She takes out one of each and sets them on the table. She slowly lowers her fingers on each one's wick. One after the other she sets them alight, waiting for the woman inquiring to confirm which one smells of lavender. The woman sounds somewhat disappointed when she smells the last one and it smells of roses, "No lavender.. I knew you wouldn't 'ave it. I'll take the 'ellow one instead." Sibel holds her hand up and shakes the glow out from the tips of her fingers before holding out an open hand. "Wonderful, that shall only cost you a coin for two. Or would you rather make a trade?" The woman replies, "I've got a piece 'ere. Thank you very much."

The enchanter and assassin finally made it to the camp, and she was relieved when he was able to carry some of his own weight. She helped him to his forge, and watched as he settled down. He seemed satisfied to be back in his safehaven. Roxii would be, too, if she had one anymore. Ever since her hideout had been raided and destroyed, the elf had been hanging out around the encampment. However, she never really felt safe here. It was a war camp; how could ever that feel like home? She wasn't exactly sure what she was doing at this point. Sure, the assassin has been helping out with the war, but what about after that? Would she just go back to fulfilling assassination contracts, earning hundreds of thousands of gold, avoiding bounty hunters and other forms of death, buying more equipment for assassinating, and then repeat this over and over, day by day? Would that be her every day life once—or if—this was over?

Repetition was never a thing that the wood elf enjoyed too much. Even while she was assassinating, she'd attempt to change up her methods a bit: an arrow from afar or from a foot away, a slice to the throat or spilling out their organs, suffocating or drowning, poison by weapon or poison in their food and drink. At the time, it satisfied her monotonous life. But ever since she met Halk and Elise, Sibel, Roxas, and everyone else, even Gregory, her routine had become somewhat more... lively. She realized that she wanted to do more with her life than just assassinating. The elf still enjoyed the occupation, but not as a lone job. She wanted something more.

Halk broke her out of her thoughts, thanking her for aiding them in the battle. Roxii nodded curtly in response, accepting the friendly gesture. A year ago, the elf would've reacted rather harshly. But she had grown to like the enchanter, thus allowing him to do as such. She let out a short breathy laugh again at his impaired speech, but it wasn't accompanied by a smile of any sort, as per usual. The woof elf may've become more loose over the past year, but she still kept a tight grip on her emotions. "
Of course."


The sun was just setting in the encampment. (It should be noted the sun of this world travles across the sky from south to north. The people of the north will experience a little more daylight than the others.) Halk was exhausted from the previous battle, and was lulled to sleep by Roxii's voice. She didnt speak often, but every one of her words was like silk to him, and rarer than precious metals. He guessed that was why he enjoyed it so much, it was such a rare commodity.


Peds backpedled. "Shit" he breathed. "Dwarves. Dwarvesdwarvesdwarves..." Peds was nervous now, and when he was nervous he usually ran. But dawrves? Now there was an object of obvious dwarf craftsmanship, nobody except maybe Halk could make something mechanical like this bigass thing. And now that it was here must mean there were dwarves nearby. "Where's the short people?" Peds jerked his head around, shifting his weight from foot to foot, fidgeting. "They made you right? Ahhh, are you here to fight?"


Kelvin raised his hand to knock on the door of the forge, but thought better of it. Halk was probably sleeping. In his hand was a note of leave for Halk, signed by Gerld and the six members of the council. Both him and Kelvin agreed that Halk was too valuable a forgemaster to be so close to combat, even more apparent since the last encounter. Gerld had actually sent a request to remove Halk earlier in the month, and had just recieved it now. The council agreed: the best enchanter employed by the military needed to see less action.

Halk of course would be furious when he found out. Both Kelvin and Gerld knew Halk never backed down from any fight, even if he knew he was beat. Time and time again the medium sized, strong minded (and armed from working in the forge), hard headed enchanter who was barely of drinking age had proven to be a better stategist than Gerld. He was facing a whole line of promotions, but insisted he stay at the front, working with his friends, even those he considered brothers, family. Gerld had told Kelvin to escort Halk to one of their camps where minimal action was seen so far, close to the small village of Moonbright in the north, about a days journey away. Most of the soldiers there were amateurs at best, and Kelvin and Halk would whip them into shape and supply them with much needed gear. Kelvin took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Halk-" he was stopped by the figure of Roxii. Halk was sleeping in his armchair. The only place Kelvin had seen him sleep. 'when he does sleep', Kelvin thought. He ran a hand through his hair. "Roxii, I uh... Here." He handed Roxii the note of leave. "We're moving Halk. There's too much action here." He explained. He averted his eyes from the piercing blue and grey gaze of the assassins. He trusted her, but that didn't mean he needed to like her. Her skill with the bow was uncanny, Kelvin had never seen her miss a shot. She could sneak around like nobody's business as well. "I'm supposed to take him up a little ways north. There's a wagon ready to take him up there, I'm all rested, Gerld said it would be best to just pick him up and go when he's asleep..." Kelvin paused. Even though Roxii wasn't very big, she was intimidating, and in his way to Halk. "Can I... Can I get around you?" He asked sheepishly.
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X look Peds up and down, unimpressed with its lack of a desired response. "I'm not in the mood, now answer my question, or I'll carve it out of you!" X switched over from rifle to saw blade and revved it up menacingly. He then jumped up high into the air, far more than even seems possible, making his way up a good twenty feet, before landing with a harsh thud on top of Peds. X purposely missed hitting, but instead used his own body as a cage while lining up the saw blade to his throat. "I'll ask once more. Who are you, and where am I?!" One wrong move and he would react with the speed that only a machine could hone. X was in no mood for games.

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