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Fantasy Classic Fantasy: Gathered Misfits

Halk was just getting back to the camp when he saw the dragon. "Holy fekin' sheetz." Kelvin wistled. Halk catiously edged himself around the dragon, under those glimmering watchful eyes, and heard his name being called. His head snapped up to see Roxas. His jacket was smudged with soot from the fire Atticus had caused, but otherwise, unmarked and unharmed. "Right here Roxas, right here." He waved his two-fingered wave and strode across the now settling battlefeild, the fires finally extinguished, the moondust still shimmering on the ground. "I'm fine."

Kelvin smirked a bit, but then remembered where they were and what had just transpired. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, sir?" Halk faced him. "I'll... leave you to your buisness... I assume Gerld will want a casualty report." Halk nodded once in confirmation, and Kelvin headed off.

Gerld and Kelvin stood in the command tent, or what was left of it anyways. "Only thirty men survived? Are you sure?" Gerld asked, rubbing his tempes. "Well, on the upside, none of them are wounded, all the wounded are dead." Kelvin offered, not exactly helpfully. Gerld sighed. "We're going to need reinforcements. I'll write up a report to the council. I'm going to have to travel there myself to get anything done. They HAVE to realize the war machine's turning at full speed now." Kelvin nodded. "But sir?" He asked. Gerld raised his eyebrows. "Who'll be in charge?" Gerld rubbed his chin. "Halk will need to work harder than ever, so I won't put that burden on his shoulders. He's requested to not be put in charge of any kind of combat to the council himself, anyways. That leaves you." Kelvin wasn't exactly suprised, just unsure of himself. "Sure. I mean, I'll hold down the fort while you're gone sir." Gerld shook his head. "No. If you are going to be overwhelmed at any time, pull out. I'll not have my men slaughtered." Kelvin nodded. "I understand sir."
Roxas gave Halk a smile and nodded to the dragon. "I brought my..friend Sky, typically known as Creature of the Sky, he was attacked by humans almost two years ago, and seeing as we're under almost constant attack" Roxas paused, although she knew this wasn't constant attack, it was close enough. "I figured a reinforcement, would be a good idea, plus who doesn't love dragons." Roxas said and looked over at sky, the beasts eyes closed and he nodded his head. "I shall come around when you're in need of assistance, as for payment, consider getting to get fat on humans my payment." His voice was like a whisper in her head. She bowed once and watched the creature take to the sky. "Any way, is there any big damage here?" Roxas asked looking around and trying to take in the camp.
Roxii arrived to the war-torn camp, searching for anyone she recognized. The dragon taking off, however, was quite the eye-catcher. She watched the creature fly off, noticing that the dragon had left the company of Roxas and Halk. She made her way over to the two, flicking her gaze up at the disappearing creature one last time. Once she was close enough, she inquired with slight concern, "What happened?"

(Short posts are short.)
Halk laughed harshly. "Look around you, half the camp's burned down." He said, answering Roxii's and Roxas questions both at the same time. "But it doesn't seem like we'll miss what's gone, I mean, it was moostly just living quarters... of people who arent alive anymore..." His voice trailed off. The sun was just beginning to poke its eyes over the horizon. A new day. That meant more work, more rebuilding, more defensive measures... He was broken out of his trance by Kelvin clapping him on the back. "Sir?" Halk's unfocused eyes snapped back into position. "What?" Kelvin put his hands behind his back. "Gerld is going outland to get reinforcements. He's left me in charge." Halk nodded. "That's great. Gods knows we need them." Kelvin turned heel and left, leaving Halk with the 'rocks'. That's when he lost composure. "A DRAGON?!?!? Roxas, you never told me you knew a DRAGON!!!! What's he like? How does he talk? Does he eat things aside from meat? How often? How old is he? How hard are his scales? Do dragons really know everything?" Halk stopped himself with a glance at the sky, looking for the fire breathing creature. "There is so much stuff I want to know... I should sit down and have a long chat with him sometime..."
"Oh goodness, well Sky is a younger dragon, five or six centuries old, he's not even done growing. He eats a lot of meat, humans of course, but he also eats other things like leaves and sometimes wood. He doesn't eat those very often because too much can make a dragon sick. Let's see, he talks through speech in your head, mind whispering is what dragons call it. Sky seems to know a lot, but not everything, he told me once his father knows everything. Because he's so young, his scales aren't as hard as many think, he can be hurt by arrows and swords if he's caught off guard." Roxas said and looked at the living quarters. "You know uou could probably just, rebuild easier by weaving branches, instead of making houses and such." Roxas suggested, she didn't have a whole lot of experience with building anything besides fortresses of leaves and nature. She glanced at Roxii who was approaching and smiled, giving the woman her best smile. "The camp was ambushed, we also have a new recruit he's a dragon named sky, we also have thanks to give to Halk for reacting quickly." She patted the man on his shoulder. "We also lost lives here." She added quietly.
Roxii nodded her head once in acknowledgement to both answers, gazing around the ruined camp. The rising sun was beginning to reveal the severity of the ambush. She looked towards the sick bay, noticing that it was completely destroyed. If she hadn't left when she did, she'd have been severely injured—again—or worse, dead. For once, her uncontrollable anger had saved her.

Watching Halk's momentary "freak out" moment about the creature, she couldn't help but let out a short laugh. If she weren't such a composed individual, she'd probably be doing a similar thing. Dragons were among some of her favourite creatures, alongside wolves, and admired the beasts' ferocity and grace. She had always hoped to meet one someday, and perhaps that day would be sooner than she had thought. "Interesting day."
"Yes it has been," Halk said, rubbing his chin, "And it's just started. There's always something to do in the military..." Halk's eyes widened. "Oh yea, where's the little merchant? Gregory's dead." He said that a bit too matter-of-factly. He looked around him. "I still need to make her gloves. Ah well, all that can be done without the extra frills and laces she wants added on, those can come later." Halk walked over to his now somewhat plant covered forge (while the forge had been built with multiple protective charms, the plants were not) and tugged on his clawed gauntlets. "That dragon doesn't like humans, does he?" Halk mused. Well, as long as the dragon was happy and didn't ask anything of them, Halk was fine with him.
"It has been an interesting day, and it's only just begun, Halk, Sky hates humans, the whole reason we met is because he was attacked by them and I had to treat the wounds they gave him. That was about three years ago, we've stayed in touch for the most part." Roxas said, and her eye brow arched. "The merchant is dead? Well I suppose that makes Elise our charge than." She muttered and put her hands on her hips. "You know if you want help with the living quarters I could weave houses, it takes a while, but plant houses can protect from rain and keep people warm." Roxas said and then added "if either of uou wanted to meet sky, we could call him back, he's all for talking, and all he wants is too slaughter humans." She added the last bit so Halk would know that the deal with the dragon was feeding him humans.
Roxii's expression hardened at the mention of the merchant being dead. Of course, she should've guessed by the fact that the man was strapped down in the now-demolished sick bay. However, it made her realize the severity of the situation. They had lost a lot of men during this ambush, including those who were recovering and could've joined the upright forces. So that was why one of the men had left. They were in dire need of more men. The odds needed to be evened out if the east were to win this war.

The assassin paused for a moment. She was thinking as if she actually cared about this war. She had already told herself before: as long as she wasn't dragged into it, she wouldn't participate in something that didn't already involve her. So why was she acting like it mattered to her? So what; the east was attacking, their forces growing stronger each attack, and there were mass casualties on both sides. Roxii didn't care. She wasn't involved, and she liked it that way.
Halk had cut some metal with his gauntlets and had warmed it in the fire. It was now rolling about his wrists, forming loops, wriggling about. "Hmm. Well, it would be nice. Sometime later perhaps." He took off his gauntlets and went to form the metal around his hands, but realized that Elise was still a child, and a girl, nonetheless. Her hands must have been extremely small. He motioned for Roxii to come closer. "Roxii dearest, I need your hands for a moment." He said, spinning a globule of melted steel in the air, "I'll keep it from burning you, don't worry."
Roxii narrowed her eyes at the enchanter and let out another short breath of laughter at his address to her: "dearest". He sounded like an old woman. Stepping closer hesitantly, she gazed at him with a cold look that said "Keep your word", holding out her hands.

(I absolutely have no clue how to expand this. I haven't written short posts like this since I first started writing. Jfc.)
Halk muttered a few words and Roxii's skin became tinted blue for a moment, then shimmered once and returned to normal. He molded the steel around her hands, forming a type of glove. "Hmmm." He mused, rubbing his chin and controlling the molten metal with his mind, taking it abart in little droplets, then forming those droplets into globules of shapless matter, fitting them around her hands again and again. He appeared to be satisfyed after awhile, and took her by the wrist and put her hands into the trough of water beside the forge. The metal steamed, then cooled, and Halk let go. "Wiggle your fingers around a bit, how do they feel?" Halk asked.

(it's cool bruh, it's cool)
Roxii kept her hands completely still as she watched Halk work his magic—literally. The way he worked was quite mesmerizing: the way the molten metal warped at his mental commands. Now imagine if we could control the elements... Imagine the chaos...

The assassin broke out of her thoughts at Halk's inquiry. She clenched her hands into fists and moved each finger rhythmically. "They seem fine."
Rosas watched the two work, and her bright and bubbly demeanor returned, she plopped herself into Halk's chair and watched the two work. She ooed and awed as the hands of roxii turned blue for just a moment and then she watched as Halk put gloves on the assassin. "Bet those hands would feel great else where too." She muttered and closed her eyes, relaxing into the back of the chair. She tugged at the hem of the cut off trousers she wore. She wasn't sure how men wore full trousers, it was just too uncomfortable. However, these shortened trousers were delightful. "Mmmm do you need my help?" She asked. Her lips curved into a smirk "for anything." Her eyes opened and she waited for a response.
Halk clapped his hands once, delighted. "Lovely. I can't add any enchantments until the young one gives me the cut stones, but this is a good start. I hope they fit." Halk turned to Roxas. "Yes actually. What do you know in the way of snares?" He had some sets of armor that needed more enchantments, and picked one up. "Traps need to be set around the camp to prevent another ambush like last night. Such things couldn't be made from vines and trees, could they?"

Gerld was walking through a town. The children giggled and ran around his feet, giddy with pleasure to see a real live soldier. The adults called for their children to leave the man alone. The grim expression on his face was enough to tell them this man was not in a good mood. Nor did he carry good news.

Kelvin had fifteen men pitching tents and searching through the debris of last night for anything useful. The rest of the men were attempting to place magic traps and runes along the borders of the camp. They were making slow progress. None of them had the skill that Halk did when it came to the anchient language of power. Kelvin sighed and looked over to where the enchanter worked. He was something. Humble (well, most of the time), kind, strong, and not power hungry. An excellent role model. Kelvin shook his head. Halk was prideful. not a bad thing, but not a good thing either. He was also not as hard as he could be. He could have killed all fourty men last night at once, but he had them trapped, and had Atticus do it instead. Kelvin's fist tightened, the flesh of his palm digging into the wrist guards Halk had made for him. If Halk wouldn't be the big man, and Gerld was counting on him, Kelvin would have to do it himself. He called one of his men over. "Halk needs three barrels of quicksilver moved, go do it." The man nodded, and hurried off to do as he said. Kelvin tilted his head to the sky and inhaled, catching the scent of ash and charcoal. That wasn't a pleasant smell. He lifted his wristguard to his face and inhaled, the strong scent of force magic filling his nostrils. THAT was.
Roxas mused over that for a moment and got up, calculating how much time it would take her alone to put traps up around the camp. "You know, I could make you a wall and you could place a spell on it? Vines and thorns can be damn near indestructible when sown together, not to mention it would attract wild life, which could be good for us." Roxas paused and shook her head. Not the best plan. "As for snares and traps?

I could make something to wear if stepped on the men would be trapped in a net, off the ground by" she paused and looked out of the forge at the trees and then looked back in "maybe ten or twelve feet." She said, and smoothed her hands down her side. "If I had more nymphs on hand, we could be doing this all within a few hours, but although I know where my sisters are, besides that nymphs remain allusive, and rightly so." She paused again, frustration making her shoulders stiffen up. "However, traps like nets can be easy, and I can ask poison ivy to grow like wild fire, making a shield of sorts." She added.
Sibel spirals up to the surface of the water, making small and controlled gasps for air as her hands raise high above her head pointed to the sky. She opens her eyes and finds herself reaching for the white dotted stars of the night sky. For a moment she's forgotten the reason she went to the bottom of the stream in the first place. It wasn't until her fingers stopped reaching for the white spots that freckle the night sky's face of beauty and began to wriggle for an almost burnt umber quilt of ash that she realised the camp was still engulfed in flames.

Sibel's hands hesitantly glide down from the sky and rest in the cool waters of the calm stream, moving frequently enough to keep her afloat but not too much as to make her move from her location. She looks around for Elise who has surprisingly remained in the same location. Behind Elise, the fires roar and the encampment's raging flames begin to die down. She assumes, logically, that someone or something was putting out the fires which would mean it's safe to return.

Elise finally peers over her shoulder. She'd managed to see the smoke in the sky and obviously a mild reflection of the large flames in the otherwise colourless water's reflection. She sees the dying down flames and makes her way out of the stream towards her towel. She bends her knees to pick up the rectangular piece of cloth which she then places over her shoulder.

Sibel turns her attention from the encampment back on Elise and snaps at her in a harsh obviously concerned tone, "What are you doing?!" Elise turns around to face Sibel with the towel still over her shoulder. She clears her throat and tells her with a 'sweet to the point of being almost offensive' tone, "I'm going back to the camp.. With the people who know how to actually keep us safe.. You know, the big guy and stuff?" Sibel is taken back by this comment. Elise smiles before turning around on her heels and facing the encampment. Deep down she's feeling terrified about returning but those feelings would have to wait until she had someone who could defend her around. As much as she likes Sibel, the healer isn't exactly a 'powerful' woman.. At least not in her eyes.

Sibel's arms move like lightning through the water as she makes her way to the bank of the stream. She climbs out with haste and power walks up next to Elise where she stands attentively and unnervingly close. Elise looks up at Sibel with a smile and states the obvious which has seemed to escape Sibel, "You're still naked. Might want to get your thing first." Sibel's cheeks turn a bright pink as she rushes back to her towel. She calls out to Elise as she bends over with straight legs, her rear sticking out into the air and in Elise's direction, "Thanks little one. Can you wait for me before you head off? After all, I'm the only one you can trust right now am I not?" Elise remains rather unphased by Sibel's awkward position as she replies, "I can trust him too. Gregory's not done anything wrong by me and besides, I barely know you," she pauses as Sibel picks up her towel and turns around to face her, "But if you mean right here by this stream bank. Then you do have a point and I'd be stupid not to agree with you."

Sibel fiddles around with her towel until she feels it completely covers her cleavage and voluptuous figure. Elise leaves her towel over her shoulder as the two head back to the camp. Elise figures that no one will really care about a naked girl when their beds and possessions are on fire. The two make their way across grass and dirt in good time. Taking them only a few minutes of power walking until they reached the first of the burned down tents. The tent they first reach was just a regular footman squad's. One burned corpse hangs over the edge of a burned out piece of canvas and its weight brings the frail tent down onto the ground. Embers and ash fling into the air to begin their spiral dance down to the ground, their path intersecting that of the two women.

Elise jumps back as the wooden pylons collide with the ground, bumping into the rather distracted Sibel with whom she had arrived with. Sibel's eyes are focused on a very familiar looking tent that's now detailed by burn marks and black streaks all the way up its walls. Sibel begins to stagger forwards, knocking Elise out of the way as she moves. She takes only a total of ten paces before falling on her knees and pulling at her hair. Her eyes widen in panic and begin to fill with tears. They run down her cheeks and to her chin where they drip to the scorched earth underfoot, silently mourning the loss of her patients and her work.

Elise fails to understand Sibel's reasoning behind her actions and places a hand on the elf's shoulder. This proves an ear piercing mistake as the elf screams like a banshee in distress. Her left hand moves over her eye as her right claws at her scalp in disbelief. Elise removes her hand and covers her ears in agony as Sibel continues to scream. She holds strong this scream for a good minute or so, impressive since she hadn't taken a deep breath before it. When her screaming fit ends she hangs her head down and falls over in the dirt, her towel coming loose on her body as she weeps for the loss of everything she had.
Nasanru had been searching for the little merchant and it had never occurred to him to check a place she might be bathing, mostly as well he didn't really need to hit rotting had long ago stopped and water would just bring it back , now scented oils those would be his way of removing any lingering scent. Still he really should have remembered that mortals did such things especially females and take that into account he seemed to be forgetting so many things in his old age like the bathing habits of mortals and just how duplicitous they could be.

There however proved no need to have even remembered such a trivial fact as it seemed the one he was looking for had returned and even brought the apothecary with her, which was how he even knew where the little girl was the woman screamed like a banshee and he happened to look over there wondering if perhaps one had shown up. Well people would need help once they actually had anything to treat the wounds they had. Nasanru of course only had an interest in the merchant girl he had been nothing but kind and she had repaid him with false accusations and distrust, well at least the cause of her misfortune was gone though now she would be alone and it was never safe to travel alone.

" Ah there you are young one" he said his voice a cold echo among the burning cinders of the camp " I have been looking for you as I sadly have some bad news, though I also have a wonderful offer for you as well because just giving bad news just seems to cruel" He said an amused feeling in this echoing mental voice.

@Cookie the Brave
Elise kneels beside the obviously mortified apothecary. Sibel begins to roll back and forth a little as she sobs about her "Lost work," and "Wounded patients left to burn." The two pay little attention to their surroundings at this point in time. That is until the large skeletal figure approaches them. Elise first catches a glimpse of a distorted and twisting shadow projected by the dying light of the fires. Her head snaps in the direction of the shadow's caster, laying eyes on the large skeletal figure known to her in her own mind's confines as the 'creepy lich person'.

She goes to call out to him to get an aid but he begins to talk, and for some reason, she can't bring herself to speak over him. "Ahh, there you are young one" his cold tone sends a chill up Elise's spine. She never really has trusted him even though he hasn't openly shown himself to be of evil intentions. "I have been looking for you. I sadly have some bad news, though I also have a wonderful offer for you. Just giving bad news seems too cruel to me." his amusement irking Elise to no end. She's no fool so she has an idea it's got something to do with a deceased individual. But who could he have that died? He already gave her the soul of her deceased brother after all.

Elise brings herself to her feet. Her slow pace and distant stare make it seem as if she too has gone through something traumatic but prefers to battle it alone without the help of others. With her bare skin illuminated by the dying flames, she raises a hand to the lich and asks a clear set of questions, "Did you do this? What news do you bring? What gift could you possibly have for me?" She seems angered and almost as if she expects him to straight out claim that he set the fires and that all this misfortune was his doing.

If Sibel could talk through her panic, or even understood anything anyone was saying through her distress, she'd likely ask him if anyone from her tent survived. She doesn't suspect the skeletal man to be responsible but does expect that he saved one or two people here and there. If she finds out he didn't save anyone her level of respect for him will plummet drastically though her sense of trust in the lich won't really change all that much.
Halk nodded, still fiddling with the armor. "Do what you would like. I'm not the boss, haha." At that moment one of the soldires knocked on the doorless frame, toting a heavy barrel over one shoulder. "This is yours?" He grunted, "I've still got two more." Halk noded, not taking his eyes from his work. "The quicksilver? Yes. Oh hold on a minute." Halk uncorked the barrel, cuping his hand and taking out a handful of the silvery metal. He tossed it into the air lightly, holding the silver orbs in place with his mind. He tilted his head and inspected them at an odd angle. "Yes yes, lovely." He said, spinning his hands, sendig the different globes spinning this way and that, all in a nice controlled orbit around a single point in space. "This is good, this is good. Come here, I need you for a moment." Halk clenched his fist, pulling all the quicksilver together and opened it, having the material coat his hand. "Here, blast protection." Halk placed his hand on the soldiers left chestplate, the quicksilver wriggling about for a moment, then settling down, imbedding itself in the armor. The handprint lingered there, along with small fissures of quicksilver digging into the metal. The man nodded his thanks and left. Halk returned to the piece of armor he was working with, talking to Roxas. "You never told me you had sisters. Are they like, actual sisters or is that just a term of endearment? Like nuns or something?"
Really after all he had done for the girl, she did not trust him and thought he would burn the camp down. Now Nasanru was not normally one to care about how others trusted him but apparently unless he kidnapped the girl she would think he was evil she seriously liked the man he knew killed her family more than him who had given her little brother back. Well if she was going to be like that Nasanru would lose interest in her the enchanter had more things to keep him entertained .

" Hmmm I see despite bringing you your little brother I am sorely not trusted here." He mused for a second " Well either way after I used some minions to occupy some of the enemy troops I went to look for you little one seeing you were not at your wagons I stopped them from burning down and you losing the last thing that ties you to your family. Well after you were gone I came to this tent and it seems I was a bit too late to save your families murder, you know what was his name Gregory that guy who most likely was allied with our enemy, yeah he is dead. " he said a little vindictive but the girl was one hell of an ingrate " The gift, well I was going t offer to bring him back mind and soul and most body but now he can stay there and rot because of your actions, but I have another gift" He said whispering a few words and making an amulet made of stone fashioned into the shape of a skull appear in his hand. " I'll just remove this you didn't care much for your family anyways staying with their killer and defending him you must have really hated them" Nasanru said turning then simply vanishing as he teleported away.
Elise throws her hands towards him as he vanishes away using magic. Her teeth clenched and her eyes squinted. She tells herself not to cry, not to show weakness. She runs through the loss of her brother a second time, the vanishing trinket replaying over and over in her mind. Did he really take away the last thing she had of her brother? She stands still on the spot with shaking legs, her mind racing with questions, "He never said that he didn't do it? Did he really take away my brother? How is Gregory dying bad news? Where's he gone? Is he going to burn down the caravan now? Ohh gods, why me?"

She slowly sinks to her knees too. Instead of crying like Sibel beside her she wraps her shaking hands around her chest and rests her head upon Sibel's side. Sibel stops rolling on her towel as to keep Elise comforted. Sibel too has lost a lot. In fact, she's lost more than Elise since she has literally nothing left. Everything she had beside the odd piece of canvas was gone and it's not like she could just ask Halk to replace everything in her tent. He may be a nice guy but he's not made of coinage. Sibel's arms move down to hold Elise and comfort her.

The two lay together on the ground in a state of sorrow for a short time. It's unlikely anyone would have time to talk to them from their busy tasks but if they did any conversation the two have with the outsider would be brief. Until sun rise they will lay on the ground in this one spot, they fall asleep around an hour or so of crying to themselves and wait until sun rise before they stir.
Roxas smiled at Halk and nodded, she would definitely set traps and make sure the camp was somewhat guarded. When he asked about her sisters she chuckled. "No, they're most definitely blood related, now see, nymphs as you know, thrive off of sexual energy and you know, having sex, it's just part of what we do, we love it, and it makes the counter part happy. Well my parents are no different, I have nine sisters in total and probably way more half siblings I don't know about. But every now and then my parents will get back together and make a baby, and I'm always left to care for them. Nowadays, they're all together, so they can help and take care of each other. Which is amazing because traveling around with nine siblings of all ages is not easy." Roxas smiled, she adored her siblings even when they were annoying, she also knew some of her half siblings and she loved them too. However, she made sure she made no babies, she wasn't a fan, even if they were cute. She much preferred enjoying the pleasure she could take or give. Who wanted to be left with a drooling baby that needed constant attention. "the oldest is sixteen and my youngest sister is five, and nymphs have a lot of sex, so I'm assuming sometime in the future, I'll have another full sibling or two, and maybe end up with twelve." She shook her head. "You'd think our kind would calm down, but some nymphs just can't." She chuckled. And then said "I don't have kids by the way, I have nine siblings, so babies are not part of my life." She shuddered. "I just want to grow flowers and learn more, and " she paused and winked at him. "Teach a little."
Halk blushed a bit, the turn the conversation had taken made him a bit uncomfortable. "Hmm. Well then. I like metal better than people." He gestured around the shop, finishing the piece he was working on and tossing it in the 'Done' bin. The bin was full, so he'd have some freetime to do what he wanted. But most likely not. It would be time to fortify more. Gerld may have been the one in charge, but Halk was the one he went to for strategic advice. He was as good at formations as he was at enchantments, and to be honest, he didn't see a difference. Enchantments took lives, saved lives, protected lives, caused problems, solved problems, prevented problems... and formations and battle plans did the same. But he did have a little time to tell Roxas some important things about himself, and his work, they were also the same thing. Though well respected by both the soldiers and the counsil for what he did for them, Halk had difficulty talking in these situations.

"I use quicksilver more than anything," he said, gesturing to the three barrels the man had just brought in. "My shop looks a lot smaller on the inside than the outside. Reason being is the walls? these arent the real walls." Halk knocked on the flat wooden surface and a hollow sound was made. "This is really a tank. Full of quicksilver. It's extremely difficult to manipulate, it basically reflects all magic. And you can't put runes on it because it's a liquid, you know? I have to put it through some things first. And then I add it to the tank, so when i need it, it's ready to use." He tilted the barrel and poured some more out, catching it in a little ball before it hit the ground. "But the magic I just imbedded that man's armor with, although the quicksilver was unrefined, was simple and crude, it was twice as powerful. It also looked pretty badass in my opinion." He swirled his hands, the quicksilver danced around in little snakes, then Halk clenched his fist, working his fingers. The fluid material turned hard and spiky, basically furlike, though still maintaining a fluid appearance. It became a wolf's head suspended in the air, and holwed once, watching Halk almost as intently as Halk was concentrating on it.

"It's amazing what things do in their natural element. But sometimes they aren't ready. They need time to relax, become... Something else. And once they are taken out of their natural element in their refined state, they act... Differently. And... not as their old selves would necessarily want them to." He stroked his chin as he spoke, the quicksilver flattening into a thin ribbon and encircling him. He lifted his arms and it wound around his shoulders, connected around the back. Most of the enchantments on his coat were on his sleeves, on his collar, and some on the front of the jacket, but the back was almost bare aside from a few symetrical swirls. Halk had added a new enchantment to his coat just now, the second that went around both sides, but he wasn't sure what it did yet. That was how he made the other one, without thinking. "Some things... need time to discover what they were really made for." Halk said as the quicksilver shimmered once and imbedded itself into his coat, putting his arms back down. "Do you see what I'm trying to say?"
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Nasanru may have acted in haste but well he was tired of doing good and being so mistrusted, though in all honesty he should be used to it and in a way he was but being around so many that did actually like him having a person who he had tried to help be so ungrateful, well it stung. Really it stirred up the scarps of emotions he hadn't felt in centuries, he had once tried something like this with similar results of course he had been mortal then some people just didn't understand or care to try. There was however something he could do about it, something that while within his skill would take a long time with how he did it, he didn't have the natural skill needed for a very special charm.

" Ah giving a lesson I see Halk" Nasaru said simply appearing in the workshop. " If you are not too busy giving a lecture I have a request for you that might prove interesting for us both. " He continued, though he wouldn't disclose the exact nature of what he wanted that required to him a more private setting.

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