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Fandom Class 3-E: Assassination Classroom

Sorry! I finally found a way to use the Internet here so I haven't been able to get online
@Peaceswore Yeah, but Akame is from the Government so she knows the backgrounds of all her fellow classmates. She just knows that Ken ended up in the hospital because of troubles at home, because even the Government doesn't know about the abuse he is receiving.

@Peaceswore I think ure dead xD
Hate leads to sweet, sweet love.

Also, sorry for delaying the post for the RP! Still trying to figure out how to paste on RPnation on a mobile.
Shippers...are dangerous creatures. Also I wont be able to post in the next week. So one of you have to take over korosensei..
Well, if you wanted to we could probably make that happen...

Because they're puppets and we're the Puppeteers... MUHUWAHAHAHA!!!

xD This is making me laugh so much IDK why
Pffffffff Hmmm I think maybe best friends status would be better xD But hey I just go with the flow and try to stay as in character as possible~ (though I do like to make my guy suffer...incase you couldn't tell xD )

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