Cirque (modern) Characters here

Kiyoko Tomoe

Kiyoko Tomoe




Appears Twelve


Country of Origin




Appearance Other

The above picture is more or less a modified appearance. This is due to the fact she looked pretty old before becoming a demon, though she could've gone with another age appearance; she decided to look young though.

The following is how she looked back during the time she initially got involved with the cirque back in her mortal days.



Serious, intelligent, and very manipulative is who Kiyoko is. She's a great actress, able to fool just about anybody with relative ease. She loves to screw with people, letting them think they know what going on, and then crushing their heart. She's also one to pick on the weak, as one old partner of hers, a priest, can verify after her having kicked him while he was unconscious, half-naked and in a ditch. Not to mention her mouth, able to throw out insults and cuss at people like crazy.


Born in the year of 1922, in Osaka, Japan, Kiyoko was raised by a 'loving' family. She had a relatively normal life, although was

What you specialize in

Infiltration, Interrogation, and is the mechanical specialist behind-the-scenes of Interpol, the one that all guns and tech goes through before actually heading to Edward and then the rest of Interpol.

How long have you been a member of Interpol

Eight years, although unofficially, as she only cooperates with Edward just because she wouldn't be able to screw around with him otherwise. No Interpol members know about her 'membership' besides Edward.


Kiyoko doesn't really have much to her abilities as a demon, although she does have increased strength; not that she needs it though, as before being a demon, she could probably punch hard enough to knock over a three-trailer truck with just a punch, although it'd probably come at the cost of her life due to all the stress she'd place on her muscles and bones by doing so. She can also levitate slightly, plus has magnetic manipulation. That's about it, besides being able to alter her apparent age.


She's the sole person who Edward just can't stand, because she's able to get under his skin with but a single word after certain events many years ago; she loves getting under people's skin, thus does so a lot.

High adaptability to the advancement of society and technology.

Quite a fan of guns and other weaponry.

She's bored by the Elephant Man.
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[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]

Kiyoko Tomoe

Kiyoko Tomoe




Appears Twelve


Country of Origin




Appearance Other

The above picture is more or less a modified appearance. This is due to the fact she looked pretty old before becoming a demon, though she could've gone with another age appearance; she decided to look young though.

The following is how she looked back during the time she initially got involved with the cirque back in her mortal days.



Serious, intelligent, and very manipulative is who Kiyoko is. She's a great actress, able to fool just about anybody with relative ease. She loves to screw with people, letting them think they know what going on, and then crushing their heart. She's also one to pick on the weak, as one old partner of hers, a priest, can verify after her having kicked him while he was unconscious, half-naked and in a ditch. Not to mention her mouth, able to throw out insults and cuss at people like crazy.


Born in the year of 1922, in Osaka, Japan, Kiyoko was raised by a 'loving' family. She had a relatively normal life, although was

What you specialize in

Infiltration, Interrogation, and is the mechanical specialist behind-the-scenes of Interpol, the one that all guns and tech goes through before actually heading to Edward and then the rest of Interpol.

How long have you been a member of Interpol

Eight years, although unofficially, as she only cooperates with Edward just because she wouldn't be able to screw around with him otherwise. No Interpol members know about her 'membership' besides Edward.


Kiyoko doesn't really have much to her abilities as a demon, although she does have increased strength; not that she needs it though, as before being a demon, she could probably punch hard enough to knock over a three-trailer truck with just a punch, although it'd probably come at the cost of her life due to all the stress she'd place on her muscles and bones by doing so. She can also levitate slightly, plus has magnetic manipulation. That's about it, besides being able to alter her apparent age.


She's the sole person who Edward just can't stand, because she's able to get under his skin with but a single word after certain events many years ago; she loves getting under people's skin, thus does so a lot.

High adaptability to the advancement of society and technology.

Quite a fan of guns and other weaponry.

She's bored by the Elephant Man.




Lucid (Lagrange)

nick name:

Lucy, Loosey goosey(hates that one to the Nth degree)


72(looks about 24)

country of origin:





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/straight_jacket_angel_by_hyposamurai-d37xykb.jpg.a23c226336dc340b569bad47c60e18d3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114242" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/straight_jacket_angel_by_hyposamurai-d37xykb.jpg.a23c226336dc340b569bad47c60e18d3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other:

He's got the smallest angel wings. definitely nothing that would ever be capable of flight and can be tucked tightly to his back to appear like a tattoo


Rather quiet, but definitely not sweet. Behind a sweet, angelic face is a devious, sly, sarcastic little devil.


He doesn't know much other than he was left on the doorstep of a kind family by some performer in the cirque as they passed through.


He is on the hunt for someone to find out just exactly what he is.​



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-25_1-38-7.png.17824b2cc56c400a62c4bc6d435ac7f9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114250" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-25_1-38-7.png.17824b2cc56c400a62c4bc6d435ac7f9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"After scouring the multiverse and living an infinite number of lifetimes

I'm coming home."

Name: John William Crowley

nick name:

Age: (over 18.) Infinite, but quantifiable.

country of origin: Britain

sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: John is at times cold and distant, as is to be expected of one whom has lived an infinite lifetimes. Still, being away from those he cares about for the lifespan of several universes has not diminished his love.

Background: John was previously a living man, sent to Germany in the year 1941 to investigate the vampire Nosferatu. Unfortunately due to a number of incidents, he allowed for a portal to open to the in between of all worlds, thus nearly causing mass destruction. However, God himself decided to intervene. Stopping everything and explaining John had to be removed from all timelines, but as consolation one version of him would be allowed to survive and traverse the multiverse. After an untold number of years he returned to the universe he even doubts knows he existed.

What you specialize in: multiverse and quantum theories as well as occultism

How long have you been a member of Interpol: n/a

other: elephant man



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Name: Victoria Vladimitru

Show Name or nick-name: Lady Night or as Bones calls her "shadows in the night"

Age: 1,945 years old , looks to be in her mid twenties

Country of Origin: Romania

Years with circus: was in the cirque for 47 years left and has been watching over members as a favor to Thomas

Species: vampire



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.34c7b8d8e89d9f492a28e8958a58c851.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121461" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.34c7b8d8e89d9f492a28e8958a58c851.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other: has a tattoo of an Ivy vine that starts on her hand and goes all the way up her right arm.

Personality: she comes off a distant and uncaring but that is merely a ruse. She is an ancient being who reflects all her years spent as a creature who lives off killing but, she does care for others. Others as in anyone Thomas tells her to keep an eye on. She comes off as motherly type to those people, who will risk her life protecting them.

Background: rescued by Thomas, and was a fortune teller in the original cirque. She is a pure blood vampire.

Abilities:flight, night vision, can turn into a bat

What do you do in the circus: nothing, she merely acts upon Thomas's orders

What does the inside of their trailer look like? Doesn't have one

other: elephant man



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TheRiverSings said:
Name: Victoria Vladimitru
Show Name or nick-name: Lady Night or as Bones calls her "shadows in the night"

Age: 1,945 years old , looks to be in her mid twenties

Country of Origin: Romania

Years with circus: was in the cirque for 47 years left and has been watching over members as a favor to Thomas

Species: vampire



View attachment 270791

Appearance other: has a tattoo of an Ivy vine that starts on her hand and goes all the way up her right arm.

Personality: she comes off a distant and uncaring but that is merely a ruse. She is an ancient being who reflects all her years spent as a creature who lives off killing but, she does care for others. Others as in anyone Thomas tells her to keep an eye on. She comes off as motherly type to those people, who will risk her life protecting them.

Background: rescued by Thomas, and was a fortune teller in the original cirque. She is a pure blood vampire.

Abilities:flight, night vision, can turn into a bat

What do you do in the circus: nothing, she merely acts upon Thomas's orders

What does the inside of their trailer look like? Doesn't have one

other: elephant man
Name: Jasmine Grecu

Show Name or nick-name: Sparks, or Lightning Queen

Age: Jasmine is roughly 387 years old, but tells everyone she's twenty five.

Country of Origin: United States of America

Years with circus: Jasmine has been part of the cirque for four years.

Species: Thunderbird

Sexuality: Bisexual


Bird Form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9e7593e5_YasaBirdForm.jpg.ed311d71863b151e7359c9615f4f5565.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125737" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9e7593e5_YasaBirdForm.jpg.ed311d71863b151e7359c9615f4f5565.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As close to human as possible form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Yasa.jpg.af4ed32def026a9ccc41c7097d3e5ca3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125738" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Yasa.jpg.af4ed32def026a9ccc41c7097d3e5ca3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other:

In her nearly human form, Jasmine stands approximately 5'8" tall and has a wingspan of nearly eight feet. She weighs close to 140 pounds. In her bird form, Jasmine is much lager with her wingspan extending out to fourteen feet. She weighs nearly 190 pounds and from claw to top of her head stands 6'8" tall.

Personality: Jasmine is very concerned about the well being of the cirque and is dedicated to protecting the first real home she's ever had. Earnest and hardworking, Jasmine cares about the troop members just as much as she does herself. Humans, however, aren't as likely to be on her good side.

Background: Jasmine was a girl hunted for being a freak in Nevada. She spent years flying about the deserts looking for a place she could live in peace. Eventually though, she had to leave as all her hiding places were discovered. She eventually flew herself to England where their stormy weather would help hide her accidental discharges of electrical energy. One night she accidentally sent a shock through an interpol member and was taken in and cared for by the circus. She was delegated to be there so that she could learn to control her abilities. And in the four years she's been a part of the circus she's done just that. However, she still has the accidental discharge during her performances, though nobody gets hurt.


Electrokinesis: The psychic power to manipulate energies, electrical currents, and generate electricity with the mind. Users are able to conduct, generate and manipulate a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons) which give the user control over electric fields, electric charges, electric currents, electronics, and electromagnetism. For the most part, Jasmine generates lighting as her species is kind of known for.

Electroimmunity: Due to be a bird of lightning, electric shocks of all kinds do not faze her. In fact it's like recharging a battery to be shocked so she finds a great deal of pleasure in it.

Masterful Archer: Jasmine has a nearly flawless record for archery. Hitting things at ranges with an ordinary longbow that most people couldn't dream of doing. It's an uncanny skill that comes form her knack for flying in storms and good depth perception.

What do you do in the circus: Jasmine demonstrates her archery skills as a side act on occasion. However, her primary performance is a lightning show that basically is a tesla coil music show.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

Jasmine's trailer is a mess. There are countless things that she has collected that interested her scattered about the floor. She has a massive nest sitting at the end and seven lightning rods attached to the ceiling in preparation for when she exerts lightning during the night.


Jasmine once electrocuted and elephant man to see how he reacted.



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Kiroshiven said:
Name: Jasmine Grecu
Show Name or nick-name: Sparks, or Lightning Queen

Age: Jasmine is roughly 387 years old, but tells everyone she's twenty five.

Country of Origin: United States of America

Years with circus: Jasmine has been part of the cirque for four years.

Species: Thunderbird

Sexuality: Bisexual


Bird Form:

View attachment 281068

As close to human as possible form:

View attachment 281069

Appearance other:

In her nearly human form, Jasmine stands approximately 5'8" tall and has a wingspan of nearly eight feet. She weighs close to 140 pounds. In her bird form, Jasmine is much lager with her wingspan extending out to fourteen feet. She weighs nearly 190 pounds and from claw to top of her head stands 6'8" tall.

Personality: Jasmine is very concerned about the well being of the cirque and is dedicated to protecting the first real home she's ever had. Earnest and hardworking, Jasmine cares about the troop members just as much as she does herself. Humans, however, aren't as likely to be on her good side.

Background: Jasmine was a girl hunted for being a freak in Nevada. She spent years flying about the deserts looking for a place she could live in peace. Eventually though, she had to leave as all her hiding places were discovered. She eventually flew herself to England where their stormy weather would help hide her accidental discharges of electrical energy. One night she accidentally sent a shock through an interpol member and was taken in and cared for by the circus. She was delegated to be there so that she could learn to control her abilities. And in the four years she's been a part of the circus she's done just that. However, she still has the accidental discharge during her performances, though nobody gets hurt.


Electrokinesis: The psychic power to manipulate energies, electrical currents, and generate electricity with the mind. Users are able to conduct, generate and manipulate a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons) which give the user control over electric fields, electric charges, electric currents, electronics, and electromagnetism. For the most part, Jasmine generates lighting as her species is kind of known for.

Electroimmunity: Due to be a bird of lightning, electric shocks of all kinds do not faze her. In fact it's like recharging a battery to be shocked so she finds a great deal of pleasure in it.

Masterful Archer: Jasmine has a nearly flawless record for archery. Hitting things at ranges with an ordinary longbow that most people couldn't dream of doing. It's an uncanny skill that comes form her knack for flying in storms and good depth perception.

What do you do in the circus: Jasmine demonstrates her archery skills as a side act on occasion. However, her primary performance is a lightning show that basically is a tesla coil music show.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

Jasmine's trailer is a mess. There are countless things that she has collected that interested her scattered about the floor. She has a massive nest sitting at the end and seven lightning rods attached to the ceiling in preparation for when she exerts lightning during the night.


Jasmine once electrocuted and elephant man to see how he reacted.
Axel1313 said:
Cirque member CS

Show Name or nick-name:

Age: (over 18.Put real age and age appears if that applies to your character.)

Country of Origin:

Years with circus: (6 years or less unless you have talked to me about it)



Appearance: ( any picture will do)(optional, can describe character instead)

Appearance other:(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to add)

Personality:(don't give away everything)

Background: (does not need to be detailed.)

Abilities:(don't go overboard.)

What do you do in the circus:(You can do multiple things but, try to use ones that someone else has not been taken. I do not want 7 people that only do fire stuff. Mix it up!)

What does the inside of their trailer look like? (optional)


Investigator CS


nick name:

Age: (over 18.)

country of origin:


Appearance: ( any picture will do)(optional, can describe character instead)

Appearance other:(whatever you would like to add)

Personality:(don't give away everything)

Background: (does not need to be detailed. can be one sentence.)

What you specialize in: (paranormal wise, exorcist, demonologist, folklore expert etc)

How long have you been a member of Interpol:

Here are the templates for the characters if it helps any.
Cirque member CS


Show Name or nick-name:Dean

Age: 27

Country of Origin: Canada

Years with circus: 14

Species: Shape shifter/Human


*Appearance: *( any picture will do)*

Appearance other:(6'10, two large hand prints can be sometimes seen on his shoulders, bright Opal eyes so as to seem to change color every so often, white mist emits from Dean's body.)

Personality: Calm, mysterious, extremely intelligent, well mannered.

Background:Dean was never properly acquainted with his parents they seem to have left he alone when he was very young, he grow up on the streets learning quickly how to adapt and survive. He found the circus in his early teens, which is where he has lived ever sense.

Abilities:Dean has the ability to shape shift and age items (such as rot a piece of or rejuvenate the wood) miner "force" (pick up small objects.)

What do you do in the circus: Dean is an amazer (showing off his ability to make himself anyone else) he also dodges bullets in mid shift (very tricky) Dean can also be seen in some of the tight walking acks.

What does the inside of their trailer look like? It's dark glommy place with very little light, the smallest shimmers of light can be seen escaping what seem to be a candle. Dean's eyes seem to unconditionally flicker and change without seeming to place them selves on any particular color when faded in this darken cell of light. There is very little furniture and even less food.

All I need is to put in a picture.
TheExiledShadow said:
Cirque member CS

Show Name or nick-name:Dean

Age: 27

Country of Origin: Canada

Years with circus: 14

Species: Shape shifter/Human


*Appearance: *( any picture will do)*

Appearance other:(6'10, two large hand prints can be sometimes seen on his shoulders, bright Opal eyes so as to seem to change color every so often, white mist emits from Dean's body.)

Personality: Calm, mysterious, extremely intelligent, well mannered.

Background:Dean was never properly acquainted with his parents they seem to have left he alone when he was very young, he grow up on the streets learning quickly how to adapt and survive. He found the circus in his early teens, which is where he has lived ever sense.

Abilities:Dean has the ability to shape shift and age items (such as rot a piece of or rejuvenate the wood) miner "force" (pick up small objects.)

What do you do in the circus: Dean is an amazer (showing off his ability to make himself anyone else) he also dodges bullets in mid shift (very tricky) Dean can also be seen in some of the tight walking acks.

What does the inside of their trailer look like? It's dark glommy place with very little light, the smallest shimmers of light can be seen escaping what seem to be a candle. Dean's eyes seem to unconditionally flicker and change without seeming to place them selves on any particular color when faded in this darken cell of light. There is very little furniture and even less food.

All I need is to put in a picture.
TheExiledShadow said:
Thank you where do I post this?
do you mean where do you post the CS or where do you begin to post?

If it's where you post the CS you're already here!

If it's where to put you're character into the story atm there's another tab that has a small summery that may help. The out of character chat


Name: Cyril Vasiliev

Show Name or nick-name:Echo

Age: 23

Country of Origin: Russia

Years with circus: 1 month

Species: Siren

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance other:Stands at about 5'5 and is considered short for a guy and weight about 140 pounds. He dyes his hair a very bright aqua green and like to coordinates his outfit around his hair. The green hair help accent, his bright green eyes. He has a very slim build that make him seem very young and has a runners body. He is very pale and burns very easily. To make up for his boyish looks, he keeps a very stoic look on his face and seems more serious than he actually is. He keeps his hair in a messy style, but also keeps part of it in a pony-tail. He naturally grabs the attention of the other with his boyish, youthful look but also with the odd sense of sexual tension he emits.

Personality:He has a beautiful but dangerous personality that he uses to his advantage. He has a naturally flirting and charming persona. Yet however, you can't help but feel he is manipulating things to his advantage. This comes from his siren blood. He is a very passionate person that feels everything he is saying. When you have a proper conversation with his he can be very sexual but also shows signs of sadness. All in all you get the tortured artistic vibe from him. He isn't very good at expressing himself in word or in conversation. he has to rely on other mediums to express himself and his feelings. He often claims he is just misunderstood.


He was born on a Russian farm called the Ust-Ordynsky Collective near Lake Baikal in Siberia. He was abandoned and left to be adopted by the people of the farm. He soon was cared for and adopted by his mother Alexandra, father Nikolai, and sister Illyana. His older brother, Mikhail, had been a Soviet cosmonaut and had apparently died in a rocket accident.

His powers manifested during his adolescence while saving his sister from a runaway tractor. Immediately after, He was kicked out of his home and told he was not welcome there

Abilities: Siren Physiology

sound manipulation


Siren's song

Emotion Manipulation (with music only)

What do you do in the circus: Musically based routines

loyalwolf said:


Name: Cyril Vasiliev

Show Name or nick-name:Echo

Age: 23

Country of Origin: Russia

Years with circus: 1 month

Species: Siren

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance other:Stands at about 5'5 and is considered short for a guy and weight about 140 pounds. He dyes his hair a very bright aqua green and like to coordinates his outfit around his hair. The green hair help accent, his bright green eyes. He has a very slim build that make him seem very young and has a runners body. He is very pale and burns very easily. To make up for his boyish looks, he keeps a very stoic look on his face and seems more serious than he actually is. He keeps his hair in a messy style, but also keeps part of it in a pony-tail. He naturally grabs the attention of the other with his boyish, youthful look but also with the odd sense of sexual tension he emits.

Personality:He has a beautiful but dangerous personality that he uses to his advantage. He has a naturally flirting and charming persona. Yet however, you can't help but feel he is manipulating things to his advantage. This comes from his siren blood. He is a very passionate person that feels everything he is saying. When you have a proper conversation with his he can be very sexual but also shows signs of sadness. All in all you get the tortured artistic vibe from him. He isn't very good at expressing himself in word or in conversation. he has to rely on other mediums to express himself and his feelings. He often claims he is just misunderstood.


He was born on a Russian farm called the Ust-Ordynsky Collective near Lake Baikal in Siberia. He was abandoned and left to be adopted by the people of the farm. He soon was cared for and adopted by his mother Alexandra, father Nikolai, and sister Illyana. His older brother, Mikhail, had been a Soviet cosmonaut and had apparently died in a rocket accident.

His powers manifested during his adolescence while saving his sister from a runaway tractor. Immediately after, He was kicked out of his home and told he was not welcome there

Abilities: Siren Physiology

sound manipulation


Siren's song

Emotion Manipulation (with music only)

What do you do in the circus: Musically based routines


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