Cirque (modern) Characters here


Vindel Birgit Adelis

(Goes by Aiden)

Show Name or nick-name




Using magic he is able to mask his age causing him to look and feel like a thirty year old

Country of Origin


Years with circus



He himself isn't very sure what he is but from what he has researched he closely resembles a Warlock, when comparing abilities, though several bits of his anatomy differ from that of a human


Between his research and the circus he finds little time for a relationship but has always been able to admire both male and female



Appearance other


His eyes are Light Green

His anatomy is quite different when it comes to details. On the end of each of his fingers is a small dot they seem to be tattoos but he has had them his entire life. In his left hand wrist is a jewel about the size of a feather, it has been identified as Poudretteite. Unlike most people Aiden doesn't have a spleen instead he has another small blood pumping organ that makes him able to control his heart beat to a certain degree.

He is a lot stronger than he looks.


Aiden is an all around nice guy but he has had more than a few issues with people, he sees some to be expendable at the first sign of an attitude. He doesn't get along with anyone that has strong connections on the supernatural believing side of things, he doesn't like weirdos flashing fake voodoo shit and telling you your future


Aiden was born in Svalbard as an adopted son of a hermit. His adoptive father never knew Aiden's parents all he knew was that he found Aiden in his regular ice fishing shack with a few old books and his name on a weird leather like card. From a young age it was obvious Aiden was not a normal boy, he grew faster and stronger than anyone his adoptive father had met. Aiden had read the same old books he had been left with as a baby a hundred times and a hundred times he learned nothing, the words were jibberish and random to him. The day he turned seventeen he had a sore on his left wrist he simply thought it was just a blister but after a few hours a gem with a light pink glow had set itself in him. After that the books began making sense and soon enough he was able to use magic, from simple fire starting to feet of ice into fresh water. At the age of nineteen his adoptive father had died from old age, he had taken care of Aiden without question like a father should. Soon after his death Aiden left his home in Svalbard and went to England where he went to college and did quite well for himself in physics but one day while looking over a set of compounds he found a book on his desk. It had been written in the same format as the books he had from his childhood, after reading it he dropped out of college and began his research into what ever he was. Not long after he began hunting down books on magic, Egyptian, Old Norse, Greek... Latin. All the books he found were in a different language but the same format, to someone else it was just jibberish and crazed repeated writing but to Aiden it was pure knowledge. When he turned forty three he had grown tired of researching what he was and began researching what his kind could do. For nine years he wandered the world in search of others like himself and their ancient abilities. In china during the third dynasty one man was said to have abilities beyond human, able to create beasts from the ground and turn them to his enemies. Stories like these flooded Aiden, but none of them truly strayed away from a single branch of magic, unlike himself. When he turned fifty two he went to a circus while in the town searching for a set of books, he could tell that many of the 'performers' weren't human. So in an attempt to continue his research he joined the Cirque.


Conjuration, Aiden is able to take an inanimate object and make it animate. One downside of conjuration is that he has to focus on the conjuration or it could fail, to determine how smart the conjuration is would take more or less energy.

Martial Magic, using his staff Aiden is able to push enemies away from him, spit out lashes of fire, or even create a beautiful lightshow. He can generally beat the ever living shit out of someone with his staff, never even touching them. He has had some experience in shapeshifting, his best transformation was that of a very large bird. Much of his life he has relied on transmuting to get funds for his research, it is a very vigorous process but using it he can can turn certain objects into other objects. Using an ancient form of magic he is able to yell like a banshee on command and use his voice to stun people. There is more less known and much less powerful magic abilities he uses but none are for combat, I don't think the Elephant man would mind.

What do you do in the circus

Aiden is like the Cirque's guard dog he keeps an eye out for any cops, thieves, and cleans up 'messes' made by the others. He also has his own tent where he makes and sells toys for children, he animates the toys so they have personalities but all of them have unwavering loyalty to him. Sometimes when there isn't enough people to perform he goes on stage with his crew of wooden men.

What does the inside of their trailer look like


Other than having lots of books he weirdly has several bags of potatoes in his trailer. (This is totally explainable)


Aiden is aware of
Lucas Lafluer's and the doll called Laura's magical abilities and has done some research. He has come to the conclusion that their magical abilities are dictated by them not by their species and that they are not like him, it was a real bummer for him.

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jole875 said:


Vindel Birgit Adelis

(Goes by Aiden)

Show Name or nick-name




Using magic he is able to mask his age causing him to look and feel like a thirty year old

Country of Origin


Years with circus



He himself isn't very sure what he is but from what he has researched he closely resembles a Warlock, when comparing abilities, though several bits of his anatomy differ from that of a human


Between his research and the circus he finds little time for a relationship but has always been able to admire both male and female



Appearance other


His eyes are Light Green

His anatomy is quite different when it comes to details. On the end of each of his fingers is a small dot they seem to be tattoos but he has had them his entire life. In his left hand wrist is a jewel about the size of a feather, it has been identified as Poudretteite. Unlike most people Aiden doesn't have a spleen instead he has another small blood pumping organ that makes him able to control his heart beat to a certain degree.

He is a lot stronger than he looks.


Aiden is an all around nice guy but he has had more than a few issues with people, he sees some to be expendable at the first sign of an attitude. He doesn't get along with anyone that has strong connections on the supernatural believing side of things, he doesn't like weirdos flashing fake voodoo shit and telling you your future


Aiden was born in Svalbard as an adopted son of a hermit. His adoptive father never knew Aiden's parents all he knew was that he found Aiden in his regular ice fishing shack with a few old books and his name on a weird leather like card. From a young age it was obvious Aiden was not a normal boy, he grew faster and stronger than anyone his adoptive father had met. Aiden had read the same old books he had been left with as a baby a hundred times and a hundred times he learned nothing, the words were jibberish and random to him. The day he turned seventeen he had a sore on his left wrist he simply thought it was just a blister but after a few hours a gem with a light pink glow had set itself in him. After that the books began making sense and soon enough he was able to use magic, from simple fire starting to feet of ice into fresh water. At the age of nineteen his adoptive father had died from old age, he had taken care of Aiden without question like a father should. Soon after his death Aiden left his home in Svalbard and went to England where he went to college and did quite well for himself in physics but one day while looking over a set of compounds he found a book on his desk. It had been written in the same format as the books he had from his childhood, after reading it he dropped out of college and began his research into what ever he was. Not long after he began hunting down books on magic, Egyptian, Old Norse, Greek... Latin. All the books he found were in a different language but the same format, to someone else it was just jibberish and crazed repeated writing but to Aiden it was pure knowledge. When he turned forty three he had grown tired of researching what he was and began researching what his kind could do. For nine years he wandered the world in search of others like himself and their ancient abilities. In china during the third dynasty one man was said to have abilities beyond human, able to create beasts from the ground and turn them to his enemies. Stories like these flooded Aiden, but none of them truly strayed away from a single branch of magic, unlike himself. When he turned fifty two he went to a circus while in the town searching for a set of books, he could tell that many of the 'performers' weren't human. So in an attempt to continue his research he joined the Cirque.


Conjuration, Aiden is able to take an inanimate object and make it animate. One downside of conjuration is that he has to focus on the conjuration or it could fail, to determine how smart the conjuration is would take more or less energy.

Martial Magic, using his staff Aiden is able to push enemies away from him, spit out lashes of fire, or even create a beautiful lightshow. He can generally beat the ever living shit out of someone with his staff, never even touching them. He has had some experience in shapeshifting, his best transformation was that of a very large bird. Much of his life he has relied on transmuting to get funds for his research, it is a very vigorous process but using it he can can turn certain objects into other objects. Using an ancient form of magic he is able to yell like a banshee on command and use his voice to stun people. There is more less known and much less powerful magic abilities he uses but none are for combat, I don't think the Elephant man would mind.

What do you do in the circus

Aiden is like the Cirque's guard dog he keeps an eye out for any cops, thieves, and cleans up 'messes' made by the others. He also has his own tent where he makes and sells toys for children, he animates the toys so they have personalities but all of them have unwavering loyalty to him. Sometimes when there isn't enough people to perform he goes on stage with his crew of wooden men.

What does the inside of their trailer look like


Other than having lots of books he weirdly has several bags of potatoes in his trailer. (This is totally explainable)


Aiden is aware of
Lucas Lafluer's and the doll called Laura's magical abilities and has done some research. He has come to the conclusion that their magical abilities are dictated by them not by their species and that they are not like him, it was a real bummer for him.

Name: Shani Kabira

nick name: none

Age: 27

country of origin: Kenya

sexuality: Pansexual


Appearance other: Fairly short, only 5’2. Almost is always wearing work clothing, on the rare occasion she isn’t she still is in a skirt, they’re just comfy for her.

Personality: The perfect word for Shani, stressed. She constantly has something on her mind and is always putting more work on herself. This causes her to seem nervous almost all the time. Besides that she’s friendly, and even a bit flighty. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t have her serious moments though. She tends to ramble and stumble over her words when she talks. She also is a bit too naïve and trusting for her own good.

Background: When Shani was born she was taken in by her grandfather who was a witchdocter, who used special tricks to help people, and, even if Shani hadn’t realized at the time, expel evil and harmful spirits that would attack people in their small town. At first Shani was ignorant to the fact this was all magic, she just thought her grandpa was a very good, or very lucky, doctor and that’s how he kelp helping people.

That is until she was 15 and came face to face with an actual spirit. After a quick save from her grandpa, he decided it was best to pass down what he had been learning to her. After that she worked to hone her skills and help more and more people and travel around the world to do so.

What you specialize in: exorcist, folklore specialist, and healer.

How long have you been a member of Interpol: Five years.

other: She’s only had one successful exorcism so far. She’s really more known in Interpol for her information. Elephant man
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Rosyshark said:
Name: Shani Kabira

nick name: none

Age: 27

country of origin: Kenya

sexuality: Pansexual


Appearance other: Fairly short, only 5’2. Almost is always wearing work clothing, on the rare occasion she isn’t she still is in a skirt, they’re just comfy for her.

Personality: The perfect word for Shani, stressed. She constantly has something on her mind and is always putting more work on herself. This causes her to seem nervous almost all the time. Besides that she’s friendly, and even a bit flighty. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t have her serious moments though. She tends to ramble and stumble over her words when she talks. She also is a bit too naïve and trusting for her own good.

Background: When Shani was born she was taken in by her grandfather who was a witchdocter, who used special tricks to help people, and, even if Shani hadn’t realized at the time, expel evil and harmful spirits that would attack people in their small town. At first Shani was ignorant to the fact this was all magic, she just thought her grandpa was a very good, or very lucky, doctor and that’s how he kelp helping people.

That is until she was 15 and came face to face with an actual spirit. After a quick save from her grandpa, he decided it was best to pass down what he had been learning to her. After that she worked to hone her skills and help more and more people and travel around the world to do so.

What you specialize in: exorcist, folklore specialist, and healer.

How long have you been a member of Interpol: Five years.

other: She’s only had one successful exorcism so far. She’s really more known in Interpol for her information. Elephant man


Everest Brooks





Country of Origin:






Straight black hair with small bangs to the side. Wears her hair down but occasionally in a pony tail. She is quite place with hazel eyes and smaller features. She had a large tribal tattoo along her right shoulder and a few others she prefers to keep hidden. She wears simply tops and lacks ambition to dress well unless required. She is for the most part normal, being in shape and mentally in check. She can be spiteful and rather, mean, but nothing past rude. What makes her most difference and solitary, is her hearing. She is nearly entirely deaf beyond loud sounds and vague voices, she signs but can read lips and speak relatively well. (Though it is noticeable that she is deaf when she speaks)


She is for the most part a loner, and infatuated with her work. She hates being called or considered handicapped by her deafness. She can be a decent team player and does her best to be part of the group. She is mostly patient, and is understanding of others. She does lack tolerance for those who seek to purposely harm others with words of actions.


Normal family, normal life beyond spending most of her school career at home. She was a moderate student and grew up in the plain suburbs. Her most defining moment was discovering she could not work in the field due to her hearing, and since than fights for her respect.

What you specialize in:

Tracking, Technology, and Investigative Work.

How long have you been a member of Interpol:

Two years.


Elephant Man

TheFallenwhisper said:


Everest Brooks





Country of Origin:






Straight black hair with small bangs to the side. Wears her hair down but occasionally in a pony tail. She is quite place with hazel eyes and smaller features. She had a large tribal tattoo along her right shoulder and a few others she prefers to keep hidden. She wears simply tops and lacks ambition to dress well unless required. She is for the most part normal, being in shape and mentally in check. She can be spiteful and rather, mean, but nothing past rude. What makes her most difference and solitary, is her hearing. She is nearly entirely deaf beyond loud sounds and vague voices, she signs but can read lips and speak relatively well. (Though it is noticeable that she is deaf when she speaks)


She is for the most part a loner, and infatuated with her work. She hates being called or considered handicapped by her deafness. She can be a decent team player and does her best to be part of the group. She is mostly patient, and is understanding of others. She does lack tolerance for those who seek to purposely harm others with words of actions.


Normal family, normal life beyond spending most of her school career at home. She was a moderate student and grew up in the plain suburbs. Her most defining moment was discovering she could not work in the field due to her hearing, and since than fights for her respect.

What you specialize in:

Tracking, Technology, and Investigative Work.

How long have you been a member of Interpol:

Two years.


Elephant Man



Winifred Brooks

Show Name or nick-name:

The Water Nymph



Country of Origin:


Years with circus:








She is a petite, slender girl with tan skin and pure brown hair. Her eyes are deep chestnut and she is only five foot in height. She wears simply tank tops with shorts and leather chaps. Her wrists are adorn with gold and wooden bracelets and in her hair are several braids of wooden beads. her performance outfit is a simple white dress that is tattered at the ends held up by leather straps.


She is an independent and secretive girl but does love the sense of a family and connection. She is vibrant and sarcastic though often very stubborn. She does lack trust and getting close to her can be particularly difficult.


Born from a family of selkies, she lived in the seal for most of her life in her seal form. But when half her family was lost to a fishing incident, she fled to the land. Her pelt is her most valuable possession and her only connection to her true form. She now stays with the circus sending any money back to her remaining family back in Wales.


Water Manipulation: Wini has the ability to manipulate water present, manipulate its state of matter, and while rare, she may draw water from bodies to cause harm.

Enhanced Swimming: As a seal, Wini is able to swim at great speeds, hold her breath for nearly ten to twelve minutes, and can stay in cold and salt waters for extended periods of time.

Seal Form: With her pelt she may return to her natural form as a seal. The pelt is sacred and anyone who possesses a selkie's pelt has full control of their actions. (For this reason, she had never told a soul where she hides it)

What do you do in the circus:

Water shows. She can use her powers to create beautiful shows and propel herself through the water. Rarely in seal form.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

Partially a mess it is full of mostly tribal items, maps, photos, and painting along the walls. with a low laying bed that has several furs and woven blankets.


Her seal form is that of a grey seal found in Northern Wales. She also hates being called a Nymph, but it grew as a popular stage name.


Elephant Man

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TheFallenwhisper said:


Winifred Brooks

Show Name or nick-name:

The Water Nymph



Country of Origin:


Years with circus:








She is a petite, slender girl with tan skin and pure brown hair. Her eyes are deep chestnut and she is only five foot in height. She wears simply tank tops with shorts and leather chaps. Her wrists are adorn with gold and wooden bracelets and in her hair are several braids of wooden beads. her performance outfit is a simple white dress that is tattered at the ends held up by leather straps.


She is an independent and secretive girl but does love the sense of a family and connection. She is vibrant and sarcastic though often very stubborn. She does lack trust and getting close to her can be particularly difficult.


Born from a family of selkies, she lived in the seal for most of her life in her seal form. But when half her family was lost to a fishing incident, she fled to the land. Her pelt is her most valuable possession and her only connection to her true form. She now stays with the circus sending any money back to her remaining family back in Wales.


Water Manipulation: Wini has the ability to manipulate water present, manipulate its state of matter, and while rare, she may draw water from bodies to cause harm.

Seal Form: With her pelt she may return to her natural form as a seal. The pelt is sacred and anyone who possesses a selkie's pelt has full control of their actions. (For this reason, she had never told a soul where she hides it)

What do you do in the circus:

Water shows. She can use her powers to create beautiful shows and propel herself through the water. (Never does shows in seal form)

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

Partially a mess it is full of mostly tribal items, maps, photos, and painting along the walls. with a low laying bed that has several furs and woven blankets.


Her seal form is that of a grey seal found in Northern Wales. She also hates being called a Nymph, but it grew as a popular stage name.


Elephant Man

Name: Laikas Jymena

Show Name or nick-name: Fenrir

Age: Actual/appears: 19/19

Country of Origin: Laikas was born in Russia but his family moved to England when he was three years old

Years with circus: 4

Species: Werewolf

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Appearance other:

Eye colour (For both): Yellow

Human height: 6'1"

He has a scar on his right arm in the shape of an animal bite

Wolf fur colour: White

Wolf height: 3'9"

Wolf length (Nose to tail): 6'9"


Human: Laikas is an extremely patient person, unlikely to lash out anyone unless extremely provoked. More often than not, however, he doesn't normally talk to the other members of the circus and keeps to himself, trying to avoid trouble at almost all costs. During a full moon, Laikas is significantly more aggressive than normal and may look to pick fights, although his sister normally tempers his attitude during these times.

Wolf: In his wolf form, Laikas is generally in control of himself, but he tends to be a little bit more instinctual in his acts. He can't communicate with others while he is in this form, and will be noticeably more territorial towards everyone. During full moons Laikas holds little to no control over this wolf form, making it a bit more of an interesting act to watch.

Background: Laikas was born into a small family in St. Petersburg, Russia, his only sibling being his twin sister, Fia. His family was befallen with tragedy from the outset; his father was killed by an unknown entity when he was only two years old and his mother fell ill mysteriously when he was three. Seeking to improve her family's life, Laikas' mother moved the family to England the same year.

Life didn't improve for Laikas' mother and when he was only seven his mother passed away and the two twins were forced into an orphanage where, fortunately, they were quickly adopted. Their 'new' parents were seemingly quite lax with the twins and when he was twelve, he and his sister were out of the house around midnight on the winter solstice when he was bitten by a werewolf.

He wasn't quick to master his new form and keeping this new form a secret turned out to be more difficult than he thought it might be, Laikas and his sister left their adopted parents the same year Laikas had been bitten. They traveled the countryside, Laikas' wolf form ensured that the pair survived with enough food as they seemed to poach and steal from farmers. During this time Fia started to develop powers of her own, ones of chaotic magic and between both of the twin's abilities, they survived by themselves for three years before they heard about the circus.

It didn't take long for the twins to join the circus as, what was, a 'beast taming' act, with Fia as the beast tamer. They have stayed with with the circus for the last four years, traveling with it loyally.

Abilities: Has enhanced senses in both his human and wolf forms. He can control himself in his wolf form with the exception of during a full moon.

What do you do in the circus: Acts as the 'beast' in a 'beast taming' act with his sister.

What does the inside of their trailer look like? (Will be filled in later)

Fia Jymena

Show Name or nick-name: The wolf tamer

Age: 19

Country of Origin: Russia

Years with circus: 4

Species: Human/Demon

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Appearance other:

Height: 5'6"

Hair colour: Raven black

Eye colour: Green though the outside of her iris' are a faint yellow

She doesn't seem to have any scars of any sort

Personality: Fia is very similar to her brother in her personality; she's patient, temperamental and understanding. At first she was quite shy, but since she has joined the circus her confidence has increased exponentially. She is protective of her brother and tries to keep him out of trouble when it is a full moon.

Background: Being Laikas' twin, Fia had the exact same upbringing as her brother. When they were twelve, when her brother was bitten, Fia was the one to kill the werewolf that attacked Laikas. She was initially unsure how she had killed the beast until the pair ran away, when her powers began to manifest. She could control her brother's wolf form with her mind, manipulating him physically with her thoughts. She found she could manipulate beings but at great physical and mental effort and over the next few years she honed her abilities so she could do it more consistantly.

When they joined the circus, her and her brother created a 'beast taming' act, initially only acting on a full moon, but eventually moving to do more shows during the month. Fia kept Laikas out of trouble during their years with the circus.

Abilities: Can manipulate the muscles of any being, but this drains her significantly and she can only control them for a couple of minutes at a time. She can consistently manipulate small objects, like cards. Can disassemble in one place and reassemble her being in another. This again takes significant effort

What do you do in the circus: Beast tamer

What does the inside of their trailer look like? To be filled in later

Elephant man
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Baconhands said:
Name: Laikas Jymena
Show Name or nick-name: Fenrir

Age: Actual/appears: 19/19

Country of Origin: Laikas was born in Russia but his family moved to England when he was three years old

Years with circus: 4

Species: Werewolf

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Appearance other:

Eye colour (For both): Yellow

Human height: 6'1"

He has a scar on his right arm in the shape of an animal bite

Wolf fur colour: White

Wolf height: 3'9"

Wolf length (Nose to tail): 6'9"


Human: Laikas is an extremely patient person, unlikely to lash out anyone unless extremely provoked. More often than not, however, he doesn't normally talk to the other members of the circus and keeps to himself, trying to avoid trouble at almost all costs. During a full moon, Laikas is significantly more aggressive than normal and may look to pick fights, although his sister normally tempers his attitude during these times.

Wolf: In his wolf form, Laikas is generally in control of himself, but he tends to be a little bit more instinctual in his acts. He can't communicate with others while he is in this form, and will be noticeably more territorial towards everyone. During full moons Laikas holds little to no control over this wolf form, making it a bit more of an interesting act to watch.

Background: Laikas was born into a small family in St. Petersburg, Russia, his only sibling being his twin sister, Fia. His family was befallen with tragedy from the outset; his father was killed by an unknown entity when he was only two years old and his mother fell ill mysteriously when he was three. Seeking to improve her family's life, Laikas' mother moved the family to England the same year.

Life didn't improve for Laikas' mother and when he was only seven his mother passed away and the two twins were forced into an orphanage where, fortunately, they were quickly adopted. Their 'new' parents were seemingly quite lax with the twins and when he was twelve, he and his sister were out of the house around midnight on the winter solstice when he was bitten by a werewolf.

He wasn't quick to master his new form and keeping this new form a secret turned out to be more difficult than he thought it might be, Laikas and his sister left their adopted parents the same year Laikas had been bitten. They traveled the countryside, Laikas' wolf form ensured that the pair survived with enough food as they seemed to poach and steal from farmers. During this time Fia started to develop powers of her own, ones of chaotic magic and between both of the twin's abilities, they survived by themselves for three years before they heard about the circus.

It didn't take long for the twins to join the circus as, what was, a 'beast taming' act, with Fia as the beast tamer. They have stayed with with the circus for the last four years, traveling with it loyally.

Abilities: Has enhanced senses in both his human and wolf forms. He can control himself in his wolf form with the exception of during a full moon.

What do you do in the circus: Acts as the 'beast' in a 'beast taming' act with his sister.

What does the inside of their trailer look like? (Will be filled in later)

Fia Jymena

Show Name or nick-name: The wolf tamer

Age: 19

Country of Origin: Russia

Years with circus: 4

Species: Human/Demon

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Appearance other:

Height: 5'6"

Hair colour: Raven black

Eye colour: Green though the outside of her iris' are a faint yellow

She doesn't seem to have any scars of any sort

Personality: Fia is very similar to her brother in her personality; she's patient, temperamental and understanding. At first she was quite shy, but since she has joined the circus her confidence has increased exponentially. She is protective of her brother and tries to keep him out of trouble when it is a full moon.

Background: Being Laikas' twin, Fia had the exact same upbringing as her brother. When they were twelve, when her brother was bitten, Fia was the one to kill the werewolf that attacked Laikas. She was initially unsure how she had killed the beast until the pair ran away, when her powers began to manifest. She could control her brother's wolf form with her mind, manipulating him physically with her thoughts. She found she could manipulate beings but at great physical and mental effort and over the next few years she honed her abilities so she could do it more consistantly.

When they joined the circus, her and her brother created a 'beast taming' act, initially only acting on a full moon, but eventually moving to do more shows during the month. Fia kept Laikas out of trouble during their years with the circus.

Abilities: Can manipulate the muscles of any being, but this drains her significantly and she can only control them for a couple of minutes at a time. She can consistently manipulate small objects, like cards.

What do you do in the circus: Beast tamer

What does the inside of their trailer look like? To be filled in later
Name: Mr. Bones

Show Name or nick-name: Mr.Bones

Age: unknown

Country of Origin: Unknown

Years with circus: since it started

Species: Unknown/Skelton

Sexuality: ewwww come on he is a skeleton

Appearance: a male skeleton, he stands a little over six foot and his bones have yellowed slightly from age. He wear a beat up old bowler and smokes a pipe that emits green smoke

Appearance other:(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to add)

Personality: an eccentric old skeleton, he tends to not make any sense. Although he is fun and loves to mess with people, he can be quite serious.

Background: rumored to be the founder of the cirque, it's hard to get info out him. Although he does have quite the extensive knowledge of the cirque and its history....if you can get the info out of him.

Abilities: he's a skeleton that talks and moves! Also his tobacco smoke is known to have strange effects on people

What do you do in the circus: whatever he wants

What does the inside of their trailer look like? He lives in unsuspecting cirque members closets.

other. Elephant man? Oh yes he was the best trapeze artist in France!

Name: Paul Kruger

Age: 45 (actually much older though real age is unknown)

Country of Origin: Germany

Years with circus: he was ringleader for a while but has been around since the begging

Species: Demon

Sexuality: Nora

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.58a35c1228a387310e2e2c7026a2fafe.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98991" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.58a35c1228a387310e2e2c7026a2fafe.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other:(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to add)

Personality: crazed, delusional, losing his mind over a succubus that raised him.

Background: born to demons in Germany, he was raised by the succubus named Nora who was a snake charmer for the cirque. But due to an foreseen ex lover of hers she was taken away. He has been searching for her since.

Abilities: fire manipulation and creation

What do you do in the circus: he currently only writes letters to Bones and Ignis

What does the inside of their trailer look like? (option


Ze elephant man stole Nora

Name: Nora Ravenswood (Meradiana)

Show Name or nick-name: Lady Snake

Age: Unknown (looks 25)

Country of Origin: the inner rings of the inferno

Years with circus: 5

Species: Succubus

Sexuality: bi


human (note red eyes are actually brown)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-19_21-26-12.png.fd8e744ec6d34a2e815f8693bb80b4b6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127010" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-19_21-26-12.png.fd8e744ec6d34a2e815f8693bb80b4b6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Nora is very reserved and quite, which makes her seem mysterious. She is also very alluring, known for mesmerizing her snake as well as the audience or any person she wishes. But, around cirque memebers she is like a caring mother. watching out for every member.

Background: She was summoned by Paul and served him. She heald a relationship with Thomas, the founder of the cirque, as well as various other cirque memebers. She was always protective of the cirque, risking her life to make sure the members remained safe. She has two children, but, has spent no time with either. This is odd especially since she is very motherly.

Abilities: Can seduce any person she wants (she choses not to though) Is also very accurate when reading tarot cards.

What do you do in the circus: nothing

other: her snake Danu is always with her. She has two other snakes and a shadow demon servant named Dax

She has yet to sleep with the elephant man



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TheRiverSings said:
Name: Mr. Bones
Show Name or nick-name: Mr.Bones

Age: unknown

Country of Origin: Unknown

Years with circus: since it started

Species: Unknown/Skelton

Sexuality: ewwww come on he is a skeleton

Appearance: a male skeleton, he stands a little over six foot and his bones have yellowed slightly from age. He wear a beat up old bowler and smokes a pipe that emits green smoke

Appearance other:(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to add)

Personality: an eccentric old skeleton, he tends to not make any sense. Although he is fun and loves to mess with people, he can be quite serious.

Background: rumored to be the founder of the cirque, it's hard to get info out him. Although he does have quite the extensive knowledge of the cirque and its history....if you can get the info out of him.

Abilities: he's a skeleton that talks and moves! Also his tobacco smoke is known to have strange effects on people

What do you do in the circus: whatever he wants

What does the inside of their trailer look like? He lives in unsuspecting cirque members closets.

other. Elephant man? Oh yes he was the best trapeze artist in France!

Name: Paul Kruger

Age: 45 (actually much older though real age is unknown)

Country of Origin: Germany

Years with circus: he was ringleader for a while but has been around since the begging

Species: Demon

Sexuality: Nora

Appearance: View attachment 220413

Appearance other:(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to add)

Personality: crazed, delusional, losing his mind over a succubus that raised him.

Background: born to demons in Germany, he was raised by the succubus named Nora who was a snake charmer for the cirque. But due to an foreseen ex lover of hers she was taken away. He has been searching for her since.

Abilities: fire manipulation and creation

What do you do in the circus: he currently only writes letters to Bones and Ignis

What does the inside of their trailer look like? (option


Ze elephant man stole Nora

Name: Anton Tiran Poarta

nick name:

asshole, bastard, son of a b*tch. take your pick when you meet him.

Age: 342

country of origin: Romania


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/anton.jpg.42499557894d1e14ee666a1fee5b8d0d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99076" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/anton.jpg.42499557894d1e14ee666a1fee5b8d0d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other:

Massive....he is 7'..7' 2" in his boots and 310lbs of pure muscle.


Temper like a stick of dynamite with a half inch fuse and disposition of a rabid hyena. You just do not get on this man's bad side, which seems to be every side of him. You know what? Just steer clear of this one if ya can.


He comes from a very high society family. Very pompous, powerful and rich and nothing but perfection all around. That is until some horrible betrayals left him nearly dead and making a deal with the devil... He sold his soul to keep his life, but only as long as a son he abandoned long ago is still alive.

What you specialize in: Hunter.

How long have you been a member of Interpol: 70 years

other: Marius is his son. elephant man​



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Name: Tandelose

Show Name or nick-name: Blood Moon

Age: Appears 25, Original Age assumed to be around 700 years old

Country of Origin: South Africa

Years with circus: 5 years

Species: Reaper

Sexuality: Pansexual Demiromantic


Human Form



True Form


Appearance other:

Several large rows of teeth line the inside of his mouth in his true form, along with blood red eyes and an incredible urge to eat flesh. Be very careful around him.


Cocky, Rude, and Flirtatious are some of the best words to describe Tandelose. He is generaly flirty, with everyone, which makes it very hard for anyone to find out who he likes. It isn't hard for him to make a girl blush, but gentlemen acts aren't exactly in his range of usual acts. Despite being very flirty, and drinking a lot, he is never completely wasted. And when he is, it's cause for alarm, mostly because he is completely unpredictable when drunk. He can be somewhat kind, but when he does, he often finds himself at a loss when it's someone he actually cares about.


No one really knows where he is from, only that he was first found in South Africa and skipped around the globe for a while. He seems to leave a path of blood wherever he goes as well.


Tandalose has the ability to transform into a second form. He doesn't have any supernatural powers, aside from being stronger and slightly faster, which comes with the ability to crave flesh, of any human or supernatural kind, though humans are yummier. Don't get him near a corpse, or all you will have left is bones.

What do you do in the circus: Sword Thrower/Trampoline Artist


He ate an Elephant man once
IceQueen said:
Name: Tandelose
Show Name or nick-name: Blood Moon

Age: Appears 25, Original Age assumed to be around 700 years old

Country of Origin: South Africa

Years with circus: 5 years

Species: Reaper

Sexuality: Pansexual Demiromantic


Human Form



True Form


Appearance other:

Several large rows of teeth line the inside of his mouth in his true form, along with blood red eyes and an incredible urge to eat flesh. Be very careful around him.


Cocky, Rude, and Flirtatious are some of the best words to describe Tandelose. He is generaly flirty, with everyone, which makes it very hard for anyone to find out who he likes. It isn't hard for him to make a girl blush, but gentlemen acts aren't exactly in his range of usual acts. Despite being very flirty, and drinking a lot, he is never completely wasted. And when he is, it's cause for alarm, mostly because he is completely unpredictable when drunk. He can be somewhat kind, but when he does, he often finds himself at a loss when it's someone he actually cares about.


No one really knows where he is from, only that he was first found in South Africa and skipped around the globe for a while. He seems to leave a path of blood wherever he goes as well.


Tandalose has the ability to transform into a second form. He doesn't have any supernatural powers, aside from being stronger and slightly faster, which comes with the ability to crave flesh, of any human or supernatural kind, though humans are yummier. Don't get him near a corpse, or all you will have left is bones.

What do you do in the circus: Sword Thrower/Trampoline Artist


He ate an Elephant man once
Name: Sonskyn

Show Name or nick-name: Nightingale

Age: Appears 25, real age unknown

Country of Origin: South Africa

Years with circus: 5 Years

Species: Nightmare

Sexuality: Bisexual


Human Form


Half Form


Shadow Form

Appearance other: 6'4", a soul hunter, would advise approaching more than Tandalose


Sonskyn is a much kinder soul than his partner. Smiley and slightly shy, Sonskyn is often found charming the pants of the women, or blushing despite himself. He is known to be helpful and caring, finding it easy to calm a person down. However, have a tasty soul, and or happen to be a human, he will spare no mercy in getting his next meal, and Tandalose will be right on his heels.


Not much is known, but he came with Tandalose as a pair, and that is all is known, and his slightly possessive tenancies.

Abilities: Shadow Manipulation, Aura Reading, Aura Manipulation (Controlling them outside of a body)

What do you do in the circus: Tag Team with Tandalose, Trampoline/Juggler/Flexible


He helped Tandalose eat the elephant man
IceQueen said:
Name: Sonskyn
Show Name or nick-name: Nightingale

Age: Appears 25, real age unknown

Country of Origin: South Africa

Years with circus: 5 Years

Species: Nightmare

Sexuality: Bisexual


Human Form


Half Form


Shadow Form

Appearance other: 6'4", a soul hunter, would advise approaching more than Tandalose


Sonskyn is a much kinder soul than his partner. Smiley and slightly shy, Sonskyn is often found charming the pants of the women, or blushing despite himself. He is known to be helpful and caring, finding it easy to calm a person down. However, have a tasty soul, and or happen to be a human, he will spare no mercy in getting his next meal, and Tandalose will be right on his heels.


Not much is known, but he came with Tandalose as a pair, and that is all is known, and his slightly possessive tenancies.

Abilities: Shadow Manipulation, Aura Reading, Aura Manipulation (Controlling them outside of a body)

What do you do in the circus: Tag Team with Tandalose, Trampoline/Juggler/Flexible


He helped Tandalose eat the elephant man
Name: Mera Ravenswood

nick-name: Lady Snake

Age: 64 (appears 27)

Country of Origin: Germany

Species: half succubus/ half demon



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-27_22-54-44.png.971822db25421be1528670914ec6e3f4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-27_22-54-44.png.971822db25421be1528670914ec6e3f4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-27_22-54-57.png.bd600494037ee79720033a63aecd52b3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102284" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-27_22-54-57.png.bd600494037ee79720033a63aecd52b3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other: she is 5'6 and has a floral tattoo that runs from the right side of her belly button to her back.

Personality: Mera is very reserved and quite, which makes her seem mysterious. She is also very alluring, known for mesmerizing her snake as well as anyone she is trying to get info out of.

Background: abandoned by her mother Nora when she was just hours old. Mera was raised by Nanami, Ignis, Paul, and Papa Bones. She spent her teenage years traveling with a renn fair as a gypsy dancer while still being in the cirque. She joined cirque full time last year when she was kicked out the renn fair. She left after a while though, to keep an eye on Paul. During that time she joined Interpol and works alongside Sebastian, who is practically her brother.

What you specialize in: getting info and dealing with demons.

How long have you been a member of Interpol: 35 years

other: She calls Mr. Bones, Papa Bones, don't call him that or she will get very angry.

Name: Sebastian Carr-Lentra

nick name: old man (he hates this nickname)

Age: 64 (looks about 30)

country of origin: germany

sexuality: straight


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-27_23-8-14.png.13fdbe0f560b112968f4a1fcfb0ac678.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102285" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-27_23-8-14.png.13fdbe0f560b112968f4a1fcfb0ac678.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other:(whatever you would like to add)

Personality: don't get in Sebastian's way, he takes everything seriously. Sometimes too seriously and it causes him to yell at the nearest person. he takes things too seriously and acts way older than he is. Earning him the nickname of 'old man' don't call him that or he will yell at you. Somewhere under that tough interior is a different man and deep secret.

Background: doesn't talk about it, claims he was abandoned by his parents when he was a baby. Although he does refer to Mera as "sis" he says its because hey have worked together for so long that they became family. (he is actually the son of Ignis and Nanami but you will never get him to admit that)

What you specialize in: he specializes in exorcisms

How long have you been a member of Interpol: 48 years


Name: Dax

Species:Shadow demon


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-27_23-15-51.png.e7b45434de520abe28927e12cf045a8d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102286" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-27_23-15-51.png.e7b45434de520abe28927e12cf045a8d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He's a shadow demon that delivers letters between Ignis and Paul



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TheRiverSings said:
Name: Mera Ravenswood
nick-name: Lady Snake

Age: 64 (appears 27)

Country of Origin: Germany

Species: half succubus/ half demon



View attachment 227473

View attachment 227474

Appearance other: she is 5'6 and has a floral tattoo that runs from the right side of her belly button to her back.

Personality: Mera is very reserved and quite, which makes her seem mysterious. She is also very alluring, known for mesmerizing her snake as well as anyone she is trying to get info out of.

Background: abandoned by her mother Nora when she was just hours old. Mera was raised by Nanami, Ignis, Paul, and Papa Bones. She spent her teenage years traveling with a renn fair as a gypsy dancer while still being in the cirque. She joined cirque full time last year when she was kicked out the renn fair. She left after a while though, to keep an eye on Paul. During that time she joined Interpol and works alongside Sebastian, who is practically her brother.

What you specialize in: getting info and dealing with demons.

How long have you been a member of Interpol: 35 years

other: She calls Mr. Bones, Papa Bones, don't call him that or she will get very angry.

Name: Sebastian Carr-Lentra

nick name: old man (he hates this nickname)

Age: 64 (looks about 30)

country of origin: germany

sexuality: straight


View attachment 227481

Appearance other:(whatever you would like to add)

Personality: don't get in Sebastian's way, he takes everything seriously. Sometimes too seriously and it causes him to yell at the nearest person. he takes things too seriously and acts way older than he is. Earning him the nickname of 'old man' don't call him that or he will yell at you. Somewhere under that tough interior is a different man and deep secret.

Background: doesn't talk about it, claims he was abandoned by his parents when he was a baby. Although he does refer to Mera as "sis" he says its because hey have worked together for so long that they became family. (he is actually the son of Ignis and Nanami but you will never get him to admit that)

What you specialize in: he specializes in exorcisms

How long have you been a member of Interpol: 48 years


Name: Dax

Species:Shadow demon


View attachment 227486

He's a shadow demon that delivers letters between Ignis and Paul

It tis time to make the investigators mobile within the cirque! Now that performances are started and the rest of the cirque less guarded. Also, one can respond to River's character as well! Since he has called one of the agents.
Baconhands said:
Haven't been receiving notifications, still interested
Okay! There's still plenty of room to hop in! Several characters are open for interaction, the investigators are there and performances have just begun.
Cirque member CS

Minori Shizuku

Show Name or nick-name:
The Spider Queen

Age: (over 18.Put real age and age appears if that applies to your character.)
Actually nineteen, though she's been told she looks younger.

Appears to be sixteen

Country of Origin:

Years with circus: (6 years or less unless you have talked to me about it first)
Thirteen years

Spider yokai


Appearance: ( any picture will do)(optional, can describe character instead)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/downloadfile-8.jpeg.b042b3f10bf4af7687bd33f6debd29f9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124259" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/downloadfile-8.jpeg.b042b3f10bf4af7687bd33f6debd29f9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other:(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to add) "I'm five feet and two inches tall, weighing about as much as my spiders, at about one hundred thirty pounds. I have a large spider tattoo on my back and am very thin for my size. When I use my power, my eyes are red like blood

She's very quiet and will do anything she's asked. She's very smart and loves her new family.

No, receiving spider abilities doesn't come from being bitten by a radioactive spider, it comes from being found, as a little girl, by strange Transylvanian spiders the size of dogs and observing them until she ends up receiving her powers from having slept in their webs since she was found.

She uses her webs similar to how acrobats use their twine and such. She can walk on it and even sew with it, mending costumes that are torn from time to time. Sometimes, when there is an open wound, she uses her thread to stitch you up. :)

What do you do in the circus: (in the abilities, kinda)
Also, if acrobats were to fall, her webs would catch them without fail. She's quick with her creations.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7be60826_th(9).jpg.cb1019425d96fb09a1e7d80fe6872ff0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105169" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7be60826_th(9).jpg.cb1019425d96fb09a1e7d80fe6872ff0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Spiders the size of dogs for her pets

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7be63a32_th(10).jpg.b96401521ed67c582bf1750cc66d7283.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105170" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7be63a32_th(10).jpg.b96401521ed67c582bf1750cc66d7283.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Isezar is her favorite

The elephant man is coming for you.



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[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]
Cirque member CS
Minori Shizuku

Show Name or nick-name:
The Spider Queen

Age: (over 18.Put real age and age appears if that applies to your character.)
Actually nineteen, though she's been told she looks younger.

Appears to be sixteen

Country of Origin:

Years with circus: (6 years or less unless you have talked to me about it first)
Thirteen years

Spider yokai


Appearance: ( any picture will do)(optional, can describe character instead)

View attachment 234668

Appearance other:(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to add)
"I'm five feet and two inches tall, weighing about as much as my spiders, at about one hundred thirty pounds. I have a large spider tattoo on my back and am very thin for my size. When I use my power, my eyes are red like blood

She's very quiet and will do anything she's asked. She's very smart and loves her new family.

No, receiving spider abilities doesn't come from being bitten by a radioactive spider, it comes from being found, as a little girl, by strange Transylvanian spiders the size of dogs and observing them until she ends up receiving her powers from having slept in their webs since she was found.

She uses her webs similar to how acrobats use their twine and such. She can walk on it and even sew with it, mending costumes that are torn from time to time. Sometimes, when there is an open wound, she uses her thread to stitch you up. :)

What do you do in the circus: (in the abilities, kinda)
Also, if acrobats were to fall, her webs would catch them without fail. She's quick with her creations.


View attachment 234684

Spiders the size of dogs for her pets

View attachment 234687

Isezar is her favorite

The elephant man is coming for you.


Sorry about the delay. Sometimes I never get alerts for posts here

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