Cirque (modern) Characters here

You can jump in. Hmm, there are a few Interpol agents around the circus at the moment and are going to apprehend several members. And there are a couple just talking as well.

@Yuuki Kuran @Kiroshiven and one of my character's are in a group.

There are a couple in the med tent. Two vampires, Victoria and Marius and a bone man named Jonsi.
Mikailgirl said:

r e q u s i t e

[ name ]

Who knows

[ show name ]


[ age ]

Looks like in her early 20's but no one knows her real age

[ country of origin ]


[ Years with circus ]


[ species ]


[ sexuality ]


a p p e a r a n c e

[ height ]


[ weight ]

125 lbs.

[ hair color ]

Lots of wigs

[ eye color ]


[ unique features ]

Her lovely teeth

p e r s o n a

[ personality ]

Smiles is a quiet girl when you first meet her. Soft-spoken and not at all outgoing, you'll usually have to strike up a conversation with her first. Of course, she'll talk, maybe not too much at first. Once you befriend her, though, she's a sweetheart and just generally caring and always open to help others. You'll never have a dull moment with this one; Lucy is a very creative girl.She'll sing to every song she knows on the radio, as well as dance and other things. A great sense of humor adorns her, and she can even be a playful kind of sarcastic when wanted.

b a c k g r o u n d

[ biography ]

Nobody knows exactly where Smiles came from, or what she even is. All that is known is that she found her way to the circus and was excepted into it. During her downtime, whilst the circus is still active, Smiles is often left caged on display, treated as side show.

[ Abilities ]

Apart from her natural weaponry, including her teeth and claws, Smiles's primary ability is her amazing singing voice. Her voice is so powerful it can hypnotic or put a person in a trace, showing them their wildest dreams or letting her control them.

[ What do you do in the circus ]

trapeze artist



accepted, maybe your character could do duets with @loyalwolf 's? they could be singing battle like duets or just regular. Whatever may work! It's just an idea. P:

Name: Aris Leon

Show Name or nick-name: J.Rabbit, Street sweeper, Velvet.

Age: Nearly two thousand but she looks around 18 to 19.

Country of Origin: Netherlands

Years with circus: 4 and a half

Species: She's mainly Ghoul but has small demonic traces.

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Appearance other: Aris has a few tattoos on her back and many scars on her hands. She also always has very sharp, semi-long finger nails.

Personality: Aris is quite independent and mysterious, she likes surprising people with her wit and charm. She can be sociable though, but most of the time she has to be really close to the person. Aris is capable of kindness, but she must see it be fit. Aris does have a few anger issues and can be depressive at times.

Background: Aris ran away from home at 14. She was abandoned by her mother and lived with her abusive father and could not take it anymore, so she lived on the streets. She one day saw an ad for the Cirque and was thoroughly intrigued. She appeared about 18 at the time. She had many skills to offer. Sword swallowing, knife throwing and magic. And she was accepted.

Abilities: Aris uses some ghoulish and demonic magic.

What do you do in the circus: Sword swallowing, Knife throwing, and she uses some of her real magic but also likes to do "Illusion magic" like card tricks and things of that sort.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

other: How oh how she'd love to meet the Elephant Man.
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[QUOTE="Helm Dexter]

Name: Aris Leon

Show Name or nick-name: J.Rabbit, Street sweeper, Velvet.

Age: Nearly two thousand but she looks around 18 to 19.

Country of Origin: Netherlands

Years with circus: 4 and a half

Species: She's mainly Ghoul but has small demonic traces.

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Appearance other: Aris has a few tattoos on her back and many scars on her hands. She also always has very sharp, semi-long finger nails.

Personality: Aris is quite independent and mysterious, she likes surprising people with her wit and charm. She can be sociable though, but most of the time she has to be really close to the person. Aris is capable of kindness, but she must see it be fit. Aris does have a few anger issues and can be depressive at times.

Background: Aris ran away from home at 14. She was abandoned by her mother and lived with her abusive father and could not take it anymore, so she lived on the streets. She one day saw an ad for the Cirque and was thoroughly intrigued. She appeared about 18 at the time. She had many skills to offer. Sword swallowing, knife throwing and magic. And she was accepted.

Abilities: Aris uses some ghoulish and demonic magic.

What do you do in the circus: Sword swallowing, Knife throwing, and she uses some of her real magic but also likes to do "Illusion magic" like card tricks and things of that sort.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

other: How oh how she'd love to meet the Elephant Man.

Cirque member CS

Name: Vincent Arcadi

Show Name or nick-name: The Illustrated Giant

Age: 56

Country of Origin: America

Years with circus: 5 years

Species: Human

Sexuality: Straight



Appearance other: Is 11'3, and is completely covered is full color tattoos from head to foot.


Personality: Kind, Energetic, Hot-headed, Aggressive, Generous

Background: Born on the east coast of the US, Vincent had been a happily married man for several years until he was fired during a series of layoffs at the company he worked in. Looking for money, he joined a local circus, becoming their tattooed man and their giant. He had gone to an odd old woman to get his tattoos, and she said they would be magical and prophetic, so long as he did not reveal them until his preformance. During his performance, when he removed the bandages, the images proved to be prophetic, in a sick way. The largest image, right in the middle of his back, was a scene that showed his wife being eaten alive by a lion, and as the crowd viewed it, a lion entered the tent, heading straight for the man wife. She was killed, and the lion was quickly shot. Later, Vincent learned that not only was his largest tattoo prophetic, but his smaller tattoos had the ability to move and interact with eachother, changing and shifting with every preformance.

Abilities: Prophetic Tattoo; Vincents largest tattoo is prophetic, and changes with every preformance. However, the prophecies are usually vague if longterm, and detailed when short term. He has only had one long term prophesy, which lasted for ten years, which was an image of himself entering the going into the arms of an odd group of people. Moving tattoos: All of Vincents other tattoos are ablw to interact with eachother and change position, the only one excluded from this being his prophetic one. Is a normal human besides these oddities, and the fact that he is extremely tall

What do you do in the circus: Is the leader of the freaks. Acts as tge main coordinator for them. Is alo the illustrated man, as well as the giant.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?: A standard trailer, but has half completed paintings, blank canvases, and painting supplies everywhere.

Other: Vincent is actually an avid painter, and often carries a sketchbook and pencil with him wherever he goes.
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]
Cirque member CS
Name: Vincent Arcadi

Show Name or nick-name: The Illustrated Giant

Age: 56

Country of Origin: America

Years with circus: 5 years

Species: Human

Sexuality: Straight



Appearance other: Is 11'3, and is completely covered is full color tattoos from head to foot.


Personality: Kind, Energetic, Hot-headed, Aggressive, Generous

Background: Born on the east coast of the US, Vincent had been a happily married man for several years until he was fired during a series of layoffs at the company he worked in. Looking for money, he joined a local circus, becoming their tattooed man and their giant. He had gone to an odd old woman to get his tattoos, and she said they would be magical and prophetic, so long as he did not reveal them until his preformance. During his performance, when he removed the bandages, the images proved to be prophetic, in a sick way. The largest image, right in the middle of his back, was a scene that showed his wife being eaten alive by a lion, and as the crowd viewed it, a lion entered the tent, heading straight for the man wife. She was killed, and the lion was quickly shot. Later, Vincent learned that not only was his largest tattoo prophetic, but his smaller tattoos had the ability to move and interact with eachother, changing and shifting with every preformance.

Abilities: Prophetic Tattoo; Vincents largest tattoo is prophetic, and changes with every preformance. However, the prophecies are usually vague if longterm, and detailed when short term. He has only had one long term prophesy, which lasted for ten years, which was an image of himself entering the going into the arms of an odd group of people. Moving tattoos: All of Vincents other tattoos are ablw to interact with eachother and change position, the only one excluded from this being his prophetic one. Is a normal human besides these oddities, and the fact that he is extremely tall

What do you do in the circus: Is the leader of the freaks. Acts as tge main coordinator for them. Is alo the illustrated man, as well as the giant.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?: A standard trailer, but has half completed paintings, blank canvases, and painting supplies everywhere.

Other: Vincent is actually an avid painter, and often carries a sketchbook and pencil with him wherever he goes.


There should be a small summary in the OOC tab
Axel1313 said:
There should be a small summary in the OOC tab
Exactly what time is it in RP, and how do you think I should introduce Vincent?
Hmmm. I'd say at this point it's probably about 3 or 4am? Since performances ended a while ago after there was an accident. There are a few characters completely open right now for interaction or you could get in on the action of a murder just being announced by the agents there and members being taken in as well. I can help more later in the morning since it is 4am here right now. Haha.
Axel1313 said:
Hmmm. I'd say at this point it's probably about 3 or 4am? Since performances ended a while ago after there was an accident. There are a few characters completely open right now for interaction or you could get in on the action of a murder just being announced by the agents there and members being taken in as well. I can help more later in the morning since it is 4am here right now. Haha.
It's five where I am xD alright. Hmmmm....... Okay, I'll try to figure out which character to interact with, then I'll post. I guess.

Rina Yuuki


Crimson Tidecaller



Appearance Other

Rina has a cutupon her left cheek, as well as a scar spanning from the bottom of her right shoulder-blade to the very top edge of the same shoulder, thin though prominent.

Country of Origin





"That doesn't matter, does it...? Not like I'll get to meet anybody..."

~ N/A ~


"Just leave me be... You already have my complete cooperation, don't you...?"

Rina is a rather silent and reserved girl, one who refuses to show any signs of emotion under the pretense of not deserving of having emotions. She's rather self-deprecating, self-hating, and the kind of person who would rather be fading away from existence. At all moments of her life, she's scared of what may come, and fears nothing more than she does pain; something she's been made to endure numerous times and absolutely hates.


"You needn't know..."

Rina was born, well, to the sea and all its beauty. Life was simple, full of fun, friends, and exploration of the sea from a young age. One day, however, the girl's parents had been taken from her. She hadn't a clue where they'd gone, nor why they'd disappeared on her. Weeks, and weeks, and weeks went by, and they never came back. Saddened by the disappearance of her family, she slowly became a very depressed and insecure person, separated from the rest of her undersea community. Eventually, she became so far locked away, that the world around her just seemed to vanish from her mind; and from reality.

The girl was blessed, but not in a fortunate way. She was born with unknown potential in a magical sense, having great powers over the sea itself. She could easily manipulate every element to it; the water, the creatures; even the tiny oxygen molecules that she and others breathed. She didn't even realize it, but those around her were crying tears of blood, being ripped away from life as the cost for Rina's sadness and wish yet inability to vanish from the world herself. Once she realized such was happening, however, it was too late; all that remained was her and her childhood friend, in which had discovered how things happened the way they did, turning away from Rina and abandoning her.

From then on, Rina had found herself trapped, sealed away within some sort of aquarium hidden inside of a giant book-filled structure called a library. Her friend had also been captured, but she knew nothing of what'd become of her friend, the other child's whereabouts completely unknown to Rina save for held captive as well to be used for threatening Rina into cooperation for a good four long years. Present day, Rina's figured out that her friend's been dead the entire four years of her captivity, and has essentially given up on all else.


"You know this already, don't you...? After all, it's because of my abilities that you did this to me..."

Rina possesses powers far above those of most when it comes to the water. She can control every single aspect of the sea, essentially able to control the very fate of the ocean itself. She possesses the ability to even control oxygen itself within the water, granted the time and energy to do so. Rina also possesses a high level of telepathy, something which she's only developed into such a highly-usable ability due to her status of imprisonment by a being in which uses human language to speak. She also possesses highly-developed sensory capabilities in ties with her telepathy, something in which is the very reason for her imprisonment.


"I'm his 'slave', as he calls it... A prisoner who must obey his will..."

"Home Sweet Home"

"It looks beautiful, but... This is more like a cell than a living space... I'm trapped within this aquarium, alongside these other lonely sea creatures... Nobody sees us, but them..."


A library and aquarium hidden under the sea is what makes up Rina's residence. It's a secret place in which only three people know to exist, those being Rina, her captor, and a mysterious child in which recently began observing Rina and jotting things down within the many books of which the library holds. Rina's only company, save for this silent girl and her captor, is the sea life around her, leaving the girl fairly lonely. The space is vast, though somehow lacks room for the use of Rina's power past her sensory and telepathic capabilities.


"Carol... She's my first, last, and only friend... At least, she was until four years ago when she turned her back on me... I deserved to be abandoned by her though... She's the one who suffered, however, dying because of my mistakes..."​
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]

Rina Yuuki


Crimson Tidecaller



Appearance Other

Rina has a cutupon her left cheek, as well as a scar spanning from the bottom of her right shoulder-blade to the very top edge of the same shoulder, thin though prominent.

Country of Origin





"That doesn't matter, does it...? Not like I'll get to meet anybody..."

~ N/A ~


"Just leave me be... You already have my complete cooperation, don't you...?"

Rina is a rather silent and reserved girl, one who refuses to show any signs of emotion under the pretense of not deserving of having emotions. She's rather self-deprecating, self-hating, and the kind of person who would rather be fading away from existence. At all moments of her life, she's scared of what may come, and fears nothing more than she does pain; something she's been made to endure numerous times and absolutely hates.


"You needn't know..."

Rina was born, well, to the sea and all its beauty. Life was simple, full of fun, friends, and exploration of the sea from a young age. One day, however, the girl's parents had been taken from her. She hadn't a clue where they'd gone, nor why they'd disappeared on her. Weeks, and weeks, and weeks went by, and they never came back. Saddened by the disappearance of her family, she slowly became a very depressed and insecure person, separated from the rest of her undersea community. Eventually, she became so far locked away, that the world around her just seemed to vanish from her mind; and from reality.

The girl was blessed, but not in a fortunate way. She was born with unknown potential in a magical sense, having great powers over the sea itself. She could easily manipulate every element to it; the water, the creatures; even the tiny oxygen molecules that she and others breathed. She didn't even realize it, but those around her were crying tears of blood, being ripped away from life as the cost for Rina's sadness and wish yet inability to vanish from the world herself. Once she realized such was happening, however, it was too late; all that remained was her and her childhood friend, in which had discovered how things happened the way they did, turning away from Rina and abandoning her.

From then on, Rina had found herself trapped, sealed away within some sort of aquarium hidden inside of a giant book-filled structure called a library. Her friend had also been captured, but she knew nothing of what'd become of her friend, the other child's whereabouts completely unknown to Rina save for held captive as well to be used for threatening Rina into cooperation for a good four long years. Present day, Rina's figured out that her friend's been dead the entire four years of her captivity, and has essentially given up on all else.


"You know this already, don't you...? After all, it's because of my abilities that you did this to me..."

Rina possesses powers far above those of most when it comes to the water. She can control every single aspect of the sea, essentially able to control the very fate of the ocean itself. She possesses the ability to even control oxygen itself within the water, granted the time and energy to do so. Rina also possesses a high level of telepathy, something which she's only developed into such a highly-usable ability due to her status of imprisonment by a being in which uses human language to speak. She also possesses highly-developed sensory capabilities in ties with her telepathy, something in which is the very reason for her imprisonment.


"I'm his 'slave', as he calls it... A prisoner who must obey his will..."

"Home Sweet Home"

"It looks beautiful, but... This is more like a cell than a living space... I'm trapped within this aquarium, alongside these other lonely sea creatures... Nobody sees us, but them..."


A library and aquarium hidden under the sea is what makes up Rina's residence. It's a secret place in which only three people know to exist, those being Rina, her captor, and a mysterious child in which recently began observing Rina and jotting things down within the many books of which the library holds. Rina's only company, save for this silent girl and her captor, is the sea life around her, leaving the girl fairly lonely. The space is vast, though somehow lacks room for the use of Rina's power past her sensory and telepathic capabilities.


"Carol... She's my first, last, and only friend... At least, she was until four years ago when she turned her back on me... I deserved to be abandoned by her though... She's the one who suffered, however, dying because of my mistakes..."​


Dabria Firuzeh

Show Name or nick-name:

Pandora's Box - Bri


??? (She appears to be in her early or mid twenties)

Country of Origin:

Where she originates is unknown and if asked the answer will always change

Years with circus:

6 years (In a row, mainly due to difficult resources. However spottings of her roaming around have been noted from earlier members. Even one or two in the French records.)







Appearance other:

In her docile state, Dabria appears as a fairly pale woman. In fact the only color ever seen on her skin in this state is the slight peach coloring of her lips. Her hair is an iridescent white, falling just above her butt. Her eyes are an even lighter white, the pupils a dull grey color. She stands at 5'10" and her weight is...questionable. To contrast the white of her body, she tends to wear all black, tight fit or ver loose clothing, no in between. Although she bares no scars or tattoos, Dabria's underlids glow a bright white and are hard to mistake as eyeliner. They are possibly the only thing that discriminates her from seeming as a normal human. When she changes into her other forms, in her half-forms her eyes and sometimes hair will match the color oriented with the ability.


Although she may put on a very 'flirty' and more adult like attitude for her performances, Dabria Portrays several other personalities as well. She can go from a very bubbly being with a child-like positivity and manner, to someone cold or sinister like in the matter of moments. However uncanny it may seem to humans, like all other parts of her, she adapts to those around her never revealing her true personality. That is if she even bares her own personality. (This does not mean she doesn't have emotions.) Dabria likes to make it seem as if she is very trusting to about anybody, the gullible presence setting people at ease and more than not lead to situations she may favor. Although she had drifted from time to time, like anyone else in the cirque she is also very attached to her Cirque family and loves each and everyone of them for the most part.


Why dwell upon the past, when the world is ever changing?


Her abilities are as interesting as the rest her. As anything else about her, she adapts. By touch with a time period for the as simple to say drain, Dabria is able to copy the abilities of others for herself. She can not use them all at once, however she can mix and match them to strengthen their abilities, and when she uses each power her form morphs to match it. However, The process to copy one's abilities without killing or harming the creature causes her to be placed in a point of weakness. She becomes easily kill are so to say. So she tends to stick to the elements, which have always been permanently binded to her.

Her powers linked to the elements are simple. She takes a half or full form of the substance, is given an elemental protector to support her, and whatever powers that relate to creation, eradication, or manipulation of said element are available to her. The forms of each one she is permanently binded to are below the cut. (She is binded to the void, however her form is unknown as she seemingly disappears from existence.)

(Disclaimer the powers described in her forms are just relating to how her form affects her, not what her powers can do over all.)


Water Element

In her half form, Dabria's hair becomes a deep sea blue with the tips seeming to drip with water, but tied into a braid. Her eyes change to a dark purple Iris with deep blue pupils, her skin still pale but giving off a blue tint and her lips a deep blue. Any clothing she is wearing the tips of the clothes fade into floating water molecules.

In her full form, Dabria becomes the essence of water. Her form physically becomes a Dabria shaped body of water, the molecules all held together by some magic and technically making her see through. While fully made of water things do tend to go through her and when she nears water she can attune to it.


Fire Element

While in this half form Dabria's skin becomes a charcoal brown, the tips of her fingers and toes a fairly charred black. Her hair, depending on the heat, glows the same coloring of the fire, the tips of it flickering as small flames and when calm controlled lava. Her eyes crest over becoming fully engulfed as lava like orbs. Her clothes and hair piece seem unaffected by the heat she produces and the end tips of her clothes also flicker like fire.

In her full form, Dabria's body is made of molten rock magically making a Dabria shaped body once again. Where the rock cracks and markings lay, Fire spews out. Her hair also become a bright fire, moving around and flickering brightly. She is also able to pass through fire with ease and can not lessen the brightness or heat she expels.


Forest Element

Like her half form in water, Dabria's skin stays a pale coloring but is tinted with a green and her lips are a dark green coloring. Also, Dabria's ankles and wrist seem to have vines grow from them as well in the shape of brace/anklets. Her hair is an earthy green color with vines seemingly growing from it. Her eyes change to a dark brown Iris with earth green pupils. Her clothing is rugged the tips of it morphing into leaves.

As for her full form; bark, vines, leaves, etc. morph together to make a plant shaped Dabria with moss covering where it's necessary. Her face is carved smooth, her eyes now made of carved Amber. In this form she is able to grow her body larger or shrink smaller and she is able to fade her face to look like an actual tree.


Earth Element

In her half form Dabria's skin becomes a grayish-tan coloring, stone scratch and coloring markings decorating it. Her hair is a dark brown with gray and black streaks running through it. Her eyes glow a tan coloring, streaks or dark brown glow seeming more like cracks than veins. Her clothing on the tips are dusty and every bit of the clothing seems normal but when touched it feels hard as rock.

In her full form Dabria seems like a walking statuette her whole form a carved piece of stone. Her eyes are glazed over in a stone protectant and her hair clings to her body, melting into the rest of the connections of where cloth and stone skin meet. While she is like this she is much stronger and she can attune t out one hiding in walls or simply as a statue. She can not talk though, no matter how hard she tries.


Air Element

This half form does not seem to change much from her docile form. Her skin actually becomes slightly paler and a bit translucent. Her hair remains white but grows about a foot longer the tips fading to appear like clouds. Her eyes change to light blue irises with bright white pupils. Her clothes seem almost lighter and the tips also form to appear like clouds.

As for her full form, Dabria becomes a physical magically stable gust of wind. The only thing that makes her visible is the cloudy translucent tint her controlled wind gives off, forming a very flimsy and ever moving form of Dabria. She is able to move at extremely fast speeds using the wind to her advantage. Her speech is whispers and she can't pick things up but wind normally can't.


Aether Element

Dabria's half form and full form are almost exactly the same. The entirety of her clothes, hair, eyes, and in her full form skin become a Dabria shaped form of space and stars. Her half form however, her skin becomes a glowing white. Both of her forms can be touched and feel like a soft gelatin, that is the magical barrier keeping the vacant sense of space in the form.


Light Element

In her half form Dabria's skin grows into an extremely dark brown, her hands, feet, and veins all glow in color changing lights. Her eyes become translucent, letting out the same glow as her veins and fading the glow in the skin around it. Her clothes instantly become black or at least dark, allowing for neon light patterns to appear on them. Kids get a kick out of this form.

In her full form her body becomes a beacon of light everything about her glowing, along with shield light streaks that circle around her. Unlike her Aether form her body is not solid and in daylight it will be harder to see her. Also because she is just light, it's easy to pass through her but it won't be the more comfortable feeling.


Metal Element

The only difference of her half form from her full form, is that the metal does not become her skin but forms on top of her skin like a body wrap. Also the metal is a gold alloy and her eyes and hair change to a gold coloring, the pupils of the eyes becoming a silver. Finally her clothes do not get covered in the alloy but they do become a silver coloring.

As for her full form her skin is replaced and fully becomes a silver alloy. Her eyes, just like her earth form, glaze over in a silver shell. Her skin is as tough as the alloy and isn't stiff so her movement isn't impaired. Finally she can attune to metal but it's honestly easier for her to just manipulate it over melding with it.


Shadow Element

This half form is the opposite of her docile one. Her skin becomes black as night, her fingers and feet fading into shadowy plumes. Her eye whites become a dark grey and the white of the irises and pupils glow. Her hair also becomes black, halfway through the hair also becomes a plume of smoke. As for her clothing, it is all cloaked in a shroud of shadow immediately disappearing with her form in any shadows or in the night.

Her full form takes away Dabria from her corporeal form, her whole body becoming the shadow plumes. She is nothing but wisps of shadow and smoke a basis of her form pulled together by controlled shadows. Also the bright white orbs that represent her eyes, something that can fade away in the sense of danger not necessarily at will. Also she can not speak in this form except to other shadow walkers or creatures who can speak ancient tongue.


Ice Element

Just like her Air half form, not much changes in this half form from Dabria's docile state. Her skin is still pale but tinted white and appears to be freezing cold to the touch. Her hair remains white but the tips are are frozen, icicles sometimes chipping and falling off. Her eyes are the same but coated in a frozen glass. Her clothes, no matter what she puts on, instantly cover in an icy armor sometimes hidden sometimes not.

Her full form, like another other of the full forms, makes her into the essence of the element. Her whole body becomes a statuette of pure ice, her water abilities are the only thing that allow her body to move functionally. She can speak in this form and since everything is made out of freezing ice, touching her may or may not freeze you.


Poison Element

Dabria's poison half form is quite interesting. Her skin does remain pale, but not only does her skin gain a purplish green hue, her skin becomes tattooed in the forms of basically every poisonous or venomous thing that exists. Her hair becomes a very wavy lime green and the tips drip with a dangerous poison. Her fingernails grow into 3 inch black claws laced with the same poison in her hair. As for her eyes, the normal whites and her pupil are a neon pink and the irises a poison ivy green with heading purple specks. Her clothes don't change.

As for her full form her body is made out of pure venom wrapped and held together by cloth and poisonous plants. Since this form eradicates her facial features, not that she would need them in this form, Dabria bares the mask seen in the pic above. Making contact with that form will guarantee possible poison damage and she can attune to poisons by dropping her form and filling vials. She can not speak in this form.























What do you do in the circus:

Obviously she is a performer, what her performance is always changes on who else is performing that night. However most nights she sticks to entertaining the masses who walk around, as it is much easier to hide and scope for those who may not come for the cirque's entertainment.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

Only to her knowledge or when she is alone, the inside of her trailer is just as blank as the void or possibly the void itself. However, if she ever has a guest, the trailer will appear to the person as they would imagine their ideal room or place. Thus Dabria adapts to whatever enviroment presented.


- Although they don't contain many or any magical capabilities, Dabria tends to feed on humans by draining their souls in the same manner she'd copy an ability. It's not like she needs them at the same pace as someone would need food, but without them -- although people don't know -- she weakens.

- Do not approach Dabria when she is in a stasis. Her abilities strengthen in this state instead of weakening, so her controlled manner of copying a power is not the same.

- Dabria once spent a summer with an elephant man and his friends.



Matilda Nightengale

nick name:

Tilly - Rookie


Just turned 19

country of origin:






Appearance other:

Uneven long in front short in back chocolate hair cups her face. Her skin is just barely sun-kissed, leaning more to a light tan than a peachy nature. Her eyes are a deep red, though she normally wears contacts to neutralize them as a brown, embarrassed by her genetic "luck". She stands at a height of 5'8" which she won't hesitate to remind you is average not short. She weighs around 110 lbs.

Tattoos: She bares a tattoo of thorns like a choker around her neck and identical thorns wrapped around her wrists and ankles. She also has a chain tattoo that wraps around her left thigh, and one around her right bicep.

Scars: Her back is scarred by three deep claws marks that cover the majority of her skin. She tends to wear turtle necks because of this and doesn't reveal the marks to anyone, worried they may ask questions.


Very open about emotions and supportive of others. Is skilled when it comes to fighting, and thanks to her rapid education, a good doctor as well. A terrible cook, and should never be allowed back into a kitchen. Likes to crack jokes with others, including slight insults. Never afraid to speak her mind which is normally alright with the vast knowledge she has (that is for a human).


As a young girl, Matilda grew up in the lavish role of the single child and heiress of one of the wealthiest families in Scotland. Although with this title did come with a price. Matilda never got to see her parents aside from a family dinner they would hold at the end of every month. Yet Matilda was not necessarily alone, many maids and butlers were there to cater to her needs and being the person she was the nand now Matilda would never use that power and instead treat them like the family she always imagined. That is of course, at least in her case, not done very well as it was hard to treat the people who were also your teachers and trainers to make you into the perfect heiress of your parents standards with love. Yet the best part of growing up for Matilda was during the night. Just as she was about to go to sleep Matilda would as see a strange man outside her window who would asked to be let inside. Matilda always did for the strange man to her was a friend (back then) with magical abilities that would play with her, unlike anyone else in the Manor.

It was then on her 17th birthday, Matilda had finally completed her prep training and was ready to take over as the head of the family tree. Although she reluctantly accepted the position, Matilda knew that the work her parents wanted her to continue after they were full gone was not her calling. Instead it was the curiousity to find out more about her magical "friend" she used to have, thus leading her to discover the reality of mythical creatures other than in fairytales. By the time she turned 18 Matilda had found out about Interpol and immediately joined. Matilda quickly rose in the ranks and soon became the head's personal assistant, much to Matilda's excitement, and a well respected Interpol agent. Matilda now works extremely hard to do her job right especially since, despite the position and skills she's attained, is still known as a Rookie. She also tries to help with as many expenses for the company as she can, since money it is not an issue for her.

What you specialize in:

Folklore expert, demonologist, does a lot of the magical autopsy and surgical procedures for mythical agents, anything relating to creature info really

How long have you been a member of Interpol:

Practically 1 year


- Matilda once had tea with an elephant man and her "friend" back in those days long ago.
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rosamortelle said:
Dabria Firuzeh

Show Name or nick-name:

Pandora's Box - Bri


??? (She appears to be in her early or mid twenties)

Country of Origin:

Where she originates is unknown and if asked the answer will always change

Years with circus:

6 years (In a row, mainly due to difficult resources. However spottings of her roaming around have been noted from earlier members. Even one or two in the French records.)







Appearance other:

In her docile state, Dabria appears as a fairly pale woman. In fact the only color ever seen on her skin in this state is the slight peach coloring of her lips. Her hair is an iridescent white, falling just above her butt. Her eyes are an even lighter white, the pupils a dull grey color. She stands at 5'10" and her weight is...questionable. To contrast the white of her body, she tends to wear all black, tight fit or ver loose clothing, no in between. Although she bares no scars or tattoos, Dabria's underlids glow a bright white and are hard to mistake as eyeliner. They are possibly the only thing that discriminates her from seeming as a normal human. When she changes into her other forms, in her half-forms her eyes and sometimes hair will match the color oriented with the ability.


Although she may put on a very 'flirty' and more adult like attitude for her performances, Dabria Portrays several other personalities as well. She can go from a very bubbly being with a child-like positivity and manner, to someone cold or sinister like in the matter of moments. However uncanny it may seem to humans, like all other parts of her, she adapts to those around her never revealing her true personality. That is if she even bares her own personality. (This does not mean she doesn't have emotions.) Dabria likes to make it seem as if she is very trusting to about anybody, the gullible presence setting people at ease and more than not lead to situations she may favor. Although she had drifted from time to time, like anyone else in the cirque she is also very attached to her Cirque family and loves each and everyone of them for the most part.


Why dwell upon the past, when the world is ever changing?


Her abilities are as interesting as the rest her. As anything else about her, she adapts. By touch with a time period for the as simple to say drain, Dabria is able to copy the abilities of others for herself. She can not use them all at once, however she can mix and match them to strengthen their abilities, and when she uses each power her form morphs to match it. However, The process to copy one's abilities without killing or harming the creature causes her to be placed in a point of weakness. She becomes easily kill are so to say. So she tends to stick to the elements, which have always been permanently binded to her.

Her powers linked to the elements are simple. She takes a half or full form of the substance, is given an elemental protector to support her, and whatever powers that relate to creation, eradication, or manipulation of said element are available to her. The forms of each one she is permanently binded to are below the cut. (She is binded to the void, however her form is unknown as she seemingly disappears from existence.)

(Disclaimer the powers described in her forms are just relating to how her form affects her, not what her powers can do over all.)


Water Element

In her half form, Dabria's hair becomes a deep sea blue with the tips seeming to drip with water, but tied into a braid. Her eyes change to a dark purple Iris with deep blue pupils, her skin still pale but giving off a blue tint and her lips a deep blue. Any clothing she is wearing the tips of the clothes fade into floating water molecules.

In her full form, Dabria becomes the essence of water. Her form physically becomes a Dabria shaped body of water, the molecules all held together by some magic and technically making her see through. While fully made of water things do tend to go through her and when she nears water she can attune to it.


Fire Element

While in this half form Dabria's skin becomes a charcoal brown, the tips of her fingers and toes a fairly charred black. Her hair, depending on the heat, glows the same coloring of the fire, the tips of it flickering as small flames and when calm controlled lava. Her eyes crest over becoming fully engulfed as lava like orbs. Her clothes and hair piece seem unaffected by the heat she produces and the end tips of her clothes also flicker like fire.

In her full form, Dabria's body is made of molten rock magically making a Dabria shaped body once again. Where the rock cracks and markings lay, Fire spews out. Her hair also become a bright fire, moving around and flickering brightly. She is also able to pass through fire with ease and can not lessen the brightness or heat she expels.


Forest Element

Like her half form in water, Dabria's skin stays a pale coloring but is tinted with a green and her lips are a dark green coloring. Also, Dabria's ankles and wrist seem to have vines grow from them as well in the shape of brace/anklets. Her hair is an earthy green color with vines seemingly growing from it. Her eyes change to a dark brown Iris with earth green pupils. Her clothing is rugged the tips of it morphing into leaves.

As for her full form; bark, vines, leaves, etc. morph together to make a plant shaped Dabria with moss covering where it's necessary. Her face is carved smooth, her eyes now made of carved Amber. In this form she is able to grow her body larger or shrink smaller and she is able to fade her face to look like an actual tree.


Earth Element

In her half form Dabria's skin becomes a grayish-tan coloring, stone scratch and coloring markings decorating it. Her hair is a dark brown with gray and black streaks running through it. Her eyes glow a tan coloring, streaks or dark brown glow seeming more like cracks than veins. Her clothing on the tips are dusty and every bit of the clothing seems normal but when touched it feels hard as rock.

In her full form Dabria seems like a walking statuette her whole form a carved piece of stone. Her eyes are glazed over in a stone protectant and her hair clings to her body, melting into the rest of the connections of where cloth and stone skin meet. While she is like this she is much stronger and she can attune t out one hiding in walls or simply as a statue. She can not talk though, no matter how hard she tries.


Air Element

This half form does not seem to change much from her docile form. Her skin actually becomes slightly paler and a bit translucent. Her hair remains white but grows about a foot longer the tips fading to appear like clouds. Her eyes change to light blue irises with bright white pupils. Her clothes seem almost lighter and the tips also form to appear like clouds.

As for her full form, Dabria becomes a physical magically stable gust of wind. The only thing that makes her visible is the cloudy translucent tint her controlled wind gives off, forming a very flimsy and ever moving form of Dabria. She is able to move at extremely fast speeds using the wind to her advantage. Her speech is whispers and she can't pick things up but wind normally can't.


Aether Element

Dabria's half form and full form are almost exactly the same. The entirety of her clothes, hair, eyes, and in her full form skin become a Dabria shaped form of space and stars. Her half form however, her skin becomes a glowing white. Both of her forms can be touched and feel like a soft gelatin, that is the magical barrier keeping the vacant sense of space in the form.


Light Element

In her half form Dabria's skin grows into an extremely dark brown, her hands, feet, and veins all glow in color changing lights. Her eyes become translucent, letting out the same glow as her veins and fading the glow in the skin around it. Her clothes instantly become black or at least dark, allowing for neon light patterns to appear on them. Kids get a kick out of this form.

In her full form her body becomes a beacon of light everything about her glowing, along with shield light streaks that circle around her. Unlike her Aether form her body is not solid and in daylight it will be harder to see her. Also because she is just light, it's easy to pass through her but it won't be the more comfortable feeling.


Metal Element

The only difference of her half form from her full form, is that the metal does not become her skin but forms on top of her skin like a body wrap. Also the metal is a gold alloy and her eyes and hair change to a gold coloring, the pupils of the eyes becoming a silver. Finally her clothes do not get covered in the alloy but they do become a silver coloring.

As for her full form her skin is replaced and fully becomes a silver alloy. Her eyes, just like her earth form, glaze over in a silver shell. Her skin is as tough as the alloy and isn't stiff so her movement isn't impaired. Finally she can attune to metal but it's honestly easier for her to just manipulate it over melding with it.


Shadow Element

This half form is the opposite of her docile one. Her skin becomes black as night, her fingers and feet fading into shadowy plumes. Her eye whites become a dark grey and the white of the irises and pupils glow. Her hair also becomes black, halfway through the hair also becomes a plume of smoke. As for her clothing, it is all cloaked in a shroud of shadow immediately disappearing with her form in any shadows or in the night.

Her full form takes away Dabria from her corporeal form, her whole body becoming the shadow plumes. She is nothing but wisps of shadow and smoke a basis of her form pulled together by controlled shadows. Also the bright white orbs that represent her eyes, something that can fade away in the sense of danger not necessarily at will. Also she can not speak in this form except to other shadow walkers or creatures who can speak ancient tongue.


Ice Element

Just like her Air half form, not much changes in this half form from Dabria's docile state. Her skin is still pale but tinted white and appears to be freezing cold to the touch. Her hair remains white but the tips are are frozen, icicles sometimes chipping and falling off. Her eyes are the same but coated in a frozen glass. Her clothes, no matter what she puts on, instantly cover in an icy armor sometimes hidden sometimes not.

Her full form, like another other of the full forms, makes her into the essence of the element. Her whole body becomes a statuette of pure ice, her water abilities are the only thing that allow her body to move functionally. She can speak in this form and since everything is made out of freezing ice, touching her may or may not freeze you.


Poison Element

Dabria's poison half form is quite interesting. Her skin does remain pale, but not only does her skin gain a purplish green hue, her skin becomes tattooed in the forms of basically every poisonous or venomous thing that exists. Her hair becomes a very wavy lime green and the tips drip with a dangerous poison. Her fingernails grow into 3 inch black claws laced with the same poison in her hair. As for her eyes, the normal whites and her pupil are a neon pink and the irises a poison ivy green with heading purple specks. Her clothes don't change.

As for her full form her body is made out of pure venom wrapped and held together by cloth and poisonous plants. Since this form eradicates her facial features, not that she would need them in this form, Dabria bares the mask seen in the pic above. Making contact with that form will guarantee possible poison damage and she can attune to poisons by dropping her form and filling vials. She can not speak in this form.























What do you do in the circus:

Obviously she is a performer, what her performance is always changes on who else is performing that night. However most nights she sticks to entertaining the masses who walk around, as it is much easier to hide and scope for those who may not come for the cirque's entertainment.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

Only to her knowledge or when she is alone, the inside of her trailer is just as blank as the void or possibly the void itself. However, if she ever has a guest, the trailer will appear to the person as they would imagine their ideal room or place. Thus Dabria adapts to whatever enviroment presented.


- Although they don't contain many or any magical capabilities, Dabria tends to feed on humans by draining their souls in the same manner she'd copy an ability. It's not like she needs them at the same pace as someone would need food, but without them -- although people don't know -- she weakens.

- Do not approach Dabria when she is in a stasis. Her abilities strengthen in this state instead of weakening, so her controlled manner of copying a power is not the same.

- Dabria once spent a summer with an elephant man and his friends.



Matilda Nightengale

nick name:

Tilly - Rookie


Just turned 19

country of origin:






Appearance other:

Uneven long in front short in back chocolate hair cups her face. Her skin is just barely sun-kissed, leaning more to a light tan than a peachy nature. Her eyes are a deep red, though she normally wears contacts to neutralize them as a brown, embarrassed by her genetic "luck". She stands at a height of 5'8" which she won't hesitate to remind you is average not short. She weighs around 110 lbs.

Tattoos: She bares a tattoo of thorns like a choker around her neck and identical thorns wrapped around her wrists and ankles. She also has a chain tattoo that wraps around her left thigh, and one around her right bicep.

Scars: Her back is scarred by three deep claws marks that cover the majority of her skin. She tends to wear turtle necks because of this and doesn't reveal the marks to anyone, worried they may ask questions.


Very open about emotions and supportive of others. Is skilled when it comes to fighting, and thanks to her rapid education, a good doctor as well. A terrible cook, and should never be allowed back into a kitchen. Likes to crack jokes with others, including slight insults. Never afraid to speak her mind which is normally alright with the vast knowledge she has (that is for a human).


As a young girl, Matilda grew up in the lavish role of the single child and heiress of one of the wealthiest families in Scotland. Although with this title did come with a price. Matilda never got to see her parents aside from a family dinner they would hold at the end of every month. Yet Matilda was not necessarily alone, many maids and butlers were there to cater to her needs and being the person she was the nand now Matilda would never use that power and instead treat them like the family she always imagined. That is of course, at least in her case, not done very well as it was hard to treat the people who were also your teachers and trainers to make you into the perfect heiress of your parents standards with love. Yet the best part of growing up for Matilda was during the night. Just as she was about to go to sleep Matilda would as see a strange man outside her window who would asked to be let inside. Matilda always did for the strange man to her was a friend (back then) with magical abilities that would play with her, unlike anyone else in the Manor.

It was then on her 17th birthday, Matilda had finally completed her prep training and was ready to take over as the head of the family tree. Although she reluctantly accepted the position, Matilda knew that the work her parents wanted her to continue after they were full gone was not her calling. Instead it was the curiousity to find out more about her magical "friend" she used to have, thus leading her to discover the reality of mythical creatures other than in fairytales. By the time she turned 18 Matilda had found out about Interpol and immediately joined. Matilda quickly rose in the ranks and soon became the head's personal assistant, much to Matilda's excitement, and a well respected Interpol agent. Matilda now works extremely hard to do her job right especially since, despite the position and skills she's attained, is still known as a Rookie. She also tries to help with as many expenses for the company as she can, since money it is not an issue for her.

What you specialize in:

Folklore expert, demonologist, does a lot of the magical autopsy and surgical procedures for mythical agents, anything relating to creature info really

How long have you been a member of Interpol:

Practically 1 year


- Matilda once had tea with an elephant man and her "friend" back in those days long ago.


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