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Fantasy Cirque De Monstres (1876)

Catherine's eyes widened as she saw the pub. She had never been to one and felt somewhat uncomfortable about going in, but before she could say anything, Luka spoke again, but this time his accent had changed drastically. She couldn't detect what sort of accent it was as she had never heard it before, but she preferred it to the voice he had been using previously. And then Luka opened the door to the pub and walked inside, grabbing Catherine's hand as he went. She had no choice but to follow him.
Luka sat down with Cat and waited for one of the servers to come over to their table. "So as for my plan, I have a skill that could be worthy of the cirque. But I need a good backstory so they don't get suspicious. You need to pose as my step sister so we can get on the good side of the people. What do ya say? Are you up for it?" Luka's voice never changed, he enjoyed using it more than his other accent. Before Cat could answer he ordered them both mugs of beer, the strongest and purest they had. Luka embraced his Irish side happily when he could, of course he rarely had the chance since he was always around Catholic fanatics.
Catherine stared at Luka with a shocked expression on her face. Had he really just ordered her beer? Catherine had never tasted a drop of alcohol in her life, and she was not planning on doing so for a considerable amount of time. She didn't argue with Luka, knowing he would win whatever argument they had, but she was not going to drink the beer when it arrived.

Her thoughts went back to Luka's plan for getting into the Cirque. She narrowed her eyes slightly, wondering what Luka's 'skill' was. "Pretend to be your sister...I think I could do that. I consider myself a fair actress, and I'm rather good at telling lies," she eventually stated, then, out of curiosity she asked, "What exactly is this skill of yours? It must be very impressive if you think it could get you into the Cirque."
"I can hypnotize people with my voice, almost like a sort of charm speaking. I don't know why but I've always been persuasive with people. Haven't you found it odd how lenient Father has been with me? Also it sort of only works as a definite with animals. But with people I can sway them easily, that is if they are not expecting it. Their guard needs to be down in order for it to work. I haven't told anyone of what I can do yet for fear of being persecuted as unholy. You can keep a secret can't you?" Luka looked at Cat in the eyes, his voice seeming to flow like silk. "I plan on borrowing a friend's bear and making him do tricks." As the beers arrived he took his and drank some of it with a satisfied sigh. "Go ahead, try some, it's good. Don't worry it's actually good for you, in moderation. Just a swig yeah?" Luka's eyes seemed to get sharper as he tested his charm speak.
Ollie stopped walking around the girl in circles, and shrugged his shoulders in front of her. He wasn't afraid of the girl, with her fangs showing. He had seen truly worse things, more magical and unexplainable things, that he wasn't afraid. Though, he still would prefer to stay on the right side of her, at least for now. He points in the direction of the ringleaders home, "go that way." He says simply, before raising his eyebrows, "welcome to the cirque." He watched her, crossing his arms across his chest and keeping his eyes purely on her. He wasn't afraid of the werewolf, either. In fact, he liked him, he reaches out a hand to pet Fenrir.
Catherine furrowed her eyebrows as Luka explained his power. If he had used this 'charm speak' on Nicolas, had he used it on her as well? Was he using it on her right now? She felt her concern grow but then, to her surprise, it began to ebb away as he continued to speak and she focused more on his voice than his words. Luka suggested that she try the beer. Why not? It's not like it'll kill me, she thought as she reached for the mug and took a small sip. She cringed as she tasted the drink. It was bitter and mildly disgusting, though it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. She blinked and set down the mug, leaning back in her seat and crossing her arms at Luka. "You made me do that," she said in an accusatory tone.
Victoria smiled at the young man. She was surprised, a stranger and werewolf were by her now yet, she was still alive. She decided to try and befriend the man. The werewolf was another story.

"Thank you, and since you have not tried to kill me yet. May I ask what your name is."

She figured since she was going to stay here she would get to know the others a little better. Unlike before where she hoarded herself away in her wagon and only appeared at night. She was a little excited, a place where people didn't care about the fact that she was a vampire. Well, she was sure some people would care, mainly the werewolf. She figured since when was not dead that he was told not kill her.
"Ollie. My name is Ollie. Duck if you want, The Ugly Duckling is my stage name." He smiles a little and offers her a hand to shake, "what's yours?" He asks her.

He was slightly confused by the fact that she thought that he would have tried to kill her, but then he didn't know what she'd gone through. When Ollie had been in Ireland he had thought everyone was going to try and kill him, maybe it was the same for this girl? Probably on a larger scale, though, come to think of it.

He didn't know much about vampires. In honesty he didn't know what they were, but then he hadn't heard about most things until he'd come to this cirque in particular. Other cirques didn't dabble with the supernatural very well, they just dealt with physical deformities. Ollie hadn't felt at home in those shows the same way he did in this one.
Victoria bowed slightly to Ollie.

"My name is Victoria. I do not have a show name yet, one may come with time."

She ignored his confused look since her horse Zita had walked up and started rubbing her head against Victoria. She looked at the horse.

"Oh, you are such a hassle Zita."

She grabbed the reigns and looked at Ollie. He seemed nice enough, and he was nice enough to not question her sometimes odd comments. Something that was rare, she knew she was amongst friends.

"Well, I will see you around Ollie, I do believe that woman who went quack wishes to speak to you."

She started walking to the ringleader's place with Zita in tow. She walked up to the door and knocked.

"Hello? I was told to come talk to out by Monsieur Thomas."

She pet Zita while she waited for a response.
Fenrir growled, observing as Ollie and the vampire, Viktoria, talked. He wanted nothing more than to rip this vampire to shreds, but he knew Master Thomas won't take that kindly and he didn't want to anger Master Thomas, so he tried with all his might to not hurt the vampire. Seeing that the vampire is ignoring him, which isn't new for him, he didn't bother to introduce himself, especially since she would probably just call him mutt or something similar to that. As she left to go to Master Thomas's trailer, Fenrir followed her, not trusting her enough to leave her alone.
Victoria turned around and looked at the werewolf.

"Hello werewolf. I see that old habits die hard."

She walked away from the door and stood in front of him. He was taller then her but, she was not intimidated by that. She looked up so she was able to see his eyes.

"I assure you I am of no threat."

She was resisting every urge to just hurt the wolf. She had only but, a few run ins with them.

"I am just humble vampire seeking a safe place where I am not constantly being threatened by humans wielding stakes and crucifixes."

She smiled.

"I am sure you know what that feels like.... "
Fenrir looked in her eyes, and he knew she was telling the truth. No matter how deep his hatred for her kind is, he knew that she just wants a place to stay, a safe place with no discrimination and persecution. "I understand, but don't try doing bad." He haltingly said, sounding very much like a cave man. He can speak a few language and understand many, but he can't speak straight because of the different design of his voice box.
Duchess sighed as she put on her costume. A light headache was beginning to settle in, as she remembered the events of the previous night. She was certainly one able to hold her liquor, and she rarely suffered the effects of hangovers the next day. She must have drank much more than usual. Duchess pushed the thought aside and continued on to finish her breakfast, put on her makeup, and finally exit the small house she called home. Given that her act was not until nightfall, she decided to wander around, especially making sure to catch mice that had wandered into the food court area of the cirque grounds. She heard distant commotion but had no desire to get involved until she had to.
Wexley stopped her whining and groaning because obviously she was getting absolutely nowhere with that approach. So she settled for trying stand up again and make her way to her trailer. But it was easier said than done. Because she was so hammered, it took her a few tries to just get her rump off the ground let alone her whole body. When the fifth try came 'round and all she had managed was to roll onto her stomach, she decided that perhaps rolling to her trailer would be far simpler. So off she went rolling this way and that across the ground attempting to find her bleary way to her trailer. Of course spinning in circles while intoxicated was probably the worst idea she could have come up with. She could have called for assistance but that thought didn't even cross her mind. So in a sudden rush of strength she was able to push herself off the ground and sprint behind the nearest structure to vomit. That nearest structure happened to be the wagon she was so desperate to roll away from. (Wexley had just been going in circles the entire time.) With a majority of liqor out her system she tried once again to capture Ollie's attention, this time far more coherently. "Ollie? Are you still there or didja go with the wagon people? Can you help me to my trailerrr..." Oh dear. It's seems she's not entirely sober yet.
Luka smiled with fake innocence "Make is such a strong word. Can't we just agree I persuaded you?" He winked at Cat. "My mother was Irish and she was always different. I think I might be like those cirque people in actuality somehow. But my loyalty is to god so I have to do what I am told, to an extent" Luka had finished his beer as soon as he finished his sentence. He sat back and looked at Cat, finding her a very interesting and spunky girl. Luka had always wanted a friend like that, and he was hoping he just might have found one.

Seraphina Blair
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Duchess heard a strange sound along with various slurred words and moans. She peeked her head around a corner and saw Wexley rolling around on the ground lethargically, and realized that she was quite hungover. "Tch. Shouldn't drink so much if you can't handle it," she commented to herself quietly. Duchess dumped half a bucket of cold water on Wexley's head. "Good morning, Wexley!" She exclaimed cheerfully.
Catherine narrowed her eyes at Luka when he gave her a wink. She watched as he leaned back in his seat and stared at her. Her eyes still narrowed, she reached forward and picked up the mug of beer once again. Though she hadn't liked the taste, she liked the feeling of the alcohol running down her throat. She took another sip, keeping her eyes on Luka the whole time, and when she set the drink down she gave him a wink like he'd given her earlier. Catherine really was growing fond of the man, and even though she'd only known him for a few hours, she felt like they'd been friends for years.

Luka smiled "I'm happy we'll be working together." He ordered another beer, still smiling at Catherine. He finally found someone he could trust. Luka felt excited about all that would be going down, he was pumped and ready for the cirque. Luka tapped his fingers on the table as he waited for his beer. He began smirking a little, his excitement showing even more. His yellow eyes became sharp as he stared into Catherine's eyes.

@Seraphina Blair
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Victoria looked at the wolf.

"Don't worry werewolf. I will not do bad."

She decided that the ring leader must be busy so she decided to untack Zita and Siv while she waited and unpack her trailer a bit. She led Zita back to the wagon and untacked Zita and Siv. She hung the harness on the back of the wagon. She grabbed metal spikes and a mallet out of a little box. She drove the spike into to the ground and tied the lead ropes of her three horses to the spikes. She went to the front of her wagon and grabbed a lean to ladder and placed it to the door of her wagon. So far she liked here, the werewolf hadn't killed her yet so she considered this place good. She climbed up the ladder and sat in the door way of her wagon waiting for the ringleader to appear.
Julianne decided to have a little late-afternoon walk after he conversation with the Cardinal. She still didn't trust Luka, but if he has skills that prove useful for this operation then she doesn't have any other rational reason to exclude him. She offered him reassurance that she'll keep an eye on the two which is why she's on this little walk: she was looking for them.

She walked the cobbled sidewalks alone, a state her parents would be horrified to see, as she listed the possible places as to where they could be. "The park, the nearest footbridge the hat shop," She rambled on aimlessly as if she's trying to win a lottery by enumerating the names of the places she could think of.
Anya had been walking around the park for some time, it was still dark out, and no one could see her. She loved her midnight walks. It helped calm the mind, and gave her time to think, with no distractions. Anya knew she should be heading back soon, the people did not approve of a 'young woman' all out by herself. It was apparently 'improper'. Sighing, she headed back to the Cirque.

Anya, quietly opened her trailer door, and got inside. Pretty soon, the sun came out, lightly touching the clouds in the sky. Anya looked out her small window, marveling at the beauty of the sun. Snapping out of her trance, she got ready for the day.

When Anya was finally satisfied, she headed out the door again, this time headed to the food area.
Luka stood "We should be heading back to the chapel" He helped Cat out of her seat like a gentleman usually does. "We wouldn't want that little fanatic finding us here now would we?" Luka laughed, referring to Julianne. Before they did leave though, he remembered to leave money for the drinks. Luka also gave a tip just to be nice and to look good in front of Cat. He didn't want to seem cheap in front of his new "friend". Luka wondered if they even were friends, "Eh, whatever" He thought, not worrying about it until he had to. @Seraphina Blair
Catherine laughed along with Luka. "Can you imagine the look on her face if she did find us here?" Catherine asked, smiling just thinking about it. She watched Luka pay for their drinks and wished she could help with the money, but she didn't have any. I suppose I'll have to repay him later, she decided as they walked out the door of the pub. She felt a bit lightheaded even though she'd only had a small amount of alcohol. She hoped the feeling would wear off before they reached the chapel, or else Nicolas may become suspicious.

Ollie watched the vampire leave, then turned to look at Wexley. "Did you just quack at me?" He was slightly offended, but then, he wasn't. Wexley was drunk, it was no fault of her own. "For one-" He began, but was cut off by Duchess coming out of nowhere with a bucket of cold water, which splashed onto Ollie's trousers as well as over Wexley's head. "Hey!" He yells, "Watch where you splash that thing." He tuts slightly.
"Where could they--" She stopped mid sentence as she saw Cat and Luka walk out of the pub. If the Cardinal knows about this, he'll flip!

"Luka! Catherine!" Julianne called as she hastens her pace to reach them. "So this is where you've been."

She looks at the two like she's waiting for them to say something. "What kind of a gentleman brings the Cardinal's niece to a pub? And what kind of a woman goes to a pub--her first time too--with a man she just knew?" She asks and shakes her head.

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