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Fantasy Cirque De Monstres (1876)

Drakia's smile faded as she shut the door. "Ahh, why? We where doing so good. Argg." She said, running her hands though her hair. "I wish they would leave us alone, but I know that is not an option." She mumbled.
"If I may, Father. I would like for your niece to accompany me on a walk so that I may discuss with her the details of my plan." Luka wanted to be alone with Cat as much as he could so he could actually get an ally. He was looking at Cat while waiting for the Cardinal to answer him. Luka allowed Catherine to see the excitement in his piercing yellow eyes so that she would know he wasn't a total drone.
Thomas nodded.

"Yes we were but, I guess it was bound to happen."

He walked up to her.

"What should we tell the performers? I don't want them to worry but, at the same time I want them to be careful."

He sighed, he knew they would attract attention but, he was hoping the church would not show interest.

"I just, I was not expecting the church to take interest so quickly."

When Kora left him, he breathed out a breath he didn't know he was holding, and crawled out from underneath the table. Ollie stood, smoothing out his clothing and shaking his head so his hair wasn't in his eyes. His heartbeat returned to normal, and he took a seat at the table he had just hidden underneath. Propping his feet up, he leaned back in his chair and looked at his fingernails, waiting for something interesting to happen. Unbeknownst to him, during the course of the chase and the hiding, Ollie's hair had gone a deep, deep purple, and when the light shone on it, it shined a bright blue colour.
Drakia ran her hands though her hair again, picking out one strand and twirling it around her finger. "Well, we can say that there are humans out there and we don't want them discovering us, so keep yourselves close. That or the truth." She said.
Thomas nodded.

"Yes, a combination maybe. The local church is suspicious of us, keep your guard up."

He started pacing.

"I was just hoping the church would leave us alone I mean, that's one of the reasons the cirque is here. To protect people like u- I mean people like you and the performers."

He almost let his secret slip. He had been good about keeping up his act.

"We should tell them before performances tonight."
Catherine didn't like the plan one bit. A lot of things could go wrong, and the great niece of the Cardinal is involved no less! What a scandal it would be when things go wrong. She doesn't trust that Luka anymore, after what he's pulled earlier; she'll have to keep an eye on him.

She looked at Cat when Luka asked the Cardinal to have a walk with her. Don't trust him. Her eyes said to Cat, but she could've never said that; if this gentleman was going to pull something off that could endanger everyone she would want him caught red-handed. "Cardinal may I speak with you?" She asked, turning away from Cat.

She'll have to let them be alone, Cat and Luka, to see if there were going to be an unraveling of some sorts.
Catherine gave Luka a small nod, acknowledging his look. She could tell he wasn't like a normal member of the church. She glanced at Julianne and saw the look on her face. It was one of distrust. Was she trying to tell Catherine not to listen to Luka? She already preferred Luka over Julianne, though she was still amazed that the woman had made a name for herself as a detective. Catherine looked at her uncle, hoping he would allow her and Luka to talk alone. She was excited that Nicolas was allowing her to help, but she wondered if he had any ulterior motives. Why was he so concerned about the cirque? Catherine made a promise to herself that she would investigate both sides, the church and the cirque, before deciding where she stood on the matter. Perhaps she would end up liking the cirque.
Drakia smiled at him. "You can't keep it forever Thomas." She said, her lips curving at the edges to show the mischief in her smile. "You are going to have to tell it at some point." She knew he wasn't human, but she still had no idea was it was. He had slipped before, but just in front of her, so far. She hoped in time it would reveal itself.
(sorry internet problems were plaguing me!)

Nicolas nodded at Luka.

"You may talk with my nice. Just no funny business."

He looked at Catherine.

"Behave yourself."

He looked over at Ms. Vaudeville. He wondered what she needed to talk to him about.

"Of course, we can talk in the study."

he gestured to room next to the sitting room.

Thomas shot her an alarmed look.

"Spill what? The fact that it is the church or, are you talking about the other thing."

He knew that she knew he was not human. He tried his hardest to appear normal.

"If it is about the other thing then I am sorry, I plan on taking that secret to my grave."

He looked out a window.

"The humans are more likely to trust someone they think is human, its how I have been able to ward of suspicion of the cirque so far."

He shook his head.

I am human, I must not talk like that

"I think you should tell the performers about the possibilities of the church looking into the cirque. You are their ringleader."
Drakia sighed. "Well then, you might want to keep a better seal on those lips because that is twice now you have slipped up." She said, looking at him. "As for the news, I can deliver it. Won't be to hard."
Thomas smiled at her, she had been pushing him to spill the beans.

"Oh yes I should keep my lips better sealed."

He put his hat back on before walking to the door.

"Thank you, for delivering the news to the performers."

He was about to leave when he remembered something.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot. A young woman should be arriving soon, in a gypsy wagon. She is a traveling gypsy who is actually a vampire. I told her she could stay here, and she is willing to help out."

He left Drakia's place and went to his office to finish some business.

(I am making my third character, a gypsy vampire.)
Drakia sighed, letting her smile drop as he left. "And leave all the work to me." She said, pacing her trailer. Now she had to deliver bad news, and on top of that preform a show. She sighed and shook her head, going back to her meditating as she tried to figure out her exact wording for the bad news.
Luka shook his head, "Of course Father. No funny business." He began to walk out but before he did completely, he waited for Cat to accompany him. He stood by the door, seeming a little impatient. Luka wanted to get out of there as soon as possible and away from the two fanatics that took up all the breathing space. He crossed his arms and kindly waited for Catherine anyways, smiling the best he could.
When Luka--who was only too fond of leaving the room--left the room, Julianne followed the Cardinal into his office. It was well-lit by the setting sun through the window that faced the door. Neatly stacked papers and a quill in a pot of ink were the desk's passengers, a few framed photographs hang on the wall, but besides that nothing was really out of place nor anything eye-catching. Simplicity is the best, after all. Her mind commented.

"Cardinal, I will be frank with you," She began, hoping that she could trust the Cardinal with what she was about to say. "I doesn't trust Luka, at all. He came her subtly in disarray and smelled of liquor, he behaves inappropriately in such a serious discussion and he tried to pull this little trick he has. He was--was trying to intimidate me, like he was trying to make me submit to him, with his glare and demeanor earlier. I'm sorry Cardinal, but it'll be very difficult for me to work with such an accomplice."
Catherine gave a nod to her uncle when he told her to behave herself. She watched Julianne and her uncle walk into the study and wondered what they were conversing about. She glanced at Luka and saw that he was waiting for her, so she hurried after him.
Nicolas looked at Julianne.

"Yes I know he is not the most favorable person to be around but, he tends to think outside of the realm of the church. He has proven himself before."

He picked up a piece of paper that had fallen off of his desk.

"As for him trying to intimidate you, don't give into that. He does quite often, mainly when he has been drinking."

He set the paper back on his desk.

"I am just worried about him and my nice being alone. She is so easily convinced...."

A large red gold gypsy wagon being pulled by two gypsy vanners rounded the corner going into the cirque. The driver was barley visible making it appear like the wagon was pulling itself. There was yet another vanner that was trailing behind the wagon.

"Whoa Siv, Zita."

The driver was female and had a think Romanian accent.

Am I sure this is right thing to do.

She looked at the cirque wondering if that Thomas fellow was telling the truth. If this was really a place that was judgment free. She decided to continue on. She smacked the reins and the horses started trotting again. She drove all the way to the back area were all the performers stayed. She found a nice open spot and stopped the horses again. She stepped down pulling the hood on her cloak to hide her face from the sun. She unhitched Siv and Zita letting them graze. She looked around and did not see anyone at the moment. she walked up and stood by the other performer's houses.

"Hello? Anybody home?"

Ollie took his feet down from the table, seeing the wagon roll in making him feel slightly excited. He stood up, his hand still on the back of the chair that he was sat on. He walked forwards to examine the wagon closer, then saw the woman, her face concealed by the cloak. When he heard her call out, he walked over to her. "Hey! Hey! Who are you?" He calls, and when he gets closer his hair changes from the deep purple back to its usual dark blonde shade. He cocks his head to the side as he examines the woman, circling her slowly.
Luka decided to walk to the nearby pub with Cat, leaving the chapel with a bit of happiness. "I wanted to start off by saying how glad I am that you are not one of those mindless Catholic drones." Luka sighed a bit in relief. "Also I wanted to apologize for how I smell at the moment. I am pretty sure I got drunk last night. I never really drink so I find it quite odd as to how I got into the situation in the first place." Luka thought about it before smiling at Cat. "So tell me about yourself, where do you stand on this situation?"
Nia woke up in a hazy fog. She already knew the others were up; she could sense the recently unlocked doors nearby. She yawned lazily. "I really should get up, but its so early in the morning..." She unlocked her window, then pulled it open using a string she had tied to the latch. "See? Lazy people are innovative..." she continued in a slurred, grudging voice. "Ahhh, the light... It burns..." she commented, fully aware that light didn't actually affect her in any way and no one could hear her lethargic remarks. "What could have woken me up anywa-" Nia paused. She could hear scratching nearby her keen, pointed ears. A mouse was scratching the inside of her nightstands top drawer. She jumped up swiftly, opening the drawer and stabbing the mouse with a sewing needle. Its squeaking stopped immediately, and she dropped it into a small vase of boiling water sitting above an oil-fuled candle. "Sweet dreams, my breakfast. Duchess Façade has a show today."
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Wexley had been drinking. A LOT. The affects of the alcohol had not worn off by evening when she found herself wondering about the outskirts of camp. Somewhere along the way she had lost her hat and neck tie, not to mention most of her shirt was unbuttoned from the bottom up due to her hazy mind believing she was melting. Wexley was so drunk that it took her a few moments to realize that she was no longer walking and was laying flat on her back behind the wagon she had just walked into. "Oh.....ow tha hurr." She slurred. She noticed a pair of familiar feet nearby and tried calling out to Ollie but all that came out was; "Quack....?"
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Fenrir woke up in his cage, yawning loudly. His stomach grumbled, and since he heard people starting their everyday activities outside, he knew that he overslept. He lazily got out of his cage, still a little sleepy. Most of the staff steer clear of him, fearing his terrifying appearance and his intimidating size, but little did they know that he's nothing more than a huge puppy. He really didn't mind them avoiding him, but it makes him kinda sad at times. Then, his fur stood at their ends. He felt a presence, and something deep inside him awakened. His instincts took over, following the unwelcome scent. He tracked it to a woman, and even if she didn't do anything to him, he felt an instinctual hatred towards her. He bared his fangs at her, his bristled fur making him appear larger. "Vampire." He growled, going nearer to her. His entire body shouts for him to kill her, but he hesitated since it could be one of Master Thomas's visitor, maybe even a friend of his.
Victoria looked at the young man that had called out to her.

"Victoria, I have come to join this..........cirque."

She crossed her arms or, at least that's what it looked like. She was wearing so many layers of brown fabric covering her body it was hard to tell anything. She leaned in closer to him, close enough he could see her face. She glared at him with her reddish brown eyes. She snarled a bit her fangs showing slightly. She wondered what he was doing.

"Why are you walking around me?"

She almost jumped when the werewolf approached her. She was not told there was a werewolf. She glared at the creature her very blood boiling.


She hated werewolves but, was not going to ruin her chance to be somewhere that did not judge her. She looked back at the young man.

"Tell me, where is the .....ringleader."

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Catherine followed Luka. She smiled at his comment on 'mindless Catholic drones', and decided to do nothing other than nod at his apology. She had, of course, noticed the smell. It was hard not to, but she had gotten used to it by now. As for the fact that he was drunk last night, well, Nicolas looked down upon people who drank alcohol, but, honestly, it didn't particularly matter to her. As long as he wasn't hurting her, why should she care what he did?

Catherine fiddled with a ribbon on her dress as she tried to decide how she was going to answer his question. She felt like she could trust Luka, so she might as well tell him the truth about how she felt. "I...hmm, well, it's obvious that Nicolas wants to be rid of the Cirque, but I'm not sure I share the same thought. I want to look into both sides of the situation before I make a decision about what to do. Of course, if something really is going on at the Cirque, I will help shut them down if possible. But I'm...I'm not entirely sure that I fully trust or agree with my uncle on this matter." She looked down. It was strange being able to share her opinions without getting a scolding.
Luka nodded "I understand how you feel." He smiled brightly as they came up to the pub. Luka's voice suddenly had an Irish accent to it as he nudged Catherine "I do drink plenty actually, but I don't get drunk. I just let your daft uncle and his kind think what they will." He laughed as he entered the pub, dragging Catherine with him by holding her by the hand. Luka was going to show Catherine how to have a good time while also actually getting some work done. He wasn't totally off topic, he just needed to have Catherine relax. Luka was also curious as to how Cat would respond to hearing his actual voice.

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