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Fantasy Cirque De Monstres (1876)

"Good evening, Cardinal," She greeted as the Cardinal finally joined the party.

She intently listened to the briefing, as she usually does, until he finally finished. "Perfect! One question though, Cardinal. Are we going as visitors? If we are, we'll need a plan and..." She hesitated at what she's about to say. "I think you'll need a change of clothes, Cardinal." She added as she eyed at the Cardinal's white garments he wore from the garments.

"We'll need to be as subtle as possible and we don't want to draw any attention and that involves our appearance. We need to blend in and we'll need different names too, if possible." She continued taking some lessons from her previous cases.

"If your suspicions prove to be correct and these people have "powers" then we won't want their attention and certainly not their anger."
Catherine's demeanor changed instantly when Nicolas walked into the room. She looked around for something to hide behind and debated upon using Luka, since he was so tall, but she didn't have enough time. Her uncle spoke, and it seemed that he was addressing everyone including her. That's odd...

Luka asked when they would be leaving, and Nicolas told him tomorrow. He then gave Catherine a look that she was all too familiar with before telling her that she would be joining them. She felt a wave of excitement. "Really? Oh, that's wonderfu- I-I mean, yes, Father, of course." She could barely contain her smile.
Nicolas glared at Luka. He should be used to the young man's lack of seriousness but, Nicolas never liked it.

"I appreciate your humor Luka but this is a serious matter."

He looked at Julianne.

"Yes it is best we try to blend in. I would hate to incur the wrath of...whatever these cirque people are."

He looked at Catherine.

"Yes of course, I would hate for your father to hear that I left you alone in Paris."
Luka entered the room, timing his departure and return perfectly. "If I may, Father. I have a splendid idea as to how we can get close to the cirque people without raising suspicion." Luka gave a smile. He had thought of the idea while he was on his way back. Luka was always cooking up plans in his head. He felt great now that he could put something into action finally.

Luka was hoping that the Cardinal would give him a chance, seeing as how he had never really had one before. Luka looked at Catherine "You would be helping of course. I would need a partner to assist me in my alibi." Luka was still composed, but barely. He made sure to stand a good distance from everyone so he wouldn't raise suspicion.
This Luka gentleman was proving to be quite an ally. Though quite in disarray and faintly smelled of alcohol and vomit, he seemed to be cunning like a fox, but mischievous as well. Though, sometimes mischief is the perfect addition to things like this. "What's your plan, then?" She asked. "And I hope this doesn't involve dressing up as the elephant man."
Catherine gave Luka a suspicious look, wondering what he had planned. Ms. Vaudeville - Catherine was becoming tired of calling her that and decided to call her Julianne instead - asked Luka what the plan was and mentioned the elephant man. Catherine shot her uncle a look, wondering how he would react to that. When Catherine was very small, her father would tell her about Nicolas' fear of the elephant man who lived under his bed and, truth be told, it had always sort of frightened her.
Luka smiled at Julianne "No it does not" He began to glare at her, but he made sure only Julianne could see. His yellow eyes seemed piercing and as intimidating as seeing a demon. "It has a bit more tact to it" Luka seemed to get darker and taller to Julianne as he took a step closer to her. Luka looked like he was about to actually HURT Julianne, but only to her since the others could not see his face.

To everyone else he seemed perfectly fine and nothing was out of the ordinary. "Of course..." He turned around and was completely normal, "It does involve deception. Starring yours truly" Luka smiled at the Cardinal. "I can give you more information, but only if you will allow it." He seemed to humble himself with his last sentence.
Nicolas looked at Luka. He was not even going to comment the faint smell of liquor coming from the man.

"Prey tell what is this plan of yours."

He looked at Catherine and then back at Luka.

"And why my nice has to assist you."

He was sure any plan of Luka's, especially one involving his niece, was not going to go well.

(Last post for the night! Also Tetro is out for the night as well.)
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What in God's name is happening? Julianne thought as the room seemed to disappear from her vision until there was only her and Luka. The gentleman seemed to have this heavy presence that loomed over her like how the church loomed over her earlier. He started walking to her, every bit of his body seemed to want to hurt her, but, no, she stood still and maintained her composure. With jaws clutched and and her eyes glaring back Luka's, she didn't move a muscle. Let's see who wins, boy. She thought.

Then, he turned around as if nothing happened and then she completely aware of the room again. Luka was talking again, but Julianne ad something to say to him. As subtle as possible, Julianne managed to position herself beside him. "I've faced tougher men than you; you're not gonna get rid of me that easily." She spoke softly.
Luka smirked for a split second, finding Julianne's stance against him to be simply adorable. He wasn't going to let her off so easy next time. Luka turned his attention back to the Cardinal. "My plan involves me joining the cirque and your niece would need to act as my sister." Luka looked at Cat, he knew how much she wanted to be apart of this so he thought this would be a perfect plan.

Luka turned back to the Cardinal "We would need some time though to plan. Back stories, practice, that kind of stuff." Luka waited for a response from the Cardinal, hoping the plan would be accepted. Luka already had a skill set that would let him pose as a cirque performer. All he was missing was someone who could help reinforce his story, and a sister would work perfectly. The only downside to the plan was that they had to have NO association with the church at all, and the cirque people might be cold and unwilling to accept outsiders.
Drakia was sitting pleasantly on a chair in her trailer when her co founder knocked. "Alright. Don't take long." She said towards him, her eyes still closed. She was meditating before the performance to keep herself in balance. She let out a soft hum, a small little creature tickling her toes as she sat there. "Isis, don't tickle momies toes while she is meditating." She warned.


Kora was pleasantly snoring away in her trailer. She was said to have slept though an earth quake once, and everyone knew, she slept like a rock. And if you woke her up, she would be unusually cranky that day. She snored peacefully in her trailer, deep in sleep.
After dressing rather quickly, Ollie donned a black and white stripey shirt which with two buttons left unbuttoned, showing his pale skin, and a pair of black and white chequered trousers. He smiled at himself in the mirror, before rubbing his eyes to get rid of the sleep, and to try and make himself feel more awake. He looked at the mess that he called his hair and sighed, before narrowing his eyes at it. Ah, his abilities made things so much easier for him, as his hair straightened itself out and became a slightly more tame mess on his head, the blonde hair covering one eye. He never wore it dark, unless he was performing, or feeling adventurous.

He abandons his trailer, walking out and looking out at the evening sky, before pondering who to bug. He looked at the trailer next door to his and decided that Kora would do for now, and smiled slightly as he walked over to her door. He knocked on it gently at first, then loudly when there was no response. "Kora!" He calls, resting his palm flat against the door.
Kora was deep in sleep, the pounding on her door doing nothing, until the sound rang throughout her trailer. This caused everything to bounce off the walls and vibrate, shaking her over the edge of her bed and face first onto the floor. She slowly peeled herself off the floor, growling in a very low tone. She stalked towards the door and flung it open. "What, Ollie." She said, glaring at him with the sweetest smile she could muster.
Ollie looked at Kora, his mouth stretched into an innocent smile as he shrugged his shoulders. "I'm bored, I want to do something." He says, pushing some hair out of his eyes by habit and looking at her. "There ain't another particular reason why I woke you up," he admits, his smile growing wider and his eyes crinkled at the sides.
Kora could feel her blood boil and the next time she opened her eyes, they where yellow and her pupils had become slits. "Want to do something? How about going for a run. BECAUSE I AM ABOUT TO KILL YOU!" She screamed at him, her temper flaring to extreme heights.
Ollie stopped smiling, his eyes widened and he stepped backwards slightly, eager to get away from Kora. "Please don't kill me..." He begs, before biting his lip. Deciding it was probably safer to turn and run, Ollie did just that, turning and running in the direction of the food area, hoping someone was around to at least stop Kora from slaughtering him for five minutes.
Kora roared looking around. "OLLIE!" She boomed, jumping down all of the stairs up to her trailer, her bare feet pounding against the pavement as she chased after him, kicking up small rocks as she pounded against the ground. Her canines where visible now, as she chased him into the food area, still furious.
Ollie dived under a small table, crouching underneath it and hoping to God that Kora wouldn't see him. He slowed his breathing, genuinely fearing for his life. He brushed some dirt away from his trousers and bit his lip, before covering his mouth with his hand. He didn't particularly feel like dying today. He peered around him, hoping to find a glimpse of someone who wasn't out to kill him.
Kora looked around with an angry face. She closed her eyes and sniffed the air, her eyes still glowing. Little did he know she already knew where he was, but she decided to have a little fun. Climbing on top of the table he was underneath she pretended to look out for him, like she was searching. She then swung her head down so she could see him. "Boo." She said with a smile.
Ollie almost jumped out of his skin, a small scream escaping his lips. When he had jumped, he banged his head on the table, and yelped out in pain. Certain that he probably couldn't outrun Kora, Ollie stayed where he was and raised his hands as though he was begging. Well, he actually was begging, in some respects. "Please, Kora, I promise you that I will never wake you up again!" His eyes were wide, "Just please do not hurt me. Please."
Kora smiled. "Let this be a lesson. Don't wake me up again." She said, getting off the table and onto the ground. She blinked until her eyes where back to normal, her tattooed arm showing. She smiled back at him, showing her canines for a moment, before stalking off towards the animal pens to wake up her panthers.
While at the bank Thomas heard two men talking about a catholic cardinal was interested in the cirque.

Oh no, I hope they mean interested in a good way

Thomas shook his head, the church was never a good thing to associate with the cirque. He finished up his business and left, he still had a few things to do. As he left he looked at the modest chapel at the end of main street. They have had no issues with the cirque so far, why was it that the big guns from Paris were coming? He decided to not finish his errands and instead rode back to the cirque. If these rumors were true he needed to tell Drakia immediately so they could make plans. He got off his horse quickly walking to the housing area of the cirque. He knocked on Drakia's door.

"Drakia! are you there? I heard some rather troubling news in town and need to speak to you."

Nicolas listened to Luka's plan.

"It could work, as long as you get in. We should go see performances before you try to join them. So we can make sure your story and such fits the cirque."

He looked at Catherine, he decided to let her join Luka in the plan. That way if the plan actually worked he would not have to keep an eye on her.

"You will assist Luka when we go through with the plan."

He looked back at Luka.

"The worst that could happen is they say no. I do not know who runs this cirque but, apparently they are quite wealthy."
Drakia was awoken again by the pounding on her door. She opened her eyes, picking up the small blue dragon that was curled against her foot. She recognized the voice of a worried Thomas at her door and she shuffled a little faster, opening the door. "Hello Thomas." She said, her pupils narrowed slits as she smiled at him. "Please, do come in." She said, gesturing inside.
"Thank you Father" Luka smiled, "I promise you will not regret your decision." Luka was rather excited. He wondered to himself how he would put his plan into action though. He decided to go with Father's idea and see the performances before doing anything. Luka's excitement was completely sealed off from everyone else in the room though. He wasn't one for sharing, well, anything.
Thomas was took off his hat as he stepped inside.

"Thank you Drakia."

He stood in the middle of the room looking at her.

"As I said I was at the bank when I heard a rather troubling rumor."

He cleared his throat, he was nervous. The last thing they needed was the church. Who knows what they would do if they found out the cirque's secret.

"Seems there is a cardinal from Paris interested in our cirque."

Nicolas nodded, while rubbing his forehead.

"Pray that I do not Luka."

Nicolas did not like when plans fall through. Although trying to join the cirque was a gamble and he knew that it might not work. But, if it didn't work because of Luka he would be mad. He looked at the others, wondering who else had plans.

"Any other plans?"


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