Drax's eyes would widen a bit whenever Agent 3 transformed into her liquid form and seeped out of his grasp. "What... is this???" He asked aloud as he tried to find where she had gone. Luckily for her, her plan had worked, and Drax had lost where she'd went! He instead focused on looking around for her, which allowed Agent 3 to do whatever it was she needed to do to recover.... unless someone else attacked her in the meantime, that is.

Thor, on the other hand, turned around with a wide grin when Kyou offered to spar with him. He let out a loud, haughty laugh at that, before nodding. "Alright! I look forward to our battle!" He exclaimed in a jovial tone as he then proceeded to charge forward. As he did so, his eyes began to glow a bright blue, and static began to form around him. Within seconds, Thor had leaped up into the air, and then...


He slammed right down onto the ground, aiming to do so on top of Kyou. If not on top of him, certainly close enough to him to knock him down with his massive electrical force!

Star-Lord was a bit disappointed that his blaster shots hadn't distracted Force Commander long enough for Bayonetta's strikes to work against him, but he was always good at improvising when plans didn't initially go the way that they were supposed to. As he remained mid-air, he reached over and flicked on his tape recorder, playing a song into his ears as he continued to fight the Force Commander.

As the music began to play into his ears, it only took the quick tilt of his head for Star-Lord to notice the Force Commander trying to attack Bayonetta with a giant hammer... thing. Whatever it was, he didn't really care. Instead, Star-Lord merely reached into his satchel and produced a small, triangle shaped mine, which he then proceeded to toss towards the ground.


Once it had landed beside the Force Commander, the three triangle-shaped flaps folded open and attached to the ground, which caused the three lights in the middle to light up. As soon as this happened, the Force Commander would find himself pulled towards the object by a strong gravitational pull, about two times what you'd find on earth. It would pull him to the ground before he could land a hit on Bayonetta, and once that was out of the way, Star-Lord turned to the Umbra witch and nodded, allowing her to perform a follow-up. That is, until she was ensnared by Vauban Prime's sneak attack. With a loud sigh, Star-Lord activated his heat seeking vision on his mask and used it to track the source of the attack against his teammate. When it inevitably landed on Vauban Prime, Star-Lord would deactivate the heat seeking vision and fly up into the air.

With Quill now in the air, he pulled out his next weapon of choice, a pair of energy bolas. He then threw them towards the hidden Warframe's legs in sort of an side-handed toss, as to not over shoot his throw. Once they were close, the bolas would extend outwards and wrap around Vauban Prime's entire body, which would more than likely trap him and then send him falling to the ground within a matter of seconds!

What Jason was not expecting in his fight with Frank, however, was the sudden fury and rage in the man's actions. His strength reminded himself of Bruce, in a way. Same build, same strength... but the rage. The rage was something else. It reminded Jason of the same rage that he himself used to feel towards The Joker - and to Bruce himself. The same rage that Jason had since quelled and learned to control. The same rage that Frank had just used to catch him off guard entirely and lift Jason up off the ground by his neck, before slamming his back into the same spot that his feet used to be. It was that same rage that allowed Frank to land a few good hits on Jason's ribs - and if it wasn't for the armor he wore underneath the coat, he'd have a nice set of punctured lungs by now.

But it was that same rage that made Jason sloppy years ago. And, likewise, it did the same to Frank. He was smart, not punching him in the helmet, Jason would give him that much. But he also knew that no one in their right mind would start shooting the kids with lethal rounds. So, while Frank was pummeling him with alternating punches between his chest and stomach, on around the fourth or so punch, Jason's arms shot up before it connected and caught it. Then, he pulled his arm forward, tucking it underneath his armpit. With his free hand, Jason reached for his gun and clicked on a small button on the side, causing the bottom of the barrel to electrify. Then, with Frank's arm hopefully still caught, Jason slammed the butt of the pistol against the side of Frank's head. If it worked, Jason would either try and hold it there long enough to knock Frank out (the voltage wasn't set high enough to fry his brain or anything) or at the very least, push Frank off of him.

When Ellie herself was knocked out, though, her body immediately disappeared out of the arena, and she suddenly re-materialized outside of the barrier of the arena. The score on the scoreboard shifted accordingly.

Team One: 0 Points
Team Two: 0 Points
Team Three: 1 Point

Unfortunately for Korg, though, he'd been frozen in place by Lazarus' freeze ability for a good thirty seconds, which left him open to all sorts of attacks! Such as the subsequent concussive blast from the soldier's nice little gun thing, which sent Korg falling forward, and he would no doubt fall right on top of Lealan if he wasn't careful!

"Exactly like me," Falco replied to Akari with a smirk of his own. He then listened to the persona wielder say his piece about him being the swift one of the group, and Falco replied, "Aww, I'm blushin' underneath the feathers, really," He said, before continuing, "But by the way, we don't plan on killin' you guys either. Not unless you kill one of our own." Falco had since resumed his standing stance, at which point, he produced small blaster that he'd had resting by his side. "Don't worry 'bout it - I doubt you'll be able to hit me anyways..." He spoke with a smirk as he began to run around the arena, blaster in hand. He then began taking shots at Akari with the blaster as he ran, though he didn't close in for any close range attacks. He knew that whatever Akari had activated, it would probably screw him over he tried to pull one of those.

Unfortunately, though, Micah didn't really stand a chance against the sudden judo throw, and he was out in a matter of seconds. His body disappeared and re-materialized off of the battlefield, right next to Ellie. All the cowboy did was glance at her for a moment, before scoffing, and turning back forward to watch the fight.

Team One: 0 Points
Team Two: 1 Point
Team Three: 1 Point

Unfortunately for Benrey, Pans, and CN-Tan, they had neglected one of the more competent members of Team One. He was a watcher in the wings, the creature that flaps in the night, the bane of Gotham's reckoning... he was...


"Oh ho... Things just got interesting~"

Probably taking more pleasure out of this whole ordeal than he should.

Brimming with confidence, Kendall the Typhlosion began to strut his way towards CN-Tan, Benrey, and Pans, smirking all the while. "Now, then..." He said as he came to a stop and began to tap a claw against his chin. "What. To dooo... with yooouuu~?" The sing song tone continued as Kendall put one foot in front of the other, shoving it down into the ground. Slowly but surely, bright blue flames began to engulf his back, erupting them, setting each and every particle of fur on fire. His red eyes began to flash an even brighter red as Kendall essentially powered up.


Suddenly, Kendall looked upwards, the fire behind his red eyes almost as intense as the fire now erupting in bursts off of his back. "Let's heat things up a bit!" He shouted, following up his words with a laugh as he proceeded to sprint forward at near superhuman speeds. The fire on his back acted as both offensive and defensive, meaning that not only who he touched, but whoever touched him would be in for a pretty hot surprise if they got close.


Keeping up the aforementioned speeds, Kendall's body twisted and turned like a spinning tornado in Kansas as he grabbed CN-Tan, Benrey, and Pans, wrapping them up in his Tazmanian Devil-esque attack! Once all three of them had been effectively wrapped up, he leaned back, thrusting outwards as he flung all three of them out in separate directions, aiming to send them all flying outside of the arena's bounds!

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 DerpyCarp DerpyCarp FoolsErin FoolsErin Celestial Speck Celestial Speck quadraxis201 quadraxis201 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials darkred darkred Venom Snake Venom Snake CutieBoop CutieBoop Chungchangching Chungchangching marc122 marc122 Ellya Ellya GearBlade654 GearBlade654 quadraxis201 quadraxis201 QizPizza QizPizza BoltBeam BoltBeam Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

Thor, on the other hand, turned around with a wide grin when Kyou offered to spar with him. He let out a loud, haughty laugh at that, before nodding. "Alright! I look forward to our battle!" He exclaimed in a jovial tone as he then proceeded to charge forward. As he did so, his eyes began to glow a bright blue, and static began to form around him. Within seconds, Thor had leaped up into the air, and then...


He slammed right down onto the ground, aiming to do so on top of Kyou. If not on top of him, certainly close enough to him to knock him down with his massive electrical force!

When Ellie herself was knocked out, though, her body immediately disappeared out of the arena, and she suddenly re-materialized outside of the barrier of the arena. The score on the scoreboard shifted accordingly.

Luckily, as soon as Ellie was transported out of the ring, she regained her consciousness as well. Strange magic, that is. It took her a few seconds to realize what was going on, and to know that she was pretty much powerless now. Or was she? She may have lost her gun, and her knife, and Frank's knife, but Ellie's most powerful weapon was still primed and ready...

She shouted up at the Time Baby in just a classic Ellie fit of rage. "What, you get off on watching people fight? Too chicken to get in there yourself? Yeah yeah, zapping people's real easy from a distance, huh?" She would just scream at him at the top of her lungs, not even caring if he heard or not. "Big tough guy you are, floating up there, huh? I'm sure all the kindergartners are real scared of your fat ass!" The obscenities would continue, relentlessly and nasty, until he either did something about it or the gladiator fight ended.


- - - - -

Atreus suddenly found himself frozen. A giant clap of thunder was heard so very nearby, and he just knew it had to be Thor. He was immediately shaken out of his blind rage, and as Fake Captain Falcon stood in front of him, he didn't even seem to notice anymore. He just stared in pure terror, legs shaking from the sheer force of the blast he heard. Thor, God of Thunder. Right there. The god that felled Giants, fought the World Serpent and murdered without remorse or reason.

After a good couple seconds, Atreus swallowed and lowered his bow. He wasn't sure how he was going to get out of this, but he'd seen Ellie suddenly disappear and now heard her yelling obscenely at someone. Even if she still wasn't really safe, he'd rather be with her. And away from the mad god. He just stared at (Fake) Captain Falcon, arms at his side.
"I... I'm not doing this..."

FoolsErin FoolsErin
Frank Castle

Jason was on the ground in front of him, and Frank didn't let up. Three times, he slammed his fists into the man's chest. He shouldn't have gone for a fourth. Even as he cocked back his arm, Frank knew it, but he got greedy. Unlike Jason, Frank didn't know any of these people, save for the Guardians and Yang. For all he knew, Ellie was in dire need of medical help right now. He needed to end this fight quickly. His fist flew, and Frank saw Jason's shoulders tense. He saw what the kid was going to do before it happened, but had already committed to the punch. He felt himself pulled down as his arm was tucked under the still prone Jason's armpit. Not good. If Jason wanted to, his could break Frank's arm pretty easily in this position. That wasn't what he did, though. Frank heard the tell-tale sound of electricity. Man, was he tired of getting shocked. Third time in an hour. As Jason pistol whipped him, Frank felt his muscles tense as the electricity started flowing.

As before, he could feel himself starting to fade. His body was locking up even as he spoke, his mind going cloudy. Not good. Going to lose this one, He though to himself again. His eye never wavered from Jason's, that same rage burning behind them. A second went by. Two seconds. Much longer than most could stand up to this, but Frank was finished. He had no way out. Unless... Suddenly, he lurched. A sickening pop came from his locked shoulder as he dislocated his arm, pulling away from the pistol's electrical current, if only for a moment. Agony shot through his entire body yet again. His jaw hung loosely as he did so, electric burns searing the spot where the pistol made contact with him. He didn't have much steam left in him. This fight would be short and brutal. Need a Hail Mary. Kid was just straight up better equipped than him; in a knock-down drag-out, Frank didn't stand a chance.

Normally, this would be about when Frank went for the bite. His dislocated (and partially broken) jaw wouldn't let him, so he needed something else. The old man steadied himself on the ground almost as soon as he pulled away with his one remaining good arm, crouching over the prone Jason. He cocked his leg back. Kid might have a cup. Didn't matter. Would still hurt like a bitch. His knee shot forward towards Jason's groin like a bullet out of a gun. Hopefully, his torso would block most of the view of the incoming knee. Whether or not the blows proved as effective as he hoped, he'd follow up once or twice more just for good measure, hopefully getting Jason to loosen his grip, then try to stumble away. His arm came up, setting his jaw with a loud cracking sound. Now Frank was the one that needed room to breathe. Up top, he heard Ellie's voice. A good sign, but he was still too far into this fight to back down now, and Atreus might still need him.

One arm hanging limply at his side, his face beaten to shit, and spitting his own blood in Jason's direction, he dropped himself into a fighting stance, roaring, "Come on!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Kyou didn't have time to respond, and why would he, really? All the answers Thor would get from him was an equally jovial smile from the Oni as he found a good opponent to fight against. But...Just like Thor was lightning, Kyou was fire! Where Thor was the greatest of storms brewing, ready to take on cities and the world with its lightning, Kyou was a mighty volcano, ready to set itself off and burn everything down! As such, equally potent flames surrounded the oni, which seemed to almost dance around him like some manner of serpents-- dragons, almost! In Kyou's eyes, Thor's lightning almost felt like roots of a great tree- Yggdrasil, or whatever the name was! But even so, it felt amazing!


Eh? Oh right!

Kyou's reflexes were thankfully, well, quick as lightning, being one of the heavy hitters of the team. Maybe it was just his nature as a Balance Breaker, or maybe he was just naturally this strong, it was hard to tell, but when Thor made his way towards him, Kyou was able to dodge, jumping high in the air behind him-- well, relatively, that is. His fanboying did cause a portion of the shockwave and some of the lightning to hit his skin and clothing, charring them a little bit. Lightning, while forming heat, it seemed, was still able to damage him! Probably because it's less heat, and more...Energy? Bah, he doesn't really know. Point is, it stung!

"You're pretty good!" Kyou rang out to Thor, landing on the ground, but instantly moving at great speeds again! His full speed of Mach 300 being shown, as a fiery attack from Ten-Ten made its way towards Thor's chest! "But I'm not half bad, either!" The God of Thunder's armor may be pretty good, but even at 25% of his full strength via Ten-Ten, it should still damage the God at notable strengths! Now, if Kyou is able to knock Thor out with Ten-Ten, he'll consider that a win on his book! Hell, even if he loses, he'll consider it a win if he's able to damage him. Although, from what he can see with Yamata analyzing his opponent, he has to look out for that ax...

  • Kassandra nodded when Ciri stated she would think about the former's offer, before recognizing the fact that they'd both been chased down by some crazy group for their heritage. At this, the Spartan shrugged.

    "I guess malakes aren't exactly scarce, no matter where you are. Either way, I'd be more than happy to help out with whatever pest problems you've got, misthios (mercenary) or not. Think about that offer, though. I'd certainly love to see your world, too." The Greek was interrupted by the all-too-familiar sounds and smells... of an arena. She'd been in the Pephka Arena before, so the metal stench of blood and hectic screeches didn't faze her. In fact, she knew just what was going to happen next.

    "They just want cruelty, don't they..?" She murmured under her breath. She let the others go out first, being one of the last characters to come out into the arena to meet... a giant, talking baby. Gods, that was one hideous creature. She gave both it and the tubby man a glare for putting them in the arena, though this faded when more people came out to face the groups. However, at this point everyone was separated into three major teams. Honestly, she could care less for her teammates, so protecting anyone wasn't worrying. However, Kendall was on one of the other teams... which meant she could do one thing.

    When the fight began, Kassandra's Spear of Leonidas glowed before the demigoddess vanished, letting everyone else fight for a few moments. When she re-appeared, there was only a helmeted figure wearing Spartan red armor.


    ...With the Blood Gulch-originated suit equipped, Kassandra sheathed all her weapons, leaving them behind her back before disappearing yet again, this time thanks to the suit's Active Camo rather than her Spear's power. When Kendall took three victims and hurled them away, Kassandra re-appeared mid-lunge at him, leaving barely, if any, opportunity to react! And if her attacks connected...


    ...Kassandra would unleash a flurry of rapid blows, significantly enhanced by her suit's speed boosts! She certainly didn't hold back, jabbing at Kendall's left side like a furious hornet, then his left shoulder to try and dislocate it. This was followed by a knee smash, an uppercut to the chin, another hard melee at the knee before genuinely trying to snap Kendall's right arm like a twig. And if Kendall managed to break free or retaliate from this chain, she'd simply ram her armor-clad foot below the belt, her Spear and armor alike enhancing the already-powerful Sparta Kick.

    At this point, anyone from Blood Gulch or knew her well would likely notice that her fighting style had drastically changed. Gone was the agile precision that had been integral to her; it was now replaced by furious hard-hitting blows meant to take Kendall down... or worse. Whether she was intending to incapacitate or rid the world of the filthy rat was unclear, but she certainly wasn't holding back at the time being. The rage-filled shouts that escaped her would probably seem kind of familiar to Atreus if he somehow managed to regain his senses, though the familiarity would definitely be different for Blood Gulch survivors.

    Thankfully, Ikaros was still relatively sane. The bird had, in fact, stayed aware of Double Trouble up until the arena opened up. Normally, most people would have overlooked a shapeshifter in the back of the group ready to wreak havoc, but not the eagle-eyed avian, especially not when said transformer began trying to harass a child. As Ellie was taken out, the Golden Eagle had noticed Atreus becoming terrified. Well, Double Trouble probably wouldn't hesitate to punish this, considering how they were bold enough to go after their own teammate...

    ...If Ikaros hadn't exactly gotten involved. A bird's aggressive screech filled the arena as the brown-feathered menace dive-bombed DT, immediately clawing away at "Captain Falcon" and his head. Eagles were certainly not something to underestimate, even in a world filled with gods and god-killers, as Ikaros' razor-sharp long talons meant these could do some serious damage, like miniature blades raking away!
Last edited:

  • Kassandra nodded when Ciri stated she would think about the former's offer, before recognizing the fact that they'd both been chased down by some crazy group for their heritage. At this, the Spartan shrugged.

    "I guess malakes aren't exactly scarce, no matter where you are. Either way, I'd be more than happy to help out with whatever pest problems you've got, misthios (mercenary) or not. Think about that offer, though. I'd certainly love to see your world, too." The Greek was interrupted by the all-too-familiar sounds and smells... of an arena. She'd been in the Pephka Arena before, so the metal stench of blood and hectic screeches didn't faze her. In fact, she knew just what was going to happen next.

    "They just want cruelty, don't they..?" She murmured under her breath. She let the others go out first, being one of the last characters to come out into the arena to meet... a giant, talking baby. Gods, that was one hideous creature. She gave both it and the tubby man a glare for putting them in the arena, though this faded when more people came out to face the groups. However, at this point everyone was separated into three major teams. Honestly, she could care less for her teammates, so protecting anyone wasn't worrying. However, Kendall was on one of the other teams... which meant she could do one thing.

    When the fight began, Kassandra's Spear of Leonidas glowed before the demigoddess vanished, letting everyone else fight for a few moments. When she re-appeared, there was only a helmeted figure wearing Spartan red armor.


    ...With the Blood Gulch-originated suit equipped, Kassandra sheathed all her weapons, leaving them behind her back before disappearing yet again, this time thanks to the suit's Active Camo rather than her Spear's power. When Kendall took three victims and hurled them away, Kassandra re-appeared mid-lunge at him, leaving barely, if any, opportunity to react! And if her attacks connected...


    ...Kassandra would unleash a flurry of rapid blows, significantly enhanced by her suit's speed boosts! She certainly didn't hold back, jabbing at Kendall's left side like a furious hornet, then his left shoulder to try and dislocate it. This was followed by a knee smash, an uppercut to the chin, another hard melee at the knee before genuinely trying to snap Kendall's right arm like a twig. And if Kendall managed to break free or retaliate from this chain, she'd simply ram her armor-clad foot below the belt, her Spear and armor alike enhancing the already-powerful Sparta Kick.

    At this point, anyone from Blood Gulch or knew her well would likely notice that her fighting style had drastically changed. Gone was the agile precision that had been integral to her; it was now replaced by furious hard-hitting blows meant to take Kendall down... or worse. Whether she was intending to incapacitate or rid the world of the filthy rat was unclear, but she certainly wasn't holding back at the time being. The rage-filled shouts that escaped her would probably seem kind of familiar to Atreus if he somehow managed to regain his senses, though the familiarity would definitely be different for Blood Gulch survivors.

    Thankfully, Ikaros was still relatively sane. The bird had, in fact, stayed aware of Double Trouble up until the arena opened up. Normally, most people would have overlooked a shapeshifter in the back of the group ready to wreak havoc, but not the eagle-eyed avian, especially not when said transformer began trying to harass a child. As Ellie was taken out, the Golden Eagle had noticed Atreus becoming terrified. Well, Double Trouble probably wouldn't hesitate to punish this, considering how they were bold enough to go after their own teammate...

    ...If Ikaros hadn't exactly gotten involved. A bird's aggressive screech filled the arena as the brown-feathered menace dive-bombed DT, immediately clawing away at "Captain Falcon" and his head. Eagles were certainly not something to underestimate, even in a world filled with gods and god-killers, as Ikaros' razor-sharp long talons meant these could do some serious damage, like miniature blades raking away!

Atreus did in fact seem to recognize, or at least acknowledge, some of her words. As he stood still, awaiting whatever "Captain Falcon" would do next, he heard a strange language. The tone of voice and the subtleties of pronunciation reminded him a bit of the stern way in which his Father spoke. Not to mention that they screamed pretty similarly. Before he even realized it, an eagle came flying to his aid. Atreus watched in awe, and for a moment he considered sketching the beautiful creature, but it probably wasn't the right time.

He had no plan, no bright ideas, but he saw a chance to get away, and so he did. He didn't know who was in his team and who wasn't, but right now his attack was in front of him, so he bailed. He shot one final magic arrow at the ground in front of Fake Falcon, yelling "Nista!" one more time. The arrow exploded in a bright blue light, and he hoped that it would give him enough of an edge to get away. The boy would just run, sprint as long as he could, keeping a keen eye for any more dangers while thinking of what he should do next. "Thanks bird!" he quickly added, turning his head one more time before continuing his sprint.

Surely they'd take mercy on a kid like him, right?

FoolsErin FoolsErin
Yoshi (team 3)

Though Yoshi was aiming to try to get two birds with one egg, the green dinosaur had a chuckle. "Heeheeheeheehee! Guess Yoshi unintentionally made Home-Run Contest happen with eggy opponent! Well, Yoshi know that was funny, but why not get to close range? Yoshi say it triiiicky game, Yoshi good at jump and flight~"

Uh oh. Yoshi is getting more into his competitive mode. Yoshi gets into his egg shield, rolls away, making a cut-jump(where it is a jump, but it's low enough to also make an attack), and doing a quick flutter kick that does mild damage when hit. After that, he rolls back in egg shield again, then getting the running start to get the dash kick at Gretar. If it is rightly executed, then Yoshi will do what he can to make the friendly spar worthwhile, and treat it like a smash fight! ... with little to no blood of course. The only thing to worry about is the percentage of damage Yoshi takes!

Yoshi's damage: 0%

(Note: Percentage will either go up the more damage Yoshi takes or go down the moments Yoshi heals damage by assistance or by some sort of healing circumstance, but not to death- just to defeat.)

Tags: Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 (Gretar (team 1) , Crow Crow (mentioned Ben 10 (team 2))​

  • Shanoa

    As soon as the first strike has been avoided, Weiss went on to take on the high ground and proceed to slash her left and right. Shanoa went to party her strikes, a few managed to get a little cuts. With one more stab on the way, Shanoa drops a gem. Once Weiss gets close, she will instantly be encased in a crystal prison.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122 @others​
Benrey got fucking sent to the shadow realm by Kendall, before being thrown out into the stands along with Ellie and Micah, while Pans stayed inside the shadow realm, lost within for now...... as Benrey said out loud “You son of a b-“
Meanwhile with Gretar
Both his attacks failed, as the man got hit by the first attack of the Yoshi, a quick flutter jump kick that dealt 15 damage to his health pool, considering this was now a duel instead of a normal fight now. (Will now start counting damage to health pool from successful attacks)

115/130 hp

And not long after it, Yoshi went in for a second strike with a dash kick aimed straight at him. But due to his quick reaction speed, and his hammer returning to him at the right time, he Parried the attack, using his hammer to firstly block the attack, but also push Yoshi back, setting the Dinosaur off balanced and opened for a free attack from the Jormugandr cultist. Rearing both his arms back, he swung his hammer overhead as he slammed it onto Yoshi (no blood of course.... it’s a friendly spar), launching the Yoshi back as it would have dealt 25% to be exact, as the hammer wielding man yelled out to Yoshi “How’s that close range. But still, this is the time of my life....!” as he put the one-handed was hammer on his shoulder.

He also pointed at Yoshi with his free hand and said “Can’t have a fair fight unless my opponent is back up....” as he readied himself for another attack, prepared to parry, dodge, and punch his way past this friendly spar between the dinosaur.
CutieBoop CutieBoop (Team 3)
CN Pose.png
Oh? A theatrical one, huh? Love those guys! They always boost the show ratings! And creepy fanart. Eh, to each their own, right? It was a Pokemon even! I was flung away and was about to land on my head. Normally, a regular person would try to land on their whatever to prevent damage, right? Luckily for me, I am a Toon! I let the top of my skull fall into the boundaries and my neck simply sprung me into the air, but wait! There's more: I bounced off and landed on one of the crowd's chest. Using it to hop my way back in front of the Pokemon.

Doing a mocking imitation of his pose to salt the wound. . ."Stupid !@#$! Hoo!"

Tandem accompanied Kendall with a hand on his shoulder, cracking his trampled spine. ". . . I thought her that."
--Another Kiva(Team 2) Vs. Whisper The Wolf(Team 3)--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore BoltBeam BoltBeam (Another Kiva Company Vs. Agent 3) quadraxis201 quadraxis201 (Whisper The Doggo Vs. Paladin)

With words of encouragement from Star-Lord, Hiryu moved in to attack the Inkling that's been harassing Drax with ink, the purple golem transforming into purple hammer shaped like a fist.


"Come on out!" Hiryu beckoned for the squidling to emerge out of hiding by smacking one of the ink puddles she created with the Dogga Hammer, instinctively picking the one near Drax's back. Meanwhile, the Garuru and the Bashaa surrounded Drax like a protective wall, awaiting for their cephelapod prey.

Whisper, meanwhile, had taken to simply lying flat on the ground near her starting area, using her mask's specs as a makeshift scope, attempting to locate Akari's figure in the distance before firing a laser beam straight at Akari's chest. However, not taking into account his movement, the laser WOULD'VE hit someone else instead.
Killua Zoldyck
(Team 2)

Mood: Angry
Overall Health: Perfect
Nen Charge: 65%
Stamina: 100%
Location: Space Arena
Interaction: No one

Killua says to himself in a whisper, "I'm not gonna fight unless I'm being forced to here. So I'm going to keep it cool, and try not to fight."
He moves away from the crowd of fighters and begins to charge his Nen. He purposely does this without attracting attention to himself. He may be forced to die, but at least no sins were committed.
+10 Nen Charge
H̷͓͛̒͠e̴̯̙͚̓͛͋y̸͕͂ ̷̟̄͝h̶̙͚̍̒͋e̸̠̝͋͆̓y̴̦̟̗̒̔ ̶̱͒͋̌n̷͚͂o̵̫͉͜͠ẅ̶̤̩́̎̔,̴̤͇͍̔ ̶̗̅̏̀l̸̟̆̊i̷͔̮͓̋̂̒t̶̨̰̞̊͌̿t̵̫͒̅ļ̷̃͊e̴̻͊̕ ̶̙̓b̸͉͓͋̂ŕ̷̠͇̤̉̾ȍ̶̫̖͕͒͝.̶̬̟͋ ̸̹̮͖̉̚Ļ̴̛̱ȍ̷̡͙̦̈ṋ̸̛ǵ̵͍̣ ̸̪̭͑̉t̸̳͆ͅį̵̦̞̍̐̽m̴̼̆̐͆ẻ̷̡̦ ̸̢̰̀̂ǹ̷̢̡͈̕ờ̴͖̹͝ ̸̩̀̈͛s̵̫̓è̴̺̈e̵͈̗̿̆.̵̩̈́̋̽
What the hell? WHAT THE HELL?
T̵͚̱̅́̚r̷̛̙̜̈͂y̵̻̌͂̈i̴̠̊̉͝n̸̢̩̂g̷͉̻̕ ̵̥̓t̸̙̤́̇ó̴̦̤͍́͊ ̴̧̅̈́k̴̛͉͔̂̑e̶̖̻̥͊ē̷̺̾̚p̶̹̪̅̀ ̴̠̈́͊c̴͓̦̀͌̎a̶͓̲̫͑̒̀l̸̬̖͑̿m̷̤̬̱̄̏?̶̺͔̟̍̾ ̷̺̹͕͋͘Ṯ̶̭́́h̴̛̖͔̝̏ȁ̴̲͓̥̌̆ẗ̷̮̣̈́'̴͕̈s̵̯̐ ̶̝̺̒ͅn̴͈̙̠̓͝ô̵͔̹̯̂ ̸̛̙͛̑g̵̜̾̑ò̴̪͎̳̈̋ȏ̷̳̣͜d̵͕͕͑͑͑.̶̞͓̅
Why are you here. Get out.
I̴͍̾́'̷̮̗͓̔m̴̭̅̀ ̷͙̝̈j̵̖͍́͜u̸͎̔͘͜ͅś̶̜͖̔t̴̛͍̬ ̶̫̹͂͝ͅt̷̮̝̋͜r̸͇͒̎y̵̼̠͑̐ï̴̬̟͈n̴̫̯͈͛g̴͍̑ ̸̨̓̂̂t̵̢͚̄̚ȏ̶͕̊͑ ̵̢̹̒h̴͕̻̩͒͛͑ȩ̶̘̎̎̿l̸̳̔͝p̴̢̟͐͋ ̴͇̟̦́̚y̶̘̅̌̐o̷̜̦̽́́ŭ̷̮͖̐.̴͉͉̏͑̊
Help? How. You've never wanted to help me ever.
K̵̠͇̏͠i̶̪͌͘͘ĺ̵̺̻̳̉́l̴̘͌̋͂,̷̺̆͑ ̵̙̠̀̾w̵̩̅̒̾é̴͔̜̤̀ ̴̛̲́̉w̷͍̳̫̾̏̎ò̶̯͘u̷͙̥̿̐ͅl̸̛̞̣̎͝d̵̺̻́̂̿ͅn̸͕̝͛̇'̸̛͇̌̒ţ̸̇ ̵̰̅e̶̢̓ͅv̵͍̹̠͆e̷̫͕̥͐̕͝ņ̸̝͎̋͝ ̵̧̜͒̈́h̴̢̆͒a̶̢͚̪͊̈́̕v̵̪͔͐e̴̫̘̊͛͠ ̷͔̘̀̌͒t̸͎͎͎͂ḥ̴̔ȉ̶̠̌s̶̜̄͝ ̷̞͓̠̾̈́c̷̰̝̄̇ŏ̶͇̠͔n̸̺̘̉̾̄v̶̜̤̉ẹ̸̽r̷͈͍͐ṣ̶̱̓̈́ȃ̴̟̇̉ṱ̵̈̈́̀ị̴͂͜ͅõ̷̤̟n̸̉̏͛͜ ̶̞̩̐̎͜į̵̐f̶͖͍͔̚ ̵͓͔̐͆y̶̦̅ȍ̷̝͜u̶͈̾ ̶͎͒́̾ͅj̸̤̲̕u̵̡̻̓̇̀s̴̮̈t̶̯͍̾͠ ̴̜͋l̶̛̘͐ỉ̷̢̘͗s̵̟͉͉̒t̴̨̥͊e̷͙̻̭̍̃̏n̶̡̑̀é̵̟͋d̶̢͇̯̅ ̷̝͖͓͊̓̊t̶͍̗̱̒o̴̺̎̃ ̷̢̜͍̀m̵͉̀̈̂e̷̦̖̾͠ ̵͇̩̰͗̅b̸̝̆́ē̶̳͙͔̈̕f̵̣̥͆ö̸͙͝͝r̶̤̰̕̚e̸͓͎͛͌̇
No. I would never do that. Gon is my f-
Ỳ̶̱͍̠ỏ̴̞̟͔͒͠u̴̝̤̫̽̇ ̴̡͍̑h̵͕̫͎̓̓̓a̵͈̭̋͜v̵̧͎̘͐̂ë̷͍̠̈́͂ ̸̳̍͝n̶̲̋͋ͅò̶̼̩̖̆ ̸̠̦̔f̶͈͂̃͝r̸͉͒̐ị̴̢̊é̵͓̪̩̎ň̶̤̾̕d̴̢͕͕̀̂s̸̛̹̬,̴̲̤́ ̶̢̘͖̾K̴̨̜̳̕į̷̢̖͂l̴͉͚̄́̓ḷ̸̪̅͘.̴̯̌̈́͛ ̶͇̹̒Ã̴̘̞̱̈́l̷̟̖̔́l̴̺̒̈́ ̶̛̬̙̍͠y̴̪͕͌̈́o̷̺̔̿ů̶͔͔̲͂͠ ̶̝̺̅͌͠h̵̭͐à̶̘̲͛͜v̶͓͓̾ḙ̵̗̻̏ ̶̢̛̖̍̊a̸̩͛r̸͙̮̎̔e̸̹̩̕ ̶̛̜̐͆s̷͕̏̃͘i̴̪͘c̷͇͆̅͘k̵͚̓͐̕ ̶̤͕̉f̵͉̟̅̍͜r̴̩͖̅́e̸̢͇͙̎̇̔a̵͎̾̚k̷̞̯̈́s̵̫̹̉̀ ̵̲̹̑͊t̸̼͍́͐ḧ̸̺͕́́̚ã̷̺̘̘t̷͍͍̼̉͋ ̵̖̼́͒̐ä̵͎́r̷̻̯̝̍͒e̴̹͒ ̴͙͈̔̀g̵̰͑̓̚ǫ̶̯̠͐̓̀i̶͖͈̐̄n̸̩͓͋̚̚͜g̷͇͠ͅ ̷̺̂͗͝t̶̩͈̻̂o̷̙͊ ̶̢͉́̇u̷͙̪͍̽̉s̸̖̽͠e̸̢̙͝ͅ ̵̧̲̞̎y̶͓̘͉͛ơ̸͉̪̘͊͝ų̶̗͋̐͌,̶̡͖̣͋͒ ̴͎̟͌̋̽a̴͌̽͜n̶̤̗̈́͑͆d̸̹͒̕ ̶͈̬̋a̷̢̜̐̂b̷͈̉͂u̸̬͐̔s̶̢̋͛̈́ë̸͈̃́ ̶͎͂y̵͇̋̔͗ǫ̶̦̗̈́̐ŭ̵̩͚ͅ.̶̞́̚
Th-that's not true!
Ą̴̀r̵͔̅̚͝e̵̺͙͌ ̵̭̌͋ÿ̷͚̀̈́o̵̩̰͌̐̂u̸̲̅͐͛ ̸̛̻̼͜ŝ̸̢̂̓u̶̫͈̱̿̾͝r̶̨̂e̷͍̱̔.̵̝̞͊.̸̲͆͑.̶̩́́̆ ̸͎͈̃̈́͑K̵͓͌̅͜ì̴̡͇́̐͜ḻ̵͓̻̍̍ļ̶̰͒̈?̷̘̪̘̋́ ̸̜̾͛̍͜Y̷̱̩̜͆̓ō̷̙ü̴̡̱̳͂͠'̶̢̲͚̚r̷̨͇̙̄͂̀e̸͈̺͊͗ ̴͈̙̥̇͝s̵̯͓̬̓̍ò̴̢͐ủ̵͔̓n̶͉̯̉̍̽d̴̨̀̏ḭ̷̖̼̇n̷͖̯̪̈́̒͝g̴̜͊͆̕.̶̲͙̊͌͝.̸͔̄͋.̷̘̈́ ̸̛͍͙́͜d̶͍̈͗ḭ̸̪͛͜͝f̸̧̖̲͒̂͆f̸̨̔̓̌e̶̢̒̊̂r̵̤͑̈́e̷̲͘͝ņ̷̟̩̏t̶͍͔̿́.̴̨̥̰̀͊̃
But don't you want me to change?
Y̴̭̱̚ͅo̸̖̽ų̶̅̋'̵̬̉̐͘r̵͓̽̄͘e̵̢̼̙̓͋̔ ̵̜̹͓̀̉c̶̽͐̌͜h̷̝̃͜ä̶̞́̿̚n̵̞̤͎͒g̷̪̹̾͝ì̴̞n̴͇̝̱͒̆̈́g̸̱̀ ̶͓͇͠t̶̲͖̄̐̉ó̷̱͐̒ ̴̲͈̒̏̿h̶̠̹̐͌̚ḁ̴̼̒̉͘t̸̼͌͒e̷͖͍͎̓̑ ̷̟͋̂m̶̛̗̋ë̷͍́,̸̢̼̽̊ ̶̧̔a̸̙̮͐̆̅ṅ̴̰͕̄d̴̮̮͒͠ ̵̥̲̕͠y̶̮̣̾̈́́o̶͙̍̕u̶͙̓'̸̛͔̆̆ṛ̵̥̍̀e̶̩͈̳̅ ̴̹̰̙̄͝f̶̧̤̮̅̍ḁ̴͋͐m̵͕̜̒̓ȋ̶̱͉̰̑̕l̴͙̝̽̈́́y̵͙̋.̷͈͉̯̈́̆ ̷̠̞͖̌T̸̡̆̕h̶̤̼͌̆͐a̵͖̮͎̿t̵̝̑'̶̨̜͗̓͗s̸̨̳̱͗͊̑ ̸̱͑̓n̶̪͉̭̍̔̕o̵̦̪̅͐̈t̶͎͆̌̍ ̷̙̗̬̑t̴͐ͅḥ̶̅͠͝e̴̲̠͌̉ ̸̡̳͇̋̇̍c̸͎̲͊͘h̴̟̉͜a̴̟̟̔n̷̥̿g̶̣̈́̔͛ë̴̛̻́͆ ̶͖͋͝Ȉ̶̙ ̶̠̉ŵ̶̥͒͠a̸̘̖͑͋n̷͎̥͆t̶̰̤̆̒,̸̠̀̆̅ ̶͕͈̉͊K̴̨̫̾͆̍i̶̛̼̳̮͗̔l̷̛͎͈̹̂͘l̵͓̏.̴̜͝
Stop using that name. NOW.
B̷̡͎͆̀ů̸͙̘̐̇ţ̸͆̕ ̴̦̗̩̋i̵̼͑̚t̷̰͉͑ ̸͚̀f̵̢̳̉͑̕i̴̖̱͑̕t̷͍̩͊̀̏'̷͚̺̐́̓s̵͚̀ ̸͇̓ẃ̵̨͉̽̓ͅȩ̷́̌̓l̵̳͘͝l̶̛̩̇́ ̸̤͐͆̕w̷̛̬͠i̴͖̲͐t̷̯͚̔̀͘h̶̛̰̄͗ ̴̢̫́͂̚w̴̟̬̭͑h̷̲̐̄ạ̶͘t̵̮͉̎̑ ̸̲̗͇͊̚͝ÿ̶̟͚̦́o̵̲̣̯͐̅͋u̸̖̬̓̀͘r̵͉̗̽͘ ̵̨͓̄s̷̼̖̒̃u̸̢͚̐͐̓p̷͇̿͂p̸̢̤̫̈́o̷̗͐̀̓s̵̤̈́̾ͅè̸̡͔̪d̷̯̏̄͋ ̶̺̐͠ẗ̶̰́̒o̵̫̘̪̍ ̷̱͑̌d̸̬̅̅̅ö̵͙͔́̕̚.̴̭͛͘ͅ ̵̙͙̈́̀Ÿ̵̞̳͍̈́o̴̺̼̽͆u̶͍̪͆̅̄ ̴̭̒̄̚ą̸̹̲̚r̴̼̰̣̕e̵̘̫̿ ̶̖̑̀s̸͖̏̒͒u̷̬̔p̶̯̰̊̚p̴̖̓́o̶̥̞̪͒̿̿s̷͉̣̤͒ẹ̸̇͐d̴̺̩̥͐̈̌ ̴̡̖̙̆t̴̲̽ŏ̷̼͙ ̴̭̙̋͌k̵̖̥̄í̷̭̱́͜l̸̩̯̱̽̆l̴͈̱̑ ̴̺̟̈́̏͘͜p̶̠̅̐è̴̪̽o̸͈̦̦̊̒͂p̸͕͈̙͛l̸̜̀̍͌e̴̬̓̅,̶̙͉̓̂ ̷̢͖̀ͅḰ̴̢̼i̵̫͓͚̔l̷̺̍l̵̝̹̪̒̄u̶̼͍̔̅̆ā̸͍̳͊͝.̶͎̐͌̕ ̵̗̈́N̷͍̅͆̚ỏ̶̢̘̬̀t̶̠̺̒͝ ̷̩̈́m̵͇̫̒͑ͅa̶̻͓͝k̴̝̜̀̇̐e̴̘̯͐̈ ̷̩͇̇̓͌f̵̖͎̏r̶̩̮̈͐͝ỉ̶̹̤͋̎ḛ̵͚͈́n̸̟̝̈̌ḍ̶͉͙̈́̽ş̷̮̔.̵̢̲͆̌͜
O̷̝͑h̵̥̔̾ ̵̺̲̋̇͜K̶̫̥̲͆ï̷͍ĺ̶͉̜̹̏̒l̶̯̃ų̵̢̭̕a̵̠͎̓́̕,̷̞͐ ̶̼͖̤͛s̵̡̜̝̔̔͠o̷̳͇͆̄́ ̵̯̲̍̽͝n̸̹͚͚̈́͝ä̸͖̦͒i̶͂ͅv̶̥̌͆ͅe̵͙̍̇̀.̷̱̳̆͗̚ ̶̞̿Ï̴̼̫̼̑f̸̯̻͝ ̴̠͒̽o̵̳̗̾͝n̵͉͉̂̄͗l̶̢̯̠̔y̷̯͚̓̃ ̶̩̹̈́̉̀y̵̖͔̽̈́̓ò̸̯̖̭̆u̴͈̖̓̀̍ ̷̯̣̚h̸̬̱̑͝ͅȃ̵̫̝͘d̶̯̅̀ ̴̟̇̀ẗ̵̡̛̰́̔h̴̤̩̩͌͘̕e̴̳̞͋ ̵̩̜̽́ẘ̶͎̼̿͝ȉ̵̙̖̆t̵͖̆͝s̴̮̱̪̽ ̵̨̘̠͂͘t̷̰̙̻̑̿̏ȯ̵̞̼͍̕ ̷̘̬̆͊̃u̸͍͛̎̎ń̴̨̌͠d̸̨̑͂͠ẻ̸͕ŗ̴̺̒͊ș̴͓͈̅̈́̿t̶̘̞͍̾a̸̝͔̹̽͊n̸͚̰̲̅d̷̙̱͒̽ ̷̪̤̈̈́ẉ̶̺͋ḧ̴͇̞̺́͛ỵ̷͐ ̶̢̰̄̾̒w̵͛͜ẽ̶̼͎͋ ̵̭͓̙͆́͂d̷͎̃͋ö̵̱̘̓ ̸̱͓͇̂̇t̸͖̀͂͊h̶͇̝̠̽̒ḯ̴̢̓s̶̟̬̩̓.̸̣̐ ̶̣́Į̷̃̊̿t̴̉́ͅ ̶̗͛̌m̷̻̉̑̊a̸̦̹̐̾͂k̸̨͈̤̏̈́e̵̘̒̌s̴̰͑͂ ̵̨̼̎̔m̷͙̔̅͜e̶̲̐͠ ̷̲͑ẇ̸̯̤͙̍o̴͓̥͘n̴͉͂d̷̹͊ę̷͚̞̒ṟ̸̳͎̃̚ ̷̫̮͌́͝ͅw̴͎̜̑̎̎h̶͗͜ỳ̷̩͊ ̷͈͗y̵̖͎̿̎o̸͚͝ű̶͎̬͜ ̸̳̱̀͜c̷̱͊͠a̴͇̋͌͆n̸͍̿̆̚'̸̢̛̘̌̾t̶̞͔̭̀́ ̸͔̙͑̀d̷̨͖̠͘o̴̱͝͝ ̵̪͗t̴̺͕̙̅̃̽ḧ̴̩i̸̢̦͆͛s̸̪͔̈́̈́ ̴̧̜͊͒̓j̶̼̩͝o̷̻̯͒̋ͅb̴̝͋͊.̷̲̟͙́̐.̷̳͎͛̈́͘.̵̸̧̝͎̩̤͊̂͋̅̍̈́
I can do this job. I can do it whenever I want. But I want to have fun and make friends too!
*̷̧̼̞́s̸̟̮̃̅į̴̺̃͒͌g̸̺͔̓h̸̪͕̟́͆͝s̶̺̫͈͌̏*̴̛͖̰̾ ̶̜̮̬̓̃̀S̵̬̭̼͌̆̕ő̶̞̑̔ ̸͙̍v̵̝͐̌̏ë̷̥́̿̋r̵͕̞͓̒̈̌ÿ̸̗́͊̎ ̸͇̂s̷̯͍̀͊å̵̲͝d̷͓̦̅̿.̸̰̘̈̋͛.̷̥͚͗̂́.̷͙̺͇̈́͌ ̵̥̑Î̷̧̯̳͆f̵͇̘͗͒ ̸̼̜̱̈́͝o̷͉͎͆͗́n̷̨͉͈̐̎̈́l̶͖̩̟͆ỵ̶́ ̶̧̡̤̋̚m̷̠͉̂͠ͅo̵̦̫͝m̸̝̥̄̑̓ ̷͇̜̀͠ǎ̴̗ň̴̮̖̳̽͠d̴̢̲̮̽̈́̄ ̸̖̱̥͋͑d̵̠̥͎̎͐â̵̡̗̬͒̕ḑ̵͛ ̵̱̪̈́͒̀h̵͎̫̑e̶̺̱̗̋͌͘a̸͈͑̈́r̵̭̂d̶̛̖̍ ̵̡̠̯̑̆́ä̷̮̜́̐b̶̢͇͛͜o̸̠̒̚ư̵͈̙̔t̷͉̠̳̀͌ ̴͚͇̮̓̀t̷̜̓̾̑h̵͚̓̊̊i̶̪̤͊͒s̷̨͖̒̊͘.̶̩͋̔.̶̨̗̌͛.̸̙͐
Oh don't worry. I'm just as strong as you. I just don't want to use that power.
O̴̰̊̇h̵̘̄̄̏.̸̻̗̤̐ ̸̲͒̈́̋̈́I̶͙̳̣͊͐͑̚f̵̞̲̘́̅͜ ̴̫̜̀̑y̵̢̝̤͎̿̈́o̸̰̤̺̞̐u̸̗͊̃͊̐'̶̺͊̐̕r̸̖̓̎́̾ę̸̽ ̴̧̙̗̂͂s̸̹͂ö̶̥̓ ̵͚̮̖͕͂v̶̜̋̑̿ͅe̷͈̺̙̕r̶̩͒͌y̸̲̹̞̬͋ ̵̟̮̟̒͛͊s̸̳̻̏̈̈͌ẗ̸̛̝́r̶̟̜͆̾̈ö̴̜͖́͗ņ̶͈͉̗̓̀̓̉ǵ̸̪,̷͋͋͑͝ͅ ̸͉̆͊͂ẁ̴̱͕̺̇h̵͓̦̘̣̑̋̾y̶̲̬͖̦͒ ̷̧͕̣͝ͅņ̷͓͈̃̾̇͝o̵͙̔t̷͚̼̉̓́ ̷̥̫̄͑͝p̶̺̿̍͜r̸̨̜̱͈̍o̵̝̅̔̍͊v̷̡͕͙̭͌̂͑e̷̻̾̓ ̴͔͗i̷͙͉͌͋́͛t̵̢̅ ̸̢̰́̏͝h̷͕̒͛͆̉ȩ̷́ř̴̞̜̺̞e̷̻͐͒̃.̸̜͔̩̤͛ ̵̜̫̒̎̈Ẅ̷͉̼͇̱́̔͝h̵͙̼̻̓y̵̜̳͇̋̔̔́ ̴̧̹̝̀͋͠͠ṉ̵͖́͛̓͜ͅo̴̜̭̥͠t̷̹̰͇͔͗̎ ̶̢̺̊̓̏ẗ̵͎̞́̀ḛ̴̯̩̊̇̊a̶̢̟͈̞͒̊c̶̖̠͛̿ḧ̷̡̢̪̰́̓̾̒ ̵͚̙͎̑̑̍̚t̵̼͖̹̬̑h̸͇͇̀͗͂͌ḙ̴̩̎̈́̿m̴̨͇̺̭̒ ̸̡͓͠ã̷̺͊ ̴̲̱̅̀̂l̵̒̈͜͝e̵͙̹̱͒͛̂̀s̶̨̛̙̘̆͋š̷̜̺͇̃o̷̼̫̯̔̓̂̓͜ń̶̮̠͓͓͑̕͝?̶̪̥̙̑
ecause I don't need to prove anything to you.
T̷̢̬͕̺̈́h̶͙̪̮́͗̈e̸̢̩̋́n̶͙̆̚ ̴̡͗̄͒͊w̵̭̘̤̉̌͋͝h̷̪̦̝̏ẙ̶͚͒̏ ̶̛̗̤̳́̚n̸̲̭͂͜͝ơ̵̛͇͇̫̻͛̄t̸̹̠̓͑͝ ̶̧̣̩̙̎ś̸̮̖̭̫́à̶͓̐̚y̴̛͎̓͗͝ ̸͈̹̦̱̅͆m̵̨̋̒y̶̞̱͔͒̊ ̶̪̲̣̹̇͗n̵͓̣̓͐̚a̴̮͗͝͠m̴̪͗͘ẻ̶̯̭̲̌͊͑,̸̻̎̆͗ ̴̫̠̕K̷̝̳͔̥̅i̵̗͖͉͖͑͝ḻ̵̄̎̓l̸͈̝̦̀̌͘?̸̳͍̳͗̓
Fine. Be like that. You can't do anything to me.
C̶͙͉̋͜a̷͈͔͖͋͌̏̈́͠ͅn̴̨̛̤͇͐̏̄̐̇'̷̰͉̻͎̫͈̌̑͂̍̌̆t̴̟͙̼̣̣̅ ̷̖͓͕̻̄͑I̶̮̻̘̰̥͊?̸͎̯̈́̇̊̇͘͝
Why don't you prove yourself, then?

M̸̻͆y̸͎̣̼̯̤̻̏ ̶̩̹̗̟̥͓̓w̶̛̟̬͊̓͂̾ȏ̶̻̠̮̦̱̐̾̀ŗ̶̨͙̩͔̥̄̓k̴̲̻͑͐̐̈́̐̅ ̸̛͇̥̎̈͂̏̒h̶̤͕̪̰͔̥̍ė̶̡̧́r̸̻̬̀͛́̒e̷̼̋ͅ ̵̱̂͛̀i̵̫̭̒̇͆̇͌͝s̶̖̻̫̼͇̄ͅ ̸̝͐̈́̃͘ḏ̸̞̞̯͓̺̃̀ọ̷͇̬͉̯̞̇n̴͙̳͈̙̅̎͝e̶̢͕͇͕̙͐̈ͅ.̵̘̯̠̫̅̎͑̔́ ̴̡͉͖̣̄͘͝Ğ̵͎̥̣͑̿o̷̬̦̠̓̐̐̿̌́ǫ̸͚͖̱͗̎͊̉̏͘d̶̛̜̐̋̚b̸̺̺̤̳͐͑͝ͅŷ̷̧̆̈́̈́̃ë̶͚͚̫̦̗̽̐͝͝ͅ,̸̺̺̙̮̪̏͘ ̸̢̯̯̑̈K̴̨̛̦̺̻͉̪̈́̍̓͌ȋ̴͙͈l̵̢̪̰̪͌̔l̸̘̎̊̀̈́́͂.̷̼͚̟͇̂

I'll show you... I̸̛̛͈̲͍̝͍̹̜͎̲͙̋̓̏͗̆͒͊̊͐̐̈́̊̅̊́̅̅̋̾͐͊̀̀͆̍̈́̓́̍̚̚͜͠͝ͅL̵̨̘̺͍̪̥͔͙̟͙̹̞̥̞̹͈͔͋̊͊̿̆̏̉̍̆̈́̌͑̊̒́̑́̿͋̇͋̌͛̈́͌̉̀̑͑̈́͗̎̅͘̕͘͘̕̕͜͝͝͝͠͠Ļ̸̨̡̧̧̻̙̬̱̱̦͎̺͍͇̠̩̥͖̤͚̪̳͚̭͖̯̮͈͙͔͓̹̖̗͖̯͚͉̘̯̦͚̝͓͚͉̫͔̭͉͚̂͛́̀̈́̓̈́͒̋̑̍̈́̇̃̐͆͆̿͂̊̓̃̌̀̐̂̉̒̂̇͋̓̈̍̄̅̆̏̔̀̄̓̑̿̑͛͐̐̅̉̿̋̿̊͑͐̃̃̚͘͘̚͜͠͝͠͝͝͝͝U̴̢̢̟͓̳̬̠̭͖̭̰̩̟͖̱̝̮̜͍̜̜̫̝͎͊̑̌̌̃̿̈́̓́̈̒̄̐͂̀̎̋̇͑̄́̉͗̓̓͊̈́͐̅̓͐̌̃̈́̇͑̔̊̑̈́̾̋́͑̈́͐̈̄̈̋͌̐̋̍͒͒́̔̑̈́͌̅̇͌͛̄̿̋͛͗́̀͌̐̕͘̕̕̕͘͘͘̕͜͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝M̷̧̛̛͖̰̫͇̯̋́͂͂̍̉͐̃͋̇̀̆̓̌͋́̎̒́͐͊̉̒̂͌͗̽͊̈̋̅͛I̷̢̢̨̡̨̧͇̫̹͇̜̩͈͕͕͕̳͚͈̣̲̦͈͙̘͇͉͙̭̙̘̭̝͎̟̳͉͉̗̬̯͉̺̻̣̟̖͇͉̩͚͈͎̮̺̪̺̥͉̮̠͚̳̫̟̞̬͎͓̫̞͕̗̥̟̟͔͍̙͍̠̲̪̝̪͇̤̥̘̥̤̲̱̫̦̭͚̻̬͎̰͇͈̪͖̟̫̝̞̜̙͎̮̎͂͆̋̀͆̽̓́̈́̿̈́̑̓̅͐̐̀̓̈́̄̃́͑̅̈́͒̀͋͂͌́͊̈̿̒̄͆̄́̄̈́̐͘͘͘͜͜͜͜͜͝͠͠͝ͅͅͅͅ.

Weiss Schnee

Cage, Axiom
#99D5FF = Speech
(Team 2)

As Weiss was about to launch herself into stabbing Shanoa one more time, she saw Shanoa dropping a crystal from her hands. She changed plans accordingly, instead spawning a black Gravity Glyph underneath Shanoa and then launching herself into the air. Then, as she let the gem drop and form an empty crystal cell, she boosted herself towards her diagonally, landing with a roll, then she spawned a Glyph underneath her feet, before propelling herself towards her, imitating figure skating by lifting one leg straight, with her arms extended outward in an A-shape as she bowed. Then while she continued to "skate", she rose to strike Shanoa's rapier at the handle in an attempt to knock it off.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Time Baby), Zamasu Zamasu (Shanoa)
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  • Shanoa

    With the prison plan failed, Weiss attempts to get the rapier off of Shanoa. Quickly activating Rapidus Fio, Shanoa backs away, the rapier vanishing, and then proceeds to fire energy beams at Weiss.


    Concentrate magic energy into a destructive beam.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122 @others​
Weiss Schnee

Cage, Axiom
#99D5FF = Speech
(Team 2)

As Weiss's move finished, Weiss spun on her toes towards Shanoa, who by then shifted position and fired a beam of destructive energy towards her.


Weiss recoiled from the initial hits, raising the bottom of Myrtenaster's blade to block the rest of it with both hands. After she was done, she spun the cylinder on Myrtenaster, landing on "Hard Light", then as she pressed the trigger, her rapier's blade glowed cyan. She swung in a circular motion, generating a hexagonal pattern of small Glyphs. Then she made a stark point towards her opponent with her weapon, producing light projectiles that homed towards her.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Time Baby), Zamasu Zamasu (Shanoa)
Lealan would be quick to deflect Korg with her own knock-back based attack, releasing a concussive wave of water from Hokucide, followed by a quick blink back and out of the way juuuuuuuuuuuust in case the wave didn't work. The Floran focuses her gaze on Lazarus. "Now that's hardly fair! We're already on trial for crimes against time, and here you are fucking with time Mid trial! You're lucky they don't disqualify you for that, or worse, extend our sentences!!" Lealan throws another concussive wave from her blade at the man.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore QizPizza QizPizza
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari nodded when Falco said how he shared Akari's desire to not kill anyone. "Then, we are on the same page. Good."

Once Falco took out his Blaster and started sprinting around and taking potshots at Akari, the Persona-user managed to deflect some of the laser shots with his vambraces, but was still hit by at least a few of them. "Ah, the falcon... the fastest bird on Earth, made even more dangerous here through the use of a laser gun. Though, if it's speed you have, allow me to acquiesce." The Heat Riser that Akari had cast on himself had increased his agility, and so he started full-on sprinting towards Falco in an attempt to chase him. Clearly, Akari would have a hard time hitting him with magic, and as he wanted to avoid lethally harming anyone, the mere idea of trying to shoot the already speedy Falco with his crossbow was out of the question. As it stood, his best bet would be to try and tackle him.

As Akari began his charge, Whisper's laser sniper struck the back of his platebody just before he took off, causing some damage but not deterring him thanks to the defensive buff from the Heat Riser.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Targeting Falco)
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod (Unspoken Mention)
(Open for Interactions)
The Time Baby merely stared down at Ellie angrily as she yelled her flurry of obscenities in his direction. Whenever she was finally finished, he merely opened his mouth to say, "SILENCE HER." Despite the booming voice, the Time Baby was clearly not screaming, and actually seemed relatively caused. At his request, though, two guards rushed passed Micah and whoever else was near Ellie. One of them restrained her arms by holding them behind her back, while the other jammed an electrified stun stick right into her stomach.

Luckily for Jason, he was indeed wearing a cup. You could never be too careful, especially in his line of work. Though, the cup seriously didn't matter when Frank's knee collided harshly with his groin not one, not two, but three times, the resulting impact of which made Jason immediately lurch over in pain, his grip loosening from around Frank in general as he fell off of the old man and onto his back. At this point, Jason was wincing pretty by behind the helmet, and as the pain from his crotch moved up into the pit of his stomach, Jason could hear Frank pulling himself back up and onto his feet. The sound of the old man's feet shuffling was enough to get Jason to stand back up and ready his fists, the pain now subsiding a bit. This guy was fast and smart - two things that Jason could already tell from just looking at the guy. However, he'd underestimated how fast this guy was, especially under pressure. He'd have to be faster if he wanted to get anywhere in the way of beating him.


So, Jason decided to work with what he had and produce his next toy - a flash bang. He charged forward with it in hand, triggering it by mashing down on the button once he was at arms length. With Frank (hopefully) distracted, Jason attempted grabbed him by the arm and twisted around him, before aiming to shove him out in front of him. If this were to work, Jason would produce his sidearm and fire three non-lethal, rubber rounds towards him. Two to the back of each knee, and then one to the back of his head.

Much like Jason, Thor had underestimated his opponent as well, it seemed. He'd had little time to react when Kyou came charging at him at his breakneck speeds, and as such, hadn't been able to adequately dodge the punch to the chest. Still, he'd taken harder hits before, so while the punch had knocked the God of Thunder into the air, he managed to re-position himself mid-air with a well-place backflip, and land on his feet by the time they touched the ground. He was crouched forward a little, of course, and as he stood upright, he chuckled a little. "You're faster than you look!" He exclaimed. Though, immediately following this, he threw Stormbreaker sideways as if it were a frisbee. If Thor's attack managed to hit, the lightning-charged axe would strike Kyou once in the face, and then again on the back of the head when it came spinning back to Thor! This would hopefully be enough to knock him over, at the very least.

Similarly to Thor, though, Kendall had practically no time to react whenever Kassandra had appeared mid-air and unleashed her own flurry of attacks upon the him. He hadn't even gotten a chance to address Tandem! Although his flames protected him from the initial brunt of her attacks, they still affected him somewhat. No bones were broken, but by the time Kassandra was finished, Kendall was very visibly spewing up a bit of blood from his mouth... yet despite this, he continued to smirk at her. The flames on his back were glowing and bursting out even brighter by this point, Kassandra's attacks having fueled Kendall's inner rage. So, when he inevitably did choose to retaliate, it was merely a fake out. And thanks to his newly enhanced strength, Kendall caught Kassandra's enhanced Spartan Kick with ease, tightly gripping her leg with his paws. Then, he tilted his head upwards, and looked Kassandra in the eye with a crazed grin.

"Omae wa mou shindeiru...."

With those simple words uttered from the Pokemon's mouth, a giant bolt of lightning suddenly struck down into the arena, landing right onto Kassandra! Assuming that it struck, it would, at the very least, overload her suit to the point that it was basically just fancy armor (for the time being, at least). At worst, Kassandra would be struck with enough voltage to flat out knock her out!

Oh, and unfortunately for CN-Tan, she merely faceplanted with the wall upon trying to re enter the arena. Benrey and Pans were out for the count as well, and because of this, the score shifted once more.

Team One: Three Points
Team Two: One Point
Team Three: One Point

The crowd member that CN-Tan had landed on was actually a poor old man, who had been sleeping until CN-Tan had rudely woken him up.


"W-wha...?" The old man asked as he began to look around, his thick glasses blocking out his eyes entirely. "Wh-wh-where am I...? How did I get here?" He asked, before turning his head and looking up at CN-Tan, his frown turning into a smile as he saw her. "Oh... and who might you be, young man?"

Back inside of the arena, by the time Lealan had effectively dodged the falling Korg and he'd landed on the ground, the ice spell had worn off, granting Korg the ability to move once more. By the time he stood back up, the rock alien had refocused all of his attention onto Lazarus. As he did so, he charged forward once more, and in conjunction with the concussive blast, Korg swung his mace around, aiming for the side of his head once more!

Back in Falco's neck of the woods, the anthropomorphic bird had turned around mid-sprint as Akari decided to chase after him. Before he could truly catch up to him, though, Falco stopped mid-run and crouched down. And then, once Akari began to close in, Falco would leap high into the air, doing a back flip. While in the air, Falco pulled out his blaster once more, shooting the persona wielder with it in an attempt to at least cause some damage, if only minor. Then, once he landed on the ground behind Akari, Falco glanced up at him and spread his wings, before,


He broke out in a dash towards Akari! The dash clocked in at breakneck speeds, fast enough that an entire cloud of dust was left in the bird's wake. During the dash, he slashed towards Akari with his wings, aiming to launch him into the air or knock him onto his feet. If the former was what ended up happening, Falco would leap up into the air with a follow-up attack, aiming to kick him back down to the ground!

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 DerpyCarp DerpyCarp FoolsErin FoolsErin Celestial Speck Celestial Speck quadraxis201 quadraxis201 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials darkred darkred Venom Snake Venom Snake CutieBoop CutieBoop Chungchangching Chungchangching marc122 marc122 Ellya Ellya GearBlade654 GearBlade654 quadraxis201 quadraxis201 QizPizza QizPizza BoltBeam BoltBeam Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Weiss Schnee

Cage, Axiom
#99D5FF = Speech
(Team 2)

Weiss leapt into a roll to avoid the beams, the array of hard-light cannons disappearing in the process. Then she flipped into the air, before landing on a floating Glyph. From there, she went from Glyph to Glyph, closing in on Shanoa, as she spun the cylinder to Lightning. When she got close enough hovering above her, she pressed the trigger and launched herself towards her combatant, the Lightning Dust boosting Myrtenaster's power, aiming to knock her out of the arena.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Time Baby), Zamasu Zamasu (Shanoa)
Chronology (1).jpg
Location: Globnar
Expression: Still Fighting Thorne
Interaction: Thorne
Mention: Open

Jett groans as she got hit by Thorne's body hook then gets into the ground after she got caught with a judo throw, she tried to use her ground game reversals by having Thorne into full guard and attempts to have a ground and pound advantage since she is now on top of Thorne by starting using a ground straight. She then tried to get up for a decent yet fair advantage since she is quite good on the ground game more than Thorne.

She switched her stance into a more modern yet complex stance just to have Thorne caught off guard saying "You being quiet in the white room, Thorne. Because you are predicted that we are going to spar now?? But let's have this more fun, shall we." Jett will try to land a leg kick just to have some damage on Thorne's legs, she then looked at Thorne hoping that how will she respond the leg kick but little didn't she knew. She landed an hard yet blowing overhand onto Thorne saying "Caught ya, Thorne!!!" She then extends her hand hoping that this is actually and pretty interesting fight between her and Thorne.


Chronology (2).jpg
Location: Globnar
Expression: Fighting Jett with Respect Each Other
Interaction: Jett
Mention: Open

Thorne got caught into full guard by Jett and blocks the body straights consistently, as she saw Jett got up and switched into her own complex yet modern stance, she smirked as she is still into her usual fighting stance since she knows that Jett is quite good on the ground game than her.

She saw the leg kick from Jett as she leg checked the kick and attempts to land a body straight and roundhouse kick onto Jett but she didn't knew about her overhand causing Thorne to knocked out cold saying on her mind 'Welp, I guess I'll make an freaking sentence that is going to have everyone awkward now....' She is now knocked out unconscious and was not moving her head at all since she got hit by Jett's punch, Thorne didn't have no idea about it and was now eliminated in the battle royale round.
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With the attacks stopped for now, she stopped Blinking to notice Fuma was beginning to ready her next attack. Now wasn’t the time to just stand around and respond to Mimaki, they had to stop her before she finished reading her next attack. Ciri ran towards Fuma and having no doubts that she might have prepared something in case they got close to her, she Blinked right behind Fuma and prepared to hit her in the back of the neck with the sword pommel.

Slashing would’ve resulted in her being hit lethally and that was something she was aiming not to do, so the next best thing was to hit her with the pommel. If attacked, she’d Blink back to the other side a little bit away from Fuma for good measure.

CutieBoop CutieBoop , Celestial Speck Celestial Speck

Mood: Reflective, Unsure, Determined
TEAM ONE - Current Role: Aerial Backup
Tags: (GM, Leo)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Sage was shocked to hear Yang say that control was indeed possible, and even more that she wasn't lying about that. It was one of those ideas that he so desperately wanted to believe, grasp into the hope it brought, and yet couldn't fully shake the doubts off to do so. He only grew more uncertain as the suggestion went on. The pyromancer had never actually said that his powers were like emotions, just that they reacted to his emotions. And not only that, physical, mental states and environment also played a part in how stable they were. Heck, he had literally broken the mechanics last world, with the wings that had stuck around instead of disappearing; All because he had been put in constant alert after facing so much. No longer able to relax, always anticipating a need to flee.

Sure, he had been doing the whole child-adult division thing and that was helping a bit. But to say that he could control his emotions was still a really long way off. If anything, he either didn't understood them because they were new or was ruled by them; Ruled by the moment, ideologies, whims and drives. It still didn't feel like he had enough chances or time for learning something like that, neither was it so simple as tackling it 'head-on'. That only worked when there was nothing to lose, when he could stop worrying for a moment because either he was evenly matched or the enemy wasn't alive. In either case, no one would be getting hurt... But the rest of the time? Just the thought of letting loose was scary on itself already. The young man should be re-wearing the armlet out of fights, and yet he had stopped doing so.

The more accustomed he had gotten to not having it, the more he didn't want to do so because of the off-putting sensation that came with it. Without the relic, it felt so... light? And so free. Like that's how it was always meant to be. It was even hard to think that he had been used to this thing at some point, that he had learned to tolerate something that was so restricting and detrimental in a way. Habits could be terrible, especially if they were composed of bearing with harmful situations due to lack of other options.

At least the apology had gone smoothly, and they could most certainly both relate to the fact that way too much had happened at once and made them extremely exhausted.

"Yeeeah, I definitely get it...", the mood was getting a bit too gloomy again, "Though I've been sleeping a lot, because of either passing out in pain or getting knocked out soooo, I doubt I'll need a long nap like that anytime soon at this rate~", he had laughed softly, clearly taking it as a joke despite the truth that it held. Was anyone counting how many times he ended up unconscious?
He wasn't and had most likely lost count of it by now.

Next, Kyou was back, for the first time ever since they had ended up in the time prison. Normally, that'd have brought Sage to a halt; Magical Detection intensifying on proximity and putting him alert. But given all of the Magical presences put together in such a small space, any sort of increase had become hard to notice. The whole thing was so overwhelmed that it practically made no difference.
Instead, the Oni's voice had taken him by surprise, the Descendant turning around to meet the other in almost the same pose he had made in the tent of telepathy, while under mind-control. It was that sort of confidence that Lucy also had and he admired deeply, and yet when it came to himself, he wasn't capable of mustering it. Too much insecurity, too many doubts. Heck, he didn't even feel like he could repeat any of his titles without getting filled with melancholy just by acknowledging them.

As noble sounding as some were, they still represented a life of heartache, fear and guilt.

The addition to his name had been a bit confusing. Maybe it had already been used before and he hadn't paid too much attention to it, but in this instance, it was almost like the main element of the sentence and therefore unmissable. He wondered what it meant, and was also somewhat amused by how his surname actually also started with K. A bit of childish attention to detail there, but eh, it wasn't as if it was harming anyone! Then came the matter of Inherent Talent, which the other had denied. Well, maybe that's how it worked in other worlds, but those diaries surely didn't make it seem as hard for his ancestors as he had it. Though that was probably because everyone else had a larger focus on one aspect of the power, and the unlucky pyromancer got three: Flight, healing and constructs. If you considered empathic fire manipulation its own thing instead of the 'big box', then it went up to four. It's no wonder it was so much harder to get the hang of...

At the mention of a mental message, however, the young man had the impression that he knew who this was. And bingo, it had been Hershel again! Which made him wonder of how he was even doing that, and why he hadn't tried reaching Alexis before... Was there a limitation to it? Was he only able to do so at specific times? Did that mean that she had left before he had the chance to do so?

"...Dad?", Sage seemed troubled with the idea, letting his gaze fall for a moment. Not really? The fact that it came with a certain vampire as a bonus 'sibling' certainly didn't help any. They were complete opposites personality-wise! Why would anyone think this was a good idea? And he was still a bit salty over not being asked about it first, "More like, uhhhh, someone that lets me visit at times. I don't live there or anything, though he let me bring some stuff along... It's a weird arrangement, but people in that world don't really bat an eye to me flying around so, that's nice. A bit of an off-world break, I guess.", which definitely didn't mean that he took it for granted or something of the sort; It was as he had told Orbeck, the cleric had been the first person to give him a safe-space to open-up and to that he was really grateful.

"I got a message earlier too, not much earlier than you showed up, actually! Almost didn't get who it had come from, but it called me 'Sey' so that part made it obvious.", he had chuckled softly in mild amusement, "It kinda told me to not be too passive or proactive? I kind of get it, but also don't... But the idea of balancing things made sense."

When the actual message had been shared, the pyromancer had flinched slightly with guilt. Riiiiiight, he had said that, hadn't he? Yikes, it had been one of those spur of the moment things and not something that he had actually meant... Hopefully, Hershel got that. He was incredibly sorry about that. Still, it seemed like he had trusted Kyou to teach him lots of things too.
The comment about intimate matters summed to a glance towards Leo, had the young man blushing again, the temperature picking up juuust a little bit; Part on it was on the fact that he too had ended up glancing that way, having followed the Oni's gaze. Aaah, remembering that they were being watched when it had happened made it even more embarrassing...!

"Sensei?", Sage had blinked a couple times in confusion, trying to put the meaning of the foreign word together by context, "Ixùtas gânchèn idúoji?" (Ixitas gaanchin iuoji?), the sequence of words was let out in an oddly rhythmic monotone, every 'syllable' had been pronounced with utmost clarity. This language, whatever it was liked to take its time, "Like a uhhhhhh, what was the word again...?, A martial arts master? Or an instructor??", as the idea sank in, the Descendant seemed to get more and more excited about it, his eyes shone with anticipation, "Wait, we're finally doing Magic training?!", huh? Finally?, "I really wanted Alexis to teach me like that...", his gaze had dropped once more, a sigh of defeat, "Before we both got way too side-tracked.", this was probably the biggest regret that he had over the whole mess.

"Come on, Kyooou~! It can't be harsher than everything I've been through already...", the young man had shrugged with a playful edge. And no, he didn't mean just this adventure alone, he meant absolutely everything ever since the 'multiverse distress calls' had started.

He wasn't reassured... At least not fully. There was always the chance that something unexpected would be about to pull the carpet from under him and they wouldn't get the time to do anything. But as uncertain and hopeless as he still was, as much as he might be setting himself up for failure from the get-go... Sage wanted to try. Gods, he was dying to get some actual Magic training and also- He couldn't give up. Ruby wouldn't want them to give up, neither would Alexis, Hershel and Yang. White, pink, orange and red, --two sets of red even!--, all cheering him, who felt more towards purple than the usual blue currently. He didn't need to develop the same amount of confidence that they had, he'd just really like to be less scared and apprehensive of everything.

A little smile perked to his lips, discreet, timid, as tears were pooling up in the corners. His reply? A single decided nod.

"Let's do this."

And that was when the wall of the room had opened up again...
Guiding directly into what seemed like a battle arena of sorts, much to his dismay.

Escorted once more, the new environment was quite dual in nature. While the darkened space was a lot more welcome after the bright and dull white of the cell room, the loud cheering of the crowd and other miscellaneous noises were not; Neither was the loud rambling of the enormous baby-like Deity. Standing beside Leo, the pyromancer had taken a step back, somewhat overwhelmed. It was too soon... It was way too soon. The more he listened, the more a sensation of dread had started to rise in his chest.
The arena was already way too different from the spaces he was used to, then the whole prospect of being thrown into a series of trials for survival made it all the more grim. A final blow had come in the way of the team list spread across a huge display, towering the arena for everyone else to see. There were some weird details such as Tony being nowhere to be found in there, then he noticed that a lot of already established groups of acquaintances seemed to be purposefully divided up... Including his.

While it was a relief to have Leo in the same team, seeing Kyou and Yang on a different one was troublesome. Especially Yang, who had faced the Entity not that long ago and might suddenly have to face him. And she was already shaken enough! His breathing grew harsher, he could feel a panic attack coming. Why were they fighting? Was it just sport for these people?! What did the winning team get and what happened to the losing ones??? There were so many unanswered questions! And to top it all off he wasn't an offensive person!! Attacking first was not his way. Sometimes with the bad guys, you know, when there were a bunch of justifiable reasons for such. But against his allies, who had done nothing wrong?? That was literally impossible! He'd rather step back and watch!!

But that didn't seem to be an option.

Even as he had moved a bit on the automatic, following Leo's steps, Sage tried to calm his breathing, knowing very well that this was not the right time for panicking in such a scale. What would he do if he let the tension reach Take-Over levels in the middle of such a tournament? His internal child seemed to despair at the sight of the horrible list alone, wanting to give up before anything even started. Probably the worst idea to have. He had to bear with it... C-come on, it couldn't be that bad, could it? The temperature had been fluctuating near the heater levels, eyes giving off a soft glow due to resisting falling prey to an underlying panic attack.

Maybe it had been for reassurance, maybe for a sense of familiarity, maybe because he was desperate... It was more likely all of the above and more, but he had glanced at Leo, leaning a bit forwards to gather how the other was feeling about this. What he had been met with was, a similar level of apprehension, but also determination. It was as if his expression was saying 'I don't like this any more than you do, but I'm still going to do my best!' and suddenly, even the anxiety had been forgotten. The young man was... in awe. This was a side of the other that he hadn't seen that often and something about it was very inspiring... He didn't even notice the little 'oooooh' that had left his mouth.

Ah, wait, he had been staring for a bit too long!

Feeling himself grow flustered, the Descendant had averted his gaze, hoping Leo had been too focused on the battle to come to notice what he had been doing. As.. weird as that had been- Weird? Maybe? But not in a bad way... Anyways! As weird as that might have been, there was no longer any shadow of that creeping panic attack afterwards. Despite the situation, he was actually, strangely relaxed. Sure, Sage didn't remember a single thing that he had been thinking of before, buuuuut that meant that he couldn't recall why he was panicking either! Also, if Leo who was in no way a first-line fighter thought he could handle it, --no offense to the other, really. But if he was gotten by surprise...--, then he could do it too! His own way!! Which meant playing defense as he was fond of.

Resolved and pumped-up, the next step was to look around and select some members to pay attention to. While he did that, the pyromancer would finally realize that Lazarus was a new addition to the group. The soldier and he had only met once before, an encounter as old as many months on his end and not too meaningful... If he remembered it right, it had just been a brief power exchange, and he had been amazed at the idea of someone channelling the Concept of Time back then. Still, since it had been so small, he didn't expect the other to really remember him at all... He might get upset, just a bit. But the man didn't have to know it, nope!

And then it was time. The gladiator challenge seemingly known as Globnar had been announced.

Several people of all teams had gone for a straight-in charge. Leo was amongst them. Even with an Ability allegedly not suited for a situation like that. He still... went. Sage watched the other's back as it got farther and farther away from him in admiration, maybe also pride? Was that pride that he felt? He really wasn't sure, he just knew that Leo looked extremely cool right now and dang if that didn't push him to try and do his best too, he didn't know know what else would! So after losing a couple minutes of headstart due to just being there in awe, the young man had snapped back to reality, taking a little hop and summoning his wings to take-off into the air, cutting upwards like a rocket, before executing a loop to glide in horizontal and forwards.

The plan was to oversee key people of his team, to be ready to offer them shields, make shots from the air and even dive right in to provide extra backup in case they needed to. With a determined look in his face, the Phoenix Descendant stopped above the battlefield and to his team's quadrant, occasional flaps of the constructs stabilizing his position high up. The wings doubled as both weapons or shields and as long as he was still in range, he could spawn a wall to take on attacks at any time. As long as he didn't have to hold it in place afterwards, he could still attempt to dodge anything sent towards him.

Unfortunately, he had taken a bit too much time establishing said game plan in his mind. It was almost missable, but at the corner of his gaze, Sage had caught sight of a little girl crumpling to the ground; Someone that he had registered earlier as being a teammate. His expression went gloomy, all focus had been stolen by that scene. Part of him was panicking, worried, but he kept it under a tight hold. It was too soon to say anything. He watched with his breath frozen until her form had been placed safely outside and a torrent of shouts containing profane vocabulary rang out. Then there was a sigh of relief. Okay, okay, she was fine. Understandably angry, but fine. Gods, he was so so sorry for being too late to shield her from, whichever it was that had taken her down. But at least she was still alive which was good!

No one seemed to attempt engaging the pyromancer, which was okay too. It just meant he had all the more focus to help the others. As such, he rounded over that side of the battlefield with gentle, peaceful flaps, acting like a bit of a drone and ready to react whenever the time came. The key people from his group that he had decided to keep a watchful eye on were: Leo, Tandem, Arthur and Haws, some of which he didn't actually know by name. He had also considering shielding Blake and Thorne, but both of them were having seemingly friendly spars with their partners/teammates, so it should be okay. He'd hate to interrupt them and ruin their fun.
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Agent 3

Drax's eyes would widen a bit whenever Agent 3 transformed into her liquid form and seeped out of his grasp. "What... is this???" He asked aloud as he tried to find where she had gone. Luckily for her, her plan had worked, and Drax had lost where she'd went! He instead focused on looking around for her, which allowed Agent 3 to do whatever it was she needed to do to recover.... unless someone else attacked her in the meantime, that is.
Agent 3, noticing this, would smile to herself knowingly and keep following the inky trail to escape away from Drax, just trying to get out of the situation as quickly as she can without being spotted - thus needing to still go slow. However, she was not accounting for one more problem...
With words of encouragement from Star-Lord, Hiryu moved in to attack the Inkling that's been harassing Drax with ink, the purple golem transforming into purple hammer shaped like a fist.


"Come on out!" Hiryu beckoned for the squidling to emerge out of hiding by smacking one of the ink puddles she created with the Dogga Hammer, instinctively picking the one near Drax's back. Meanwhile, the Garuru and the Bashaa surrounded Drax like a protective wall, awaiting for their cephelapod prey.
The ink puddle that Hiryu slammed with the hammer was empty - Agent 3 had not gone anywhere near Drax, and especially with Hiryu's backup around him. Agent 3, noticing such, had no choice to retreat, soon finding herself out of Drax's line of sight as well as Hiryu's - so now she turned to her humanoid form and is now trying to put her weapon back together to hopefully get back into the fight.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Confident​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot (heavily damaged/destroyed), Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: The battle begins!/Trying to fix weapon.​
RP Information
Location: Globnar Colosseum
Mentions: @TheEntiretyOfTeamThree​
Nearby/In Group: @GetReadyToRumble​
Chronology: Ultimate
GySgt Lazarus Huang
MENTAL CONDITION: Pleasantly Surprised
LOCATION: Globnar Arena
COLOR: #E83427
(Link to CS)
INTERACTIONS: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Thirty seconds passed a lot quicker than one would think, and Korg was back into fight, swinging his mace. The rock man was certainly intent on bashing Lazarus’s head in like a baseball. However, the golem drew the short stick when it came to the opponent he was facing in this close ranged brawl. Lazarus had the upper hand in close combat with all of his equipment and powers.

Though Lazarus’s little trick with ducking so far into Korg’s hammer’s effective strike range that it didn’t hit the first time, he wasn’t about to wager his life on the fact that it would work again. This time, Laz stepped back to dodge the mace. In the time it took Korg to bring his mace back around for another swing, Lazarus brought up his arm and fired off a bola from his gauntlet to wrap around the rock man’s arms and chest. If that succeeded, Lazarus would open fire a volley of energy blasts from his firearm, trying to knock Korg towards the edge.


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