• 1598361417341.png
    Interactions: Zamasu Zamasu (Jared)

    Venice gasps and braces herself as a pink shield forms around her and Spooky, barely managing to deflect the bullets. She then looks up at Jared angrily.

    "Guns?! Really?! Can't we make this easier?! Sic 'em, Spooky!"


    Spooky charges up and shoots a large laser at Jared from his beak, which STILL wouldn't kill him if it hits, but it would definitely have some knockback to it! The shield remains around Venice and Spooky, but it can only hold for a limited time.

  • Jared Williams

    As Spooky fires the beam, Jared yells out "SHIT!" Before he closes the portal right before it hits. Normally, the duo would be safe as long as the barrier is up. Unfortunately for them, if ever one of them would quickly notice, a portal opens up beneath Venice and she falls down into a strange white void similar to the cell that got he group in by the Time Police. The portal closes just before Spooky could follow.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @others​

  • 1598365450453.png
    Interactions: Zamasu Zamasu (Jared)

    "Waaah!" Venice screams as she falls into the portal. She promptly hits the ground with a THUD as the shield around her disappears. She looks up, waiting for Spooky to come through the portal... but no one comes. Venice looks around the white void, her desperation growing by the minute.

    "Spooky...? SPOOKY?! SPOOKY, WHERE ARE YOU?!"

    Meanwhile, on the other side, Spooky had just tried to fly into the portal after Venice, only for it to close on him. He collides with the ground ungracefully.

    Venice is gone.

    The owl looks up at Jared with his green eyes filled with rage.



    The wind dragon's partner in crime charges forward at Jared at maximum speed, talons flexed and ready to claw out Jared's hair again as he keeps firing those small energy blasts from his mouth!
Yoshi (team 3)

"Waah!" Yoshi was thrown off balance by the parry, struggling to get himself back onto his feet. Unfortunately, it wasn't in time until Gretar's swing got him up in the air. Indeed, it did +25% to his percentage. Before landing, Yoshi ensures a little egg throw special to make his return to ground safer. "Yoshi say that was good close range! Hmph! Can you endure Yoshi's aerial attacks?" With a nod , Yoshi went up to the air, threw an egg for more jump, then went with the forward air kick. If it hit, it'd be 10%, if it didn't, it'd do nothing. Afterwards, he did his jabs, which would do 3% damage each by his kicks, then a tilt with his tail attack, which is 9%. That damage will calculate if some of that hit after the parry.

Yoshi's damage: 25%

Tags: Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 (Gretar (team 1))

Fuma (team 1)

Well, in whatever case, Fuma gets bonked in the back of the head by Ciri's sword pommel, landing on the ground face forward. This disables the dark fist magics. That... briefly changed her back to her regular tone as she just casually attempted to slide herself away from Ciri and got herself up, not knowing it was slippery like ice. Thus, she struggled to keep balance while sliding away- it's unlikely that the attack Mimaki had made hit her if she was slipping away from it, but if it did, she's more likely to slide away from the ice boundary faster. "Uuu, Fuma is not the best with close range attacks... Fuma can only use magic as an alternative for it!-" In a funny scenario, it's as if Fuma was just a little pouty frog responding to a poke of a human. Not terribly, but it's funny to imagine it. Afterwards, she makes distance between herself and her opponents- ... wait, the floor is ice- "Oh- damn it-" And she slips on it while trying to get herself back up. Doesn't hurt much, just territorial change made that harder for her to navigate around. She moved around until there is a flooring that wasn't coated with ice, so then she can float back up again.

... She's not that good at close combat, admittedly. And the blind spot is very easy. She turns the pages to prepare a different spell of dark magic, probably to regain back some coolness. This time, the other attempt of dark magic is a ability to make multiple shadow-y portals appear scattered. Fuma this time is not going to tell about what it is, for they need to be strategic to reach her. By then, she resumes the charge through the pages of her book, and readies the frog tendrils like they're secondary arms and fists, ready to fight the next one close to her the next time she has to shift to a fighting style on land. This time, she gets back her summoning aura as she charges up and readies the spell to be used: "Ritual "Lazer Key of Solomon".


It is self-explanatory for what the "Lazer Key of Solomon" is supposed to be. There are many stars, but they connect like a moving maze, and even some of them just make openings for them to go through. That was the normal difficulty version, and it will be just that until Fuma decides to change up the spell.

Tags: Celestial Speck Celestial Speck (Mimaki (team 2)) , TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Ciri (team 3))​
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Lealan grins, watching Lazarus and Korg completely focus on each other. That gives her enough time to set up something herself. She returns her weapons and summons her Staff of Klux from her inventory, then begins to channel energy through it. Focusing the power of Klux through the staff and making it glow an angry vermilion, she creates a large field of energy around Korg and Lazarus. The energy field would tint everything red, and fill the pair with mind numbing, mouth foaming, blitheringly stupid RAGE. Sure, they would become much stronger while enraged, but they probably couldn't think of anything beyond SMASH and KILL whoever they were last upset at, which Lealan was betting was Time Baby... Hopefully they'd run themselves out of the arena, and she could focus on another set of fighters. Lealan begins to circle the pair so she's out of their immediate lines of sight, planning for just in case they attack her.... Who knows, maybe they'd just beat the crap out of each other.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore QizPizza QizPizza
Agent 3

Back inside of the arena, Drax watched with a grin as Hiryu managed to use his makeshift mutt to sniff out Agent 3, and subsequently throw her out of bounds after a slight struggle between the two. Although Drax would have wished to be the one to take out Agent 3 himself, he was fine with his teammates securing the win. So fine, in fact, that Drax had fallen to his knees moments later, before turning to the skies and shouting,



While this happened, the scoreboard beeped again, with said score changing once more.

Team One - 4 Points
Team Two - 2 Points
Team 3 - 3 Points

Agent 3, on the other hand, had landed next to the recently downed Arteus, who looked like he could definitely use a hand.​
This would be perfectly fine if the Inkling wasn't unconscious from the crash landing, don't you think? There was literally nothing the Inkling could do right now because of that, but given a little while and the surroundings of another chaotic battle, Agent 3 would manage to get up and groan in doing so - instinctively reaching for her gun, except, uh... "...Where the heck did my gun go?" She muttered. "First it's broken, now I drop it? Son of a..." She sighed heavily and glanced to Atreus - and though Agent 3 was struggling to compose herself, she prepared a Splat Bomb and sighed. "...I have no idea what I'm even supposed to do in this situation, not going to lie..." She whispered to him - an ally on the same team, in this situation.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): P a i n.​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Shaken/Confused​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot (heavily damaged/destroyed, dropped), Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: What do I do?/WHERE'S MY GUN?!​
RP Information
Location: Globnar Colosseum
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Ellya Ellya
Mentions: @TheEntiretyOfTeamThree​
Nearby/In Group: @GetReadyToRumble​
Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long

Cage, Axiom
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Team 2) (Team 3)

In boosting into the air, Yang had managed to dodge the golden bull in the nick of time. As she landed, her prosthetic fist slamming towards the ground and creating a small shockwave, she saw Gamora walking up to her, complimenting her performance against Blake.

"Why thank you--" Yang said, smiling, but then Gamora slashed her at her belly. However, since her Aura was still active, Yang only recoiled from the hit, reminding her that Gamora was on an opposite team.


Yang smirked for a brief moment, then stepped back, lifting her heel, as she brought her fists closer towards her chin, prepared to face Gamora.

"You took the words right out of my--"

— - — - —

Weiss boarded a Glyph that she spawned as Myrtenaster failed to knock her back. As she did so, Shanoa started to shoot fireballs at her. Using Myrtenaster, she deflected each one of them, trying to redirect them towards the jet-black haired girl, each of them coming close to her. Eventually, she succeeded, managing to send a few of those fireballs back at her. While she did so, she formulated a plan.

'Shanoa's flying because of her wings. Going forward, I will clip them, but before I can do that, she has to be overwhelmed. But how?'

As the fireballs continue to come her way, and she would continue to redirect them, she took a deep breath, closing her eyes as the Glyph underneath turned into a horologic, spinning Time Glyph. Unfortunately, her judgement led to her shielding missing her mark, and not only was her concentration broken, but she was also sent flying, with the Glyph disintegrating before it could boost her.


She spawned a black Glyph behind her to stop her unceremonious peril, eventually being bounced back towards Shanoa as she made a flip. Mid-air, she made another Time Glyph underneath her while she spawned another regular Glyph, this time to block the influx of further fireballs. This time, she was able to gain the desired boost.

Looking sharply towards Shanoa, Weiss spawned a series of Glyphs that would lead her towards Shanoa, then near the outer field. Boosting from those Glyphs at a very rapid pace, she pierced Shanoa with Myrtenaster from Glyph to Glyph, as she progressively brought her closer to knocking her out.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Gamora, Time Baby), Zamasu Zamasu (Shanoa)
Frank Castle

Come on, Jason did. Frank was losing, and losing bad. This kid was not only better equipped, he was younger. Faster. Maybe even better trained. Castle hated going into a fight unprepared, rarely taking a battle he hadn't meticulously planned out beforehand if it could be helped, and that was exactly the situation he found himself now. Watching as Jason quickly recovered from the nausea that surely came from the groin shots, cup or not, Frank bared his teeth and readied himself. When Jason closed the gap, things already weren't looking good. The younger vigilante was working him like nothing else, whittling Frank down bit by bit. Even as tough as Castle was, he could only take so much punishment before his age, and his utter mortality, would catch up with him. After a punch sent Frank stumbling backwards once more, his face bloody and bruised, he spat blood yet again. Wiping blood away from his eye, he spoke, "Give me half the shit you've got, you prick..." Slowly, he righted himself, just in time to see Jason throw a flashbang in his face. His mouth opened just in time for the blast not to blow out his eardrums, but his vision still went pure white and he went more or less deaf. He could feel something being done to his arm, the pain of it twisting him around, but Frank was completely disoriented.

He was thrust forward as his hearing started to return, and his vision as well. Frank heard something go off behind him... a gun. Felt his left knee go out, then his right. Up until now, Jason had been going nonlethal. Maybe it was simunitions, or a rubber bullet. This distance, it would break the skin regardless. He felt the blood running down the back of his legs, and the dull pain from where the bullets had hit. As with all things, adrenaline and shock would keep him from being able to tell the full extent of the wound until later. For all he knew right then, Frank had just had his knees shot out. It was around the time he felt a barrel put to the back of his skull that Frank's senses returned to him. No. Not here. He would not die here. Blood loss and pain had already decided that Frank would lose consciousness soon. In a matter of seconds, really. With a flash of motion, Frank hit the deck, kicking his leg out towards Jason's stomach to shove him away as he spun onto his back. Leg still works. Good.

As Jason stumbled back, Atreus leapt up onto the man's back and put his bow around his neck. It seemed the kid was defending him. Frank didn't let it show on his face, but he was impressed by not only Atreus's spirit, but his technique. The kid knew what he was doing, that was a practiced choke. Deserved a follow-up attack fromm him, too. He forced himself up onto one knee, only to collapse again. No, that wasn't happening. Frank was already out, and his body just hadn't caught up yet. Even as he thought about it, he could feel the edges of his vision going dark. Jason managed to yank Atreus off his back, and the old thought it was over for the kid. Just tossed out of the arena like a ragdoll. Turns out, however, that Atreus is a regular Hawkeye. A blue streak of light landed next to Jason, flying from the boy's bow. A blast sent Jason through the air, landing next to him. Frank thought about going for some kind of payback, but after a second, the old man realized that he just couldn't move. He couldn't raise his arms, turn his head, anything. Making eye contact with Atreus, he didn't say anything, but his eye said quite a lot. Fuck 'em up, kid. His eye shifted to Jason's form, where the younger man was losing consciousness as well. Frank just looked him in the eyes, his own face looking like someone had taken a sledgehammer to it, and said, simply, "Fuckin' supes," like someone commiserating with a colleague after a bad day at work. As Jason started to get to his feet, Frank summoned every last ounce of willpower he had, pulling himself to his feet. With one last guttural yell, he charged Jason, attempting to hit him in the midsection with his one good shoulder. He intended to pick the younger man up by the midsection and tackle him out of the arena. Either way, especially if he collided with the arena, he blacked out an instant later.

With that, his vision went out, and he found himself outside the arena. Slowly, Frank sat up, looking out among the carnage. Watching Atreus intently, his one still good eye went wide when the kid summoned some kind of giant fuck-off snake. Maybe Atreus would be the one that got Frank out of this whole ordeal alive. Turning away for the moment, he knew he needed to attend to his injuries. None were immediately life-threatening, save the blood that he could still fill entering his lungs slowly, but there was absolutely nothing he could do about that without someone like Kyou present. His one still functional arm checked his face. Right cheek partially broken. Jaw was intact, but the hinges were damaged. It hurt to open his mouth. His right eye was swollen shut from the kick, but form what he could tell, the eye itself was fine. He checked the backs of his knees next. Must have been rubber bullets. They had broken skin and took his legs out from under him, but nothing more. Wherever Jason ended up, Frank would look over with the slightest nod of respect. Kid didn't have powers, but he had a lot of damn fight and knew how to use all that fancy gear. It took him a couple minutes, but he managed to get to his feet. Slowly, he walked over and sat next to Ellie. Initially, he didn't say anything, just looking out over the crowd. Wasn't sure what he should say. For a second, Frank had thought she died, and he lost his cool. He was pretty sure she didn't see that. Pretty sure. Finally, he spoke. "I'm glad you're not dead." Dry. Matter-of-fact. Palpable relief.Without looking away from the conflict, he continued. "You ever have to help set a dislocated arm before, kid?" After all, Frank's left arm was danging there, limply, at his side. It would be very difficult to reset alone.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Ellya Ellya @Thenosebleed section
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Yeah... A giant fucking snake, why not... would be a very cool thing to see but oh well

Ellie had just been sitting on the sidelines for minutes now. Just on the ground, with her legs crossed, staring down. Being the first to end up here was pretty sucky for multiple reasons. She did occasionally glance up at Atreus and Frank just to see how they were doing. Her head did perk up in suspense when Frank started taking some really heavy blows, and when he finally did appear on the other side of the wall as well, she only gave a quick glance to make sure he was there, then stared back at the ground.

She heard (and felt) his approach, but she didn't move. Her eyes were fixed on the ground, and she had this sad expression on her face. Similar to when she was telling the story of her and Riley. It was pretty weird seeing her not being angry, let alone quiet and sad. She almost looked like just some normal 14 year old girl now.

When Frank asked for help with his arm, she took a look at it. "Oh, Jesus, Frank..." she spoke in a high pitch and flinched when seeing it, grimacing in disgust. "Yeah, just..." she didn't finish her sentence and got up with a sigh. She did know how to fix a dislocated arm, but not one that was almost as big as she was. She assessed the situation in silence, which seemed weird. She would've definitely made some smartass comments about it by now..

The girl walked up to Frank and wrapped her arms around his forearm, holding it tightly against her body. Without any word of warning or countdown, she jerked her body upwards while squeezing his arm against her, cringing at the pop she heard. She knew he could take it. And even if this did somehow hurt him, maybe she just didn't care. Still saying nothing, she then just sat back down on the ground and continued her staring contest with the floor.

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc @ sidelines
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  • orbeck.jpg

    Orbeck of Vinhiem
    Status: facing the unrelenting Spark unit.
    condition: Normal, fighting Praetorian​
    "I warn you now. I will not kill you... but I will wound you."
    The SPARK's fists were covered in a blue energy as the robot dashed at Orbeck, entering hand-to-hand combat algorithms. Praetorian may not be a martial artist, but it definitely knew what it was doing in melee.
    Orbeck's kick succeeded without issue, but now he had to contend with the spark unit going into melee combat. With little time to spare, Orbeck castes another spell, one that was used by the late Soma back at New Donk City, Homing Crystal Soulmass.

    Striking Praetorian head on with Blue flame (The name of the sword) Would be infective on it's own. So as orbeck proceeded to dash to the side of Praetorian, the five crystalized soul masses would be fired at the spark unit. If the full set manged to land it's mark, Orbeck would take the opportunity to strike him back with the end of his sword, the stunned state will serve to grant him this advantage.

    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore GearBlade654 GearBlade654
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Umbra had proceeded to follow up with a dive to Starlord, right as Vauban had been tangled by the bola wrap tool around his feet and fumbled onto his face. "Seems there's never a break when everyone always somehow end up fighting each other again and again, whoever's writing this script probably needs to work on their creativity..", The Operator mumbled out, Umbra already charging at Quill with a Braton loaded and in hand. The Warframe proceeds to open fire at Quill, before throwing it back over his shoulder upon hearing the click and clacks of an empty weapon, as he unsheathes the skiajati. The scarved frame had turned over to the side with a small glance, noticing the bolas tied up Vauban now a limp form of the formally stout frame as he simply lied there unmoving. "Perhaps he must be using transference as well Umbra..", The Tenno whispers to the warframe as Umbra nods and flicks his wrist, the skiajati's blade beginning to glow its normal blue mix of lightning and flames as it engulfed the blade of the long weapon.

"I won't be long", The Tenno whispers again, Umbra nodding as he dove and suddenly sprinted towards Starlord with the ignited skiajati in hand, meanwhile, as that happened, the Operator did a backwards hop from Umbra's back in a backflip, appearing with a mist as he vanished in a small dust cloud from emerging from within the warframe. The tenno remained unseen, though still able to be heard as Umbra had begun his own beginning of attacks, suddenly doing a swing from right to left, and then diagonally lower left to upper right, launching flurries of searing plasma towards the masked man. The warframe also suddenly plunges the blade into the floor, causing surging streams of lightning that if anything were within the 10 feet circle around, they would instantly feel the sensation of electricity coursing through their veins.

The cloaked Tenno looked upon Umbra beginning his attacks, nodding as he looked about. "Yeah, he can handle himself, when CAN'T he is a better question." The Operator lets out a small laugh as he shakes his head and crouches while moving about, giving another glance towards the still unmoving Vauban on the floor. The Tenno looks around, still not knowing the other Starchild was possibly around, before doing a quick dash towards the abandoned warframe. "Come on Grandpa, get up..", The Tenno mutters, moving over and starting to attempt to pull and untie and unwind the entanglement of cables around the feet of the gilded warrior.

Frank Castle

The girl's silence, and then her not mouthing off at all, was telling to the fairly insightful old man, but right now wasn't really the time for a heart to heart. He needed to get his arm fixed up. She seemed to know how, but of course, Ellie was a pretty small kid. His arm was close to as big around as she was. So, as she moved to his side, he braced, getting ready to move with her to help. Lifting his collar to his mouth, Frank bit down hard. Didn't need, or want, a warning. As she started to move, so did he. His adrenaline was crashing, so the old man felt every part of it. The excruciating pain of his arm being set back into place was accompanied by a loud popping sound, drawing a howl of pain from him into his collar. His vision nearly went dark again right then and there. Slowly, he raised his now functional arm. He barely had the strength or energy to do it, but at least nothing was broken. Massaging his wrist, Frank looked at her for the first time since arriving up here. "Thanks, Ellie."

His voice was hardly soft or kind, but he did mean it. Looking back to the crowd, he resumed watching Atreus. Kid was really holding his own out there. Frank couldn't tell yet if the attack had taken Thor out, but seeing the god of thunder knocked down a peg or two would certainly be satisfying. Closest he had come to Thor was cracking open a beer with him and shooting webs into his face with a shooter he'd stolen from Spider-man. Frank had always hated most of the Avengers. Not all, but most. Widow was a spook. A spook he'd taken a tumble with once or twice, but a spook nevertheless. Logan was about the only one he ever felt any real respect for. The rest were all pretentious pricks. Slowly, his eyes moved between the boy and Ellie, who had spent most of this time watching the kid fight and was looking more deflated by the second. Wasn't a huge logical leap. The girl was the first person knocked out, and out there, Atreus, someone she had taken upon herself to keep safe, was not only still standing, but was actively making a difference in the fight. A notable one. Atreus had taken out their leader, and just summoned a massive snake to attack a god.

How to even go about this? Frank felt for the kid. He really did. She felt totally alone out here, and on top of that, she was starting to feel completely helpless, too. Maybe tough love wasn't such a good idea right now. Frank wasn't really sure; honestly, he was making this whole teenager thing up as he went. For a while, he didn't say anything else, but his voice did eventually break the silence on his end. "Hey, kid," Frank placed a hand on her shoulder from where he'd leaned back in the stands. Similar to when he had done this with Atreus, his palm was rough and calloused, but the gesture was gentle, his grip meant to be more reassuring than anything. "No, you can't fight gods or summon snakes. Fuck, neither can I. Honestly, when it comes to this shit," Frank gestured generally to the absolute mayhem taking place below before continuing, "We're fucked. Not a damn sight of a thing we could do to people like that. Could wipe us out with a blink if they wanted."
A truly uplifting message. If she moved to interrupt, Frank held up his hand to show that he wasn't finished.

"You know what you have done, though, kid? You've been in this shit before, even if you don't remember it. Not once. Not twice. Three times. Three fuckin' Murder games under your belt. Same here. Three, including the one where we put the Arch-Demon in the ground. Where we punished him." He looked her in the face, making eye contact with his one eye if she met his gaze. "You made mistakes. Did some fucked up stuff. You lost a lot." Frank nodded in understanding. "But you're alive. You're still kicking after all that shit, and that's just what happened after you got pulled out of that shithole you call a home." His stare, as always, never wavered. "No. You can't fight gods, or summon snakes," He repeated. "But at the end of this, you're still gonna be kicking. Kicking and screaming. Whatever it takes." Frank released her shoulder and looked back to the carnage. "I'll be here to help you get there, but you don't need me. I've met special forces guys that have half the grit you do. I'm just your backup, and I've got one foot in the grave." After staring off for a few more seconds, Frank cleared his throat. He was getting too friendly. "So quit staring off like your fuckin' dog died."

Ellya Ellya @thenosebleed section​
Frank Castle

The girl's silence, and then her not mouthing off at all, was telling to the fairly insightful old man, but right now wasn't really the time for a heart to heart. He needed to get his arm fixed up. She seemed to know how, but of course, Ellie was a pretty small kid. His arm was close to as big around as she was. So, as she moved to his side, he braced, getting ready to move with her to help. Lifting his collar to his mouth, Frank bit down hard. Didn't need, or want, a warning. As she started to move, so did he. His adrenaline was crashing, so the old man felt every part of it. The excruciating pain of his arm being set back into place was accompanied by a loud popping sound, drawing a howl of pain from him into his collar. His vision nearly went dark again right then and there. Slowly, he raised his now functional arm. He barely had the strength or energy to do it, but at least nothing was broken. Massaging his wrist, Frank looked at her for the first time since arriving up here. "Thanks, Ellie."

His voice was hardly soft or kind, but he did mean it. Looking back to the crowd, he resumed watching Atreus. Kid was really holding his own out there. Frank couldn't tell yet if the attack had taken Thor out, but seeing the god of thunder knocked down a peg or two would certainly be satisfying. Closest he had come to Thor was cracking open a beer with him and shooting webs into his face with a shooter he'd stolen from Spider-man. Frank had always hated most of the Avengers. Not all, but most. Widow was a spook. A spook he'd taken a tumble with once or twice, but a spook nevertheless. Logan was about the only one he ever felt any real respect for. The rest were all pretentious pricks. Slowly, his eyes moved between the boy and Ellie, who had spent most of this time watching the kid fight and was looking more deflated by the second. Wasn't a huge logical leap. The girl was the first person knocked out, and out there, Atreus, someone she had taken upon herself to keep safe, was not only still standing, but was actively making a difference in the fight. A notable one. Atreus had taken out their leader, and just summoned a massive snake to attack a god.

How to even go about this? Frank felt for the kid. He really did. She felt totally alone out here, and on top of that, she was starting to feel completely helpless, too. Maybe tough love wasn't such a good idea right now. Frank wasn't really sure; honestly, he was making this whole teenager thing up as he went. For a while, he didn't say anything else, but his voice did eventually break the silence on his end. "Hey, kid," Frank placed a hand on her shoulder from where he'd leaned back in the stands. Similar to when he had done this with Atreus, his palm was rough and calloused, but the gesture was gentle, his grip meant to be more reassuring than anything. "No, you can't fight gods or summon snakes. Fuck, neither can I. Honestly, when it comes to this shit," Frank gestured generally to the absolute mayhem taking place below before continuing, "We're fucked. Not a damn sight of a thing we could do to people like that. Could wipe us out with a blink if they wanted."
A truly uplifting message. If she moved to interrupt, Frank held up his hand to show that he wasn't finished.

"You know what you have done, though, kid? You've been in this shit before, even if you don't remember it. Not once. Not twice. Three times. Three fuckin' Murder games under your belt. Same here. Three, including the one where we put the Arch-Demon in the ground. Where we punished him." He looked her in the face, making eye contact with his one eye if she met his gaze. "You made mistakes. Did some fucked up stuff. You lost a lot." Frank nodded in understanding. "But you're alive. You're still kicking after all that shit, and that's just what happened after you got pulled out of that shithole you call a home." His stare, as always, never wavered. "No. You can't fight gods, or summon snakes," He repeated. "But at the end of this, you're still gonna be kicking. Kicking and screaming. Whatever it takes." Frank released her shoulder and looked back to the carnage. "I'll be here to help you get there, but you don't need me. I've met special forces guys that have half the grit you do. I'm just your backup, and I've got one foot in the grave." After staring off for a few more seconds, Frank cleared his throat. He was getting too friendly. "So quit staring off like your fuckin' dog died."

Ellya Ellya @thenosebleed section​

What the hell is this guy's deal? Make up your mind on whether or not you like me already.

Ellie was just down in a pit of sulking and self pity at the moment. After helping Frank with his arm, she wanted to plop back down into it, and she did manage to stay there for a while before Frank started talking. For her, it also felt weird that he had to say the first word.

She listened to every word, intently, but didn't show it. She just kept her gaze on the ground, occasionally glancing up at the arena, sometimes tracing her finger across the ground as if drawing something. She knew that he was trying to make her feel better, but she appreciated that he didn't do it by lying to her. He kept it real, and didn't just say she did well for being a kid. No, he just said she did well. And that meant a lot to the girl.

She'd only turn her head to look at his bit of ground when he started talking about the Murder games. How did he even know about that? And did he know more than she did at this point? She just kept those questions to herself and let him finish. It was actually a pretty well formulated speech for a man of so few words. When his tone went back to the same old stone cold Frank, she smiled a bit and exhaled through her nose. "Jesus, man, watch your language..."

Yeah, the joke was probably terrible. What made it worse was the silence lasting seconds that followed. It really didn't land. Eventually though, she spoke up again. Her voice soft and silent, as if she didn't even want him to hear her saying "Thanks, Frank... Just... don't start getting all clingy, alright?" The girl turned her head and looked at him. Even grew a little smile. Then just tapped his shoulder with her fist. There was some playful force behind the punch, because she knew he could t--

"Oh, shit!" she suddenly called out when realizing that it was the very same shoulder she only just helped fix. "Sorry, sorry, sorry! Fuck! I'm so so sorry!" She slapped her hands in front of her mouth with her eyes wide in regret, genuinely apologizing for a while, but eventually... she did start to chuckle, which quickly turned into a giggle. "Man... You got your ass handed to you by that red hood guy, huh...?" There it was. The comment that was just bound to happen. She still struggled with those feelings inside, and was just putting on a brave and teasing facade, but at least it kind of seemed like Ellie was back for now.
Frank Castle

There she was. Frank didn't laugh at the joke about his language, but he did exhale through his nose slightly. "Sorry." Frank had made up his mind. He did like her. Didn't mean his entire personality would change. Most of this wasn't a performance, it really just was how he was. Still, maybe he could ease up a little. He didn't need to be sunshine and rainbows, but maybe it was already time to retire the whole drill sergeant routine. He could just go back to his regular standoffish self. When Ellie thanked him, and smiled, he actually felt his guard drop a little. He let himself smile back, if only the tiniest amount. "Hey, I'm not the one that..." She punched him in the shoulder and he sat bolt upright, feeling pain arc through his body. With a grimace, he slowly lowered himself back. As his vision steadied with the pain subsiding, he felt himself actually smile. The muscles that did it, to Frank, almost seemed to creak like a door that hadn't been opened in a while. The briefest bit of levity reached his otherwise very intense blue eyes.

Slowly, the smile faded, replaced again by his stony stare at the question. Frank wasn't upset, but he was giving it a lot of thought. He wasn't sure whether the outcome would have been different, were he armed, but things certainly wouldn't have been so damn one-sided. Not his knife, either. That wouldn't have made much of a difference, given the non-lethal approach to this battle. No, he needed actual weapons. His modified M-16 was probably still sitting underneath the couch at Rin's home, and he'd left the empty revolver back at the Axiom. Not a lot of reason to keep around a gun with no ammo. Soon as he got the chance, Frank needed to requisition some gear. Something. As he watched the fight, Frank for the first time studied everyone else. His gaze settled on Lealan. She was actively trying to murder the Kronan and Lazarus. He watched the exchange silently for a while, internally almost incredulous at the idea that someone would try to kill their comrades at the first opportunity.

Finally, he responded. "Yeah, I did. Kid knows what he's doing. I don't know about him as a leader, but as a fighter, he's well-equipped and trained. It's actually a pretty good sign of our chances here." Shifting his weight to, in vain, try to find some sort of comfortable position (impossible when your entire body hurts), he elaborated. "Normally, teams like this tend to nominate super freaks to be leader. The person that can punch the hardest. Not always, but normally." Cap being one of the only exceptions he could think of, and even that was sometimes up in the air. "Got a guy like that in charge, we might not have to save the entire team from itself." In turn, he shoved her lightly on the shoulder. "We'll coast all the way back home." Without breaking stride, he pointed out Lealan, his tone suddenly grim. The woman had set herself apart as a danger to the team and potentially to innocent lives. Frank knew what he would have to do. "Look out for her, kid. She jumped for the kill almost right off the bat. If I get the chance, I'm gonna drop her. Might not go well."

Ellya Ellya @thenosebleeds​
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Vauban prime
Status: we meet once more, in rath...I man gobnar.
condition: normal. Faceing umbra at last.
So it looks as if he needs a change of plans, because his intended target has came, Umbra and his respective Tenno. Coming to deal with Star Lord.
"I won't be long", The Tenno whispers again, Umbra nodding as he dove and suddenly sprinted towards Starlord with the ignited skiajati in hand, meanwhile, as that happened, the Operator did a backwards hop from Umbra's back in a backflip, appearing with a mist as he vanished in a small dust cloud from emerging from within the warframe. The tenno remained unseen, though still able to be heard as Umbra had begun his own beginning of attacks,
The all too familiar sound of Umbra fighting could be heard from his position. The sliceing and diceing of the signature Exalted Umbra Blade, going ham at the star Lord. It might honestly be a bit much, but umbra has more experience in this case. As his tenno has said, he should be fine.

The Tenno looks around, still not knowing the other Starchild was possibly around, before doing a quick dash towards the abandoned warframe. "Come on Grandpa, get up..", The Tenno mutters, moving over and starting to attempt to pull and untie and unwind the entanglement of cables around the feet of the gilded warrior.
...did he just call him grandpa? Again, should have expected something like that. At least it wasn't Train head or something. So, what is he do to at this point? He could just go ahead and use his transference to bring the warframe to him. No way he is going to try and attack the operator immediately, umbra would desecrate him in rage if that where to happen. So... he'll just stop short of simply giving a show of force.

So that's what he did, as Umbras operator attempted to untangle the boss, he would find that a similar surge of void energy would have made the the prime Warframe disappear before reappearing a few feet in front of him. Now standing, he brings out that massive golden adorned hammer of destruction. Menacingly looking at the lone operator as he started to juggle, one, no two....four Tesla nervos. Ready to place down at any time.

"What was that about calling me a grandpa?" It's now in the other Tenno's hands. How will he proceed?

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Riven Riven FoolsErin FoolsErin

Mood: Concerned, Altruistic, Excited
TEAM ONE - Role: Aerial Backup/Life Saver
Action: Taking others out of a holo-bull's path
Tags: (GM, Kendall)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Despite the nature of the 'game', everything was pretty peaceful on Sage's end. No one had attempted the engage neither the key people he was overseeing nor him directly. It was almost turning into an odd leisurely rounding flight over the battlefield, which was a strange thought to be having at a time like this. Leo had tried something right in the beginning, or at least, that's what he had gathered seeing him use his Ability and following the path of his gaze; Though it turned out to not be too effective, which was sadly expected somewhat. Sorry man, that was just not the kind of power-set for something of this scale. The pyromancer attributed the lack of new attempts coming from the other to the difficulty of finding a safe target for such. He couldn't help but sigh a little, feeling like giving Leo a sympathetic shoulder pat.

On the other hand, here he was. Holding the potential to be a beast at this thing, but neither having the experience or desire to take any part in it. Nah, the young man was more than happy being aerial support. In a way, he got to be distant from the bulk of the battle, and just enjoy the view he supposed? But it was definitely a lot more tranquil up in the air. Gods, he really enjoyed flying. And the hadn't been a true leisure flight ever since Twilight Town. Though, without Alexis, it would be a bit lonely... He'd take Leo as a passenger again if the other didn't seem to have motion sickness, because he was definitely nauseous afterwards. And Megumin was also, not currently here, even if she seemed to have enjoyed it while they fled Kagutsuchi.

Then his mood had gone a bit gloomy over thinking of Willow, who he had made the offer to, despite not being a sincere offer.
He hoped that little Missy was okay, or at least not-

A series of shouts had suddenly broken his train of thought. Even with everything that was happening all around them, these were such rage-filled loud shouts that they cut through the cacophony of the rest of the battlefield like a hot knife to butter. The Descendant had quickly jerked his head up, then looked around to search where that had come from. What he had been met with was an armored person fighting against, Ken...something, --the talking creature that was checking IDs back in the office--, but both of them seemed to be giving it their all, they were actually trying to harm each other! Of course, having seen that suit before in Atlas' sewers, Sage knew that this was the medieval woman inside the futuristic armor. He couldn't comprehend what could have driven her to such extremes this time. No one was doing Ciri any wrong, in fact, it looked like a friendly spar on that side too!

Cautiously, the pyromancer had flown over to that battle, nearly getting hit by a bolt of lightning in the process, which had taken him aback with a startled 'Wooa! Careful!', aimed at himself, obviously. He wasn't going to interfere, yet, but he just might if he thought someone was about to get hit with a truly deadly blow. They weren't supposed to be killing each other! The irony of the situation had missed him, overshadowed by concern. A new shout rang out and as the woman put her weapons high, being engulfed in some sort of aura, Magical Detection intensified enough for it to be worrisome, finally able of being noticed since Kyou, Mimaki and Fuma were all rather far from him now; Their 'readings' still there just, distant. The young man had come here concerned for the woman's safety, but now he might have to change it and worry for the fire-badger's life instead.

He had a really bad feeling about this, leaving his arms hovering in the air, preparing to thwart what could be a tragedy.

Turns out shielding Kendall was the least of his problems, because what came next could be a risk to everybody. The moment the Descendant had seen the rampaging bull, his heart skipped a beat. There was no time to lose, or consider his options, he doubted this would stop at the badger creature. He focused not on the battle at hand, but on a group of potential unconsidered targets, people that wouldn't be able to dodge the incoming assault. There was no team distinction there anymore, his altruism and worry were greater than any set of rules. He just wanted to minimize the damage as much as possible, though he also knew that trying to save everybody was also a recipe for disaster.

Not everybody, just how much he could do.

Without delay, Sage had focused on the path ahead of the incoming bull, drawing a circle in the air that gave birth to a streak of orange light in the ground, just under where his finger had 'drawn'. After the warning light, the circumference had erupted on fire, though unlike other times it had not spawned a wall, but a rope of flames; Attached in two points to the ground itself, but otherwise free to move. He pulled the air towards a direction away from the attack and the construct followed suit, pulling with itself everyone that had been caught in-between it.
The result was akin to having been lassoed and then getting pulled aside, except that it was being done to a group of people and not just an individual. The ones lucky enough to be caught in this move would have been safely pushed out of the risk of being stomped by Kassandra's light bull summon. At the sacrifice of a bit more of strain, the surface of the fire-rope wouldn't actually burn and instead feel pleasantly warm, kinda like a running laptop.

Obviously, Kendall was left out. Not only because of being so close to the attack but also because he was the actual target of it.
Kassandra wouldn't take nicely to others interrupting her fight, and she was quite intimidating.

"I wish she would at least pay more attention to her surroundings...", he had sighed, letting the construct dissipate after that was done.

He didn't move from there, still concerned over one of the two ending up killing the other, but something else had caught his attention. Kyou's fight. Sage had glanced over that way in time to see those which he assumed were fire constructs, not unlike his own. He was initially left in absolute awe, watching flames damper the impact that a huge Lightning-charged axe seemed about to do. Yeah! That was definitely a solid-construct, even if didn't look like the walls he'd raise. His wings had flapped a lot faster for a moment, fluttering energically and filled with excitement. He was looking soooooo forward to Magic training! Even more now that he had caught sight of a similar application!! Alexis had a lot of explosions and beams and such, but he had never seen her do constructs of this kind...
Maybe the Oni really was the best choice? Not that there had been any.

With his internal child surfacing, and bringing with it admiration and excitement that had him wanting to do never-ending loops in the air, the Descendant had pretty much forgotten everything else for some good minutes, mesmerized with the moves Kyou was pulling. He had been particularly interested in the flame dragons, though he knew that was waaaay too much for him. Didn't make it any less cool!! Then eventually he had remembered that, this was still a fighting arena and he was still dealing with a situation, oops!

Aaaaaanyway, awesome fight aside, he still had these two to watch over. Yeah, the young man really didn't trust either the woman or the talking animal to hold back properly. He was still anticipating having to eventually step in and stop them from killing one another. In-between watching Kassandra and Kendall fight, the pyromancer was also periodically bouncing his gaze over the key people he had decided to protect earlier. ...Especially Leo. He couldn't help it, okay? He was a concerned... f-friend? What even were they at this point??

A mental slap echoed through his mind to force back focus.
...Wrong time for this, Sage. Wrong time for this.
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Atreus flew a long way and braced for impact with the wall, but it never came. Maybe it only held back people who wanted to get out. Then again, Atreus hadn't been wanting to participate in this since the start, so his thought was probably wrong. Nevertheless, he was fascinated by how this magic worked.

After being chucked so effortlessly and landing so heavily, he groaned. "Ugh..." Parts were definitely bruised, and his bow landed a few feet away from him. He just watched as the battle raged on, watching the God of Thunder himself slamming down a huge shockwave of lightning and watching all kinds of fire attacks happen.

Despite having helped out Frank for at least a little while, Atreus felt outmatched and useless. Back with his Father, at least he knew his enemies and his environments. These were like fighting all the Valkyries at once.

At least this part would be over for him now. He started to slowly make his way around the arena, looking for Ellie.

Arrow effects
Nista | Pierce A normal arrow with enhanced piercing effect.
Ljósta | Light A bright streak of blue light. Can be blinding from nearby. Emits a small concussive (stunning) explosion on impact.
þruma | Thunder This arrow electrifies anything it hits, lightning may spread over to nearby enemies.
Thor's brows furrowed as he felt his fist being pushed back by the strange force that was known simply as Kyou. He looked down at the grinning Oni, unsure of what to say or even do for a moment. It wasn't until he saw the fist clench, and he felt the pressure of it colliding against his stomach, that Thor fully realized what was even happening.

And by then, Thor had been sent flying.

And as he flew throughout the air, Thor found himself smirking. This Oni, whoever he was, was strong. And smart in battles, at that. Thor had let his eagerness get the better of him again, once more. That eagerness to win. The eagerness that constantly clouded his better judgement and got him into situations like this. But despite that, Thor couldn't help but smile. He'd underestimated his opponent, to be sure, but he looked forward to their rematch. Seconds later, the familiar beeping noise from the nearby scoreboard could be heard, and the score flashed once more.

Team One - 4 Points
Team Two - 2 Points
Team Three - 3 Points

With a loud thud, Thor landed right next to Atreus and Agent 3. Slowly, he picked himself up, chuckling to himself a bit. "That was... quite the show!" He said as he continued to laugh to himself, the memories of their battle already replaying in his head as fond nostalgia. It was then that he noticed the boy he'd landed next to, at which point Thor turned to face him with a wide grin. "Oh... hello there, little boy!" He exclaimed cheerfully as he lifted his hand in a wave towards him. "Who might you be?"

Unfortunately for Lealan, though, Korg wasn't the kind of guy to ever even get slightly angry at.... well, anyone, really. So, her rage had no effect on the rock monster. Instead, he continued just attacking Lazarus like normal.

Over with Yang and Gamora, the latter would tilt her head a bit when she didn't seem to react to her slice. It didn't take her very long to notice her aura, which made Gamora smirk a bit as she lifted her eyebrows in mild surprise. "So... an active force field, huh?" Gamora asked as she looked Yang over, when without warning, she through a punch to the left side of her face! This would only be a distraction, though, as soon after, Gamora would bring her knee up to the (hopefully) caught off guard Yang's stomach, before following that up with an attempted punch to the right side of her face, aiming to knock her over!

After Jason's battle with Frank, the man had slowly brought himself back up, once he realized that no one would attack him. He grunted and looked around, rolling his shoulders. Even injured, that old man packed one hell of a punch. Regardless, it was then that Jason slowly began taking a look around, trying to figure out who to fight next. Though, before he could figure it out, Jason's eyes widened when he saw that Frank had picked himself back up again, and was now pushing him out past the barrier! Jason tried his best to escape his grasp - but he'd gotten sloppy. He should've checked to see if the old man was truly down, and now, he was being thrown out of the arena by him. Unable to escape, Jason winced when he heard the beeping noise of the scoreboard, and crashed into the wall on the other side alongside Frank, the impact knocking him out cold.

Team One - 5 Points
Team Two - 3 Points
Team Three - 3 Points

In another battle, Star-Lord had noticed his bolas wrap around Vauaban's legs, which made him smirk behind his helmet a bit. However, before he could examine his victory, he was suddenly shot at by a new challenger! He managed to narrowly dodge the first few shots, but the final one struck him head on, which sent him flying back. Before he passed the barrier, though, his jet boots reactivated and he sent himself flying back towards the fight at hand, blaster in hand. Thanks to the aforementioned height advantage, Star-Lord was able to easily dodge the Warframe's sword slices by simply flying above him, and countering with shots from his blaster. What he didn't expect, though, was for him to suddenly plunge his sword into the ground and sent lightning flying down towards him.

The lightning caused him to let out a scream as he was sent flying back towards the ground, his jet boots shorting out as a result. He laid there on his back for a short moment, as the last few verses of "Man in Me" faded out in his ears. And then, another song began to play.

Quill grunted to himself as he pulled himself back up to his feet slowly, his blasters still in hand. He had rested his hands on his knees as he did so, looking up at Umbra behind a pair of winced eyes, which were hidden behind his mask. He brought up his hand and tapped the side of the mask, causing it to disappear, revealing his face.


"Alright, man," Star-Lord said as he looked across from him towards the Warframe. "I have... no idea what you even are, but what I do hope you know that what happens next... isn't personal." With that, Star-Lord would chuck one of his blasters at Umbra's face (or lack thereof), aiming to distract him. While the Warframe was hopefully distracted by his last minute plan, Quill tossed another triangular gravity mine back down towards the ground, planting it there like the one had with the Force Commander. Once it was activated, Umbra would find himself pulled towards Star-Lord, where he would then attempt to slam his remaining blaster into his face, aiming to knock the thing out... or at the very least, disable it.

Also, don't worry, Sage. Leo is fine. He's just... in the back, watching the fight quietly.

By the time Jason had stirred awake, he'd heard Frank's voice... as well as that little girl's. He'd already forgotten her name... was it Ellen? He couldn't remember for the life of him... all he knew was that he'd given her his gun earlier on. Slowly, he brought himself up to his feet and trudged on over to Frank's side, holding onto his throbbing head. His back ached, too, but it was nothing compared to the pain in the side of his head. Specifically, he'd heard Frank's words about how much of a good leader he was. Although it didn't make him smile or anything, the words did reassure Jason... if only a little. Slowly, Jason took off his helmet and set it on the nearby bench, before letting out an involuntary cough as he walked over to Ellie and Frank.

"Yeah, well... you're not half bad yourself, old man," Jason said as he sat down beside the pair. Slowly, he turned his head and looked up to Ellie. "You still got that gun I gave you, kid?"

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 DerpyCarp DerpyCarp FoolsErin FoolsErin Celestial Speck Celestial Speck @quadraxis201 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials @darkred @Venom Snake CutieBoop CutieBoop @Chungchangching marc122 marc122 Ellya Ellya GearBlade654 GearBlade654 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla QizPizza QizPizza BoltBeam BoltBeam Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc @Thepotatogod CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Riven Riven Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
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After a considerable hiatus from myself, it's time to return to Ultimate ----

After yet Another damn freaking Blackout that seemed now to last months, Kara found herself in the middle of yet another damn fight. She kept from rolling her eyes with difficulty as she watched her ”teammates” - she had to put quotations on that as she hardly knew any of them, fighting with each other.

She flew up, away from the fight - like she always did but this time it was for the safety of others. She didn’t want to hurt anyone. And a majority of her opponents weren’t up to par with her.

But she also knew talking wouldn’t help.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
KilluaI̵̧̹̦͎̥̟̯͇̍́͑͆̄̀̅͠L̷͉̟̅́͛̋̔L̷̨̛̠̱͌̈́̿U̸̟͔̻͌̅̀͋ͅͅͅM̴̹̊̕Į̷̝̟̋̔̇̃̔̃̍͐̈́͝ Zoldyck
Team... 2?
(Overtime nen charge, +25%)
Sanity: 75%
Nen: 100%
Illumi infection: 25%, growing
Stamina: 100%
Health: Perfect, but Corrupted
Interactions: Ciscodog Ciscodog (Killua)

If anyone dares to come close to me I'll kill em. I swear they'll die.
He super charges his hands quickly, and diffuses it in order to save his nen.
Sufficient. Of course I don't want to waste my nen, so this is a small amount, not even enough to kill a wild bird. I do have the power to do whatever I need to though... I got the shield, the palms, and all my assassination powers. This'll be fun. If only I didn't have to use it in such a brutal manner.
He opens his eyes. They are dark, soulless, and faded. Almost like the body itself is dead.
A scoreboard, large baby, and a bunch of people fighting. Teams huh? Man, that's dumb. I was looking forward to a free-for-all.
Oh, it looks like he's trying to escape. No, I don't think so. Stay in there.

+10% infection, -5% sanity
Such a shame, you could've been a great kid, Kill. But you're weak... childish... useless.
+5% infection, -5% sanity
You're making a fool of yourself Killua. I've taken control. And you won't stop me. Because you can't.
+20% infection, -15% sanity
I'm done talking to you for now. Have fun in your little cell.
Now then, who's going to take me on first?

A dark, but extremely powerful and dark aura can be felt when near Killua. He is clearly grown stronger in some way. But something seems... off. Anyone who was there might remember the bag.
The twitching bag with a bulging organ in it. Bloodstained. If he did that after suddenly awaking, and didn't know what was going on,
what could he do if he was stronger and prepared?

It's only a matter of time before they come to me.

Unspoken Mentions: Anyone planning to fight Killua​
2nd Team
Location: Arena
Lilith looks back over to Sora and asks them if they've got any different ideas. "Well he seems pretty stubborn, do you guys have any other plans. We could try convincing everyone else or attack him instead, but I highly doubt ether of those options would work." Lilith says as she looks back to everyone else fighting like it's the end of the world.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Sora and Rex)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore | Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun | @ anyone nearby!

...Hm. Looks like you fell another god, Kyou. Your counter keeps growing, doesn't it?

As Yamata No Orochi spoke inside his mind, Kyou didn't say anything as he just stood there, his hyper-speed regeneration already working on healing some of the wounds. Though given their nature as 'divine' wounds, they would take some relative time to heal. Enough so his nose wasn't stuck tilted to the side thanks to Thor's punch. Enough time for the half oni to forcefully move it back into place with a disgusting wet sound and with his bare hands. Only a grunt of pain came out, as he slowly got up, his face hidden away by a shadow, as Yamata simply raised an eyebrow.

...Kyou? What's wrong? Are you going to p--


With a massive grin on his face, and a mighty laugh that echoed through the arena, Kyou pointed his finger towards Thor, the half oni loud and excited despite taking such a beating, much like the God of Thunder-- the action of the former leaving the Eight Headed Beast in a silenced shock, as Kyou cracked his neck, likely making so his body was still in place, and to get even more warmed up!

"God of Thunder!! We'll have-- no, we WILL have a rematch one day after drinkin' together!! Mark m' words!! My name is Kyou Tana, remember that name, battle-friend!!"

Soon, Ten-Ten disappeared from the arena, returning into Kyou's left ear as an earring seemingly by itself! It seems as if his battle with Thor made him absolutely pumped up! While it was good for his teammates, it was bad news to anyone planning to fight the Oni, as he wasn't holding back in his current state anymore! Of course, that didn't mean he'd kill anyone, but he certainly wasn't holding back anymore. In his mind, holding back when everyone tried their best was disrespectful. While some likely shared that sentiment with him, (or not) some certainly didn't...And, well, maybe it wasn't a good idea to go against someone who was able to go against Thor himself! Although he is a bit hurt.

Inside his mind, Yamata only sighed, although...A grin was on his face. It was almost like bloodlust.

...Some things never change, huh?! We're going all out or what?!

"Hehe! What can I say?! I'm PUMPED UP! LET'S KICK ASS, YAMATA!"

With those words, Kyou's and Yamata's souls shone brightly together, the man not transforming yet, of course, but...It was massive. His aura showed no restraint in this form. And it was an invitation for anyone to come forward for him! If no one did, however, he was going to search for them himself!



...Well, he certainly had a kind spirit, at least.
With Kass and Kendall, though, things seemed to be heating up! The bull charged at him, and you'd think that would have been enough to do him in, right? Well, not exactly. You see, unlike Kassandra, Kendall kept a cool head throughout his fights. So, when the bull came charging towards him at full speed, all Kendall did was tilt his head to the side slightly, waiting for it to be mere inches away from him... and then he merely sidestepped it like it was nothing. With the bull out of the way, Kendall turned his attention back to Kassandra, smiling all the while. He hadn't even taken Sage's offer to help, instead only looking up at the young pyromaniac and offering him a two-fingered salute.

The reckless abundance of sword slashes would not have been so easily dodged by the Typhlosion, however, and as such, all Kendal could do was raise his arms and take the brunt of her attacks head on. Much like Kassandra's own special aura, though, the flames that surrounded Kendall protected him from being too injured by his attacks. He was still injured, to be sure. The sword cut into his skin even as it cut past the flames slightly, causing him to hiss out in pain as blood dripped down from the fresh cuts and seeped into his already messy fur. Her final hit even made him almost lose his balance, though he still managed to stay upright, as two little holes formed in the ground beneath his feet, with small cracks forming around them. By this point, Kendall's frames were bursting up from his back, their heat comparable to that of... well, not the surface of the sun, but pretty close!

And then, from behind his held up arms, Kendall would glance upwards, offering a smile towards the Greek.

"My turn~!"


With the blue flames bursting from his back like fireworks, Kendall would inhale deeply. He huffed, and he puffed, and before Kassandra could charge forward with her next attack, he exhaled as hard as he could, blowing out a gigantic burst of pure, spiraling flame. The resulting blast, despite its heat, would not engulf Kassandra and burn her alive. But rather, it would feel more like... extremely hot, high pressured wind, and would send her flying towards the arena's barrier upon impact!

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
With a loud thud, Thor landed right next to Atreus and Agent 3. Slowly, he picked himself up, chuckling to himself a bit. "That was... quite the show!" He said as he continued to laugh to himself, the memories of their battle already replaying in his head as fond nostalgia. It was then that he noticed the boy he'd landed next to, at which point Thor turned to face him with a wide grin. "Oh... hello there, little boy!" He exclaimed cheerfully as he lifted his hand in a wave towards him. "Who might you be?"

& Ellie

Atreus had made his way halfway around the arena by now. As he walked, he heard a large thud from somewhere behind him, but he just kept moving, barely aware of the voice calling out.

He eventually made it to Ellie and Frank, sitting down beside Ellie with a soft sigh. "... I didn't get to do much." He said quietly. "Heh, well... Join the club, kiddo..." Ellie responded with a smile. She wrapped an arm around the kid and pulled him closer. "You did great, alright? At least you weren't dumb enough to get taken out first." While she was a little bit serious, she did give Atreus a pleasant smile.

The boy then reached somewhere into his tunic. "Oh, right. I almost forgot." He carefully pulled out a large knife that would seem very familiar to Frank, gently handing it over to Ellie, who then passed it on to Frank with an awkward smile. "Uh... Yeah... Might've kinda lost it when some asshole put me down... Here you go though?"

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2

Arrow effects
Nista | Pierce A normal arrow with enhanced piercing effect.
Ljósta | Light A bright streak of blue light. Can be blinding from nearby. Emits a small concussive (stunning) explosion on impact.
þruma | Thunder This arrow electrifies anything it hits, lightning may spread over to nearby enemies.
Supergirl slammed down in front of Kyuou, smiling.

”Saw you take out the Thunder God! I shouldn't be that much trouble for Ya then!”

She was folding her arms, still smiling, confident. Either that confidence lasts for long remains to be seen.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

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