Agent 3

With a loud thud, Thor landed right next to Atreus and Agent 3. Slowly, he picked himself up, chuckling to himself a bit. "That was... quite the show!" He said as he continued to laugh to himself, the memories of their battle already replaying in his head as fond nostalgia. It was then that he noticed the boy he'd landed next to, at which point Thor turned to face him with a wide grin. "Oh... hello there, little boy!" He exclaimed cheerfully as he lifted his hand in a wave towards him. "Who might you be?"
Agent 3 froze upon Thor's abrupt and mighty landing - she didn't say a word in the time being he himself spoke, but instead nervously laughed and managed a weak, nervous wave with one of her hands while the other still occupied in holding the inactive Splat Bomb. A look to her side to see who Thor was talking to, and it was Atreus - who seemed to have come across someone else, as well! The Inkling decided to not care too much and just opted to relax herself - she had plenty of time to do that, after all! Though, the aforementioned problems of hers, still exist... Those can wait, for now, perhaps trying to understand these people is a better idea... She continued to say nothing for now and only listened.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Recovering​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Fine​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot (heavily damaged/destroyed, dropped), Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: "My problems can wait. I need to relax."
RP Information
Location: Globnar Colosseum
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: Ellya Ellya , @TheEntiretyOfTeamThree​
Nearby/In Group: @GetReadyToRumble​
Frank Castle

Atreus was pretty down. The second of the trio to go get knocked out, it seemed the kid was feeling pretty similarly to Ellie. See, Frank was right at home getting beaten up by people that were just stronger than him. Sure, normal criminals were well into his ballpark. Even the occasional supervillain (or hero). For the most part, though, he was punching above his weight class. It was clear neither of them were quite used to that feeling. That utterly powerless sensation you get when a guy in spider-themed spandex punches you in the mouth with enough force to send a bear reeling. He didn't really have a good answer. In his experience, the only good way to deal with a supe was to stay out of their way, but he doubted telling them to just keep their head down would exactly make them feel better. Even as he thought about it, two of the supes, Kyou and a woman in a blue suit, were slugging it out.

When Ellie offered Frank his knife, he took it with a grateful grunt, it finding its home at his waist. As before, it wouldn't have made much of a difference here, but now that this round was over it was nice to have the thing back. For all the good it did Ellie, he was glad she had it. "Don't worry about it." Still looking out in the arena, he added, "Next time, don't put a knife to someone's neck if you don't mean to kill them. One wrong move from them, and they're choking on their own crimson." His tone was no harsher than normal, but he meant every word. Ellie was a killer. He wasn't sure whether or not Atreus was. Both of them needed to hear it. He actually wasn't entire sure whether or not Ellie had meant to kill Falcon.

Finally, after sitting in silence for a while (as per usually), Frank looked at Atreus. "Red hood had me dead to rights. You hadn't come in, I never would have gotten the chance to recover and take him down. You might not have lasted forever, but that win was yours. Not mine." Nothing sappy about his tone here. Whatever part of him he'd let show a moment ago was clearly tucked back away. Instead, it was back to the dry, blunt delivery of before. Besides, as Kyou lost his shit out there and did some crazy super attack, Frank was pretty sure none of them wanted to be out there. Again, he kept that to himself. He spit over the railing, most of it blood. He was getting real tired of doing it, but the blood had to go somewhere other than his lungs. It was getting harder to breathe. The kick to the face certainly didn't help. Frank did his best to hide how badly hurt he was, but hopefully he got a chance to be looked at soon.

Ellya Ellya
Frank Castle

Turning his head towards Jason, Frank didn't respond to the compliment. Didn't have anything more to say. He hadn't intended for Jason to hear what he said, but he also didn't really care. The old man did take note as Jason removed his helmet. His eye pretty openly studied Jason's face. The suspicion he had that Jason was a younger man was confirmed, but there was more to it. A white streak in his hair. Didn't seem like dye. Someone didn't get to be as good at fighting without powers as Jason was without seeing some shit. With a curt nod, his gaze returned to the battle. At first, the old man didn't really intend to say anything to Jason at all, preferring to stick with his two new-found wards. As he watched things continue to devolve, however, he decided to ask the question that was still burning at the front of his mind. He pointed down at Lealan. "You just going to be okay with her trying to kill members of your team?" The implication was pretty obvious. I'm not.

The wording was quite intentional. Frank had only just shown up, and barely knew any of their names. Not an unfamiliar setup for him, and the last few times it had happened, things had gone very, very poorly. The only three people, other than Atreus and Ellie, that weren't just straight up on his shit list by default were Kyou, Lazarus, and now Jason. Didn't mean he liked any of them, either; jury was still out on pretty much all of them. Jason was the only one that didn't seem to be a powered freak, which immediately bumped him over the other two at least a little.

His eye moved to meet Thorne's gaze with quiet contempt as the woman approached. Where Jason drew apathy, because he had demonstrated his worth, Thorne drew ire. He didn't know who she was, what she wanted, or what she could do. She started to describe that this tournament would be hard on all of them. Frank stared at the woman in silence. She was relatively uninjured, from what he could tell. Frank looked like he had decided to pick a fight with a bear. The comment about the whole thing being suspect made him lean forward slightly. No shit. At first, Frank decided it was better to bite back his immediately sarcastic response to the woman. He wanted her to leave them, and by extension him, alone, but she seemed to be friendly with Ellie, so he bit his tongue, turning back to the arena with a derisive scoff. It was whens he took it upon herself to ask the next question that Frank's attention snapped back to the conversation. Frank had sat back again, but he sat forward once more with a wince. Slowly, he got to his feet to face Thorne. He cleared his throat, and adjusted his collar as though about to say something very important. With a deep breath, he spoke.

"That's none of your business. Fuck off."

Elegantly, Frank hocked another glob of blood over the railing and sat back down.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Ellya Ellya AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc @nosebleeds

Atreus sat in almost the exact same position as Ellie was, but still looked at the fight instead of the ground. There was that obvious sadness in his eyes though. When Ellie wrapped her arm around him to pull him close, he appreciated the friendly gesture and leaned on her a bit. It felt kind of awkward since he'd never experienced a physical affection like that except with his mother, but it was nice, especially after all that had happened.

"Thanks, Ellie... And thanks, Frank..." he said softly, with a smile slowly creeping up his lips again.

AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc

Arrow effects
Nista | Pierce A normal arrow with enhanced piercing effect.
Ljósta | Light A bright streak of blue light. Can be blinding from nearby. Emits a small concussive (stunning) explosion on impact.
þruma | Thunder This arrow electrifies anything it hits, lightning may spread over to nearby enemies.

Ellie had just been listening to Frank, with her arm around Atreus in a friendly way. She heard Jason, sure. She just decided to utterly ignore that asshole. Yeah, he'd given her a gun before, but that didn't do her a damn bit of good and soon after that, he just gave in to that time baby and started beating up her friend. If she had anything at all to say to this guy, Frank would probably literally have to wash her mouth with soap afterwards.

Then, she was caught off guard completely. Thorne asked her a question that she hadn't seen coming at all, and she just turned her head toward the woman. She was about to tell her it was none of her god damn business, when Frank already did it for her. Nevertheless, it made her think about the answer. Did she like girls? Well, sure, but Thorne probably meant to ask if she like liked girls. A pretty hefty question to ask.

"Frank..." she muttered, looking up at the huge man. "Thanks, but... I don't need you doing that for me." So instead, she got up herself and walked up to Thorne. A whole lot less intimidating when it's a 14 year old girl, but her eyes had almost the same intensity as Frank's did. "None of your fucking business" she basically just repeated. She then just casually sat back down, knees pulled up with her arms around them now.

Despite her attitude, there was the slightest hint of a blush on her face, and her brow furrowed. After a few more seconds of silence, she continued. "I liked one girl..." she simply responded, although that wasn't true. She loved that one girl, and barely even considered anyone else.

AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Chronology (2).jpg
Location: Sidelines of Globnar
Expression: Thinking That Ellie is Lying
Interaction: Ellie
Mention: Ellya Ellya


Ellie had just been listening to Frank, with her arm around Atreus in a friendly way. She heard Jason, sure. She just decided to utterly ignore that asshole. Yeah, he'd given her a gun before, but that didn't do her a damn bit of good and soon after that, he just gave in to that time baby and started beating up her friend. If she had anything at all to say to this guy, Frank would probably literally have to wash her mouth with soap afterwards.

Then, she was caught off guard completely. Thorne asked her a question that she hadn't seen coming at all, and she just turned her head toward the woman. She was about to tell her it was none of her god damn business, when Frank already did it for her. Nevertheless, it made her think about the answer. Did she like girls? Well, sure, but Thorne probably meant to ask if she like liked girls. A pretty hefty question to ask.

"Frank..." she muttered, looking up at the huge man. "Thanks, but... I don't need you doing that for me." So instead, she got up herself and walked up to Thorne. A whole lot less intimidating when it's a 14 year old girl, but her eyes had almost the same intensity as Frank's did. "None of your fucking business" she basically just repeated. She then just casually sat back down, knees pulled up with her arms around them now.

Despite her attitude, there was the slightest hint of a blush on her face, and her brow furrowed. After a few more seconds of silence, she continued. "I liked one girl..." she simply responded, although that wasn't true. She loved that one girl, and barely even considered anyone else.

AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Thorne felt that Ellie is actually lying about liking one girl but she knows despite she is actually young, she needs to tell her truthfully saying to Ellie "I think that you're actually lying about you've like one girl in your world but, I hope that you actually gonna need to fall in love with a girl after you are now grown up now." She tries to have Ellie something in mind that she actually liked one of the crew in this multiverse adventure or actually falling in love with either her or someone else, she actually think something about her past love life.

Thorne knows if their team easily squeeze through the next round if either Team 3 or Team 2 can join the next round also so it means that Team 3 or Team 2 are now eliminated in the tournament, she still thinks that the next round will be a quiz or a 1 on 1 fight with no using of their powers or weapons.

Vauban prime
Status: Trying to save a fellow Tenno from star lord. So much for that fight. and being a troll(ban)
condition: normal. saving Umbra.
As if being more beastly wasn't enough, she crouched down before...


...Thrusting her Spear of Leonidas and Hero's Sword forward. A giant golden bull ran extremely quickly through a large chunk of the arena, threatening to knock down any foes in the way
So as he was...jokingly intimidating his fellow Tenno, A certain angry spartan had decided to take out the big guns and summon some sort of horned creature. They were somewhat far from the beastly fight, so there was at least enough time to react. Throwing the Telsa nervos to the side, Vauban grabbed Umbra's operator before propelling himself upwards with a bullet jump. Avoiding the fate of being knocked out. After landing, Vauban would place the Tenno back down.

"...Sorry for not giving a heads up about...whatever that was."

But there would be no time for chit chat. For star lord was struck by what looked to be some form of Radial Javelin? it was hard to tell, but the man in quetion was sent downward.

Quill grunted to himself as he pulled himself back up to his feet slowly, his blasters still in hand. He had rested his hands on his knees as he did so, looking up at Umbra behind a pair of winced eyes, which were hidden behind his mask. He brought up his hand and tapped the side of the mask, causing it to disappear, revealing his face.


"Alright, man," Star-Lord said as he looked across from him towards the Warframe. "I have... no idea what you even are, but what I do hope you know that what happens next... isn't personal." With that, Star-Lord would chuck one of his blasters at Umbra's face (or lack thereof), aiming to distract him. While the Warframe was hopefully distracted by his last minute plan, Quill tossed another triangular gravity mine back down towards the ground, planting it there like the one had with the Force Commander. Once it was activated, Umbra would find himself pulled towards Star-Lord, where he would then attempt to slam his remaining blaster into his face, aiming to knock the thing out... or at the very least, disable it.

So the star lord attempted to distract umbra before launching another one of those gravity sinks that were used on that force commander guy. It will either spell certain doom for umbra (seems unlikely), or the star lord getting a face full of Umbra's wrath. Still, he could at least help out a bit. So what does he have in mind?

Something troll worthy...

Switching through his minelayers, he grabs a pair of orbs in one hand and a gun from Akstiletto Prime. Time for the Vauban to become the Troll-ban.
"Trust me on this..." is all he said to his fellow tenno

Vauban Throws down one of the orbs, deploying a vector pad pointing at the star lord in question. He would then use his bullet jump to leap into the air before guiding in place, firing at the star lord's left with his single Akstiletto Prime, while throwing another vector pad pointing towards the first one. If Vauban manages to force the star lord to doge to the right where the vector pad was, he would be sent flying forward to the opposite facing vector pad, resulting in him getting sent back and forth over and over for a good few minutes before one of the vector pads deactivates, sending him out of bounds.


Meanwhile, Those four tesla nervos would move around in a group. Seeking out a target, said target happens to be Drax, who may or may not have noticed the four orbs rolling around. Given a moment or two, all four of the tesla nervos would attempt to latch on to the buff humanoid before releasing a decently powerful charge of electricity. It Will certainly stun him for a good bit of time, maybe even knock him out? Who knows.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Riven Riven
View attachment 773583
Location: Sidelines of Globnar
Expression: Thinking That Ellie is Lying
Interaction: Ellie
Mention: Ellya Ellya

Thorne felt that Ellie is actually lying about liking one girl but she knows despite she is actually young, she needs to tell her truthfully saying to Ellie "I think that you're actually lying about you've like one girl in your world but, I hope that you actually gonna need to fall in love with a girl after you are now grown up now." She tries to have Ellie something in mind that she actually liked one of the crew in this multiverse adventure or actually falling in love with either her or someone else, she actually think something about her past love life.

Thorne knows if their team easily squeeze through the next round if either Team 3 or Team 2 can join the next round also so it means that Team 3 or Team 2 are now eliminated in the tournament, she still thinks that the next round will be a quiz or a 1 on 1 fight with no using of their powers or weapons.


Ellie already regretted telling Thorne about Riley. Even just mentioning that there was a girl she liked was too much, and she really did have no business with that. How could she just talk about Ellie finding love again, whether it was another girl or a guy? She had no idea what she want through. And right now, it still felt like Ellie wasn't over Riley. Was Thorne trying to imply she fall in love with someone here? Ellie cringed a bit at the thought.

"Look man, why don't you... fucking back off, okay?" she lashed out like a cornered animal. She was cursing but not as harshly and methodically as she usually would. This was just her getting defensive in a very uncomfortable situation. She didn't wanna talk about Riley. Not about what she felt for her, not about what happened, definitely not about moving on from her. And definitely not right now, not with Thorne.

"I... I don't need to tell you about any of this shit. You just... Shut the fuck up, alright?" Ellie frowned and looked away, biting the inside of her cheek. Being reminded of Riley like that, and having to think about her feelings, especially at her age, and especially in this situation, was much more taxing than she'd ever admit. She had to swallow and physically try to force tears back, keeping her face turned away from as many people as possible for a few seconds..

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2
CN Pose.png
Okay, it seems that The Professor isn't catching on anytime soon. I thought he was joking around with the calling me a 'young man' thing but it appears that he genuinely doesn't know I was a girl. So, I'm just gonna drop the facts in this bitch.

"Are you joking around with my gender or. . . ? I'm--- I'm a girl!" I exclaimed. "Also, let me repeat myself: My name is CN-Tan."

Eh, it's not like I'm trying to be feminine.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Frank Castle


The old man rested his elbows on his knees. His eyes stayed firmly locked on the floor, as his hands slowly balled into fists. Frank knew exactly who Ellie was talking about from what they had discussed in the cell before all this happened. Riley. The girl that Ellie had watched die, and that she had fully intended to die alongside. Listening to Thorne prod the girl on something that she just simply didn't know about was bad enough. To Frank, this was like she was poking this long dead girl's corpse, to say nothing of just how creepy the question was to keep asking a young teenager about, as a grown woman.

Frank wasn't in Ellie's head, but he could imagine from his own experiences with loss, that it was like watching someone dig up Riley's grave. It wasn't quite as extreme, or intentionally malevolent, but Frank's mind wandered to Cavella digging up his family just to make him angry. The long-since buried dreams that came back as a result. Dreams where, after everyone that was there in the park, everyone that killed his family, was dead, and the crowd was watching on, he turned to the crowd and didn't stop pulling the trigger. For now, he held his tongue. Ellie had said she would handle it, but if things went much further than this, Frank couldn't guarantee he'd be able to stay reasonable. Unfortunately, go much further it did. The turning point was reached. Ellie went from being the snappy smart-ass on the attack to defensive and on the verge of tears in seconds. Frank felt the blood rushing to his head.


The old man was on his feet in an instant. His aching body creaked in protest. He didn't care, stepping between the two of them and facing Thorne. He stared down at the woman with all the same intensity he had before this fight started. Maybe he was catching a second wind. Not that it would do him much good if this actually came to blows, he was actually in serious need of medical help. Didn't matter to him. "Where do you get off, asking a kid about shit like that in a situation like this?" His voice was full of vitriol, but it didn't half match the look in his eye. "You just feel like stressing her out? She obviously doesn't want to talk about it. She told you to leave it be." Frank stepped closer as he spoke. "Or have you got some sick fantasy about getting with her? With a child? Is that it?" Again, he stepped closer, meaning to get into her personal space. Maybe she would back up. Maybe not. He didn't know whether or not this would ring true, but it didn't matter. Even if it wasn't the case, it would probably make Thorne deeply uncomfortable, or angry, to have such a thing insinuated about her. Despite his acidic tone and hateful gaze, his voice was steady. He never raised his voice, never shouted, never cursed. This was the steadiest he'd felt since getting here.

"Where I'm from, I'm known for my work. I kill people that do things that try to get with kids. I've killed a lot of people like that. I've killed more people than you've probably had thoughts in your head." Thousands. He could feel his heart beating through him, each thump hitting him like a drumbeat. Frank continued to step closer. Thorne might not be scared of him in the least bit. She might even just beat him up, or kill him. Frank had no idea what she was capable of, and he was in terrible shape. As with the pain, he didn't care. Thorne had overstepped. She had upset Ellie, and was coming off like exactly the kind of person he used to hunt. Still, she hadn't done anything openly violent. There was nothing to punish. Not yet. "I said... fuck off. She said... fuck off. So... Fuck. Off." Every curse was spoken with particularly vehement contempt. This time, he didn't sit back down. His advance stopped, but he just stood there, with his arms at his waist, one hand hovering closer to his newly returned knife.

Ellya Ellya AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Last edited:
B.J. Blazkowicz
Team 1

B.J. clicked his tongue as he registered what was happening. A forced brawl between the team. Friend against friend. Entertainment for the overseer. Thankfully, death wasn't the only way to get people out. However, as Blazkowicz combed through his arsenal, he bit his lip. Guns? Maybe I can hit 'em with the butts of the guns. Hatchets? Nah. Ram Shackles? If I use less force in the charge, they shouldn't pop. "God damn, do I have anything that isn't meant to kill or maim?" A few came to mind, like the Battle Walkers and the Constrictor Harness, but compared to heat everyone else seemed to be packing, he had a smudge of doubt cross his mind. Alright. New plan. Lay low, try to avoid the firefight, and

B.J. finally turned to what sounded like a rumbling stampede at the side, seeing the massive golden bull threatening to bash him far out of the arena! If he looked further back, he'd have seen Kendall dodge it with ease. Left with little time to roll out the way, Blazkowicz primed his Ram Shackles and faced the bull, sidestepping slightly. A loud gong echoed throughout the arena, and B.J.—chest clenched up as if it had imploded—skidded and bounced across the ground to a steady halt, coughing. Luckily (or rather unluckily) for B.J., the impact sent him further from the boundaries and closer to the firefight, laying facedown. "Ghrk... So much for layin' low..." As new sounds now rocked his surroundings, Blazkowicz was left with no time to lay around and hurriedly pushed himself back onto his feet, cracking his neck.

But even after getting back up, B.J.'s mind momentarily dipped. The explosions, the gunfire, the yells; everywhere he looked was chaos. Oh God... Stop it, old man, you're not... you're not... His breathing became erratic with nervousness, eyes narrowing as he scanned for cover. Fuck it. Blazkowicz ran in a crouch, diving behind the nearest shelter where he grabbed his Pistole, stuffing its clip away and flipping the gun so he now held it by the barrel. In the other hand, he loaded the grenade launcher addon onto his assault rifle. He wiped his suddenly sweaty forehead with his sleeve, biting his lips. He peeked out of cover, looking for a route away from the surrounding madness. Fuck, fuck, shut it, B.J.! It's ended more than a decade ago! You're not there anymore! B.J. rolled out, firing a volley of three grenades in a path, watching as they kicked up smoke and clouds of dust, and darted. Just get out and breathe, old guy...

Whether he made it to the sidelines where Leo and a few others waited depended on if he didn't run into anyone...

ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
When Ellie woke up, she looked at her. Apparently the reason why she was knocked out was because she made the mistake of insulting Time Baby, which was clearly a bad idea. “
You really do, Ellie.” She then looked at Thorne who asked how she got knocked out of the ring. “I fought Yang. I tried to take her with me, but it clearly didn’t work.

Ellie then yelled at Time Baby one more time which made her sigh. “
Ellie, what happened the last time you yelled at him? You got knocked out, so probably don’t yell at him.” As the fights continued, the man she saw with Ellie and Atreus had ended up outside of the ring and came over to ask Ellie if she ever helped set a dislocated arm back into place.

Yeah, because that was something you should ask a young girl.

Her attention turned back towards the fights, mainly focusing on Yang and Weiss. Yang went up against Gamora and Weiss went up against Shanoa, which were interesting match ups primarily in Yang’s case. More people got knocked out joining them, including Jason, and as Atreus and Ellie spoke, she looked at Ciri’s fight. “
Be glad the both of you or any of you weren’t the ones to take Ciri’s place in fighting those two or fight with her.” If asked who she meant, she pointed at the three way fight in a star maze.

Then, Thorne asked Ellie if she was into girls which got the man real pissed off and got Ellie in a bad mood. She looked straight at the man, a bit ticked off by how he talked to her. “
First of all, Thorne was just making small talk, she wasn’t implying anything from it and it was clear from how she asked that she was joking, teasing, so stop assuming she wanted to get with a minor because despite barely knowing her, I highly doubt that she wants to do that. But Thorne, you need to learn when enough is enough, it’s clear that it’s a very sensitive subject for her. And second, that’s surprising coming from the man that asked a kid if she knew how to readjust a dislocated arm back into place. These are kids, not someone who’s a doctor or had very much experience doing that. Look in the mirror before you start telling people how messed up they are when they just asked a question, albeit not a very good one.

Not wanting to be around them any longer, she walked off to a different portion of the outer arena to continue to watch the fights. Clearly, it didn’t sit well with her. Really, any of them could follow except for the man since she wasn’t really keen on him so far.

Ellya Ellya , AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc , BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , @ eliminated gang

With the hit against Fuma working, she saw out of the corner of her eye that Mimaki had... disappeared? This was also followed by the ground being iced over. Did he have the ability to teleport? Turning around, she got ready to block his tails which did work as he appeared behind her, sliding backwards a bit which stopped once she put her hand on the ground to stop herself. Clearly, he would take offense to anyone else attacking his girlfriend which she could understand.

Unfortunately they didn’t stop Fuma in time as she had charged up whatever spell she was going to use. Turns out it created a maze out of stars and there were some openings around, she just had to find them. So, she went through the openings or at least the ones she could see, slowly making her way through the maze.

CutieBoop CutieBoop , Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
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Chronology (2).jpg
Location: Sidelines of Globnar
Expression: Keeping Things Calm
Interaction: Frank, Ellie, Blake
Mention: Ellya Ellya , BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 , TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher


Ellie already regretted telling Thorne about Riley. Even just mentioning that there was a girl she liked was too much, and she really did have no business with that. How could she just talk about Ellie finding love again, whether it was another girl or a guy? She had no idea what she want through. And right now, it still felt like Ellie wasn't over Riley. Was Thorne trying to imply she fall in love with someone here? Ellie cringed a bit at the thought.

"Look man, why don't you... fucking back off, okay?" she lashed out like a cornered animal. She was cursing but not as harshly and methodically as she usually would. This was just her getting defensive in a very uncomfortable situation. She didn't wanna talk about Riley. Not about what she felt for her, not about what happened, definitely not about moving on from her. And definitely not right now, not with Thorne.

"I... I don't need to tell you about any of this shit. You just... Shut the fuck up, alright?" Ellie frowned and looked away, biting the inside of her cheek. Being reminded of Riley like that, and having to think about her feelings, especially at her age, and especially in this situation, was much more taxing than she'd ever admit. She had to swallow and physically try to force tears back, keeping her face turned away from as many people as possible for a few seconds..

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2
Frank Castle

View attachment 773600

The old man rested his elbows on his knees. His eyes stayed firmly locked on the floor, as his hands slowly balled into fists. Frank knew exactly who Ellie was talking about from what they had discussed in the cell before all this happened. Riley. The girl that Ellie had watched die, and that she had fully intended to die alongside. Listening to Thorne prod the girl on something that she just simply didn't know about was bad enough. To Frank, this was like she was poking this long dead girl's corpse, to say nothing of just how creepy the question was to keep asking a young teenager about, as a grown woman.

Frank wasn't in Ellie's head, but he could imagine from his own experiences with loss, that it was like watching someone dig up Riley's grave. It wasn't quite as extreme, or intentionally malevolent, but Frank's mind wandered to Cavella digging up his family just to make him angry. The long-since buried dreams that came back as a result. Dreams where, after everyone that was there in the park, everyone that killed his family, was dead, and the crowd was watching on, he turned to the crowd and didn't stop pulling the trigger. For now, he held his tongue. Ellie had said she would handle it, but if things went much further than this, Frank couldn't guarantee he'd be able to stay reasonable. Unfortunately, go much further it did. The turning point was reached. Ellie went from being the snappy smart-ass on the attack to defensive and on the verge of tears in seconds. Frank felt the blood rushing to his head.

View attachment 773606

The old man was on his feet in an instant. His aching body creaked in protest. He didn't care, stepping between the two of them and facing Thorne. He stared down at the woman with all the same intensity he had before this fight started. Maybe he was catching a second wind. Not that it would do him much good if this actually came to blows, he was actually in serious need of medical help. Didn't matter to him. "Where do you get off, asking a kid about shit like that in a situation like this?" His voice was full of vitriol, but it didn't half match the look in his eye. "You just feel like stressing her out? She obviously doesn't want to talk about it. She told you to leave it be." Frank stepped closer as he spoke. "Or have you got some sick fantasy about getting with her? With a child? Is that it?" Again, he stepped closer, meaning to get into her personal space. Maybe she would back up. Maybe not. He didn't know whether or not this would ring true, but it didn't matter. Even if it wasn't the case, it would probably make Thorne deeply uncomfortable, or angry, to have such a thing insinuated about her. Despite his acidic tone and hateful gaze, his voice was steady. He never raised his voice, never shouted, never cursed. This was the steadiest he'd felt since getting here.

"Where I'm from, I'm known for my work. I kill people that do things that try to get with kids. I've killed a lot of people like that. I've killed more people you've probably had thoughts in your head." Thousands. He could feel his heart beating through him, each thump hitting him like a drumbeat. Frank continued to step closer. Thorne might not be scared of him in the least bit. She might even just beat him up, or kill him. Frank had no idea what she was capable of, and he was in terrible shape. As with the pain, he didn't care. Thorne had overstepped. She had upset Ellie, and was coming off like exactly the kind of person he used to hunt. Still, she hadn't done anything openly violent. There was nothing to punish. Not yet. "I said... fuck off. She said... fuck off. So... Fuck. Off." Every curse was spoken with particularly vehement contempt. This time, he didn't sit back down. His advance stopped, but he just stood there, with his arms at his waist, one hand hovering closer to his newly returned knife.

Ellya Ellya AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Thorne turned around to look at Frank saying about Ellie and tries to keep things not getting very heated early on saying after she stand up and gazes at Frank "Let's keep things more civil, okay?? We don't want anything relating to a snake in the grass person here, or having someone to pick n bone with here. Let's just keep things calm, okay?" She had rarely seen teammates getting into heated moments each other and has trying things to have an civil conversation going on, she has been this calm in her entire life as a kid and a agent.

Thorne thinks that if Ellie either accepts being a agent of the Valorant team or rarely helped them, she could try to help her more and more on right before turning back to Blake saying that her small talk was joke and laughs as a yes due to Ellie fallen for it saying "I can't believe you've fallen for it!!! I was joking too, but Blake's right."

  • Shanoa

    With the rockets avoided, Weiss goes in the offensive to land slashes at Shanoa. The vampire hunter has her own rapier out and parries a few of the strikes while some got her. However, she is at close to getting off the ring. If Weiss would ever land the finishing blow, Shanoa would make one last parry before making a reversal to make Weiss be on the edge instead of Shanoa.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122 @others​
...Laser Key of Solomon. It was the spell Fuma used to open the doors of the Ring of Solomon for the Goetia Demons. But right now? It seemed as if she was simply using it to attack via Danmaku. It was to be expected. With a small huff and his tails moving a bit more wildly, Mimaki moved with great care and prowess through the star maze. Albeit-- small pellets of ice appeared around him, flying towards Fuma at high speeds, and the same prowess as Danmaku-- it wouldn't hurt her as an individual, but it would likely rip her clothes a b-- Okay, wow, that sounded really dirty. A small blush came across his cheeks at that thought. Whatever, just focus on the present, Mimaki!

"Way of the Moon: Crescent Moon Style!"
Mimaki's fighting style changed- his tails and ice seemed to be surrounding his body this time, a mix between offense and defense. Rushing past Ciri, the Witcheress would be able to tell-- he wasn't teleporting like she was, he was simply moving...Extremely fast. It seems as if while Kyou is strength, Mimaki is speed. As such, he rushed past her, dodging what he could from the attacks of the Laser Key, and going towards Fuma, with a single objective in mind as he got close to her!

...Kiss her on the lips.

...Before, of course, he pushed her out of the arena, using the likely confusion and embarrassment of the Demoness over his actions as a way to gently push her out without having to hurt her, as a way so only he and Ciri were left. Embarrassing? Yes. Confusing? Most likely. But, if it worked, and Fuma was embarrassed enough to get thrown out of the arena, Mimaki would take it. He can apologize to her later if this works.
Then, Thorne asked Ellie if she was into girls which got the man real pissed off and got Ellie in a bad mood. She looked straight at the man, a bit ticked off by how he talked to her. “First of all, Thorne was just making small talk, she wasn’t implying anything from it and it was clear from how she asked that she was joking, teasing, so stop assuming she wanted to get with a minor because despite barely knowing her, I highly doubt that she wants to do that. And second, that’s surprising coming from the man that asked a kid if she knew how to readjust a dislocated arm back into place. These are kids, not someone who’s a doctor or had very much experience doing that. Look in the mirror before you start telling people how messed up they are when they just asked a simple question.
View attachment 773611
Location: Sidelines of Globnar
Expression: Keeping Things Calm
Interaction: Frank, Ellie, Blake
Mention: Ellya Ellya , BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 , TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Thorne turned around to look at Frank saying about Ellie and tries to keep things not getting very heated early on saying after she stand up and gazes at Frank "Let's keep things more civil, okay?? We don't want anything relating to a snake in the grass person here, or having someone to pick n bone with here. Let's just keep things calm, okay?" She had rarely seen teammates getting into heated moments each other and has trying things to have an civil conversation going on, she has been this calm in her entire life as a kid and a agent.

Thorne thinks that if Ellie either accepts being a agent of the Valorant team or rarely helped them, she could try to help her more and more on right before turning back to Blake saying that her small talk was joke and laughs as a yes due to Ellie fallen for it saying "I can't believe you've fallen for it!!! I was joking too, but Blake's right."

Ellie noticed Frank standing up for her again, but this time she didn't mind it much. She was feeling pretty shitty at the moment and was glad the attention wasn't on her, even for a few seconds. She heard the argument go on, and perked up when Frank mentioned Thorne's potential bad intentions. She frowned a bit. She'd never even considered that, but now she had to admit that for a while, it sure sounded like it was like that.

Things escalated and soon, Blake got involved too. Ellie felt her heart pounding faster, anticipating the worst and starting to feel shitty that her friends were basically arguing amongst each other. Frank had turned out to be pretty damn reliable, but Blake and Thorne had been nice to her too. The very second Blake mentioned that Thorne was just joking though, her head jerked back and rage filled her again.

A joke. Definitely didn't land the right way with Ellie, then. Thorne brought up Ellie's sexuality and her romantic past, which was already a no-go, but then she even continued by basically saying she should get over Riley. And that was a joke? She bit the inside of her lip and clenched her fists, a tear rolling down her cheek as she tasted blood. A fucking joke?

Right after Thorne's final sentence, Ellie jumped up and ran at her. Before anyone could really even process her state of mind, she'd already landed a good punch to her stomach. Her eyes were red and tears were on her cheeks as she looked up at the woman, but her eyes were screaming rage. "A fucking joke? Fuck you! You think that shit's fucking funny? You fucking think so?!" she screamed wildly and continued trying to throw punches as long as she could. Depending on how she'd be restrained (if she even was restrained), she'd even keep trying to kick Thorne, legs flailing wildly. "Fuck you! You bitch! She was everything to me! EVERYTHING!"

Her voice broke several times and her body squirmed and thrashed about with an intense rage as her eyes kept crying.

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2
Weiss Schnee

#99D5FF = Speech
(Team 2)

As Weiss landed another blow, she rotated Myrtenaster's Dust type back to Lightning to prepare herself for one more round of strikes. Then, she slashed towards Shanoa's rapier, attempting to knock it off, before slashing her towards the outer ring.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Time Baby), Zamasu Zamasu (Shanoa)
Lealan hops around, dodging the blasts from Lazarus with well timed Dash Techs and Blinks, while keeping in front of him as he sprints forward giving herself a moment to plan this out. She'll blink a few feet behind Lazarus as he is mid stride, and unable to stop. Erecting a 2x2x2m block of stone in front of him in a flash of light, close enough that he'll hit it before his foot hits the ground again. Lealan then showers the man with foot long crystal spikes from her staff, aiming to pin his arms, and more specifically, impale and destroy his weapon. "Sorry about this, but I don't think I want to be hit by that, and you interrupted my fight with Korg besides." Lealan peeks behind herself to look at Korg, checking if he was out of the arena or charging in again, before turning her attention to Lazarus again.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore QizPizza QizPizza
2nd Team
Location: Arena
Sora requests that they should just stay back and wait, but if anyone tries to fight they fight back, Lilith hesitates for a moment before agreeing to their idea. "Well...I guess we could do that." She says before leaning against the wall. "There isn't much to do here anyways besides trying to beat each other senseless." She jokingly proclaims before laughing a little.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Sora and Rex)

  • Shanoa

    Shanoa defended herself from the strikes until own manages to knock her rapier off, causing it to disappear. However, as the final blow was about to be dealt, Shanoa activates Rapidus Fio and quickly sidesteps away from the slash and went behind Weiss. Shanoa then throws what appears to be a gigantic fist of stone in the hopes to knock Weiss out of the arena...and somehow managing to break a few bones.


    Pulverize enemies with giant fists of stone.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122 @others​
Weiss Schnee

#99D5FF = Speech
(Team 2)

Before Weiss could strike Shanoa again, her combatant not only sidestepped, but also "phased" behind her. With little time to react, Weiss rolled out of the way, her hair grazed by the gigantic fist. As she did so, she spawned a series of black Glyphs, one under her, and another above her. She then boosted towards her back with a Glyph as Shanoa soon found herself floating from above the floor. Then she made a great leap towards her, slashing at her to finish her off while she's still holding down the trigger.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Time Baby), Zamasu Zamasu (Shanoa)


Everything was hectic, everyone was fighting each other, all at the behest of a Time Baby. Zwei looked once more at the score board as she watched the fights. Blowing bubblegum as she reserved her strength. Or rather her speed. She couldn't risk tiring out.

Supergirl had just ringed out. Techianicity Zwei was thinking. She didn't look too hurt, which was good. That Kyou guy had just defeated Thor and Supergirl! She gulped. If he can take out both Thor and Supergirl, what hope did she have?? All she had was speed, and her weakness was obvious!
Fuma (round out)

While Fuma is doing the little spell for practice, she'd be impressed again by how quickly they move through it and find these openings... however her cloth isn't that damaged, silly! It's just damage for the time she set the spell up, kinda like a circle. And luckily, that circle will be gone by that kiss from the fox! And by this result, the laser key danmaku and the shadows that were going to act like prisons suddenly vanish.

Poor Fuma is screaming at herself internally like a pouting frog, 'NooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-' before there was the sound of a internal pichuun. Fuma is defeated. Congratulations. Being gently pushed by Mimaki, she remains floating, but she's up and outie. It was probably for the best anyways, if her danmaku experiment were to take too long, the time baby would have been pissed. It's also a good thing that Fuma does not necessarily care about winning the tournament, otherwise that would really SUCK for her. She'd rather be competitive in some other game if she was at a computer.

Now she'll be transported outside the arena, but covering her own entire face with her book and her tendrils. The chances of socializing with the others who are out and watching are pretty good, if her cooldown of embarrassment is done.

Tags: Celestial Speck Celestial Speck (Mimaki (team 2) gets +1 point for defeating Fuma this way, for the use of the scoring) , TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (team 3)​

Mood: Impressed, Worried, Aprehensive
TEAM ONE - New Role: Disaster Containment?
Actions: Distracting... ??? and calling for Killua
Tags: (GM, Kendall)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Back from glancing towards Leo, and gathering that he was fine and just sticking to the edge of the arena now, Sage had been about to re-focus on the fight between the medieval armored woman and the talking fire badger... When a new shout echoed through the enclosed space! Looking around to see where it had come from, the pyromancer had been met with a very proud and pumped-up Kyou, still standing in the battlefield and with his previous challenger nowhere to be found. Ohhh, so he won that fight! Amazing!!

"Heh, I'm glad that somebody is still having fun with this~!!", he had shouted in the Oni's direction with his hands in parallel and glued to his face, chuckling with amusement afterwards, filled with admiration over just how tough and cool he was! It was impossible not to let some of that child-like wonder through. And excitement too, of course~!

Soon, the young man's attention was back at the brawl he was trying to keep at safe levels. Kendall, the office talking animal, was surprisingly fast, apparently having gotten out of the path of the light bull construct unscathed! He had looked again in time to receive the pokémon's two-finger salute, which he had reciprocated with one of his own and a cheerful grin as if to say 'you're welcome!' without interrupting too much. The Descendant was still concerned, however, that woman really seemed to be going all-out, slashing with her sword at the other who had flinched with pain. Why was she so angry? Was it some kind of past occurrence, like Rex' grudge towards Benedict?

These people really had to learn to let go of things... It kept clouding their judgements like that!

At least he could tell most of her blows were slowed by a burning fire-aura that the talking animal too wielded. Though it was obviously no solid construct and there was only so much that it could protect him from. The environment was getting pretty heated up from there, which for once wasn't his own doing. It was probably even warmer behind Kendall, sort of why Sage didn't let his flight passengers mount him for the ride; It was way too hot around the wings to be a safe idea... Unless they were resistant to heat like he was. That blue fire though, it was an unnerving sight by association with the Entity, though the shade was a lot more bright... But also, if he had been standing there, he'd probably get burnt anyway. Something of that scale would very easily overwhelm his natural resistance to fire in a heartbeat, ouch.

And then a reeeeally powerful flame-thrower was out! It was awesome to watch, though the pyromancer's focus was on whether he might need to take control of the flames to steer them away from the other in case it came to that. But something told him it was a hit that she could take, which had turned out to be the truth. It also seemed that unlike Alexis' many spells, these flames were more concentrated and didn't exactly burn everything they touched. It was more... like being punched by something with high pressure!

Letting out a tiny gasp, his gaze had widened in shock at how much Kassandra could handle. Sheeesh, that woman was like a tank! He had watched her get pushed by the flame-thrower attack almost to the edge, but still embedding her weapons to the ground to resist the impact. Ahahaha, everyone was so strong... He was in no way near the level of these people, which was just a tad disheartening. Oh well.

Just as the woman had recovered and begun a rapid-fire assault of arrows towards her target, something had suddenly felt amiss.

Magical Detection? It was what the Descendant had assumed at first... But no. It was a different, similar to how Kyou and his friends could inflict sensations to his Light directly. And it was twisted, intimidating... Looking up from the ongoing fight, Sage had turned around to discover that the source of such a feeling was... Killua? No, this wasn't the friendly and concerned teen that he had briefly interacted with, it was something else entirely. The other too, had something that had taken him over... As the fire-aura had ignited around him, the pyromancer had taken a strong flap upwards, then come back down in a dive with his wings extended behind him.

Making his way through the air towards the other with haste, an old memory came by, of a very similar situation.

Her name was Frankie. Standing in the lobby of an inter-dimensional hotel, the pyromancer had watched her change from a reserved, frightful person into a bloodthirsty individual starving for a worthy opponent. To keep her from hurting anybody else, he had stepped up to take the challenge, going as far as to isolate their fight with a circumference of tall, ragging fire. Back then, he didn't know what he had been getting into, Sage had just hoped to distract the other, tire her out enough for the real Frankie to regain control.
They had seemed to be evenly matched. Everything that he had thrown at her had ended up shielded or dodged masterfully. Eventually, he knew that she wouldn't get hurt from it... And he had relaxed more, coming to enjoy the exchange of powered-blows and even make conversation as it went on. It had been the first time that the young man had used his powers like that, and for the most part, he truly thought that he had handled it well enough. Then some weird child had forced Frankie back in the driver seat with their Abilities and he had helped avert a bigger crisis; Only to be overshadowed by an even larger disaster. There was a limit to how much he could do alone...

And here he was, doing it again. About to confront somebody he knew nothing about just because he could relate.
Because his urge to thwart whichever dark presence could wreak havoc any minute now, spoke a lot louder than anything else.

...That never changed, did it?

"Who are you and what have you done to Killua?!", he had shouted out from the skies in a very accusatory tone, "Killua, can you hear me?? It's Sage! Don't you worry, buddy, I'm not giving it the chance to kill anybody..."

If whoever this was acted anything like the Entity, it wouldn't take it quietly. Standing 10 to 15 feet up in the air, the Descendant's eye glowed with the held-in tension. Oh, he was annoyed. No one deserved to constantly fear their overshadowing by something else malicious like that... It was a subject that hit really close to home; Whoever was doing it, he couldn't forgive them. The wings stood extended up behind him, merely giving off periodic flaps to maintain the height. Right now, having a huge amount of air to dodge incoming attacks at was one of the biggest advantages that he had. He had to avoid getting any closer until he knew just what exactly he was going up against.

Prepared to either shield himself, flap out of the way or deliver a barrage of attacks, both teens stood in a standstill. None of them knew the full extent of what the other could do, only having superficial clues. How far could Sage even go? Certainly, he shouldn't be treating this like his spar with Frankie. But he did remember something about Killua being a trained assassin. Remaining distant, not underestimating the other and being prepared for the unexpected seemed to be the way to go. If only he could remember what had gone in the warehouse and against the Entity... That could have been really helpful!

"You'd better not be hurting him in any way!", he had added, holding an arm in front of him, ready to aim if he had to.
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Making a small chuckle, as he saw Yoshi try and land back on the ground safely, doing a small egg throw in order to slow down their movement. Yoshi then said if Gretar can endure his aerial attacks, to which Gretar responded with “I can’t be a Jormugandr if I don’t survive anything.....!” as he saw the green dinosaur jumped into the air, before doing a kick aimed towards Gretar, but he knew he couldn’t parry this one, so Gretar did the next best thing. Raising his hammer towards the attack, he blocked the attack but stumbled back a bit, taking 5 points of damage from blocking the attack,and also the following attacks as well, reducing the amount of damage all the way to 14 points of damage to Gretar.
HP: 102
Making a small look of focus after lowering the war hammer, he yelled out “My turn!” as he charged forward, before doing the first part of his combo, which was a light stroke dealing 5 percent, before combining it into a jab, to which if landed, did another 3 points of damage, but also stolen some of his opponent’s stamina, and using Jotunn Salve, he converted that stolen stamina into 5 points of health.
HP: 107
After that, Gretar leaped a bit back, waiting for another opportunity to either attack or parry Yoshi’s own attacks.
CutieBoop CutieBoop (Yoshi)
Frank Castle

Frank didn't look at Blake when she spoke, but his head turned the slightest amount to acknowledge her presence. Slowly, he nodded, feigning understanding. "Ah, yes. A joke. Why don't you look Ellie in her face and tell me how hilarious and topical that joke is?" Frank didn't turn around, but when he had initially stood up, Ellie was very visibly deeply uncomfortable and on the verge of tears. As for the part about the arm, Frank's eyes narrowed in visible confusion as his head turned to Blake for the first time. She was a shorter woman with cat ears. Some kind of super freak. Nothing surprising there. Even when he was pretty sure he was in the right, he tended to be on some supe's shit list. "I'm not gonna get into Ellie's past. That's her business. Let's just focus on the here and now. I asked her if she knew how to set a dislocated arm. She knew how to do it, because she has done it before. Possibly several times. She helped me. I don't see the problem there." To say nothing of the fact that Ellie had killed several people in her time, even before Murder. Looking at Blake's cutesy cat ears, he wondered if she knew what it was like to take a life. Maybe she had. Maybe she hadn't. If she had, though, Frank was pretty sure she wouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions.

His gaze returned to Thorne, who was quickly backpedaling, if only in word. Haha! I got you! You know your dead girlfriend that you pretty clearly don't want to talk about, and I've already pushed you so hard you've become visibly distressed? It's all a prank! Just messing with you! That means it's all in good fun, right? Right? For a few seconds, the old man was at a loss for words, his stony, burning stare not breaking from Thorne. When he spoke, Frank took a deep breath to control his tone. Flipping his lid and screaming at someone wouldn't help here. "If you wanted to be civil, you should have left it alone when she made it clear she didn't want to talk about it." His fists clenched again. It looked like he would have to knock some sense into this woman. The old man heard Ellie speak and sensed her getting ready to move. "She was everything to me." Frank felt a familiar pit form his stomach. It was worse than he thought. This really was like if Maria was being dragged up in front of him. Again. He could probably stop her from doing anything rash, if he really wanted to. Frank gave it some thought as he took a large step backwards away from Thorne. What was the harm in letting Ellie try to get a lick or two in? Maybe three.

Ellie came flying past him, slamming into Thorne with... well, all the force an enraged fourteen year old can muster against a grown woman in fighting shape, but still. It was the fury that mattered more than the blow itself, and the surprise might still be enough to send Thorne stumbling backwards, if more from shock than pain. Frank watched in silence for one second. Two. Grace period was over. In a flash, was behind Ellie, locking his arms underneath hers and placing them behind her head in a Full Nelson. It was hardly the most well-trained or disciplined maneuver on his part, but it was relatively painless and easy to pull off on someone Ellie's size, though it did require him basically lifting her off the ground. Ellie didn't come quietly. Her legs slammed into Frank's lower torso several times. His broken ribs pulsed with pain as the force went through his body. He didn't wince. Didn't complain.

Feeling her kicking and screaming, Frank felt something in his chest. Something he had tried to feel with Rin, but hadn't really felt in a very long time. It was difficult to place his finger on what it was, or assign a name to it. The idea was too abstract to easily place. In his arms wasn't some little girl. It was a girl who had been through Hell. Someone who had lost everything and been forced to continue, just like him. For the first time, he just let himself feel compassion for her. He let himself feel her sorrow, her grief, her anger. Her nails reached around and dug into his face. He turned his eye away from it, and he felt the blood run down his still-intact cheek. Again, he didn't say anything. Once he was far enough away, Frank set her down so that he would be between her and the targets of her rage. Undoubtedly, she would just go for them again. Frank knew that he would. So, he kneeled once more, put his hands on her shoulders, and tried to look her in the face. When he spoke, his voice was quiet. Soft, even. Not gentle just by comparison, as it had been previously. There might have even been a hint of compassion in there. Certainly the least harsh it had been since getting here. "Easy... easy. It's going to be alright. I promise." Was that a lie? Promises like that usually were. The words left his mouth before he could consider them, but couldn't find any trace of deception in his own mind. "Look at me." He was trying to keep her looking into his eyes, and not past him at Thorne. "It's alright," He repeated, still softly. Frank knew what the feeling in his chest was, towards this girl, this child, that had suffered so much. "I've got you."

Ellya Ellya AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
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