As an all new, yet also all too familiar portal had arrived and opened up, unlike the others with people stepping through, this one, it was empty. A strange light shimmer like effect can be seen moving through, mesmerizingly through the portal's energy, a strange shadow like shape being emanated as the holographic figure stepped out, the portal behind it vanishing. With the portal vanishing, the shimmer like effect can still be noticed closely as the shape can be seen looking about and around the area and whatever people are nearby. As it finally stops moving, the clear coloring slowly moving away and clearing up to reveal a long strip of cloth and a dark figure. With that, a bright cyan blue flash as another figure appears beside the large, tall, and slim form, now unveiling a warrior from times past. A grin can be seen on the face of the much younger boy, arms crossed as the larger figure has crossed its arms as well beside the smaller figure.


"Here we go again. Well Umbra, I think it's safe to say we're not on Lua anymore."
Tektite did indeed make someone trip over, that person in question being none other than Byakuya Togami, who was simply walking back from the nearest bathroom. He fell onto his front, causing his glasses to fall off his face and onto the ground. The blonde huffed as he proceeded to stand back up, putting his glasses back on as he did so. It didn't take long for him to catch a glimpse of Tektite long after that, and when he did, the teenager attempted to grab the creature. If he was successful, Byakuya would hold him up for everyone to see.


"Who does this retched beast belong to!?" The spoiled boy shouted as he stared at everyone in the area.

Meanwhile, with Leo, the boy would look up as Sonic the Hedgehog approached him. His expression turned somber for a moment once the blue hedgehog mentioned The Cape and Rouge, a fellow MPF member who died in Ganon's attack. "Yeah. I didn't know Rouge, but I knew you two were friends. I'm... sorry for your loss, Sonic." Leo said sadly. He was honestly surprised how, even after the death of a friend, Sonic managed to stay positive all the while. It was honestly commendable. Leo wasn't sure how he would react if someone he was close to died like that. So, for Sonic to keep things together so well? It gave him a little bit more hope.

"We do not have chilidogs here, I'm afraid." T'Challa said to Sonic. "Though, as you probably already noticed, Leo is handing out food. Perhaps burgers and assorted fruits will be to your liking as well?" The Wakandan King suggested.

92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon smirks as he tilts his head to the side, letting Lealan's hand move right over his shoulder and once he can see her hand from his peripheral, he grabs her arm. He slowly looks over his shoulder at the Florean "Omae wa...Mou shindeu!"
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Venom Snake Venom Snake
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore quadraxis201 quadraxis201 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower

Whisper nodded in turn, and soon enough, Akari was occupied by something else. Particularly the small bipedal who seems to know a lot about Ganon and the Twilight. Yes, Midna. Just then, a familiar blue hedgehog came into view, apologizing for the loss of the Cape. While she hasn't been there herself, she would've loved to see it. Whisper simply smiled under her mask, nodding before Sonic asked about how she's holding up.

"Just hoping Tangle is fine with me leaving again too soon..." Whisper, well, whispers before Sonic turned his attention to the food Leo was giving out. She simply giggled softly as Sonic does what Sonic does best...Think about chilidogs.

Meanwhile, Hiryu fiddled with his Anotherwatch as he waited for the show to get on the road.
Ben tells Rex he hasn’t been eaten yet, thankfully, but he doesn’t quite understand the evolution process of a Pokémon. “....I have no idea what that is.”

Red Hood tells them that they should quiet about the whole “eating” conversation in case Lucky gets any funny ideas. “Oh, good idea.”

Suddenly this yellow creature joins the conversation, claiming cannibalism is a bad idea. Then Red Hood come in to answer his question, but also brought clarification on a “triangle being with godlike powers.”

“So there’s a being in the shape of a triangle, that’s on a godlike level?” Said Sora, who decided to randomly pop in the conversation too.

“Way to beat me to the punch. And yep, looks you’re stuck with us again, Lucky. Hope that’s not too frustrating this time around.”

Suddenly, everyone starts preparing for battle when Kassandra begins resembling the Meta from the Blood Gulch event.

“The Meta? But how?” Sora readies his Keyblade and gets into stance.

“Oh no, if I have to deal with anymore AI, brain swapping or those numbskulls from the desert, I’m gonna strangle a cow!”

Rex would get into stance too, with Smackhands ready to go. Lealan thinks it’s someone from Freelance, but Rex disagrees. “I don’t think so Lealan, that’s the Me-“ Kassandra reveals she took the Meta’s armor as a reward, and is not the real thing.

“Oh. Thank goodness, I thought we would have to back to the gulch again. Just give us a warning the next time you’re gonna do something like that.”

“Thank goodness I don’t have to lose my mind strangling cows!” After that happens, Ben says how something someone kept an eye on someone he knew. “Uhh, Ben what? What “space buddies?” Who is that, and who’s Pickaxe?”

Before he got an answer, Ben transforms into what looks to be a mummy. “Or you can transform into a mummy. That works too. But hey, that at least puts a smile on my face.” He said, watching Red Hood snack Benedict in the face with Sora following suit, quietly giggling to himself.

Ben would then ask Rex if he liked to spar for a bit. “Oooh. Looking for a little challenge I see. Alright, might take two seconds, considering I beat you the first time you came to the city. And who you calling a tech money? Aw well, I’ll let it slide since you clearly know who the true winner’s gonna be.”

He said that last part cocky in response to Midna’s “tech monkey comment.” “Let me show you how Iwork the magic Lucky!”

“Good luck Rex!”

Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Yamperzzz Yamperzzz FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla DerpyCarp DerpyCarp QizPizza QizPizza P PopcornPie

  • "Being well versed with sorceries and being a fool is not one of the same. Foolishness is not exclusive to anyone, including my self."
    "I'm not a fool just because my Explosion can destroy more than it's called for." Megumin snipped, her face still pouty. "A fool wouldn't have graduated early." A sharp, bitter sigh escaped her throat. It seemed that the worse half of her reputation had followed her, in which she was nothing more than some crazy-headed girl, and a genocide waiting to happen. Sure, that's exactly what she was, but she could control it!...Well, she could control some of it!
    "any involvement that that may have related in this would be indirect, or it could be a result of the boiling anger that Midna has for our oblivious, "Caption Falcon"." He said. "also, I meant to give you this." Orbeck proceeded to hand over one of the milkshakes to Megumin.
    "No, she was pretty clearly mad at Falcon." Megumin watched Midna slowly awaken, while Falcon happily pranced off to the field with Lealan. Boy, this fight was going to be interesting. And what was a wrestling match without something to snack on? And a perfect treat for watching a blue-clad blowhard have his ass handed to him by a bloodthirsty Floran would be...a milkshake!

    "Ooh! Thank you! I was going to ask for one of these!" Megumin's sour expression gained two cups of sugar, and her eyes shimmered. When the concoction of chocolate, vanilla, and diced strawberry playfully slid down her throat in thick, sweet lumps, Megumin's eyelids fell, and her smile expanded until it touched the bottoms of her eyelids. "Exactly what I needed, after all that happened." If only she could share this milkshake with Samus and Mao Mao...Oh, how ever would she find out if they could be rescued?

    One who shared in her pain would come through a portal, fellow operative Sonic. "I think I've seen him before." A brow lowered as the archmage tried to recall where she'd seen the blue hedgehog. Honestly, she kind of had tunnel vision for herself, Samus, Mao Mao, and whatever authority figure was in her vicinity. "Oh, yeah, I remember. Samus talked to him during one of my first days of training." More important than recognizing him, however, was comforting him.

    "I lost people close to me, too." She crowed softly. "Samus and Mao Mao...we were on opposite sides of the training course when the bomb exploded. I tried and tried, and I thought I could hear their voices amidst the fire and screams, but..." She concluded with a faint sniffle, and quickly fought off her tears with another slurp of milkshake.
    Jason scoffed at Lucky as he hopped off, before turning back to Megumin. “Alright,” He said, crossing his arms and shrugging slightly. “Show me.”

    P PopcornPie
    "Huh? Oh, right!" Megumin snapped back into an alert mood. She stood up straight, setting her milkshake down on a table. "Now, when I am about to cast Explosion, I need to say a chant, right? You can think of that chant as the ticking timer. Usually, the incantation is fairly long, so that should give you enough time to do the following:" Her nose took in as much air as possible, and...

    "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-!" With the both the speed and the volume of a bullet train, Megumin galloped away, screaming to everyone around her. "EVERYONE, RUN! MEGUMIN IS ABOUT TO USE EXPLOSION! GET AWAY! DROP WHATEVER ENEMY YOU'RE BEATING UP! GATHER ALL THE VALUABLES AND RUUUUUUUUUN!" Her one-archmage stampede took her into that same open field, where she shouted, "OH, YE GODS! HERE IT COMES! HIT THE DIRT!" She had something of a crash landing into the dirt, belly first, creating a ravine about half an inch deep. Her hat was pulled over her eyes, and she shivered. "AAAAAAAH! I CAN HEAR THE SCREAMS OF A THOUSAND BURNING OPPONENTS! ENTIRE STRUCTURES ARE REDUCED TO CHARCOAL BEHIND US! OH, THE HUMANITY!"

    "...Understood?" She got up, facing Jason and Orbeck with a cute little toothy smile. "Of course, with the severity of our situation, it's best not to call it out. Bill might hear you and prepare himself in the nick of time."

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Annotation 2019-11-07 233639.png

It would appear to be another situation where Being X has put Tanya in Dire straights. By now the young General has gotten used to being teleported in and out of these situations and of all these situations she has survived them all. Piece of cake. Tanya just had to persevere with her resolve and this should be as easy as killing off any other soldier on the battlefield. It would appear a few of the same people were here too. A smug grin spread across Tanya's face as she sat down somewhere to disassemble and clean her weapons. Checking over every clip of ammunition she had she recounted the times she's had with the people ehre. This was no longer a test but a threat to all the universes in the multiverse. Someone had to fix this and so Tanya has decided to take up this task even if it means co-operating with Being X. As for the people here she wasn't sure of their abilities or how well they could mesh into her own needs. Tanya looks over the devices she was given. The tools required to save the multiverse

[Open to Interaction]
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B

"Aren't you...German?" Hiryu asks as he somehow got close to a blonde small child in a military outfit. "And in the military too...That's impressive, for someone your age..." He noted, trying to copliment the loli.

He's probably doing it wrong, though.
Chronology: Ultimate

AETHER: 100%
LOCATION: Next to Sagr, Wakanda
COLOR: #E1914F

Purple Hotdog
Angry Hotdog
INTERACTIONS: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Birb Birb
MENTIONS: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


At the red haired boy’s bewilderment Alexis laughed a little bit. "You would be amazed at the amount of craziness I’ve seen, but yes, as far as I know, groups like this are usually very chaotic. Mixing people from different universes is a recipe for…difficulties." She turned to look at the demon boy and his loss of words, acknowledging his struggle, "Sorry, this is probably just as confusing for you as it is for me."

The boy’s expressions of doubt and offer to split the burger led Alexis to receive the impression that he was a good, innocent person, if not a bit socially unadjusted. It reminded her of her own childrens’ innocence and stirred her instinct to protect. She was no stranger to watching over people, but she wondered if this boy would be able to fight Ganondorf if he was so easily shaken. The kitsuen kept these thoughts to herself, recognizing that bringing these up would no doubt unsettle the boy further.

Instead of pressing the matter of the boy’s suitability, she wove the Aether in the air into a small knife and cut the burger in half. She offered one half to the boy with a tail and took a bite out of her half. "Since you insisted, we’ll split it."

Alexis then listened carefully to the boy’s explanation for him being startled and distraught. The part about the rocket launcher riding hot dog, she definitely understood, but she didn’t quite buy his concern over wasted resources. The panic she saw in his face bordered on fear, and Alexis didn’t think it was for his own safety—it was rare for a person to be able to hurt themselves with their own powers. It seemed to reach deeper than self-preservation, and Alexis's concern only grew. However, she decided not to intrude on such personal matter when she just met this boy.

Their attention was soon pulled away by another fight breaking out. Fight, fights, fights! Alexis was getting frustrated with all these people. They were brought here to fight a threat to the multiverse and all they can think about is going for each others' throats. She considered stepping in, but Leonardo made the first move, using his eyes to...stop the attack of the imp named Midna. Alexis admired it for a moment before she noticed the red headed boy's distress. She admitted that all of this must have been a lot take in. Hoping that she wasn't overstepping any boundaries, she draped a tail across the boy's shoulders and heated it to a comfortable warmth reminiscent of a mother's embrace, a crackling fire in the winter, and a coat shielding one from the onslaught of a storm. While her tail of cloud-like softness reached for the boy, she spoke slowly and reassuringly, "It's a lot to take in, I know. I understand. Don't think about that just yet, just focus on breathing. When it's too much to take, return to the basics of life—breath is life. It'll be fine, we'll take this step by step."
Annotation 2019-11-07 233639.png

Tanya gives Hiryu a cold stare.

"I'm a General that runs the 203rd Airborn 'military' is a bit of an understatement. As for you. Who are you? Some random civilian that was dragged in against his will by a malevolent god? You don't even have a gun on you"

Tanya looked the boy up and down.

"I joined when I was around 9 years old so I guess I did a good job of climbing the ranks. I just wanted a nice office job away from the front lines but they keep sending me there."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Son Goku
So the device that Goku is wearing is important. Needless to say, he understands the concept of using it with others rather than separately. It would be better if he can go somewhere as he pleases. Unfortunately, he can't.

"Interesting. But what happens if they choose to use it alone? Does it affect them or would they be left behind?" He asked curiously.
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari gave Captain Falcon a quick two-finger salute when he thanked him for his help, and then returned his attention back to Midna, his hand back on his visor. "Don't worry, I'm going to help you get back on your feet, Midna. This won't hurt one bit."

And then, as Akari removed his visor, he uttered the iconic word:

Power emanated from his being as his half-cape fluttered in a phantom breeze and Kronos appeared behind him. "Allow me." Akari outstretched his palm towards Midna, and as he did, Kronos spread his wings and raised his staff up. A wave of rejuvenating energy surrounded Midna as Akari cast Samarecarm on her.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- (Silent Interaction)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

(Open for Interactions)
"That's Alexis Kuroki. I met her," Snare-oh looks towards Tanya next, "and others here when we were invited to the Mushroom Kingdom for some party. It was interrupted by a giant turtle and we had to go across space to get things to defeat him.

Pickaxe? You mean Vilgax. I fight a lot of bad guys, but Vilgax is the biggest and baddest of them all. Tried to steal the Omnitrix many times, mainly to take over the universe. Usual bad guy stuff. There was this one time he succeeded in his plans and commanded an army of Omnitrix aliens but it ended with me kicking his butt."

Soon, the battlefield was set.

"I guess it's my turn first," once the battle commenced, Snare-oh stretches his bandages out out to entangle Rex's arms, ready to pull him in close.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie (observers)

2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B QizPizza QizPizza (mentioned)

"Phew, for a second I thought she was gonna eat us," the Agent says, before reaching into Leo's bags to grab a couple slices of pizza.

"Nothing's complete without Club Penguin's finest delicacy."

Turning to Lilith, the Agent says, "I prefer the term Secret Agent. A ghost, huh? I don't see a lot of them outside Halloween."

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
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--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B

"I'm a civilian, yes, but also...A bit of a super criminal, I guess." Hiryu says, crossing his arms as the child, who revealed herself to be a general. He now feels a bit inadequate now. "I don't really need a gun. Especially if I could just tap into someone who can do magic." He simply remarks, taking out a purple watch with a black ring. Its face showing some kind of ring with a cracked gemstone for a face. "Plus, I was kinda powerless for a few months, so I couldn't myself one if I wanted to."

The child then reveals that she only wants an office away from the fighting, but her work keeps forcing her to lead.

"Sounds like...You're literally better than me." Hiryu says, running out of things to say. "I'm Kakogawa Hiryu. Since we're gonna be working together, can I get your name?"

  • Ikaros chirped when Aloy pat him just before spreading one of his wings out, though his eyes remained upon his owner, who was still sorting things out.

    The Spartan in question hadn't really moved an inch after throwing away the Paw o' Death. However, she did manage to spare the Nora a smile and nod in greeting before it quickly disappeared when Lealan called her "harmless".

    "I wouldn't say that if I were you, considering me and most of my friends were doing the dirty work against the Meta, and everyone else was still fighting that furba-" She was interrupted when Megumin arbitrarily hugged her leg. Kass, not really knowing what to do, sighed just before hesitantly hugging the little mage back, though rolled her eyes at Lucky's remark at her accomplishments.

    "Let's just say I got paid for dealing with the Freelancers' mistakes. You could've probably gotten something if you'd just asked someone." She remarked, though at the Red Hood's negative comments she couldn't help but give him a sheepish look with a shrug.

    "When you're rushing to prepare for whatever unknowns you have to deal with, changing your colors isn't exactly a priority. Though, now that you've said that..." The Greek finally threw her helmet on just before her entire armor scheme changed to her usual Spartan red colors. With that done, she immediately took the helmet right back off, though narrowed her eyes at Captain Falcon for a second.

    "Hey, if you wanted me to kick your tail, you could've asked me back in Blood Gulch. I'd have done it without my powers, and I could still do it now, but the offer's off the table now." She watched Megumin apparently try to cast "Explosion" yet again, before it backfired completely. That was still reckless, though; if it had actually worked, everyone wouldn't have some crazy nut-job to eat the blast and survive. When some other man once again remarked she should have indicated who she was, Kass shrugged.

    "I'm used to being called the 'Eagle Bearer' in my home world and not wearing my helmet. Still getting used to this... dimensions stuff." She was definitely going to get a lot of shit for this in the near future, she could already tell. Though thankfully that moron Captain Falcon's antics brought attention away from her.

    "You bring shame to people who hold titles related to birds of prey..." The ancient Greek rolled her eyes before disengaging, walking over to Aloy of the Nora and the two other women.

    "Chaire (hello), Aloy. I see we're already making friends here?" The Spartan nodded at both Jill and Ciri, temporarily avoiding the notion that she'd screwed up earlier by not identifying herself. The sheepishness had been wiped away now, though, as she assumed her usual folded-arms stance with the helmet still in her hands.
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Once again, Jason's masked donned the "concerned" face as he watched Megumin's.............. show.

"That was... the worst warning for a nuclear level explosion ever.... of all time."

P PopcornPie
"Well, what do you want to do?" Megumin asked annoyedly, rolling her eyes. "It's worked for Kazuma every time, why wouldn't it work here?" that she thought of it, these people most likely weren't aided by the same skills or magic Belzerg adventurers used to escape Explosion. "Do you have any skills or magic that can get you to safety? Escape? Teleport? Wind Curtain?"
"Let's just say I got paid for dealing with the Freelancers' mistakes. You could've probably gotten something if you'd just asked someone." She remarked, though at the Red Hood's negative comments she couldn't help but give him a sheepish look with a shrug.
"Oh, why didn't I think to do that?" Megumin pressed her hand against her forehead. "If I had just taken time to make sure that I was all working right before I left Blood Gulch, then I wouldn't have gotten stuck here! Oh, I hope I get the opportunity to speak to the Director. He'd know how to fix me!"

@FactionGuerilla thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Mood: Flabbergasted, Disoriented, Accepting
Tags: (Leo)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

With an acknowledging 'I see' and a nod of comprehension, Sage didn't have much else to say about the matter of these gatherings being quite messy. Though he had to add, if people that were supposed to be fighting as a team kept fighting each other for petty reasons... Didn't that really defeat the purpose of the meeting in the first place?? Could he even trust the others to act as a team when the situation asked for it? By the Gods and he thought that he was the emotionally problematic one since things kept spontaneously combusting near him...
But just look at some of these guys!! This was insane!

Talking about insane, witnessing the fox-lady suddenly use the air itself to cut the burger had been... woah! It was kinda what he could do with fire, a fancy solid construct, but the AIR?? The Air wasn't even considered an Element! More like a junction of many many things and lumped together with Weather, which was a Concept of Nature. Why should this matter? Concepts of Nature were higher than the Deities in the magical hierarchy. They represented the building blocks of the Universe, incapable of being controlled and merely wielded, albeit in a very limited stance, in the form of Rune Magic. Descendants like himself, tied to an Element, were anomalies. Humans shouldn't be able to channel Concepts in similar ways Deities could, it went against the laws of the Universe itself! But WEATHER?? Weather wasn't even an Element, Air Magic wasn't something that existed in there, period.

What Alexis had just done might be very nonchalant for herself and the others, but to Sage? It made him wonder if she was some sort of Deity in her homeworld, which made this very interaction nothing short than an honor. Not only had the pyromancer put himself against a wall by being unable to refuse the gesture now that the burger was split, --not that he really wanted to?-- it was also the offering of a higher magical being. And thus with the utmost care he was forced to accept it, holding it in his hands as if handling something incredibly fragile and valuable. A little bow of gratitude had been the only reply the woman had gotten, as he looked at the hamburger for a moment before apprehensively taking a nibble in the recently cut side. Somehow it just seemed to accentuate the amazing taste it already had.

Of course, as the aforementioned events had taken place, the last thing in the young man's mind had been the burger. Leo seemed rather taken back but his reaction and honestly? It was completely understandable. Perhaps if this had been a different location, he would have lowered himself to the ground to nurture the headache all his thinking had gotten him, but as it stood right now, the pyromancer had valiantly fought against it, slightly wobbly but not enough to entirely lose his footing and crumble yet.

In between the world spinning and his thoughts summoning pain, there was still that one rational straggler trying to convince him that this all was incredibly silly. Sure, he had been taken off-guard and if his convictions about the situation were correct Leo severily outranked Sage when it came to the magical hierarchy, on top of being a veteran MPF member. But, it was still Leo. Who had been nothing but casual and pleasant all this time... In fact, there he was doing it again, extending the distraught ex-college student a hand and offering to explain things...

Still with some hesitation, Sage had taken it, placing his own hand on top of the other's. At the same time, the fox Deity had chimed in, adding a bit of very thoughtful and helpful advice. She really felt like some kind of doctor, didn't she? The sudden warm fluffy scarf was a welcome addition, initially making him come to a full halt, forced out of the disorientation and into interpreting whatever this meant. It was... nice and probably a first. The pyromancer had never met his biological parents and none of the instructors in his life had truly acted as parental figures to him, just... instructors and rather rigid ones too.
He couldn't help but touch the comfy tail with the back of his hand still holding the hamburger, careful not to dirty it. He was just, so mesmerized by the action without really knowing exactly why... Curious, intrigued with an innocent child-like wonder:

"R-right, you're totally right...", the reply had come after a long moment of mystification, a single blink acting as spell breaker.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes attempting to calm down. Still somewhat disoriented, his mind had defaulted to what it considered first-language: Bh̀-liwê, the coded dialect of the Clans, and the one Sage had grown up with before even being introduced to English. What followed was a string of fantasy-ish monotone words, very paused with accentuated syllables, rhythmic in nature. One might be inclined to believe it was some kind of chant or mantra, they would not be wrong. It was a meditation chant about letting problems drift with the flow of the Universe and away of oneself, to recall how small they were in the big scheme of the things, how insignificant the issues really were. One of the many teachings he carried still.

As harsh as it might sound, and existential, it did make him feel much better, coming back to the matter at hand in a much peaceful state.

"Yeah~ Sure pal! As confounding and shocking as it all was I... do think I'd like to hear more...", the pyromancer had finally told Leo, an awkward still rather unsure smile making it to his mouth, "I'm really sorry that I reacted so strongly to everything... I can't promise that it won't happen again? It's, rather complicated. But I'll do my best to keep an open mind, okay?", he pat the other in the shoulder reassuringly, "And hey! Maybe we can make it into a mutual exchange too~! It's unfair if you're the only one doing it, right?!"

"...I have no idea what a 'demon' is though, it just seemed like something bad from the way you put it... Honestly, I'm used to being the one people will react terribly to."
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Orbeck of Vinheim
Status: The arch wizard of Belzerg vs the "sorcerer" of Vinheim
Condition: Normal.
It was nice to know that the small token of kindness didn't go to waste. However, he can't say that for the so-called preparations. This is simply showcasing the result of no foundation among allies. Yes, Orbeck may not the best person to go to regarding team tactics (or trend ship for that matter) But still. No excuse to be using a spell with such a devastating result without some sort of planning.

"Huh? Oh, right!" Megumin snapped back into an alert mood. She stood up straight, setting her milkshake down on a table. "Now, when I am about to cast Explosion, I need to say a chant, right? You can think of that chant as the ticking timer. Usually, the incantation is fairly long, so that should give you enough time to do the following:" Her nose took in as much air as possible, and...

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-!" With the both the speed and the volume of a bullet train, Megumin galloped away, screaming to everyone around her. "EVERYONE, RUN! MEGUMIN IS ABOUT TO USE EXPLOSION! GET AWAY! DROP WHATEVER ENEMY YOU'RE BEATING UP! GATHER ALL THE VALUABLES AND RUUUUUUUUUN!" Her one-archmage stampede took her into that same open field, where she shouted, "OH, YE GODS! HERE IT COMES! HIT THE DIRT!" She had something of a crash landing into the dirt, belly first, creating a ravine about half an inch deep. Her hat was pulled over her eyes, and she shivered. "AAAAAAAH! I CAN HEAR THE SCREAMS OF A THOUSAND BURNING OPPONENTS! ENTRE STRUCTURES ARE REDUCED TO CHARCOAL BEHIND US! OH, THE HUMANITY!"

"...Understood?" She got up, facing Jason and Orbeck with a cute little toothy smile. "Of course, with the severity of our situation, it's best not to call it out. Bill might hear you and prepare himself in the nick of time."
Once again, Jason's masked donned the "concerned" face as he watched Megumin's.............. show.

"That was... the worst warning for a nuclear level explosion ever.... of all time."

"Agreed, Relying on the length of spell's chant as your only warning. Rash, and outherly disastrous."
It didn't matter if it was a nuclear explosion or not, what she provided was a lazy and disastrous excuse for the close-range use of a spell.

"Well, what do you want to do?" Megumin asked annoyedly, rolling her eyes. "It's worked for Kazuma every time, why wouldn't it work here?" that she thought of it, these people most likely weren't aided by the same skills or magic Belzerg adventurers used to escape Explosion. "Do you have any skills or magic that can get you to safety? Escape? Teleport? Wind Curtain?"

@FactionGuerilla thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

So he asked them for advice on what to do regarding her..." explosion magic ". it should be self-explanatory. A very basic thing that can be done to adapt to the situation at hand. Any self-respecting sorcerer would be able to do this. As much as he would like to ask about those three somewhat unknown spells. He must remain steadfast.
"So you ask for our advice? Then let me ask you, Megu-meme? Have you considered scaling down your "Explosion" spells to compensate for such a glaring issue like the one you have just described? Or use a more appropriate spell for the situation at hand? I would imagine that someone who has graduate early in your respective school would have one of those spells at hand"

his tone of voice was that same, sort of low, somber tone. So far he hasn't been insulted by Megumim.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
“Mushroom Kingdom.... and a giant turtle...?” If Rex wasn’t confused before, he really is now. “Y’know what, I’m not even gonna ask. Let’s get started.“

The battlefield was set. Ben, still in mummy form, tried to reach for Rex’s arms but would be in for a surprise as he’d counter this with his Smackhands. If Ben continues to grab Rex, he’d probably get dizzy from the spin show he may or may not endure from the SM’s drill mode.

If Ben cancels his attack, Rex will use his Smackhands for a flurry of attacks with the last one ending in one sending Ben to the ground.

Crow Crow
"Saw that from a mile away!"

Snare-oh, as he was spun, begins to untangle his entire body, bandages wrapping around Rex's spinning Smackhands. The physiology of the Thep Khufan was a strange one, essentially being living bandages assuming a hollow, humanoid shape.

To call Snare-oh a mummy or mummy-like would be inaccurate. Mummies were bandaged for a reason. Snare-oh was but bandaged thin air.

Soon, these bandages began to entangle Rex's body, wrapping around his legs and body, while the Smackhands were starting to jam.

There was no opponent in front of Rex, for the opponent was around.

"This is how you take someone out for a spin!"

The bandages rapidly untangled, spinning Rex around at high velocities before a giant fist made of these alien 'bandages' formed before him and struck him at the chest!

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Tandem Fullbody.PNG
Shujinko told me her name and offered her knowledge when we're in a more private place. Oooooh! Is she saying what I sincerely hope to God she's saying? Darn, we both know nothing about each other and she already wants to get in my pants. I really am a master of romance though with the number of people here, I doubt we're ever going to have that moment but we'll see. If Hazel, Keith, and Tayne are still alive and I meet them again of course I'm going to gloat about this. Why would I not do that? I take every chance I get to boast about my accomplishments.

I let out a short whistle, gesturing towards Shujinko with finger guns.

"I'm Tandem, you cool cat."

Then Tanjiro was amazed by my flashy introduction. It always impresses even though some people don't want to admit it. I'm glad that this child is an honest boy unlike those posers who say my flashy introductions are "Attention-seeking". . . They're right sometimes but let's not worry about that. He asked me what else can I do and what my job was. My eyes widened in response. Should I tell him that I am a thief? He would probably dislike me for my profession since most kids have a black and white mentality. You know what? I'll give it a shot.

"I'm a thief," I said. "But the good kind, alright? I'm not one of those jerk bag scum! Think of Robin Hood."

Topless Topless GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
Rex’s dizzy idea proved to be fruitless and in fact, backfired on him, allowing Ben to get a smack in on him. But as he did, and Rex was pushed back flying, he uses the Punk Busters to regain himself for a split second and and jump towards him, aiming for a veridical slice kick. A sort of counter if you will..

Crow Crow

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