While he was busy gathering his bearings and trying to get used to the recent events, he heard noises of confrontation going on inside the alleyway, and while he didn’t want to see it anymore, the chaos of his now infighting friends. But curiosity got the best of him, and he went into the alleyway, only to see the familiar form of Ciri leaving, with Megumin chasing right after her.

If his suspicions were right, then that would have mean........ he spared no other thought as he also chased the others, trying to reach them as soon as possible. After reaching to see the crying for of Ciri, along with Megumin forcing Lucky to apologize, he just walked forward, a small frown on his face, as his eyes were still watery from before. The familiar form of the laid-back, hard-headed but generous and kind form of the Jormugandr cultist was gone, and left in its place, was a soul that now needs to keep his team together, trying to stop his allies from becoming foes and ripping each other to shreds or casting each other as outsiders.

He just slowly walked up to Ciri, putting a arm on her shoulder and voiced out what he needed to say.
“I’m....... Im sorry to think that something like this wouldn’t happen. I thought everyone would get along, just like my friends back at home.... but it seems that things only gotten worse as time passes on.” he made a sigh as he said once more “I thought that everyone can get along.... and wasn’t thinking as much as I should have, but there is one thing that we must remember in times like these. Even though there will be conflict with each other, it doesn’t matter if we are big or small.... boastful or shy..... powerful or weak.... we are still human beings in the end, and we still have many faults about us. But what is important.... is that we work together to improve upon our mistakes, and become better people over time. Things like this will still happen, because everything is bound to happen sooner or later, whether it be a small loan you have to pay, or the price or death for an action.”

“We must remember that we are still humans, but no matter what problems we have, we will sooner or later overcome our problems. And if we still cannot get past them, we have allies, friends, those we can call family to help give us the push needed in order to improve ourselves, and become better people as a result. None of this is your fault, it’s that we as people and the most intelligent species, have many problems and faults that we cannot control....... but you must know that leaving isn’t gonna solve anything, and you must remember that there are others like me, trying to help you overcome these challenges, and seeing you try to give up, won’t stand with me at all. So please, I know that in the end, it’s your choice, but make that choice based on not only what you think, but what others may think as well, ones that actually care for your wellbeing, ones who wish to aid you, ones who want to help you overcome your problems. That is all I have to say, and just know that this next action, won’t have any consequences, but will affect some people greatly.”
he said as he finished, removing his arm and moving a bit back from her to give Ciri some room.
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie @ Sad feels time

Soma Cruz & Shanoa

"I have already forgiven Yang. A comrade of yours is a comrade of mine." Soma explained before turning to Sage, someone who most of the members have forgiven him, to which Soma has no idea about. "Sage, I may not know what you've done, but any apology is what I will accept." He tells him. He then turns to Orbeck and approaches him. "Orbeck, would you mind doing me a favor?" He asked.

On top of possibly any of the city's tallest buildings where Shanoa sits on the ledge, taking her precious time to contemplate on what happened. "I've said what needs to be said, but why is it that everyone is looking at me like a villain? I've understood her pain, so what? I've had losses too, but I was willing to set them aside while I was assaulting on Dracula's castle. I had no time to mourn, for anger was controlling me. Just...why? And...why do I feel...guilty?" Shanoa thought as she continues to look on the wide city.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri
Tandakari watched as Facilier's talisman was destroyed, and the witch doctor scrambled to try and fix it. But, he could not. Suddenly, Tandakari saw a weird radio-face acknowledge Facilier, and claim that they were here to 'collect a debt'. When Facilier stumbled to provide a decent explanation... he was effectively dragged through a rift straight to hell. When the demonic creature gave thanks, Tandakari merely tilted his head out of confusion, as he was at a loss for words.

Then, Akari suddenly felt the bizarre sensation of being sucked through a tube again, and just like that, he felt like he was back in his own body. He touched his face again to make sure, and after that bit of confirmation, he gave a sigh of relief... or at least, he would have, had the green mist not silenced him as per Ciri's actions.

Lucky had also been apparently put in the hot seat, but when Jason stepped in and seemingly stomped out any assumptions that the crazed rabbit was going to be abandoned, Akari watched as Megumin did something to Lucky, making him look humiliating (though he was still filled with some amount of anger). Akari did think Lucky could have used some serious chilling out since he first met him, so perhaps this moment, however embarrassing it was to him, was a step in the right direction.

Now able to talk again after Ciri undid the silencing mist, Akari went over to Sage and gently patted him on the shoulder. "I liked your speech." He softly told him.

As for the situation with Ciri... Akari let her do her thing. She was clearly stressed out beyond belief, and he figured that the best thing to do would be to just let her carry out what she wanted to do if Ciri thought it would be for the best. If Ciri truly, in her heart of hearts, wanted to part ways with the rest of the group as a form of apology, then he wasn't about to stop her. Ciri had teleported away, in any case, so he couldn't say much of anything to her, anyway.

Even still, Akari did silently forgive her.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Unspoken Interaction)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Unspoken Mention)
P PopcornPie (Unspoken Mention)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
(Open for Interactions)
Orbeck of Vinheim​
"I have already forgiven Yang. A comrade of yours is a comrade of mine." Soma explained before turning to Sage, someone who most of the members have forgiven him, to which Soma has no idea about. "Sage, I may not know what you've done, but any apology is what I will accept." He tells him. He then turns to Orbeck and approaches him. "Orbeck, would you mind doing me a favor?" He asked.
Looks as if Soma had asked for some favor, just as he was waiting for some sign of life from the emotion stricken Sage. he turns to face him.
"What kind of favor?" Did it have anything to do with the mishaps he had done during the battle with the slimeball and the mini demon?

Zamasu Zamasu Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

Soma Cruz

"This may sound sudden but, I'm not the best at convincing people, or give heart-to-heart talks. But, do you think you can give Shanoa a word?" Soma asked, and no, he is not thinking about the mini devil or the slime ball.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long
Dr. Facilier's Voodoo Emporium, New Donk City
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(...) (...)

For Agent 3's sake, Weiss did her best to hold the tears back, stopping to listen to her message; she asked if she were a fool for trying to reason with the Shareholders before the deal fell through. Even now, she still felt terrible that she willingly accepted their deal, even though they most likely had taken away their more valuable options for the moment; Roman was a known criminal back in her world, even before she'd went to Beacon. Yet, it was an offer they could not afford to decline; the Shareholders had a common goal of wanting nothing more to do with Ganondorf, and by extension, the MPF.

Agent 3, in particular, was valid in the concerns she posed towards Roman. That, in itself, was something Weiss would want to do if she was forced to make a deal with less-than-savory people.

"You...were not a fool in your attempts to reason with the Shareholders," Weiss began. "You were valid. Those people who were making a deal for us to unanimously agree on came from had ties to Ganondorf in particular, and so, I, too, was skeptical about their claims of not wanting anymore to do with us. As for Sage? Well, I don't think it's too late yet to tend to his emotions. And...I...don't know if this is the right idea? But...worry not too much about how to do that; simply talk to him, hear him out, and provide according support."

Meanwhile, Yang put her head back down, as Jason started to argue with Ciri with his own words on the matter. It was brief, it was a rebuttal towards the blame she had apparently put on the group, a sense, he was right. Sometimes, when the good far outweighs the bad, it would be a stretch to call out the entire group over the actions of the few.

However, on the other hand, Yang felt as though the group really wasn't as good as she had hoped. Sure, at first, who was less desirable and who was valuable to the group effort was clear, but as time went on, it became more apparent to her that how she saw the group fell further towards a grey area. She still believed in the group's capability to ultimately do good in the end, but the events here casted considerate doubt on that.

As she eventually looked around the room, and saw that Rex was not only watching in glee, but was smiling because of something about Red Hood's call-out towards the Witcheress. And as it turns out, he was lucky that Jason was agreeable in his own counterpoint. Had he picked a less valid argument, and Rex gave the same response, she would have been storming her way towards him, ready to yell.

Whatever happened, a gunshot went off from Arthur's revolver that suddenly snapped her back to reality with a yelp.

Suddenly, some of the anger that had built up dissipated; most of the thoughts had instead went towards the argument at hand. This time, Arthur argued that both Ciri and Jason were in the right, but ultimately came to the conclusion that the group must get its act together. As he went on about how Lucky and Sage are not the real enemy, she had a realization.

That adverse reaction Lucky had towards Roman daring to even mention Toffee? That could've been her, no matter where she was, if all of this were happening less than a year ago, except with Adam.

Lucky suffered from triggering memories as a result of Toffee's actions.
Yang suffered from triggering memories as a result of Adam's actions.

And for her to blame Lucky for the reaction as-is would have marked her a hypocrite to those who knew her well, Weiss, Blake, and others who harbor the same reactions for different things in particular. It did not really clear his name, sure; he could have sought proper support to mitigate his issues, but apparently, he had chosen to neglect that. All that time he could've managed it back in his own world, and here he was, shooting Megumin and putting his vendetta above everything else. If anything, only Sage's name had actually partially cleared up to her, and that was earlier on.

Then, the sudden drop in emotions for Sage finally sprung her to action.

"...Sage?" Yang finally spoke, tearful. She speed-walked towards him, trying to get at the front of him. With a clearer look at his face, all she could see was a newfound blankness. "Sage, please, I forgive you! What happened?"

Suddenly, while she was trying to get Sage back to his senses, Soma came up to apologize to her about Shanoa, before asking if she was okay.

"I'm not fine," Yang truthfully answered, "Something's going on with Sage, and I can't just stand there and watch it happen."

Just then, Lucky came back, with a radically different look courtesy of an...all-too-happy Megumin. She did not even recognize who this "new" rabbit was. Only when Lucky spoke up, and the two bickered again, did she realize who had come back.

Her hands formed fists. She was about to answer her question she asked about the Barrijade...then she remembered what she and Arthur had said about what their enemy was. Attempting a few deep breaths, she was just starting to calm down.

All of this, while Ciri disappeared.

"Huh?" Yang let out, worried. Then Blake asked her if she could go to the gym. "Sorry," Yang shook her head, "But we can't lose Ciri now."

Yang looked back and Sage and...hesitated. She looked back at the doors, then back at the pyromancer. Finally, she said, with an undertone of preemptive regret, "Sage, please forgive me for what I'm about to do," before immediately dashing after Megumin, who herself was coming out of the shop for the Witcheress.

Weiss, who had been resting, saw Yang suddenly running out of the shop. Something was going on.

"YANG!" Weiss yelled, proceeding to dash after her.

— — — — —​

By the time Weiss found Yang, the two were already with Megumin, Lucky, and Gretar, who themselves were trying to convince Ciri to stay. Their words were solid, yes, but Ciri's view of the group had been drastically lowered, from what they had saw of her.

So they had to say something.

"Ciri," Yang began, "You don't have to do this. You were right; we were losing our focus on what we wanted to do as a group, and thus, we started to shy away from what had been our mission from the start. But, it doesn't always have to be that way; we can keep moving forward and learn from what critical mistakes we've made, so we can improve as a group and, most importantly, people."

"What Yang said," Weiss interjected. "If we're going to do this, we're all in it together. If we're going to bring justice to Ganondorf, remember what Ruby said: Her only hope is that we don't give up hope. And it is in my utmost belief that we're all gonna do so good, according to our leader."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Jason, Leo), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Blake, Ciri), BoltBeam BoltBeam (Agent 3), Zamasu Zamasu (Soma), Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun (Sage), P PopcornPie (Megumin, Lucky), Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 (Gretar), FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Arthur)
Last edited:
Megumin looked at the ground, kicking pebbles away. As Gretar, Yang, and Weiss spoke, their words were soundtracked by Megumin's own words during the fight with Lucky. "Our performance was terrible...I don't think we're fit to take on Ganondorf anymore...What chance do we have?" She...what she was saying? Whatever it was, she shook it off. "I must get it out...Samus wouldn't think the way I've been." She wouldn't...She wouldn't...SHE WOULDN'T. Then why did Megumin? Was she really that used to lucky victories with Kazuma?

"Samus died in the Tesseract incident..." She muttered. "She didn't get to battle Deathstroke, but after she was rescued by the MPF, she was still hopeful. I've seen her brood over the people she wasn't there to save, but I never heard her call them a lost cause." Her eyes caught the light in just the right way, causing them to glow. "Even me...Technically, I lost my life in Blood Gulch..." She looked down at Lucky. "Lucky, don't you remember? You were hopeless, and you thought Toffee was after us. But you're here now, we all are. And they weren't sure if we'd defeat the Meta, but we did in the end..." Her voice had shed its prior anger, becoming reflective and fragile, even a little sad. "...I was rendered without Explosion, but Mao Mao didn't leave me to die. He looked after me, and he and Samus trained me. I was really bad at it, but it didn't keep them from caring for me." She licked her chapped lips, trying to ignore the sinking feeling of her heart. "If they knew I spoke this way, they'd be even more disappointed in me than they'd be in our battle performance." She sniffled, continuing to nibble her lip. She wanted those two who saved her to be proud, that was all.

"H-hey..." Her mouth slowly flapped back open. "Maybe...Maybe it just doesn't look like we have a good chance right now. We may have just made dangerous enemies, making it much harder to get to where we want." She found herself tugging on Ciri again. "Kazuma and us were kind of the same. The deck was often stacked against us, but Kazuma could pull us through. If we want to pull through, we need all of us...Especially if we're in trouble with the Shareholders. We need to stay together, even if we do test each other's patience. Because we're a party. Parties must stay together."

"I'm obliged."Lucky uttered. "I know I was a shit friend, this lass has made it abundantly clear. I have no choice but to change that now. Whether I like it or not, I'm with you guys."

"It's what I said to Sage, Ciri. We need you."

marc122 marc122 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

Mood: Furious
Tags: (Sagelexis)

--Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked
Fall Sunset Val Arie from Somewhere Online, idk

Name Card by
Divider by

There Alexis stood, sword in hand standing over the witch doctor as he was burnt by the Sage’s phoenix flames. The scent of charred flesh and burning cloth invaded Alexis’s nose, but she didn’t care, seeing the doctor paying for the pain that he had caused was all she needed. Even his regenerative abilities couldn’t save him as he attempted to recover the talisman that was his source of power. Alexis saw the desperation in the man’s eyes as he exerted a final burst of energy before being gunned down by a Weiss-controlled Megumin and knocked down by Tandakari’s yoyo. While the witch doctor was not dead yet, Alexis knew that it was over and moved in to deal the final blow.

However, Alexis was interrupted by violent gusts of wind that almost knocked her off her feet. She only managed to stay upright by stabbing the sword into the ground! It wasn’t long before the atmosphere of the room grew far darker than before. Though Alexis couldn’t exactly sense Pressure the way her body could, Sage’s Magical Detection alerted her of the incoming threat adequately enough. The face that accompanied the magical presence was simply a pair of eerie red eyes and a glowing smile, speaking with a Southern accent distorted by old-timey radio static. Whoever this figure was, Dr. Facilier was terrified of them and the portal that they created.

As the darkness began to lift, thunder, lightning, and a gale filled the room, introducing the presence of the demonic figure that was most likely the leader of the Shareholders. This demon had the cold, cheerfulness of a psychopath, enthusiastically congratulating the MPF group as he called the other Shareholders through another one of his twisted portals. Alexis didn’t like this man; he was exceptionally… creepy. While she didn’t have any grudge against him, he certainly would be a thorn in their side now that the MPF had rejected their non-aggression pact, and she wished that Garrett Goetia was here to seal that demon away, just like how the man did with Kagutsuchi and the other Deities.

The moment the Shareholders left, the auditorium disappeared, replaced with the voodoo shop from before, doors wide open and with Jason, Leo, Micah, and Byakuya safe and sound. That was a relief… but everyone was still in their swapped bodies...which left Sage with all of the Deities. Motherly concern filled Alexis as her mind began to imagine the things that the goddesses must have said and all the things they must have put him through. Between the crude language and casual mentions of sex coming from Kagutsuchi, the condescending insults from Iblis, and the manipulation of Hestia, Alexis was terrified for Sage. Unfortunately, in the moment, she forgot that Sage’s powers became more unstable with greater emotional extremes. A nearby stack of voodoo paraphernalia became a little bonfire in the wake of Alexis’s worrying.

Alexis was only brought out of her musings by the excited shouts of her voice… the one that came from her body, controlled by Sage. He was ecstatic that Leo was back, but Alexis could see how fast the excitement turned into a frozen dread. No doubt, he remembered why she didn’t touch people with her bare skin. But that wasn’t enough. Ciri had reached her limit. The ashen haired monster hunter went off on the entire group, but she singled Sage out.
Alexis didn’t hear a word the woman said. All she could hear was Sage’s silence. She was sure that the lecture itself was reasonable in a certain sense, but her reason was blinded by her maternal instincts. Sage was being hurt Ciri’s words, and that was all that mattered. Alexis gritted her teeth as her own anger flared, setting fire to the walls of the voodoo shop. A scream almost escaped her mouth as she walked towards her body, setting fire wherever her footsteps landed. It was too late for Ciri to take back her words, so that left only one thing: retribution. “Ciri… you DID NOT just made Sage cry, did you? You think you have it SO HARD??? I DON’T THINK YOU UNDER-”

Chronology: Ultimate
LOCATION: Dr. Facilier's Voodoo Emporium, New Donk City
COLOR: #E1914F

INTERACTIONS: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
MENTIONS: P PopcornPie marc122 marc122

Alexis’s vision returned, she was no longer looking between Sage in her body and Ciri. There wasn’t much time to comprehend that, as the voices returned. The bickering, shouting, and screaming of the god and goddesses within her. Even with the blackout, Alexis’s fury did not subside, as she sent a very clear message to the deities within her to shut up. I am NOT in the mood for this RIGHT NOW. Shut the F### UP OR I will PERSONALLY come into your realm and BEAT THE SH## out of you. UNDERSTAND?[/b]

Uhhh...f###... Yeah… we'll… leave you alone… We’ll bother you later

Yeah, what she said!

Hehe...this is getting good…

With her kitsune body back and working as just as it should, the white hair and ears turned back into its normal back fur as Alexis’s tail burst into flames, crackling angrily as Alexis looked between Sage and Ciri. The former was kneeling, crying, apologizing... for WHAT??? The flames that wreathed her tails grew to a roar as she stepped between Sage and Ciri, a borderline murderous expression on her face as she glared at Ciri. For Alexis, it was a genuinely difficult decision to choose between killing the woman right there as she stood and turning away.

Back in the sewers of Atlas, Alexis was absolutely angry that Lobo hurt Sage physically to the degree that he did, but that was only physical damage, damage that could be fixed. While Sage didn’t have the strongest body, magic was able to heal him, and in the back of her mind during that fight, she knew that Sage would live. However, right now, Sage was being broken down by Ciri, whether it was intentional or not. Ciri was attacking Sage’s greatest weakness: his self esteem. Unlike flesh wounds, there is no such thing as magic that could restore a person’s psyche back to the way it was before. There was no such thing as an easy fix to an emotionally broken person, especially someone who has been broken over and over again because of his life. Ciri certainly had a hard life, but it was no excuse for hurting Sage.

Hurting Sage physically would’ve been enough to set Alexis off, but hurting Sage in this way? It triggered a fury within her that made her snap. Fire erupted around all Alexis, burning everything from carpet to floorboards to the air itself, reaching towards Ciri but stopping just at the point where so that she would feel as much heat as possible without burning. “If you want to leave all this bickering behind, do it now. The way I see it, you’re just the same as everyone else, unable to keep themselves in check and unable to understand where they came from. You aren’t the only one who has difficulty controlling their powers, but you are the only one who is blaming others for it. If you want to point fingers at Sage and Lucky and Yang and Megumin, look at yourself first!”


The kitsune took a deep breath, recomposing herself and allowing the flames to die down a little bit. Her voice was not as impassioned as before, but still very angry, just a more restrained anger, “Ciri, I understand controlling your powers is difficult, but you’ve hurt Sage, and I can’t forgive that right now. As much as you’re hurt and overwhelmed, Sage is just as much if not more so hurt by your words. If you are so self-centered that you can’t see past people’s actions, then you may as well cast the first stone and leave. You aren’t obligated to save the multiverse, nor are you obligated to ‘fix’ this group...especially if the ‘fixing’ involves hurting Sage’s emotions even more.”

Even though, by all accounts, she was still deeply angry with Lucky, Megumin still found herself shielding him with her body as Alexis exploded on Ciri. "A-alexis! Stop! Ciri is sorry!" She could feel the flames blistering her back, causing her to thrash and roll around.

It was apparent that this situation wasn't going to be fixed with a rousing speech, but Arthur was right, they couldn't afford to lose anyone. A truce was needed, some kind of truce...

"WAIT!" With her heart vibrating like the wings of a hummingbird, she poked Alexis with her staff, unsure of how else she could signal a calming down. "I have an idea...Somewhat inspired by you, Lucky." She looked down at the rabbit, then raised her voice. "Maybe we should just...split into teams for a while? We could continue the mission, but stay away from each other until we feel good enough to talk."

QizPizza QizPizza TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Orbeck of Vinhiem
Staus: So he now gets sent on a goose chase. for his partner
Condition: normal
"This may sound sudden but, I'm not the best at convincing people, or give heart-to-heart talks. But, do you think you can give Shanoa a word?" Soma asked, and no, he is not thinking about the mini devil or the slime ball.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

So it had to do with Soma's partner, the vampire hunter as she was apparently known by. And the one who had some issues when it came to her advice. It was sudden, especially with the STILL escalating tensions and Sage's lack of responce. Still...

"Very well, keep an eye on Sage, you have any idea where she might be at?" he asked, regardless of the answer he would run off actually making some sort of distance between himself from the shop. Now on his own, still holding the sword he spawned in with, he looks through the open areas of new donk city.

this is going to be a long journey, and it has only just started.

Zamasu Zamasu
Agent 3

"You...were not a fool in your attempts to reason with the Shareholders," Weiss began. "You were valid. Those people who were making a deal for us to unanimously agree on came from had ties to Ganondorf in particular, and so, I, too, was skeptical about their claims of not wanting anymore to do with us. As for Sage? Well, I don't think it's too late yet to tend to his emotions. And...I...don't know if this is the right idea? But...worry not too much about how to do that; simply talk to him, hear him out, and provide according support."
Agent 3 listened and nodded, her smile widening a little. "Yeah... They obviously have some sort of connection to him, but if we could have stayed out of their way, and us our of theirs, I couldn't help but feel like it would make all of this easier... Being skeptical is understandable to be honest - amid the questions I put forward, they didn't really intend on telling much more than we know - so there was no true way to tell if they were lying..." The Inkling sighed as she listened a little more - before it seemed that Weiss would have sped off to attend to one of her other friends/allies, perhaps? "...Worry not too much about how to do that, she says..." Agent 3 thought aloud, seeming to dwell on that for a while. Before she could dare to do anything though, it seems another outburst was kicking off near there - she would rather stay away from that, but if she has learnt 'anything' today, a good team isn't just the co-operation between each member, but how they generally 'build' off of each other and 'to' each other. With this thought in mind, Agent 3 would slap herself across the face before glancing back to where Sage 'should' be - and began going there (still taking the blanket with her, thanks Megumin).
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Hopeful​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: Emotional support (going towards Sage, hopefully going to support, but is still unsure if she will succeed)​
RP Information
Location: New Donk City, Voodoo Shop​
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , marc122 marc122
Nearby/In Group: (Everyone?)​
Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long
New Donk City
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(...) (...)

The biggest takeaways Weiss and Yang got were not to give up, and that the group needed each other as much as they needed Ciri.

To not give up was obvious; Lucky and Megumin were on the verge of giving up, but they, and their own teammates, had pushed through to defeat the Meta. Even in her final minutes, Ruby did not give up, and stayed until the end to give her elder sister and, most importantly, her friends what they needed: One more moment together, before she passed on. She herself even expressed her dying wish based on that very belief, and it was the reason Weiss and Yang were here.

They needed each other after all; Blake needed Yang for the support, after what she had gone through with Adam. Weiss needed her teammates' support, after what she had gone through with her family. The group needed Ciri for the support, after what they had gone through with Lucky, with Sage, with everything else that had happened.

The latter philosophy, in particular, was what prompted Yang to think once again about how she treated Lucky as of late; she hammered the blame in on him, and rhetorically asked him where the Barrijade was if he was going to give up on his promise. And at first, without his presence, she thought she could breathe again. Yet, she had forgotten about a crucial detail during that time, and only later did she realize that it was a result of his traumatic memories. Now, though? She understood why Ciri and now Megumin wanted the group to get back to what had been set on their targets.

As Weiss and Yang listened to what else Megumin had to say, they heard fire approaching closer, as well as a pair of footsteps. The two turned to see who it was. Sure enough, it was Alexis herself, who was thankfully switched back to her own body, and was following after Ciri and, technically, Megumin as well.

One problem: She was furious.

As soon as they heard the first of what Alexis had to say, they knew what was going on: Alexis was trying to convince her to leave, and she was doing so in a way that placed everyone in the same barrel they had placed Lucky earlier.


Just then, Yang stepped forth, terrified of what was about to happen if she didn't stopped, and then charged towards her, bypassing the flames.


Yang yelled as she grabbed her shoulder, aiming to force her jaw and lips shut with her other, mechanical hand. "Y--You really want to die on that hill when we can still turn back now and return to the right path?!" As she paused, she hyperventilated, already starting to sob, as she eased the tension of her hand on Alexis's mouth. "What happened?! We were trying to convince her that it's worth staying, with a reaffirmation on our part of what we were supposed to do as a team, and then you had to show up like this!"

Yang paused for a moment, taking a moment to breathe.

"...Look, Alexis, I understand why you wanted to come here: In all fairness, you were frustrated with her, and you wanted to voice your concerns, yes. And I will have to admit that what she said had problems that have...unfortunately, affected a few of us back in that voodoo shop. B--But, we just want her to understand that what she did was necessary! Even if, yes, a bit of what she'd done was misguided, the biggest thing was, she wanted all of us to be better! And I think you want all of us to be better, too. Even if she didn't seem to show it that much, she still cared about all of us very much -- even you -- in the end! Besides, any one of us can keep tabs on ourselves, on our own, without having to have others do it for them! Ciri is no exception, and so aren't you! I-I-In fact--" She looked back at the others in the group, then turned back to the enraged Alexis. "Nobody is the exception! And just because you're saying you can't control your powers either, doesn't mean she implied to be the only one! All of us have a certain something about ourselves that we can't control, and we may not speak up about it too much, but that's okay: we can mitigate that certain something to the best of our abilities, but...if we can't, well, what good are...we?"

Yang hyperventilated, but this time at a slower pace, as she started to take a few deep breaths. Then, she continued once more. "Thing is, as Megumin said to our friend over here, Ciri, we need you, just as badly as we need her. And all of us need each other. If you're not here, and if she's not, then what happens? What are we going to do against Ganondorf when we end up facing him after all, when the two of you aren't here for us? Look. We can pull through, like Megumin said, and just...focus on the task at hand. We just. Have. To be excellent."

Yang looked at the rest again. "To each other..." Yang looked back towards Alexis. "And to ourselves. And by doing that, we be the best we can be. And there is no exception out of every one of us out here, in this universe, as far as I can see. And I will reiterate what is apparent; we are here because of a common goal: to defeat Ganondorf."

Finally, Yang let go completely of Alexis and offered a handshake with her prosthetic hand, wearing a warm smile on her face.

"So what say you?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM), QizPizza QizPizza (Alexis), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Ciri), P PopcornPie (Megumin, Lucky), Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 (Gretar)
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  • Only when Bardock-Roman fell unconscious did Kassandra finally back off, leaving her able to watch the rest of the horror show play out. Facilier's magic talisman exploded due to everyone else's collective efforts, and left him in open season for various attacks hurled at him. By the end of it, he was less of a man than a living corpse, though the Eagle Bearer couldn't exactly say she felt bad. No; instead, she felt a sense of satisfaction despite the ominous atmosphere that quickly engulfed the room, focusing on Facilier and a debt he apparently couldn't pay now. A demonic being showed up, and swept Facilier in (alongside the Shareholders). Kassandra was disappointed about that last bit, because it meant she couldn't further beat up Roman, but at least he was out of the group's hair now.

    "Chaire, malaka. (Goodbye, asshole.)" She added a bit of Price's British flair to her Greek words, trying out the accent as best as she could with her given voice. It didn't sound that bad, but at this point she honestly missed her voice. And her body, of course. It was interesting to be a man, but definitely weird once she started thinking about it. Hopefully this would change back really soon; in preparation for the swap, she took her weapons and put them down on a table so she didn't have to really fumble around with the Captain when they jumped back into their original bodies.

    Ikaros, meanwhile, tilted his head curiously at Ciri when she declared she could understand him. Usually, only Kassandra was the one who could potentially decipher what he was saying, and though he usually wasn't one for words, he twittered once. This message was, yet again, pretty short but easily decipherable to Ciri despite it perhaps sounding more like an arbitrary chirp: "Do you now?" Regardless, Kassandra's animal companion didn't actually seem surprised when the Witcheress turned back to normal- nor was he surprised when she sounded pissed off. Of course, this was because he didn't simply sit around on his tail when Kassandra wasn't controlling him; he had an enhanced sense of hearing, and the commotion in the building wasn't exactly silent in the first place. When Ciri went down the emergency exit, the bird of prey took off, flying back to the alley and indoors with a caw.

    Meanwhile, Kassandra herself was... well, silenced by Ciri's magic. The Spartan had no intentions of interrupting Ciri's frustrations whatsoever, but then again she doubted the latter had wanted to screw everyone over with the magic body swap. Hence, it was probably more than reasonable enough to recognize the white-haired lady didn't exactly have too much control over whatever powers were going on. She didn't bother opening her- or Price's- mouth, folding her arms before leaning against a wall and adjusting Prices- or her, whatever- scarf. Once the rant was over, she closed her eyes and waited for whatever fallout to happen.

    Well, first she returned to her old body. And by the gods, it felt good to be back! Kassandra opened her eyes once more, lifting her arms up to check herself out. Her right arm was marked with various battle scars and she was wearing her gifted gray scarf, causing her to sigh in relief as she hugged herself, as stupid as that might seem. That, and she walked over to the previously mentioned weapon table, trading Price's rifle for her traditional Hero Sword and Spear of Leonidas. That was about as great the retribution was going to get, though, because things blew up from there.

    First, Megumin blew up and attacked that idiot rabbit Lucky, kicking him out. To tell the truth, Kassandra could give less of a shit about Lucky. He'd been a thorn in the group's side for a long time, and if he was constantly sabotaging the group's luck- inadvertently or not- he could go wherever in Hades he pleased. Then the newcomer woman blamed Yang, for some weird reason, resulting in her rightfully being whacked. Oh, and various people seemed internally dead. Benedict was, surprisingly, not doing anything wacky, and was just sitting there with a weirder-than-usual look on his face. The new squid girl looked like she wanted to turn into a ball of nothingness, and Sage- who was called out in Ciri's speech for his naivety- shrank with each word he uttered. Honestly, that part about Sage was really harsh, but it was true. Kassandra... well, she probably would've went about trying to break reality upon the kid in a more gentle way, as surprising as that may sound.

    Thankfully, not everything was bad. Lealan apparently found the brains in her to realize she did something wrong, and apologized to the Witcheress. That, and Aloy was back, nodding at the Eagle Bearer just as Ikaros flew inside, prompting Kassandra to form a perch with her arm once more. Ikaros was more than happy to land on this perch, and gloatfully spread a wing out when the Nora girl pat him. With this, she also glanced about to try and gauge how Corvo and BJ were, though this was quickly pushed out of her mind as events continued to unfold.

    Kassandra had been right when she believed not everything was bad. Almost everything was bad. The nuclear fallout continued, since Arthur's best efforts to get everyone's shit together fell face-flat when Sage blew up something from the gunshot, and most people seemed to flat-out ignore his words. And she could hear mutters against Ciri, mostly from the usual troublemaking suspects in Kass' eyes. No need to name names. Either way, Ciri was absolutely done, seemingly teleporting away. Kass didn't even have a chance to call out to the Witcher this time.

    With a frown on her face, Kassandra took one glance back at the horror show still going on in Facilier's hideout before pointing her free hand at the door. Ikaros obliged, flying out of the alley and upwards into the city to search for Ciri- with Kassandra using his vision to look. It didn't take long for her to find the Witcheress, sobbing in an alleyway. It did take her longer to reach the Witcheress, though apparently some people had super speed or something, since they didn't even have to search for Ciri before finding her. Megumin and Lucky were already there, alongside Yang and Weiss. Oh, Gretar too. Not that the misthios (mercenary) was mad or anything; it was great that people gave a damn about Ciri, it was just weird seeing people be much faster than her.

    Whatever. As Ikaros landed on a nearby dumpster and actually chirped a curt "Hello" to the Witcheress, the Ancient Greek stayed out of everyone's speeches, deciding against adding to the overwhelming amount of comforting words. No; instead, she nodded once at Ciri if the Witcheress glanced at her. Actually, she wasn't even there to talk Ciri out this time; instead, she was there to support her newfound friend regardless of her decision. It wasn't hers to make.

    At least, she would have, had Alexis not gotten her dumb fox ass mixed up in all this. Oh yeah, she followed Ciri, only to start verbally harassing the Witcheress about how she and Sage had it sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking bad. Whilst Megumin and even the fiery-tempered Yang tried to appease the malaka, the Eagle Bearer sure as Hades wasn't having any of this shit, especially not now. The Spartan's anger and rage flared up, her brown eyes hardening as she glowered at Alexis. The heat didn't bother at all as she fired back at the perceived assailant.

    "This woman, who's been 'unable to keep herself in check', has been one of the few people who've actually given a shit about saving everything. She's one of the few people who I can consider competent here, and I'm not going to lose her just because some... some bitch wants to be overprotective of a boy who's even admitted he's a gods-damned liability to all of us! Who blows things up the second he gets out of control without any rhyme or reason! Because I'm sure that's not gonna bite us in the ass later on!" She took a step forwards, her battle-hardened hands visibly balling up as she put herself between Alexis and Ciri.

    "I haven't seen a single potential fucking sign that Sage is improving. He's a child, yes, but he's also on this group of people who are supposed to have the fate of the world in our hands. When he explodes, it's just 'another one of those things', I guess. When Ciri explodes for good reason, it's because she can't handle herself, am I right?" She sarcastically spat, taking another step closer. She was only a few feet away from Alexis now.

    "And if something had went absolutely wrong and someone died because he ran his mouth and ruined a perfectly-fine deal, even if it wasn't on purpose, I'm sure Sage would have handled that really well! He needs to grow up and buck down in the real world, whether it's on this trip through worlds we're going through, or off on his own." Since Yang was now in Kassandra's way, the furious Greek went as far to push the blonde out of her way- though not as harshly as one may have believed, since the mercenary's beef wasn't with the fist-fighter. Now she was face-to-face with Alexis (or not, depending on how the kitsune fared up with the normally-taller warrior), glaring daggers and very tense.

    "I think you and your 'son' should be the ones leaving, if you're so inclined to defend him. In fact, I haven't seen anything at all that implies that you two are even necessary for this trip. Don't want to be bitching every ten seconds about people criticizing Sage? Then you two can get out of everyone's faces." She snarled, the coldness in her voice matching the equally-extreme heat that engulfed the group earlier. This certainly wasn't the laid-back Kassandra that came out amongst friends, nor the nonchalant mercenary side that Kassandra had; no, she'd taken Alexis' assault on Ciri personally. Maybe not to the same extent as she took her vitriol of the Cult of Kosmos, nor as extreme as her fury towards people who threatened Ikaros' safety, but it was pretty clear she wasn't going to back down on this any time soon.

    Perhaps now was a good time for Megumin to once again point out that you didn't want to piss off this Greek?​

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People then began coming to finally accept Yang’s apology, which was a relief. It was then that Ciri had ran out after noticing the others looks on their faces and getting the feeling that they didn’t like her now, that they just wanted her gone. Others began to go after her, Yang and Weiss being among them. “You two can handle Ciri, I’ll stay here and keep an eye on things.

She could relate to Ciri in a way, once upon a time, she had ran from her own team because she had accidentally revealed to them that she was a faunus and believed that they would be hate her for what she was. But then, Sun had found her and her team made it an active effort to search for her, mending everything that night at the docks. And now, Ciri was going through relatively the same thing, running because she believed the others hated for her powers and how out of control she got with them and with what she said.

But no matter how out of control she may have gotten with them, she had explained that she couldn’t really control it. With what she had said, while it may have been extremely blunt and some people were deeply affected by it, it had truth to it.

Then, Alexis had blown up, blinded by her motherly instincts with Sage and proceeded to chase after Ciri to continue to verbally harass her. Those that chased after Ciri could probably handle it, right? Blake was honestly disappointing in Alexis seeing as how she looked to be at least a little bit professional, yet her bias with Sage got in the way of reasoning.

But she couldn’t fault any of them, they were still people, still human. Emotions and having relationships and limits did this to a person. Blake looked at everyone, still very much disappointed in them barring the ones she knows hadn’t done anything. “
It seems to me like we all forgot that we’re all still people that have emotions and limits as well as forgiveness and understanding.

marc122 marc122 , QizPizza QizPizza , @ everyone else

Once she eventually found an alleyway, she only had taken a few steps before feeling someone grab her clothes and she stopped. It was Megumin as she recognize her voice. “Megumin... I’m grateful for you following me... but you saw their faces, how the others r-reacted... I’ve caused damage to them, just like how I would’ve hurt them with my powers...

Ciri turned her head to look at her with her emerald green eyes, tears going down her face. “
I-I’m not safe to be around, whether it’s my powers, my emotions, or with my words...” Gretar then showed up, placing a hand on her shoulder and giving her a speech. And he was right, her leaving would affect those left that still cared, that groups weren’t going to naturally get along well.

Maybe for those that still cared about her and the multiverse, she should stay.

Right...” Weiss and Yang were the next to come after her, Yang saying how they could learn from their mistakes and move forwards, improving as people and a group. The latter then said that if they were going to do this, they’d have to do this together. “Together... right...” Megumin spoke up again, relating this to an experience with her and a friend of hers about not giving up before ending with saying that they needed her.

Did they really need her...? She doubted the others didn’t seem think so, but the ones that cared thought that she did. “
...You all really need me...?

Kassandra and Ikaros then showed up, seeing Kassandra not step in as she gave her a nod. She came here for Ciri, but she wasn’t going to try to stop her and let her make her decision. Hearing Ikaros speak, it did confirm that she was able to hear him speak as a side effect from being turned into a snake. It was then that she made up her mind: she would stay. “
Alright... I’ll stay-

This was cut short by Alexis, the woman that was the protector of Sage and who had also started yelling at her back in the shop, had followed her. Her goal? Try to make Ciri leave and as much convincing the others did to get her to stay, it was quickly undone by her words.

Megumin tried to get her to stop, but there wasn’t any use. The words that were thrown her way did struck a cord in her as tears began flowing down her cheeks and her hands balled up into a fist. “

The tears kept flowing, becoming more intense as green mist came from her again, but she was trying to suppress it. “

When Alexis calmed down, she tightened her fists and fought back the urge to punch her right then and there. “
You so desperately want me gone...? Fine, maybe then you wouldn’t have to worry about one more person hurting your new son who, in your eyes, can do no wrong...

Yang had attempted to make peace with her, but Kassandra on the other hand... yeah, she was super pissed off by Alexis’ words. She even went so far as to say that those two should be the ones to leave. “
No... they can stay and she, along with the others, gets wish...” Turning towards the rest of the alleyway, she tried to open the portal that she had made so many times to go from world to world, focusing on her own world.

It started to go normally, a pale green portal opening in front of her before it distorted and then... it disappeared. Ciri then balled her fists to the point where her knuckles would be extremely pale white at this point and she punched the wall, crying. When she really needed to leave, the moment where she just wanted to leave for good had come, but her powers had failed her. Whether it was because of her state right now or the fact that she had snapped four times, almost a fifth time, either way... she was stuck with the group.


P PopcornPie , Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 , marc122 marc122 , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , QizPizza QizPizza

Mood: Numbed-Out, Regretful, In Denial
Tags: (Leo)
, ,
, ,
(Soma), (Yang),

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

"B-but SAGE FUCKED UP EVERY BIT AS BAD AS ME! Why doesn't HE have to be a Team Pet?!"

The first thing that he had heard once everything had been cast away, had been Lucky's disgruntlement at the apparent injustice of things. The pyromancer had perked his head up in the two friends in bad terms' direction, slowly, an action nearly devoid of life. Even if he hadn't exactly been paying attention to much, or witnessed Megumin doing it, he could still tell that was supposed to be some kind of punishment to the rabbit. Normally, he wouldn't have said anything, it was not his matter to deal with, but the clear call of 'not fair' in the other's voice prompted him to join it anyway. They were both fuck ups, the treatment should be equal.

"I'll do it.", he spoke up with a firm, decided tone, "If that will make it fair, I don't mind it. What do you have to do, make me wear a collar? Brand my jacket? Make me wear makeup? I don't care what you have to do. Do it."

"Isn't the armlet basically the same...? I'm already leashed, this should make no difference."

Orbeck had been the next to approach, every bit unsure of how to help or what to say in the first place. If it was too much effort, he shouldn't have bothered. He wasn't exactly worthy spending raised amounts of energy for... Even if part of him kinda appreciated the gesture he didn't deem himself deserving of.

"Thanks.", there was an attempt at a smile, kinda, but it just came up odd and incomplete, "I suppose we were both wrong then."

"Clearly, the majority disagrees. And I'm aware it was said at the wrong person.
That part is still on me. I shouldn't have done that, I should have known better."

"I talked when I should have shut up and stayed out of the way, that's what I did."

"No one wants to hear what I have to say. They didn't before, they still don't."

Then came, someone whose name he had never learned... But if he remembered right, they were basically the main team healer, or something. Despite being appreciative of the support, the bulk of the emotion was barred of coming out; His replies continued being nearly robotic and deprived of all intonation and the expression was still as unreadable as ever.

"Apparently, you're the only one...", he pointed it out immediately.
"And this means we're both idealistic fools."

When Yang had called for him, Sage had very slow and gradually directed his head towards her as he had been doing to everybody. The distress in her voice did nothing, as she was met with the same mystery expression lacking any sort of feeling. His tone was both calm and cold, distant and constant; And words he spoke too like icicles of harsh unfiltered 'truths', aimed at himself.

"Nothing happened.", denial had clearly made its prey, "It's all as it should be."
"As it should have never stopped being."

He continued as reactionless witnessing the blonde one's dilemma. Did he understand it? Sorta. In-between tending to his lost emotions and impeding an ally of leaving it, was probably the right call. But he still thought that Ciri was much more worthy of the attention than he was and though not seemingly bothered by it one bit, did have a fleeting thought about how he kept being left behind.

"It's fine, I don't mind her staying."
"I don't mind you going either, everyone goes eventually. Nothing is meant to last."

And then Alexis blew up on Ciri...
This was the only event to elicit some kind of reaction, as he slowly widened his gaze at the scene, as if gradually realizing the depth of the situation. The pyromancer raised his arm in the direction of the conflict, mildly distressed, but he had no strength left to actually attempt to interfere, simply remaining in place as he powerlessly watched it happen. He, didn't like it. This wasn't the time for fights...

"Guys please...", his meek resigned voice was drowned out by everything else and had most certainly reached nobody, "Please don't.. don't fight... about me..."
"I'm not worth fighting over. Just let it go."

"Hey, you doing good?"
, someone he didn't yet know had asked after Orbeck had left.​

"I'm fine."
"I'm not fine."
"Everything is just fine."
"Please stop them!"

But what Kassandra had eventually said just made it all worse and Ciri's new rant was more insult to injury. The medieval warrior was right, he should just leave. Not Alexis, just him. He was not only incapable of controlling his powers and shutting up when he should have; He was also a distraction. He was not only risking this group solely by existing in it; Now he was also poisoning everything and inciting fights on presence alone. As the conflict continued, Sage had directed his clouded eyes towards the exit door... It was almost as if he could hear the Skies calling out to him through it. If he left the ground all the problems would remain on the surface. The sky could do no harm and he would be out of sight, he would be away from everybody. Living dreams of flying and looping in the air without a care in the world.

How simple that would be... As if.
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Agent 3

Arriving to the bulk of the scene where a whole host of arguing was going on, the Inkling would glance around and see the scene not only growing larger in size and busier in the terms of conversation - but from just looking at everyone, it was only getting worse each second! Eventually noticing Sage among the crowd - she figured the most rational thing to do would be to just get his attention before simply taking him away from the argument scene, for it didn't seem like he could take it much longer. A sprint to him in question and a tap on the back later, Agent 3 spoke up. "You don't look like you'll hold up... C'mon, it's best you stay away from this mess, I think - for the sake of what sanity you may or may not have left." She said bleakly, and regardless or not that Sage would respond, Agent 3 would carefully yet securely get him away from the argument scene as a whole, and looked to him afterwards... with an expression of nothing but worry, concern, all over her face. "...You're not OK, are you." She said sharply in that worried tone she had held with her for a while now - but she kept trying to remain stable, hopeful, with some sort of indication of 'I'm just trying to help'. "Are you... scared, again, perhaps? In a different way, or...?" She cut herself off - too many questions isn't going to help, but as she would probably find out, it's likely she herself and her input in all of this mess - though probably generous and rational - was probably not the best thing to do... For now, she looked to Sage in question, and practically waited - with the only thing in her head right now being paranoia, if she did the right thing or not.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Concerned, serious​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: Emotional support (bailing Sage out of the argument zone)​
RP Information
Location: New Donk City, Voodoo Shop​
Interactions: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: (Everyone?)​
Oh, why did it seem that someone kept coming in to yell? She did start it off, she admitted, but it seemed to never end. Megumin reverted to cowering as Kassandra stepped up to yell at Alexis, in turn reigniting Ciri's flames. It was clear that both parties were at their wits' end regarding Sage, unsure of whether to keep protecting him or let him go. Megumin, her hands over her head, yelled her piece. "I wish we would all just be a party again! I just want every one to be loyal to each other, just like old times!" She begged the heavens. She couldn't believe she was thinking this, but...she wanted the dynamic of the Blood Gulch Incident again. At least the Red and Blue teams all got along...aside from the soldiers, of course.

After Alexis's outburst, it seemed that Megumin and Gretar's words were for naught. Ciri opened her portal, and started to walk through it. All she could do was hold her hand out, a fresh batch of frustrated tears flowing from her ducts. were a party, they needed her...But now they had to survive without her.

But Ciri's powers...failed?

She watched Ciri's portal fizzle out before she could even dip her toes into it, before the Witcheress pounded at the wall in frustration.

Now, this was definitely an area Megumin knew about. "Maybe you used up all your magic points with the body switching? Or maybe someone damaged your brain, like me. Not sure how it would have happened, though." She found the courage to inch a little closer. "Don't worry, we'll find a way to get your powers working. Maybe we need to shove you down a staircase." Despite the violent nature of the suggestion, it was asked completely in earnest. After all, it was what worked for her.

Lucky watched it all from behind his tightly folded nubs. "God damn it, if I hadn't been such a dipshit..." Now wishing he was going to be left behind, he flattened himself with his ears laid across on his head. This was totally worth letting Toffee know he still hated him. Totally.

Then Sage came forward, refuting Megumin's excuse for not making him the Team Pet. As in, he was willing to share in the punishment. Megumin was quick to step between him and Lucky, putting her hands on his shoulders.

"Sage, no, I couldn't just do that to you. I can't stress enough the difference between your mistake and his. You come from a world where heroes win easily, and you have never experienced this type of battle. You just had the wrong image of those people, thinking they would submit. That wasn't malicious, you were just naïve. Now, Lucky-"

"Oh, can it, Lassie, I can do it meself." Lucky slipped out from behind the archmage. "I get it now. She's right, I was feeling like just ditching you all to get Toffee. And now look, it's like I accidentally infected everyone with me wrath." He shook his head, softly growling at himself.

"You did make a mistake, Sage, and I'm afraid you need to make up for it, too." Megumin took back the conversation. "But...I don't know, it just wouldn't feel right to strip a human of their freedom. Lucky is becoming a Team Pet as his personalized test, there's a way for you to learn that suits you perfectly, too."

Then Sage kept gazing at the sky, seemingly hoping it would pull him away from here.

"Sage, wait!" Megumin tried to call him back to reality, but he was frozen. She knelt, drumming the ground with her fingertips. "Sage..." She lamented. Then she growled. "Okay, this looks hopeless, but Kazuma has put us through hopeless situations before. Yet the difference is, we were all still friends." She looked guiltily back at the others, then continued to ponder. "I said Lucky was distracting us with utter idiocy, but now we're all distracting ourselves with anger. Ganondorf ISN'T GOING TO WAIT FOR US TO PULL IT TOGETHER!" She raised her voice for them all to hear.

"Girls, as we speak, Ganondorf is conquering the multiverse. As much as it would be nice, we can't stay here and argue until it's all resolved. We still have to go through whatever's next to reach him, and we'll just have to mend our relationships along the way." She could feel Samus's kindness and Mao Mao's determination emerging with in her as she addressed everyone. "I know, I'm losing hope, too. Just in case I haven't made that clear. I want my faith in this mission back, and I know you do as well, but sitting here and yelling at each other isn't going to restore it!" She turned on her heel to face Jason, not smiling, but showcasing eyes brimming with whatever hope she had left. "Jason, what are those coordinates?"

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher QizPizza QizPizza Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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As Megumin finally left to go get Lucky, only to return with him moments later, Jason couldn't help but snicker a little at the "makeover" she'd given him. Despite him advocating for the rabbit to stay, that didn't mean that he didn't think he didn't deserve some form of punishment for his actions. And... well, this was a pretty good start, all things considered. The Red Hood wouldn't say anything, though, instead only offering Megumin a silent nod and nothing else. Besides, he couldn't dwell too much on Lucky's new look anyways, because mere moments later, Ciri decided to storm off instead. Multiple people decided to follow her, and after hearing her and seeing just what had become of this group, especially after the usual strong but silent Arthur even tried to talk sense into everyone, Jason turned to face the group over his shoulder.


"I hope you all realize that there's more than just you at stake here," He said quietly, before turning around entirely and walking off. He eventually found everyone in an alleyway, complete with Ciri trying to leave and people still trying to comfort her. Of course, when she tried to conjure up a portal, it didn't work, due to that simply just not being how Multiversal travel works. He scoffed a bit as he watched the display, having heard the tail end of Alexis' argument before he'd gotten here, as well as Ciri's rebuttal.

"Both of you. Shut the fuck up. Now." He said, glaring the sharpest daggers he possible could behind his red helmet. "I can't believe how fucking selfish you all are. All of this fighting is fucking stupid on both sides. Do you think that I really think that any of you assholes are ready to take on Ganondorf? Because I don't. I've dealt with D-List teams with better communication and sense of urgency than you people. But the entire damn Multiverse is at stake here. And, newsflash, that includes your fucking homes too. You can go back home and cry in your damn beds all you want, but within the hour, you and everyone you've ever loved will be dead if you allow Ganondorf to win.

Stop fucking thinking for what makes YOU comfortable, and start thinking about the trillions of lives you're putting at stake with this constant pity party bullshit you're throwing for yourselves. You're very much the FINAL option the Multiverse has, and you're making sure to fuck it up at every possible turn."
He then looked directly at Alexis. "And, by the way, if you don't buckle the fuck down either, there's a lot more people than that fucking Sage kid who are gonna get hurt. But hey, if you want everyone in your damn world to die one of the most excruciating, painful deaths imaginable, keep protecting him over their lives. Be my guest. But just remember that The Cape is gone. Half of the Multiverse's best heroes are neck deep in Twilight, and the other half's six feet under. And while you're both sitting here, arguing like complete children? You're hurting us. You're hurting your friends and family back home. And you're making the sacrifices of Ruby and literally everyone still at The Cape mean jack shit." With that, he would turn down and face Megumin when she asked him for the coordinates to the next location. He sighed and glanced back upwards.

"Now, if it's not too much trouble, I'd like to get a move on. Or does that hurt your feelings too much?" He grunted spitefully, before shoving his hands deep into his pockets and walking off, back towards the shop.

In time, you'd all gathered back up at the shop, with Jason standing in the center. He didn't say anything else to you, still clearly pretty peeved. Instead, he merely held up his watch and began to read off the coordinates of the next universe. Once you all did the same, the dark cloud wrapped around you once more, and you were off to the next universe.

Chapter Four
"Good Guys Always Win"


When you all had entered your new universe, you found that the area you were in was much more cramped than usual. It was enclosed, much like the train had been, only this time, instead of being in a relaxing, soothing train ride, you were in an old, dusty, almost eerie attic. It was clear that whatever the space had been used for once, it was no longer being used for anything but collecting dust. It was entirely empty, and it just smelled of old, rotting wood. Really, it was a miracle that the floor you stood on even managed to support your respective weights. The only thing that occupied the space you stood in, besides yourselves, was...


A very unsettling looking doll in the corner. One that just silently stared at all of you behind its plastic, soulless eyes.

Cast List
PolikShadowbliss as Supergirl (DC Comics) and Zwei (OC)
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and Lars Alexandersson (Tekken)
quadraxis201 quadraxis201 as Akari "Paladin" Kishiri (Persona OC)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun as Sage Kaelber (OC)
Virus as Blackhat (Villainous) and Spinel (Steven Universe)
GeorgeTownRaja as Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)
ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC)
JRay as Sora (Kingdom Hearts) and Rex Salazar (Generator Rex)
DrDapper as Carlo Thomson (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood OC)
DerpyCarp as Lealan Deathweed (Starbound OC)
Thepotatogod as Hiryu Kokogawa (Kamen Rider Zi-O) and Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Birb as Ike Plymont (OC)
2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
darkred as Jak/Mar (Jak and Daxter) and Aloy (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
Laix_Lake Laix_Lake as Orbeck of Vinheim (Dark Souls III)
92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel Comics) and Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Venom Snake as Venom Snake and Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Crow as Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) and The Agent (Club Penguin)
Smug as The Judge (OFF)
Yamperzzz as Tektite and Xenophon (OC)
Hahli Nuva as Jill Valentine (Resident Evil 3)
Meraki as Antoneva (Eternal City)
Chungchangching as Tandem (Climaxverse) and Cartoon Network-Tan (Channel-Tans)
P PopcornPie as Megumin (Konosuba) and Lucky O'Chomper (WHACKED!)
Sir Skrubbins as Frank West (Dead Rising) and The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher as Blake Belladonna (RWBY) and Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (The Witcher)
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch as Himself (Classified)
Topless as Shujinko Kanaou and Venus Aelon Di Lamia (OC)
QizPizza QizPizza as Delsausage Roweiner (inFAMOUS AU/TCS OC) and Alexis Kuroki (OC)
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla as Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption II) and Kassandra (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
Riven as Umbra (Warframe)
Sayo-Nara as Dib Membrane (Invader Zim)
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 as Gretar (For Honor OC) and Benrey (Half Life: But the AI is Self-Aware)
@FoolsErin as Bayonetta (Bayonetta) and Willow (Don't Starve)
@Frankie as Gilgamesh (The Unwritten) and Molly (Power Rangers OC)
@StaidFoal as William Joseph Blazkowicz (Wolfenstein) and Corvo Attano (Dishonored)
@jigglesworth as Captain John Price (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)
marc122 marc122 as Yang Xiao Long and Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Zamasu Zamasu as Soma Cruz and Shanoa (Castlevania)
BoltBeam BoltBeam as Agent 3 (Splatoon)
bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 as
Dennis Robbins and Kanon Marshall (OC)
AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc as
Jett and Sage (Valorant)
KissMyAsh KissMyAsh as
Eliza "Ash" Cohen (Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six)
Celestial Speck Celestial Speck as
Kyou Tana (OC)
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F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Uuuuuuggghhh, dang it...!" Captain Falcon sits up and sees everyone is clumped together in a small space. "Team? Team! Yo, I've finaly found you guys! And here, I thought I went and got lost again!" Falcon laughs as cluthes his towel around his waist "So how've y'all been? Where'd you guys go, actually. I was thinking the Rapture happened and I was left to die and I was like "If anyone is more deserving of heaven, is me!" Because I'm done with the world..."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Everyone Everyone
kindpng_5029417.pngLars wakes up abruptly and finds everyone cramped together in some sort of small, damp space. He had slept the entire day away in one spot: Sitting on the ground. He was so tired, he didn't bother moving and just passed out. His head still heart too but he can feel a different air about everyone "Where--" Lars rubs his head "Where are we?"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Everyone Everyone
Shit with the group had been getting worse and worse, but he didn’t give a single fuck about it, he was here to save the multiverse, not babysit people when things went wrong. Ok.... maybe a few times he will have to babysit them, but he ain’t gonna bat an eye if someone is having the depression for No reason. But he did put down his magazine when everyone started to teleport to another universe, to which he stood back up and got ready for the teleportation.

After a couple of seconds later, they were now in something that is comparable to a one star hotel, to which Benrey got awfully suspicious of already, especially since there is nothing but them, dust, and a doll in one of the corners. Wait...... what...... he looked back at the doll, confusion mostly on his face, but also suspicion. He slowly made his way towards the doll, before testing something. He the tapped it a few times on the head, like he was trying to see if it had any interaction, but to others, it seemed like Benrey was finally breaking and becoming insane.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ Benrey does not care about group drama

  • When Jason began to scold, Megumin found herself stuffing her face back in the bag. Selfish. Stupid. Each word was a harsher burn to the face than Facillier could ever bring on. When it came to the Cape, she just...stood there and thought of it. Samus, Mao Mao, Mei Hatsune, Rouge, everyone who had looked after her when she was in her doubt, all suffering. All helpless. She just wanted them all back. And now it was going to take twice as long to reach them with the new obstacles in their way.

    "...I don't want them to be hurt..." She muttered somberly, following Jason with her head low.

    Before she would enter the coordinates, she would clip the leash onto Lucky's collar, regaining her sternness and fury. "You better be on your ABSOLUTE best behavior, Lucky, because I'm not afraid to embarrass you even more."

    They emerged in an attic, one that hadn't been cleaned in years. She wanted to choke on all the dust in the air, but managed to hold it together. "This reminds me of our mansion in Axel, back when we moved in and it was haunted." She immediately took a look around the room, seeing if she could find the exit-assuming she couldn't just stomp a way out, of course.
Orbeck of Vinheim
Status: looking for the vampire hunter, and giving himself some distance. Better make this quick
Condition normal, if some what bewildered by what's going on.
On top of possibly any of the city's tallest buildings where Shanoa sits on the ledge, taking her precious time to contemplate on what happened. "I've said what needs to be said, but why is it that everyone is looking at me like a villain? I've understood her pain, so what? I've had losses too, but I was willing to set them aside while I was assaulting on Dracula's castle. I had no time to mourn, for anger was controlling me. Just...why? And...why do I feel...guilty?" Shanoa thought as she continues to look on the wide city.

It took a decent amount of time looking around. Really, he was only glad to be given some information to help disregard the more open areas in the city. May be some time to reflect in all of this as Orbeck approaches a tower, the exact one where Shanoa is hanging on.

The entire, unexpected conflict... would have been fine if it was kept to Lucky, and even sage. But it had to become a cesspool of personal biases and vendettas. Yet he was one of those few who harbor no major I'll will towards those who have just so happened to make roman snap... really. It's even hard for him to say that something like this would even happen.

By comparison, he was sent to gravity falls. Unable to even use his spells and under the threat of a few bad apples. And it wasn't in any way pleasurable. A death is a death, eve when he had to deal with arguments it wasn't as bad as it was now. Could be the jade. That accursed jade, starting this all off with the conflict.

Well, none the less, it looks as if this is a spot for getting ones attention. He proceeded to grab his staff before casting a single soul spear into the sky. One that would result in the vampire hunter takeing noice of for the conversation that they certainly had... I'll be revealed in due time.

-one conversation later-

He arived back to the group passing by the alleyway where Jason tried to make those points of his clear. That they have much worst to come than their own personal vendettas. So they where off to the next world.

Chapter Four
"The Smell of Victory"


When you all had entered your new universe, you found that the area you were in was much more cramped than usual. It was enclosed, much like the train had been, only this time, instead of being in a relaxing, soothing train ride, you were in an old, dusty, almost eerie attic. It was clear that whatever the space had been used for once, it was no longer being used for anything but collecting dust. It was entirely empty, and it just smelled of old, rotting wood. Really, it was a miracle that the floor you stood on even managed to support your respective weights. The only thing that occupied the space you stood in, besides yourselves, was...


A very unsettling looking doll in the corner. One that just silently stared at all of you behind its plastic, soulless eyes.

Orbeck simply kept his eyes open, looking for some sort of staircase of some sort. Not even a word to anyone else.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Zamasu Zamasu P PopcornPie Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Anyone Anyone interested
Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long
New Donk City Dr. Facilier's So Long And Thanks For All The Fish Emporium, New Donk City A Basement
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Worried) (Worried)

Just as Yang was about to try to talk to Kassandra, Jason came up with kind words of his own, proceeding to scold the entire group for putting each other above what had been their goal the whole time. Even if Yang was one of the people who had reaffirmed the goal of taking down Ganondorf, she was still firmly blamed as selfish anyway. As he talked on, she and Weiss went into thought about their homes.

Their friends. Family, even for the ex-Heiress. If Ganondorf wins, what would become of Remnant?

"None of us wanted them hurt, either..."

After they had met back at the shop, Jason said nothing but the coordinates. Not that either could blame him; he was just...tired of the group being how it was. While Weiss imputted them, Yang, however, turned towards the rabbit.

"Lucky," Yang started, with an intertwined tone of fear and sternness. "Please, remember what I said about being excellent."

And then, they were off.

— — — — —​

To a lofty basement.

The first thing Weiss and Yang were reminded of was Brunswick Farms, specifically the underground. Even with the lack of Apathy, just the smell and look of the basement made Yang wonder if they had gone back to that abandoned place.

Then, there was the doll. With the death of their sister, a paper world, and the bickering, anything could happen, at this point.

The two looked at each other, nodded, before they readied their weapons; Weiss pulled out Myrtenaster with her left hand, while Yang activated Ember Celica, getting into a defensive position.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Jason, Chucky), P PopcornPie (Lucky)
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