Lealan is keeping to the back of the group, not passing judgement on anybody. This entire situation was all kinds of fucked up, and this Floran did NOT have the social ability to help in any way. She looks to the different people before silently making her way behind Ciri, and coughing lightly. "Hey, uh.... Just so you know, I don't blame you for what happened, I get that it was something nobody could have seen coming. And I need to apologize, for what I did in the Sewers. I'll be honest, I don't actually remember what happened down there, between the possession and the electrocution It's all a blank, but I do know I said something to you that was wrong. And I need to apologize to you for that, but I don't actually know what I said, and need to apologize for, um... I'm bad at this. What did I say to you? I need to actually know that before I can properly start to try to make amends." Lealan stands awkwardly, hoping not to escalate the situation.
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
”I wasn't telling you that Yang shouldn't mourn! I was doubting my own usefullness! And I know that pain! Because like you said I lost my entire freaking planet!” She swatted Jason’s finger away, using normal human strength, ”and it's still opens up very once in a while!” She must have gotten him at a bad time, as a matter of fact everyone was filling a little down. Maybe she was better off alone. To wrestle with her own guilt and pain. And also her own usefulness. ”This shouldn't be about me. So I will leave you to more pressing concerns!” She said, turning away from Jason.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Anyone Anyone else willing to interact...
Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long
Dr. Facilier's Voodoo Emporium, New Donk City
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(...) (...)

As Yang overheard whatever was being said, the feelings only intensified as thoughts of being forced to go against what had been her lifeline as she fought in the body of a woman who hated her guys and Ruby spending one hour with the group further materialized. Not just that, but thoughts of Weiss dying before either she or Blake could save them was what ignited her wild hair. Even with those new developments, she still had to hold it in.

And then, Supergirl had to invite a dirty look from Yang, who slowly turned her head back up towards her, inflamed, crying eyes revealed, with her argument.

Meanwhile, all Weiss did was to simply nod towards Agent 3 as the sobbing continued. As she did, she overheard Leo coming to comfort Sage, who had apologized for the speech that made Roman call off the deal.

Not that she could blame him.

"I--I think Sage could use some comfort, too..." She stated.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Leo, Jason), Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun (Sage), PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Supergirl), BoltBeam BoltBeam (Agent 3)
Megumin did her best to keep straight, but it kinda tickled when someone was rifling through her backpack. "I hope it wasn't busted...It worked fine when Yang was using it, but it could have been broken since then..."

She simply listened to Orbeck's repair job from within her bag, and sighed. "Yeah, tape...I guess tape works for now..." She muttered. It did match her broken relationship with Explosion pretty well.

Only when she heard the sound of magic dust being sprinkled did she tip the bag up. Now, she figured she would still be moody...but being reunited with a good-as-new staff did give her reason to shake her pain for a little bit. "It looks just like the day I bought it..." She gently reclaimed it, nuzzling it. "Thank you, Orbeck..."

tenor (28).gif

At the same time, Orbeck shared his own thoughts on the matter, and Megumin's eyes fell to the ground. "Yes, I know Sage also takes some of the blame. But he at least came from a good place, he's from a world where things are black and white. But Lucky threw us to the side for a chance at Toffee. I just...I mean, it looked like he was finally learning. And we don't know the full extent of the Shareholders' power. Didn't you see that grinning demon? He can make those creepy portals, and he helped send Facillier to the underworld! We're in deep trouble with him, at the very least."

Of course, it wasn't long before Jason caught up, his tone all but confirming his disappointment in them all. It was just one more kick in the heart, and the best was saved for last. All she wanted was to be a good teammate, but was there even really a team anymore? By letting Lucky stay, she was just standing there while he caused it all to fall apart.

She really didn't want to have to do it, but...Jason needed to understand why Lucky couldn't be one of them anymore. "Jason, you know I trust your orders, but I've known Lucky longer than you. Ever since we met in the Blood Gulch Incident, that rabbit has been nothing but trouble. He's got all the firepower, sure, but none of the common sense. Did you know that he tried to kill us himself so Toffee wouldn't have to? And now look at us! I don't think a single one of us has faith in our team anymore. I...I-I don't..." She admitted, putting her face in her hands. "I still want to save the multiverse, but this is hopeless. We're all injured, and scared, and I don't think anyone but Agent 3 and Whisper trust each other anymore. For Eris's sake, even Benedict is torn apart. BENEDICT! And now we've got an entire enemy organization to deal with! Maybe we would still have a chance if things didn't keep going so wrong, but I've never seen a party's morale be so low before."

She looked down at her own knuckles, then at the bite marking Lucky had left on her thigh. It had already stopped bleeding...One would think that someone like Lucky would have bitten as hard as possible. Was it guilt? In Megumin's eyes? NO. He just probably didn't want to look any worse, assuming he even could. Of course, Jason's comment on how they were all they had did make her want to get Lucky back, just for the glory of beating him down a second time. "We didn't have to be all we had." She growled, her knuckles trembling. "The Shareholders were powerful enough to have wares across the multiverse. We needed them, but then Lucky threw it all out the window for some dumb raptor. Don't you see? Thanks to him, it's going to be us against...who even KNOWS how big the Shareholder organization really is. And nothing is stopping them from turning the public against us as well. You think I'm the one who doesn't think of us as a team? I hated Toga and still do, but I don't hate her so much that I would make the mission hopeless for the rest of us just for a chance at beating her up!" The more she dwelled on it, the closer she came to just using Explosion on the first thing she'd see.

Yet she still released a little cry, another batch of hot, bitter tears dripping down. "I know you would've wanted us to take the deal, Jason. I guess it really is my fault for continuing to forgive him after all the times he'd nearly killed us in one form or another. I'm so sorry...I don't know how we're going to reach Ganondorf now."

Jason had a point, and she knew it: Abandoning someone in another world was against MPF code. That made this the hardest place she'd ever been stuck in; If she left him, she'd be trapped here with him. If she went to get him, it would only be a matter of time before he nearly got them destroyed again. Surely, Jason would understand that...!

"Jason, don't you remember how angry I got when it looked like you and the others were abandoning the team for Mabel? Threatening to quit and all that?" She lightly pressed her hands onto Jason's knee. "As one from a world where parties are more likely to survive than people going it alone, it's part of my moral code to be fiercely protective of my party, and that, unfortunately, includes weeding out those those are a detriment to it. What you were mind controlled into doing for Mabel, Lucky pretty much did for real! He might as well be working for Ganondorf with how actively he gives the enemy advantages. Surely, you don't think he's good for the party, either!" After all, how often did Lucky get threatened with a gun?

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

"Ow! Damn..." Lucky decided to start licking his wounds, only to recoil. That girl had seriously wailed on him, leaving some pretty ugly bruises beneath his coat. As if he didn't need more evidence that trying yo talk to her again was a death sentence. He would remain curled up on the recliner, despite Lupé's adamance about it.

"I'm telling you, you need to talk it out with her!"

"Talk about WHAT?! She thinks I'm a traitor to the cause!"

"So set the record straight! Come on, what's the worst that could happen? I'm sure that Rex will vouch for you!"

"If he wanted to, he would've done it while Megumin had me by me tail." He cringed as he lifted said tail. He wouldn't be wagging this thing for days. "Face it, Lassie, it's game over. I've lost all of them. Might as well make a new name for meself here." He lifted his head a little, just to survey the street. "At least they kicked me out in a nice universe."

"Aw, mom, look at the little bunny!"

"HEY, SISTER! I'M GOIN' THROUGH EMOTIONS HERE!" Lucky was too deep in his mood to really care that he'd just made some little Toad kid cry.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Agent 3

Leo, meanwhile, stood next to Agent 3, nodding as she explained what was wrong. He nodded slowly throughout the explanation he’d given, his arms folded at his chest. “Hey, hey... it’s okay...” His voice faded a bit as he tried to find the words to comfort her. He glanced back to Ciri and sighed through his nose slightly, before he turned back to face Agent 3. “She’s just... angry right now. She wasn’t talking to you, I’m sure...” He explained in a soft tone, hoping he had comforted her, if only a little.
Agent 3 listened and managed a smile. "Yeah, her anger is clear alright... And... you're sure she wasn't...? I can only hope, but it seemed to me that she aimed it at everyone if not all of us... Assuming I was included, naturally, I just... Stopped..." She elaborated, though it seemed she understood and her mood did seem to be recovering. "What makes my case even worse is how I even wound up here and how much I don't know, but... That's alright, it's nothing new. I'll just learn as I go - as usual." The Inkling managed a nervous laugh - reiterating that wasn't really going to help, but for what it's worth, this talk-down does seem to be helping... She still intends to stay away from this mess for now, but her mood is healing, if slowly.
Meanwhile, all Weiss did was to simply nod towards Agent 3 as the sobbing continued. As she did, she overheard Leo coming to comfort Sage, who had apologized for the speech that made Roman call off the deal.

Not that she could blame him.

"I--I think Sage could use some comfort, too..." She stated.
"Yeah... it seems like he could, I'll say that much..." Agent 3 sighed and would shake her head as she began thinking aloud. "...Was I a fool to try and reason, perhaps? I believed we could have just avoided all of this mess... Granted, that's not what I should be thinking of now, but..." The Inkling seemed to understand and glanced to the boy in question - and truth be told, the Inkling isn't sure she can help him out of such emotions... They seemed a little extreme, and without proper understanding, she doubts she can pull it off. "...I'd genuinely really like to help, but... There's only so much that can be done, and I don't know if I can fix him..." Agent 3 looked down once more, yet tried to remain hopeful - and as she had offered for support to Weiss, she stayed where she was for now and would just hope she could follow through on her word. She's a soldier, not a therapist. What is she supposed to do, other than try to do her best? "Sorry in advance if that... you know, dampens the moment... and expectations?"
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Emotions = Yes​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: Emotional support (receiving from Leo, trying to console Weiss)​
RP Information
Location: New Donk City, Voodoo Shop​
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , marc122 marc122
Mentions: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Nearby/In Group: (Everyone?)​
Supergirl caught Yang’s dirty tear-filled look, and felt a spasm tear up her chest. Some symbol of hope she turned out to be! She didn't know Ruby but she understood pain and that was enough to make anyone emotional and worst irrational heck she was irrational most of the time with her cousin.... Her cousin.....

She took one look at Yang, looked down in guilt and then walked away. Maybe to find someone else to talk to..... but mostly because she didn't want to talk to anyone. Not yet.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
marc122 marc122
While everyone was upset, depressed, or sad because Ciri couldn’t keep it in. The woman from earlier gestures towards Rex. “Lucky? No, he’s gone now, I’m-“ Before he could finish, the woman says his name, and claims it’s Sage who’s talking about him. “Sage? Are you kidding me? That-“ Rex is near the point of telling off this woman. “Okay, maybe you didn’t handle what you did back there the best, I get that. But you should at least get swapped back.”

Before Rex could do anything, Jason comes in putting Ciri in her place saying she shouldn’t blame everyone for the fault of two people, this little rant puts a smile on Rex’s face and beams it towards Red Hood. Not only did Jason do what he was gonna to do at some point, but it happened with little to no consequences. Everyone knew she wasn’t gonna do something awful or swap the body of a high ranking MPF whether she liked it or not. “(Not bad Red Hood. Not bad at all..)”

Sora on the other hand, was conflicted by this. On one hand, he understands Ciri given her backstory, but she had no right to blame everyone else there who didn’t start a fight. “(Was Lealan right about Ciri? Should I be thanking Red Hood? I don’t know. Whatever the case, I hope this helps Ciri not to blow up on everyone in the future. Though maybe it’s best if she did leave.. we’re out here trying our best and making the people that didn’t do anything sad and miserable isn’t helping!)”

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
As Supergirl walked off, Jason would scoff slightly before shaking his head, his attention now redirecting back towards Megumin as she presented her argument. He sighed, trying to find, in his head, the best possible way he could explain things to her. "Kid..." He began to speak, before stopping again. He remained paused for a bit as he began to formulate what he needed to say in his head. "I know what you're going through. I've felt those exact same feelings towards someone, except tenfold. And I know what Lucky's going through, too. What Lucky's done hasn't been right by any means, and I'll be the first to admit that he's fucked us over in more ways than he's helped..." He paused again, staring down at the ground for a long moment. Eventually, his gaze finally shifted back up, and he looked Megumin in the eye, his fist slightly clenching by his side. "But we're not leaving him behind. That's NOT how we do things as a team, and, as good as your intentions are, you don't get to play judge, jury, and executioner here." There was another pause as he sighed again. "Look, I know you're mad at him. I'm not asking you to forgive him, or to even talk to him. But what I'm telling you to do is to go get him. And that's an order." Jason's strict and loud tone of voice made it clear he was done discussing this, which meant that Megumin wasn't really left with any choice.

P PopcornPie

  • Arthur couldn’t lie, being a rock giant was pretty cool in and of its own right. Being able to blast Erron and knock him out cold was cooler. But what wasn’t cool was getting shot at. At first, he didn’t really care, since the explosive bullet that hit Megumin-Weiss had dissipated due to the Aura. Then a shot hit his chest, creating a decent-sized hole in it as shards of crystal flew off. This immediately made him instinctively shield his face with his left hand (at the same time he whacked Erron), but the second round put a hole in his forearm.

    “Shit.” And that was how he spent the rest of the battle running around the room, picking up his shards and plugging them back in to the best of his extent.

    Thankfully, it was enough for Ben’s body to return normal after, so when Arthur came back to his body the American nodded at the boy out of acknowledgement. But then shit further hit the fan when Ciri exploded, since the group couldn’t get their act together as a whole. Then Megumin exploded at Lucky, kicking the rabbit out- even if he wasn’t very smart, he didn’t deserve that. Both of these caused even more incendiary bickering and infighting... not unlike the last days of the Van der Linde gang.

    Speaking of whom, Micah’s words weren’t very reassuring to Morgan. He rolled his eyes before turning to the rat.

    “Drop the act, Micah. There ain’t nobody to fool here.” Unfortunately, the fighting got even worse now, with various people beginning to break down. It was here that the gunslinger had to stop the madness, even if he wasn’t as eloquent. He pulled out his one LeMat (Megumin had the other) and fired into the air to get everyone’s attention.


    He stood there for a few moments, smoke rising from the gun’s barrel. He let the smoke dissipate before breaking the silence.

    “I want y’all to take a good look at y’erselves! One good look, and ask yourself if you think you’re fit to take on Ganondorf!” Again, a pause to let everyone do so.

    “Because from where I’m standing, I see people who’ve forgotten the sacrifices made from other folk to get us where we stand this very moment! People who rush head-first without thinkin’ about consequences, people who explode at a moment’s notice!” He looked away, shaking his head before he looked back. Anyone who was observant could tell he had a bit of reminiscing in his eyes.

    “...And it makes me real sad. Because all of you are right in a way. She”- a gesture to Ciri- “ain’t wrong. Nor is he-“ another gesture at Jason- “wrong. But we go a long way to go before we’ve got our acts together, and can consider ourselves ready.

    “But all this infighting and bad talk behind each other’s backs has got to stop. As much as you might want to blame Sage, or that rabbit out there, or even Ciri for what just happened, they ain’t the real enemy! None of us are! But if y’all keep demonizing each other, we’ll never get to Ganondorf, and all our efforts will go to nothing!”
    Arthur paused to swallow, as he hadn’t made a speech remotely like this. Not in New Hanover, nor in the Cape. But since nobody wanted to take up a lead, it was up to him to try and muster some of Dutch’s motivational magic.

    “So please. Get your acts together. If not for the sake of your worlds or for each other, then for the folk who are gone. Ruby and Sub-Zero and all those who died. Don’t let their sacrifices be for nothing.”
Last edited:
He...... can’t handle the events of what is going in right now, because it was total chaos, and, he needed time to be alone for a bit. The noises of the world were voided out, him dragging himself outside, before slowly going out of the alleyway, and sitting against the wall of a random building. He began recalling many past events that happened currently, unable to in see the fighting of his allies, people becoming enemies with each other.

It all began when Facilier’s talisman was destroyed, to which the man desperately tried to fix it, before some sort of demonic humanoid came a dragged the man into what he assumed was hell. The other now freed shareholders were taken by the demon.... to this same person called Toffee, someone that Lucky hated the most. It was when Ciri came back as a human, that the arguing has started. She went on a rant on everyone here, mostly aimed at the less competent ones here, and it’s when everything else, such as infighting happened.

He would have tried to help stop the fights, but there was too much fighting to going around him, and he couldn’t handle it anymore, and that’s where it lead him today.

These recent few events, reminded him of his own past friends, and their own bickering, but it was either easily stopped and everyone forgave each other, or not talk to each other for a day or two. But now, it was too much for even him to handle. Let’s hope that it would be finished by the time he comes back.

While everything else was happening, he was back at the same chair he sat at earlier, finishing the same magazine he read earlier, and was finally getting to the good part about it. It was mostly about a recent deal that Benedict did a week ago, which was making a large carnival on once was a large and beautiful jungle like planet, that had some sort of 9 ft tall blue humanoid’s that seem a couple steps behind from becoming an actual Furry. But hey, at least that they are now gone from existence now.
Orbeck of Vinhiem
Staus: Unable to escape the onslaught.
Condition: normal​

Megumin did her best to keep straight, but it kinda tickled when someone was rifling through her backpack. "I hope it wasn't busted...It worked fine when Yang was using it, but it could have been broken since then..."

She simply listened to Orbeck's repair job from within her bag, and sighed. "Yeah, tape...I guess tape works for now..." She muttered. It did match her broken relationship with Explosion pretty well.

Only when she heard the sound of magic dust being sprinkled did she tip the bag up. Now, she figured she would still be moody...but being reunited with a good-as-new staff did give her reason to shake her pain for a little bit. "It looks just like the day I bought it..." She gently reclaimed it, nuzzling it. "Thank you, Orbeck..."
Yup, that would be the undenied potential of golden groceries. The means to manipulate the very rays of light and in the case of the Repair spell. it could manipulate the various nuisances of time to repair something that was already broken. Realy, it was nice to see that his small bit of charity has helped.

At the same time, Orbeck shared his own thoughts on the matter, and Megumin's eyes fell to the ground. "Yes, I know Sage also takes some of the blame. But he at least came from a good place, he's from a world where things are black and white. But Lucky threw us to the side for a chance at Toffee. I just...I mean, it looked like he was finally learning. And we don't know the full extent of the Shareholders' power. Didn't you see that grinning demon? He can make those creepy portals, and he helped send Facillier to the underworld! We're in deep trouble with him, at the very least."

That...isn't the point he was making. He was trying to lead on to the fact that if someone from that group could be so...What's the word...Triggered over someone's little speech. And...That was a Demon? More of a reason to NOT take the deal.

"Kid, I hate to break it to you, but unless your name's Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Nick Fury, Winter Schnee, or Cassie Cage, you have no jurisdiction over who 'is' and 'isn't' a part of the MPF," He said, his tone conveying clear annoyance as he stared down at Megumin behind that red helmet of his. "Now, what you're going to do is simple. I didn't let Lucky abandon you back at Haven, and I'm not gonna let you abandon him here. We're a team, as much as you or me or anyone else doesn't want to admit it. We're all we've fucking got, and if you don't like that and seriously think abandoning someone in a fucking random universe by themselves is a good idea, then you can join him on the streets outside." He said to Megumin coldly, pointing to the door as he made the intent behind his words as clear as possible.

Then red hood arrived to confront Megumin and her rash action of just leaving Lucky behind. Again, he wanted some recluse for all fo this, yet there doesn't seem to be much when it comes to escapes. So he stayed and remained silent as he took a simple look at the sword he spawned in with, listening to both the archwizard and the disgruntled man in red. Over the Fear of the Shareholders, some misplaced need to team up with them, the idea that everyone is untrustworthy, and so on. All met with criticism over the fact that despite what has happened, it's not the end of the world.

"Megumin, the point I was trying to make...what you mentioned about the shareholders, and that demon...only convinced me that we were better off never taking the deal. I wouldn't put my trust in someone who looks only to gain entrainment out of this mess. Much less from people who had little choice in the matter...The entire thing...just seems like a sham."

Now for Lucky

"As for Lucky... I would be lying if I said I wanted him back. He was certainly someone who has yet fully realize the sort of betrayal he has done to his promises, his ideals, to those close to him. But as Jason said...it wouldn't be desirable to leave him...am I saying he should be forgiven. No, I already mentioned my thoughts on such subjects back at the airship to you. It would only end up contradicting our actions...and the purpose for being here, to begin with."

Then gunshots.


He stood there for a few moments, smoke rising from the gun’s barrel. He let the smoke dissipate before breaking the silence.

“I want y’all to take a good look at y’erselves! One good look, and ask yourself if you think you’re fit to take on Ganondorf!” Again, a pause to let everyone do so.

“Because from where I’m standing, I see people who’ve forgotten the sacrifices made from other folk to get us where we stand this very moment! People who rush head-first without thinkin’ about consequences, people who explode at a moment’s notice!” He looked away, shaking his head before he looked back. Anyone who was observant could tell he had a bit of reminiscing in his eyes.

“...And it makes me real sad. Because all of you are right in a way. She”- a gesture to Ciri- “ain’t wrong. Nor is he-“ another gesture at Jason- “wrong. But we go a long way to go before we’ve got our acts together, and can consider ourselves ready.

“But all this infighting and bad talk behind each other’s backs has got to stop. As much as you might want to blame Sage, or that rabbit out there, or even Ciri for what just happened, they ain’t the real enemy! None of us are! But if y’all keep demonizing each other, we’ll never get to Ganondorf, and all our efforts will go to nothing!” Arthur paused to swallow, as he hadn’t made a speech remotely like this. Not in New Hanover, nor in the Cape. But since nobody wanted to take up a lead, it was up to him to try and muster some of Dutch’s motivational magic.

“So please. Get your acts together. If not for the sake of your worlds or for each other, then for the folk who are gone. Ruby and Sub-Zero and all those who died. Don’t let their sacrifices be for nothing.”

Honestly, he would have done without the gun. He simply watched from his spot.

"...the fact I haven't gone hallow from all of this...can't even tell if that a good thing or not." he joked

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
Zwei stayed in the sidelines watching the conversations unfold. Supergirl was off on her own again.

”For such a large group, sure don't have anyone to talk to....”

God she would die for a conversation right now.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
@open for interaction

Aloy (Back in her old body)

The Nora stepped back as she watched Facilier backing up scared of the Radio Demon ready to collect his "debt."

And just like that, he was gone.

Aloy backed up, almost scared of the scene. She'd never seen a genuine demon before and this was a new situation for her.

She looked over at Sora and sighed as Ciri had changed everyone back except a few.

"I hope you learned a few new things in my body while we were bodyswapped, Sora."

She bent down and picked up her weapons and placed them away.

It was then Ciri yelled at the group for the actions of two members.

The Nora's shoulder's slumped, she felt the tension of holding the world on her shoulders as she seemed clearly frustrated.

She bent down and healed Ikaros, petting the bird calmly and nodded at Kassandra.

She felt cold and tried to cheer up her friends, her allies and the other group members.

She looked like she'd been through a lot herself.

She rubbed berries on her own injuries swallowing it wincing at the sour taste before her wounds in her body healed.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

Jak (Finally back in his body)


Mar turned toward Hiryu after they switched back and nodded, almost feeling hurt while back in his own body.

"Ow.. ow... shit... What happened, Hiryu?"

The eco warrior raised slowly, feeling the effects of Hiryu taking the brunt of the wood even though he was able to use Hiryu's forms to help his own body.

"Thanks for helping my body out there, Hiryu. "

The eco warrior placed his gun away "Maybe sometime, I'll show you how to use eco if things like this happen again, Hiryu."

The eco warrior remained quiet after Ciri yelled at the whole group and then Jason and Arthur trying to calm down the group in question.

"I learned something about Hiryu when I switched bodies with him, it helped me learn how to trust others and them to depend on me when we all have to fight for one common cause."

"Perhaps I've been as reckless as my father said I was after all." Jak turned for a second. "But I know I can do better than what I've done so far."

Jak winced as he placed a hand on his own body as white eco absorbed into his body as his wounds began to heal from the effects of the body switch.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Arthur) thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Crow Crow


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Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
Benedict would take the blanket and wrap it around his shoulders as he walked farther away from everyone else. Still silent, he snapped his fingers signaling Josh to go into chair position as he hung his head. After sitting on the poor penguin he would sit and ponder for a bit, fumbling his walkie talkie in one of his hands and staring in all different directions.
His mind was made up.....he had to do it. Benedict then slowly raised the walkie talkie to his mouth
Hello Sir this is dispatch 3022215 do you require assistance? over.
Uhhhhhh I don’t understand Sir.
*sigh* Tell the City dispatch center to surround and invade city hall.
Madam Mayor won’t like that Sir.
Benedict would then stay silent for a bit before responding
Trust me.....she won’t......over and out.
Benedict would then cut off the walkie talkie before sipping tea silently.....questioning the recent events.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
@ anyone else​
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla darkred darkred

"I practically just realized how lucky I was to have such dependable allies." Hiryu, responding after Arthur and Jak gave their spiel, dusting his jacket. "Guess I better pull my weight and watch out for everyone else, huh, Jakmar?" He said, tapping the long eared elf's shoulder. "...That is your name, right?"

As for the others, Hiryu's not sure if they share the same sentiment. All he could see now is others...Practically mistrusting each other, even Megumin of all people. Well, Megumin is always seemed a bit untrusting after the whole him attacking her shtick.

Well, he just has to find out. Maybe living for the now isn't as bad as he once thought.

Soma Cruz & Shanoa

At this point, Shanoa doesn't care anymore. Getting slapped by a gun? She gets back up. Being berated by Weiss and Jason? She listened, but did not acknowledge. "Say what you want, my point still stands. As much as I understand her pain, at times like this as a threat is running about, if I were in her shoes I would be more than willing to set aside my emotions to focus on the objective. If you want me to leave her alone, then fine." She spoke with utter bitterness "I'm going to need a breather. I'll get back to you when I feel like it." Shanoa would then walk out of the store to find some place to calm her nerves.

"Shanoa..." Soma couldn't help but feel sorry for both Yang and Shanoa. He walks up to the former and said in a worried tone "Yang, I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. I have no idea what is going on with her head. But, are you okay?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122
"See? SEE?" Megumin looked at Jason with eyes flooding with desperation. "You know it, I've come to accept it! If we bring him back, it's just a ticking timer before he endangers us again!" Oh, and he also forced Megumin to use something other than Explosion, which was also quite unforgivable. She turned on her heel to yell at Orbeck. "Yeah, well, thanks to him, we have demons as enemies now! I bet as soon as we turn our backs, we're going right where Facillier went! Just as the cherry on top, nothing we saw suggests that they don't have the resources to make anti-MPF propaganda! Thanks to the stupid vendetta of that stupid rabbit, we could very well have just become wanted people! I don't know about you, but I feel like the last thing we needed was every bounty hunter in the multiverse after us! Not even Samus could hold off against every other bounty hunter who exists, and that's assuming we'll even be able to reach her before we're captured!"

What Orbeck said next had her throwing her arms into the air. "YES, ORBECK, THANK YOU! He promised us that he was going to be better, then, well, I guess everything he did to act on that promise was just pretending! Why should we forgive a backstabbing liar?! He clearly doesn't want to put any effort into being a halfway decent friend! If we bring him back here, we'll just be teaching him that he can behave in any way he pleases and still be wanted around! Look around us, this is a perfectly safe universe for him. If he could spend three years of his life living alone, he can spend the rest of it doing just that!"

While she was becoming so desperate, she may as well have unleashed all her other frustrations. "This was meant to be a simple mission. Just a simple mission! All I wanted was to rescue the two people who saved me from dying horribly! I wasn't asking for the moon." She paced back and forth, kicking anything in her path. "But noooo! Everything about this mission has been a disaster! EVERYTHING! We've lost more battles than we've won, we've only dealt with two worlds that were actually under Ganondorf's influence when there are probably thousands, and NOW we've embarrassed ourselves beyond repair! Instead of heroes, we're going to be seen as subjects of mockery! And it all leads up to THE MOST FRUSTRATING TEAMMATES IN THE MULTIVERSE!" A few short breaths only calmed her slightly. "How about, before we handle the next world, we take some time to determine who actually wants to be our friend!? Oh, let me guess. Let. Me. Guess! There isn't a SINGLE one of you with a NOBLE motive, is there?! It's all just revenge schemes and dick measuring contests, oh, and how can I forget cleaning sprees and business deals! Nice to see that the fate of my mentors rests on such GREEEEAAAT heroes!" She concluded with a long, high pitched growl, but then deflated. "...That felt good. It felt good! I'm happier already. Kind of."

It seemed that Megumin was content to stay sitting, and keep him in this world, even if it meant she was leaving the team herself. At least she'd be stopping Lucky from feeding them to the wolves. He'd be some girl's pet rabbit, and be condemned to be loved and snuggled for all eternity. Fitting end for such a nasty rabbit.

Unfortunately for her, Jason used the "O" word: "Order". Two aspects of her moral code, keeping bad people out of the party and not using anything except Explosion, had been shattered today. The remaining one was to never disobey an order from the party leader, a rule she would never ditch, even under force. She gazed back at Jason reluctantly, annoyedly, even a little afraid for the consequences of this choice. But she lowered her head, and muttered. "...Okay..." Once she had the ToolGun back, she sauntered into the street. Before she left, she passed Arthur, gazed sadly at him, and gave somberly gave her honest answer. "No. I don't think we're fit to take on Ganondorf anymore. Not with these obstacles, let alone the general state we're in. Couldn't agree on a simple business deal, couldn't defeat Facillier without humiliating ourselves, what chance do we have against the Twilight King?" She didn't really care what Arthur would give as an answer as she slipped away.

( thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Laix_Lake Laix_Lake )
To be honest, she didn't even know if she would find him; Lucky was pretty mobile, and her wish of him being forcefully adopted could already have been granted. Yet...Ugh, that bunny could never go away. She'd have to think of some kind of compromise before she found him, something to signify that she wasn't just going to forgive him. He had embarrassed them all before Jason, and he needed to have a big, fat dose of his own medicine.

And that pet salon across the street gave her all the right ideas...

Meanwhile, in his recliner, Lucky was already feeling loneliness strangling him. You never knew how much your pals had grown on you until they quit on you. Maybe Lupé was right, maybe he should try to talk to her again. Maybe he'd be understood, at least on some level, or he could at least insist that he was sorry.

He was beginning to roll over when he recognized Megumin's shadow, and his fur shot up instinctively. "Oh! Lassie! Ummm..." He rubbed the back of his ear. "Listen, I know we left off on the wrong foot, buuut..." The fact that she had a small, cute, gentle smile on her face reassured him that, hey, she was the cheerful one, she must have cooled off by now.

"Save it, Lucky. Jason wants you back for some reason. Fortunately, he told me that it doesn't mean I must forgive you." Megumin quietly scolded, yet still retaining her smile as she reached for his ears. Just now realizing that this was the kind of smile you only made when you were still really fucking angry, Lucky's brain decided that he should run away. Sadly, his body did not follow up on the request in time, and Megumin had him seized by the ears. "Unlike you, I don't go against authority. I suppose you can return...but on ONE. IMPORTANT. CONDITION." Megumin hinted smugly, carrying him back to that pet salon.

"OWOWOWOWOWOW! Lassie, me ears! Your grip is worse than Ciri's! Owww!"

"You didn't consider our feelings, why should I consider yours?" Megumin snorted darkly, spotting a rain barrel outside that was relatively full. Using the ToolGun, she spawned some pet shampoo, a dematting rake, a bottle of gray dye, a coral pink collar with blue rhinestones, a big, shiny pearl pink ribbon, a tag with his name on it, and a leash. And now Lucky got the picture all too clearly.

"Lucky...for handing us our third failure, humiliating the MPF, forcing me to go against my code and use other spells, and for just generally being unforgivably selfish, you are hereby demoted to Team Pet..."



You know that theme of Facillier's while Alastor was dragging him to the underworld? Yeah, it was playing in Lucky's head now.

"C-come on, Lassie, let's be reasonable here. I didn't know any of that was g-g-gonna happen, and you re-realize I got embarrassed, too, right? Come on, I've done much worse, a-a-and you know we can fix all of this! I'll fix it meself! I'LL DO ANYTHING, I'LL CUT ME OWN TONGUE OUT, I'LL SHOOT MESELF INTO SPACE WITHOUT A SUIT, I'LL SHAVE MESELF DOWN TO THE SKIN AND PRANCE AROUND LIKE A LEPRECHAUN, PLEASE DON'T-"

"You needed a bath anyway, Lucky."

What ensued was at least twenty minutes of lukewarm, sudsy, splashy, lathery torture. Torture which Megumin studied the pet groomers inside to get juuuust right. With every snaggle she removed from his fur, there was a sharp howl that the group could probably hear.

When it was over, she was finally happy again. Albeit that sadistic, still-mad-but-satisfied kind of happy.

"Okay everybody, I found him!" She announced cheerfully, holding the rabbit behind her back. "But, oh no, I think he fell into some gray paint!" And she presented the new, reluctantly improved Lucky, who basically looked like this:

...'Cept, you know, minus the paws. And he now had a big, floppy pink ribbon around his neck, which covered up the collar somewhat, but not the tag. And he sure as Hell wasn't smiling, either.

"He looked dreadful, you guys, so I thought I'd fluff him up!" Megumin giggled spitefully. "Well, this mission may have gone to the garbage, but at least we don't have to go around being so embarrassingly cute!"

"...Lassie, I hate you."

"Ditto!" Megumin chimed.

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I'm back, babies! I will miss being "Black Death" but come on. Being yourself is better! Plus, I got these muscles! You know, fun fact: I got this rocking body mostly for physical attraction, I mean, my personality is already perfect but people only want looks. . . So do I but. . . Maybe I really am the bad guy, huh? I wanted to betray everyone however it's no big deal since I didn't. We're all good friends here, ri-- Wow, I can't even finish that. Everybody here just yells and screams at each other! Nobody's civil anymore! I know we're fighting a war here, but wake the fuck up, people!

At least CN-Tan is-- Aaaand she's sad. Fuck these people. CN-Tan isn't the type to get sad but she's irrational as hell. Aaaand she's going to Mario, begging him to switch bodies with her again.

How do you hang yourself with Yoyos?​
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"Well I'm not gonna force you to do so, just try and think of something you think might work." She says in response to Lucky. Everything was going averagely so far but as you probably guessed by now that didn't last for long, Megumin grabbed Lucky by the ears and drags him to the pet solon. The both of them come back with Lucky looking like he came straight out of a classic disney movie, Lilith stares at the both of them looking frightened.
"I would say something but I don't think I would end up like him." She whispers over to the others.

P PopcornPie (Lucky and Megumin)
@ Everyone Else

Mood: Guilty, Terrified, Empty
Tags: (Leo, GM)
, (Arthur)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

The words had, as one can easily guess, been automatic; Almost instinctive. It was only a millisecond after they had already been shared that the guilt-eaten pyromancer had come to the realization of what he had done, especially the usage of 'this Clan'. He could nearly hear his own voice in many points in time one after the other, saying those exact same words, making the same exact gesture. He felt worse. If anything the mixture of contexts, the slipping of words just added to his apparent inability to do anything right. And he certainly didn't feel comfortable having just spilt random context that was hurtful and extremely personal to him...

Still, out of respect for Ciri, no matter how much he wanted to run outside and disappear into the skies, he had maintained the bow. Sage had planned on maintaining himself lowered to the ground until the angry noble woman spared him another word. At least, that had been the plan until Leo had come back and broken the position. As soon as he had been pulled aside, the Descendant's heart had skipped a bit, unable to breathe for a moment. As much as he had longed for this, he couldn't help but feel bittersweet about it; Feel that this was a luxury he didn't exactly deserve anymore.

Still, deprived of any energy to refuse, Leo had put his limp self over his lap and emotions threatened to explode once more.

Why exactly he had acted the way he had next wasn't... entirely clear. With a pained gasp, the young man had gotten back up suddenly to attach himself to his best friend like a baby koala, hugging rather tightly, pulling extremely close. After being separated from the other for so long, he just felt like it was about to happen again the moment he let him go. The fact that Leo was back and alright filled him with extreme joy, but at the same time, everyone's words echoed over and over, dragging him back down with metaphorical shackles of guilt and regret. The conflict was so strong that both emotions, both opposites seemed to annihilate each-other until nothing was left. He clung, he cried; Unable to partake in neither happiness nor dejection fully. Caught in a weird state of existence without much meaning to it.

In a way, it was good to be like that, the constant clash and destruction of emotions seemed to stabilize his Magic Output somewhat. But it would be a lie to say it was pleasant. It was more, like a state of confusion so profound that it was no longer conscient, no longer comprehensible. It wasn't just being confused, where one could state as much, the pyromancer could no longer even distinct said 'confusion' from the mess of things he had stopped feeling. Every sort of emotion had tangled themselves in a chaotic bundle of 'wires' and nothing made any sense. Until something did, and that something had been the unmissable sound of a gunshot.

It hadn't been just a startle. After everything he had just been through, including the shot he had taken from Erron Black and the beating Roman had delivered, it was outright TERROR. Immediately, as the noise had echoed, Sage had jerked his head back up away from Leo's neck and shoulder with self-preservation spiking on a frenzy! The safe space the other had constructed with his embrace seemed to crumble in a matter of seconds as the pyromancer's fiery-eyes gave out a sudden flash and the carpets hanging from either side of him erupted in panicked dancing flames. The only expression Arthur would be met with were widened eyes of extreme fear, soon followed by erratic breathing that, no doubt, matched his accelerated heartbeat.

And then came the nail to the coffin. "Get your acts together."

To anyone else this would have meant to work through their problems properly, but to Sage? Who was already fragilized and had a tendency to self-deprecate it sounded more like an order to lock everything deep inside his chest. It was a green sign to close-off if it meant he'd stop being a cause for trouble. The effects were immediate. His frightened expression seemed to melt into something unreadable, as if something inside him had just been thrown behind a closed door and dissociated from everything else.

All he had as a reply was a sad, tiny nod and just like that, there was nothing more to be felt.
No pain, no joy, no guilt, no fear, no courage, no determination, no pride, no anger, no frustration. Both mind and spirit had been shot blank.
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"Hm?" Megumin giggled a little. "Don't be silly, Lillith. Even if I was angry at you, let alone this level of anger, you can't groom a ghost!"

Lucky was immediately working to hide himself. "Uuuugh, Lillith, look away! Oh goddamnit, who am I kiddin'. Of course you couldn't look away from...from THIS! Ooooh, Megumin, how long do I gotta stay like this?!"

"Well, Lucky, you've proven how little you want to be a good friend to us." Megumin remained firm in tone. "There's no more escaping it for you; You must learn to put others before yourself, and treat others as you'd want to be treated. Then, and ONLY then, will you be allowed to be one of us again." Just to tease him, she spawned a bottle of fur dye in his exact natural shade, then stowed it in her backpack. "Until then, you better believe I'm going to keep a greater eye on you than I ever have before."

"B-but SAGE FUCKED UP EVERY BIT AS BAD AS ME! Why doesn't HE have to be a Team Pet?!"

Megumin looked over to the pyromancer. Unlike Lucky, she could tell that the poor thing was absolutely, undeniably sorry for his actions. He seemed to relish in Leo's comforting touch, up until Arthur's gunshot accidentally caused him to set the carpets alight. "Sage, SAGE! Oh, Sage, it's all right! Settle down!" She was frantic, but her tone retained sharpness from all her anger at Lucky. In the meantime, it seemed that Sage had willingly given up all emotion. "Sage..." There was a loud exhale through the archmage's nose, and her face softened in its entirety.


"...Well, Sage is a human, and in most of our worlds, you don't just throw a leash around a human. Besides...he kind of wasn't acting out of vengeance?"

Lucky whined and folded his arms, mumbling incomprehensible insults. "I wanna be Rex again..." He muttered, staring enviously at the EVO.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials (nearby: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts )
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While in thought, Aloy, comes up to Sora, hoping that he’s learn something while in her place. “Not really. I couldn’t do much, and just spent most of my time firing from the back.” He tried to say in a playful tone but just couldn’t get his mind off what was happening right now. Before she leaves, Sora gives a little Cure to heal her wounds and scratches.

In the midst of all this Arthur interjects as well, throwing his hat in the ring, saying that no one’s wrong, and that they should try and work together again, to get along and take down Ganondorf, if not for the sake of everyone around them, then for the sake of the lost. Actions made today were not appreciated, but Arthur did make a strong point. Pull it together not just for the multiverse, but for the ones died trying to save it.

“As long as we try to get along, to understand each other and do our jobs, I’m good.” Sora is inclined agree but hopes everything gets better for all of them and that nothing like this happens anytime soon.

Rex, while sick of all the crap happening, also agrees cause remember, this is for the dead too. Even if it meant being with people he doesn’t like for whatever. “Fine! But this is only because I don’t want anymore people dying or the multiverse being ruled by some wack-job.” Rex notices Lucky staring at him and decides to ignore him, despite his curiosity as to why he looks like a more generic bunny.

darkred darkred thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (mentions: P PopcornPie )
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Now with the fight over, resulting in Facilier's demise and some of them back to normal, Jason and the rest of the ones that were missing came back. This was then followed by Ciri going on a rant and while it wasn't right to blame the entire group for the actions of two people, she was right. Before she could say anything, Jason started lecturing her and then Shanoa made it worse for Yang. This was followed by Arthur trying to get everyone to stop and Blake wasn't having it.

Shanoa, you don't like her, we get it. But that doesn't give you the right to tell her that she needs to surpress her feelings! You may say you understand it and while the mission is important, I don't think you truly do understand her feelings!" She then looked at Jason. "Jason, as much as her yelling at the group for the actions of two members wasn't a good move on her part, what Ciri said was true. The in fighting and everything that has happened in the group got to her and she snapped. Anyone with an ounce of emotional intelligence and understanding of a person could see that if this kept going on, she would've snapped. And I'm sure you would've snapped at some point too, as well as anyone else here."

Blake looked at everyone, now needing to bring this up. "
And while some of you may have forgiven her for whatever happened on the train and they made themselves known, from what I heard, the rest of you that were with Yang didn't even accept her apology! You're all making her think that you guys hate her and I'm starting to see some hypocrisy here when you all accepted Sage's apology but not hers. I'm disappointed in all of you because of this."

Looking to the door, she went over to Yang. "
Yang, we should go and find that gym. I'll stay with you the entire time."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Zamasu Zamasu , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , marc122 marc122 , Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun , @ those that hadn't accepted the apology

There were some that had agreed with her, Arthur even taking it one step further by firing his gun and getting the others to listen to him. But the rest seemed to disagree with her and Lealan had finally chosen to apologize after all this time, explaining her reasoning. "
You had said that my life was pointless when I tried to stop you and Sora from fighting and that you wouldn't listen to me."

Looking at everyone, she had seen the damage she caused, even seeing the looks on people's faces and saw someone muttering something. Powers or not, she caused damage to them all. Despite what Arthur said to all of them, she knew that seeing the looks on everyone's face and how happy someone seemed to be when she got lectured that they more than likely wanted her gone.

And she was going to grant their wishes.

Arthur, there's no need. I can see when I'm not wanted here anymore. Just to set the record straight, that was aimed at those who started fights, who argued with each other, who caused problems with each other and escalated things quickly and caused our problems. And I can very much see that some people here have started to hate me and more than likely want me gone. As much as I want to save the multiverse so that my world doesn't become endangered, as much as I do want to fight to make sure those that have died didn't die in vain, I'll grant you all your wish. You won't have to have me around to cause you all grief anymore. And Yang, I didn't get to say this, but I accept your apology."

With that, she Blinked out of the room, finding another empty alleyway so she could go back to her world in peace as she started to feel tears go down her face. However, if someone could catch up to her, they may have a chance of stopping her. For Ciri however, she may have sounded sure about her decision, but maybe... just maybe... she was already starting to doubt her decision.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , @ everyone else
"I don't want it, either, Laddie." Lucky tried and failed to wag his sprained tail, but he succeeded in gently smiling. With the way Rex looked at him quickly had him taking it back, and then the E.V.O. decided to ignore him, which had him hiding his face with his ears. "Shit..." Then he looked up at Megumin, who was completely, utterly smug.


"Remember, Lucky, you're not one of us right now. It's gonna take much more than smiles before he considers you a friend again." Then she rolled her eyes back and sighed with satisfaction. With nobody left to enable him, this was going to be so easy! They would finally have a rabbit who wouldn't step all over their kindness!

Two friends, however, would wipe the smirk off her face as fast as lightning: Blake and Ciri. Blake started by letting her know about Yang's ignored apology. Her squinted eyes went wide. "Gosh, I must've been paying attention to something else at the time! Now I feel like a bad friend..." With Lucky tucked under one arm, she wrapped the other around Yang. "I'm so sorry, Yang! But don't worry, I understand...When I found out that Kazuma was trapped in Bill's claws, I felt a desire to tear him limb from limb! And Samus, to this day, gets all brooding whenever I or Mao Mao bring up the people involved Tesseract Incident, especially Deathstroke. There's also someone called 'Hat Kid' she's particularly upset about. I get it, it stings to meet the people who have caused pain to the ones you care about. The important thing is to keep your cool, right?" She tilted her head. "After all...that Robbie really wasn't such a bad guy. Someone should keep an eye on his eating habits, though." She wanted to keep chatting, but Ciri had teleported away, and they only had so many seconds to find her.

With Lucky still in her arms, Megumin dashed after Ciri, panting heavily. "Ciri!" She grabbed Ciri's clothing. "Ciri, we're mad at each other more than we are at you. Someone had to knock sense into the rest of us sooner or later!" She shuffled her feet. "I know, I was really mad about having to break my code, but I know for a fact that you can't control your powers when you're upset. I know you didn't intend for body swapping." Her eyes hardened as they shifted down to her rabbit. "In fact...Lucky!" Lucky was lifted by his collar, right before her eyes. "You want to be a member of the team again? Consider this your first step. APOLOGIZE FOR UPSETTING HER. NOW. If YOU hadn't kept provoking the Shareholders by threatening Toffee, they might not have been pushed to fight, and none of this would've happened!"

Lucky, after failing to cover himself with his ears, muttered to himself, then glanced back up at Ciri. "I'm sorry, okay? I just...really, really get ruffled whenever I hear about Toffee. The two of us have a long standing score, and I was looking forward to settling it so much that I forgot everything else."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Orbeck of Vinhiem
Staus: Propaganda...a makeover...and sage...poor sage.
Condition: normal​
Lets just say that Orbekc made his way back the group, not wanted to deal with the ramblings about propaganda and smear campaigns, and all of that nonsense. Of course e was met with one...now clearly torn pyromantic boy. The aftermath of yet another outburst. One that had left him in a near lifeless state...It had to be the gun, or maybe the misunderstandings he had?

To anyone else this would have meant to work through their problems properly, but to Sage? Who was already fragilized and had a tendency to self-deprecate it sounded more like an order to lock everything deep inside his chest. It was a green sign to close-off if it meant he'd stop being a cause for trouble. The effects were immediate. His frightened expression seemed to melt into something unreadable, as if something inside him had just been locked behind a door and dissociated from everything else.

All he had as a reply was a sad, tiny nod and just like that, there was nothing more to be felt.
No pain, no joy, no guilt, no fear, no courage, no determination, no pride, no anger, no frustration. Both mind and spirit had been shot blank.

so he walked over to sage, as he heard the rest of the commotion from Ciri and Blake. Exclaiming to the vampire hunter that simply closing off your emotions is not a reasonable way of going thought a conflict. That Ciri's outburst was considered justified due to the impending stress. That the apology that Yang has given out a while ago was ignored and seen as a form of hypocrisy. And then there was Ciri thinking that it would be better for her to just leave, at the climax of one's emotions... it's not a good idea.
Looking to the door, she went over to Yang. "Yang, we should go and find that gym. I'll stay with you the entire time."
"ahem. I don't mean to be so inconsiderate...especially with recent events. But I can assure you that I accepted your apologies. I'm not going to pretend to have any...meaningful excuse besides the absurdity of those events on the train. Just know that no one... besides Shanoa (who could do well with a talk or few) sees you in a negative light."

Now turning to sage, clearly seeing the sort suppression...or to be more reasonable, the result of it. Just a husk that only does the bear minimum to keep itself at Bay... truely how did that Cleric get him to open up? Really it wouldn't be unjustified to say that Blake and the others where as hypocritical like the rest of us.

"...Sage? Gods... I don't know how Hershel usually comforts you so...I am making this clear that even with your morally just speech...the only one that was truely at fault, you did not ruin anything. Torchwick was already ruined by the kind of... clinical thoughts of compliance that would have, unfortunately been as prevent in my own world. "

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher marc122 marc122 Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

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