"Dunno... guess you'll have to find that out for yourself, won't ya?" Chucky replied to Lucky with a shrug, still smirking all the while. "And, I ain't sure about nothin'. You all look pretty strong, so you can take him... probably." He said in response to her question about the person below them. He didn't answer her other question, but if she were to look back towards the door, she would notice a pair of red and green wires connected to it, which ran under the wall...

"A favor. You'll figure out what it is soon enough." Chucky replied to Sora's question. "For now, though, I feel like you should worry about gettin' outta this here attic."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie Birb Birb BoltBeam BoltBeam Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Riven Riven marc122 marc122
Megumin sighed out her nose. "Well...That is a good point..." She looked down at her forlorn paper bag hat, then explained to the doll. "I guess I should be more confident, but we did just go through quite the embarrassment. Okay..." She inflated her chest. "Let's go."

And she tapped the button.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
As Megumin's finger landed on the button, the door appeared to budge! It began slowly opening, revealing just a glimmer of light in the room below...

And then, sparks began to fly out of the button, before smoke came up from it. The door stopped opening and slammed shut with a loud THUD! Chucky laughed at the sight, taunting you all from the side.


"Guess you fuckers are trapped up here!" He exclaimed through his fits of laughter.

P PopcornPie Laix_Lake Laix_Lake PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Birb Birb Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts BoltBeam BoltBeam marc122 marc122 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Riven Riven

Mood: Numbed-Out, Skeptical, Apprehensive
Tags: (Leo, GM)
, ,

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Musings of flying, and whether that'd even help anything, had soon been interrupted by the approach of Agent 3. Well, not exactly, the approach hadn't done much, but the pat in the back had been the action to truly call his attention back. A surprised blink later, the inert pyromancer had directed his attention to the squid-looking one, gradually, with clouded eyes and an unreadable expression. He listened to the girl(?) comment that he shouldn't be listening to the argument and wasn't able to handle it. He had nodded meekly in agreement, but still made no attempt to step away on his own.

It was only when she had gotten pushy and started dragging him away that he seemed to react, immediately grasping onto Leo's shirt as if a lifeline. Despite the numbed-out state, Sage still had some apprehension in his gaze as he looked back at his best friend, afraid to let go, of getting separated from him again. But she didn't stop and he saw himself forced to release the grip. Even as Agent 3 had led him away after finally getting back up, the young man had shot anxious glances back at the other, hoping that he'd come together with them. Whether he had or not, questions were suddenly being thrown his way.

"...You're not OK, are you.", no response. The Descendant had merely averted his gaze for a bit.​

The next question hadn't been complete, it had been more like stumbling blindly through the subject. It was clear that the squid-person was making an effort that she wasn't used to doing. Why? Don't waste energy you don't have with him, use it for something more productive. But either way, the effort was already spent, so he might as well answer. Afraid though? The pyromancer did not feel scared. Maybe for leaving Leo, but not for anything else. If anything this was more... resignation.

"I shouldn't have come.", the statement was cold and harsh, executed in a near monotone, "If I try to help, I make things worse. If I open my mouth, I incite conflict and now I'm even doing so without actually doing anything. If I can't do anything right, then I might as well not do anything at all.", with that, he had scavenged his jacket's pocket for the armlet and put it back in its proper place. His fiery-orange eyes faded into a cappuccino brown but remained as strict and sharp as before. Not even a wince was shared as the discomforting sensation of restriction came about once more, "I don't need my emotions if all they'll do is get in the way of everything. Not my emotions, nor my Ability and neither any pity or mercy."

Then it was Megumin's turn to talk him out of taking Lucky's punishment. Her words seemed to get filtered until only the worst bits were kept. The focus kept selectively attributing more worth to negative words and ideas than anything else that was being said. the context was lost and misunderstandings inbound.

"A mistake is still a mistake. And I don't want it to be unjust or to be given special treatment.", 'special treatment that I do not deserve'. She did seem to agree that he need to pay somehow, but then why the resistance in applying it? It should be so simple, the logic was flawless, "Freedom? Tell me, Megumin, what freedom? Can you honestly look at me and find it anywhere?"

"The Clan is tasked with containing me. Even my own powers are a torment.
Either I'm not granted a voice, or I am and ruin everything with my morals.
There's nowhere to run to, nowhere to escape."

"If I'm already entrapped and leashed, what's the difference? Why should giving it a physical form even matter?"

"And you're wrong. I don't know where you got this idea from, but it could not be more wrong. If anything, Saraiiho is just as the world the one in a bowler hat described. And the closest thing it has to a super-powered threat It's me.", Sage sighed but it was impossible to say which emotion it was trying to convey as he averted his gaze from her, "I'm not meant to be the hero, I never was. I just strived for it. I strived for it because the thought of being the presage for The End instead is... very unsettling. There was an attempt at my life actually. Someone wanted to stop the prophecy at any cost, and my salvation was that the Entity of Water was a lot more willing to listen to my side than Its Descendant."

"And I keep attracting more and more trouble just for existing."

"Don't you get it? This is all a farce that I built. You're all suffering because I selfishly wanted to play hero despite knowing very well that I'm not. And now it's crumbling and coming undone since it was never possible."

"It wasn't even worth it.
If I had known the consequences of my silly childhood dream, I wouldn't have acted on it."

"I'm no hero, and I'll never truly be. I've just been lying to myself because the reality was too heavy to face."

Without another word at anyone else, the pyromancer had just leaned against the closest wall and waited until it was time to go. He simply remained completely motionless and silent, only moving again to stand close to Alexis and Leo once more and input the coordinates on the watch. Nothing seems to faze him anymore, nor the mist for the trip or the ample room they had all ended up in.

Feels like home, except with a lot more space.", he had mentally remarked bleakly over the dim illumination and how barren it all seemed.

The Descendant's next course of action had been, obviously, to say out of the way. As such, Sage had remained in the back of the group, trailing behind the Kitsune like a lost child. In the state that he was and with his lack of context when it came to supernatural as in the haunted house, his reactions to everything had been extremely mild; When not non-existent. The reveal of the living doll had warranted a widened gaze in shock and an unnerved step behind Alexis, but not more than that. Despite his mind screaming over how inherently wrong this was because of the apparent tampering with the Concept of Life; Which wasn't just taboo, but also straight heretical in nature.

In the middle of everything, he did see a very familiar form, black like tar, hopping back into the vents. Someone he thought to be gone for a long time now.

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"Eek! I must have pressed too hard..." Megumin frowned, shaking her head. "Um...Should we just leave this world? I mean, if we can't get out of this room, then how are we going to solve this world's problem?"

"Burn it." Lucky answered simply. "No fucking way can you have wood that doesn't burn eventually."

"...Or maybe it can be fixed?" Megumin looked hopefully at Rex. "Rex, you can fix technology, right?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Benrey would only sigh as a few more conversations happened around the room, which is basically what he said a bit earlier, but he forgotten about it as he heard the door start the open from a button press from Megumin, before it slammed closed, as Chucky spoke about them being trapped here. He said nothing as he approaches the door as well, looking all around it, before seeing a green and red wires extending from it and into the wall. He said out loud “Maybe these wires are the problem....... might be out here or in the wall....” as he began to check the condition of the visible wires, before even thinking about going after the wires in the wall.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
The door still didn't budge an inch, which made Chucky laugh even harder. "Try beatin' your skull against the door, ya dumb broad! Maybe it'll knock some brains into ya!" He laughed, clearly having the time of his life in that corner of his.


"We're not leaving," Jason replied to Megumin as she suggested they do just that. "We just need to figure out how we can get the hell out of this room--" Then, Lucky suggested that they burn it, which made Jason sigh. "And we're not burning this place down, either!"

The wires, meanwhile, didn't appear to be frayed or even harmed in any way, shape, or form. They were in perfect condition. Which begged the question, what caused the shortage? The wires ran under a small hole in the wall, disappearing from sight past it...

P PopcornPie PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Riven Riven BoltBeam BoltBeam Birb Birb Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Laix_Lake Laix_Lake marc122 marc122 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
The doll wouldn’t elaborate on what he wanted other then telling Sora “it’s a favor in the future” Megumin in the mean time would push the button to the door only for it to fall with sparks flying over the place. Jason wonders out they’ll get out of the room, and Megumin ask if Rex could help. Now’s the time he figured it was his time to do his Nanite thing. “Yeah, I can do it. Hold on guys. Let me help.”

Rex places his hands on the button and asks his Nanites to configure the door to open. “That should do it.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
Supergirl's idea seemed promising, but the fact that her blow didn't even dent the door reminded Megumin of one of the multiverse's many cockeyed rules. "Oh, Supergirl, you know how time is relative in the multiverse? Strength is, too. I'm sure this would've worked in the last world, but the physics of this world must be stronger than you." Then Chucky began to mock her friend, bringing Megumin to give him quite the glare. "We're doing our best, okay?!" Then she helped Benrey study the wires, but they looked...perfectly okay. "Nothing wrong here!"

"Whelp, I guess this is another job for me."
Lucky uttered, using his knife to widen the small hole the wires retreated into.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
He nodded as he may have figured out the problem, to which he say to the others “I dunno about you guys, but the wires out here seem normal. It’s probably the ones inside the wall that are the problem, so that far we either have to make a current strong enough so that we don’t need the wires, or we break the wall open and find the source of our problems.” as he turned to the rest, waiting for reaction from the others. In the meantime, he put his ear to the wall, trying to hear if there were any noises that can lead to the broken wire problem, which might be running sparks or even a noise inside the wall.

He won’t expect much, but even one noise might help out his suspicions.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ To whomst it may concern
”I don't understand.....”

”Don’t you get it? The universes that we venture into have their own set of rules! You can't punch your way out of EVERYTHING!” Zwei said, clearly irritated for some reason. She was frowning as she walked to the door and looked at the wires. She then tried phasing through it but when she discovered that it didn't work, tched to herself. But didn't say anything! ”Any of Ya know how to deal with wires? Because I sure don't!”

Supergirl went to sulk in the corner.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long
Charles' Puzzling Fuckhouse
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Don't kick the goddamn baby) (Worried)

Megumin pressed the button. Fine, at least it did something with the door. The biggest problem now is that the door suddenly stopped on everyone anticipating their escape. Weiss turned her attention away from the door in question, looking at the paper-bagged Megumin, who was asking Rex if he could possibly help.

"Let me take a look, too," Weiss said, proceeding to walk over to the button and try to see what had gone wrong. As she did so, however, she thought about Agent 3, who had slipped past the floors and then straight down. "Agent 3 should be able to see what's under that hole, no?"

Meanwhile, Yang had overheard what Sage was saying and...unfortunately, it was more of the same. Either it was a phase, or it was time to accept the new and "improved" pyromancer, who had proceeded to shut off all feeling. Not even Blake had managed that while she was still struggling. She looked around the room and saw Sage just...hiding behind Alexis.

"Sage," Yang spoke softly, walking up towards to him but interrupted momentarily by Supergirl attempting to punch the door open. "Please, you can still do what you can."

Apparently, however, a figure familiar to him was what caught his attention the most. She stopped, taking a moment to observe him, as she remained worried about what had become of Sage.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Chucky), P PopcornPie (Megumin), BoltBeam BoltBeam (Agent 3), Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun (Sage), PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Supergirl), QizPizza QizPizza (Alexis), Birb Birb (Ike)
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Sora notices Lucky (who he just noticed is looking a little different) and his attempt to help by putting a knife in a hole with wires in there and says something. “Uh, Lucky? I know we’re not on the best terms right now, but I’m pretty sure that’s not the best thing to do right now.”

P PopcornPie
When Rex's nanites tried to configure the door to open, they would find themselves unable to. It was almost as if the technology that was used to make the button was one that they weren't programmed to work with. In other words, it was completely foreign to them.

"Well, your best sure as shit ain't enough!" Chucky shouted as he continued to laugh. Ignoring the doll, Jason would make his way over to the hole as Lucky tried to widen it with his knife. As he did so, Benrey would not hear anything from inside the wall. Once the hole in question was broad enough, he grabbed onto the hole with his hand, curling his fingers into it, before yanking upwards. In doing so, a large chunk of the wall had been ripped out, granting you all entry into the area at hand.


Inside the wall was a closed fuse box, which was where the wires ran into. Much like the door, however, it was locked. Unlike the door, though, it was locked with a standard lock, which hung through the small loop on the handle, rather than an electronic lock like the attic door.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss P PopcornPie Riven Riven Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Birb Birb Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts BoltBeam BoltBeam Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Laix_Lake Laix_Lake marc122 marc122
The spikiness of my hair was gone. It was replaced with a more practical look. This usually happens when I'm scared shitless and since I manage to control myself from being spooked I don't get this hair a lot. Not as much as CN-Tan since she puked her heart out and is no longer moving. It didn't even look like an actual human heart! It's one of those cartoon shits! I'd put it back in there but. . .

I won't.

OKAY! OKAY! I'll do it. I grabbed her heart and it was filled with saliva. Disgusting! I was slowly putting it into her mouth but she BIT OFF MY ENTIRE HAND! CLEAN OFF! I started screaming, trying to stop the bleeding until the opened her mouth again, showing 4 layers of teeth. I'd joke around again but THIS HURTS! I lost my smug grin and started tearing up from the pain! She grabbed me by the missing arm and shoved it into her mouth.

I pulled it out and it was right back in there. The pain is gone and my arm is back.


I began to beat her down with Yoyos.​
Despite Sora’s warning, Lucky wasn’t hurt at all and even helps Berney get a fuse box out of there. “Oh. Well, I guess I was wrong.” Upon looking on the box, it appears to have a lock on it. Sora uses the keyblade for a split second to open it.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long
Charles' Friendly Fire Fuckhouse
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Hooray, a fusebox) (Goddammit Tandem)

As Yang continued to look at Ike, even waving at him, she was startled by a scream. She turned and see that what looked like a new guy screaming with his hand gone, all thanks to CN-Tan. She rushed towards him, ready to call for medical assistance, but the hand...reappeared. CN-Tan apologized, then suddenly, it was hell from there.

At the same time, she recognized who it was: Tandem.

"Hey, stop!" Yang quickly grabbed Tandem and dragged him away as he just started his Yoyo beatdown.

Meanwhile, Lucky went after the hole, trying to break it into something bigger. Jason himself finished the job for the rabbit and...turns out, the rabbit's assumptions weren't entirely unfounded. Sure, he could've ended up cutting the wires in question, but she was fortunate not to see them getting obliterated.

"A fusebox..." Weiss narrowed her eyes towards the fusebox that had recently revealed itself to the two. 'I'm no electrical engineer, but let's see what's inside that thing.'

Weiss proceeded to stand aside, ready to help Sora in case the fusebox somehow didn't open.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Jason), Birb Birb (Ike), Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Sora), P PopcornPie (Lucky), Chungchangching Chungchangching (Tandem, CN-Tan)
After hearing nothing that can signal a broken wire, he put his head back away from the wall, as he allowed Lucky to open a hole in the wall, which revealed a fuse box inside. Of course, it was locked, but it was a good thing that Sora came to save the day, and opened the box. He only smirked as he said “Ok.... now let’s see what seems to be the problem.” as he slowly opened the fuse box, trying to see what seemed to be the problem with it.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ To whomst it may concern
As the fuse box was opened, it seemed to be perfectly fine. Much like the wires coming out of it, everything inside of it was in tact. There were no frays, tears, or other troubles that were visible to the eye. There were, however, four distinct wires. The aforementioned red and green ones that were coming out of the wall, as well as a purple wire and a yellow wire, which didn't seem to be connected to anything at all.

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Birb Birb PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Chungchangching Chungchangching BoltBeam BoltBeam Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Riven Riven marc122 marc122
Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long
Charles' Friendly Fire Fuckhouse
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Hooray, two more wires to deal with) (Goddammit Tandem)

Weiss watched as the lock broke open, allowing Benrey to open the fusebox. Turns out, there were four wires, two of which were what they had seen beforehand.

"I think...we should try the yellow wire?" Weiss asked.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM), Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 (Benrey), Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Sora), P PopcornPie (Lucky)
Lucky rolled his eyes at the others' concerns. "Sora, Laddie, I know I'm 'Team Pet' and shit, but I know what I'm doin'." It was true, live in a house as old and dodgy as Lucky's original home, you were bound to have to unearth wires occasionally.

Sure enough, with Jason's help, the rabbit uncovered a fusebox, prompting him to turn back to all his doubters and smirk. "Told ya. Now, it's probably just a blown fuse or somethin'...Actually, hopefully it isn't, since you gotta replace fuses..."

Frustratingly, the fuse box looked perfectly fine, not a fray or a tear in sight. "Well, son of a bitch. I guess the electricity just sucks here." The purple and yellow wires interested him, however, and he wondered if he could thread them out of the fusebox to see where they led or something.

"Oh, this is ridiculous! If only one of us had a Scan Visor..."
Megumin lamented, shaking her head. Samus would probably have this puzzle solved in fifteen seconds flat! "Umm...Maybe Samus would try to connect the purple and yellow ones?"

"Or cut 'em?" Lucky suggested. "Maybe these two wires are some kind of door stopping system."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

A faint snoring was briefly heard for a bit in the corner of her room. Tanya awakened to find herself in someone's attic. A brief under the breath remark was all she had for the nasty attic but for the creepy doll she drew her gun and aimed at the doll. Something about it was familiar...She was certain she had seen it in some cheap slasher flic but this was no movie and considering the events that has been happening to her recently that was not any ordinary doll and the fact that Being X regularly gloated at her through the use of dolls didn't help with this situation. Sleep was bliss but now she had to deal with the harsh reality of the situation.

"God damn Being X..Must've tampered with my watch that those idiots gave me."

The General gave a cursory wave to everyone that arrived

"I guess I got the broken one.."

The Argent returned back to the creepy doll and reloaded her rifle.

@people that arrived [Open to interaction] thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Raising a brow at the surprisingly neat insides of the fuse box, there were surprisingly no broken wires or at least some sort of age in it. There was however, two extra wires inside the box, to which he simply scratched the bare hair on his head, and said “Well...... I think I may have found the problem, or what seems to be it. There might be two of extra wires that seem to be wasting the electricity of the wires connected outside, which might not be giving the other wires the needed electricity for the door. So yes, let’s try to cut the unfamiliar wires and see what happens. It’s either that or I am completely wrong here, so let’s be careful here.” he said to Lucky, prompting him to be careful when cutting the wire, but he was not sure if this was gonna bite them in the ass for making a mistake, or they solve their problem. But then he realized something and yelled out “STOP...!!!” as he went to check if there was anyway for these wires be the actual ones needed to power the door fully.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

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