Chronicles of Riddick and Abyssals

Ormseitr said:
Joseph said:
Anyone who disagrees is just looking for things to bitch about.
That certainly closes that discussion.
Joseph is fond of stating that "anyone who disagrees" with him is "x" where x is something few, if any people want to be. It's non-argumentation at its finest, and a pre-emptive ad hominem to boot. Joseph just makes claims, and tops them off with a claim that anyone who disagrees, REGARDLESS of whether or not they have good arguments, is flawed in some way.
I just saw Multi-Facial and I think it's brilliant. I definitely recommend seeing it.

Ormseitr, I think it'll be right down your alley as well - you can see it next time you drop by.
Relic said:
I just saw Multi-Facial and I think it's brilliant.
Were you able to download it somewhere? If so, please post a link.

It was lifted off Emule (eDonkey network). It's ~186MB.

If you have an ftp server set up I'd be happy to upload it to you.
Relic said:
If you have an ftp server set up I'd be happy to upload it to you.
I will soon. The firewall my server's behind is currently preventing ftp. I'm working to get that changed. I'll let you know.

That's bizzarre. Why is it hyperlinking "ftp" in my post, but not in yours?

OK, just send me the info when you're ready to receive.

I think it links on account of the dot you put afterwards. Let's see:



Yep, that's it.
TSJ--Vin has made a point in his films to identify himself by his mixed heritage. He also makes a point to used diverse casts in his films, with a full spectrum of shades and colors--and not just between high yellow to redbone.  He has been pretty active with other film makers to promote young urban directors, who often don't have access the resources that white grad students have--or wealthy black grad students have.  

If using his mixed heritage can get some kids who deserve a shot at getting their message out, he's been for that. He also enjoys some play on Black Starz because of it, and every little bit of press helps. In many cases, the African American community is just as guilty with the One Drop rule.  

Mixed heritage is increasingly common, and it's something that is going to keep America on its toes for a while. Am I Asian because my mother was? Am I Caucasion because of my father? I look pretty pale, but my family lost folks in Hiroshima. And in the aftermath post Nagasaki.  

It's something that America is still not comfortable talking about.  Black or Jewish? Why not both?  It's possible to honor our heiritage without comprimising one or the other.  

Vin is a fella who has been lucky to be able to get a chance to show his stuff, and I think that it's possible to be involved in the film industry without having to differentiate between 'actor' and 'director' as a trade, if you happen to do both.  He is best known as an actor--and considering how strongly he was recruited by Spielberg, he has demand for it. His name brings something to a production, and if that means that it puts young black and hispanic butts in seats at a theatre, that is what it does.

I like his work, and his parentage doesn't matter.  His efforts to spotlight young urban talent does matter, because he is going back to where he came from to help others who came up like him. Black, brown, white, yellow, that doesn't matter. He helps young film makers get breaks. Good on him for it.
TSJ--Vin has made a point in his films to identify himself by his mixed heritage. He also makes a point to used diverse casts in his films, with a full spectrum of shades and colors--and not just between high yellow to redbone.  He has been pretty active with other film makers to promote young urban directors, who often don't have access the resources that white grad students have--or wealthy black grad students have.  
If using his mixed heritage can get some kids who deserve a shot at getting their message out, he's been for that. He also enjoys some play on Black Starz because of it, and every little bit of press helps. In many cases, the African American community is just as guilty with the One Drop rule.  

Mixed heritage is increasingly common, and it's something that is going to keep America on its toes for a while. Am I Asian because my mother was? Am I Caucasion because of my father? I look pretty pale, but my family lost folks in Hiroshima. And in the aftermath post Nagasaki.  

It's something that America is still not comfortable talking about.  Black or Jewish? Why not both?  It's possible to honor our heiritage without comprimising one or the other.  

Vin is a fella who has been lucky to be able to get a chance to show his stuff, and I think that it's possible to be involved in the film industry without having to differentiate between 'actor' and 'director' as a trade, if you happen to do both.  He is best known as an actor--and considering how strongly he was recruited by Spielberg, he has demand for it. His name brings something to a production, and if that means that it puts young black and hispanic butts in seats at a theatre, that is what it does.

I like his work, and his parentage doesn't matter.  His efforts to spotlight young urban talent does matter, because he is going back to where he came from to help others who came up like him. Black, brown, white, yellow, that doesn't matter. He helps young film makers get breaks. Good on him for it.
Why was this directed at me? To what is it in response?
Saw the movie the other day. Kinda reminded me of the Scorpion King, in the sense that we saw Riddick as an enigmatic badass in Pitch Black, and now he gets his own little movie all about him.

Stillborn said:
You better be joking.
Nope. I'm always 100% serious. Always.

Well fuck you then.
I've just logged in to this forum for the first time in far too long and re-read some of my old posts. Wow! That was pretty aggressive of me, wasn't it? Sorry about that. I'd probably just had chunks torn out of me by some wankers on the WW Forums, sending my Mental DV into overdrive :oops:

Still, I'd be lying if I said that my somewhat successful derailment of a Riddick thread into a Star Wars debate hasn't given me the retrospective chuckles :lol:

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