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Fantasy Children Of Olympus

Skylar smiled. "Wake me up next time so I can see it too. I also should probably put in the extra training hours, too." She pointed to the Orion constellation. "Look! Orion! That's my favorite Constellation. What's yours?"
Vex smiled "alright I will and if you want training then I'm your best bet and I don't really have a favorite I just like to look at the stars and take them in one by one" he says the starts reflecting in his eyes
Skylar smiled. "I'd like that a lot." She looked up, the full moon shining extra bright. The light seemed to make her glow slightly and reflected in her eyes.
Vex thought back to when skylar arrived as looked up at the moon "so why did you sound so bummed when you found out your dad was Apollo?" He asked curiously
Skylar sighed. "Because.... I already didn't fit in being a demigod. Now I don't fit in because I'm nothing like a kid of Apollo. I was also hoping I'd get a goddess as a parent, so I'd finally know who my mom was." She looked at the moon sadly.
Vex's smiled faded "I don't think it would be right to say I'm sorry when I can't relate to your problem I knew my mom since I was a kid and I found out who my dad was two years ago same time as Dante" he said reminiscing "but I think you fit in well as a demigod"
Vex shrugs "eh the parent doesn't make you you only you makes you you it just happens that my godly parent fits me but there's a bunch of people I've known that doesn't fit their parent it's a common thing really" he says matter of factly
Skylar smiled. "You're right." She looked over at him, the moon and stars shinning in her eyes. "So how are you and Dante brothers?"
Vex got the biggest smile "now that is a very interesting story" the moon shining bright in his eyes "when I was seven I asked my mom for a little brother and I begged her day and night so one day we went down to the local orphanage and they showed us all these documents with pictures of kids on them and as we were looking through them and a picture stood out and i picked the picture out and told my mom I want him as a little brother and so she adopted him for me and it was Dante and I don't know why I was drawn to him maybe it was the god part of my subconscious but I picked him and we've been brothers ever since" vex finished a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye
Skylar smiled. "That's really cool. I've always had a knack for finding other demigods, although I didn't know it at the time." She smiled at him, a shooting star passing over head.
Vex smiled "maybe it's the god part of us or maybe were just part saytr as well" he laughs then points to a shooting start with a smile "look a shooting star you know what that means" he smiled at her
She smiled and closed her eyes, making a wish. She kept her eyes closed even after she made her wish, not wanting anything to change or ruin this perfect, peaceful moment.
Vex watched as she closed her eyes and made a wish 'I wonder what her wish is' he thought as he laid his back on the grass and staring up into the night sky 'maybe I should wish for something' he thought then he smiled and closed his eyes thinking of a wish
Skylar looked at him and smiled slightly. 'Wonder what his wish is.' She thought, not noticing she was still looking at him, the moon reflecting in her eyes.
Vex opened his eyes deciding on his wish and looked over at skylar seeing that she's already looking at him and he smiles at her seeing the moon reflect in here eyes as the stars reflected in his
Skylar smiled, blushing faintly and praying that he couldn't see it. She looked into his eyes and practically got lost in them as the stars reflected in his eyes.
Vex smiled at her staring deeply into her eyes completely missing her blushing which the moon had no shame in exposing 'wow her eyes are so... Beautiful' he thought to himself 'I don't know what to do this is the first time I didn't know what to do' he thought as he kept looking into her eyes
'He's amazing. I've never been able to talk to someone like I can him. He's funny and great fighter. He's also really sweet.... SGOO what's happening to me?' Skylar thought but didn't look away. She felt butterflies explode in her stomach.
Vex felt his stomach do somersaults 'I... I think I'm just gonna go for it' he thought 'I mean she's a great fighter she's cute funny and someone I can easily talk to something I haven't be able to do with anyone besides Dante' he thought as he began to lean his face towards hers a little bit
Skylar leaned in too, not realizing what she was doing. She closed her eyes softly, the moon shinning over them.

(Does Dante like her? He flirted with her earlier and made it look like he did so I need to know.)
(No I was gonna explain that earlier but it didn't pan out the way I wanted it to whenever sky walked off and he smacked his forehead he was worried he did something stupid and messed up a friendship)

Vex leaned in closer almost touching her lips with his 'is this really happening' he thought to himself as he slowly closed his eyes
Skylar closed the rest of the distance, her lips meeting his. She felt little fireworks go off in her stomach, she felt like electricity was pumping through her, her head was spinning. 'SGOO.... I can't believe this... thank you Aphrodite.'
When Vex's lips connected with hers he felt a jolt of electricity shoot through his spine butterflies flying around in his head 'holy mother of Olympus' he thought to himself 'this is the best night ever' he continued to kiss her his hand rising to cup her cheek

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